A GENERALIZED PROFILE SYNTAX FOR PROTEIN AND NUCLEIC ACID SEQUENCE MOTIFS Version 1.2, June 1994 Philipp Bucher Biocomputing Group Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research 1066 Epalinges s/Lausanne Switzerland Telephone: (+41 21) 316 58 58 Electronic mail address: pbucher@isrec-sun1.unil.ch This document may be copied and redistributed freely, without advance permission, provided that this statement is reproduced with any copy. INTRODUCTION This document describes a general syntax to express a quantitative, pri- mary structure-based protein or nucleic acid sequence motif. The designa- tion `quantitative' means that a motif description assigns a degree of similarity to a potential match rather than a binary status of true or false. The restriction `primary structure-based' implies that the proba- bility of finding a specific residue at one position is independent of any residue occurring at another position. The generalized profile syntax has been designed for and will be used in future releases of the PROSITE data bank. In addition, it will be used in a similar data bank of nucleic acid sequence motifs currently under development by the author. Other researchers working on sequence motifs are encouraged to use the same format for their own motif collections, and may include this document in a public distribution release. The term `generalized profile syntax' is meant to indicate that the pro- posed data structure represents a generalization of the profile type described by Gribskov et al. [1]. However, similar motif descriptors have been introduced by others under different names, e.g. weight matrices [2] or flexible patterns [3]. The following terminology is adopted in this document: - The term `profile' refers to a quantitative motif description based on the generalized profile syntax. - The term `pattern' refers to a qualitative motif description based on a regular expression-like syntax such as the one currently used in PRO- SITE entries marked as PATTERN. - The term `motif' refers to the biological object one attempts to ap- proximate by a pattern or a profile. Note that the PROSITE data bank reserves the token MATRIX to identify en- tries containing profiles. * * * The design of the new profile structure has been guided by various biolog- ical and technical considerations. The four principles presented below have been given particular weight. A) Syntactic versatility The syntax should be versatile enough to cover a large variety of biologi- cally relevant motifs. In particular, it should be be possible to accu- rately represent the following objects: - Signatures for various types and levels of protein taxons. - Highly degenerate protein structural and functional domains such as the immunoglobulin domains, or the SH2 and SH3 domains. - Consensus sequences of interspersed repetitive DNA elements (SINEs and LINEs). - Basic gene expression signals, e.g. promoter elements, RNA processing signals, translational initiation sites. - Recognition motifs of a large variety of sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins. - Protein and nucleic acid compositional domains, e.g. glutamine-rich ac- tivation domains, CpG islands. B) Determinative search instructions The profile syntax should have the capacity to encode precise and complete instructions for a motif search. Ideally, the result of a motif search should be determined by the profile and a sequence alone, i.e. not depend on parameters of the search method. In practice, this goal may only be ap- proximately achieved due to ambiguities arising with multiple locally op- timal profile-sequence alignments (see Section 2). Notes: - In the GCG profile analysis programs, certain search directives (the gap weights and the switch between global and local alignment) are im- plemented as parameters of the search method rather than as parameters of the motif description. Inclusion of these specifications into the profile was suggested by existing features of the PROSITE data bank. In particular, the information summarizing the results of a SWISS-PROT database necessitates determinative search instructions. - The notion of determinative search instructions is not meant to imply a specific search algorithm. There is space for different technical solutions to achieve the same result. C) Openness to different interpretations A profile syntax is situated at the interface between a motif definition and a motif search method. As such it can serve as a melting pot for in- tegrating complementary efforts. While a rigid meaning vis-a-vis a search method is desirable, flexibility with regard to motif definition methods is equally important. In order to achieve such flexibility, it is essen- tial that the profile parameters remain open to a variety of different theoretical interpretations implicit in different methodologies. Relevant motif definition techniques may include both comparative struc- tural and wet biochemical approaches. It is thus conceivable that the same type of numeric profile parameter may reflect log-probabilities in one case, and binding energies in another. A profile syntax must be neu- tral in this respect in order to be generally acceptable to a heterogene- ous research community relying on different rationales for motif defini- tion. D) Compatibility with existing search methods As a profile is required to encode determinative directives for a motif search, the underlying syntax should have the capacity to emulate most of the commonly used motif search techniques, such as: - Search for PROSITE patterns. - Search for fixed-length weight matrices without gaps [2]. - Search for complex motifs defined by multiple weight matrices and variable-length linkers [4]. - Gribskov's profile alignment algorithm [1]. - Barton's alignment algorithm for flexible patterns [3]. - Viterbi algorithm for the hidden Markov model architecture described in [5]. This requirement stems from two beliefs: (i) that the bewildering variety of motif search methods described in the literature can be understood and reformulated as special cases of a more general method; (ii) that such an exercise will facilitate communication between different groups and will lead to new theoretical insights. Notes: - The capacity of the proposed syntax to emulate the search techniques listed above has not yet been tested experimentally. * * * The remaining part of this document is organized as follows: - Section 1 explains the basic components of a profile which are likely to remain stable for several years. - Section 2 presents accessory features necessary to encode complete in- structions for a motif search. This part of the syntax may be gradually expanded in the future. - Section 3 describes a specific machine-readable format which will be used in PROSITE and a similar data bank of nucleic acid sequence motifs. - Section 4 shows two illustrative examples, one from the nucleic acid and one from the protein world. 1) BASIC PROFILE STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION In abstract terms, a generalized profile can be described as an alternat- ing sequence of `match' and `insert' positions. Match and insert posi- tions contain complementary sets of numeric parameters called profile scores. The values assigned to these parameters may be different at each position. In reality, a profile resembles a two-dimensional table of numbers. From an other perspective, a profile may also be viewed as a degenerate molecular sequence. The match positions correspond to residues which typ- ically occur in such a sequence. The insert positions represent places where additional residues can optionally be inserted. The function of a profile is to align itself to a real sequence and to as- sign a number to such an alignment. This number is called similarity score or alignment score and serves to evaluate the significance of a po- tential motif occurrence. The notion of a profile match cannot be separated from that of an align- ment. Not only is the alignment a prerequisite for computing a similarity score, it also imposes a specific interpration onto the involved sequence segment. Often a profile implies a model where some positions of a motif are assigned specific roles, e.g. metal ion-binding capacities or catalyt- ic functions. The alignment maps these functions to individual residues of the sequence. The basic components of a profile are those which are necessary for com- puting a similarity score. To prevent possible misunderstandings, it has to be stressed that a profile defines a score for any alignment, not just for an optimal alignment. The concept of an optimal alignment relates to motif search strategies and is totally irrelevant in this Section. 1.1) Definition of a profile-sequence alignment It is useful to introduce a profile-sequence alignment with the aid of the path matrix representation. The following diagram defines an alignment between a sequence and a profile. S E Q U E N C E . . . . . . . . . p . . . . . . . . . r \ . . _ . _ . . . . . . o \ . . . . . . . . . f \ . . . . . . . . . i | . . . . . . . . . l \ . . . . . . . . . e . . . . . . . . . The capital letters represent sequence residues, the lower-case letters represent profile match positions. Profile insert positions are not marked by symbols. They occur at the beginning, at the end, and between any pair of consecutive match positions of the profile. The path marked by horizontal, vertical, and diagonal bars defines the following alignment: S E Q U E - N r - - o f i l Such an alignment can also be defined by a sequence of path matrix co- ordinates. By convention, the upper left corner of the matrix is assigned co-ordinates (0,0). Note that path matrix co-ordinates correspond to pro- file insert positions rather than match positions. Likewise, they fall between consecutive residues of the sequence. The above alignment is de- fined by the following co-ordinate sequence. (1,0) , (2,1) , (2,2) , (2,3) , (3,4) , (4,5) , (5,5) , (6,6) In general, a co-ordinate sequence (i0,j0) , (i1,j1) , ... , (iL,jL) defines a valid sequence alignment between a profile of length N and a se- quence of length M if and only if: { 0 <= ik <= N AND 0 <= jk <= M } for 0 <= k <= L AND { ( ik + 1 = ik+1 AND jk + 1 = jk+1 OR ( ik = ik+1 AND jk + 1 = jk+1 OR ( ik + 1 = ik+1 AND jk = jk+1 } for 0 <= k <= L-1 . Notes: - The terms ik+1 and jk+1 should be read as i and j , respectively. k+1 k+1 - The above definition encompasses both global and local types of align- ments. In the following, it is not necessary to distinguish between these two alternatives. A global alignment may simply be viewed as a limit case of a local alignment. 1.2) Definition of the similarity score The similarity score of a profile sequence-alignment is the sum of the scores assigned to its scorable components. The scorable components of an alignment are: - the beginning - each extension step - each state transition - the end Some of these terms need further explanation. An extension step occurs between any pair of consecutive path matrix co- ordinates. There are three different types of extension steps: `match', `insert', and `deletion' steps. In the above diagram, diagonal bars correspond to match extension steps, horizontal bars correspond to insert extension steps, and vertical bars correspond to deletion extension steps. The number of extension steps defines the length of the alignment. The type of an extension step is also called a state. Each extension step is thus associated with a match, insert, or deletion state. At the begin- ning, an alignment is in `initiation' state. At the end, it is in `termi- nation' state. Initiation, match, insert, deletion, and termination states will be symbolized by the letters B, M, I, D, and E, respectively. A state transition occurs between any two consecutive alignment components associated with a state. Thus, there is one state transition for each co- ordinate pair of the alignment, including the first and the last. Note that this definition implies that state transitions also occur between identical states. In summary, an alignment of length L has: 1 beginning L extensions steps L+1 state transitions 1 termination -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2L+3 scorable components in total. All component scores are provided by the profile in a position-specific manner. Therefore, the similarity score does not depend on any parameter of an alignment method. The types and functions of profile scores are now explained. The scores assigned to the beginning and end of the alignment are called `initiation' and `termination' scores. These scores are distinct from those assigned to the first and last state transition though they correspond to the same path matrix co-ordinates. There are two types of scores for each class. The `external' initiation score applies to co- ordinates at the beginning of the sequence. The `internal' initiation score applies to all other co-ordinates. External and internal termina- tion scores are defined analogously. The function of these scores is to flexibly encode local or global alignment scoring modes. In addition, they may serve to anchor a motif at the beginning or at the end of a se- quence. The scores for extension steps comprise three classes: match extension scores, insert extension scores, and deletion extension scores. Match and insert extension scores are residue-specific because the corresponding alignment steps span one sequence residue. By contrast, there is only one deletion extension score per profile position because deletion steps do not involve sequence residues. There are 16 different types of state transition scores for all possible transitions from an element of {B,M,I,D} to an element of {M,I,D,E}. State transition scores serve similar functions as gap opening penalties in a sequence-sequence alignment. 1.3) Basic profile structure The basic profile structure follows almost conclusively from the forgoing definitions of a profile-sequence alignment and its similarity score. What remains to be clarified are a few details. A profile is based on a particular alphabet. The alphabet is considered a basic constituent of the profile because it determines the exact number of parameters per insert and match position. The two standard character sets for biomolecular patterns are: - {A,C,G,T} for nucleic acid motifs. - {A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,K,L,M,N,P,Q,R,S,T,V,W,Y,Z} for protein motifs. Other alphabets, e.g. alphabets including ambiguous codes for nucleotides, may be useful in particular circumstances. There is one insert and one match extension score for each character of the alphabet. In practice, it is useful to define one additional insert and match extension score to deal with unexpected characters appearing in real sequences. Some of the previously introduced profile scores are associated with in- sert positions, others with match positions. A look at the path matrix diagram makes clear which type of score is associated with which type of profile position. An insert position of a profile based on a K-letter alphabet contains the following parameters: 1 external initiation score 1 internal initiation score 16 state transition scores for all transitions between elements of {B,M,I,D} and {M,I,D,E} K insert extension scores for each character of the alphabet 1 insert extension score for an unexpected character 1 internal termination score 1 external termination score -------------------------------------------------------------------------- K+21 insert position scores in total A match position of a profile based on a K-letter alphabet contains the following parameters. K match extension scores for each letter of the alphabet 1 match extension score for an unexpected character 1 deletion extension score -------------------------------------------------------------------------- K+ 2 match position scores in total Admissible values for profile scores are any integer or real number plus a special value representing a forbidden alignment step. This value will be called `low-value' and behaves like minus infinity in mathematical opera- tions. A profile has also a defined topology, either linear or circular. Most profiles will be linear. Circular profiles may represent motifs which consist of a variable number of tandemly repeated units. Note that a linear profile begins and ends with an insert position. Notes: - The above list of position-specific profile scores represents the max- imum number of supported features. Real profiles derived with an exist- ing method will rarely use all of them. Concise representation of a profile can be achieved through specification of appropriate defaults; see examples in Section 4. - There is some redundancy in the implemented parameter set allowing for alternative representations of functionally equivalent profiles. This freedom could be used for scaling profile scores in units related to a particular mathematical or physical interpretation, e.g. probabilities of a hidden Markov model or thermodynamic quantities. - The above definition of a sequence alignment assumes linear topology for both the profile and the sequence. Generalization to circular to- pology is straightforward. An alignment between a circular profile and a linear sequence, or between a linear profile and a circular sequence, corresponds to a path on a cylindrical surface. An alignment between a circular profile and a circular sequence corresponds to a path on a torus. 2) PROFILE ACCESSORIES The primary purpose of a profile is to identify as reliably as possible biologically relevant motif occurrences in new sequences. The basic pro- file structure described in the previous Section is not sufficient to de- fine a rational search strategy to this end. The accessory profile features presented here fill this gap. Appropriately interpreted, they complement the position-specific profile scores to provide determinative instruction for a motif search. In addition, they guide the interpration of potential matches. 2.1) Cut-off value For a profile and a sequence of typical lengths, there is a very large number of possible alignments. At most a few of them will be biologically relevant. The function of a cut-off value is to a priori exclude a large number of alignments from further consideration by a profile search algo- rithm. The fate of the remaining alignments with similarity scores greater than or equal to the cut-off value depends on a specific disjointness de- finition applied; see below. An important aspect of a cut-off value is that it gives a qualitative meaning to a profile. This is a prerequisite for statistics on false po- sitives and false negatives obtained in a database search, as currently provided by PROSITE. In certain situations, it is useful to supply more than one cut-off value, partitioning the range of alignment scores into multiple areas. The areas may correspond to different degrees of certainty, ranges of evolutionary distance, or levels of physiological activity. 2.2) Score normalization instructions The profile-alignment scores defined in the previous Section are called raw scores. In most cases, they will not lend themselves to meaningful biological interpretations and will therefore not be very helpful in the interpretation of a potential match. In practice, one is interested in questions like: What is the probability of finding a match of a certain score in a random sequence? How does the similarity score relate to a measurable property of the biological object? The purpose of normalization instructions is to convert the raw score into directly interpretable un- its. There may be multiple normalization modes for the same profile, each one associated with a different mathematical, physical, or biological in- terpretation; see examples in Section 4. Normalization functions are required to preserve the ranking of scores pertaining to alternative alignments between the same profile and the same sequence. However, since normalization functions may depend on sequence parameters such as length and residue composition, they will generally not preserve the order of scores pertaining to matches from different se- quences arising in a database search. Notes: - Cut-off values may be defined in raw score units or normalized score units. - Programs may rely on normalized rather than raw scores for various operation, e.g. sorting of accepted matches in a database search. - An expanding list of normalization functions is presented in Appendix B. 2.3) Disjointness definitions There are situations where only a single best alignment and its similarity score are of interest. This arises for instance with a profile serving exclusively as a signature for a protein family. More frequently, the same motif may occur more than once in a given sequence, and each oc- currence will be of interest. In the first case, the motif search problem is simple and can be solved by a standard optimal alignment algorithm such as described in [1]. In the second case, the task is more difficult and needs to be explained in more detail. At first glance, the problem seems to be to find all profile-sequence alignments with similarity scores greater than or equal to the cut-off value. However, such an approach would not yield useful results because a high scoring alignment typically belongs to a large group of very similar alignments with comparable scores. Two members of such a group may differ only by an additional extension step at one end of one alignment. In sequence-sequence comparisons, a cluster of related alignments is represented by a single highest scoring member. This seems a reasonable procedure for profiles too. As a second approximation, one could therefore define the task of finding multiple profile matches in the same sequence as one of finding as many as possible, locally optimal, but mutually disjoint alignments with scores greater than or equal to the cut-off value. What is still missing in such a statement of the problem is a precise definition of disjointness and a tie-braking rule to choose between equally high-scoring alignments. The former is of fundamental importance and needs to be addressed here. The latter can be deferred to a specific algorithm and is thus beyond the scope of this document. There are many possible ways to define disjointness of two alignments. The algorithms described for finding multiple locally optimal alignments between pairs of sequences consider two alignments disjoint if they have no extension step in common [6,7]. The two alignments specified in the path matrix diagram below illustrate this notion of disjointness. S E Q U E N C E . . . . . . . . . p \ . . . _ . . . . . . r \ \ . . . . . . . . . o | \ . . . . . . . . . f \ \ . . . _ . . . . _ . _ . i \ . . . . . . . . . l \ . . . . . . . . . e \ . . . . . . . . . However, such a definition will not be adequate for many motif search ap- plication because it allows the same sequence residue to be matched with different profile positions. Imagine the case of a protein structural domain. There, it is inconceivable that the same residue simultaneously participates in the formation of two physically distinct domains, occupy- ing different places within these domains. There may be no single disjointness definition adequate for all kinds of biological sequence motifs which can be characterized by a profile. For this and other reasons, a specific notion of disjointness is viewed and implemented as a profile-inherent property rather than a variable of the alignment method. In some cases, a particular definition may even be derived from a measurable property of the biological object. The conclud- ing example illustrates this point. The DNA recognition site of mammalian transcription factor Sp1 is about 14 bp long and can be fairly accurately represented by a conventional weight matrix. Experiments have shown that the minimal center-to-center distance for two sites to be simultaneously occupied by two proteins is 10 bp. For a profile representing an Sp1 binding site, an appropriate criterion for disjointness would require that the sequence segments aligned with the central 10 bp region of the recognition motif do not overlap. Notes: - The problems related to disjoint alignments are not specific to pro- files. They also occur with qualitative variable-length patterns based on a regular expression-like syntax. - An expanding list of alternative disjointness definitions is presented in Appendix A. - The algorithms for multiple pairwise sequence alignments described in [6,7] can easily be adjusted to the disjointness definitions proposed in Appendix A. 3) A MACHINE-READABLE TEXT FILE FORMAT This Section describes the format conventions used in the PROSITE data bank for representation of profiles 3.1) General format of the MA line The current PROSITE database reserves the MA line code for information specific to matrix entries. A profile typically extends over many MA lines. The general format of a block of consecutive MA lines is as follows: MA /KEYWORD: parameter=value; parameter=value; ... ; /KEYWORD: MA parameter=value; parameter=value; ... ; /KEYWORD: ... The text is substructured into so-called data blocks, each one beginning with a keyword followed by a list of parameter specifications. Keywords identify different types of data blocks with characteristic parameter sub- sets. The keywords at the beginning of each data block are enclosed by slash on the left side and by colon on the right side. Individual parame- ter specifications are delimited by semicolon. There is also a semicolon at the end of each data block containing at least one parameter specifica- tion. A single word, quoted string, or number must be contained within one line. Otherwise, there are no rules guiding the placement of text units onto physical lines. The following keywords define valid data block types: /GENERAL_SPEC: General specifications. /DISJOINT: Disjointness definition for multiple matches. /NORMALIZATION: Score normalization instructions. /CUT_OFF: Recommended cut-off value(s). /DEFAULT: Defaults for position specific profile parameters. /I: Profile insert position. /M: Profile match position. 3.2) The formats of different data block types 3.2.1) The GENERAL_SPEC data block The GENERAL_SPEC data block provides general information about the pro- file. It has the following format: /GENERAL_SPEC: ALPHABET=string; [ LENGTH=length; TOPOLOGY=topology; ] where: - `string' is a quoted character string defining the character set for which, and the order in which, position-specific match and insert ex- tension scores are provided in subsequent M and I data blocks. - `length' is the length of the profile defined as the total number of match positions. - `topology' is one of the alternative words LINEAR or CIRCULAR. The GENERAL_SPEC data block is mandatory and precedes any DEFAULT, M or I data block. Implicit defaults: - TOPOLOGY=LINEAR; Example: MA /GENERAL_SPEC: ALPHABET='ACGT'; Notes: - The optional LENGTH parameter is purely informative and redundant. The actual length of the profile is given by the sequence of subsequent I and M data blocks. 3.2.2) The DISJOINT data block The DISJOINT data block provides a definition of disjointness for multiple profile-sequence alignments, or indicates that only one globally optimal alignment is of interest. It has the following format: /DISJOINT: DEFINITION=name; parameters; where: - `name' is a word from a controlled vocabulary identifying one of the supported disjoint definitions listed in Appendix A. - `parameters' is a list of parameter specifications providing values for all parameters of the corresponding disjointness definition listed in APPENDIX A. The DISJOINT data block is mandatory. Example: MA /DISJOINT: DEFINITION=PROTECT; N1=12; N2=40; Notes: - Some disjoint definitions are parameter-free. In this case, the list of parameter specifications is empty. - The list of supported disjoint definitions constitutes a dynamic feature of the format. New functions may be added in the future. Suggestions are welcome. 3.2.3) The NORMALIZATION data block A NORMALIZATION data block describes a specific normalization mode for alignment scores. It has the following format: /NORMALIZATION: FUNCTION=name; parameters; [ MODE=mode-nr; PRIORITY=rank; TEXT=string; ] where: - `name' is a word form a controlled vocabulary identifying one of the supported normalization functions listed in Appendix B. - `parameters' is a list of parameter specifications providing values for all parameters of the corresponding normalization function listed in APPENDIX B. - `mode-nr' is an integer by which the normalization mode can be referred to in CUT_OFF data blocks. - `rank' is an integer assigning a relative priority to the normalization mode with regard to various pattern search operations. - `string' is a quoted string describing a score normalized according to this mode. NORMALIZATION data blocks are optional. There may be several NORMALIZA- TION data blocks per profile. The optional MODE parameter either appears in all or in none of the NOR- MALIZATION data blocks. If specified, the mode numbers form a contiguous integer range starting with 1. If not specified, mode numbers are implied by the order in which the NORMALIZATION data blocks appear in the profile. The optional PRIORITY parameter either appears in all or none of the NOR- MALIZATION data blocks. If not specified, priorities are equal to the mode numbers. The lower the priority number, the higher the priority of the normalization mode, and vice-versa. Example: MA /NORMALIZATION: MODE=1; FUNCTION=LINEAR; TEXT='Homology Score'; MA R1=-90.558; R2=0.57225; Notes: - Normalization functions may, in addition to the parameters listed in APPENDIX B, depend on characteristics of the sequence such as length and residue composition. 3.2.4) The CUT_OFF data block A CUT_OFF data block defines a cut-off level. It has the following for- mat: /CUT_OFF: SCORE=rscore; [ LEVEL=level; TEXT=string; N_SCORE=nscore; MODE=mode-nr ] where: - `rscore' is an integer defining the cut-off value in raw score units. - `level' is an integer identifying a cut-off level. - `string' is a quoted character string characterizing profile matches with scores greater than or equal to the corresponding cut-off value (but lower than any higher cut-off value specified). - `nscore' is a real number, or a comma separated list of real numbers, defining the cut-off value(s) in normalized score units calculated ac- cording to the mode(s) identified by mode-nr. - `mode-nr' is an integer, or a comma separated list of integers, refer- ring to one or several normalization modes defined in NORMALIZATION data blocks. The CUT_OFF data block for level 0 is mandatory. There may be multiple CUT_OFF data blocks, one for each level. The LEVEL parameter is optional for level 0. All other levels are speci- fied explicitly. The levels assigned to alternative cut-off values, in- cluding level 0, form a contiguous integer range. The N_SCORE and MODE parameters are either both present or both absent. If present, they contain the same number of elements. Example: MA /CUT_OFF: LEVEL=0; SCORE=237; N_SCORE=7.5; MODE=1; Notes: - Cut-off values in raw score units may be used by programs which do not support a given normalization mode. - The list of supported normalization functions constitutes a dynamic feature of the format. New functions may be added in the future. Suggestions are welcome. 3.2.5) The DEFAULT data block The DEFAULT data block redefines defaults for position-specific profile parameters and has the following format: /DEFAULT: [ SY_I=char1; SY_M=char2; parameters; ] where: - `char1' is a quoted character representing a profile insert position in a profile-sequence alignment. - `char2' is a quoted character representing a profile match position in a profile-sequence alignment. - `parameters' is a list of parameter specifications defining default values for one or several of the profile scores listed in the tables at the end of this Section. DEFAULT data blocks are optional. There may be multiple DEFAULT data blocks per profile. Implicit defaults: - SY_I='-'; SY_M='X'; Example: MA /DEFAULT: B0= *; B1= *; E0= *; E1= *; Notes: - The first DEFAULT data block redefines the implicit defaults given in the tables at the end of this Section. Subsequent DEFAULT data blocks sequentially redefine each other. - Asterisk represents low-value in the example; see next Subsection. 3.2.6) The I and M data blocks The I and M data blocks contain position-specific profile scores for in- sert and match positions. They have the following formats: /I: [ SY=char1; parameters; ] /M: [ SY=char2; parameters; ] where: - `char1' is a quoted character representing the corresponding profile insert position in a profile-sequence alignment. - `char2' is a quoted character representing the corresponding profile match position in a profile-sequence alignment. - `parameters' is a list of parameter specifications assigning values to one or several of the position-specific profile scores listed in the tables at the end of this Section. The profile scores specified in I and M data blocks overwrite the current default values set by a preceding DEFAULT data block or initialized as shown in the tables at the end of this Section. The values assigned to profile scores may be integers, reals, or low-value represented by an asterisk. Most profile scores are assigned one value. The exceptions are the residue-specific insert and match extension scores. These scores can either be assigned one value or a comma separated list of values, one for each character of the alphabet. The correspondence between scores and characters is defined by the order in which the alphabet is presented in the GENERAL_SPEC data block. A single value is equivalent to a list of identical values. Each I data block characterizes one insert position of the profile. Each M data block characterizes one match position of the profile. The physi- cal order of the M and I data blocks defines the logical order of the corresponding profile positions. Default match and insert positions are not always specified explicitly. This requires further explanation. Remember that a profile consists of an alternating sequence of insert and match positions, and that a linear profile starts and ends with an insert position. A single I or M data block is implied wherever the physical order of I and M data blocks does not conform to these rules. Example: MA /I: B0= 0; B1= 0; /M: M= 11, 3, 3, 4; In case the above line describes a complete linear profile, a default in- sert position is implied at the end. In case it describes a circular pro- file, no additional profile position is implied. Notes: - In PROSITE, profile scores are currently represented as integers. How- ever, this is not viewed as a format convention and may change in a fu- ture release. - A linear normalization function implicitly defines an integer to real conversion of profile scores; see protein example in Section 4. Profile scores of insert positions: Name Default Parameter description -------------------------------------------------------------------------- B0 B0= 0 External initiation score B1 B1= 0 Internal initiation score E0 E0= 0 External termination score E1 E1= 0 Internal termination score BM BM= 0 State transition score from state B to M BI BI= * State transition score form state B to I BD BD= * State transition score from state B to D BE BE= * State transition score from state B to E MM MM= 0 State transition score from state M to M MI MI= * State transition score from state M to I MD MD= * State transition score from state M to D ME ME= 0 State transition score from state M to E IM IM= * State transition score from state I to M II II= 0 State transition score from state I to I ID ID= * State transition score from state I to D IE IE= * State transition score from state I to E DM DM= * State transition score from state D to M DI DI= * State transition score from state D to I DD DD= 0 State transition score from state D to D DE DE= * State transition score from state D to E I I = 0 Insert extension score(s) for characters included in the alphabet I0 I0= 0 Insert extension score for a character not included in the alphabet -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Profile parameters of match positions: Name Default Parameter description -------------------------------------------------------------------------- M M = 0 Match extension score(s) for characters included in the alphabet M0 M0= 0 Match extension score for a character not included in the alphabet D D = 0 Deletion extension score -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) EXAMPLES 4.1) E. coli promoters The profile shown below describes the major class of E. coli promoters recognized by RNA polymerase-sigma factor 70. It is based on work pub- lished in [4] and emulates the functionality of the promoter search pro- gram TARGSEARCH. MA /GENERAL_SPEC: ALPHABET='ACGT'; MA /DISJOINT: DEFINITION=PROTECT; N1=37; N2=42; MA /NORMALIZATION: MODE=1; FUNCTION=LINEAR; R1=-90.558; R2=0.57225; MA TEXT='Homology Score'; MA /NORMALIZATION: MODE=2; FUNCTION=LINEAR; R1=-10.198; R2=0.06215; MA TEXT='Log KBk2'; MA /CUT_OFF: LEVEL=0; SCORE=237; N_SCORE=45.0; MODE=1; MA /DEFAULT: B0=*; B1=*; E0=*; E1=*; MA /I: B0= 0; B1= 0; MA /M: M= 11, 3, 3, 4; MA /M: M= 8, 4, 2, 7; MA /M: M= 8, 2, 4, 7; MA /M: M= 7, 4, 2, 8; MA /M: M= 8, 4, 4, 5; MA /M: M= 7, 3, 5, 6; MA /M: M= 3, 5, 5, 8; MA /M: M= 5, 2, 5, 9; MA /M: M= 5, 8, 5, 3; MA /M: M= 0, 1, 2,17; SY='T'; MA /M: M= 1, 1, 1,18; SY='T'; MA /M: M= 0, 2,17, 2; SY='G'; MA /M: M= 14, 3, 1, 4; SY='A'; MA /M: M= 5,11, 2, 5; SY='C'; MA /M: M= 9, 2, 3, 7; SY='A'; MA /M: M= 5, 5, 3, 9; MA /M:/M:/M:/M:/M:/M:/M:/M:/M: MA /I: MD=0; MM=1;/I: DM=1;/I: DM=1;/I: DM=6;/I: DM=14;/I: DM=6;/I: DM=1; MA /M: M= 4, 5, 2,10; MA /M: M= 5, 4, 5, 6; MA /M: M= 3, 5, 5, 8; MA /M: M= 4, 4, 8, 5; MA /M: M= 4, 5, 7, 6; MA /M: M= 0, 2, 2,17; SY='T'; MA /M: M= 20, 0, 0, 1; SY='A'; MA /M: M= 5, 3, 3, 9; SY='T'; MA /M: M= 12, 3, 3, 3; SY='A'; MA /M: M= 11, 4, 3, 4; SY='A'; MA /M: M= 0, 1, 0,20; SY='T'; MA /M: M= 7, 2, 6, 6; MA /M: M= 4, 7, 5, 5; MA /M: M= 6, 6, 6, 4; MA /I: E0=0; E1= 0; The profile is substructured into four operationally distinct modules totaling 45 match positions. Position Module -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-16 Weight matrix for the -35 region including the core hexamer box TTGACA at pos. 10-15. 17-25 Fixed length linker module encoded by 9 dummy match positions. This module is defined on the first of the two indented MA lines. 26-31 Variable length linker scoring module encoded by 7 consecutive insert positions. This module is defined on the second of two indented MA lines. 32 -45 Weight matrix for the -10 region including the core hexamer box TATAAT at pos. 37-42. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The variable length linker scoring module defines the following scoring scheme. # of bp between core score hexamers boxes 15 1 16 6 17 14 18 6 19 1 20 1 21 1 These scores are achieved as follows. Format-proprietary default values for state transition scores (not over-written by local defaults) make sure that deletions and insertions can only occur at positions where corresponding scores are explicitly specified. Insertion gaps are thus generally forbidden. A deletion gap can only be opened at the beginning of the linker length scoring module and must be closed within or at the end of this module. A promoter with the maximal linker length of 21 can be aligned without gap to the profile. In this case, the linker length score is provided by MM=1 at insert position 25. Promoters with linker lengths 15 to 20 require a deletion gap in their alignment to the profile. The corresponding scores are provided by DM=1, 1, 6, 14, 6, 1 at insert posi- tions 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, respectively. Notes: - The default low-values assigned to parameters B0, B1, E0, E1, together with the exceptions B0, B1 = 0 at the beginning and E0, E1 = 0 at the end of the profile, define a global alignment algorithm with endgap weighting in the profile but not in the sequence. - Two normalization modes are defined in this profile. The names of the corresponding scores, `Homology score' and `log KBk2', are taken from the original publication. The parameters of the second normalization function were derived by a linear regression analysis between homology scores and enzyme selectivities (defined as log KBk2) of 31 transcrip- tionally assayed promoters. - The cut-off homology score of 45 has been proposed by the authors as lower limit for effective promoters. - The disjointness definition protecting only the TATAAT box region from sequence overlap, is motivated by a known promoter example where two adjacent TATAAT boxes direct transcription from two distinct initiation sites six bp apart from each other. - This profile is not supposed to represent the most accurate E. coli promoter prediction method available today. It primarily serves to il- lustrate that the proposed syntax is flexible enough to express the functionality of a specialized search algorithm developed for a partic- ular object. 4.2) Src homology domain SH3 The profile shown on the next page describes the Src homology domain SH3 as defined by sequence similarity. It has been constructed by a recently described extension of Gribskov's method incorporating several improve- ments [8]. The SH3 profile consists of three homology blocks separated by two gap re- gions. Within the homology blocks, small insertions and deletions are not totally forbidden but strongly impeded by high gap costs defined in the DEFAULT data block: MI=-26, I=-3, MD=-26, D=-3. These numbers are over- written by more permissive values in the two gap regions. Notes: - The SH3 profile uses only features which are compatible with Gribskov's methodology. As a consequence, it can be automatically reformatted for use with the existing profile alignment programs implemented in the GCG package. - The second normalization mode defines a real number conversion of the integer profile scores. MA /GENERAL_SPEC: ALPHABET='ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY'; MA /DISJOINT: DEFINITION=PROTECT; N1=1; N2=53; MA /NORMALIZATION: MODE=1; FUNCTION=GLE_ZSCORE; R1=44.55; R2=-0.0035; MA R3=0.7386; R4=1.001; R5=0.208; TEXT='ZScore'; MA /NORMALIZATION: MODE=2; FUNCTION=LINEAR; R1=0.0; R2=0.1; MA TEXT='OrigScore'; MA /CUT_OFF: LEVEL=0; SCORE=90; N_SCORE=7.0; MODE=1; MA /DEFAULT: MI=-26; I=-3; IM=0; MD=-26; D=-3; DM=0; MA /M: SY='F';M=-2,-3,-3,-4,2,-3,-2,1,-2,0,-1,-2,-3,-3,-4,-2,-1,0,-5,2; MA /M: SY='I';M=-1,-5,-2,-3,-2,-3,0,1,1,-1,1,-1,-2,-1,1,-1,0,1,-4,-4; MA /M: SY='A';M=2,-3,1,0,-5,2,-2,-1,-1,-3,-2,1,1,0,-2,2,2,0,-8,-5; MA /M: SY='L';M=-3,-8,-5,-4,2,-6,-2,2,-4,6,4,-3,-3,-2,-3,-3,-2,1,-3,0; MA /M: SY='Y';M=-4,-2,-6,-6,9,-7,0,-1,-5,-1,-3,-3,-6,-5,-6,-4,-4,-4,-1,11; MA /M: SY='D';M=1,-6,3,3,-7,0,0,-2,-1,-4,-3,2,0,1,-2,0,0,-2,-9,-6; MA /M: SY='Y';M=-5,-3,-6,-6,10,-7,-1,-1,-2,-1,-2,-3,-6,-5,-5,-4,-4,-4,-1,11; MA /M: SY='K';M=-1,-6,1,1,-4,-2,0,-2,2,-3,-1,1,-1,1,1,0,0,-3,-7,-6; MA /M: SY='A';M=1,-4,1,0,-5,1,-1,-1,0,-3,-1,1,0,0,0,1,1,-1,-7,-6; MA /M: SY='R';M=0,-5,0,0,-5,-1,0,-1,1,-3,-1,1,0,1,1,0,0,-2,-5,-5; MA /M: SY='R';M=0,-5,1,1,-6,0,1,-2,1,-4,-2,1,0,1,2,1,0,-2,-5,-5; MA /M: SY='E';M=1,-6,2,2,-6,0,0,-2,-1,-4,-2,1,1,1,-1,0,0,-3,-8,-6; MA /M: SY='D';M=0,-6,2,2,-6,0,1,-3,0,-5,-3,2,-1,2,-1,0,0,-4,-7,-4; MA /M: SY='D';M=0,-8,4,3,-6,0,0,-2,-1,-3,-2,2,-2,2,-2,0,-1,-3,-9,-6; MA /M: SY='L';M=-2,-8,-5,-5,2,-5,-3,3,-4,7,5,-4,-3,-3,-4,-3,-2,3,-4,-2; MA /M: SY='S';M=1,-4,1,1,-5,1,0,-2,1,-4,-2,1,0,0,0,1,1,-2,-6,-5; MA /M: SY='F';M=-3,-7,-6,-6,6,-5,-3,3,-2,5,3,-4,-5,-4,-5,-4,-3,1,-3,3; MA /M: SY='Q';M=-1,-6,0,0,-3,-2,1,-1,1,-2,0,0,-1,1,1,-1,0,-1,-6,-4; MA /M: SY='K';M=-1,-8,0,1,-3,-2,0,-2,3,-3,0,1,0,2,2,0,0,-3,-6,-6; MA /M: SY='G';M=2,-5,1,0,-7,7,-3,-4,-2,-6,-4,1,-1,-2,-4,2,0,-2,-10,-8; MA /M: SY='D';M=1,-7,5,4,-8,1,1,-3,0,-5,-3,2,-1,2,-2,0,0,-4,-10,-6; MA /M: SY='I';M=0,-5,-1,-2,-2,-2,-1,2,0,0,1,-1,-2,0,0,-1,0,1,-6,-5; MA /M: SY='L';M=-2,-6,-5,-5,3,-5,-3,4,-3,6,4,-4,-4,-3,-4,-3,-2,3,-5,0; MA /M: SY='Q';M=-1,-5,-1,-1,-3,-2,0,0,0,-2,-1,0,-1,0,0,-1,0,-1,-6,-3; MA /M: SY='V';M=0,-4,-3,-4,-1,-3,-3,5,-3,3,3,-2,-2,-2,-3,-2,0,5,-8,-4; MA /M: SY='L';M=-1,-6,-3,-3,-1,-3,-2,2,-3,3,2,-2,-2,-2,-3,-2,-1,2,-5,-3; MA /M: SY='D';M=0,-6,3,3,-6,0,1,-3,2,-5,-2,2,-1,2,1,0,0,-4,-7,-5; MA /M: SY='K';M=-1,-6,0,0,-2,-1,0,-3,3,-4,-1,1,-1,0,1,0,0,-3,-6,-4; MA /M: SY='N';M=1,-4,1,1,-5,0,0,-2,0,-3,-2,1,1,0,-1,1,1,-1,-7,-5; MA /I: MI=0; I=-1; MD=0; /M: SY='X'; M=0; D=-1; MA /M: SY='G';M=1,-5,0,0,-5,1,-2,-1,-2,-3,-2,0,0,-1,-2,0,0,-1,-8,-6; MA /M: SY='G';M=1,-6,3,3,-7,3,0,-4,-1,-5,-4,2,-1,1,-2,1,0,-3,-10,-6; MA /M: SY='W';M=-9,-12,-9,-11,1,-11,-4,-8,-5,-3,-6,-6,-8,-7,3,-4,-8,-9,26,0; MA /M: SY='W';M=-7,-9,-9,-9,0,-9,-4,-5,-5,-1,-4,-6,-7,-6,2,-3,-6,-6,18,-1; MA /M: SY='K';M=-1,-7,0,0,-3,-2,0,-2,2,-3,-1,1,-1,1,2,0,-1,-3,-5,-5; MA /M: SY='G';M=2,-3,0,-1,-6,3,-3,-2,-3,-4,-3,0,0,-2,-3,1,0,0,-10,-6; MA /M: SY='Q';M=-2,-6,0,0,-3,-3,1,-2,0,-2,-1,0,-2,1,1,-1,-1,-3,-5,-3; MA /I: MI=0; I=-2; MD=0; /M: SY='X'; M=0; D=-2; MA /M: SY='T';M=0,-4,-1,-1,-4,0,-2,0,-1,-2,0,0,-1,-1,-1,0,1,0,-7,-5; MA /M: SY='T';M=0,-5,0,0,-3,-1,-1,-1,1,-3,-1,1,-1,0,0,1,1,-1,-6,-4; MA /M: SY='G';M=0,-5,0,-1,-5,3,-2,-3,-1,-5,-3,0,-1,-1,-1,1,0,-2,-7,-6; MA /M: SY='K';M=0,-6,1,1,-5,-1,1,-2,2,-4,-1,1,-1,2,2,0,0,-3,-6,-6; MA /M: SY='R';M=-1,-6,-1,-1,-5,-3,1,-1,1,-3,-1,0,-1,1,3,-1,-1,-2,-2,-6; MA /M: SY='G';M=1,-5,0,0,-6,6,-3,-3,-3,-5,-4,0,-1,-2,-4,1,0,-2,-10,-6; MA /M: SY='W';M=-5,-5,-5,-5,2,-6,-2,-2,-4,-1,-3,-3,-6,-5,-3,-3,-4,-4,4,3; MA /M: SY='F';M=-3,-5,-6,-6,6,-5,-3,4,-1,3,2,-4,-4,-5,-4,-3,-2,2,-4,3; MA /M: SY='P';M=2,-4,-1,-1,-7,-1,0,-3,-2,-4,-3,-1,8,0,0,1,0,-2,-8,-7; MA /M: SY='G';M=1,-3,0,0,-4,2,-1,-2,0,-3,-2,0,0,-1,-1,1,1,-1,-6,-5; MA /M: SY='N';M=1,-5,2,1,-5,0,1,-2,1,-4,-2,2,0,0,0,1,1,-2,-7,-4; MA /M: SY='Y';M=-5,-1,-7,-7,10,-8,-1,-1,-5,-1,-3,-3,-7,-6,-6,-4,-4,-5,0,13; MA /M: SY='V';M=0,-3,-3,-5,-2,-2,-3,5,-3,2,2,-2,-2,-3,-4,-1,0,5,-8,-5; MA /M: SY='E';M=1,-6,2,3,-6,0,0,-2,1,-4,-2,1,0,2,0,0,0,-3,-8,-6; MA /M: SY='P';M=0,-5,-1,-1,-2,-2,-1,-2,-1,-3,-2,0,1,-1,-2,0,-1,-2,-6,-3; Acknowledgements: I thank Roland Luethy, Michael Gribskov, and Stephen Altschul for valuable comments and stimulating discussions. The text file format described in Section 3 has been designed in collaboration with Amos Bairoch. Ioannis Xenarios has contributed the SH3 profile shown with minor modifications in Section 4. REFERENCES 1 Gribskov M., Luethy R., Eisenberg D. Profile analysis. Meth. Enzymol. 183:146-159(1990). 2 Staden R. Searching for patterns in protein and nucleic acid sequences. Meth. Enzymol. 183:193-211(1990). 3 Barton G.J., Sternberg M.J.E. Flexible protein sequence patterns: a sensitive method to detect weak structural similarities. J. Mol. Biol. 212:389-402(1990). 4 Mulligan M.E., Hawley D.K., Entriken R., McClure W.R. Escherichia coli promoter sequences predict in vitro RNA polymerase selectivity. Nucleic Acids Res. 12:789-800(1984). 5 Krogh A., Brown M., Mian I.S., Sjoelander K., Haussler D. Hidden Markov models in computational biology. J. Mol. Biol. 235:1501-1531(1994). 6 Waterman M.S., Eggert M. A new algorithm for best subsequence alignments with application to tRNA-rRNA comparisons. J. Mol. Biol. 197:723-728(1987). 7 Huang X., Miller W. A time-efficient, linear-space local similarity algorithm. Adv. Appl. Math. 12:337-357(1991). 8 Luethy R., Xenarios I., Bucher P. Improving the sensitivity of the sequence profile method. Protein Sci. 3:139-146(1994). APPENDIX A): DISJOINTNESS DEFINITIONS The following notions of disjointness of two alignments between the same profile and the same sequence are currently defined: Name Parameters Description -------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNIQUE Multiple profile-sequence alignment between the same profile and the same sequence are not permitted. The result of a profile search consists of a single best alignment. PROTECT N1 (int) Two profile-sequence alignments are disjoint if the N2 (int) two sequence segments associated with the `protected' profile area do not overlap. The protected profile area extends from match position N1 to match position N2 inclusive. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPENDIX B): NORMALIZATION FUNCTIONS The following score normalization functions are currently defined. Name Parameters Formula (X = raw score, Y= normalized score) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LINEAR R1 (real) Y = R1 + R2 * X R2 (real) GLE_ZSCORE R1 (real) X/[R1*(1.0-exp(R2*SeqLen-R3))]-R4 R2 (real) Y = --------------------------------- R3 (real) R5 R4 (real) R5 (real) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sequence-dependent variables: - SeqLen (integer) is the length of the sequence. Notes: - The score normalization function named GLE_ZSCORE has been described by Gribskov, Luethy, and Eisenberg in [1].