k001 1-766 最近のこけ学の進歩  蘚苔類研究会著(著作権所有) このデータベースはコケ学に興味を持たれた方のためのフリーウェアのデータベースです。 著作権は訶苔類研究会にありますが、改変しない限り、またはあなたが受けた権利と同等なもの、もしくはそれ以上のものを当研究会および他の人に渡す場合には、このデータベースの使用および配付は自由とします。「このデータベースの全部および一部を元にした出版を禁じます。(追加するかどうか?)」 営利目的の個人あるいは団体がこのデータベースにより利益を得る目的で有料配布することを禁止します。 海外への配付は方針が決まるまでのしばらくの間禁止します。 蘚苔類研究会(北川、出口、那須、長谷川、西村、樋口、古木、武田、加藤、松井) PROGRESS IN BRYOLOGY  (#1 - #766) BY SENTAIRUI KENKYUKAI (Copy Right Reserved). This is a free ware data basse for every person who has interest in this field. Field; Chemistry: Natural Product Chemistry. Physiology: Cytology. Developmental Biology. Physiology. Enzymology. Ecology: Taxonomy: Diversity. Systematic. Molecular Biology: Gene Expression. Molecular Evolution. Gene Structure. Heredity. Anatomy: Morphology. Anatomy. Structure. Miscellaneous: Bibliography. Mehodology. Literature. etc. Flora: 1 Fatty acyl composition of monogalactosyldiacyl glycerols in bryophyta. Sewom, P. Phytochemistry 31(10), 3409-3412, 1992. B Chemistry. 2 Cortical ultrsastructure of freeze-substituteds protonemata of the moss Funaria hygrometrica. Oparka, K.J., Prior, D.A.M., Plant J. 2(5), 741-750, 1992. M Anatomy 3 A revision of Phylophyllum (Hookeriales). Buck, W.R. Bryologist 95(3), 334-337, 1992. M Taxonomy. 4 Sphagnum tabuleirense, a new species from Brazil. Yano, O., Crum, H. Bryologist 95(3), 343-344, 1992. M Taxonomy. 5 Austrolejeunea jarmaniana a new species of Hepaticae from Tasmania. Grolle, R. Nova Hedwigia 55(1-2), 111-117, 1992. H Taxonomy. 6 Crossidium seriatum (Pottiaceae, Musci) new to Europe. Cano, M.J., Guerra, J., Ros, R.M. Bryologist 95(3), 280-283, 1992. M Taxonomy. Flora. 7 The moss Adelothecium bogotense in continental Africa, with a review of its world range. Ochyra, R., Bednarek-Ochyra, H., Pocs, T., Crosby, M.R. Bryologist 95(3), 287-295, 1992. M Taxonomy. Flora. 8 Enantiomeric composition of monoterpene hydrocarbons from the liverwort Conocephalum conicum. Valterova, I., Unelius, C.R., Vrkoc, J., Norin, T. Phytochemistry 31(9), 3135-3138, 1992. H Chemistry. 9 Hypnogenols and other dihydroflavonols fromthe moss of Hypnum cupressiforme. Sievers, H., Burkhardt, G., Becker, H., Zinsmeister, H.D. Phytochemistry 31(9), 3233-3237, 1992. M Chemistry. 10 Isolation and structure elucidation of bartramia-triluteolin, bartramic acid and biflavonoids from the moss Bartramia pomiformis. Seeger, T., Geiger, H., Zinsmeister, H.D. Z. Naturforsch. Sec. C.-J. Biosci. 47(7-8), 527-530, 1992. M Chemistry. 11 Relationship between frost tolelance and sugar concentration of various bryophytes in summer and winter. Rutten, D., Santarius, K.A. Oecology 91(2), 260-265, 1992. B Ecology. 12 Effect of some factors on uptake and release of Ru-106 by a freshwater moss Plathypnidium riparioides. Vary, F., Baudin, J.P., Svadlenkova, M. Arch. Environ. Contam. Taxicol. 23(2), 190-197, 1992. M Physiology. Ecology. 13 Nomenclatural notes on Fennoscandian bryophytes. Soderstrom, L., Karttunen, K., Hedenas, L. Ann. Bot. Fenn. 29(2), 119-122, 1992. B Taxonomy. 14 Reverse lipid accumulation and translocation of 14-C in the photosynthetically active and senescent shoot parts of Dicranum elongatum. Hakala, K., Sewon, P. Physiol. Plant. 85(1), 111-119, 1992. M Physiology. 15 Cyclomyltaylane, a tetracyclic sesquiterpene hydrocarbon from Bazzania tridens. Wu, C-L., Chang, S-J. Phytochemistry 31(6), 2150-2152, 1992. H Chemistry. 16 The patterns of cell division and chloroplast reproduction in young leaflets of Sphagnum. Butterfass, T. J. Bryol. 17(1), 143-153, 1992. M Anatomy. Physiology. 17 Polar organizer in monoplastidic mitosis of hepatics (Bryophyta). Brown,R.C., Lemmon,B.E. Cell Motil. Cytoskelton 22(1), 72-@@@, 1992 H Physiology. 18 The effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon dioxide on cell development in branch leaves of Sphagnum. Baker, R.G.E., Boatman, D.J. J. Bryol. 17(1), 35-46, 1992. M Physiology. 19 The pH-lowering ability of Sphagnum magellanicum Bird. Gagnon, Z.E., Glime, J.M. J. Bryol. 17(1), 47-57, 1992. M Physiology. 20 The celluar localisation of elements in leaf cells of Sphagnum with the proton microprobe. Watkinson, S.C., Watt, F. Bryologist 95(2), 181-185, 1992. M Physiology. 21 Interpopulation peroxidase variability in Sphagnum girgensohnii Russ. Krzakowa, M., Kalama, H., Wojtun, B. J. Bryol. 17(1), 27-33, 1992. M Biochemistry. Physiology. 22 Bryosoziologische Untersuchungen in Jordanien: Terrestrische und epilithische Gesellschaften. Frey, W., Kurschener, H. Nova Hedwigia 54(3-4), 355-378, 1992. B Ecology. 23 Competition between two Sphagnum species under different deposition levels. Twenhoven, F.L. J. Bryol. 17(1), 71-80,1992 M Ecology. 24 Responses of two interracting Sphagnum species to water level. Li, Y., Glime, J.M., Liao, C. J. Bryol. 17(1), 59-60, 1992 M Ecology. 25 On the degree of adaptation of the moss flora and vegetation in gypsiferous zones of the south-east Iberian Peninsula. Guerra, J., Martinez-Sanchez, J.J., Ros, R.M. J. Bryol. 17(1), 133-142, 1992. M Ecology. 26 Physiological response of three species of Sphagnum to ozone exposure. Gagnon, Z.E., Karnosky, D.F. J. Bryol. 17(1), 81-91, 1992. M Physiology. 27 Biological responses of Sphagnum auriculatum Schimp. to water pollution by heavy metals. Sergio, C., Seneca, A., Maguas, C., Branquinho, C. Cryptogam. Bryol. Lichenol. 13(2), 155-163, 1992. M Ecology. 28 Notes on the Neckeraceae (Musci). 13.Taxonomy of the genus Himantocladium. Enroth, J. Ann. Bot. Fenn. 29(1), 79-88, 1992. M Taxonomy. 29 The European taxa inthe Spagnum recurvum complex. 1. Sphagnum isoviitae sp. nov. Flatberg, K.I. J. Bryol. 17(1), 1-13, 1992. M Taxonomy. 30 A new species of Riccia L. from the island of Madeira, Riccia atlantica, sp. nov. Sergio, C., Perold, S. J. Bryol. 17(1), 127-132, 1992. H Taxonomy. 31 A conspectus of the subfamily Macromitrioideae (Bryopsida: Orthotrichaceae) in southern Africa. van Roody, J., van Wyk, A.E. Bryologist 95(2), 205-215, 1992. M Taxonomy. 32 Common garden experiments with Sphagnum in axenic culture. Anderson, L.E., Basile, M.R., Basile, D.V. J. Bryol. 17(1), 15-25, 1992. M Physiology. 33 A molecular approach to the phylogeny of bryophytes: Cladistic analysis of chloroplast-encoded 16S and 23S ribosomal RNA genes. Mishler, B.D., Thrall, P.H., Hopple, J.S.Jr., De Luna, E., Vilgalys, R. Bryologist 95(2), 172-180, 1992. B Molecular Biology. Taxonomy. 34 Aportaciones a la vegetacion epifita (briofitos y liquenes) II. Burgaz, A.R., Feuertes, E. Cryptogam. Bryol. Lichenol. 13(2), 133-153, 1992. B Ecology. 35 Taxonomic status and position of Thamnites marginatus (Neckeraceae, Musci), an extinct species from the Upper Miocene of southern France. Enroth, J. Ann. Bot. Fenn 29(1), 75-77, 1992. M Taxonomy. 36 Biosynthesis and molecular strain. A computational study on the conformation of cyclic bis (bibenzyl) constituents of liverwort species. Keseru, G.M., Norgadi, M. Phytochemistry 31(5), 1573-1576, 1992. H Chemistry. Physiology. 37 Two azulenes produced by the liverwort, Calypogeia azurea, during in vitro culture. Nakagawara, S., Katoh, K., Kusumi, T., Komura, H., Nomoto, K., Konno, H., Huneck, S., Takeda, R. Phytochemistry 31(5), 1667-1670, 1992. H Chemistry. 38 Ten azulenes from Plagiochila longispina and Calypogeia azurea. Siegel, U., Mues, R., Donig, R., Eicher, T., Blechschmidt, M., Becker, H. Phytochemistry 31(45), 1671-1678, 1992. H Chemistry. 39 Genetic structure and phenotypic plasticity in proximate populations of the moss, Funaria hygrometrica. Shaw, A.J., Bartow, S.W. Syst. Bot. 17(2), 257-271, 1992. M Molecular Biology. 40 Dispersal and coexistance of mosses (Splachnaceae) in patchy habitats. Marino, P.C. J. Ecol. 79(4), 1047-1060, 1992. M Ecology. 41 Competition between mosses (Splachnaceae) in patchy habitats. Marino, P.C. J. Ecol. 79(4), 1031-1046, 1992. M Ecology. 42 Active biomonitoring of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by mean of mosses. Wegner, J.W.M., Vanschaik, M.J.M., Aiking, H. Environ. Pollut. 76(1), 15-18, 1992. M Ecology. 43 Sediments and aquatic mosses as pollution indicators for heavy metals in the Ave River basin (Portugal). Goncalves, E.P.R., Boaventura, D., van Praag, H., van Grieken, R., Jacob, W. Sci. Total. Environ. 114, 7-24, 1992. M Ecology. 44 Heavy metal content of moss from Kampions National Park in Poland. Crarnowska, K., Gworek, B. Environ. Geochem. Health 14(1), 9-14, 1992. M Ecology. 45 Cesium-137 monitoring using lichens and mosses from northern Greece. Sawidis, T., Heinrich, G. Can. J. Bot. 70(1), 140-144, 1992. M Ecology. 46 A taxonomic revision of the moss families Hookeriaceae and Hypopterygiaceae in Malaya. Mohamed, H., Robinson, H. Smithon. Contrib. Bot. 80, 1-44, 1991. M Taxonomy. 47 Phytochemical and morphological support for the existance of two species in Monoclea (Hepaticae). Gradstein, S.R., Klein, R., Kraut, L., Mues, R., Sporle, J., Becker, H. Plant Sys. Evol. 180(1-2), 115-135, 1992. H Taxonomy. Morphology. Chemistry. 48 Preliminary inferences of the phylogeny of bryophytes from nuclear-encoded ribosomal RNA sequences. Waters, D.A., Buchheim, M.A., Dewey, R.A., Chapmann, R.L. Am. J. Bot. 79(4), 459-466, 1992. B Molecular Biology. 49 Transfer RNA genes in the mitochondrial genome from a liverwort, Marchantia polymorpha:The absence of chloroplast-like tRNAs. Oda, K., Yamato, K., Ohta, E., Nakamura, Y., Takemura, M., Nozato, N., Akashi, K., Ohyama, K. Nucleic Acid Reds. 20(14), 3773-3777, 1992. H Molecular Biology. 50 UDP-glucose metabolism during differentiation and dedifferentiation of Riella helicophylla. Witt, H.-J. J. Plant Physiol. 140(3), 276-281, 1992. H Physiology. 51 Changes in activities of enzymes involved in starch metabolism during the development of gemmae to 14-day-old plant of Riella helicophylla. Witt, H.-J., Teubert, B. J. Plant Physiol. 140(3), 375-377, 1992. H Physiology. 52 The combined effects of desiccation and irradiance on mosses from xeric and hydric habitats. Seel, W.E., Hendry, G.A.F., Lee, J.A. J. Exp. Bot. 43(253), 1023-1030, 1992. M Physiology. 53 Effects of desiccation on some activated oxygen processing enzymes and anti-oxidants in mosses. Seel, W.E., Hendry, G.A.F., Lee, J.A. J. Exp. Bot. 43(253), 1031-1037, 1992. M Physiology. 54 Enhancement of invertabrate food resource by bryophytes in New Zealand alpine headwater stream. Suren, A.M. NZ J. Mar. Freshwater Res. 26(2), 229-239, 1992. B Ecology. 55 Re-evalution of Acaulon piligerum (De Not.) Limpr. (Pottiaceae) from Sardinia, as a species of a subgenus new to Europe. Sergio, C. Cryptogam. Bryol. Lichenol. 13(3), 221-226, 1992. M Taxonomy. 56 Gene clusters for ribosomal proteins in the mitochondrial genome of a liverwort, Marchantia polymorpha. Takemura, M., Oda, K., Yamamoto, K., Ohta, E., Nakamura, Y., Nozato, N., Akashi, K., Ohyama, K. Nucleic Acid Res. 20(12), 2959-2965, 1992. H Molecular Biology. 57 Spirodensifolins A and B, new rearrenged pinguisane sesquiterpenoids, from liverwort Frullanoides densifolia. Tori, M., Arbiyanti, H., Taira, Z., Asakawa, Y. Tetrahedron Lett. 33(28), 4011-4012, 1992. H Chemistry. 58 Taxonomic notes on two New Zealand mosses: Bryobartlettia costata Buck (Fabroniaceae) and Calliergon laxirete Zant. et Bartlett (Amblystegiaceae) Beever, J.E. NZ J. Bot. 30(2), 205-206, 1992. M Taxonomy. 59 Liverwort genomes display extensive structural variations. Pike, L.M., Hu, A., Renzaglia, K.S., Musich, P.R. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 109(1), 1-14, 1992. H Molecular Biology. 60 Calycularia crispula (Hepaticae) in the Aleutian Islands and Pacific Northwest of Norht America. Davison, P.G., Smith, D.K. Bryologist 95(3), 266-269, 1992. H Taxonomy. Flora. 61 Notes on North American Polytrichaceae: Polytrichastum. Smith, M.G.L. Bryologist 95(3), 270-273, 1992. M Taxonomy. 62 Miscellaneous notes on the genus Sphagnum. Crum, H. Bryologist 95(3), 274-279, 1992. M Taxonomy. 63 The trade-off between species capture and quantitaitve accuracy in ecological inventory of lichens and bryophytes in forests in Montana. McCune, B., Lesica, P. Bryologist 95(3), 296-304, 1992. B Ecology. 64 Spore dispersal distances in Atrichum angustatum (Polytrichaceae). Stoneburener, A., Lane, D.M., Anderson, L.E. Bryologist 95(3), 324-328, 1992. M Ecology. 65 Brachydontium notorogenses sp. nov. (Seligeriaceae) from southern Brazil. Buck, W.R., Schafter-Verwimp, A. Bryologist 95(3), 343-350, 1992. M Taxonomy. 66 Studies of Fissidens (Bryophyta: Musci) in New Zealand:F.taxifolius Hedw. and F.integerrimus Mitt. Beever, J.E., Stone, I.G. NZ J. Bot. 30(3), 237-246, 1992. M Taxonomy. 67 Life histry of Sphagnum. Pujos, J. J. Bryol. 17(1), 93-105, 1992. M Life history. 68 Hygrohypnum styriacum (Limpr.) Broth. in Scotland, neew to the British Isles. Corley, M.F.V., Rothero, G.P. J. Bryol. 17(1), 107-110, 1992. M Flora. 69 Sanionia orthothecioides (Lindb.) Loeske in Scotland, new to the British Isle. Long, D.G. J. Bryol. 17(1), 111-117, 1992. M Flora. 70 Notes on the genus Thamnobryum in Macaronesia (excluding the Cape Verde Islands). Hedenas, L. J. Bryol. 17(1), 119-125, 1992. M Taxonomy. Flora. 71 Orthotrichum flowersii Vitt (Orthotrichaceae, Musci), nouveau pour la bryoflore europeenne. Boudier, P., Pierrot, R.B. Cryptogam. Bryol. Lichenol. 13(2), 165-170, 1992. M Taxonomy. 72 Plagiochila in western North America. Hong, W.S. Bryologist 95(2), 142-147, 1992. H Taxonomy. Flora. 73 Three species of Fissidens new to mainland China, and a second collection of F. brevinervis (Musci: Fissidentaceae). Redffearn, P.L., Magill, R.E. Bryologist 95(2), 171, 1992. M Taxonomy. 74 Orthotrichum truncato-dentatum, a species known only from extinct habitats. Lewinsky, J. Bryologist 95(2), 218-220, 1992. M Taxonomy. 75 Studies of the genus Plagiothecium in America. Ireland, R.R. Bryologist 95(2), 221-224, 1992. M Taxonomy. Flora. 76 Endangered bryophytes in Europe. During, H.J. Trends Ecol. Evol. 7(8), 253-255, 1992. B Ecology. 77 The occurrence in southern Africa of the hepatic, Symphyogyna brasiliensis (Pallaviciniaceae). Perold, S.M. Bothalia 22(1), 53-58, 1992. H Flora. 78 Bryophyta flora of Alowland and a submontane tropical rainforest in Pernambuco State (Brazil). 2. Ecological analysis. Porto, K.C. Cryptogam. Bryolo. Lichenol. 13(3), 187-219, 1992. B Ecology. Flora. 79 Hormonelle regulation der Moosentwicklung. Bopp, M., Atzorn, R. Naturwissenschaften 79(8), 337-346, 1992. M Physiology. 80 Where are all the hepatic mat liverworts in Scotland? Averis, A. Bot. J. Scotland 46(2), 191-198, 1992. H Flora. 81 Molecular cloning of a novel phytochrome gene of the moss Ceratodon purpureus which encodes a putative light regulated protein kinase. Thummler, F., Dufner, M., Kreisl, P., Dittrich, P. Plant Mol. Biol. 20(6), 1003-1017, 1992. M Molecular Biology. 82 Setiformenol, isolated from the liverwort Tetralophozia setiformis, the first example of cembrene-type diterpene from bryophytes. Tori, M., Nagai, T., Asakawa, Y., Huneck, S. Tetrahedron Lett. 32(4), 643-644, 1993. H Chemistry. 83 Sesquiterpenes of cadinane type from cultured cells of the liverwort, Heteroscyphus planus. Nabeta, K., Katayama, K., Nakagawara, S., Katoh, K. Phytochemistry 32(1), 117-122, 1993. H Chemistry. 84 Sesquiterpene derivatives and a norsesquiterpenoid from the liverworts Riccardia and Porella caespitans var. setigera. Toyota, M., Asakawa, Y. Phytochemistry 32(1), 137-140, 1993. H Chemistry. 85 Terpenoids of the liverwort Frullanoides densifolia and Trocholejeunea sandvicensis. Tori, M., Arbiyanti, H., Taira, Z., Asakawa, Y. Phytochemistry 32(2), 335-348, 1993. H Chemistry. 86 Flavonoid diversity in the liverwort genus Monoclea hookeri. Kraut, L., Klein, R., Mues, R. Z. Naturforsch. Sec. C.-J. Biosci. 47(11-12), 794-799, 1992. H Chemistry. Taxonomy. 87 Physiological aspects of sugar exchange between the gametophyte and the sporophyte of Polytrichum formosum. Renault, S., Bonnemain, J.L., Faye, L., Gaudillere, J.P. Plant Physiol. 100(4), 1815-1822, 1992. M Physiology. 88 Oxygen-18 composition of Sphagnum, and microenvironmental water relations. Aravena, R., Warner, B.G. Bryologist 95(4), 445-448, 1992. M Ecology. 89 The influence of ABA and IAA on in vivo phosphorylation of proteins in Funaria hygrometrica Hedw. Warner, O., Bopp, M. J. Plant Physiol. 141(1), 93-97, 1993. M Physiology. 90 Time-lapse analysis of gravitropism in Ceratodon protonemata. Young, J.C., Sack, F.D. Am. J. Bot. 79(12), 1348-1358, 1992. M Physiology. 91 Niche structure, resource partitioning, and species interractions of mire bryophytes relative to climatic and ecological gradients in western Canada. Gignac, L.D. Bryologist 95(4), 406-418, 1992. B Ecology. 92 Cololejeunea cardiocarpa, an epiphyllous liverwort in southern Africa(Lejeuneaceae). Perold, S.M. Bothalia 22(2), 183-197, 1992 . H Flora. 93 Miscellaneous notes on the genus Sphagnum, 3. New species from Brazil. Crum, H. Bryologist 95(4), 419-429, 1992 . M Taxonomy. 94 Tetrodontium repandum and Seligeria diversifolia discovered in Arctic Canada. Hedderson, Tr.A., Brassard, G.R. Bryologist 95(4), 443-444, 1992. M Flora. 95 Sphagna of the 1979 Projeto Flora Amazonica expedition. Crum, H., Buck, W.R. Brittonia 44(4), 448-460, 1992. M Flora. Taxonomy. 96 Long term change of epiphytic vegetation in Tokyo and neighboring area, with special reference to surveying methods. Taoda, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(12), 193-196, 1992. B Ecology. 97 Bazzania bidentula and B. silkkimensis. Mizutani, M. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(12), 196-198, 1992. H Taxonomy. 98 Notes on Cepharoziella of Japan. Furuki, T. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(10), 155-158, 1992. H Flora. Taxonomy. 99 Ecological notes and distribution range of Mania fragrans (Balbis) Frye et Clark in Japan. Furuki, T., Hiraoka, T. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(10), 158-160, 1992. H Ecology. 100 Some mosses newly found in Tokunoshima Isl., southern Japan. Higuchi, M., Matsui, T. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(10), 161, 1992. M Flora. 101 Jungermannia handelii (Schiffn.) Amak. found from Mt. Chokai, northern Japan. Furuki, T., Inoue, M. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(10), 162, 1992. H Flora. 102 Bryophytes of Mingan Archpelago National Paark Reserve, Quebec: A boreal flora with arctic and alpine components. Belland, R.J., Schofield, W.B., Hedderson, T.A. Can. J. Bot. 70(11), 2207-2222, 1992. B Flora. 103 Expression of myb-related genes in the moss, Physcomitrella patens. Leech, M.J., Kammerer, W., Cove, D.J., Martin, C., Wang. T.L. Plant J. 3(1), 51-61, 1993. M Molecular Biology. 104 Photosynthesis, pigments, and chloroplast ultrastructure of an antarctic liverwort from sun-exposed and shaded sites. Post, A., Vesk, M. Can J. Bot. 70(11), 2259-2264, 1992. H Physiology. Ecology. 105 Flavone-C-glycosides from the mosses Plagiomnium elatum and Plagiomnium cuspidatum. Anhut, S., Biehl, J., Seeger, T., Mues, R., Zinsmeister, H.D. Z. Naturforsch. Sect. C.-J. Biosci. 47(9-10), 654-660, 1992. M Chemistry. 106 3',3'"-binaringenin, a new biflavonoid from Pilotrichella cuspidata (Metreoriaceae, Musci). Seeger, T., Geiger, H., Zinsmeister, H.D., Frahm, J.-P., Witte, L. Z. Naturforsch. Sect. C.-J. Biosci. 47(9-10), 667-669, 1992. M Chemistry. 107 Comparative measurement of desiccation-tolerance in the Tortula ruralis complex. I. Variation in damage control and repair. Oliver, M.J., Mishler, B.D., Quisenberry, J.E. Am. J. Bot. 80(2), 127-136, 1993. M Physiology. 108 Decay potential of hummock and holloow Sphagnum peats at different depths in a Swedish raised bog. Hogg, E.H. Oikos 66(2), 269-278, 1993. M Ecology. 109 Conserved names for mosses: A brief history. Magill, R.E. Taxon 42(1), 5-15, 1993. M Taxonomy. 110 Bryophytes of the Melville Hills region, Northwest Territories. Scotter, G.W., Vitt, D.H. Can. Field-Nat. 106(1), 87-99, 1993. B Ecology. 111 Group I introns in the liverwort mitochondrial genome: The gene coding for subunit 1 of cytochrome oxidase shares five intron positions with its fungal counterparts. Ohta, E., Oda, K., Yamato, K., Nakamura, Y., Takemura, M., Nozato, N., Akashi, K., Ohyama, K., Michel, F. Nucleic Acid Res. 21(5), 1297-1305, 1993. H Molecular Biology. 112 Cotranscriptional expression of mitochondrial genes for the subunits of NADH dehydrogenase, nad5, nad4, nad2, in Marchantia polymorpha. Nozato, N., Oda, K., Yamato, K., Ohta, E., Takemura, M., Asahi, K., Fukuzawa, H. and Ohyama, K. Mol. Gen. Genet. 237(3), 343-350, 1993. H Molecular Biology. 113 Three clerodane-diterpenoids from the liverwort Schistochila nobilis Tori, M., Masuya, T., Asakawa, Y. Phytochemistry 32(5), 1235-1237, 1993. H Chemistry. 114 Sesqui- and triterpenoids of liverwort Conocephalum japonicum. Toyota, M., Asakawa, Y. Phytochemistry 32(5), 1229-1233, 1993. H Chemistry. 115 The use of an acid solochrome azurine stain to detect and assess the distribution of aluminium in Sphagnum moss. Denton, J., Oughton, D.H. Ambio 22(1), 19-22, 1993. M Ecology. Physiology. 116 Studies on Geocalycaceae (Hepaticae). IX. Chiloscyphus perpusillus (Hook,f. & Tayl.) Engel: A study in novel asexual reproductive strategies. Engel, J.J. Nova Hedwigia 56(1-2), 241-246. H Taxonomy. 117 Spore morphology in Pottia starckeana (Hedw.) C.Mull. (Pottiaceae, Musci) and its closest species. Carrion, J.S., Ros, R.M., Guerra, J. Nova Hedwigia 56(1-2), 89-112, 1993. M Taxonomy. 118 Studies on Hepaticae, LXII-LXIV. Lepidoziaceae subf. Zoopsidoideae (1). Schuster, R.M. Nova Hedwigia 56(1-2), 131-137, 1993. H Taxonomy. 119 Orthotrichum spjutii (Orthotrichaceae) a new species from the northern Sierra of California. Norris, D.H., Vitt, D.H. Nova Hedwigia 56(1-2), 259-262, 1993. M Taxonomy. 120 Orthotrichum ibericum sp. nov., a new moss from the Iberian Peninsula. Lara, F., Mazimpaka, V. Nova Hedwigia 56(1-2), 263-271, 1993. M Taxonomy. 121 Donnes ecologiques sur la bryoflora de la ville de Cuenca (Espagne). Aptroot, A., van der Knaap, W.O. Nova Hedwigia 56(1-2), 183-129, 1993. B Ecology. 122 Gemmae of Schlotheimia japonica. Imura, S. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6(1),1-3, 1993. M Anatomy. Morphorogy. 123 A field guide to bryophytes in Mie-ken Yamada, K. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6(1), 5-7, 1993. B Ecology. 124 Buxbaumia aphylla Hedw. newly found in the Kii Peninsula. Yamamoto, S., Doei, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6(1), 5, 1993. M Flora. 125 Notes on Cephaloziella of Japan. Furuki, T. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(10), 155-158,1992 H Flora. 126 Ecological notes and distribution range of Mannia fragrans (Balbis) Frye et Clark in Japan. Furuki, T., Hiraoka, T. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(10),158-160, 1992. H Ecology. 127 Folioceros appendiculatus, new to Japan. Hasegawa, J. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(9), 137-140,1991. A Flora. 128 Notes on perianth of Radula constricta Step. Yamada, K. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(9), 140-141, 1991. H Anatomy. Morphology. 129 Symbolism of bryophytes III. Ando, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(8), 119-125, 1991. B Physiology. 130 Homomallium simlaens (Mitt.) Broth. newly found in China. Higuchi, M., Suga, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(8), 125-126, 1991. M Flora. 131 Ephemerum spinulosum Bruch & Scimp. ex Schimp. found in Shikoku. Deguchi, H., Mitani, S. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(8), 126, 1991. M Flora. 132 New locality of Campylopus fragilis (Brid.) Bruch et Schimp. Terao, K. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(8), 126-127, 1991. M Flora. 133 New localicity of Platydictya hattorii. Kanda, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(8), 127-128, 1991. M Flora. 134 Illustrated keys to the Japanese genera and species of the Ditrichaceae (Musci). Matsui, T., Iwatsuki, Z. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(7), 101-105, 1991. M Taxonomy. 135 A "copper moss" Scopelophila cataractae and copper. (2) Accumulation of copper. Satake, K. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(7), 105-107, 1991. M Ecology. 136 Some new mosses from Okayama Prefecture. Tateishi, Y., Kiguchi, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(7), 109-110, 1991. M Flora. 137 On some hepatics found in Chiba Pref., central Japan. Furuki, T., Nakamura, T. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(7), 110-111, 1991. H Flora. 138 A handy tool for preservation of fresh sample of liverworts. Ohta, Y. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(7), 111-112, 1991. H Miscellaneous. 139 Symbolism of breyophytes II. Ando, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(6),83-87, 1990. B Miscellaneous. 140 Note concerning M.Shirai's Mosses of Tokyo and its vicinity. Mizushima, U. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(6), 88-91, 1990. M Taxonomy. Flora. 141 Primary production and nitrogen economy of Racomitrium lanuginosum at the subalpine lava field of Mt. Fuji. Nakatsubo, T. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(5), 65-70, 1990. M Ecology. Physiology. 142 On malformed leaves of Antarctic mosses. Kanda, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(5), 71-72, 1990. M Morphology. 143 Two species of Platydictya (Amblystegiaceae), new to Japan. Kanda, H. and Deguchi, H. Proc,Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(5), 72-73, 1990. M Flora. 144 Symbolism of bryophytes I. Ando, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(5), 74-78, 1990. B Miscellaneous. 145 Hisahiko Sasaoka's moss collection preserved in the herbarium of Botanical Institute, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Higuchi, M. Proc. Bryolo. Soc. Jpn. 5(5), 78-79, 1990. M Taxonomy. 146 A memorial to the late Dr. Hiroshi Inoue. Kitagawa, N. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(5), 79-81, 1990. B Miscellaneous. 147 Distribution of epiphytic bryophytes and atomospheric pollution in Tokyo. Suga, K., Ohashi, T. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(11), 173-178, 1992. B Ecology. Flora. 148 Symbolism of bryophytes IV. Ando, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(11), 179-184, 1992. B Miscellaneous. 149 Japanese species of Plagiochasma and Reboulia. Mizutani, M. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(11), 184-187, 1992. H Taxonomy. 150 Five moss-species found in dried ponds in Okayama-ken. Tateishi, Y. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(11), 187-189, 1992. M Flora. Ecology. 151 Stem growth of Climacium japonicum Lindb. Nishimura, N. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(11), 189-190, 1992. M Physiology. Morphology. 152 A "copper moss" Scopelophila cataractae and copper (1)- Distribution of Scopelophila cataractae in the world. Satake, K. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(4), 49-54, 1990. M Ecology. Flora. 153 On Porotrichum gracilescens Nog., Neckeraceae, in Japan. Nishimura, N. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(4), 54-55, 1990. M Flora. Taxonomy. 154 A bibliography of Mr. Tetsuji Kato and Clastobryum katoi Broth. Seki, T. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(4), 55-57, 1990. M Miscellaneous. 155 The exhibition and herbarium of bryophytes in the Natural Histry Museum and Institute, Chiba. Nakamura, T., Furuki, T. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(4), 58-59, 1990. B Miscellaneous. 156 Seasonality of growth and reproduction of male plants of Trachycystis flagellaris (Sull. et Lesq.) Lindb. (Musci). Imura, S., Iwatsuki, Z. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(3), 33-36, 1989. M Ecology. 157 Hyocomium armoricum in Japan. Nishimura, N. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(3), 36-37, 1989. M Flora. Taxonomy. 158 Sasaokaea aomoriensis found in Kyusyu, southern Japan. Kanda, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(3), 37, 1989. M Flora. 159 A summary of the Japanese species of the Leucodontaceae (Musci). Akiyama, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(2), 15-21, 1989. M Taxonomy. 160 Key to the Japanese species of the Racomitrium canescens group. Deguchi, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(2), 21-24, 1989. M Taxonomy. 161 Gammae of Oedipodium griffithianum (Dicks.) Schwaegr. (Musci) from Mts. Ohmine-san, in the Kinki Peninsula, Japan. Doei, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(2), 24-26, 1989. M Morphology. Flora. 162 Hygroscopic movement of operculum in Pogonatum neesii - a mechanism for deoperculation. Deguchi, H., Yananose, N. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(2), 26, 1989. M Anatomy. 163 Saelania glaucescens (Hedw.) Broth. found in Rokko Mountains, Hyogo, Japan. Deguchi, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(2), 27, 1989. M Flora. 164 Culture of Schistostega pennata in empty bottles in urban areas. Koike, Y. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(2), 27-28, 1989. M Miscellaneous. 165 Development of sporophyte, calyptra and vaginula in Pogonatum neesii (C. Mull.) Dozy. Deguchi, H., Yananose, N. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(1), 209-214, 1989. M Physiology. Anatomy. Ecology. 166 Bryophytes of Ajisu Reclaimed Land, Yamaguchi Prefecture. Shiomi, T. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(1), 214-216, 1989. B Flora. Ecology. 167 Dendroceros japonicus in the Bonin Isls. Hasegawa, J. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(1), 216-217, 1989. A Flora. 168 New localities of two Radula species from North Korea. Yamada, K. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(1), 217, 1989. H Flora. 169 A new locality of Tortula pagorum (Milde) De Not. in Japan. Higuchi, M. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 5(1), 217-218, 1989. M Flora. 170 Entrapment of long-distance transported pollen grains by various moss species in costal Victoria Land, Africa. Linskens, H.F., Bargagli, R., Cresti, M., Focardi, S. Polar Biol. 13(2), 81-88, 1993. M Ecology. 171 Ecological analysis of the herb and moss layer in several fir and spruce forests (Vysoke Tatry mountains). Kubicek, F., Somsak, L. Ekologia 12(1), 45-59, 1993. B Ecology. 172 The effects of water chemistry on the growth of Scorpidium scorpioides in Canada and the Netherlands. Vitt, D.H., van Wirdum, G., Halsey, L., Zoltai, S. Bryologist 96(1), 106-111, 1993. M Ecology. 173 A revision of Rigodium (Musci: Rigodiaceae). Zomlefer, W.B. Bryoligist 96(1), 1-72, 1993. M Taxonomy. 174 Syrrhopodon autotomaius, a remarkable new species of Calymperaceae (Musci) from Honduras. Reese, W.D. Bryologist 96(1), 145-148, 1993. M Taxonomy. 175 Ultrastructural characteristics fo the placental region of Folioceros and their taxonomic significance. Vaughn, K.C., Hasegawa, J. Bryologist 96(1), 112-121, 1993. A Anatomy. Taxonomy. 176 Triquetrella arapilensis y especies afines: Su morfoligia y distribucion geografica. Casas, C., Cros, R.M., Munoz, J. Bryologist 96(1), 121-131, 1993. M Taxonomy. Ecology. Anatomy. 177 Census of the mosses of western Australia. Stoneburner, A., Wyatt, R., Catcheside, D.G., Stone, I.G. Bryologist 96(1), 86-101, 1993. M Taxonomy. Flora. 178 The spread of the moss Hyophila involuta in Ontario. Ireland, R.R., Schepanek, M.J. Bryologist 96(1),132-137, 1993. M Flora. Ecology. 179 Campylopus japonicus new to North America north of Mexico. Frahm, J.-P. Bryologist 96(1), 142-144, 1993. M Flora. 180 Effect of nutrients on CO2 assimilation by mosses on a sub-Antarctic island. Smith, V.R. New Phytol. 123, 693-697, 1993. M Physiology. 181 The plastome-encoded zfpA gene of a moss contains procaryotic as well as eucaryotic promoter consensus sequences and itsd RNA abundance is modulated by cytokinin. Kasten, B., Wehe, M., Kruse, R. Reutter, K., Abel, W.O., Reski, R. Curr. Genet. 22(4), 327-334, 1992. B Molecular Biology. 182 CO2 environment, microclimate and photosynthetic characteristics of the moss Hylocomium splendens in a subarctic habitat. Sonesson, M., Gehrke, C., Tjus, M. Oecologia 92(1), 23-29, 1992. M Physiology. 183 Patterns of microtubles organization in two polyhedral cell types in the gametophyte of the liverwort Marchantia paleacea Bert. Apostolakos, P., Galatis, B. New Phytol. 122(1), 165-178, 1992. H Anatomy. 184 Biomass and nutrient accumulation in 10 year old bryophyte communities inside a flood plain in the Luquillo experimental forest, Puerto Rico. Frangi, J.L., Lugo, A.E. Biotropica 22(2A), 106-112, 1992. B Ecology. 185 Pulse release of sugars asnpolyols from canopy bryophytes in tropical montane rain forest. Coxson, D.S., McIntyre, D.D., Vogel, H.J. Biotropica 22(2A), 121-133, 1992. B Ecology. 186 Large scale multi-element survey of atmospheric deposition using naturally growing moss as biomonitor. Steinnes, E., Rambaek, J.P., Hanssen, J.E. Chemospere 25(5), 735-752, 1992. M Ecology. 187 Inorganic and organic sulfur profiles in nine Sphagnum peat bogs in the United States and Czechoslovakia. Novak, M., Wieder, R.K. Water Air Soil Pollut. 65(3-4), 353-369. M Ecology. 188 (+)-(4S',5R',7S',8R')-eremophila-9,11,-dien-8alpha-ol from the liverwort Marspella emarginata. Harrison, L.J., Becker, H., Connolly, J.D., Rycrotft, D.S. Phytochemistry 31(11), 4027-4028, 1992. H Chemistry. 189 Bibenzyl glycosides from the liverwort Ricciocarpas natans. Kunz, S., Becker, H. Phytochemistry 31(11), 3981-3983,1992. H Chemistry. 190 A physiological role of abscisic acid in the liverwort Riccia fluitans L. Hellwege, E.M., Volk, O.H., Hartung, W. J. Plant Physiol. 140(5), 553-556, 1992. H Physiology. 191 Sex ratio from germination through maturity and its reproductive consequences in the liverwort Sphaerocarpos texanus. McLetchie, D.N. Oecologia 92(2), 273-278, 1992. H Ecology. 192 Protonemal morphogenesis of the moss Tetraphis pellucida Hedew. in culture and in the wild. Goode, J.A., Duckett, J.G., Stead, A.,D. Ann. Bot. 70(6), 519-530, 1992. M Anatomy. 193 Spore structure and reproductive biology in Archidium alternifolium (Dicks. ex Hedw.) Schimp. Miles, C.J., Longton, R.E. J. Bryol. 17(2), 203-222, 1992. M Anatomy. Ecology. 194 Scanning electron microscopy of lamella-margin characters and the phytogeography of the genus Polytrichadelphus. Proctor, M.C.F. J. Bryol. 17(2), 317-333, 1992. M Anatomy. Ecology. 195 A survey of diaspore liberation mechanisms and germination patterns in mosses. Duckett, J.G., Longton, R.E. J. Bryol. 17(2), 355-368, 1992. M Ecology. 196 Deposition of moss spores in relation to distance from parent gametophytes. Miles, C.J., Longton, R.E. J. Bryol. 17(2), 355-368, 1992. M Ecology. 197 Stable carbon isotope discrimination measurements in Sphagnum and other bryophytes: Physiological and ecological implications. Proctor, M.C.F., Raven, J.A., Rice, S.K. J. Bryol. 17(2), 193-202, 1992. M Physiology. Ecology. 198 Oxygenated sesquiterpenes from liverwort Bazzania tridens. Wu, C.L., Chen, C.L. Phytochemistry 31(12), 4207-4211, 1992. H Chemistry. 199 Campylopusauron, an auronoflavanone biflavonoid from the mosses Campylopus clavatus and Campylopus holomitrium. Geiger, H., Markham, K.R. Phytochemistry 31(12), 4317-4324, 1992. M Chemistry. 200 Polyol and sugar conten of terrestrial plants from continental Antarctica. Roser, D.J., Melick, D.R., Ling,H. U., Seppelt, R.D. Antarct. Sci. 4(4), 413-420, 1992. B Chemistry. Ecology. 201 Mineral nutrient acquisition and retention by bryophytes. Bates, J.W. J. Bryol. 17(2), 223-240, 1992. B Physiology. Ecology. 202 Annalysis of the decrease in photosynthesis on desiccation of mosses from xeric and hydric environments. Seel, W.E., Baker, N.R., Lee, J.A. Physiol. Plant. 86(3), 451-458, 1992. B Physiology. Ecology. 203 The carbohydrates of bryophytes in relation to desiccation tolerance. Smirnoff, N. J. Bryol. 17(2), 185-190, 1992. B Physiology. Ecology. 204 Loss of soluble carbohydrates and changes in freezing point of Antarctic bryophytes after leaching and repeated freeze-thaw cycles. Melick, D.R., Seppelt, R.D. Antarctic Sci. 4(4), 399-404, 1992. B Physiology. Ecology. 205 Synchronic study of the bryophytic vegetation of five burnt zones in SE Spain. de las heras-Ibanez, J., Guerra, J., Hernandez-Bastida, J., Herranz, J.M. Vegetatio 102(2), 97-105, 1992. B Ecology. 206 In situ carbon dioxide level in cushion and turf forms of Grimmia antarctici at Casey station, East Antarctica. Tarnawski, M., Melick, D., Roser, D., Adamson, E., Adamson, H., Seppelt, R.D. J. Bryol. 17(2), 241-249, 1993. M Ecology. Physiology. 207 Thamnobryum cataractarum, a new species from Yorkshire, with observation on T.angustifolium and T.fernandesii. Hodgetts, N.G., Blockeel, T.L. J. Bryol. 17(2), 251-262, 1992. M Taxonomy. 208 Bryum demaretianum sp. nov., a new species of the B. erythrocarpum complex from Belgium. Arts, T. J. Bryol. 17(2), 263-267, 1992. M Taxonomy. 209 Three mosses new to Borneo. Mohamed, H., Mohamed, A.D., Baker, B. J. Bryol. 17(2), 285-288, 1992. M Flora. 210 A new thallose genus of leafy liverworts from Australia. Backmann, K.G., Scott, G.A.M. J. Bryol. 17(2), 297-305, 1992. M Taxonomy. Flora. 211 African hepatics XLII. Radula marojezica E.W.Jones, a new species from Madagascar. Jones, E.W. J. Bryol. 17(2), 307-311, 1992. H Taxonomy. Flora. 212 A reinterpretation of the Early Devonian land plant, Bitelaria Istchenko and Istchenko, 1979, based on new material from New Brunswick, Canada. Johnson, N.G., Gensel, P.G. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 74(1-2), 109-138, 1992. B Taxonomy. Paleontology. Fossil. 213 The taxonomic status of the British varieties of Grimmia trichophylla Grev. Smith, A.J.E. J. Bryol. 17(2), 269-273, 1992. M Taxonomy. 214 The taxonomic status of Tortula muralis var. baetica (Misci, Pottiaceae): A comparative study. Guerra, J., Ros, R.M., Carrion, J.S. J. Bryol. 17(2), 275-283, 1992. M Taxonomy. 215 Telaranea longii sp. nov. in Britain, and a comparison with T. murphyae Paton. Paton, J.A. J. Bryol. 17(2), 289-295, 1992. M Taxonomy. 216 Isozyme evidence of reticulate evolution in mosses: Plagiomnium medium in an allopolyploid of P. ellipticum X P. insigne. Wyatt, R., Odrzykoski, I.J., Stoneburner, A. Syst. Bot. 17(4), 532-550, 1992. M Physiology. Molecular Biology. Taxonomy. 217 Bryophyte flora of the Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea. LI. Additions and corrections to the Geocalycaceae (Hepaticae). Piippo, S. Ann. Bot. Fenn. 29(3), 243-248, 1992. H Flora. 218 Florostic corridors for moss distribution across the Neovolcanic Belt of Mexico. II. The cleistocarpic species. Delgadillo, M.C. J. Bryol. 17(2), 313-316, 1992. M Flora. 219 *Sphenopteridium and Telangiopsis in a diplopteridium-like association from the Virgilian (Upper Pennsylvanian) of New Mexico. Mamay, S.H. Am. J. Bot. 79(10), 1092-1101, 1992. ? Fossil 220 More mosses with Chlorochytrium. Reese, W.D. J. Phycol. 28(5), 707, 1992. M Taxonomy. Physiology. 221 Production and seasonal development of antheridia in Pogonatum neesii (C. Mull.) Dozy. Deguchi, H., Yananose, N. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(12),191-197, 1988. M Anatomy. Physiology. 222 Two hepatics, found from Hokkaido, new additions to the known hepatic flola of Japan. Furuki, T., Takita, K. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(12), 197-200, 1988. H Flora. 223 Gemmae of Glyphomitrium humillimum (Mitt.) Card. Imura, S., Une, K. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(12), 201-202, 1988. M Anatomy. 224 Fr.Stephani and other foreign bryologists concerned in the beginning of Japanese hepaticology. Hattori, S. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(11), 173-178, 1988. H Miscellaneous. 225 Characterization of pectic polysaccharides and their degradading enzymes from liverwort (Marchantia polymorpha) cell cultures. Konno, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(11), 178-185, 1988. H Physiology. 226 Bryological literature published in Japan in 1983 (2). Iwatsuki, Z., Higuchi, M. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(11), 185, 1988. B Flora. 227 A new locality of Tortula obtusifolia (Schwaegr.) Mathieu in Japan. Hiraoka, T., Deguchi, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(11), 186, 1988. M Flora. 228 Liverworts of Turkey and their position in South-West Asia. Gokler, I., Ozturk, M. Candollea 46(2), 359-366, 1991. H Flora. 229 The Sphagnum flora of Delaware. Karlin, E.F., Andrus, R.E., Reed, C.F. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 118(1), 43-45, 1991. M Flora. 230 A study on the epiphyllous liverworts from Wuyanling of Zhejiang provience. Zhu, R.L., Hu, R.L. J. East China Normal Univ. Nat. Sci. 1991(3), 98-103, 1991. H Ecology. Flora. 231 Oppositane and chiloscyphane sesquiterpenoids from the liverwort Chiloscyphus pallescens. Harrison, L.J., Asakawa, Y. Phytochemistry 30(11), 3806-3807, 1991. H Chemistry. 232 Novel neurotrophic isocuparene-type sesquiterpene dimers, mastigophorenes A, B, C and D, isolated from the liverwort Mastigophora diclados. Fukuyama, Y., Asakawa, Y. J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans. I (11), 2737-2741, 1991. H Chemistry. 234 A cyclohexenone from Plagiochila longispina. Siegel, U., Mues, R., Donig, R., Eicheer, T. Phytochemistry 30(11), 3643-3646, 1991. H Chemistry. 235 Bryophyta exotica -9. Some new species of Lejeunaceae (Hepatics) in South America. Tixier, P. Candollea 46(2), 267-302, 1991. H Taxonomy. 236 New records of Chinese Hookeriaceae (Musci). Tan, B.C., Lin, P-J. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 32(4), 307-311, 1991. M Flora. 237 Notes on the Neckeraceae (Musci). 9. Porotrichum usagarum, a neglected Tanzanian endemic, with a note on the growth pattern in the Neckeraceae. Enroth, J. Ann. Bot. Fenn. 28(3), 197-200, 1991. M Taxonomy. Morphorogy. Physiology. 238 Economic bryology - A review of the use of bryophytes. Hedenas, L. Sven. Bot. Tidskr. 85(5), 347-354, 1991. B Chemistry. Miscellaneous. 239 Fissidens papillosus Lac. new to the Canary Islands. Dirske, G.M., Bruggenman-Nannenga, M.A., Bouman, A.C. Cryptogam. Bryol. Lichenol. 12(4), 451-454, 1991. M Flora. 240 Bibliographie bryologique et lichenologique. Lamy, D. Cryptogam. Bryol. Lichenol. 12(4), 455-460, 1991. B Miscellaneous. 241 Chlorological and ecological analysis of the bryophyte flora in Sicily. Dia, M.G., Not, R. Flora Mediterr. 1, 143-156, 1991. B Ecology. Flora. 242 Checlist of the bryophytes collected by S.Fici during Iter Mediterraneum I. Dia, M.G. Bocconea 1, 293-298, 1991. B Flora. 243 Neurotrophic secoaromadendrene-type sesquiterpens from the liverwort Plagiochila fruticosa. Fukuyama, Y., Asakawa, Y. Phytochemistry 30(12), 4061-4065, 1991. H Chemistry. 244 Presence and absence of the preprophase band of microtubules in moss protomemata: A clue to understanding its function. Sawidis, T., Quader, H., Bopp, M., Schnepf, E. Protoplasma 163(2-3), 156-161, 1991. B Anatomy. Morphology. Cytology. 245 Genetic analysis of a mutant class of Physcomitrella patens in which the polarity of gravitropism is reserved. Knight, C.D., Futers, T.S., Cove, D.J. Mol. Gen. Genet. 230(1-2), 12-16, 1991. M Molecular Biology. Physiology. 246 An altitudinal zonation of tropical rain forests using bryophytes. Frahm, J-P., Gradstein, S.R. J. Biogeogr. 18(6), 669-678, 1991. B Ecology. 247 Differences in lichen and bryophyte communities between old-growth and managed second-growth forests in the Swan Valley, Montana. Lesica, P., McCune, B., Cooper, S.V., Hong, W.S. Can. J. Bot. 69(8), 1745-1755, 1991. B Ecology. 248 Ecologia de los briofitos urbanos en la ciudad de Segovia (Espana). Lara, F., Lopez, C., Mazimpaka, V. Cryptogam. Bryol. Lichenol. 12(4), 425-439, 1991. B Ecology. 249 Lebensstrategien epiphytischer Bryophyten im tropischen Tieflands und Bergregenwald am Mt.Kinabalu (Sabah, Nord-Borneo). Frey, W., Kurschner, H. Nova Hedwigia 53(3-4), 307-330, 1991. B Ecology. 250 Ecological genetics of serpentine tolelance in the moss, Funaria flavicans: Variation within and among haploid sib families. Shaw, A.J. Am. J. Bot. 78(11), 1487-1493, 1991. M Ecology. 251 Radical formation and accumulation in vivo, in desiccation tolerant and intolerant mosses. Seel, W., Hendry, G., Atherton, N., Lee, J. Free Radical Res. Commun. 15(3),133-141, 1991. M Physiology. Ecology. 252 Bryophytes indicating high nature conservation values in Swedish woodland sites. Hallingback, T. Sven. Bot. Tidskr. 85(5), 321-332, 1991. B Ecology. 253 Chorisodontium (Dicranaceae, Musci) in southern South America. Hyvonen, J. Ann. Bot. Fenn. 28(3), 247-258, 1991. M Flora. Taxonomy. 254 El genero Phascum (Pottiaceae) en la Peninsula Iberica. Guerra, J., Jimenez, M.N., Ros, R.M., Carrion, J.S. Cryptogam. Bryol. Lichenol. 12(4), 379-423, 1991. M Flora. Taxonomy. 255 Terpenoids and aromatic compounds from selected east Malaysian liverworts. Asakawa, Y., Lin, X., Kondo, K., Fukuyama, Y. Phytochemistry 30(12), 4029-4032, 1991. H Chemistry. 256 Crossidium laevipilum Ther. et Trab. (Pottiaceae, Musci), ein eigenstandiges, morphologisch und standortokologischen Florenregion. Frey, W., Kurschner, H. Cryptogam. Bryol. Lichenol. 12(4), 441-450, 1991. M Taxonomy. Anatomy. Ecology. Flora. 257 Comparison of different multielement techniques for analysis of mosses used as biomonitors. Steinnes, E., Johansen, O., Royset, O., Odegard, M. Environ. Monit. Asses. 25(2),87-97, 1993. M Ecology. Miscellaneous. August. 25, 1993 258 Control of sex ratios in haploid populations of the moss, Ceratodon purpureus. Shaw, A.J., Gaughan, J.F. Am. J. Bot. 80(5), 584-591, 1993. M Ecology. 259 Interspecific competition between Sphagnum mosses on a rised bog. Rydin, H. Oikos 66(3), 413-423, 1993. M Ecology 260 Notes on Guayana mosses with new information on Sphagnum ornatum. Buck, W.R., Crum, H. Brittonia 45(1), 1-16, 1993. M Flora. Taxonomy. 261 Nitrogen-assimilating enzymes in chlorophyllous cells of the liverwort, Marchantia polymorpha var. diptera, grown in the dark. Harada, M., Takio, S., Takami, S. J. Plant Physiol. 141(5), 527-532, 1993. H Physiology. 262 Enhanced formation of a constitutive sesquiterpenoid in cultured cells of a liverwort, Calypogeia granulata Inoue during elicitation; Effects of vanadate. Nakagawara, S., Nakamura, N., Guo Ze-jian, Sumitani, K., Katoh, K. Ohta, Y. Plant Cell Physiol. 34(3),421-431, 1993. H Physiology. Chemistry. 263 Revised structure of caespitenone isolated from the liverwort Porella caespitans var. setigera and Porella swartziana. Tori, M., Nakanishi, K., Toyota, M., Asakawa, Y. Tetrahedron Lett. 34(23), 3751-3752, 1993. H Chemistry. 264 Structure of secoswartzianins A and B isolated from the liverwort Porella swartziana. Tori, M., Nakanishi, K., Takeda, T., Asakawa, Y. Tetrahedron Lett. 34(23), 3753-3754, 1993. H Chemistry. 265 Abscisic acid and desiccation tolerance in mosses. Bopp, M., Werner, O. Bot.Acta. 106(2), 103-106, 1993. M Physiology. 266 Development of Sphagnum-dominated peatlands in boreal continental Canada. Kuhry, P., nicolson, B.J., Giganac, L.C., Vitt, D.H., Bayley, S.E. Can. J. Bot. 71(1),10-22, 1993. M Ecology. 267 Invertebrates associated with moss communities at Canada Glacier, southern Victoria Land, Antarctica. Schwarz, A.M.J., Green, J.D., Green, T.G.A., Seppelt, R.D. Polar Biol. 13(3), 157-162, 1993. M Ecology. 268 Impact of carpets of the invasive moss Campylopus introflexus on Calluna vulgaris regeneration. Equihua, M., Usher, M.B. J. Ecol. 81(2), 305-314, 1993. M Ecology. 269 Effect of nutrients on CO2 assimilation by mosses on a sub-antarctic island. Smith, V.R. New Phytol. 123(4), 693-697, 1993. M Ecology. 270 Bryochenea sachalinensis (Thuidiaceae) new to North America in south-central Alaska. O'Brien, T.J. Bryologist 96(2), 210-215, 1993. M Taxonomy. 271 Barbella tricophora, an older name for B. cubensis (Musci: Meteoriaceae). Streimann, H. Bryologist 96(2), 223-225, 1993. M Taxonomy. 271 A revision of the genus Cladopodanthus (Leucobryaceae, Musci). Magill, R.E. Bryologist 96(2), 233-241, 1993. M Taxonomy. 273 Hepatics from the Solomon Islands. 1. Piippo, S. Nova Hedwigia 56(3-4), 355-3654, 1993. H Flora. 274 Check-list of the Bryophytes of Luxembourg. Werner, J. J. Bryol. 17(3), 489-500, 1993. B Flora. 275 A sesquiterpene oxide of a novel skelton from the liverwort Plagiochila peculiaris. Wu, C.-L., Huaang, C.-D., Shih, T.-L. Tetrahedron Lett. 34(30), 4855-4856, 1993. H Chemistry. 276 The biflavonoid pattern from the moss Bartramia halleriana. Seeger, T., Geiger, H., Mues, R., Zinsmeister, H.D. Z. Naturforsh. Sec. C.-J. Biosci. 48(5-6), 529-530, 1993. M Chemistry. 277 Osmotic potentials of water-saturated mosses. Rutten, D., Santarius, K.A. J. Plant Physiol. 141(6), 750-756, 1993. M Physiology 278 Photosynthetic response of the Antarctic moss Polytrichum alpestre Hoppe to low temperatures and freeze-thaw stress. Kennedy, A.D. Polar Biol. 13(4), 271-280, 1993. M Physiology 279 Lepidozia pearsonii spruce with bulbils. Long, D.G. J. Bryol. 17(3), 501-514, 1993. H Taxonomy. Anatomy. 280 Effects of water chemistry, nutrient supply and interspecific interactions on the replacement of Sphagnum subnitens by S.Fallax in fens. Kooijman, A.K., Kanne, D.M. J. Bryol. 17(3), 431-438, 1993. M Ecology. 281 Comparative growth patterns of the thalloid liverworts Pallavicinia lyellii and Pellia epiphylla at Silwood Park, southern England. Bates, J.W. J. Bryol. 17(3),439-445, 1993. H Ecology. 282 Mosses and the production of Chinese gallnuts. Min, L.Y., Longton, R.E. J. Bryol. 17(3), 421-430, 1993. M Ecology. 283 Studies of protonemal morphogenesis in mosses. II. Orthotrichum obtusifolium Brid. Goode, J.A., Stead, A.D., Duckett, J.G. J. Bryol. 17(3), 409-413, 1993. M Ecology. Physiology. 284 A generic reversion of the Warnstorfia-Calliergon group. Hedenas, L. J. Bryol. 17(3), 447-479, 1993. M Taxonomy. 285 Taxonomic significance of stem and leaf-sheath anatomy in Timmia Hedw. Mastracci, M. J. Bryol. 17(3), 481-487, 1993. M Taxonomy. Anatomy. 286 Liverworts of Turkey and their position in South-West Asia. Gokler, I., Ozturk, M. Candollea 46(2), 359-366, 1991. H Flora. Taxonomy. 287 The Sphagnum flora of Delaware. Karlin, E.F., Andrus, R.E., Reed, C.F. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 118(1), 43-51, 1991. M. Flora. 288 A study on the epiphyllous liverworts from Wuyanling of Zhejiang province. Zhu, R.L., Hu, R.L. J. East China Normal Univ. Nat. Sci. 1991(3), 98-103, 1991. H Flora. Taxonomy. 289 Oppositane and chiloscyphane sesquiterpenoids from the liverwort Chiloscyphus pallescenes. Harrison, L.J., Asakawa, Y. Phytochemistry 30(11), 3806-3807, 1991. H Chemistry. 290 Novel neurotrophic isocuparene-type sesquiterpene dimers, mastigophorenes A,B,C and D, isolated from the liverwort Mastigophora diclados. Fukuyama, Y., Asakawa, Y. J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans. I (11), 2737-2741, 1991. H Chemistry. 291 A cyclohexenone from Plagiochila longispina. Siegel, U., Mues, R., Donig, R., Eicher, T. Phytochemistry 30(11), 3643-3646, 1991. H Chemistry. 292 Bryophyta exotica - 9. Some new species of Lejeunaceae (Hepatics) in South America. Tixier, P. Candollea 46(2), 251-254, 1991. H. Taxonomy. 293 New records of Chinese Hookeriaceae (Musci). Tan, B., Lin, P.J. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 32(4), 307-311, 1991. M. Taxonomy. 294 Dicranin, an antimicrobial and 15-lipoxygenase inhibitor from the moss Dicranum scoparium. Borel, C., Welti, D.H., Fernadez, I., Colmenares, M. J. Nat. Prod. 56(7), 1071-1077, 1993. M Chemistry. Biochemistry.(Enzyme Inhibitor). 295 Biochemical characterization of casein kinases II (CK-II) from cultured cells of the liverwort, Marchantia polymorpha. Kanekatsu, M., Ohtsuki, K. Plant Cell Physiol. 34(4), 627-631, 1993. H Biochemistry. 296 Diterpene malonates and other terpenes from Nardia succulenta and N.scalaris. Langenbahn, U., Burkhardt, G., Becker, H. Phystochemistry 33(5), 1173-1179, 1993. H Chemistry. 297 The formation of aplastidic abscisssion (tmema) cells and protonemal disruption in the moss Bryum tenuisetum Limpr. is associated with transverse arrays of microtubles and microfilaments. Goode,J. A., Alfano, F., Stead, A.D., Duckett, J.G. Protoplasma 174(3-4), 91-100, 1993. M Physiology. (Organella). 298 Interphase and preprophase microtuble organization in some polarized cell types of the liverwort Marchantia paleacea Bert. Apostolakos, P., Galatis, B. New Phytol. 124(3), 409-421, 1993. H Physiology. (Organella). 299 *The scaling of plant hight: A comparison among major plant clades and anatomical grades. Niklas, K.J. Ann. Bot. 72(2), 123-127, 1993. [コケの論文なら“B”] Anatomy. 300 Morphological uniformity among widely disjunct populations of the rare "copper moss", Scopelophia cataractae(Pottiaceae). Shaw, A.J. Sys. Bot. 18(3), 525-537, 1993. M Ecology. Anatomy. 301 Peat acceretion and N,P, and organic C accumulation in nutrient-enriched and unenriched everglades peatlands. Craft, C.B., Richardson, C.J. Ecol. Appl. 3(3), 446-458, 1993. M Ecology. 302 Transplanted aquatic mosses for monitoring trace metal mobilization in acidified streams of the Vosges Mountains, France. Mersch, J., Guerold, F., Rousselle, P., Pihan, J.C. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 51(2), 255-259, 1993. M Ecology. 303 Notes on the Neckeraceae (Musci). 18. Description of Curvicladium, a new genus from southern and southeastern Asia. Enroth, J. Ann. Bot. Fenn. 30(2), 109-117, 1993. M Taxonomy. 304 The hepatics, Symphyogyna podophylla and Pallavicinia lyelli (Pallaviciniaceae) in southern Africa. Perold, S.M. Bothalia 23(1), 15-23, 1993. H Taxonomy. 305 Polar lipid and fatty acid composition of some bryophytes. Dembitsky, V.M., Rezanka, T., Bychek, I.A., Afonina, O.M. Phytochemistry 33(5), 1009-1014, 1993. B Taxonomy. Chemistry. 306 Acetylenic acids and lipid compositions of some mosses from Russia. Dembitsky, V.M., Rezanka, T., Bychek, I.A., Afonina, O.M. Phytochemistry 33(5), 1021-1027, 1993. M Taxonomy. Chemistry. 307 Differeces in lichen and bryophyte communities between old-growth and managed second-growth forests in the Swan Valle, Montana. Lesica. P., McCune, B., Cooper, S.V., Hong, W.S. Can. J. Bot. 69(8), 1745-1755, 1991. B Ecology. 308 Ecologia de los briofitos urbanos en la ciudad de Segovia (Espana). Lara, F., Lopez, C., Mazimpaka, V. Cryptogam. Bryol. Lichenol. 12(4), 425-439, 1991. B Ecology. 309 Lebensstrategien epiphytischer Bryophyten im tropischen Tieflands und Bergregenwald am Mt.Kinabalu (Saba,Nord-Borneo). Frey, W., Kurschner, H. Nova Hedwigia 53(3-4), 307-330, 1991. B Ecology. 310 Ecological genetics of serpentine tolerance in the moss, Funaria flavicans:Variation within and among haploid sib families. Shaw, A.J. Am. J. Bot. 78(11), 1487-1493, 1991. M Ecology. 311 Radical formation and accumulation in vivo, in desiccation tolerant and intorelant mosses. Seel, W., Hendry, G., Atherton, N., Lee, J. Free Radical Res. Commun. 15(3), 133-141, 1991. M Ecology. 312 Bryophytes indicating high nature conservation values in Swedish woodland sites. Hallingback, T. Sven. Bot. Tidskr. 85(5), 321-322, 1991. B Ecology. 313 Chorisodontium (Dicranaceae, Musci) in southern South America. Hyvonen, J. Ann. Bot. Fenn. 28(3), 247-258, 1991. M Taxonomy. 314 El genero Phascum (Pottiaceae) en la Peninsula Iberica. Guerra, J., Jimenez, M.N., Ros, R.M., Carrion, J.S. Cryptogam. Bryol.Lichenol. 12(4), 379-423, 1991. M Taxonomy. Flora. 315 Terpenoids and aromatic compounds from selected east Malaysian liverworts. Asakawa, Y., Lin, X., Kondo, K., Fukuyama, Y. Phytochemistry 30(12), 4019-4924, 1991. H Taxonomy. Chemistry. 316 Crossidium laevipilum Ther.et Trab. (Pottiaceae, Musci), ein eigenstandiges, morphologisch und standortokologisch deutlich unterscheidbares Taxon der saharo-arabischen Florenregion. Frey, W., Kurschner, H. Cryptogam. Bryol. Lichenol. 12(4), 441-450, 1991. M Taxonomy. 317 Distribution of bryophytes on limestones in eastern Australia. Downing, A.J. Bryologist 95(1), 5-14, 1992. B Flora. 318 Encalypta affinis subsp. macounii and E. brevipes new to eastern North America from Torngat, northern Labrador, Canada. Hedderson, T.A., Brassard, G.R. Bryologist 95(1), 31-32, 1992. M Taxonomy. 319 Additions of bryoflora of southern California. Stark, L.R., Whittemore, A.T. Bryologist 95(1), 65-67, 1992. B Flora. 320 The histry of bryology in California. Thiers, B.M., Emory, K.S.G. Bryologist 95(1), 88-91, 1992. B Miscereus. 321 Syrrhopodon stonae, new to Malaya, and notes on other Malayan Calymperaceae. Mohamed, H., Reese, W.D. Bryologist 95(1),88-91, 1992. M Taxonomy. Flora. 322 The occurrence of fertile Fissidensse fontanus in Mexico. Pursell, R.A. Bryologist 95(1), 92-93, 1992. M Taxonomy. 323 Teratological axillary "hairs" in Didymodon tophaceus. Allen, B. Bryologist 95(1), 97-99, 1992. M Morphology. 324 Ent-clerodane diterpenoids from the liverwort Jungermannia paroica. Harrison, L.J., Connolly, J.D., Rycroft, D.S. Phytochemistry 31(4), 1421-1423, 1992. H Chemistry. 325 Growth response of two Sphagnum species to photoperiod. Li, Y., Glime, J.M. Can. J. Bot. 69(12), 2643-2646, 1992. M Physiology. 326 Evidence for plant-mediated regulation of nitrogenase expression in the Anthoceros-Nostoc symbiotic association. Cambell, E.L., Meeks, J.C. J. Gen. microbiol. 138(3),473-480, 1992. A Physiology. 327 The genera Thysananthus, Dendrolejeunea, and Fulfordianthus gen. nov. (Studies on Lejeuneaceae subfamily Ptychanthoideae XXI). Gradstein, S.R. Bryologist 95(1), 42-51, 1992. H Taxonomy. 328 Syrrhopodon cyrtacanthos, a new species of moss from Australia. Reese, W.D. Bryologist 95(1), 94-96, 1992. M Taxonomy. 329 Constituents from cell suspension cultures of selected liverworts. Ono, K., Toyota, M., Asakawa, Y. Phytochemistry 31(4), 1249-1250, 1992. H Chemistry. Taxonomy. 330 The natural histry of the Muck Islands, North Ebudes 8. Bryophytes of Muck. Hodgetts, N.G. Glasg. Nat. 22(2),141-154,1992. B Flora. 331 Extream southern locations for moss sporophytes in Antarctica. Seppelt, R.D., Green, T.G.A., Schwarz, A-M.,J.,Frost, A. Antarct. Sci. 4(1), 37-39, 1992. M Flora. Taxonomy. 332 Isotopic composition of sulfur in mosses across Canada. Nriagu, J.O., Glooschenko, W.A. Environ. Sci. Technol. 26(1), 85-89,1992. M Ecology. 333 A preliminary study on indication of bryophytes to air pollution (incliding acid rain) in southwest China. Gao, C.,Cao, T. Chin. J. Appl. Ecol. 3(1), 81-90, 1992. B Ecology. 334 Notes on the Neckeraceae (Musci) 11-12. The taxonomic position of Pinnatella callicostelloides and Bissetia lingulata, with the description of Chileobryon (Anomodontaceae). Enroth, J. Nova Hedwigia 54(1-2), 137-146, 1992. M Taxonomy. 335 Racomitrium capillifolium Frisvoll: A synonym of Racomitrium albipiliferum Gao et Cao (Bryopsida: Grimmiaceae). Cao, T., Gao, C. Nova Hedwigia 54(1-2), 149-149, 1992. M Taxonomy. 336 Chromosome studies on some mosses from Lord Howe Island. Ramsay, H.P. Nova Hedwigia 54(1-2), 37-43, 1992. M Taxonomy. 337 The distrubution of North American bryophytes Orthotricum rupestre Schwaegr. Vitt, D.H. Evansia 8(3), 78-80, 1992. M Flora. 338 Notes on Maniaceae from the Cochrane District, Ontario, Canada. Stoneburner, A., Wyatt, R. Evansia 8(3),81-83, 1992. H Flora. 339 340 The influence of varying degree of spore aggregation of the coexistance of the mosses Splachnum ampullacuem and S. luteum - A simultion study. Marino, P.C. Ecol. Model. 58(1-4),333-346, 1991. M Ecology. 341 La vegetation muscinal de Bahia Buen Suceso, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. Matteri, C.M., Schiavone, M.M. Bryologist 94(4), 368-376, 1991. M Ecology. 342 Bryophytes of Knoza Prairie Research Natural Area, Kansas. Smith-Merrill, G.L. Bryologist 94(4), 383-391, 1991. B Flora. 343 Gymnostomiella (Musci: Pottoaceae) in the Neotropics and eastern Asia. Redfearn, P.L.Jr. Bryologist 94(4), 416-418, 1991. M Flora. Taxonomy. 344 Moss and a Guanche mummy: An unusual utilization. Horne, P., Ireland, R.R. Bryologist 94(4), 407-408, 1991. M Ecology. Flora. 345 Tortella fragilis (Pottiaceae) reported for southern South America. Hyvonen, J. Bryologist 94(4), 416-418, 1991. M Flora. 346 Bryophyte flora of the Huon Peninsula,Papua New Guinea. XLIX. Targionia (Targioniaceae, Hepaticae). Piippo, S. Ann.Bot.Fenn. 28(4), 273-276, 1991. H Flora 347 Bryophyte flora of the Huon Peninsula,Papua New Guinea. L. Marchantia (Marchantiaceae, Hepaticae). Bischler, H., Piipo, S. Ann.Bot.Fenn. 28(4), 277-301, 1991. H Flora. 348 Tortula rigescens Broth. & Geh. (Pottiaceae - Musci), new for the European bryoflora. Boudier, P. Cryptogam. Bryol. Lichenol. 13(1), 1-6, 1992. M Flora. 349 Discovery of Sphagnum fuscum (Schimp.) Klinggr. and Sphagnum warnstorfii Russow in Spain. Gauthier, R. Cryptogam. Bryol.Lichenol. 13(1), 7-14, 1992. M Flora. 350 Bryoflora of Iregua River (La Rioja,Spain). Martinez-Abaigar, J., Ederra, A. Cryptogam. Bryol. Lichenol. 13(1), 47-69, 1992. B Flora. 351 Gene organizationdeduced from the complete sequence of liverwort Marchantia polymorpha mitochondria DNA. A primitive form of plant mitochondria genome. Oda, K., Yamamoto, K., Ohta, E., Nakamura, Y., Takemura, M., Nozato, N., Akashi, K., Kanegae, T., Ogura, Y., Kohchi, T.,Ohyama, K. J. Mol. Biol. 223(1), 1-7, 1992. H Molecular Biology. 352 Influence of protoplasmic water loss on the control protein synthesis in the descication-tolerant moss Tortula ruralis. Oliver, M.J. Plant Physiol. 97(4), 1501-1511, 1991. M Physiology. Molecular Biology. 353 ent-Labdanes and furanoditerpens from the liverwort Jamesoniella autumnalis. Blechschmidt, M., Becker, H. J. Nat. Prod. 55(1), 111-1121, 1992. H Chemistry. 354 Study on the effect of cleaning on the bryophyte layer present in several shrubby or arboreous formation on siliceous substratum of the Maures massif (Var, France). Hebrard, J.P., Loisel, R., Gomila, H. Cryotogam. Bryol. Lichenol. 13(1), 15-46, 1992. B Ecology. 355 Bryophytes as invertebrate habitat in two New Zealand alpine stream. Suren, A.M. Freshwater Biol. 26(3), 399-418, 1991. B Ecology. 356 An undescribed species of Braunia (Hedwigiaceae) from the Andean Cloud Forest. De Luna, E., Buck, W.R., Bryologist 94(4), 409-412, 1991. M Taxonomy. 357 The genus Rhabdoweisia in Southern Africa: R.crispata new to Africa,and R.fugax. van Rooy, J. Bryologist 94(4), 409-412, 1991. M Taxonomy. 358 Syrrhopodon pulcher, a new species from Seram and Sulawesi. Reeses, W.D., Akiyama, H., Townsend, C.C. Bryologist 94(4), 419-420, 1991. M Taxonomy. 359 Philonotis buckii sp.nov. from southern Mexico. Griffin III, D. Bryologist 94(4), 427-429. M Taxonomy. 360 A rewiew of the Fontinalis sullivantii complex (Musci: Fontinalaceae). Allen, B. Bryologist 94(4), 430-434, 1991. M Taxonomy. 361 Studies on Geocalyceae (Hepaticae). IV. Comments on Leptoscyphus in Australasia, together with refinements in Clasmatocolea. Engel, J.J. Bryologist 94(4), 435-437, 1991. H Taxonomy. 362 A reconsideration of the systematic position of Jonesiobryum. Allen, B., Pursell, R.A. Bryologist 94(4), 438-442, 1991. M Taxonomy. 363 Orthothecium hyalopiliferum (Musci: Hypnaceae), a new species from Sichuan, China. Redfearn, P.L.Jr., Allen, B. Bryologist 94(4), 449-451, 1991. M Taxonomy. 364 Chemosystematics of the Maniaceae. II. Flavonoids of Plagiomnium section Rosulata. Wyatt, R., Lane, D.M., Stoneburner, A. Bryologist 94(4), 443-448, 1991. M Taxonomy. Chemistry. 365 A history of developmental studies of peristomes. Schwartz, O.M. Evansia 8(3), 55-77, 1991. M Taxonomy. Anatomy. 366 A changing bryophyte flora of Oxfordshire. Jones, E.W. J. Bryol. 16(4), 513-549, 1991. B Flora. 367 Gymnostomum calcareum Nees & Hornsc. and allied plants in Europe, North Africa and Middle East. Whitehouse, H.L.K., Crundwell, A.C. J. Bryol. 16(4), 561-579, 1991. M Flora. 368 Pohlia andrewsii J.Shaw in the USSR. Czernyadjeva, I.V., Ignatov, M.S. J. Bryol. 16(4), 581-587, 1991. M Flora. 369 Notes on mosses from Ceylon and India, 8. Another moss with three names in three continents. Townsend, C.C. J. Bryol. 16(4), 601-605, 1991. M Flora. Taxonomy. 370 The bryophytes of Greece: New Records and observations. Blockeel, T.L. J. Bryol. 16(4), 629-640, 1991. B Flora. 371 Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Moosflora der Mongolei. III. Meinunger, L., Grolle, R., Hattori, S., Hilbig, W., Huneck, S. Feddes Repert. 102(7-8), 657-660, 1991. M Flora. 372 Mosses of Rowan County,Kentucky. Risk, A.C. Castanea 56(3), 1991. M Flora. 373 Africane- and santalane-type sesquiterpenoids from the liverwort Porella caespitans var. setigera. Toyota, M., Nagashima, F., Shima, K., Asakawa, Y. Phytochemistry 31(1), 199-201, 1992. H Chemistry. 374 The porality of gravitropism in the moss Physcomitrella patens is reserved during mitosis and after growth on a clinostat. Knight, C.D., Cove, D.J. Plant Cell Environ. 14(9), 995-1001, 1991. M Physiology. 375 Genetic differentiation without concordant morphological divergence in the thallose liverwort Conocephalum conicum. Ordrzykoski, I.J., Szweykowski, J. Plant Sys. Evol. 178(3-4), 135-151, 1991. M Genetics. 376 Carbohydrate and lipid levels in two Polytrichum moss species growing in the Alaska tundra. Sveinbjorsson, B., Oechel, W.C. Holaarct. Ecol. 14(4), 272-277, 1991. M Ecology. 377 Calymperes schmidtii Broth. in J.Schmidt and C. subintegurm Broth. in J.Schmidt, two distinct species from Malesia. Ellis, L.T. J. Bryol. 16(4), 589-593, 1991. M Taxonomy. 378 Taxonomic notes on the family Calymperaceae (Musci): Calymperes subintegrum Broth. in J.Schmidt, a new addition to the moss flora of Sri Lanka. Ellis, L.T. J. Bryol. 16(4), 595-599, 1991. M Taxonomy. 379 Ditrichum subaustrale var. robstum Card., is a Dicranoweisia. Seppelt, R.D. J. Bryol. 16(4), 607-610, 1991. M Taxonomy. 380 Notes on the Neckeraceae (Musci). 10. The taxonomic relationships of Pinnatella mariei, with the description of Caduciella (Leptodontaceae). Enroth, J. J. Bryol. 16(4), 611-618, 1991. M Taxonomy. 381 Peroxidase as taxonomic characters in Lophozia incisa (Schrad.) Dum. and Lophozia opacifolia (Culm.) Meyl. Krzakowa, M., Szweykowski, J., Bisang, I., Kozlicka, M. J. Bryol. 16(4), 551-559, 1991. H Biochemistry. Taxonomy. 382 Differentiation in habitat requirements within the genus Scorpidium, especially between S. revolvens and S. cossonii. Kooijman, A., Hedenas, L. J. Bryol. 16(4), 619-627, 1991. M Ecology. 383 A new method to process the distribution maps by using the fine mesh and analysis of distribution pattern of bryophytes. Watanabe, S., Shirasaki, H. J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 39(2), 131-135, 1991. B Flora. 384 Studies on the evaluation of atomospheric quality by bryophytes - Development and characteristics of a method using twin chambers. Shimizu, H., Shimizu, A., Matsumoto, S., Totsuka, T. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(10), 155-161, 1988. B Miscellaneous. Ecology. 385 Phytogeography viewed provisionally from Musci. Ochi, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(10), 161-163, 1988. M Ecology. 386 Dicranum polysetum Sw. distributed in the Chugoku District, SW of Japan and morphological notes on its leaf-margins. Deguchi, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(10), 163-164, 1988. M Flora. Taxonomy. Morphology. 387 The present situation of the colony of Schistostega pennata Hedw. in the Makkausu Cave, Rausu, Hokkaido. Kanda, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(10), 165-166, 1988. M Ecology 389 Bryological literature published in Japan in 1983, 1. Iwatsuki, Z., Higuchi, M. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(10), 166-168, 1988. B Miscellaneous. 390 Terrestrial bryophytes in mangrove forest in Japan. Yamaguchi, T., Nakagoshi, N., Nehira, K. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(9), 137-1140, 1987. B Ecology. 391 Coenzyme requirements of nitrate reductase from some bryophytes. Takio, S. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(9), 140-144, 1987. B Biochemistry. Physiology. 392 Preparation of bryophyte material for SEM. Nishimura, N. Proc. Bryol.Soc. Jpn. 4(9), 145-146, 1987. B Miscellaneous. 393 The moss-grown stone pagoda roofed over. Hanada, S. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(9), 146-147, 1987. B Miscellaneous. 394 A personal memory of Mr.T. Magofuku 1907-1987. Yamada, K. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn.@@@ 147 B Miscellaneous. Biography. 395 Reproductive phenology of seven Japanese species of mosses. Deguchi, H., Hidaka, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(8), 123-127, 1987. M Ecology. 396 Four moss-species new to Shikoku found in dried ponds. Deguchi, H., Mitani, S. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(8), 127-129, 1987. M Ecology. Taxonomy. Flora. 397 Notes on Japanese names of two moss species. Iwatsuki, Z., Higuchi, M. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(8), 129-130, 1987. M Taxonomy. Miscellaneous. 398 New locality of Luisierella barbula (Schwaegr.) Streere in Japan. Higuchi, M. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(8), 130-131, 1987. M Flora. 399 Poem "Koke" by K.Nagase. Igi, C. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(8), 131-132, 1987. B Miscellaneous. 400 "Two titles on mosses in novels." Inoue, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(8), 132-133, 1987. B Miscellaneous. 401 A drug of Marchantia-killer. Kitagawa, N. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(8), 133-134, 1987. H Ecology. 402 A Japanese moss-name erroneously cited as aplace name. Deguchi, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(8), 134, 1987. B Miscellaneous. 403 Dwarf males of Miyabe Broth. and Schlotheimia Brid. Une, K. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(7), 109-112, 1987. M Taxonomy. 404 A preliminary key to the Japanese species of Dictrichum. Matsui, T., Deguchi, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(7), 112-115, 1987. M Taxonomy. 405 Key to Japanese species of Gollania. Higuchi, M. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(7), 115-116, 1987. M Taxonomy. 406 Marchantia polymorpha var.aquatica found in Japan. Kitagawa, N. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(7), 116-117, 1987. H Taxonomy. 407 Notes on Calypogeia asakawana Hatt. ex Inoue. Hiraoka, T., Inoue, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(7), 117, 1987. H Taxonomy. 408 Method for making superfine-tipped needles. Deguchi, H., Matsui, T. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(7), 117-118, 1987. - Miscellaneous. 409 Landscape picture dressed with mosses and lichen. Hara, M. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(7), 119, 1987. B Miscellaneous. 410 Standard Japanese names for families of bryophytes. Inoue, H., Ando, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(6), 89-91, 1986. B Taxonomy. Miscellaneous. 411 Eccremidium brisbanicum (Broth.) Stone & Scott in Japan. Deguchi, H.,Matsui, T. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(6), 91-94, 1986. M Taxonomy. Flora. 412 Profiles of the foreign batanists who studied Japanese mosses (4). Noguchi, A. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(6), 94-96, 1986. - Miscellaneous. Biography. 413 Drepanocladus fluitans (Hedw.) Warnst. in Lake Osoresanko having pH 3.4-3.8. Satake, K., Oyagi, A. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(6), 97-98, 1986. M Physiology. Ecology. 414 An etymological note on "Mizugoke". Igi, C. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(6), 98-99, 1986. M Miscellaneous. 415 My thoughts on the Gr.Kitagawa's criticism (Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4, 1986) on the paper of Engel&Schuster Chiloscyphus-Lophocolea; Nova Hedwigia 39,1984. Kuwahara, Y. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(6), 99-101, 1986. H Miscellaneous. Taxonomy. 416 Reproductive phenology of four species of Ptychomitrium. Deguchi, H., Takeda, Y. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(5), 73-78, 1986. M Taxonomy. Ecology, 417 Profiles of the foreign botanists who studied Japanese mosses (3). Noguchi, A. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(5), 79-82, 1986. - Miscellaneous. 418 Information on scientificnames of Japanese liverworts 4-10. Kitagawa, N. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(5), 82-84, 1986. H Taxonomy. 419 Flora and distribution of epiphytic bryophytes in Suginami area, Tokyo. Koike, Y. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(5), 84-85, 1986. B Ecology. 420 Notes on some interesting mosses from Okayama-ken, wesatern Honsyu,Japan. Iwatsuki, Z., Igi, C., Higuchi, M. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(5), 85-86, 1986. M Taxonomy. Ecology. Flora. 421 A new locality of Frullaria crispiplicata Yuzawa et Hatt. Koike, N. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(5), 86-87, 1986. H Flora. 422 Rhizoidal tubers of Ditrichum heteromallum in Japanese population. Deguchi, H., Matsui, T. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 4(5), 87, 1986. M Morphology. **** J. Hattori Bot. Lab. No. 66- **** 423 Dr. Akira Noguchi, Prof. Emeritus, 1907-1988. Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 66, i-iii, 1989. - Miscellaneous. 424 Bryological publications by Prof. Akira Noguchi. Iwatsuki, Z. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 66, v-xiii, 1989. - Miscellaneous. 425 A revision of the genus Riccardia S.F. Gray in New Zealand with notes on the genus Aneura Dum. Brown, E.A., Braggins, J.E. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 66, 1-132, 1989. H Taxonomy. 426 A catalogue of the bryophytes of the Guianas. I. Hepaticae and Anthocerotae. Gradstein, S.R., Hekking, W.H.A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 66, 197-230, 1989. A, H Flora. 427 On the bryogeography of western Melanesia. Hyvonen, Y. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 66, 231-254, 1989. B Flora. 428 New or interesting records of Brazilian bryophytes. Schafer-Verwimp, A., Vital, D.M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 66, 255-261, 1989. B Flora. 429 Canalohypopterygium gen. nov. (Hypopterygiaceae, Musci). Ein Beitrag zur systematischen Stellung von Canalohypopterygium commutatum (Hypopterygium commutatum) und Catharomnium ciliatum. Frey, W., Schaepe, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 66, 263-270, 1989. M Taxonomy. 430 Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 15. Three species of the genus Trocholejeunea. Mizutani, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 66, 271-281, 1989. H Taxonomy. 431 Effects of some metal ions on protonemal growth and bud formation in the moss Timmiella anomala grown in aseptic cultures. Kapur, A., Chopra, R.N. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 66, 283-298, 1989. M Development. Physiology. 432 In vitro behaviour of gemmae in Trematodon brevicalyx and Semibarbula orientalis. II. Effect of activated charcoal, coconut milk, octopine and tryptophan. Dhingra-Babbar, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 66, 299-306, 1989. M Physiology. Development. 433 A synoptic review of Philippine Sematophyllaceae with emphasis on Clastobryoideae and Heterophylloideae (Musci). Tan, B.C., Buck, W.R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 66, 307-320, 1989. M Taxonomy. 434 Notes on two southern South American species of Brachytheciaceae (Musci). Matteri, C.M., Ochyra, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 66, 321-330, 1989. M Taxonomy. Flora. 435 Peroxidases as taxonomic characters. IV. Scapania undulata (L.) Dum. versus S. uliginosa (Sw.) Dum. Krzakowa, M., Urbaniak, L. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 66, 331-335, 1989. H Taxonomy.Biochemistry. 436 Marsupidium in Guayana. Grolle, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 66, 337-342, 1989. H Taxonomy.Flora. 437 Studies on the type specimens of Latin American Frullania species (1). Yuzawa, Y., Koike, N. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 66, 343-358, 1989. H Taxonomy. 438 Ecological gradient analysis of the genus Frullania on Mt. Albert Edward, Papua New Guinea. Li, X., Glime, J.M., Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 66, 359-369, 1989. H Ecology. 439 An additional checklist of Brazilian bryophytes. Yano, O. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 66, 371-434, 1989. B Flora. 440 A revision of the Australasian Thuidiaceae (Musci), with notes on species from adjacent regions. Touw, A., Falter-van den Hakka, L. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 1-57, 1989. M Taxonomy. 441 Studies on the Hepatic flora of the Prince Edward Islands. I. Aneuraceae. Schuster, R.M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 59-108, 1989. H Taxonomy. Flora. 442 Spore-wall ornamentation as an aid in identifying the southern African species of Riccia (Hepaticae). Perold, S.M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 109-201, 1989. H Morphology. Taxonomy. 443 Animadversions on the moss genus Cratoneuron (Sull.) Spruce. Ochyra, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 203-242, 1989. M Taxonomy. 444 Adelanthus am Mt. Roraima. Grolle, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 243-247, 1989. H Taxonomy. Flora. 445 Miscellanea Hepaticologica 271-280. Grolle, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 249-254, 1989. H Taxonomy. 446 New Caledonian Fissidentaceae (Musci). Iwatsuki, Z., Suzuki, T. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 267-290, 1989. M Taxonomy.Flora. 447 Mizutania riccardioides, gen. et sp. nov. (Mizutaniaceae, fam. nov.), a unique liverwort from tropical Asia. Furuki, T., Iwatsuki, Z. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 291-296, 1989. H Taxonomy.Flora. 448 Electrophoretic studies in Marchantia polymorpha L. Boisselier-Dubayle, M.C., Bischler, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 297-311, 1989. H Biochemistry. Morphology. 449 New or interesting records of Brazilian bryophytes, II. Schafer-Verwimp, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 313-321, 1989. B Flora. 450 Studies on callus growth and differentiation in the liverwort Mannia dichotoma. Kapur, A., Chopra, R.N. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 323-330, 1989. H Physiology 451 Effect of some cytokinins on growth and gemma cup formation in Marchantia palmata Nees. Kumra, S., Chopra, R.N. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 331-334, 1989. H Physiology. Development. 452 Does the Orthotrichaceous type of peristome exist? A study of peristome evolution in the genus Orthotrichum Hedw. with a possible derivation of the haplolepidous peristome. Lewinsky, J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 335-363, 1989. M Taxonomy. Morphology. 453 Chemical constituents and chemosystematics of Radula species (liverworts). Takikawa, K., Tori, M., Asakawa, Y. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 365-371, 1989. H Chemistry. Systematics. 454 Sesquiterpene lactones from in vitro cultures of the liverwort Ricciocarpos natans. Wurzel, G., Becker, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 373-375, 1989. H Chemistry. 455 Phytochemical studies of the moss species Plagiomnium elatum and Plagiomnium cuspidatum. Anhut, S., Seeger, T., Biehl, J., Zinsmeister, H.D., Geiger, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 377-382, 1989. M Chemistry. 456 New syntheses of tricetin and some of its analogues. Laas, H.J., Eicher, T. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 383-387, 1989. B Chemistry. 457 A rapid HPLC-fingerprint system for flavonoids of bryophytes. Siegel, U., Zinsmeister, H.D., Stein, W. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 389-394, 1989. B Chemistry. 458 Glutamate dehydrogenase in Sphagnum species. Jacubowski, S., Rudolph, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 395-398, 1989. M Biochemistry. 459 Regulation, purification and characterization of nitrite-reductase from Sphagnum magellanicum Brid. Popperl, G., Rudolph, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 399-406, 1989. M Biochemistry. 460 Peroxidase patterns in bryophytes; a critical evaluation. Matlok, J., Krzakowa, M., Rudolph, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 407-414, 1989. M Biochemistry. 461 Identification of hydroxycinnamic and phenolic acids in Mnium hornum and Brachythecium rutabulum and their possible role in protection against herbivory. Davidson, A.J., Harborne, J.B., Longton, R.E. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 415-422, 1989. M Chemistry.Ecology.Physiology. 462 A sandwich technique for the continuous monitoring of air pollutants with the bryophyte Sphagnum. Kirchhoff, M., Rudolph, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 423-431, 1989. M Chemistry.Ecology. 463 Annotated catalogue of Chinese Hepaticae and Anthocerotae. Piipo, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 68, 1-192, 1990. A Flora. 464 On the peristome types found in the Fissidentaceae and their importance for the classification. Bruggeman-nannenga, M.A., Berendsen, W. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 68, 193-234, 1990. M Morphology. Taxonomy. 465 Cladistic relationships between the main peristome types of the Fissidentaceae. Bruggeman-Nannenga, M.A., Roos, M.C. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 68, 235-238, 1990. M Taxonomy. 466 Some observations on the embryology of Calobryum indicum. Mehra, P.N., Kumar, D. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 68, 239-253, 1990. H Physiology. Development. 467 On the relationships of Thamnobryum negrosense (Bartr.) Iwats. & Tan (Musci: Thamnobryaceae). Ochyra, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 68, 293-302, 1990. M Taxonomy. 468 Studies on Geocalycaceae (Hepaticae). I. The taxonomic position of Chiloscyphus amplectens (Mitt.) Engel & Schust. together with refinements in Heteroscyphus Schiffn. Engel, J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 68, 303-315, 1990. H Taxonomy. 469 A taxonomic revision of the family Ditrichaceae (Musci) of Japan, Korea and Taiwan. Matsui, T., Iwatsuki, Z. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 68, 317-366, 1990. M Taxonomy. Flora. 470 Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 16. Drepanolejeunea thwaitesiana and its related species from Asia. Mizutani, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 68, 367-380, 1990. H Taxonomy. Flora. 471 Hepaticae of Bhutan II. Long, D.G., Grolle, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 68, 381-440, 1990. H Flora. 472 Glutamate dehydrogenase and glutamine synthetase in Sphagnum species. Takami, S., Nishizaki, T., Harada, M., Ngumi, V.W., Takio, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 68, 441-447, 1990. M Physiology. Biochemistry. 473 New hepatic records from New Guinea. Streimann, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 1-19, 1991. H Flora. 474 Eco-physiological responses of Tortula ruralis upon transplantation around a power plant in west Hungary. Meenks, J.L.D., Tuba, Z., Csintalan, Z. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 21-35, 1991. M Ecology. Physiology. 475 Notes on the Thuidiaceae in Asia. Watanabe, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 37-47, 1991. M Taxonomy. Flora. 476 Cell wall ornamentation in the hyaline cells of Sphagnum. Anderson, L.E., Ammann, K. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 49-63, 1991. M Morphology. Anatomy. 477 A phenetic and cladistic study of the Campylopodioideae. Frahm, J.-P. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 65-78, 1991. M Taxonomy. 478 Studies on Geocalycaceae (Hepaticae). II. Stolonivector, a new genus from New Zealand. Engel, J.J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 79-86, 1991. H Taxonomy. Flora. 479 Notes on the type specimens of Radula taxa from Latin America 5. Yamada, K. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 87-99, 1991. H Taxonomy.Flora. 480 Taxonomy of Phaeoceros laevis subsp. carolinianus and its allied taxa in Japan and its adjacent region. Hasegawa, J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 101-106, 1991. A Taxonomy. Flora. 481 Effect of some chemical factors on growth and differentiation of callus in the liverwort Mannia dichotoma grown in vitro. Kapur, A., Chopra, R.N. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 107-115, 1991. H Physiology. 482 Zur Anatomie der Blattchenrippe von Dicranum tauricum Sap. Hegewald, E. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 117-119, 1991. M Anatomy. Morphology. 483 On the taxonomic position of Hylocomium indicum Dixon (Musci, Hylocomiaceae). Ochyra, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 121-127, 1991. M Taxonomy. 484 Scapania in Queensland, Australia. Hicks, M.L. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 129-132, 1991. H Taxonomy. Flora. 485 Growth responses of Ceratodon purpureus in culture. Seppelt, R.D., Hancock, R.J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 133-145, 1991. M Physiology. Development. 486 Contribution to the knowledge of the bryophyte flora of Espirito Santo, Brazil. Schafer-Verwimp, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 147-170, 1991. B Flora. 487 Physiological characteristics and morphogenetic potential of long-term cultured cell lines in bryophytes. Harashima, S., Ono, K. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 171-184, 1991. B Physiology. Cytology. 488 Miscellanea Hepaticologica 281-290. Grolle, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 185-194, 1991. H Taxonomy. 489 The occurrence of flavonoids in the moss family Bryaceae. Stein, W., Zinsmeister, H.D. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 195-202, 1991. M Chemistry. 490 Taxonomic studies on Australian Meteoriaceae (Musci). 1: Introduction and the genus Papillaria. Streimann, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 203-256, 1991. M Taxonomy. 491 The genus Leptostomum R. Brown (Musci) in southern South America. Matteri, C.M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 257-264, 1991. M Taxonomy. Flora. Ecology. Geography. 492 Rhytidiadelphus japonicus (Reimers) Kop. in North America. Schofield, W.B., Talbot, S.S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 265-267, 1991. M Taxonomy. Flora. 493 Effect of some chelating agents on protonemal growth and differentiation in three mosses grown in vitro. Chopra, R.N., Mehta, P. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 269-276, 1991. M Physiology. 494 Taxonomic studies on Australian Meteoriaceae (Musci). 2: The genera Aerobryopsis, Barbella, Floribundaria, Meteoriopsis, Meteorium and Weymouthia. Streimann, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 277-312, 1991. M Taxonomy. 495 A partial clarification of the Lembophyllaceae. Crum, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 313-322, 1991. M Taxonomy. 496 A monograph of the Calymperaceae of China. Reese, W.D., Lin, P.-J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 323-372, 1991. M Taxonomy. 497 Dr. Hiroshi Inoue, 1932-1989. Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 70, i-iv, 1991. - Miscellaneous. 498 On the phytogeography of western Melanesian Hepaticae. A literature review. Enroth, J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 70, 9-42, 1991. H Flora. 499 Taxonomic studies on Australian Meteoriaceae (Musci). 3: Papillaria nitens (Hook. f. & Wils.) Sainsb. Streimann, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 70, 43-50, 1991. M Taxonomy. 500 On neotenic species of Radula. Schuster, R.M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 70, 71-61, 1991. H Taxonomy. 501 Studies on Geocalycaceae (Hepaticae). IV. Lamellocolea, a new genus of Leptoscyphoideae from New Zealand. Engel, J.J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 70, 63-78, 1991. H Taxonomy. 502 New reflections on the taxonomy of Pleuroziaceae supported by flavonoid chemisty. Mues, R., Klein, R., Gradstein, S.R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 70, 79-90, 1991. H Chemistry. Taxonomy. 503 Miscellaneous notes on Asiatic mosses, especially Malesian Sematophyllaceae (Musci) and others. Tan, B.C. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 70, 91-106, 1991. M Taxonomy. Flora. 504 In vitro studies on growth and gametangial formation in Riccia discolor: Effect of physical factors. Gupta, A., Sarla, Chopra, R.N. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 70, 107-117, 1991. H Physiology. Development. 505 Polytrichaceae (Musci) in Taiwan (China). Hyvonen, J., Lai, M.-J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 70, 119-141, 1991. M Taxonomy. 506 Diagnoses of new taxa of Hepaticae. I. Jungermanniidae. Schuster, R.M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 70, 143-150, 1991. H Taxonomy. 507 Lipophilic constituents from the Panamanian liverwort Monoclea gottschei subsp. neotropica. Sporle, J., Becker, H., Allen, N.S., Gupta, M.P. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 70, 151-155, 1991. H Chemistry. 508 Bryophytes des Iles Philippines. I. Le genre Leptolejeunea (Spruce) Steph. Onraedt, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 70, 157-166, 1991. H Taxonomy. 509 A monograph of subgen. Chonanthelia of gen. Frullania (Hepaticae) of the world. Yuzawa, Y. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 70, 181-291, 1991. H Taxonomy. 510 A taxonomical revision of the Aneuraceae (Hepaticae) of Japan. Furuki, T. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 70, 293-397, 1991. H Taxonomy. 511 On the phytogeographical affinities of temperate and tropical Asiatic and Australasiatic hepatics. Piippo, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71, 1-35, 1992. H Flora. 512 Studies on protonemal differentiation and bud formation in Philonotis lancifolia Mitt. and Trematodon brevicalyx Dixon: Effect of some purine derivatives. Chopra, R.N., Gupta, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71, 37-45, 1992. M Development. Physiology. 513 Effect of some cytokinins on growth and archegonial formation in the liverwort Riccia discolor Lehm. et Lindenb. Chopra, R.N., Gupta, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71, 47-54, 1992. H Development. Physiology. Morphology. 514 New or interesting records of Brazilian bryophytes, III. Schafer-Verwimp, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71, 55-68, 1992. B Flora. 515 Studies of Chinese bryohytes (3). Revision of Grimmia chenii Lin (Bryopsida, Grimmiaceae). Cao, T., Gao, C., Zhao, J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71, 69-73, 1992. M Taxonomy. 516 Corrections to Cryptoleptodon, Forrsstroemia and Leptodon (Leptodontaceae, Musci). Enroth, J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71, 75-82, 1992. M Taxonomy. 517 Moss genus Papillaria (Meteoriaceae) in the Pacific. Streimann, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71, 83-111, 1992. M Taxonomy. 518 Queensland liverworts: Reboulia Raddi. Hicks, M.L. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71, 113-117, 1992. H Taxonomy. 519 New or otherwise interesting records of Brazilian bryophytes. Vital, D.M., Pursell, R.A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71, 119-122, 1992. B Flora. 520 Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 17. Lejeunea curviloba and its related species from Japan. Mizutani, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71, 123-132, 1992. H Taxonomy. 521 A revision of the East-Asian species of Campylopus. Frahm, J.-P. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71, 133-164, 1992. M Taxonomy. 522 Orthodontopsis, a new genus of Bryaceae (Musci) from southern Siberia, USSR. Ignatov, M.S., Tan, B.C. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71, 165-173, 1992. M Taxonomy. 523 Preliminary checklist of the mosses of Peru. (Studies on Peruvian bryophytes IV.). Menzel, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71, 175-254, 1992. M Flora. 524 Chromosome study of Mizutania riccardioides (Hepaticae). Inoue, S., Furuki, T. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71, 263-266, 1992. H Cytology. 525 Studies on Marchantiales, I-III. Schuster, R.M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71, 267-287, 1992. H Taxonomy. 526 A survey of the mosses of the Lesser Sunda Islands (Nusa Tenggara), Indonesia. Touw, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71, 289-366, 1992. M Flora. 527 Studies of Chinese bryophytes (4). The family Theliaceae (Musci). Gao, C., Cao, T. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71, 367-375, 1992. M Taxonomy. 528 Bryokhytuliinia jurassica, gen. et spec. nova, a remarkable fossil moss from Mongolia. Ignatov, M.S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71, 377-388, 1992. M Fossil. Taxonomy. 529 The genus Orthotrichum Hedw. (Orthotrichaceae, Musci) in southeast Asia. A taxonomic revision. Lewinsky, J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 72, 1-88, 1992. M Taxonomy. 530 The influence of copper and zinc on shoot length and dry weight of Spahgnum palustre and Sphagunum cuspidatum in aqueous cultures. Baker, R.G.E. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 72, 89-96, 1992. M Physiology. 531 Scanning electron microscopic studies on spores of some Indian Marchantiales. Nath, V., Asthana, A.K. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 72, 97-103, 1992. H Morphology. 532 Studies on Geocalycaceae (Hepaticae). VIII. A revision of Chiloscyphus subg. Notholophocolea (Schust.) Engel & Schust. Engel, J.J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 72, 105-115, 1992. H Taxonomy. 534 Novelties for the Philippine hepatic flora. Piipo, S, Tan, B.C. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 72, 117-126, 1992. H Flora. 535 A reconsideration of the Leptostomataceae. Crum, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 72, 127-139, 1992. M Taxonomy. 536 In vitro studies on male clone of Riccia discolor: Effect of sugars. Sarla J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 72, 141-150, 1992. H Physiology. Development. 537 The oil-bodies of the Hepaticae. I. Introduction. Schuster, R.M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 72, 151-162, 1992. H Morphology.Taxonomy. 538 The oil-bodies of the Hepaticae. II. Lejeuneaceae (Part 2). Schuster, R.M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 72, 163-359, 1992. H Morphology.Taxonomy. 539 A revision of the genus Leucobryum (Musci) in Asia. Yamaguchi, T. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 73, 1-123, 1993. M Taxonomy. 540 Notes on the type specimens of Radula taxa from Latin America 6. Yamada, K. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 73, 125-137, 1993. H Taxonomy. 541 Genetic variation in the East Asian endemic moss Plagiomnium tezukae. Odrzykoski, I.J., Stoneburner, A., Wyatt, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 73, 139-146, 1993. M Genetics. 542 Unusual cell patterns and development in the branch leaves of Sphagnum. Baker, R.G.E. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 73, 147-158, 1993. M Development. Taxonomy. Morphology. 543 Notes on the Neckeraceae (Musci). 17. A taxonomic study on the genus Neckeropsis in Africa. Enroth, J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 73, 159-173, 1993. M Taxonomy. 544 Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 18. Japanese species of the genus Archilejeunea. Mizutani, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 73, 175-182, 1993. H Taxonomy. 545 Effect of some chemical factors on growth and archegonial formation in female clone of Riccia frostii Aust. Chopra, R.N., Vashistha, B.D. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 73, 231-247, 1993. H Development. Physiology. 546 Two subgenera of Syrrhopodon: Pseudocalymperes and Brachybolbos. Reese, W.D. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 73, 249-253, 1993. M Taxonomy. 547 Changes in tryptophan synthase activity in the wild type and auxin-sensitive mutants of the moss Funaria hygrometrica Hedw., accompanying protonema differentiation. Kapoor, S., Bhatla, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 73, 255-262, 1993. M Biochemistry. Morphology. 548 Antheridia and sporophytes in Takakia ceratophylla (Mitt.) Grolle: Evidence for reclassification among the mosses. Smith, D.K., Davison, P.G. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 73, 263-271, 1993. M Taxonomy. Morphology. 549 Elemental composition of water and aquatic bryophytes collected from the central part of Kyushu (Mt. Kuju, Mt. Aso and the city of Kumamoto). Satake, K. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(9), 137-1140, 1983. B Ecology. Chemistry. 550 Growth and photosynthesis of a moss Plagiomnium maximoviczii (Lindo.) Kop. - Effects of temperature-. Shimizu, H., Takeuchi, Y., Totsuka, T. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(9), 141-142, 1983. M Physiology. 551 Cultivation of the powdery mildew and moss diseases. Yanagisawa, S. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(9), 142-143, 1983. M Physiology. 552 Some interesting hepatics collected from Mts. Yatsugatake, central Japan. Furuki, T. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(9), 143, 1983. H Ecology. 553 Bryophytes of the Yaeyama Islands. Yamaguchi,T. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(9), 143-144, 1983. B Flora. Ecology. 554 Curious cell structure in some species of the Hepaticae. Kitagawa, N. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(9), 144-145, 1983. H Physiology.Anatomy. 555 The Ruin of a moss garden in the Makaya-dera Temple. Oishi, T. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(9), 145-146, 1983. B Miscellaneous. 556 Oil bodies in three species of Radula from Iriomote Island. Yamaguchi, T., Seki, T. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(9), 147-148, 1983. H Physiology. Chemistry. Anatomy. 557 Hygrobiella nishimurae N. Kitag. from the Yakushima Island. Furuki, T. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(9), 148, 1983. H Flora. Taxonomy. 558 A new locality of Jungermannia japonica Amak. Doei, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(9), 149, 1983. H Flora. 559 A new locality of Asterella crassa Shim. & Hatt. Koike, N. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(9), 149, 1983. H Flora. 560 Marsupella pseudofunckii Hatt. from China. Kitagawa, N. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(9), 150, 1983. H Flora. 561 Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of New Caledonia. Kitagawa, N. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(8), 119-122, 1983. A, H Flora. 562 A new locality of Seligeria donniana (Sw.) C. Muell. in Japan. Furuki, T., Higuchi, M. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(8), 122, 1983. M Flora. 563 Meithecium microcarpum (Hook.) Mitt. found in Okinawa Island. Yamaguchi, T. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(8), 122-123, 1983. M Flora. 564 訳してください 丁恒山著「中国薬用胞子植物」の中の訶苔類 Takaki, N. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(8), 123-124, 1983. B Chemistry. Miscellaneous. 565 Use of bryophytes in China 2. Mosses indispensable to the production of Chinese gallnuts. Ando, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(8), 124-125, 1983. M Chemistry. Miscellaneous. 566 Camera work for mosses, 3. Izawa, M. Proc. Bryol Soc. Jpn. 3(8), 126-129, 1983. B Miscellaneous. 567 The IAB World Conference of Bryology,Tokyo. Inoue, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(8), 129-135, 1983. - Miscellaneous. 568 Element contents in Homaliadelphus sharpii var. rotundatus. Nagano, I., Uchida, K. Proc. Bryol.Soc. Jpn. 3(7), 101-102, 1983. B Chemistry. Ecology. 569 Cylindrocolea tagawae, newly found in Japan. Yamaguchi, T., Seki, T. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(7), 103, 1983. H Flora. 570 Colura inuii from Isl. Tanegashima. Hasegawa, J. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(7), 104, 1983. H Flora. Taxonomy. 571 Use of bryophytes in China 1. Medical use. Ando, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(7), 104-106, 1983. B Chemistry. Miscellaneous. 572 Bryophyte communities on several thatched roofs in the Kanto District. Oizuru, T., Yoshida, F. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 2(7), 106-107, 1983. B Ecology. Flora. 573 Studies on the growth and the physiology of bryophytes (2). Photosynthesis and respiration of several bryophytes. Shimizu, H., Takeuchi, K., Furukawa, A., Totsuka, T. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(7), 107-108, 1983. B Physiology. Biochemistry. 574 Differential distribution of sesquiterpenoids among some species of the genus Bazzania. Hayashi, S., Matsuo, A. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(7), 108-109, 1983. H Chemistry. 575 Bryological literature published in Japan in 1981. Iwatsuki, Z. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(7), 109-112, 1983. - Miscellaneous. 576 Method for free hand sectioning of moss plants under stereoscopic microscope. Deguchi, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(7), 113, 1983. - Miscellaneous. 577 Isui-en, a beautiful moss garden in Nara City. Kitagawa, N. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(7), 113-114, 1983 B Flora. Miscellaneous. 578 On some bryological terms in Japan (1). Kitagawa, N. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(7), 115, 1983. - Miscellaneous. 579 The bryophyte flora of Nakanoshima and Suwanosejima Islands (the Tokara Islands), southwestern Japan. Nakajima, M., Furuki, T., Yano, Y. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(6), 81-83, 1982. B Flora. 580 Damage on mosses by insects and red blight desease. Yanagisawa, S. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(6), 83, 1982. B Physiology. 581 Sexuality in some japanese species of Macromitrium. Une, K. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(6), 83-84, 1982. M Physiology. Taxonomy. 582 Taxonomical notes on Japanese species of Anthoceros. Hasegawa, J. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(6), 84, 1982. A Taxonomy. 583 Ecology and new additional localities of Gymnostomiella longinervis Bartr. Seki, T. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(6), 85-86, 1982. M Taxonomy. Ecology. 584 A new studies on application of peroxidase isozyme in mosses. Inoue, S., Sakanishi, M. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(6), 86-88, 1982. M Biochemistry. Physiology. 585 Collecting trip in Arctic Alaska, July 27 - August 5, 1982. Ochi, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(6), 88-89, 1982. - Miscellaneous. 586 On the outgrowth of female involucres of genus Metzgeria. Kuwahara, Y. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(6), 92-94, 1982. H Anatomy. Taxonomy. 587 Bryological literature published in Japan in 1980, 2. Iwatsuki, Z. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(6), 94-95, 1982. - Miscellaneous. 588 Camera work for mosses, 2. Izawa, M. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(6), 95-98, 1982. - Miscellaneous. 589 Illustration of Pogonatum spinulosum in Makino's "New Illustrated Flora of Japan". Takaki, N. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(6), 98, 1982. M Miscellaneous. 590 "Place names with Koke, a further note" 再び苔の地名について Yamada, K. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(6), 99, 1982. B Miscellaneous. 591 New species linking Phascum and Pottia (Pottiacea). Herrenstadt, I., Heyn, C.C. Nova Hedwigia 57(1-2), 135-139, 1993. M Taxonomy. 592 Epiphylle Moose von den Kanarischen Inseln (La Gomera and Teneriffa). Boecker, M., Fischer, E., Lobin, W. Nova Hedwigia 57(1-2), 219-230, 1993. M Flora. 593 Photosynthetic properties of dark-bleached cells of the newly established line from the liverwort, Marchantia paleacea var. diptera. Takio, S., Ikuta, K., Satoh, Y., Satoh, T. J. Plant Physiol. 142(1), 6-11, 1993. H Biochemistry. Physiology. 594 Terpenoids from some German and Russian liverworts. Nagashima, F., Ohi, Y., Nagai, T., Tori, M., Asakawa, Y., Huneck, S. Phytochemistry 33(6), 1445-1448, 1993. H Chemistry. 595 A comparative ultrastructureal study of endophytic basidiomycetes in the parasitic achlorophyllous hepatic Cryptothallus mirabilis and the closely allied photosynthetic species Aneura pinguis (Metzgeriales). Ligrone, R., Pocock, K., Duckett, J.G. Can. J. Bot. 71(5), 666-679, 1993. H Anatomy. 596 Growth responses of six bryophytes species to different light intensities. Rincon, E. Can. J. Bot. 71(5), 661-665, 1993. B Physiology. 597 Cryoprotection of Plagiomnium affine induced by various natural and artificial substances. Rutten, D., Santarius, K.A. Can. J. Bot. 71(6), 793-798, 1993. H Physiology. 598 Variation in a polyploid, dioicous liverwort, Marchantia globosa. Bischler, H., Boissleier-Dubayle, M.C. Am. J. Bot. 80(8), 953-958, 1993. H Ecology. 599 Contribution a l'etude de l'effet du debroussaillement sur le peuplement muscinal, au niveau de quelqus formations aborees et arbustives repandues en terrain calcaire la partie centrale du Var(France meridionale). Hebrard, J-P., Loisel, R. Nova Hedwigia 57(1-2), 65-95, 1993. M Ecology. 600 *Correcting for variation in recording effort in analyses of diversity hotspots. Prendergast, J.R., Wood, S.N., Lawton, J.H., Eversham, B.C. Biodiversity Lett. 1(2), 39-53, 1993. ? Ecology. 601 Interspecific differences in metal bioaccumulation and plant-water concentration ratios in five aquatic bryophytes. Lopez, J., Carballeira, H. Hydrobiologia 263(2), 95-107, 1993. H Ecology. 602 Targionia hypophylla L. spp. linealis (Marchantiidae, Hepaticae), eine neuen unterart aus Arabien sowie weitere neufunde. Studien an Arabischen bryophyten 17. Frey, W., Kurschner, H. Nova Hedwigia 57(1-2), 127-133, 1993. H Taxonomy. Flora. 603 Spectral reflectance measurements in the genus Sphagnum. Vogelmann, J.E., Moss, D.M. Remote Sens. Environ. 45(3), 273-279, 1993. M Miscellaneous. 604 Bryophytes in aquarium for tropical fish Takaki, N., Watanabe, R., Iwatsuki, Z. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(5), 65-68, 1992. B Ecology. Miscellaneous. 605 Micromitrium megalosporum Aust. newly found in japan. Iwatsuki, Z. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(5), 68-72, 1992. M Flora. Taxonomy. 606 The calyptra rupture and capsule form in Atrichum rhystophyllum. Suzuki, Y. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(5), 72-73, 1992. M Anatomy. 607 Bryological literature published in Japan in 1980, 1. Iwatsuki, Z. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(5), 74-76, 1992. B Miscellaneous. 608 New localities of two species of Hepaticae. Koike, N. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(5), 76, 1992. H Flora. 609 Notes on the Japanese name "Shokudaigoke" for different plants, a lichen and a moss. Yoshimura, I. (comment: Iwatsuki, Z.) [これは困った。どうします。] Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(5), 77, 1992. M Taxonomy. Miscellaneous. 610 Camera work for mosses, I. Izawa, M. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(5), 78-79, 1992. B Miscellaneous. 611 Studies on the sporeling of Japanese mosses (5). Sporeling of three species of Entodon. Nishida, Y., Iwatsuki, Z. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(4), 49-52, 1992. M Physiology. Morphology. 612 New Localities of Funaria japonica Broth. Iwatsuki, Z. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(4), 52, 1992. M Flora. 613 Nature preservation and bryophytes. Taoda, H. Prpc.Bryol.Soc. Jpn. 3(4), 53-54, 1992. B Ecology. 614 Gemmae of Conocephalum supradecompositum and winter buds of C. conicum. Kitagawa, N. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(4), 55-56, 1992. H Physiology. Taxonomy. Anatomy. Morphology. 615 Differential distrubution of sesquiterpenoids in some phenotypes of Plagiochila acanthophylla Gott. subsp. japonica (Lac.) Inoue. Matsuo, A., Nozaki, H., Hayashi, S. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(4), 56-59, 1992. H Chemistry. 616 The Moss Kwannon. Miyamoto, M. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(4), 59-60, 1992. B Miscellaneous. 617 Postage stamps with pictures of mosses and lichen issued from Liechtenstein. Takaki, N. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(4), 61-62, 1992. B Miscellaneous. 618 コケを扱った小説、半村良「魔女伝説」中央公論社刊 Takaki, N. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(4), 62, 1992. B Miscellaneous. 619 A new locality of Radula retroflexa Tayl. from Japan. Yamada, K. (comment: Kitagawa,N.) Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(4), 63, 1992. H Flora. Taxonomy. 620 苔の名のついた川 Yamada, K. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(4), 64, 1992. B Miscellaneous. 621 Condolences on the death of Dr. Sinsuke Hattori. Morinaga, T. Shida to Koke, Suppl., 1, 1993. - Miscellaneous. 622 A tribute to Sinsuke Hattori (1915-1992). Schuster, R.M. Shida to Koke, Suppl., 2-9, 1993. - Miscellaneous. 623 Memories of Dr.Sinsuke Hattori. Ito, M. Shida to Koke, Suppl., 10, 1993. - Miscellaneous. 624 Memories of Dr. Shinsuke Hattori. Kamimura, M. Shida to Koke, Suppl., 11-15, 1993. - Miscellaneous. 625 Memories of Dr.Shinsuke Hattori with special reference to the discovery of Takakia lepidozioides. Takaki, N. Shida to Koke, Suppl., 16-18, 1993. H Miscellaneous. 626 Dr. Shisuke Hattori, a remarkable man of ability. Ando, H. Shida to Koke, Suppl., 19-20, 1993. - Miscellaneous. 627 A personal memory of Dr. Shinsuke Hattori. Watanabe, R. Shida to Koke, Suppl., 21-23, 1993. - Miscellaneous. 628 Memories of Dr. Shinsuke Hattori. Ono, T. Shida to Koke, Suppl., 24-26, 1993. - Miscellaneous. 629 A memorial tribute to Dr. Shinsuke Hattori. Iwatsuki, Z. Shida to Koke, Suppl., 27-29, 1993. - Miscellaneous. 630 A memorial to the late Dr. Shinsuke Hattori. Iwatsuki, K. Shida to Koke, Suppl., 30-31, 1993. - Miscellaneous. 631 Recollections of Dr. Shinsuke Hattori. Mizushima, U. Shida to Koke, Suppl., 32-34, 1993. - Miscellaneous. 632 A bryological account reminiscent of the late Dr.Shinsuke Hattori. Igi, C. Shida to Koke, Suppl., 35-36, 1993. - Miscellaneous. 633 Recollections of Dr. Shinsuke Hattori. Nehira, K. Shida to Koke, Suppl., 37-38, 1993. - Miscellaneous. 634 Memories of Dr. Shinsuke Hattori. Yuzawa, Y. Shida to Koke, Suppl., 39-40, 1993. - Miscellaneous. 635 Memories of Dr. Shinsuke Hattori. Koike, N. Shida to Koke, Suppl., 41-42, 1993. - Miscellaneous. 636 Recollections of Dr. Shinsuke Hattori. Michimori, M. Shida to Koke, Suppl., 43, 1993. - Miscellaneous. 637 On the area of northern China where bryophytres are rarely found. Mizutani, M. Shida to Koke, Suppl., 44-50, 1993. B Flora. 638 Whilhelm Hofmeister -- Life and work I. Kitagawa, N. Shida to Koke, Suppl., 51-55, 1993. - Miscellaneous. 639 Distribution and diversity of the genus Radula (Radulaceae) in Neotropica. Yamada, K. Shida to Koke, Suppl., 56-60, 1993. H Flora, Taxonomy. 640 Bryology of the polar region in terms of changing environment. Kanda, H. Shida to Koke, Suppl., 61-68, 1993. B Ecology. 641 Considerations on the taxonomic position of Sphagnaceae, Andreaceae and Polytrichaceae. Deguchi, H. Shida to Koke, Suppl., 69-73, 1993. M Taxonomy. 642 Chloroplasts of the Anthocerotae -- their phylogenetic significance. Hasegawa, J. Shida to Koke, Suppl., 74-81, 1993. A Anatomy. Taxonomy. Physiology. Molecular Biology. 643 Shoot development in Rhodobryum gigantes(Schwaegr.) Par. Nishimura, N., Omae, N. Shida to Koke, Supl., 82-85, 1993. M Anatomy. 644 Polycarpy in Sphagnum squarrosum Crome. Higuchi, M. Shida to Koke, Suppl., 86-91, 1993. M Anatomy. 645 A handy guide to identification of Japanese mosses. Version 1.0. Akiyama, H. Shida to Koke, Suppl., 92-108, 1993. M Taxonomy. 646 Mizutania riccardioides, a mysterious liverwort comparable to Takakia and ancestral form of bryophytes. Furuki, T. Shida to Koke, Suppl. 109-115, 1993. H Taxonomy. 647 Seasonal changes of bryophyte communities in a famous villa garden in Kyoto. Doei, K. Shida to Koke, Suppl. 116-121, 1993. B Miscellaneous. Flora. 648 Bryophytes of Mingan Archpelago National Park Reserve, Quebec: A boreal flora with arctic and alpine components. Belland, R.J., Schofield, W.B., Hedderson, T.A. Can. J. Bot. 70(11), 2207-2222, 1992. B Flora. 649 Expression of myb-related genes in the moss, Physcomitrella patens. Leech, M.J., Kammerer, W., Cove, D.J., Martin, C., Wang, T.L. Plant J. 3(1), 51-61, 1993. M Molecular Biology. 650 Photosynthesis, pigments, and chloroplast ultrastructure of an Antarctic liverwort from sun-exposed and shades sites. Post, A., Vesk, M. Can. J. Bot. 70(11), 2259-2264, 1992. B Biochemistry. Physiology. 651 Flavone-C-glycosides from the mosses Plagiomnium elatum and Plagiomnium cuspidatum. Anhut, S., Biehl, J., Seeger, T., Mues, R., Zinsmeister, H.B. Z. Naturforsch. Sec. C. -J. Biosci. 47(9-10),654-660, 1992. M Chemistry. 652 3,3"'-Binaringenin, a new biflavonoid from Pilotrichella cuspidata (Meteoriaceae, Musci). Seeger, T., Geiger, H., Zinsmeister, H.D., Frahm, J-P., Witte, L. Z. Naturforsch. Sec. C. -J. Biosci. 47(9-10), 667-669, 1992. M Chemistry. 653 Comparative measures of desciccation-tolerance in the Tortula ruralis complex. I. Variation in damage control and repair. Oliver, M.J., Mischler, B.D., Quisenberry, J.E. Am. J. Bot. 80(2), 127-136, 1993. M Ecology. Physiology. 654 Decay potential of hummock and hollow Sphagnum peats at different depths in a Swedish raised bog. Hogg, E.H. Oikos 66(2), 269-278, 1993. M Ecology. Physiology. 656 Conserved names of mosses: A brief history. Magill, R.E. Taxon 42(1), 5-15, 1993. M Taxonomy. 657 Bryophytes of the Melville Hills region, Northwest Territories. Scotter, G.W., Vitt, D.H. Can. Field-Nat. 106(1), 87-99, 1993. B Flora. 658 659 A historical retrospect of the society at the 10th anniversary. Takaki, N. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(3), 31-32, 1981. - Miscellaneous. 660 Die Grundorganisationen und die Entwicklungsweisen in den Gametophyten der Dicranum japonicum Mitt. Kawai, I. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(3), 32, 1981. M Anatomy. 661 Ecology of some mosses in East Antarctica. Kanda, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(3), 33-34, 1981. B Ecology. 662 Studies on the growth and physiology of bryophytes. (1) On a method for measuring photosynthesis and respiration of bryophytes with an oxygen electrode system. Shimizu, H., Shimizu, A., Furukawa, A., Totsuka, T. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(3), 35, 1981. M Physiology. 663 Genic variabilities in natural population of haploid plant, Conocephalum conicum II. The amountof heterozygosity and the genetic differentiation. Yamazaki, T. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(3), 35-38, 1981. H Taxonomy. Genetic. 664 Vaginules in Ctenidium and its allied genera. Nishimura, N. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(3), 38-39, 1981. M Anatomy. Taxonomy. 665 Floristic comparison among the moss floras of the subantarctic region in Chile. Seki, T., Kanda, H., Ando, T., Matsuda, T. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(3), 40-43, 1981. M Flora. 666 Some hepatics newly founded in the Izu Islands. Higuchi, M., Nishimura, N. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(3), 45, 1981. H Flora. Taxonomy. 667 An aberrant type of distribution in Iwatsukia jishibe. Kitagawa, N. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(3), 46, 1981. H Flora. 668 The type specimen of Calypogeia tosana. Kitagawa, N. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(3), 46, 1981. H Taxonomy. 669 Studies on the sporeling of Japanese mosses (4). Sporeling of four pendulous species of the Meteoriaceae. Nishida, Y., Iwatsuki, Z. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(2), 15-17, 1981. M Anatomy. Taxonomy. 670 Moss communities on wooden piles along the sides of irrigation channels in Chikugo City, N.Kyushu,Japan. Sumi, M. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(2), 18-21,1981. M Flora. 671 Mosses in a collapsed lava tibe on Mt. Fuji. Deguchi, H., Osakabe, T. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(2), 21-24, 1981. M Flora. 672 How to grow mosses (3). Ohishi, T. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(2), 24-25, 1981. M Miscellaneous. 673 Bryological literature published in Japan in 1979, (2). Iwatsuki, Z. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(2), 25-27, 1981. B Miscellaneous. 674 Mosses in "Guinness book of world records". Takaki, N. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(2), 27-28, 1981. - Miscellaneous. 675 A short bibliography of late prof. Pan-Chieh Chen, a bryologist in China. Takaki, N. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(2), 28, 1981. - Miscellaneous. 676 Epiphytic bryophytes on Cinnamomum camphora trees in the urban area of Miyazaki City, southern Japan. Nakamura, E., Iwatsuki, Z. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(1), 1-4, 1981. B Ecology. Flora. 677 Bryological literature published in Japan in 1979 (1). Iwatsuki, Z. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(1), 4-6, 1981. B Miscellaneous. 678 My collection of bryological literature. Kitagawa, N. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(1), 6-7, 1981. - Miscellaneous. 679 How to grow mosses (2). Ohishi, T. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(1), 7-9, 1981. M Miscellaneous. 680 New localities of Calycularia crispula Mitt. Higuchi, M. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(1), 10-11, 1981. H Flora. 681 A new locality of Cololejeunea aoshimensis (Horik.) Mizt. Yamada, K. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(1), 11, 1981. H Flora. 682 Plagiochilion mayebarae Hatt., new to Shikoku. Deguchi, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 3(1), 11, 1981. H Flora. 683 Hepaticae and Anthocerotae in ward of Tokyo. Inoue, H. J. Hiraoka Envir. Sci. Lab. 1, 65-71, 1988. H. A. Flora. 684 Distribution pattern of bryophytes on Fagus crenata in the snowy area of Japan. Tanemura, S. J. Hiraoka Envir. Sci. Lab. 2, 63-96, 1989. B Flora. Ecology. 685 Autofluorescence of elaters in the Anthocerotae and its taxonomic significance. Hasegawa, J. J. Hiraoka Envir. Sci. Lab. 3, 1-9, 1990. A Taxonomy. Chemistry. Physiology. 686 Mosses of Mts. Ohmine-san (Zenki-Mt. Shakagatake), in the Kii Penisnsula, Central Honshu,Japan. Doei, H. J. Hiraoka Envir. Sci. Lab. 3, 75-90, 1990. M Flora. 687 Multielement determination of metals in the moss species. Tanabe, M., Hongo, Y., Hiraoka, S. Nat. Env. Sci. Res. 4, 39-44, 1991. B Chemistry. Ecology. 688 SEM pbservations on leaf papillae of Japanese Thuidium (Bryopsida). Nishimura, N., Hiraoka, T., Watanabe, R. Nat. Env. Sci. Res. 4, 85-104, 1991. M Anatomy. 689 SEM observations on peristome teeth of mosses,I. Nishimura, N., Noguchi, H. Nat. Env. Sci. Res. 4, 117-132, 1991. M Anatomy. 690 Rheophytes of bryophytes in wet tropics of Southern Asia. Akiyama, H. Nat. Env. Sci. Res. 5, 33-42, 1992. B Flora. 691 Species of the genus Thudium in Japan. Watanabe, R. Nat. Env. Sci. Res. 5, 57-72, 1992. M Taxonomy. 692 Composition of species for epiphytic bryophytes and lichens on urban and suburban areas in Kanagawa Prefecture. Minami, Y. Nat.Env.Sci.Res. 5, 73-78, 1992. B Flora. Ecology. 693 Sem observations on peristome teeth of mosses, 2. Isobryales. Nishimura, N., Watanabe, K. Nat. Env. Sci. Res. 5, 83-101, 1992. M Anatomy. 694 Estimation of genetic diversity within populations of two chinese moss species, Leucodon secundus, var. ssecundus and L. subulatus (Leucodontaceae, Musci). Akiyama, H., Wu, S. Nat. Env. Sci. Res. 6, 7-13, 1993. M Taxonomy. Genetic. Flora. 695 SEM observations on peristome teeth of mosses, 3. Hookeriales. Nishimura, N., Takamura, M. Nat. Env. Sci. Res. 6, 15-32, 1993. M Anatomy. 696 Bryophytes tissue culture methods. Tanabe, M. Nat. Env. Sci. Res. 6, 33-40, 1993. B Miscellaneous. 697 Studies on the genus Hypnum Hedw. (VIII). Ando, H. Hikobia 11(2), 111-123, 1992. M Taxonomy. 698 Lectotypification of the genus Ectropothecium (Musci, Hypnaceae). Iwatsuki, Z. Hikobia 11(2), 125-131, 1992. M Taxonomy. 699 Some interesting mosses from India. Iwatsuki, Z., Kumar, S.S. Hikobia 11(2), 133-137, 1992. M Flora. Taxonomy. 700 Buchanania (Sphagnum, Sphagnaceae) sect. nov. Yamaguchi, T., Seppelt, R.D., Iwatsuki, Z. Hikobia 11(2), 139-140, 1992. M Taxonomy. 701 Some important sporophytic characters for infrageneric classification of the genus Fissidens. Ishiki, M., Iwatsuki, Z. Hikobia 11(2), 141-146,1992. M Taxonomy. 702 Lectotypification of Clastobryum indicum and C. conspicuum. Tan, B.C., Iwatsuki, Z. Hikobia 11(2), 147-152, 1992. M Taxonomy. 703 Chromosome studies of five Radula species (Hepaticae). Inoue, S., Yamada, K. Hikobia 11(2), 153-157, 1992. H Genetic. 704 Bryological literature published in japan in 1989 and 1990. Iwatsuki, Z., Higuchi, M. Hikobia 11(2), 219-225, 1992. B Miscellaneous. 705 Contributio ad floram hepaticarum Yakushimensem I. Hattroi, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab 1, 1-26, 1947. H Flora. Taxonomy. 706 Contributio ad floram hepaticarum yakushimensem, II. Hattroi, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 2, 1-26, 1947. H Flora. Taxonomy. 707 A review of the Leucodontineae and Neckerineae of Japan, Loo Choo and of Formosa, I. Noguchi, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 2, 27-79, 1947. M Taxonomy. 708 Natulae Bryologicae, I. Noguchi, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 2, 80-82, 1947. M Taxonomy. 709 Contributio ad floram hepaticarum yakushimensem, III. Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 3,1-35, 1948. H Flora. Taxonomy. 710 Hepaticarum species novae et minus cognitae nipponenses, VI. Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 3, 37-52, 1948. H Taxonomy. 711 A review of the Leucodontineae and Neckerineae of Japan, Loo Choo and of Formosa, II. Noguchi, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 3, 53-98, 1948. M Taxonomy. 712 A review of the Leucodontineae and Neckerineae of Japan, Loo Choo and of formosa, III. Noguchi, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 4, 1-48, 1950. M Taxonomy. 713 Contributio ad floram hepaticarum yakushimensem, IV. Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 4, 49-70, 1950. H Flora. Taxonomy. 714 A review of the Leucodontineae and Neckerineae of Japan, Loo Choo and of Formosa, IV. Noguchi, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 5, 7-39, 1951. M Taxonomy. Flora. 715 Natulae Bryologicae II. Noguchi, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 5, 40-42, 1951. M Taxonomy. 716 Contributio ad floram hepaticarum yakushimensem, V. Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 5, 43-68, 1951. H Flora. Taxonomy. 717 Oil bodies of Japnese Hepaticae (1). Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 5, 69-97, pls.I-VII. H Morphology. 718 Muscinees des hauts sommets de la mte. Fuji (Japon). Takaki, N. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 6, 1-5, 1951. M Flora. Taxonomy. Ecology. 719 Three remarkable liverworts found in Shiiba (Kyushu, Japan). Amakawa, T. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 6, 6, 1951. H Flora. 720 Contributio ad floram hepaticarum yakushimensem, VI. Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 6, 7-23, 1951. H Flora. Taxonomy. 721 Musci japonici (1) Hypopterygiaceae. Noguchi, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 6, 24-32, 1951. M Taxonomy. 722 Musci japonici (1) Hypopterygiaceae. Noguchi, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 7, 1-22, 1952. M Taxonomy. 723 Hepaticae of Shikoku and Kyushu, southern Japan (1). Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 7, 38-61, 1952. H Flora. Taxonomy. 724 Natulae Bryologicae III. Mosses of Formosa - Fissidens. Noguchi, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 7, 62-68, 1952. M Taxonomy. Flora. 725 Studies on the Japanese species of Cephalozia (Hepaticae), 1. Amakawa, T. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 7, 69-75, 1952. H Taxonomy. 726 On the distribution of liverworts. Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 7, 76, 1952. H Flora. 727 Musci japonici II. Erpodiaceae. Noguchi, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 8, 5-17, 1952. M Taxonomy. 728 Natulae Bryologicae IV. Noguchi, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 8, 18-20, 1952. M Taxonomy. 729 Hepaticae of Shikoku and Kyushu, southern Japan (2). Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 8, 21-46, 1952. H Flora. Taxonomy. 730 Sutdies on the Japanese species of Asterella (1). Shimizu, D., Hattoir, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 8, 46-54, 1952. H Taxonomy. 731 Studies on the Japanese species of Cephalozia (Hepaticae), 2. Amakawa, T. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 8, 55-62, 1952. H Taxonomy. 732 Studies on Japanese Blepharostoma (1). Hattori, S., Kuwahara, Y. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 8, 63-67, 1952. H Taxonomy. Ecology. 733 Musci Japonici (Exsiccati) Ser. 1-6. Noguchi, A., Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 8, 67-76, 1952. B Flora. Exsiccata. 734 Musci Japonici III. The genus Okamuraea. Noguchi, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 9, 1-15, 1953. M Taxonomy. 735 Additions to "Hepaticae of Shikoku and Kyusyu, southern Japan". Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 9, 16, 1953. H Flora. Taxonomy. 736 Ptilidium of Japan (1). Hattori, S., Takaki, N., Ikegami, Y., Shimizu, D. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 9, 17-25, 1953. H Taxonomy. Flora. Ecology. 737 Studies on the Japanese species of Asterella (2). Shimizu, D., Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 9, 25-31, 1953. H Taxonomy. 738 Marchantiales of Japan, I. Shimizu, D., Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 9, 32-44, 1953. Taxonomy. 739 A revision of the Japanese species of Scapaniaceae (1). Amakawa, T., Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 9, 45-62, 1953. H Taxconomy. 740 Addition to "Ptilidium of Japan" (1). Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 9, 62, 1953. H Flora. 741 Chiloscyphus javanicus in Liukiu. Kuwahara, Y., Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 9, 63-64, 1953. H Taxonomy. Flora. 742 Mosses of Mt. Sarawaket, New Guinea. Noguchi, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 10, 1-23, 1953. M Flora. Taxonomy. 743 Caleareous mosses from the Akaishi range, Middle Japan. Takaki, N. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 10, 23-20, 1953. M Flora. 744 On the genus Andreanea of Japan. Takaki, N. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 10, 30-34, 1953. M Taxonomy. Ecology. 745 Hepaticae novae vel minus cogitae nipponenses (8). Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 10, 35-48, 1953. H Taxonomy. 746 Marchantiales of Japan (2). Shimizu, D., Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 10, 49-55, 1953. H Taxonomy. 747 Some Kinki bryophyte records (1). Okada, K. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 10, 56, 1953. B Flora. 748 A new Cololejeunea from Kyoto. Hattori, S., Kodama, T. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 10, 57-58, 1953. H Taxonomy. 749 Supplementary notes to the "A review of the Leucodontineae and Neckerineae of Japan, Loo Choo and of Formosa". Noguchi, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 10, 59-62, 1953. M Taxonomy. 750 Oil bodies of Japanese Hepaticae (2). Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 10, 63-78, 1953. H Morphology. 751 Musci Japonici. IV. The genus Ptychomitrium. Noguchi, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 12, 1-26, 1954. M Taxonomy. 752 Notulae Bryologicae. V. A list of mosses from Manchuria and North Korea. Noguchi, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 12, 27-33, 1954. M Flora. Taxonomy. 753 Morphology of Rebouliaceae. II. On some species of Mannia Corda, Asterella Beauv. and Plagiochasma L. et L. Kachroo, P. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 12, 34-52, 1954. H Taxonomy. 754 Marchantiales of Japan, III. Shimizu, D., Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 12, 53-75, 1954. H Taxonomy. 755 Hepaticae Japonicae Exsiccatae Ser. 1-6. Alphabetical list of species. Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 12, 76-90, 1954. H Exsiccata, Flora. 756 A revision of the Japanese species of Scapaniaceae. II. Amakawa, T., Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 12, 91-112, 1954. H Taxonomy. 757 On the filamentous appendage, a new fine structure of the spermatozoid of Conocephalum conicum disclosed by means of the electron microscope. Sato, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 12, 113-115, 1954. H Morphology. 758 On the oil-bodies of Treubia nana. Inoue, H., Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 12, 116, 1954. H Morphology. 759 Introductory remarks on the botanical research of the Okuhyuga area. Hirata, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 13, 1-4, 1955. B Flora. 760 Musci of the Okuhyuga area, Kyushu, Japan. Noguchi, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 13, 37-51, 1955. M Flora. 761 Hepaticae of the Okuhyuga area. Amakawa, T. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 13, 52-62, 1955. H Flora. 762 Researches on the Brachytheciaceae of Japan and its adjacent areas (I). Takaki, N. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 14, 1-28, 1955. M Taxonomy. 763 Beitrag zur kenntnis der Bryophytenflora von Formosa und den Benachbarten Inseln Botel Tobago und Kwashyoto. Herzog, T., Noguchi, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 14, 29-70, 1955. B Flora. Taxonomy. 764 A revision of the Japanese species of the Scapaniaceae. III. Amakawa, T., Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 14, 71-90, 1955. H Taxonomy. 765 Marchantiales of Japan. IV. Hattori, S., Shimizu, D. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 14, 91-107, 1955. H Taxonomy. 766 Chromosomen bei einigen Arten von Marchantiales aus Japan. Tatuno, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 14, 109-112, 1955. H Cytology.