The softwares in this directory are for Macintosh. Please fetch them using 'Fetch' which is a popular ftp tool for Mac or Netscape. Short Description ----------------- Frog-3.1.cpt.hqx -- Sequence analysis package, FROG(ver3.1) programmed by Prof. Naomasa Miki of Oaka University Medical Scool. ghom.bin --- Homology search assistant program with good GUI based on client-server model gnome.bin - E-mail based sequence analysis tool for homology search, motif search and key word serch of DNA/Protein database developed by Human Genome Center, University of Tokyo. (requires 4MB free memories) gentry.bin -- Tool for getting a sequence data from DNA/protein database by locus name or accession numer. KensaakuTJ.3.1.1.cpt.hqx -- Personal database management tool for a bibliography developted by Prof. Naomasa Miki of Oaka University Medical Scool. mac-ortep-20.cpt.hqx -- Ortep program package for mac.