k003 #967-#1150 old file: koke9404 [Rev. by H.Deguchi on 06 May 1994] 967 Briofitos interesantes de zonas yesiferas del sudeste arido de Espana. Martinez-Sanchez, J.J., Ros, R.M., Guerra, J. Bryologist 94(1), 16-21, 1991. B Flora 968 Niche breadth and overlap of four species of Sphagnum in southern Ecuador. McQueen, C.B. Bryologist 94(1), 39-43, 1991. M Taxonomy. 969 Bryologia novo granatensis. V. Additional records for Columbia and Antioquia, with a review ofthe distribution of Hydropogon fontinaloides in South America. Churchill, S.P. Bryologist 94(1), 44-48, 1991. M Distribution. Flora. 970 The habitats of three boreal fen mosses new to the southern Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Cooper, D.J. Bryologist 94(1), 49-50, 1991. M Flora. 971 Notes on Sphagnum in Costa Ric: A major range extension for Sphagnum platyphyllum. Karlin, E.F. Bryologist 94(1), 51-52, 1991. M Flora. 972 The mosses of Grand Bahama Island. Reese, W.D. Bryologist 94(1), 53-54, 1991. M Flora. 973 Bruchia hallii in Alabama. Bowers, F.D., Rushing, A.E. Bryologist 94(1), 55-56, 1991. M Flora. 974 A survey of the Campylopus flora of Hawaii. Frahm, J.-P. Bryologist 94(1), 60-66, 1991. M Flora. 975 Propagula of Aulacomnium heterostichum in Japan. Imura, S., Glime, J.M., Iwatsuki, Z. Bryologist 94(1), 67-69, 1991. M Flora. 976 Rediscovery of Orthotrichum holzingeri: Its morphology and habitat in western North America. Vitt, D.H. Bryologist 94(1), 77-79, 1991. M Flora. Taxonomy. 977 Bryum rubens from Niagara Falls, new to North America. Eckel, P.M., Shaw, J. Bryologist 94(1), 80-81, 1991. M Flora. 978 Tortela tortelloides (Musci: Pottiaceae) new to North America. Eckel, P.M. Bryologist 94(1), 84-87, 1991. M Flora. 979 New records of Australian Calymperaceae (Musci). Reese, W.D., Stremann, H., Russell-Smith, J. Bryologist 94(1), 88-89, 1991. M Flora. 980 The distribution of some bryophytes in the Stockholm area. Stockholm, M.V.I. Sven. Bot. Tidskr. 85(1), 53-59, 1991. B Flora. 981 The bryophytes of Sabah (North Borneo) with special reference to the BRYOTROP transect of Mt. Kinabalu. XII. Gymnomitriaceae(Hepaticopsida, Jungermanniales). Vana, J. Willdenowia 20(1-2), 167-170, 1991. H Flora. 982 The bryophytes of Sabah (North Borneo) with special reference to the BRYOTROP transect of Mt. Kinabalu. XIII. Jungermanniales (Hepaticopsida, Jungermanniales). Vana, J. Willdenowia 20(1-2), 171-183, 1991. H Flora. 983 The bryophytes of Sabah (North Borneo) with special reference to the BRYOTROP transect of Mt. Kinabalu. XIV. Sphagnopsida and Andreaeopsida. Menzel, M., Schultze-Motel, W. Willdenowia 20(1-2), 185-197, 1991. H Flora. 984 The bryophytes of Sabah (North Borneo) with special reference to the BRYOTROP transect of Mt. Kinabalu. XV. Lophoziaceae. Vana, J. Willdenowia 20(1-2), 199-219, 1991. H Flora. 985 Chlorophyll concentration and photosynthesis in the three forest understory mosses in northern Kansas. McCall, K.K., Martin, C.E. Bryologist 94(1), 25-29, 1991. M Pigment. Photosynthesis. Chemistry. 987 Aphid infestation and its effects on translocation in Polytrichum commune. Thomas, R.J., Lombard, C.S. Bryologist 94(1), 1-4, 1991. M Insect. Phathology. 988 Treefall disturbance maintains high bryophytes diversity in a boreal spruce forest. Jonnson, B.G., Esseen, P.-A. J. Ecol. 78(4), 924-936, 1991. B Ecology. 989 Spore establishment probability and the persistence of the fugitive invading moss, Orthodontium lineare: A spatial simulation model. Herben, T., Rydin, H., Soderstrom, L. Oikos 60(2), 215-221, 1991. M Ecology. Spore. Reproduction. 990 A revision of the genus Lindigina (Musci: Meteoriaceae) in the neotropics. Visnadi, S.R., Allen, B. Bryologist 94(1), 5-15, 1991. M Taxonomy. 991 Studies on Geocalycacea (Hepaticae). III. On the typification of Jungermannia multipenna Hook. f. & Tayl. Engel, J.J. Bryologist 94(1), 22-24, 1991. H Taxonomy. 992 Two new taxa of Calymperaceae from China. Reese, W.D., Lin, P.-J. Bryologist 94(1), 70-72, 1991. M Taxonomy. 993 The generic placement of Anomodon lagoensis. Buck, W.R. Bryologist 94(1), 82-83, 1991. M Taxonomy. 994 Chromosome studies on some mosses of Ontario and Quebec. Ireland, R.R. Bryologist 94(1), 30-38, 1991. M Chromosome. Taxonomy. 995 Cuticular papillae of Atrichum crispum. Ireland, R.R. Bryologist 94(1), 73-76, 1991. M Morphology. Taxonomy. 996 Purification and properties of lipoxygenase in Marchantia polymorpha cultured cells. Matsui, K., Narahara, H., Kajiwara, T., Hatanaka, A. Phytochemistry 30(5), 1499-1502, 1991. H Enzyme. 997 Bartramiaflavone, a macrocyclic biflavonoid from the moss Bartramia pomiformis. Seeger, T., Geiger, H., Zinsmeister, H.D. Phytochemistry 30(5), 1653-1656, 1991. M Flavonoid. Chemistry. 998 Der Aufbau der Lebermoos-Olkorper. Muller-Stoll, W.R., Ahrens, G. Feddes Repert. 102(1-2), 115-131, 1991. H Organella. Physiology. Cell Biology. 999 Bryophytes and decaying wood - A comparison between managed and natural forest. Andersson, L.I., Hytteborn, H. Holarct. Ecol. 14(2), 121-130, 1991. B Ecology. 1000 Algal and bryophyte flora of a Yorkshire (UK) hill stream: A comparative approach using biovolume estimations. Pentecost, A. Arch. Hydrobiol. 121(2), 181-201, 1991. B Ecology. 1001 Preliminary investigations into the background levels of various metals and boron in the aquatic liverwort Scapania uliginosa (Sw.) Dum. Sameckacymerman, A., Kempers, A.J., Bodelier, P.L.E. Aquat. Bot. 39(3-4), 345-352, 1991. H Ecology. 1002 Bis (bibenzyl) ethers from Pellia endiviifolia. Hashimoto, T., Suzuki, H., Tori, M., Asakawa, Y. Phytochemistry 30(5), 1523-1530, 1991. H Chemistry. Taxonomy. 1003 Filament disruption in Funaria protonemata: Occlusion of plasmodesmata. Schnepf, E., Sawidis, T. Bot. Acta 104(2), 98-102, 1991. M Morphology. 1004 The genus Heteroscyphus Schiffn. in the Western Himalayas. Srivastava, S.C., Srivastava, A. Lindbergia 15(6), 195-202, 1991. H Flora. Taxonomy. 1005 Metzgeria fruticulosa in Fennoscandia - and its ecology in Sweden. Hallingback, T. Lindbergia 15(6), 205-212, 1991. H Ecology. Flora. 1006 Notes on Tortula norvegica in southern Sweden. Hedenas, L. Lindbergia 15(6), 213-214, 1991. M Taxonomy. Flora. 1007 Callicladium haldanianum in central and northern Sweden. Hedenas, L. Lindbergia 15(6), 215-216, 1991. M Flora. Taxonomy. 1008 Bryoflora of Belle-Ile, Brittany and comparison with the Channel Islands. Bates, J.W. Cryptogam. Bryol. Lichnol. 12(2), 111-148, 1991. B Flora. 1009 Oxystegus hibernicus (Mitt.) Hilp. neu fur Frankleich. Frahm, J.-P. Cryptogam. Bryol. lichnol. 12(2), 165-167, 1991. M Flora. 1010 Trois bryophytes nouvelles pour la partie aveyronnaise du plateu d'Aubrac. Sphagnum centrale C. Jens., Sphagnum warnstorfii Russ. et Sphagnum contortum Schultz. Pujos, J. Cryptogam. Bryol. Lichnol. 12(2), 169-171, 1991. M Taxonomy, Flora 1011 Taxonomie und Verbreitung von Asterella P. Beauv. (Hepaticae, Marchantiidae) im Vorderen Orient. Studien an arabischen bryophytren 16. Frey, W., Grolle, R., Kurschner, H. Nova Hedwigia 52(3-4), 305-318, 1991. H Taxonomy. Flora. 1012 A list of moss collection made during the expeditions to Chile in 1981 and 1987. Deguchi, H. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus. Tokyo, B. Bot. 17(1), 15-34, 1991. M Flora. 1013 Stable transformation of moss Physcomitrella patens. Schaefer, D., Zyrd, J.-P., Knight, C.D., Cove, D.J. Mol. Gen. Genet. 226(3), 418-424, 1991. M Molecular Biology. Transformation. 1014 Ammonium represses NADPH-nitrate reductase in the moss Funaria hygrometrica. Raven, J.A., Rothemund, C., Wollenweber, B. Bot. Acta 104(2), 132-138, 1991. M Metabolism. Nitrogen Assimilation. Enzyme. Physiology. 1015 The effect of some comples organic substances on callus growth in the liverwort Mannia androgyna. Kapur, A., Chopra, R.N. Cryptogam. Bryol. Lichenol. 12(2), 155-164, 1991. H Callua. Physiology. Growth. 1016 Effects of culture conditions on accumulation of arachidonic and eicosapentanoic acid in cultured cells of Rhytidiadelphus squarrousus and Eurhynchium striatum. Hansen, C.E., Rossi, P. Phytochemistry 30(6), 1837-1841, 1991. M Production. Lipid. Cultured Cell. Chemistry. 1017 Patterns of growth of drought tolerant moss, Racomitrium microcarpon, over a three year period. Vitt, D.H. Lindbergia 15(6), 181-187, 1991. M Ecology. 1018 Bryophytes response surfaces along ecological and climatic gradients. Gigac, L.D., Vitt, D.H., Bayley, S.E. Vegetatio 93(1), 29-45, 1991. B Ecology 1019 Inputs, outputs, and accumulation of nitrogen in an early successional moss (Polytrichum) ecosystem. Bowden, R.D. Ecol. Monogr. 61(2), 207-223, 1991. M Ecology. 1020 A comparative study of pigment contents and response to stress in five species of aquatic bryophytes. Lopez, J., Carballeria, A. Lindbergia 15(6), 188-194, 1991. B Stress. Chemistry. Pigment. Ecology. 1021 Micromitrium tenerum (B. & S.) Crosby in Netherland. During, H.J. Lindbergia 15(6), 203-204, 1991. M TAxonomy. 1022 Additions and amendments to the mosses of Europe and the Azores. Corey, M.F.V., Crundwell, A.C. J. Bryol. 16(3), 337-356, 1991. M Flora. 1023 Grimmia tergestina Tomm., in north-west Europe; recent finds in Belgium and the Netherlands. Greven, H. J. Bryol. 16(3), 383-386, 1991. M Taxonomy. 1024 Fissidens linearis Bird. and its synonyms. Stone, I.G. J. Bryol. 16(3), 403-405, 1991. M Taxonomy. Synonym. 1025 Bryophyte flora and vegetation of glaciokarst plains in the Dolomites (S. Alps, Italy). Gerdol, R., Tomaselli, M., Boiti, I. J. Bryol. 16(3), 413-427, 1991. B Flora. 1026 Photographing mosses and similar plants. Edwards, S.R. J. Bryol. 16(3), 443-484, 1991. M Technique. Miscellaneous. 1027 Ecology and morphology of globular mosses of Grimmia longirostris in the Paramo de Piedras Blancas, Venezuelan Andes. Perez, F.L. Arct. Alp. Res. 23(2), 133-148, 1991. M Ecology. Morphology. Flora. 1028 Notes on the bryophytic flora and vegetation of some desert areas from Israel. Brullo, S., Privitera, M., Puglisi, M. Candollea 46(1), 145-153, 1991. B Desert. Ecology. Flora. Physiology. 1029 Bryophyte flora of the Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea XXXIX. Fossombronia (Fossombroniaceae) and Mezgeria (Metzgeriaceae, Hepaticae). Piippo, S. Acta Bot. Fenn. 143, 1-22, 1991. H Flora. 1030 Bryophyte flora of the Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea XL. Acromastigum (Lepidoziaceae subfam. Bazzanioideae and Lembioideae, Hepaticae). Piippo, S. Acta Bot. Fenn. 143, 23-34, 1991. H Flora. 1031 Bryophyte flora of the Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea XLI. Ptychomniaceae (Musci). Piippo, S. Acta Bot. Fenn. 143, 35-41, 1991. M Flora. 1032 Bryophyte flora of the Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea XLII. Entodontaceae (Musci). Piippo, S. Acta Bot. Fenn. 143, 43-55, 1991. M Flora. 1033 Bryophyte flora of the Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea XLIII. Funariaceae (Musci). Piippo, S. Acta Bot. Fenn. 143, 57-69, 1991. M Flora. 1034 Bryophyte flora of the Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea XLIV. Palamocladium (Brachytheciacae, Musci). Lai, M.-J., Koponen, T., Norris, D.H. Acta Bot. Fenn. 143, 71-75, 1991. M Flora. 1035 Bryophyte flora of the Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea XLV. Neolindbergia (Prionodontaceae, Musci). Akiyama, H., Koponen, T., Norris, D.H. Acta Bot. Fenn. 143, 77-89, 1991. M Flora. 1036 Mangrove mosses of Guarau River, Peruibe, Sao Paulo State. Mello, Z.R., Yano, O. Rev. Bras. Bot. 14(1), 35-44, 1991. M Flora. 1037 The floristic composition and elevational distribution of Colombian mosses. Churchill, S.P. Bryologist 94(2), 179-180, 1991. M Flora. 1038 A checklist of the mosses of Israel. Herrnstadt, I., Heyn, C.C., Crosby, M.R. Bryologist 94(2), 168-178, 1991. M Flora. Checklist. 1039 Weissia (Hymenostomum) flavescens new to the United States. Reese, W.D. Bryologist 94(2), 179-180, 1991. M Flora. 1040 Bryophytes of the Wagnert Bay region, district of Keewatin, Northwest Territories. Scotter, G.W. Can. Field-Nat. 105(1), 41-44, 1991. B Flora. 1041 Bryophyte flora of the Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea. XLVIII. Plagiotheciaceae (Musci). Enroth, J. Ann. bot. Fenn. 28(2), 111-115 M Flora. 1042 Enrichment of mosses with lipids and polyunsaturated fatty acids by nitrogen starvation. Al-Hasan, R.H., Ka'wash, H.H., Radwan, S.S. Bryologist 94(2), 196-200, 1991. M Lipid. Chemistry. Nutrient. Physiology. 1043 Occurrence of (-)-geosmin and other terpenoids in an axenic culture of the liverwort Symphyogyna brongniartii. Sporle, J., Becker, H., Allen, N.S., Gupta, M.P. Z. Naturforsch. Sec. C. -J. Biosci. 46(3-4), 183-188, 1991. H Secondary Product. Terpenoid. Chemistry. Culture. 1044 Plastid tubles in the sporogenous lineage of the moss Timmiella barbuloides (Bryophyta): An Ultrastructural study. Gambardella, R., Alfano, F. Ann. Bot. 67(6), 555-559, 1991. M Plastid. Ultrastructure. 1046 A light and electron microscope study of rhizoid-ascomycete association and flagelliform axes in British hepatics with observations on the effects of the fungi on host morphology. Duckett, J.G., Renzaglia, K.S., Pell, K. New Phytol. 118(2), 233-257, 1991. H Microscope. Symbiosis. 1047 Impact of carbon dioxide and ammonium on the growth of submerged Sphagnum cuspidatum. Paffen, B. G. P., Roelofs, J.G.M. Aquat. Bot. 40(1), 47-60, 1991. M Ecology. 1048 Gametophytic phenology of Tortula ruralis, a desiccation-tolerant moss, in the Organ Mountains of southern New Mexico. Mishler, B.D., Oliver, M.J. Bryologist 94(2), 143-153, 1991. M Phenology. Ecology. 1049 Wave-like protonemal colonies of the moss Scopelophila cataractae and their consequences in the light capture. Takenaka, A., Satake, K. J. Bryol. 16(3), 429-436, 1991. M Ecology. Adaptation. 1050 Lectotypification of Marchantia polymorpha L. Bischler-Causee, H., Boisselier-Dubayle, M.C. J. Bryol. 16(3), 361-365, 1991. H Taxonomy. 1051 Two new species of the liverwort genus Riccia L. from tropical Africa: R. somaliensis and R. erubescens. Perold, S.M. J. Bryol. 16(3), 367-377, 1991. H Taxonomy. 1052 Grimmia curviseta sp. nov. (Musci) a new species from Tenerife. Bouman, A.C. J. Bryol. 16(3), 379-382, 1991. M Taxonomy. 1053 Thuidium atlanticum, a new Macaronesian moss species. Hedenas, L. J. Bryol. 16(3), 387-391, 1991. M Taxonomy. 1054 Calymperes loucoubense Besch., a distinct species from Madagascar. Ellis, L.T. J. Bryol. 16(3), 393-396, 1991. M Taxonomy. 1055 Identification of types and original material for some epithets of Rigodium Kunze ex Schwagr. (Musci: Rigodiaceae). Zomlefer, W.B. J. Bryol. 16(3), 397-402, 1991. M Taxonomy. 1056 A commentary on the moss genus Bryonorrisia Stark & Buck(Leskeaceae), with B. acutifoloa (Mitt.) Enroth comb. nov. Enroth, J. J. Bryol. 16(3), 407-412, 1991. M Taxonomy. 1057 Bryophyte flora of Huon peninsula, Papua New Guinea. XLVI. Amblystegiaceae (Musci). Ochyra, R., Koponen, T., Norris, D.H. Acta. Bot. Fenn. 143, 91-106, 1991. M Taxonomy. Flora. 1059 Syrrhopodon armatissimus sp. nov. from Madagascar region comments on other Calymperaceae from Madagascar region. Reese, W.D. Bryologist 94(2), 203-206, 1991. M Taxonomy. 1060 A new species of Fontinalis (Musci: Fontinalaceae) in North America. Allen, B. Bryologist 94(2), 201-202, 1991. M Taxonomy. 1061 Geographical distribution of tamariscol, a mossy odorous sesquiterpene alchol, in the liverwort Frullania tamarsci and related species. Asakawa, Y., Sono, M., Wakamatsu, M., Kondo, K., Hattori, S., Mizutani, M. Phytochemistry 30(7), 2295-2300, 1991. H Terpenoid. Chemistry. 1062 Sterols of mosses Matsuo, A., Sato, A. Phytochemistry 30(7), 2305-2306, 1991. M Chemistry. Sterol. 1063 Cell wall topography in leaves of Lophocolea bidentana (L.) Dum. and L. cuspidata (Nees) Limpr. Bates, J.W., Walby, M. J. Bryol. 16(3) 357-360, 1991. H Taxonomy. Cell Wall. 1064 Cladistic analysis of Sphagnum in northeast China. He, X.L., Aur, C.W. Acta Phytotaxon. Sin. 29(2), 187-189, 1991. M Taxonomy. 1065 A bryologist in British Guiana and the West Indies. Richards, P.W. J. Bryol. 16(3), 437-441, 1991. - Miscellany. 1066 Sexual types of bryophytes of the steppe zone. Boiko, M.F. Zh. Obshch. Biol. 52(2), 214-221, 1991. B Ecology. Flora. Sex. 1067 New Checklist of Spanish mosses. Casas, C. Orsis 6, 3-26, 1991. M Miscellany. Check List. 1068 Light-harvesting carotenoids in two deep-water bryophytes. Boston, H.L., Farmer, A.M., Madsen, J.D., Adams, M.S., Hurley, J.P. Photosynthetica 25(1), 61-66, 1991. B Carotenoid. Chemistry. Photosynthesis. 1069 Effects of temperature and light on the glycolipids of Sphagnum fimbriatum. Koskimies-Soininen, K., Nyberg, H. Phytochemistry 30(8), 2529-2536, 1991. M Lipid. Chemistry. Physiology. 1070 Population genetics of the moss Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedw.) Schimp. I. Inheritance of allozymes. Hofman, A., van Delden, W., van Zanten, B.O. Heredity 67(1), 13-18, 1991. M Genetic. 1071 Life strategies of terrestrial bryophytes in the Judean Desert. Frey, W., Kurschner, H. Bot. Acta 104(3), 172-182, 1991. B Ecology. Desert. 1072 Notes on neotropical Pterobryaceae. Buck, W.R. Brittonia 43(2), 93-95, 1991. M Taxonomy. 1075 Riccia (Hepatiques, Marchantiales) d'Amerique Latine Taxons du sous-genre Riccia. Jovet-Ast,S. Cryptoga. Bryol. Lichnol. 12(3), 189-370, 1991. H Flora. 1076 Bryophytes of Algific Talus slopes in Wisconsin's driftless area. Christy,J.A., Meyer,T.A. Rhodora 93(875), 242-247, 1991. B Flora. 1077 Incorporation and metabolism of radiolabelled linoleic acid in cultured cells of moss Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus. Hansen,C.E., Rossi,P. Phytochemistry 30(9), 3127-3129, 1991. M Physiology. Metabolism. 1078 Cadmium uptake by the moss, Calymperes delessertii Besch. Low,K.S., Lee,C.K. Bioresour. Technol. 38(1), 1-6, 1991. M Physiology. Inorganic Chemistry. 1079 The genetic structure of sporophytic and gametophytic populations of the moss, Funaria hygrometrica Hedw. Shaw,A.J. Evolution 45(5), 1260-1274, 1991. M Genetic. 1080 Low molecular weight metal complexes in the fresh water moss Rhynchostegium riparioides exposed to elevated concentrations of Zn, Cu, Cd and Pb in the laboratory and field. Jackson,P.R. Robinson,N.J., Whitton,B.A. Environ. Exp. Bot. 31(3), 359-366, 1991. M Physiology. Inorganic Chemistry. Ecology. 1081 Bryophytes in the vicinity of Jenolan Caves, New South Wales. Downing,A.J., Ramsay,H.P., Schofield,W.B. Cunninghamia 2(3), 371-384, 1991. B Flora. 1082 Study on the moss flora of Mt. Jinfu, Schuan province. Hu, X.-Y., Wu, P.-C. Acta Phytotaxon Sin. 29(4), 315-334, 1991. M Flora. 1083 A preliminary study on the bryophyte of Guancen Mountains forest area in Shaxi province. Qiu, L.C. J. Shanxi Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed. 14(3), 304-307, 1991. B Flora. 1084 The mosses of Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Allen, N.S., Arrocha, C., Chung, C. Bryologist 94(3), 289-293, 1991. M Flora. 1085 Notes on ephemeral mosses from Mexico, including Bruchia paricutinensis sp. nov. Delgadillo, M.C., Cardenas, S.A. Bryologist 94(3), 294-297, 1991. M Flora. Taxonomy. 1086 A sample of Calymperes and Syrrhopodon from French Guiana. Reese, W.D., Buck, W.R. Bryologist 93(3), 298-300, 1991. M Flora. 1087 trnR-CCG is not unique to the plastid DNA of the liverwort Marchantia: Gene identification from the moss Physcomitrella patens. Kasten, B., Wehe, M., Reski, R., Abel, W.O. Nucleic Acid Res. 19(18), 5074, 1991. M Molecular Biology. t-RNA. 1089 Production of arachidonic acid and eicosapentanoic acids by Marchantia polymorpha in cell culture. Shinmen, Y., Katoh, K., Shimizu, S., Jareonkitmongkol, S., Yamada, H. Phytochemistry 30(10), 3255-3260, 1991. H Chemistry. Lipid. Cell Culture. 1090 Gametophyte regeneration and apospory from archegoniate protoplasts under conditions devised for higher plants. Binding, H., Mordhorst, G. Bot. Acta 104(4), 330-335, 1991. ? Protoplast. Regeneration. Physiology. Culture. 1091 Rhizoids of two bryophytes: Riccia canaliculata Hoffm. and R. sorocarpa Bisch. (Marchantiales-Ricciacees): Ultrastructure and function. Breuil-See, A., Abadie, M., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. Bio. Veg. 13(2), 39-48, 1990/1991. H Anatomy. Structure. 1092 Bryophyte response surfaces along climatic, chemical, and physical gradients in peatlands of western Canada. Gignac, L.D., Vitt, D.H., Zoltai, S.C., Bayley, S.E. Nova Hedwigia 53(1-2), 27-71, 1991. B Ecology. 1093 Reproductive ecology of Tetraphis pellucida. I. Pollution density and reproductive mode. Kimmerer, R.W. Bryologist 94(3), 255-260, 1990. M Ecology. Reproduction. 1094 Reproductive ecology of Tetraphis pellucida. II. Differential success of sexual and asexual propagules. Kimmmerer, R.W. Bryologist 94(3), 284-288, 1991. M Ecology. Reproduction. 1095 Effects of metals on the growth, morphology, and reproduction of Ceratodon purpureus. Shaw, J., Jules, E.S., Beer, S.C. Bryologist 94(3), 270-277, 1994. M Ecology. Growth. Morphology. Reproduction. 1096 Studies in the genus Riccia (Marchantiales) from southern Africa. 22. R. rubricollis, now validated, typified and described. Perold, S.M. Bothalia 21(1), 35-49, 1991. H Taxonomy. 1097 Two new species of Sphagnum from Brazil. Crum, H. Bryologist 94(3), 301-303, 1991. M Taxonomy. 1098 Studies on Geocalycaceae (Hepaticae). V. Comments on the Leucophyllae comples of Chiloscyphus. Engel, J.J. Bryologist 94(3), 311-314, 1991. H Taxonomy. 1099 Effect of phosphorus on the growth of Sphagnum magellanicum Brid. and S. papillosum Lindb. Li, Y., Glime, J.M., Drummer, T.D. Lindbergia 18(1), 25-30, 1993. M Growth. Physiology. Nutrient. 1100 Effects of inversion on plastid position and gravitropism in Ceratodon protonemata. Schwuchow, J., Sack, F.D. Can. J. Bot. 71(9), 1243-1248, 1993. M Physiology. 1101 Population biology of the rare copper moss, Scopelophila cataractae. Shaw, A.J. Am. J. Bot. 80(9), 1034-1041, 1993. M Ecology. Population. 1102 On the ecological amplitude of four mire bryophytes; a reciprocal transplant experiment. Kooijman, A.M. Lindbergia 18(1), 19-24, 1993. B Ecology. Population. 1103 Diversity patterns and biomass oof epiphytic bryophytes and lichens along an altitudinal gradient in the northern Andes. Wolf, J.H.D. Ann. MO. Bot. Gard. 80(4), 928-960, 1993. B Ecology. 1104 Regeneration studies of five spruce, Picea abies, forest bryophytes. Myrmael, A. Lindbergia 18(1), 7-18, 1993. B Ecology. Regeneration. 1105 Regional calcicoly in the moss Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus: Survival and chemistry of transplants at a formerly SO2-polluted site with acid soil. Bates, J.W. Ann. Bot. 72(5), 449-455, 1993. M Ecology. Pollution. 1107 Rhizoidal tubers in the genus Campylopus and their systematic relevance. Arts, T. Lindbergia 18(1), 31-40 1993. M Taxonomy. Morphology. 1108 The genus Herbertus in western North America. Hong, W.S., Deffinbaugh, B., Sparrow, B. Lindbergia 18(1), 41-45, 1993. M Taxonomy. Morphology. 1109 Distribution of Sphagnum arcticum and S. subfulvum in Greenland and on Svalbard. Lange, B. Lindbergia 18(1), 3-6, 1993. M Taxonomy. 1110 The moss Physcomitrella patens, a model system with potential for the study of plant reproduction. Cove, D.J., Knight, C.D. Plant Cell 5(10), 1483-1488, 1993. M Molecular Biology. Reproduction. 1111 Investment in sexual reproduction by Antarctic mosses. Convey, P., Smith, R.I.L. Oikos 68(2), 293-302, 1993. M Reproduction. 1112 Diterpenoid constituents of the liverwort Nardia subclavata. Toyota, M., Asakawa, Y. Phytochemistry 34(3), 751-753, 1993. H Chemistry. Terpenoid. 1113 Bisbibenzyl and sesquiterpenoids from the liverwort Jubula japonica. Toyota, M., Asakawa, Y. Phytochemistry 34(3), 1135-1137, 1993. H Chemistry. Terpenoid. Bibenzyl. 1114 Flavone di-C-glycosides from Plagiochila jamesonii and Plagiochasma rupestre. Schoeneborn, R., Mues, R. Phytochemistry 34(4), 1143-1145, 1993. H Chemistry. Flavone. 1115 Apical cells as meristems. Korn, R.W. Acta Biotheor. 41(3), 175-189, 1993. ? Growth. Morphology. 1116 Cytokinin stimulates dihydropyrimidine-sensitive calcium uptake in moss protoplasts. Schumaker, K.S., Gizinski, M.J. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 90(23), 10937-10941, 1993. M Cytokinin. Growth. Physiology. Signal. 1117 Mosses do express conventional, distantly B-type-related phytochromes. Phytochrom of Physcomitrella patens (Hedw.). Kolukisaoglu, H.U., Braun, B., Martin, W.F., Schneider-Poetsch, H.A.W. FEBS Lett. 334(1), 95-100, 1993. M Phytochrome. Physiology. 1118 Late teritary mosses of Ellesmere Island. Ovenden, L. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 79(1-2), 121-131, 1993. M Palynology. 1119 Laboratory accumulation and depuration of copper and cadmium in the freshwater mussel Dreissena polymorpha and the aquatic moss Rhynchostegium riparioides. Mersch, J., Morhain, E., Mouvet, C. Chemosphere 27(8), 1385-1396, 1993. M Pollution. Ecology. 1120 Growth characteristics and morphogenesis of the liverwort Marchantia paleacea suspension cells. Ono, K., Nakayama, M., Takamiya, M. Plant Tissue Cult. Lett. 11(1), 6-13, 1994. H Physiology. Growth. Cultured Cells. 1121 Isolation, culture and thallus regeneration of protoplasts from the hornwort Anthoceros punctatus L. cultured cells. Ono, K., Izumi, Y., Takayama, M. Plant Tissue Cult. Lett. 9(1), 27- 31, 1992. A Cultured Cells. Regeneration. Protoplast. Physiology. 1122 A lectin from the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha L. Adam, K.-P., Becker, H. Experientia 49(12), 1098-1100, 1993. H Chemistry. Lectin 1123 Lipids of bryophytes. Dembitsky, V.M. Prog. Lipid Res. 32(3), 281-356, 1993. B Chemistry. Lipid. 1124 Occurrence of C40-C130 polyisoprenoid alchohols in lower plants. Rezanka, T., Dembitsky, V.M. Phytochemistry 34(5), 1335-1339, 1993. B Terpenoid. Chemistry. 1125 *NMR assignments of huperzine A., serratinine and lucidioline. Zhou, B.-N., Zhu, D.-Y., Huang, M.-F., Lin, L.-J., Lin, L.-Z., Han, X.-Y., Cordell, G.A. Phytochemistry 34(5), 1425-1428, 1993. B Chemistry. Alkaloid. 1126 The actin cytoskelton of the liverwort Riccia fluitans: Effects of cytochalasin B abd aluminium ions on rhizoid tip growth. Alfano, F., Russell, A., Gambardella, R., Duckett, J.G. J. Plant Physiol. 142(5), 569-574, 1993. H Organella. Growth. Physiology. Cytoskeleton. 1127 Nematoda galls on Cheilolejeunea cf.giraldiana (Mass.) Mizut.(Lejeuneaceae) from Tamil Nadu, India. Asthana, G., Srivastava, S.C. Lindbergia 18(2), 94-96, 1993 H Phathology. Nematoda. 1128 Mycorrhizas of hepatics in continental Antarctica. Williams, P.G., Roser, D.J., Seppelt, R.D. Arid. Soil Res. Rehabil. 7(4), 377-380, 1993. H Symbiosis. Mycorrhizae. 1129 Isozyme evidence regarding the origins of the allopolyploid moss Plagiomnium curvatulum. Wyatt, R., Odrzykoski, I.J., Stoneburner, A. Lindbergia 18(2), 49-58, 1993. M Genetic. Isozyme. 1130 Seasonal variation in frost tolerance and sugar content of two Plagiomnium species. Rutten, D., Santarius, K.A. Bryologist 96(4), 564-568, 1993. M Ecology. Phenology. 1131 Leaf morphology of Sphagnum strictum in Norway, related to habitat characterestics. Sastad, S.M., Flatberg, K.I. Lindbergia 18(2), 71-77, 1993. M Ecology. 1132 Transplanted aqutic mosses and freshwatermussels to investigate the trace metal contamination in the river Meurthe and Plaine, France. Mersch, J., Johansson, L. Environ. Technol. 14(11), 1027-1036, 1993. M Pollution. Metal. 1133 Proposal to conserve Aneura Dumort. (Hepaticae) with a conserved type. Grolle, R. Taxon 42(4), 889-890, 1993. H Taxonomy. 1134 On Vitalianthus Schust. & Giancotti, a new genus of Lejeuniaceae. 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Schuster, R.M. Bryologist 96(4), 619-625, 1993. H Taxonomy. 1142 The identity of Fissidens gardneri and Fissidens minutus. Pursell, R.A., Bruggeman-Nannenga, M.A., Iwatsuki, Z. Bryologist 96(4), 626-628, 1993. M Taxonomy. 1143 The identity of Microdendron sinensis (Polytrichaceae) from Mariana Islands. Hyvonen, J., Wu, P.-C. Bryologist 96(4), 631-634, 1993. M Taxonomy. 1144 *The phylogeny of land plants; A cladistic analysis based on male gametogenesis. Garbary, D.J., Renzaglia, K.S., Duckett, J.G. Plant Syst. Evol. 188(3-4), 237-269, 1993. B Taxonomy. 1145 The family Geocalycaceae (Hepaticae) in North America, west of the hundredth meridian. Hong, W.S. Bryologist 96(4), 592-597, 1993. H Flora. 1146 The neotropical-African moss disjunction. Delgadillo, M.C. Bryologist 96(4), 604-615, 1993. M Flora. Phytogeography. 1147 Barbula amplexifolia from the Altai Mountains of Russia. Ignatov, M.S., Zander, R.H. Bryologist 96(4), 638-639, 1993. M Flora. 1148 Lescuraea morrisonensis fo. sichuanensis (Misci; Leskeaceae), a new form from Sichuan, China. Wang, Y.F., Hu, R.-L., Redfearn, P.L.,Jr. Bryologist 96(4), 640, 1993. M Flora. 1149 New fossil Hepaticae preserved for fossil plant: 1. Gradstein, S. R. Nova Hedwigia 57(3-4), 353-374, 1993. H Palaeobotany. 1150 Ein autozisches Lebermoss mit Perianth in Dominikanischem Bernstein: Drepanolejeunea eogena spec. nov. Grolle, R. Nova Hedwigia 57(3-4), 375-380, 1993. H Paleobotany.