2004-05-05 11:26  dondosha

	* core/blast_hits.h (1.38): Renamed functions in accordance with
	  new convention Blast_[StructName][Task]

2004-05-05 11:26  dondosha

	* core/blast_traceback.h (1.26): Minor change in comment

2004-05-05 11:27  dondosha

	* core/blast_engine.c (1.126), core/blast_hits.c (1.94),
	  core/blast_traceback.c (1.101), core/link_hsps.c (1.31),
	  api/twoseq_api.c (1.6): Renamed functions in blast_hits.h
	  accordance with new convention Blast_[StructName][Task]

2004-05-05 17:16  camacho

	* core/: blast_stat.h (1.35), blast_stat.c (1.67): Make
	  Blast_GetStdAlphabet and Blast_ScoreFreqNew non-static

2004-05-06 10:01  camacho

	* core/: blast_psi_priv.c (1.3), blast_psi_priv.h (1.3): +

2004-05-06 10:44  camacho

	* core/: blast_stat.h (1.36), blast_stat.c (1.68): Made
	  Blast_ScoreFreqDestruct non-static

2004-05-06 11:05  camacho

	* core/blast_stat.c (1.69): Fix to previous commit

2004-05-06 11:26  camacho

	* core/matrix_freq_ratios.c (1.1): Initial revision

2004-05-06 11:28  camacho

	* core/matrix_freq_ratios.h (1.2): Provide an interface to retrive
	  the matrices' frequency ratios

2004-05-06 11:59  camacho

	* core/: blast_stat.c (1.70), blast_stat.h (1.37): Made
	  Blast_KarlinBlkCalc non-static

2004-05-07 11:18  papadopo

	* core/blast_engine.c (1.127): 1. Remove code that scaled up scores
	  for RPS blast (along with    the code that overrode const keyword
	  to do so) 2. use BlastScoringParams in place of
	  BlastScoringOptions 3. remove scaling of any scores passed to
	  result structure

2004-05-07 11:19  papadopo

	* core/: blast_gapalign.c (1.92), blast_hits.c (1.95): use
	  BlastScoringParameters in place of BlastScoringOptions

2004-05-07 11:22  papadopo

	* core/blast_options.c (1.102): 1. add functions to allocate and
	  free BlastScoringParameters structures 2. apply a scaling factor
	  to all cutoffs generated in HitSavingParameters    or
	  ExtentionParameters structures

2004-05-07 11:23  papadopo

	* core/blast_setup.c (1.84): add scale factor as an input argument
	  to ScoreBlk creation code

2004-05-07 11:23  papadopo

	* core/blast_stat.c (1.71): add initialization of scale factor to

2004-05-07 11:26  papadopo

	* core/blast_traceback.c (1.102): 1. Use BlastScoringParameters
	  instead of BlastScorignOptions 2. Remove use of psi_options in
	  all traceback functions 3. Make sure query exists before counting
	  out-of-frame number of identities

2004-05-07 11:31  papadopo

	* core/blast_engine.h (1.33): change function pointer typedef of
	  GetGappedScore to use BlastScoringParameters instead of

2004-05-07 11:32  papadopo

	* core/: blast_gapalign.h (1.41), blast_hits.h (1.39): use
	  BlastScoringParameters instead of BlastScoringOptions

2004-05-07 11:33  papadopo

	* core/blast_options.h (1.68): add BlastScoringParameters and
	  functions to fill it; remove use of psi_options

2004-05-07 11:36  papadopo

	* core/blast_setup.h (1.37): add scale factor as input argument to
	  BlastMainSetup and GetScoreBlk

2004-05-07 11:37  papadopo

	* core/blast_stat.h (1.38): add scale factor field to

2004-05-07 11:37  papadopo

	* core/blast_traceback.h (1.27): use BlastScoringParameters instead
	  of BlastScoringOptions, remove use of psi_options

2004-05-07 11:46  papadopo

	* api/twoseq_api.c (1.7): add scale factor of 1.0 to BlastMainSetUp

2004-05-10 10:27  madden

	* core/: blast_engine.c (1.128), blast_options.c (1.103):
	  Correction to CalculateLinkHSPCutoffs to use gap_trigger in
	  calculation of small cutoff

2004-05-10 10:28  madden

	* core/blast_options.h (1.69): Add BlastExtensionParameters as
	  formal parameter to CalculateLinkHSPCutoffs so as to use
	  gap_trigger in calculation of small cutoff

2004-05-11 08:25  madden

	* core/link_hsps.c (1.32): Adjustment for tblast[nx]

2004-05-11 08:26  madden

	* core/blast_engine.c (1.129): Reset subject length to original for
	  long sequences in BLAST_SearchEngineCore, refactor function

2004-05-12 08:16  madden

	* core/: blast_traceback.h (1.28), blast_traceback.c (1.103): Add
	  PSIBlastOptions to BLAST_ComputeTraceback

2004-05-12 08:18  madden

	* core/: blast_options.c (1.104), blast_options.h (1.70): Clean out
	  PSIBlast options, add fields to ExtensionOptions to support
	  smith-waterman and composition-based stats

2004-05-12 08:19  madden

	* core/blast_engine.c (1.130): Add psi_options to call to

2004-05-13 10:56  camacho

	* core/matrix_freq_ratios.c (1.2): Fix for retrieving frequency
	  ratios matrices

2004-05-14 09:13  camacho

	* core/blast_options.h (1.71): 1. Made inclusion threshold
	  consistent with blastpgp 2. Added comments for PSIBlastOptions

2004-05-14 09:14  camacho

	* core/blast_options.c (1.105): Use correct definition for
	  inclusion threshold

2004-05-14 11:05  camacho

	* core/greedy_align.h (1.9): Moved enums and #defines to a more
	  private scope

2004-05-14 11:06  camacho

	* core/greedy_align.c (1.17): Moved enums from greedy_align.h

2004-05-14 11:06  camacho

	* core/blast_gapalign.c (1.93): Moved #defines from
	  greedy_align.[hc] - Needs refactoring

2004-05-14 11:29  camacho

	* core/: blast_gapalign.h (1.42), greedy_align.h (1.10),
	  blast_gapalign.c (1.94), greedy_align.c (1.18): Renamed
	  GreedyAlignMem, ThreeVal, and MBSpace structures to avoid
	  conflicts with C toolkit

2004-05-14 11:48  camacho

	* core/blast_stat.h (1.39): Removed 'tools' matrix (copied from

2004-05-14 12:02  madden

	* core/blast_hits.c (1.96): Added typedef for BlastHSPSegment

2004-05-14 12:02  madden

	* core/: aa_ungapped.c (1.30), blast_extend.c (1.61), phi_extend.c
	  (1.5), aa_ungapped.h (1.16), blast_engine.h (1.34),
	  blast_extend.h (1.24), phi_extend.h (1.3): Rename
	  BLAST_ExtendWord to Blast_ExtendWord in order to fix conflicts
	  with C toolkit

2004-05-14 12:03  madden

	* core/blast_hits.h (1.40): Removed definition of BLASTHSPSegment

2004-05-14 12:29  dondosha

	* api/blast_format.c (1.49): Renamed ScoreAndEvalueToBuffers to
	  avoid collision with new public function

2004-05-14 13:09  dondosha

	* core/: blast_diagnostics.c (1.1), blast_diagnostics.h (1.1):
	  Diagnostic information returned from the BLAST engine

2004-05-14 13:09  dondosha

	* core/: aa_ungapped.h (1.17), blast_engine.h (1.35),
	  blast_extend.h (1.25), blast_gapalign.h (1.43), phi_extend.h
	  (1.4), aa_ungapped.c (1.31), blast_engine.c (1.131),
	  blast_extend.c (1.62), blast_gapalign.c (1.95), phi_extend.c
	  (1.6): BlastReturnStat structure changed to BlastDiagnostics and

2004-05-14 13:11  dondosha

	* core/blast_options.c (1.106): Minor correction in setting

2004-05-14 13:11  dondosha

	* core/blast_setup.c (1.85): Length adjustment must be calculated
	  even when search space option is set

2004-05-14 13:11  dondosha

	* core/: blast_util.h (1.48), blast_util.c (1.67): Added const
	  qualifier for query_info argument in BLAST_GetQueryLength

2004-05-14 13:12  dondosha

	* core/link_hsps.c (1.33): Fixed typo which lead to occasional
	  wrong results

2004-05-14 13:14  dondosha

	* core/blast_hits.c (1.97): First priority in sorting HSPs in HSP
	  lists is e-value, then score

2004-05-14 13:19  dondosha

	* api/: blast_returns.c (1.1), blast_returns.h (1.1): Manipulation
	  of data returned from BLAST other than Seq-aligns

2004-05-14 13:19  dondosha

	* api/: blast_format.c (1.50), blast_format.h (1.21): Use
	  BlastSeqSrc instead of readdb API; changed BlastReturnStat
	  structure to BlastDiagnostics

2004-05-14 13:20  dondosha

	* api/: blast_seqalign.c (1.32), blast_seqalign.h (1.14): Subject
	  Seq-loc not needed in BLAST_ResultsToSeqAlign: use BlastSeqSrc

2004-05-14 13:20  dondosha

	* api/blast_seq.c (1.40): Use NUM_FRAMES macro instead of
	  hard-coded value 6

2004-05-14 13:24  dondosha

	* api/: twoseq_api.c (1.8), twoseq_api.h (1.3): Added
	  BLAST_SummaryReturn structure; BLAST_TwoSeqLocSets function to
	  compare sets of Seq-locs

2004-05-14 13:58  dondosha

	* core/: blast_gapalign.c (1.96), blast_hits.c (1.98): Moved
	  declaration of a local variable to the top of the scope

2004-05-14 15:39  dondosha

	* api/seqsrc_readdb.c (1.28): Minor fix in last sequence assignment
	  in constructor

2004-05-17 06:37  camacho

	* core/: blast_stat.h (1.40), blast_stat.c (1.72): Rename
	  BLAST_ScoreFreq, BLASTMatrixStructure and BLAST_ResComp to avoid
	  conflicts with C toolkit

2004-05-17 11:26  madden

	* core/blast_gapalign.h (1.44): Removed ExtensionAlgorithmType,
	  renamed and moved to blast_options.h

2004-05-17 11:27  madden

	* core/blast_options.h (1.72): Added EBlastPrelimGapExt as
	  replacement for algorithm_type in extension options

2004-05-17 11:29  madden

	* core/: blast_engine.c (1.132), blast_gapalign.c (1.97),
	  blast_traceback.c (1.104): Int algorithm_type replaced with enum

2004-05-17 11:30  madden

	* core/blast_options.c (1.107): Int algorithm_type replaced with
	  enum EBlastPrelimGapExt, removed include for blast_gapalign.h

2004-05-17 11:41  dondosha

	* core/: blast_engine.c (1.133), blast_traceback.c (1.105): Minor
	  memory leak fix

2004-05-17 11:54  madden

	* core/blast_options.h (1.73): Removed unneeded enums

2004-05-17 12:26  papadopo

	* api/twoseq_api.c (1.9): change greedy alignment flags to enum

2004-05-17 12:38  camacho

	* core/blast_setup.h (1.38): Make function declarations more

2004-05-17 12:43  camacho

	* core/blast_setup.c (1.86): Minor refactoring

2004-05-18 09:22  madden

	* core/: blast_kappa.c (1.1), blast_kappa.h (1.1): SmithWaterman
	  and composition-based stats code

2004-05-18 09:23  madden

	* core/blast_gapalign_pri.h (1.1): Private declarations for

2004-05-18 09:23  madden

	* core/blast_gapalign.c (1.98): Make ALIGN_EX non-static

2004-05-18 13:46  madden

	* core/blast_kappa.c (1.2): Changes for doxygen compliance

2004-05-19 10:29  dondosha

	* core/blast_def.h (1.41): Removed BlastReturnStat structure, as it
	  has been refactored

2004-05-19 10:52  camacho

	* core/: aa_ungapped.h (1.18), blast_def.h (1.42),
	  blast_diagnostics.h (1.2), blast_dust.h (1.10), blast_engine.h
	  (1.36), blast_extend.h (1.26), blast_filter.h (1.18),
	  blast_gapalign.h (1.45), blast_hits.h (1.41), blast_kappa.h
	  (1.2), blast_lookup.h (1.8), blast_message.h (1.7),
	  blast_options.h (1.74), blast_rps.h (1.5), blast_seg.h (1.10),
	  blast_seqsrc.h (1.19), blast_setup.h (1.39), blast_stat.h (1.41),
	  blast_traceback.h (1.29), blast_util.h (1.49), gapinfo.h (1.6),
	  greedy_align.h (1.11), link_hsps.h (1.10), lookup_util.h (1.8),
	  lookup_wrap.h (1.4), mb_lookup.h (1.12), ncbi_math.h (1.7),
	  ncbi_std.h (1.28), pattern.h (1.3), phi_extend.h (1.5),
	  phi_lookup.h (1.4), aa_ungapped.c (1.32), blast_diagnostics.c
	  (1.2), blast_dust.c (1.24), blast_encoding.c (1.2),
	  blast_engine.c (1.134), blast_extend.c (1.63), blast_filter.c
	  (1.44), blast_gapalign.c (1.99), blast_hits.c (1.99),
	  blast_inline.h (1.2), blast_kappa.c (1.3), blast_lookup.c (1.25),
	  blast_message.c (1.12), blast_options.c (1.108), blast_psi_priv.c
	  (1.4), blast_seg.c (1.22), blast_seqsrc.c (1.19), blast_setup.c
	  (1.87), blast_stat.c (1.73), blast_traceback.c (1.106),
	  blast_util.c (1.68), gapinfo.c (1.8), greedy_align.c (1.19),
	  link_hsps.c (1.34), lookup_util.c (1.8), lookup_wrap.c (1.6),
	  mb_lookup.c (1.33), ncbi_math.c (1.8), ncbi_std.c (1.13),
	  pattern.c (1.9), phi_extend.c (1.7), phi_lookup.c (1.13): 1.
	  Added doxygen tags to enable doxygen processing of
	  algo/blast/core 2. Standardized copyright, CVS $Id string, $Log
	  and rcsid formatting and i	location 3. Added use of @todo
	  doxygen keyword

2004-05-19 11:06  dondosha

	* core/: blast_engine.h (1.37), blast_gapalign.h (1.46),
	  blast_stat.h (1.42), blast_traceback.h (1.30), gapinfo.h (1.7),
	  pattern.h (1.4): Moved seedSearchItems definition to phi_lookup.c

2004-05-19 11:10  dondosha

	* core/: blast_engine.h (1.38), blast_gapalign.h (1.47),
	  blast_stat.h (1.43): Previous change should not have been

2004-05-19 11:13  dondosha

	* core/: blast_traceback.h (1.31), gapinfo.h (1.8): Previous change
	  should not have been committed

2004-05-19 11:15  dondosha

	* core/phi_lookup.c (1.14): Moved seedSearchItems definition from

2004-05-19 11:19  dondosha

	* core/blast_gapalign.h (1.48): Moved BlastGapDP structure
	  definition to blast_gapapign.c

2004-05-19 11:21  dondosha

	* core/gapinfo.h (1.9): Changed edit script operations #defines to
	  an enum

2004-05-19 11:21  dondosha

	* core/blast_gapalign.c (1.100): Moved BlastGapDP definition from
	  header file; edit script operations changed from macros to an

2004-05-19 11:22  dondosha

	* core/: blast_hits.c (1.100), blast_traceback.c (1.107): Edit
	  script operations changed from macros to an enum

2004-05-19 11:23  dondosha

	* core/link_hsps.c (1.35): Use NUM_STRANDS macro instead of hard
	  coded number 2

2004-05-19 11:23  dondosha

	* core/blast_util.c (1.69): Use CODON_LENGTH macro instead of hard
	  coded number 3

2004-05-19 11:27  dondosha

	* api/blast_seqalign.c (1.33): Edit script operations changed from
	  macros to an enum

2004-05-19 11:34  dondosha

	* core/blast_stat.h (1.44): Moved Blast_ResComp definition to
	  source file

2004-05-19 11:34  dondosha

	* core/blast_stat.c (1.74): Moved Blast_ResComp definition from
	  header file

2004-05-19 13:02  madden

	* core/blast_kappa.c (1.4): Move #defines for Xchar and StarChar
	  from blast_kappa.h, make upper-case

2004-05-19 13:03  madden

	* core/blast_kappa.h (1.3): Remove (to blast_kappa.c) #defines for
	  Xchar and StarChar

2004-05-19 13:05  coulouri

	* core/blast_lookup.h (1.9): remove dead macros

2004-05-19 15:39  madden

	* core/blast_kappa.c (1.5): Fix memory leak with matrix

2004-05-20 08:48  madden

	* core/blast_kappa.c (1.6): ANother memory leak

2004-05-20 09:08  madden

	* core/blast_traceback.c (1.108): Add call to

2004-05-20 09:46  madden

	* core/blast_kappa.c (1.7): Fix problems with argument conversions
	  identified by PC build

2004-05-20 11:20  madden

	* core/: blast_kappa.c (1.8), blast_kappa.h (1.4): Doxygen
	  compliance fixes

2004-05-20 12:28  madden

	* core/: blast_stat.h (1.45), blast_hits.c (1.101), blast_options.c
	  (1.109), blast_stat.c (1.75), blast_traceback.c (1.109): Make
	  searchsp an Int8 consistent with rest of blast

2004-05-20 13:59  papadopo

	* core/mb_lookup.h (1.13): Remove SECOND_TEMPLATE_BIT, since
	  megablast does not use it anymore

2004-05-24 09:26  madden

	* core/: blast_engine.c (1.135), blast_extend.c (1.64),
	  blast_filter.c (1.45), blast_gapalign.c (1.101), blast_kappa.c
	  (1.9), blast_stat.c (1.76): Fix PC compiler warnings

2004-05-24 10:09  camacho

	* core/: blast_hspstream.c (1.1), blast_hspstream.h (1.1): Initial

2004-05-24 11:09  camacho

	* core/blast_stat.c (1.77): Fixed conflict

2004-05-24 11:28  camacho

	* core/blast_hspstream.c (1.2): Fix compile error in

2004-05-24 11:49  madden

	* core/blast_seg.h (1.11): Moved three defines and two structures
	  to blast_seg.c

2004-05-24 11:51  madden

	* core/blast_seg.c (1.23): Moved three defines and two structures
	  from blast_seg.h, prepended S to structures per C++ toolkit

2004-05-24 13:26  camacho

	* core/blast_options.c (1.110): Fix PC warning

2004-05-24 13:26  madden

	* core/blast_kappa.c (1.10): Doxygen fixes

2004-05-24 13:27  madden

	* core/blast_kappa.h (1.5): Doxygen fix

2004-05-26 11:40  dondosha

	* core/blast_traceback.c (1.110): Check that HSP length exceeds the
	  min_hit_length option

2004-05-26 12:04  papadopo

	* core/: blast_options.h (1.75), blast_options.c (1.111): fix
	  doxygen errors

2004-05-27 10:48  papadopo

	* core/: blast_options.h (1.76), blast_rps.h (1.6): fix doxygen

2004-05-28 11:55  camacho

	* core/: blast_psi.h (1.1), blast_psi.c (1.1): Initial revision

2004-05-28 12:00  camacho

	* core/: blast_psi_priv.c (1.5), blast_psi_priv.h (1.4): + first
	  port of PSSM generation engine

2004-05-28 12:20  camacho

	* core/blast_util.c (1.70): Fix warning detected by msvc 6

2004-05-28 13:35  camacho

	* core/blast_psi_priv.c (1.6): Fix msvc6 warnings

2004-06-04 11:16  papadopo

	* core/blast_lookup.h (1.10): fix doxygen warnings

2004-06-07 10:18  dondosha

	* core/blast_psi_priv.c (1.7): Added some variables initialization,
	  to remove compiler warnings

2004-06-07 10:20  dondosha

	* core/blast_stat.c (1.78): Set matrix dimensions to 26 when matrix
	  is read from a file, to make it the same as when matrix is loaded
	  from a library

2004-06-07 10:22  dondosha

	* core/: blast_util.h (1.50), blast_util.c (1.71): Added
	  Blast_GetQueryIndexFromContext and BlastQueryInfoDup functions

2004-06-07 10:24  dondosha

	* core/mb_lookup.h (1.14): Added doxygen comments to all macros

2004-06-07 10:32  dondosha

	* core/: blast_engine.c (1.136), blast_engine.h (1.39): Moved
	  definition of the BlastCoreAuxStruct structure from
	  blast_engine.h to blast_engine.c since it is not used elsewhere

2004-06-07 10:44  madden

	* core/: blast_stat.c (1.79), blast_stat.h (1.46): Doxygen fixes

2004-06-07 10:46  dondosha

	* core/blast_engine.c (1.137): Call CalculateLinkHSPCutoffs only
	  for translated ungapped searches, as in old engine, instead of
	  whenever sum statistics is used

2004-06-07 10:55  dondosha

	* core/blast_hits.h (1.42): Made Blast_HSPListUniqSort public

2004-06-07 10:56  dondosha

	* core/blast_hits.c (1.102): Changed the way HSP inclusion tests
	  are performed after the preliminary gapped alignment: no checking
	  for inclusion inside sorting function

2004-06-07 10:57  dondosha

	* core/blast_engine.c (1.138): Moved call to Blast_HSPListUniqSort
	  outside of Blast_HSPListReevaluateWithAmbiguities

2004-06-07 11:06  dondosha

	* core/blast_hits.c (1.103): Removed 2 comparison functions that
	  are no longer needed

2004-06-07 11:43  dondosha

	* core/blast_options.h (1.77): Made do_sum_stats option an enum,
	  allowing to add a not-set value

2004-06-07 11:44  dondosha

	* core/blast_options.c (1.112): do_sum_stats option is now an enum;
	  set do_sum_stats parameter only if option is not set;

2004-06-07 12:26  dondosha

	* core/blast_traceback.c (1.111): Always calculate e-values before
	  dividing scores by the scaling factor; divide Lambda by scaling
	  factor immediately before the e-value calculation

2004-06-07 13:06  dondosha

	* core/: blast_hspstream.h (1.2), blast_hspstream.c (1.3): Added
	  optional BlastHSPStreamClose method to close stream for writing

2004-06-07 13:11  dondosha

	* core/blast_seqsrc.h (1.20): Added BlastSeqSrcCopy method

2004-06-07 13:12  dondosha

	* core/blast_seqsrc.c (1.20): Added BlastSeqSrcCopy method with a
	  default implementation

2004-06-07 13:14  dondosha

	* api/seqsrc_readdb.c (1.29): Improvement in ReaddbGetSeqIdStr;
	  added ReaddbSeqSrcCopy, using readdb_attach to allow multiple
	  threads working with one database

2004-06-07 13:15  dondosha

	* api/seqsrc_readdb.h (1.10): Added ReaddbSeqSrcCopy, using
	  readdb_attach to allow multiple threads working with one database

2004-06-07 14:22  dondosha

	* core/blast_hits.h (1.43): Added bit score to BlastHSP structure,
	  and function to calculate bit scores

2004-06-07 14:23  dondosha

	* core/blast_engine.c (1.139): Call
	  Blast_HSPListReevaluateWithAmbiguities only when all information
	  is available for it

2004-06-07 14:24  dondosha

	* core/blast_hits.c (1.104): Added Blast_HSPListGetBitScores
	  function to fill bit scores in an HSP list

2004-06-07 14:25  dondosha

	* core/blast_traceback.c (1.112): Added calculation of bit scores
	  in HSP lists after traceback alignment is done

2004-06-07 14:40  dondosha

	* api/blast_format.c (1.51): Bit scores are now available in HSP
	  structures; renamed PrintSeqDefline to Blast_SeqIdGetDefLine,
	  made it public in preparation for tabular output

2004-06-07 14:40  dondosha

	* api/blast_format.h (1.22): Renamed PrintSeqDefline to
	  Blast_SeqIdGetDefLine, made it public in preparation for tabular

2004-06-07 14:41  dondosha

	* api/: blast_seqalign.c (1.34), blast_seqalign.h (1.15),
	  twoseq_api.c (1.10): Bit scores are now available from HSP

2004-06-07 15:20  dondosha

	* core/blast_traceback.c (1.113): Do not divide Lambda by scale
	  factor in e-value calculations for PSI-BLAST

2004-06-07 16:03  coulouri

	* core/blast_stat.c (1.80): use floating point constants for
	  comparisons with floating point variables

2004-06-07 16:05  coulouri

	* core/blast_hits.c (1.105): remove unused variable

2004-06-08 10:58  dondosha

	* core/: blast_gapalign.h (1.49), blast_options.h (1.78),
	  blast_gapalign.c (1.102): Removed is_neighboring option; let
	  application set min_hit_length and percent_identity options

2004-06-08 11:01  coulouri

	* core/blast_psi.h (1.2): remove dead REAL_PROT_ALPHABET
	  preprocessor symbol

2004-06-08 11:05  madden

	* core/blast_stat.c (1.81): Doxygen fixes

2004-06-08 11:09  dondosha

	* core/: blast_engine.h (1.40), blast_hits.h (1.44), blast_kappa.h
	  (1.6), blast_traceback.h (1.32), hspstream_collector.h (1.1): Use
	  BlastHSPStream interface in the engine instead of saving hits

2004-06-08 11:10  dondosha

	* core/blast_options.h (1.79): Removed skip_traceback option; added
	  eSkipTbck type to traceback types enum

2004-06-08 11:12  dondosha

	* core/blast_gapalign.c (1.103): traceback_done field is no longer
	  needed and removed from BlastHSPList structure

2004-06-08 11:12  dondosha

	* core/blast_options.c (1.113): Removed skip_traceback option;
	  added eSkipTbck type to traceback extension types enum

2004-06-08 11:13  dondosha

	* core/: blast_engine.c (1.140), blast_hits.c (1.106),
	  blast_kappa.c (1.11), blast_traceback.c (1.114),
	  hspstream_collector.c (1.1): Use BlastHSPStream interface in the

2004-06-08 11:36  dondosha

	* api/twoseq_api.c (1.11): Use BlastHSPStream interface

2004-06-08 11:37  dondosha

	* api/: hspstream_queue.c (1.1), hspstream_queue.h (1.1): Queue
	  implementation of BlastHSPStream, for on-the-fly output

2004-06-08 11:38  dondosha

	* api/: blast_tabular.c (1.1), blast_tabular.h (1.1):
	  Implementation of a thread producing on-the-fly tabular output

2004-06-08 12:09  kans

	* api/twoseq_api.c (1.12): moved BlastHSPStream* hsp_stream
	  definition to top of BLAST_TwoSeqLocSets function to compile in C

2004-06-08 13:29  dondosha

	* core/: aa_ungapped.h (1.19), blast_diagnostics.h (1.3),
	  blast_gapalign.h (1.50), blast_hits.h (1.45), gapinfo.h (1.10),
	  aa_ungapped.c (1.33), blast_engine.c (1.141), blast_gapalign.c
	  (1.104), blast_hits.c (1.107), blast_kappa.c (1.12),
	  blast_psi_priv.c (1.8), blast_setup.c (1.88), blast_traceback.c
	  (1.115), hspstream_collector.c (1.2), link_hsps.c (1.36),
	  ncbi_math.c (1.9), phi_lookup.c (1.15): Compiler warnings fixes

2004-06-08 13:39  dondosha

	* core/: blast_gapalign.h (1.51), blast_gapalign.c (1.105): Made
	  ALIGN_EX public, as it is needed in blast_kappa.c

2004-06-08 13:46  dondosha

	* api/: blast_tabular.c (1.2), hspstream_queue.c (1.2),
	  hspstream_queue.h (1.2), seqsrc_multiseq.c (1.6): Strict compiler
	  warnings fix

2004-06-08 13:47  dondosha

	* api/: blast_seqalign.c (1.35), blast_seqalign.h (1.16),
	  twoseq_api.c (1.13): Use boolean arguments for gapped calculation
	  and out-of-frame modes instead of BlastScoringOptions

2004-06-08 13:54  dondosha

	* core/: blast_gapalign.h (1.52), gapinfo.h (1.11): Removed extra
	  function declaration: it is declared in blast_gapalign_pri.h

2004-06-08 14:00  dondosha

	* core/blast_gapalign.c (1.106): Added #include of

2004-06-09 10:02  camacho

	* core/blast_engine.c (1.142): Fix compiler warning

2004-06-09 10:10  camacho

	* core/blast_psi.h (1.3): Removed unneeded include

2004-06-09 10:10  camacho

	* core/blast_options.h (1.80): Added use_best_alignment option

2004-06-09 10:11  camacho

	* core/blast_options.c (1.114): Set default for use_best_alignment

2004-06-09 10:20  camacho

	* core/blast_psi_priv.h (1.5): Updated comments

2004-06-09 10:21  camacho

	* core/: blast_psi.c (1.2), blast_psi_priv.c (1.9),
	  matrix_freq_ratios.c (1.3): Removed msvc compiler warnings

2004-06-09 18:27  dondosha

	* core/blast_options.c (1.115): Do not reduce score cutoffs to
	  gap_trigger value for ungapped blastn

2004-06-09 18:44  dondosha

	* core/blast_options.c (1.116): Set sum statistics parameter to
	  TRUE by default for ungapped blastp

2004-06-10 09:21  madden

	* core/blast_stat.c (1.82): Rename RPSFillResidueProbability to
	  Blast_FillResidueProbability, made public.  Removed usage of
	  Removed useless defines DIMOFP0 and DIMOFP0_MAX Moved over some
	  defines from blast_stat.h

2004-06-10 09:22  madden

	* core/blast_stat.h (1.47): Removed some outdated defines for
	  OS_MAC and OS_DOS, moved some other defines to blast_stat.c Add
	  prototype for Blast_FillResidueProbability.

2004-06-10 09:25  madden

	* core/blast_kappa.c (1.13): Removed function
	  fillResidueProbability, use Blast_FillResidueProbability instead
	  Make use of _PSIGetStandardProbabilities.  Replaced defines XCHAR

2004-06-14 11:34  dondosha

	* core/blast_hits.h (1.46): Added 2 small functions needed to
	  calculate values for tabular output

2004-06-14 11:35  dondosha

	* core/blast_hits.c (1.108): Added 2 small functions needed to
	  calculate values for tabular output; fix in

2004-06-14 11:37  dondosha

	* core/blast_engine.c (1.143): Calculate bit scores in preliminary
	  engine for ungapped searches or when there is no traceback stage

2004-06-14 11:38  dondosha

	* core/blast_traceback.c (1.116): Small change in comment

2004-06-14 16:43  dondosha

	* api/: blast_tabular.c (1.3), blast_tabular.h (1.2): Use genetic
	  code string directly in tabular format data structure, instead of

2004-06-15 10:50  dondosha

	* core/blast_hits.c (1.109): Use BLASTSeqSrcRetSequence to free
	  uncompressed sequence in Blast_HSPListReevaluateWithAmbiguities

2004-06-15 10:51  dondosha

	* core/blast_setup.c (1.89): Only return error if all query
	  sequences are completely filtered, not just one of them

2004-06-15 16:01  dondosha

	* core/blast_gapalign.c (1.107): Correction in AdjustSubjectRange
	  for setting subject length for very long sequences

2004-06-16 10:29  ivanov

	* core/blast_hits.h (1.47): Moved #include's outside extern "C"

2004-06-16 10:53  dondosha

	* core/: blast_dust.h (1.11), blast_engine.h (1.41), blast_filter.h
	  (1.19), blast_kappa.h (1.7), blast_seg.h (1.12), blast_setup.h
	  (1.40), blast_traceback.h (1.33), blast_util.h (1.51), gapinfo.h
	  (1.12), hspstream_collector.h (1.2), link_hsps.h (1.11),
	  lookup_wrap.h (1.5), mb_lookup.h (1.15): Moved extern "C" after
	  the #includes

2004-06-16 11:18  camacho

	* core/blast_psi.c (1.3): Add missing casts

2004-06-16 11:22  camacho

	* core/blast_psi_priv.c (1.10): Fixes to add new unit tests

2004-06-16 15:34  madden

	* core/: blast_stat.c (1.83), blast_stat.h (1.48): Doxygen fixes,
	  made some params const

2004-06-16 17:23  dondosha

	* api/: blast_returns.c (1.2), blast_seqalign.c (1.36): Minor
	  memory leak fix

2004-06-17 16:46  camacho

	* core/blast_options.c (1.117): Use consistent return values for

2004-06-17 16:46  camacho

	* core/blast_psi_priv.h (1.6): doxygen fixes

2004-06-17 16:47  camacho

	* core/blast_psi_priv.c (1.11): Minor fix to extent sizes

2004-06-17 16:47  camacho

	* core/blast_psi.h (1.4): doxygen fix

2004-06-18 10:01  madden

	* core/blast_stat.c (1.84): Doxygen fixes, made some input params
	  const, do not set deprecated sbp->maxscore

2004-06-18 10:02  madden

	* core/blast_stat.h (1.49): Doxygen fixes, remove deprecated
	  karlinK and maxscore from BlastScoreBlk

2004-06-21 08:52  camacho

	* core/: blast_lookup.c (1.26), blast_stat.c (1.85), blast_psi.c
	  (1.4), blast_psi_priv.c (1.12), blast_psi_priv.h (1.7),
	  blast_rps.h (1.7), blast_psi.h (1.5): Replace PSI_ALPHABET_SIZE

2004-06-21 08:53  camacho

	* core/blast_encoding.h (1.4): Remove PSI_ALPHABET_SIZE as it is
	  identical to BLASTAA_SIZE

2004-06-21 10:22  madden

	* core/blast_kappa.c (1.14): Makes new code consistent with changes
	  by Mike Gertz to kappa.c (submitted by A. Schaffer).

	  For secondary alignments with Smith-Waterman on, use the E-value
	  from the X-drop alignment computed by ALIGN that has more
	  flexibility in which positions are allowed in the dynamic

	  Add a sort of alignments for the same query-subject pair because
	  the use of X-drop alignments occasionally reorders such

2004-06-21 10:52  madden

	* core/: blast_kappa.c (1.15), blast_kappa.h (1.8), blast_stat.h
	  (1.50): Doxygen fixes

2004-06-22 12:22  dondosha

	* api/: hspstream_queue.c (1.3), hspstream_queue.h (1.3): Added
	  doxygen comments

2004-06-22 12:45  camacho

	* core/blast_def.h (1.43), core/blast_engine.c (1.144),
	  core/blast_filter.c (1.46), core/blast_gapalign.c (1.108),
	  core/blast_hits.c (1.110), core/blast_kappa.c (1.16),
	  core/blast_options.c (1.118), core/blast_setup.c (1.90),
	  core/blast_traceback.c (1.117), core/blast_util.c (1.72),
	  core/hspstream_collector.c (1.3), core/link_hsps.c (1.37),
	  api/blast_format.c (1.52), api/blast_returns.c (1.3),
	  api/blast_seq.c (1.41), api/blast_seqalign.c (1.37),
	  api/seqsrc_multiseq.c (1.7), api/twoseq_api.c (1.14): Changed the
	  blast_type_* definitions for the EBlastProgramType enumeration.

2004-06-22 13:49  dondosha

	* core/hspstream_collector.h (1.3): 1. Added doxygen comments; 2.
	  Added locking mechanism for writing results from multiple

2004-06-22 13:51  dondosha

	* core/hspstream_collector.c (1.4): 1. Added locking mechanism for
	  writing results from multiple threads; 2. Added more doxygen

2004-06-22 13:52  dondosha

	* core/: blast_options.h (1.81), link_hsps.h (1.12), blast_engine.c
	  (1.145), blast_options.c (1.119), blast_setup.c (1.91),
	  blast_traceback.c (1.118), link_hsps.c (1.38): Moved parameters
	  specific to HSP linking into a independent structure

2004-06-23 10:03  dondosha

	* core/blast_engine.c (1.146): Call BLASTSeqSrcRetSequence instead
	  of BlastSequenceBlkClean

2004-06-23 10:04  dondosha

	* core/blast_util.c (1.73): Set allocated booleans to FALSE in
	  BlastSequenceBlkClean after freeing respective buffers

2004-06-23 10:20  dondosha

	* api/seqsrc_readdb.c (1.30): RetSequence for readdb is equivalent
	  to BlastSequenceBlkClean, so just call it instead of duplicating

2004-06-23 10:21  dondosha

	* api/: blast_mtlock.c (1.1), blast_mtlock.h (1.1): Callbacks for
	  BLAST locking mechanism using connect library

2004-06-23 10:43  dondosha

	* core/blast_options.c (1.120): Return 0 from PSIBlastOptionsNew if
	  NULL pointer argument is provided

2004-06-23 10:52  kans

	* api/blast_mtlock.c (1.2): fixed Blast_MT_LOCKInit to compile in C

2004-06-23 14:02  dondosha

	* api/blast_returns.c (1.4): Return NULL from Blast_GetDbSummary if
	  this is not a database search

2004-06-24 11:41  papadopo

	* core/blast_gapalign.c (1.109): Traceback computations must
	  compensate for rows of the traceback array not beginning at
	  offset 0 of the subject sequence

2004-06-24 17:10  dondosha

	* api/: blast_format.c (1.53), blast_format.h (1.23): Removed dead
	  code: function BLAST_PrintIntermediateResults

2004-06-24 17:17  dondosha

	* api/blast_tabular.c (1.4): Boolean argument in
	  ScoreAndEvalueToBuffers changed to Uint1

2004-06-25 13:36  camacho

	* core/blast_psi.c (1.5): Added assertions

2004-06-25 16:16  camacho

	* core/blast_psi_priv.c (1.13): 1. Minor fixes to sequence weights
	  calculation 2. Add comments

2004-06-25 16:31  camacho

	* core/blast_psi_priv.c (1.14): Remove C++ comments

2004-06-28 09:37  madden

	* core/blast_def.h (1.44): Add typedef for BlastMaskInformation

2004-06-28 09:38  madden

	* core/: blast_setup.h (1.41), blast_setup.c (1.92): Change
	  BLAST_MainSetUp to use BlastMaskInformation rather than

2004-06-28 11:02  papadopo

	* core/blast_hits.h (1.48): correct convention for hsp_num_max arg
	  of HSPListAppend and HSPListsMerge

2004-06-28 11:58  madden

	* api/twoseq_api.c (1.15): Use BlastMaskInformation for

2004-06-28 17:06  dondosha

	* core/: blast_hits.c (1.111), blast_kappa.c (1.17),
	  blast_traceback.c (1.119): Memory leak fix

2004-06-28 17:27  dondosha

	* api/blast_format.c (1.54): Do not close AsnIoPtr twice in case of
	  XML output

2004-06-28 17:41  dondosha

	* core/blast_options.c (1.121): Test for NULL input in

2004-06-28 22:45  dondosha

	* api/blast_format.c (1.55): Title of HTML output should say BLAST
	  instead of MEGABLAST

2004-06-29 13:26  dondosha

	* core/blast_engine.c (1.147): Call ParametersFree type functions
	  to free parameter structures instead of sfree

2004-06-29 13:27  dondosha

	* core/blast_kappa.c (1.18): Minor memory leak fix

2004-06-30 08:53  madden

	* api/: blast_format.c (1.56), blast_format.h (1.24): Remove
	  redundant (copied) typedefs for BlastPruneSapStruct and MBXml

2004-06-30 10:22  kans

	* api/blast_format.c (1.57): undef BUFFER_LENGTH (previously
	  defined in blastpri.h)

2004-06-30 11:20  dondosha

	* core/: greedy_align.h (1.12), greedy_align.c (1.20): Renamed
	  typedef edit_op_t to MBEditOpType

2004-07-01 10:23  madden

	* api/blast_format.c (1.58): Properly set align_options if
	  align_view is non-zero

2004-07-01 12:56  madden

	* api/blast_format.c (1.59): Make formatting consistent with
	  current megablast

2004-07-01 15:36  dondosha

	* api/: blast_format.c (1.60), blast_returns.c (1.5),
	  blast_returns.h (1.2): Use functions and definitions from newly
	  created blfmtutl.[ch] instead of static ones

2004-07-02 10:01  dondosha

	* api/blast_tabular.c (1.5): Fix in query info initialization for
	  tabular thread

2004-07-02 12:28  dondosha

	* api/blast_seqalign.c (1.38): Removed a wrong SeqIdSetFree call

2004-07-02 12:44  dondosha

	* api/seqsrc_multiseq.c (1.8): Fixed minor memory leak

2004-07-02 13:57  camacho

	* core/blast_psi_priv.h (1.8): Made _PSIUpdatePositionCounts

2004-07-02 14:00  camacho

	* core/blast_psi_priv.c (1.15): 1. Document rationale for order in
	  which sequences are compared in
	  _PSIPurgeNearIdenticalAlignments.  2. Fix in
	  _PSIPurgeSimilarAlignments to take into account the X residues 3.
	  Refactorings in sequence weight calculation functions:    -
	  Simplification of _PSICheckSequenceWeights	- Addition of
	  _PSISpreadGapWeights	  - Reorganization of

2004-07-02 15:23  dondosha

	* core/: gapinfo.h (1.13), greedy_align.h (1.13): Added doxygen

2004-07-02 15:27  dondosha

	* core/phi_lookup.c (1.16): Added doxygen comments

2004-07-02 15:35  dondosha

	* core/blast_extend.h (1.27): Added doxygen comments

2004-07-02 15:40  camacho

	* core/: blast_psi.c (1.6), blast_psi_priv.c (1.16): Fixes for
	  handling out-of-memory conditions

2004-07-06 09:32  madden

	* api/blast_input.c (1.11): make sure old (possibly freed)
	  locations are not accesses for masking

2004-07-06 11:23  camacho

	* core/blast_psi_priv.c (1.17): Fix memory acccess error

2004-07-06 11:26  dondosha

	* core/blast_def.h (1.45): Minor change in comment

2004-07-06 11:28  dondosha

	* core/blast_dust.h (1.12): Added doxygen comment; removed unused
	  argument in static function

2004-07-06 11:29  dondosha

	* core/phi_extend.h (1.6): Added one doxygen comment

2004-07-06 11:29  dondosha

	* core/phi_lookup.h (1.5): Added more doxygen comments

2004-07-06 11:30  dondosha

	* core/: pattern.h (1.5), ncbi_std.h (1.29): Added some doxygen

2004-07-06 11:30  dondosha

	* core/lookup_wrap.h (1.6): Added a doxygen comment

2004-07-06 11:32  dondosha

	* core/blast_diagnostics.h (1.4): Added mutex locking mechanism
	  from connect library; added doxygen comments

2004-07-06 11:33  dondosha

	* core/blast_engine.h (1.42): Added BLAST_PreliminarySearchEngine
	  function, allowing to separate preliminary search stage from

2004-07-06 11:35  dondosha

	* core/: blast_filter.h (1.20), blast_gapalign.h (1.53),
	  blast_hits.h (1.49), blast_options.h (1.82), blast_setup.h
	  (1.42), blast_util.h (1.52), hspstream_collector.h (1.4),
	  link_hsps.h (1.13), blast_traceback.h (1.34): Use
	  EBlastProgramType enumeration type instead of Uint1 for program
	  argument in all functions

2004-07-06 11:36  dondosha

	* core/blast_seqsrc.h (1.21): Removed next_oid field from iterator
	  structure: its function belongs elsewhere

2004-07-06 11:38  dondosha

	* core/blast_diagnostics.c (1.3): Added mutex locking mechanism
	  from connect library; added doxygen comments

2004-07-06 11:39  dondosha

	* core/blast_engine.c (1.148): Refactored code, allowing separation
	  of preliminary search stage from traceback; use EBlastProgramType
	  for program argument in all functions

2004-07-06 11:40  dondosha

	* core/blast_dust.c (1.25): Removed unused argument from a static
	  function; added doxygen comments

2004-07-06 11:42  dondosha

	* core/: blast_filter.c (1.47), blast_gapalign.c (1.110),
	  blast_hits.c (1.112), blast_options.c (1.122), blast_setup.c
	  (1.93), blast_util.c (1.74), hspstream_collector.c (1.5),
	  link_hsps.c (1.39): Use EBlastProgramType enumeration type
	  instead of Uint1 for program argument in all functions

2004-07-06 11:43  dondosha

	* core/blast_traceback.c (1.120): Use EBlastProgramType enumeration
	  type instead of Uint1 for program argument in all functions;
	  Added Blast_RunTracebackSearch to run traceback stage of BLAST

2004-07-06 12:02  dondosha

	* api/seqsrc_readdb.c (1.31): Iterator structure does not have
	  next_oid field any more, but it is not needed anyway

2004-07-06 12:03  dondosha

	* api/: blast_format.c (1.61), blast_format.h (1.25): Do not free
	  Seq-aligns inside BLAST_FormatResults

2004-07-06 15:56  dondosha

	* api/: blast_prelim.c (1.1), blast_prelim.h (1.1): Driver for a
	  thread performing preliminary stage of BLAST in a multi-threaded

2004-07-06 18:11  dondosha

	* api/blast_seqalign.c (1.39): Minor memory leak fix

2004-07-06 18:25  dondosha

	* core/blast_engine.c (1.149): Large memory leak fix

2004-07-06 18:37  kans

	* api/blast_format.c (1.62): in BLAST_FormatResults, second
	  parameter to BlastProgram2Number call needs EBlastProgramType*

2004-07-06 18:46  dondosha

	* api/: blast_format.c (1.63), blast_format.h (1.26): Use
	  EBlastProgramType instead of Uint1 for program arguments

2004-07-07 11:05  camacho

	* core/blast_options.c (1.123): Handle eBlastTypeUndefined in
	  switch stmt

2004-07-07 13:44  dondosha

	* api/blast_tabular.h (1.3): Added options to show only gi or only

2004-07-07 13:44  dondosha

	* api/blast_tabular.c (1.6): Added options to show only gi or only
	  accession; fixed memory leaks

2004-07-07 16:02  dondosha

	* core/blast_hits.c (1.113): Return -1 from Blast_HSPInit if return
	  pointer argument is null

2004-07-07 17:08  camacho

	* core/blast_hits.c (1.114): Fix to previous commit

2004-07-08 08:29  madden

	* api/blast_input.h (1.11): total length of query to be returned is
	  an input value, ctr is now an Int2Ptr following convention of

2004-07-08 08:30  madden

	* api/blast_input.c (1.12): total length of query to be returned is
	  an input value, ctr is now an Int2Ptr following convention of
	  FastaToSeqEntryForDb, fix some return values

2004-07-09 12:14  dondosha

	* api/seqsrc_readdb.c (1.32): Use last_oid_assigned field only from
	  the head link in rdfp chain

2004-07-12 08:56  madden

	* api/blast_input.c (1.13): Clean up BLAST_GetQuerySeqLoc, add
	  error messages for bad returns

2004-07-12 09:29  madden

	* api/blast_seq.c (1.42): Add check to BLAST_SetUpQuery for NULL

2004-07-12 12:01  madden

	* api/: blast_input.c (1.14), blast_input.h (1.12):
	  BLAST_GetQuerySeqLoc now returns total number of letters read, -1
	  on error

2004-07-12 12:03  madden

	* api/: blast_format.c (1.64), blast_format.h (1.27): Addition of

2004-07-12 12:26  papadopo

	* core/: aa_ungapped.c (1.34), blast_engine.c (1.150),
	  blast_extend.c (1.65), blast_inline.h (1.3), blast_lookup.c
	  (1.27), lookup_wrap.c (1.7), mb_lookup.c (1.34), phi_extend.c
	  (1.8), phi_lookup.c (1.17), blast_lookup.h (1.11), mb_lookup.h
	  (1.16), phi_lookup.h (1.6): Prepend 'Blast' to

2004-07-13 13:29  dondosha

	* core/blast_hits.c (1.115): Free packed sequence before retrieving
	  unpacked sequence in Blast_HSPListReevaluateWithAmbiguities

2004-07-13 13:33  dondosha

	* api/seqsrc_readdb.c (1.33): Implemented OID list iteration

2004-07-14 09:15  madden

	* api/: blast_format.c (1.65), blast_format.h (1.28): Clean up of

2004-07-14 09:15  madden

	* api/blast_tabular.c (1.7): Call to Blast_SeqIdGetDefLine changed

2004-07-14 09:16  madden

	* api/blast_returns.c (1.6): Print out reward/penalty for blastn

2004-07-14 09:17  madden

	* api/: blast_input.c (1.15), blast_input.h (1.13): Add
	  believe_query Boolean to BLAST_GetQuerySeqLoc

2004-07-14 14:04  camacho

	* core/blast_stat.c (1.86): Add const type qualifier to
	  BlastScoreBlk in BlastScoreFreqCalc & Blast_KarlinBlkIdealCalc

2004-07-14 14:05  camacho

	* core/blast_stat.h (1.51): Add const type qualifier to
	  BlastScoreBlk in Blast_KarlinBlkIdealCalc

2004-07-15 10:50  madden

	* core/blast_stat.c (1.87): Doxygen fix

2004-07-15 10:51  madden

	* core/blast_engine.c (1.151): Check some return values in

2004-07-15 13:01  madden

	* core/blast_engine.c (1.152): BlastSeqSrcIteratorNew now called
	  with zero instead of BLAST_DB_CHUNK_SIZE

2004-07-15 13:02  madden

	* core/blast_seqsrc.c (1.21): BlastSeqSrcIteratorNew now sets
	  chunk_sz to default if it is zero

2004-07-15 13:02  madden

	* core/blast_engine.h (1.43): Remove #define for

2004-07-15 13:03  madden

	* core/blast_seqsrc.h (1.22): Add extern declaration for
	  kBlastSeqSrcDefaultChunkSize, change comment

2004-07-16 09:57  camacho

	* core/: blast_stat.h (1.52), blast_stat.c (1.88): documentation

2004-07-16 13:31  dondosha

	* core/blast_options.c (1.124): When one-hit word finder is used
	  for protein searches, reduce cutoff score, like it is done in old

2004-07-16 13:32  dondosha

	* core/blast_engine.c (1.153): Get out of BlastSeqSrc iteration if
	  error status is returned; check return status from
	  Blast_HSPListAppend and BLAST_SearchEngineCore functions

2004-07-16 14:48  dondosha

	* api/: blast_returns.h (1.3), twoseq_api.h (1.4): Moved
	  BLAST_KAParameters and BLAST_SummaryReturn from twoseq_api.h to

2004-07-16 14:48  dondosha

	* api/twoseq_api.c (1.16): Minor memory leak fix

2004-07-16 14:49  dondosha

	* api/blast_returns.c (1.7): Added Blast_SummaryReturnFree function

2004-07-16 15:24  dondosha

	* api/seqsrc_multiseq.c (1.9): Copy SeqId in MultiSeqGetSeqId

2004-07-19 09:53  dondosha

	* core/: blast_seqsrc.h (1.23), blast_seqsrc.c (1.22): Removed
	  GetSeqLoc method

2004-07-19 09:56  dondosha

	* api/: seqsrc_multiseq.c (1.10), seqsrc_readdb.c (1.34): Removed
	  GetSeqLoc method

2004-07-19 10:59  dondosha

	* api/: seqsrc_multiseq.c (1.11), twoseq_api.c (1.17): Renamed
	  multiseq_src to seqsrc_multiseq

2004-07-20 15:33  madden

	* core/mb_lookup.c (1.35): Break up MB_LookupTableNew and remove
	  unused #defines, add static functions MB_FillDiscTable and

2004-07-21 13:01  papadopo

	* api/: blast_format.c (1.66), blast_returns.c (1.8),
	  blast_returns.h (1.4), blast_seq.c (1.43), blast_seq.h (1.11),
	  twoseq_api.c (1.18): Fix MSVC6 compile warnings

2004-07-21 14:40  papadopo

	* api/: blast_returns.c (1.9), blast_returns.h (1.5), blast_seq.c
	  (1.44), blast_seq.h (1.12), blast_seqalign.c (1.40),
	  blast_seqalign.h (1.17), blast_tabular.c (1.8), blast_tabular.h
	  (1.4), seqsrc_multiseq.c (1.12), seqsrc_multiseq.h (1.2),
	  twoseq_api.c (1.19): 1. fix more MSVC warnings 2. convert 'Uint1
	  program' to 'EBlastProgramType program'

2004-07-22 13:45  camacho

	* core/blast_psi.c (1.7): 1. Reduced size of returned PSSM to query
	  size (from query size + 1) by number of residues in alphabet.  2.
	  Changed diagnostics structure allocation routine.

2004-07-22 13:46  camacho

	* core/blast_psi.h (1.6): 1. Changed diagnostics structure
	  contents.  2. Documentation changes.

2004-07-22 15:05  camacho

	* core/blast_psi_priv.h (1.9): 1. Removed information content from
	  PsiSequenceWeights structure.  2. Added functions to calculate
	  information content.

2004-07-22 15:06  camacho

	* core/blast_psi_priv.c (1.18): 1. Fix in _PSICheckSequenceWeights.
	  2. Added functions to calculate information content.  3. Cleaned
	  up PSIComputeResidueFrequencies.  4. Removed unneeded code to set
	  populate extra column in PSSMs.  5. Added collection of
	  information content and gapless column weights to diagnostics

2004-07-23 14:13  camacho

	* core/blast_setup.c (1.94): Added initialization of kbp_gap_psi
	  field of BlastScoreBlk

2004-05-05 11:30  dondosha

	* demo/blast_driver.c (1.40): Renamed functions in blast_hits.h
	  accordance with new convention Blast_[StructName][Task]

2004-05-07 11:47  papadopo

	* demo/blast_driver.c (1.41): add scale factor to BlastMainSetUp

2004-05-13 12:58  kans

	* tools/rpsutil.c (6.70): in AnnotateRegionsFromCDD, do not put
	  cdd->ShortName into comment if same as cdd->Definition

2004-05-13 14:24  coulouri

	* demo/fmerge.c (6.6): obsolete

2004-05-13 14:42  coulouri

	* demo/blastall.c (6.143): disable -B for blastcl3

2004-05-13 16:54  coulouri

	* demo/fastacmd.c (6.30): spell 'loci' correctly

2004-05-14 08:10  camacho

	* demo/makemat.c (6.14): Added comments to special cases

2004-05-14 08:13  camacho

	* tools/: posit.h (6.24), posit.c (6.62): Made posDemographics
	  non-static for testing purposes.

2004-05-14 10:39  bealer

	* tools/blastool.c (6.265): - Adjust ethresh to .001 for PSI blast.

2004-05-14 10:41  bealer

	* tools/blastool.c (6.266): - Er. I mean .002, as per blastpgp.

2004-05-14 11:38  dondosha

	* tools/blastool.c (6.267): Use newly public function
	  ScoreAndEvalueToBuffers from txalign.h instead of a static

2004-05-14 13:24  dondosha

	* demo/blast_driver.c (1.42): Changed BlastReturnStat to

2004-05-17 12:26  papadopo

	* demo/blast_driver.c (1.43): change greedy alignment flags to enum

2004-05-21 09:53  dondosha

	* tools/: blastool.c (6.268), blastutl.c (6.435), mblast.c (6.203):
	  Use BLAST_HSPFree to free BLAST_HSP structures, hence no need to
	  call GapXEditBlockDelete in multiple places

2004-05-21 09:53  dondosha

	* tools/blast.c (6.406): Fix in BLASTMergeHitLists

2004-05-25 17:42  dondosha

	* tools/blastutl.c (6.436): Fix in previous change: in some cases
	  edit block should not be freed when BLAST_HSP is freed

2004-05-27 13:35  dondosha

	* tools/mblast.c (6.204): Do not flag HSPs for deletion in sorting
	  before doing inclusion tests

2004-05-27 13:36  dondosha

	* tools/blastutl.c (6.437): Minor fix for previous 2 changes

2004-05-27 13:37  dondosha

	* demo/megablast.c (6.114): Do not call GapXEditBlockDelete in
	  formatting callback - this is now done when HSPs are freed

2004-06-01 16:34  dondosha

	* tools/blastutl.c (6.438): Fix in previous change; memory leak fix

2004-06-03 12:10  dondosha

	* tools/kappa.c (6.40): Fix in Kappa_SearchParametersNew: allocate
	  correct number of rows for matrices

2004-06-07 16:03  coulouri

	* tools/blastkar.c (6.101): use floating point constants for
	  comparisons with floating point variables

2004-06-08 10:03  camacho

	* tools/posit.c (6.63): Alejandro Schaffer's fix to spread out gap
	  costs in posDemographics.

2004-06-08 10:07  kans

	* demo/blast_driver.c (1.44): removed extraneous BlastScoreBlk* sbp
	  parameter from BLAST_ResultsToSeqAlign

2004-06-08 11:41  dondosha

	* demo/blast_driver.c (1.45): 1. Use BlastHSPStream interface; 2.
	  Added possibility to produce on-the-fly tabular output; 3. Set
	  traceback extension option properly depending on command line

2004-06-08 13:47  dondosha

	* demo/blast_driver.c (1.46): Use boolean arguments for gapped
	  calculation and out-of-frame modes instead of BlastScoringOptions

2004-06-14 17:11  papadopo

	* tools/kappa.c (6.41): From Michael Gertz: - Added several casts
	  where casts occur in blast_kappa.c.  These casts	should have
	  no real effect; the log of blast_kappa.c indicates that      they
	  suppress compiler warnings.  - Changed the type of one variable
	  that holds a score from      Nlm_FloatHi to Int4.  - moved the
	  definition Kappa_ForbiddenRanges and relevant      routines
	  earlier in the file.	- fixed some comments.	- made a few (~5)
	  changes in whitespace.

2004-06-18 11:50  madden

	* tools/kappa.c (6.42): For secondary alignments with
	  Smith-Waterman on, use the E-value from the X-drop alignment
	  computed by ALIGN that has more flexibility in which positions
	  are allowed in the dynamic program.

	  Add a sort of alignments for the same query-subject pair because
	  the use of X-drop alignments occasionally reorders such

	  Changes from Mike Gertz, submitted by Alejandro Schaffer.

2004-06-22 10:16  camacho

	* tools/: posit.h (6.25), posit.c (6.64): Changed signature of
	  posFreqsToMatrix, added use of SFreqRatios structure from
	  algo/blast/core/ to obtain underlying matrices' frequency ratios.
	  This change results in using the frequency ratios to provide the
	  scores for the PSSM in columns where all residue frequencies are
	  0. Previously the standard scoring matrix were used.

2004-06-22 10:16  camacho

	* tools/: blastutl.c (6.439), posit2.c (6.10): Changed invocation
	  of posFreqsToMatrix to conform with new signature

2004-06-22 10:16  camacho

	* tools/kappa.c (6.43): Use SFreqRatios structure from
	  algo/blast/core to obtain underlying matrices' frequency ratios.

2004-06-22 12:45  camacho

	* demo/: blast_driver.c (1.47), copymat.c (6.37): Changed the
	  blast_type_* definitions for the EBlastProgramType enumeration
	  from algo/blast.

2004-06-23 10:46  dondosha

	* demo/blast_driver.c (1.48): Added number of threads option; at
	  this time it only triggers locking mechanism for writing results

2004-06-23 10:53  camacho

	* tools/: posit.h (6.26), posit.c (6.65): Copy renamed versions of
	  SFreqRatios and its *{New,Free} functions to avoid dependency
	  ncbitool -> blast

2004-06-23 10:53  camacho

	* tools/kappa.c (6.44): Use renamed FreqRatios structure from

2004-06-23 17:08  dondosha

	* tools/xmlblast.c (6.34): Fixed masking of filtered locations for
	  translated queries

2004-06-24 15:02  dondosha

	* demo/blastpgp.c (6.121): Exit with error status if
	  PGPReadBlastOptions returns NULL

2004-06-24 17:16  dondosha

	* tools/blastool.c (6.269): Boolean argument in
	  ScoreAndEvalueToBuffers changed to Uint1, so pass 0 instead of

2004-06-24 17:48  dondosha

	* demo/blastpgp.c (6.122): Made ungapped search option deprecated

2004-06-25 16:58  dondosha

	* demo/blastpgp.c (6.123): Ungapped option not supported for
	  multi-iterational search, but OK otherwise

2004-06-25 17:54  dondosha

	* tools/posit.c (6.66): Choose ideal values for lambda and K
	  correctly for ungapped search

2004-06-28 09:45  madden

	* demo/blast_driver.c (1.49): Use BlastMaskInformation for
	  BLAST_MainSetUp, set TXALIGN_SHOW_NO_OF_SEGS if ungapped

2004-06-28 10:02  papadopo

	* demo/formatrpsdb.c (1.1): Initial revision

2004-06-28 22:46  dondosha

	* demo/blast_driver.c (1.50): Set parameters properly for HTML

2004-06-29 12:00  papadopo

	* demo/formatrpsdb.c (1.2): add explicit prototype for
	  BlastGetVersionNumber(), use enum value instead of explicit 0

2004-06-29 16:59  camacho

	* tools/readdb.h (6.148): Added last_oid_assigned to
	  ReadDBSharedInfo structure

2004-06-30 08:28  madden

	* tools/: blast.h (6.68), blastpri.h (6.113): Removed some function
	  prototypes and moved to blfmtutl.h

2004-06-30 08:29  madden

	* tools/blastdef.h (6.158): Removed typedef for BlastPruneSapStruct
	  and some defines, moved to blfmtutl.h

2004-06-30 08:29  madden

	* tools/: blastool.c (6.270), blastutl.c (6.440): Moved some
	  functions to blfmtutl.c

2004-06-30 08:31  madden

	* tools/: blfmtutl.c (1.1), blfmtutl.h (1.1): Structures and
	  prototypes for blast formatting utilities

2004-06-30 08:32  madden

	* tools/xmlblast.c (6.35): Added include for blfmtutl.h, removed
	  unused variable

2004-06-30 08:33  madden

	* demo/: blastall.c (6.144), megablast.c (6.115), blastpgp.c
	  (6.124): Add include for blfmtutl.h

2004-06-30 08:51  madden

	* demo/megablast.c (6.116): Use enums (BlastArguments) for
	  arguments, these are consistent with the ones used in

2004-06-30 09:38  madden

	* tools/blfmtutl.h (1.2): Add prototypes for add_string_to_buffer
	  and add_string_to_bufferEx

2004-06-30 09:42  kans

	* tools/: blastool.c (6.271), impatool.c (6.12), readdb.c (6.442):
	  include <blfmtutl.h> to clear up Mac compiler missing prototype

2004-06-30 09:57  kans

	* tools/impatool.c (6.13): add_string_to_bufferEx had to be LIBCALL
	  because of blfmtutl.h prototype

2004-06-30 10:14  madden

	* tools/impatool.c (6.14): Remove add_string_to_bufferEx, already
	  defined in blfmtutl.c

2004-06-30 12:03  kans

	* demo/bl2seq.c (6.61): include <blfmtutl.h>

2004-06-30 15:52  camacho

	* demo/: formatdb.c (6.93), formatrpsdb.c (1.3), fastacmd.c (6.31):
	  Added #include <blfmtutl.h>

2004-06-30 17:03  madden

	* demo/blastclust.c (6.44): Add include for blfmtutl.h

2004-07-06 09:40  madden

	* demo/blast_driver.c (1.51): Properly filter_slp for maskInfo in
	  mask-at-hash case

2004-07-06 12:04  dondosha

	* demo/blast_driver.c (1.52): Multi-threaded search implemented and
	  option added to use it

2004-07-06 12:40  dondosha

	* demo/blast_driver.c (1.53): Use EBlastProgramType for program

2004-07-06 18:29  dondosha

	* demo/blast_driver.c (1.54): Free seqalign in the end, since it is
	  no longer done in BLAST_FormatResults

2004-07-07 11:41  dondosha

	* demo/blast_driver.c (1.55): Added printing of tabular output
	  header for on-the-fly case

2004-07-07 13:45  dondosha

	* demo/blast_driver.c (1.56): Added options to show only gi or only
	  accession in tabular output

2004-07-08 08:30  madden

	* demo/blast_driver.c (1.57): Parameters of BLAST_GetQuerySeqLoc

2004-07-08 11:50  dondosha

	* demo/megablast.c (6.117): Added comment that -Q option must be
	  used together with -D2

2004-07-08 12:48  dondosha

	* demo/megablast.c (6.118): Emit a warning if unable to open file
	  for masked query, and do not attempt to write to it then

2004-07-08 12:50  dondosha

	* demo/megablast.c (6.119): Tiny addition to previous check-in:
	  added file name in warning message

2004-07-08 15:49  camacho

	* tools/: readdb.c (6.443), readdb.h (6.149): Contributions from
	  ID1 Group: 1) SI_Record structure.  2) Refactoring of
	  FDBAddSequence2 to allow addition of non-redundant sequences when
	  creating BLAST databases.

2004-07-08 17:25  kans

	* tools/readdb.c (6.444): fixed Mac compiler error in

2004-07-09 11:40  dondosha

	* tools/readdb.c (6.445): Fix in ReadDBOpenMHdrAndSeqFiles:
	  increment nthreads if at least one of header or sequence files is
	  already mapped

2004-07-09 13:09  camacho

	* tools/readdb.h (6.150): Updated documentation for

2004-07-09 16:18  madden

	* demo/megablast.c (6.120): Init mqfp to NULL to prevent crash if

2004-07-12 12:02  madden

	* demo/blast_driver.c (1.58): Change for BLAST_GetQuerySeqLoc,
	  which now returns total number of letters read, -1 on error

2004-07-12 12:30  papadopo

	* demo/: formatrpsdb.c (1.4), copymat.c (6.38):

2004-07-13 09:54  camacho

	* tools/posit.c (6.67): Fix memory leak

2004-07-13 13:31  camacho

	* tools/readdb.c (6.446): Fix for genmask to count only
	  non-redundant sequences added to the masked databases instead of
	  all sequences.

2004-07-13 15:57  dondosha

	* tools/readdb.c (6.447): Tiny memory leak fix

2004-07-14 09:18  madden

	* demo/blast_driver.c (1.59): Change to BLAST_GetQuerySeqLoc call

2004-07-14 09:54  madden

	* demo/megablast.c (6.121): Optionally use new engine for searches

2004-07-14 14:35  camacho

	* tools/readdb.h (6.151): Added comments for readdb_get_header_ex

2004-07-14 14:35  camacho

	* tools/readdb.c (6.448): Remove unneeded error message in

2004-07-15 08:20  madden

	* demo/megablast.c (6.122): Remove or replace (with ErrPostEx)
	  fprintf to stderr

2004-07-15 16:23  madden

	* demo/: blast_driver.c (1.60), megablast.c (6.123): Check status
	  of BLAST_SearchEngine, ErrPostEx if status non-zero

2004-07-15 17:00  dondosha

	* tools/blastool.c (6.272): Print Accession.Version in megablast
	  tabular output subject ids; print number of sequences in # Query
	  comment if multiple queries

2004-07-19 11:01  dondosha

	* demo/blast_driver.c (1.61): Renamed multiseq_src to

2004-07-19 12:43  dondosha

	* demo/megablast.c (6.124): Renamed multiseq_src to seqsrc_multiseq

2004-07-19 13:05  papadopo

	* tools/blastutl.c (6.441): specify (unused) 'output-to-scoremat'

2004-07-19 13:13  papadopo

	* tools/: posit.h (6.27), posit.c (6.68): add capability to perform
	  input and output of residue frequencies in scoremat form; also
	  call PSIMatrixFrequencyRatiosNew before restarting from

2004-07-19 13:16  papadopo

	* demo/blastpgp.c (6.125): add capability to perform input and
	  output of residue frequencies in scoremat form

2004-07-19 13:17  papadopo

	* demo/formatrpsdb.c (1.5): if an input scoremat only contains
	  residue frequencies, perform impala-specific scaling and create a

2004-07-19 13:19  papadopo

	* demo/makemat.c (6.15): explicitly call
	  PSIMatrixFrequencyRatiosNew before reading in any checkpoint

2004-07-19 13:34  papadopo

	* tools/scoremat.asn (1.8): change weights and position frequencies
	  to type REAL, remove their associated scaling factors

2004-07-19 14:16  madden

	* demo/megablast.c (6.125): Remove include for seqsrc_multiseq.h,
	  not needed

2004-07-19 18:37  dondosha

	* tools/readdb.c (6.449): Added mutex lock/unlock around shared
	  info manipulation in readdb_destruct_element

2004-07-21 14:45  papadopo

	* demo/blast_driver.c (1.62): 1. initialize num_threads before use
	  2. fix MSVC warnings

2004-07-22 11:18  jianye

	* tools/blfmtutl.c (1.2): correct blast paper url

2004-07-22 12:16  camacho

	* tools/readdb.c (6.450): Guard against arguments longer than
	  PATH_MAX to FindBlastDBFile

2004-07-24 14:55  camacho

	* tools/blastutl.c (6.442): Fix to GetSequenceWithDenseSeg when
	  sequence cannot be found

2004-07-24 14:56  camacho

	* tools/posit.c (6.69): Fix in posDemographics when
	  GetSequenceWithDenseSeg cannot find sequence data