k006 #1446-1584 old file: koke9407.txt Rev. by H.Deguchi, Dec. 1, 1994 Hikobia vols. 1 - 6 1446 Phenological notes of Japanese mosses. Horikawa, Y. Hikobia 1, 6-9, 1950. M Ecology, Morphology, Reproduction 1447 Bryological trip to Mt. Mino in Osaka Prefecture. Horikawa, Y. Hikobia 1, 10-12, 1950. M, H Flora 1448 Natural arrangement of families & number of genera of Hepaticae. Horikawa, Y. Hikobia 1, 15-16, 1950. H Taxonomy 1449 Natural arrangement of families & number of genera of musci. Horikawa, Y. Hikobia 1, 16-20, 1950. M Taxonomy 1450 The Hepatics of Ishikawa (Noto, Kaga), Aichi (Mikawa, Owari), Hyogo (T azima, Tanba, Settu, Harima), Okayama (Mimasaka, Bizen, Bittyu), Kumam oto (Higo) and Kagoshima (Satsuma, Osumi) Prefectures. Horikawa, Y. Hikobia 1, 21-29, 1950. H, M Flora 1451 Symbolae florae bryophytae orientali-asiae et Micronesiae XI. Horikawa, Y. Hikobia 1, 30-36, 1950. M, H. Flora 1452 Mosses Forest at Aokigahara. Horikawa, Y. Hikobia 1, 38, 1950. B Flora 1453 Bryotheca archipelagi-japonica et micronesica (Exsiccatae). Horikawa, Y. Hikobia 1, 39-42, 1950. M, H Taxonomy 1454 "Distinction between mosses and hepaticae". Horikawa, Y. Hikobia 1, 42-43, 1950. M, H Taxonomy 1455 "Icones of Japanese bryophytes. Mniaceae, Musci". Horikawa, Y. Hikobia 1, 44-45, 1950. M Taxonomy 1456 "Icones of Japanese bryophytes. Polytrichaceae, Musci". Horikawa, Y. Hikobia 1, 46-47, 1950. M Taxonomy 1457 Iconography of exotic bryophytes. Horikawa, Y. Hikobia 1, 48-49, 1950. M Taxonomy, Trachyloma indicum 1458 Hepatics and mosses of Kinki-district (Shiga, Kyoto, Hyogo, Osaka, Mie , Nara and Wakayama Prefectures. Horikawa, Y. Hikobia 1, 54-77, 1951. H, M Flora 1459 Symbolae florae bryophytae orientali-asiae et mironesiae XII. Horikawa, Y. Hikobia 1, 78-100, 1951. H, M Flora 1460 Distributions of important bryophytes in the Japanese Archipelago (1). Horikawa, Y. Hikobia 1, 100-108, 1951. H Taxonomy, Flora 1461 Differences between the mosses and the hepatics. Horikawa, Y. Hikobia 1, 108-109. B Taxonomy, Morphology 1462 Distributions of important bryophytes in the Japanese archipelago (2). Horikawa, Y. Hikobia 1, 111-118, 1952. M Flora 1463 A short study on the growth-form of bryophytes and its ecological sign ificance. Horikawa, Y., Ando, H. Hikobia 1, 119-129, 1952. B Ecology, Morphology 1464 A preliminary report on a freezing experiment using several moses. Horikawa, Y., Ochi, H. Hikobia 1, 131-135, 1952. M Ecology, Physiology 1465 The amount of water absorptionby some mosses. Horikawa, Y. Hikobia 1, 150, 1952. M Ecology, Phisiology 1466 Hunting for hepatics and mosses in Yamaguchi-Pref. Horikawa, Y. Hikobia 1, 175, 1952. M, H. Flora 1467 New localities of Frullania nodulosa (R.B.N.) Nees in Japan. Seki, T. Hikobia 2, 8, 1960. H Phytogeography 1468 Splachunum ampullaceum Hedw. found in Hokkaido, Japan. Suzuki, H. Hikobia 2, 31, 1960. M Phytogeography 1469 The bryophyte communities on stream-sides of the Sandankyo Gorge,Hiros hima Prefecture. Horikawa, Y., Kotake, A. Hikobia 2, 32-42, tab. 1. B Ecology 1470 Ecological notes on the Prella vernicosa complex. Ando, H. Hikobia 2, 45-52, 1960. H Ecology 1471 On the identity of Tutigaea brachytheciella (Broth. et Par.) Ando and Hondaella aulacophylla Dix. et Sakurai. Ando, H. Hikobia 2, 52-53, 1960. M Taxonomy 1472 Collecting S@hagnum on Mt. Gassan, Yamagata Prefecture, northern Honsh u. Suzuki, H. Hikobia 2, 54-59, 1960. M Ecology, Phytogeography 1473 Studies on the genus Brotherella in Japan (1). Horikawa, Y., Seki, T. Hikobia 2, 75-98, 1960. M Taxonomy, Ecology 1474 A list of bryophytes of Mt. Sulak, Korea. Hong, W., Kim, H. Hikobia 2, 99-108, 1960. M, H Phytogeography, Flora 1475 The spore germination in Bazzania pompeana (Lac.) Mitt. Horikawa, Y., Nehira, K. Hikobia 2, 109-110, 1960. H Morphology, Culture 1476 Nutritive value of mosses as a food for domestic animals and fowls. Sugawa, S. Hikobia 2, 119-124, 1960. B Miscellaneous, Use 1477 Moss garden of the Hakusan Shrine. Ando, H. Hikobia 2, 124-125, 1960. B Miscellaneous, Use 1478 "Moss ball" of Jungermannia pallida Steph. in a sulphureous stream at Kusatsu-onsen. Horikawa, Y. Hikobia 2, 125, 1960. H Miscellaneous, Ecology 1479 Conocephalum conicum, as a food for a slug. Ochi, H. Hikobia 2, 154-155, 1960. H Miscellaneous, Use 1480 Sporophyte of Brothera leana (Sull.) C.Mull. Ando, H. Hikobia 2, 155-156, 1960. M Morphology, Taxonomy 1481 Mosses of the Ongula Islands collected during the 1957-1960 Japanese A ntarctic Research Expedition. Horikawa, Y., Ando, H. Hikobia 2, 160-178, 1961. M Taxonomy, Phytogeography 1482 Haplohymenium flagelliforme Lyd. Savicz newly found in Japan. Ando, H. Hikobia 2, 178, 1961. M Phytogeography 1483 Mosses of the Bryaceae in Japan and the adjacent regions, Supplement I I. Possibly natural intergeneric hybrid [Bryum pallescens Schleich. x Pohlia crudoides (sull. et Lesq.) Broth. var. revolvens (Card.) Ochi]. Ochi, H. Hikobia 2, 179-184, 1961. M Taxonomy 1484 The germination of spres in Hepaticae 1. Calobryum rotundifolium (Mitt .) Schifn., Bazzania albicans Steph. and Heteroscyphus planus (Mitt.) Schiffn. Nehira, K. Hikobia 2, 185-189, 1961. H Taxonomy, Morphology, Culture 1485 Zytologische Untersuchungen uber Moerckia blytii (Morch) Brockm. Tatuno, S. Hikobia 2, 190-194, 1961. H Cytology 1486 A revision of some Korean moss species described by Cardot. Ando, H. Hikobia 2, 227-228, 1961. M Phytogeography 1487 Bryophyts of the experimental forests of Kwangnung, Korea. Hong, W., Kim, H. Hikobia 2, 244-252, 1961. M, H Flora 1488 Notes on Japanese Bryophytes (1). Seki, T. Hikobia 2, 252, 1961. M, Hypnodon nipponicus Taxpnomy 1489 The germination of spores in Hepaticae 2. Jubula hutchinsiae subsp. ja ponica (Steph.) Horikawa et ando, Frullania mayebarae Hatt. and Colole jeunea orbiculata (Herzog) Hatt. Nehira, K. Hikobia 2, 253-257, 1961. H Morphology, Culture 1490 Chromosomes in Andreaea nivalis Hook. Yano, K. Hikobia 2, 258-259, 1961. M Morphology, Karyotype, Cytology 1491 Relation between peat-moss flora and the distribution of volcanic detr ietus in Hokkaido. Suzuki, H. Hikobia 2, 259, 1961. M Phytogeography, Sphagnum 1492 Weitere Untersuchungen uber die Polyploidie und geographische Verbreit ung bei Dumortiera hirsuta. VI. Verbreitung von D. hirsuta in Sudkyusy u und Liukiu Inseln. Tatuno, S. Hikobia 2, 260-270, 1961. Morphology, Cytology, Taxonomy 1493 A revision of the species of Tripterocladium described from Japan and Korea. Ando, H. Hikobia 2, 296-297, 1961. M Taxonomy 1494 The germination of spores in Hepaticae 3. A comparative study on the f ilamentous protonema in some Hepaticae. Nehira, K. Hikobia 3, 4-9, 1962. H Morphology, Culture 1495 A brief note on the bryophytic vegetation of Mt. Kodaisan, Korea. Hong, W. Hikobia 3, 10-12, 1962. H, M Flora 1496 Aerobryum speciosum Doz. et Molk. found in the island of Amami-oshima. Ando, H. Hikobia 3, 12, 1962. M Flora 1497 The spores of the Musci. Miyoshi, N. Hikobia 3, 13-18, pl.I-II, 1962. M Morphology 1498 Aulacomnium heterostichum (Hedw.) B.S.G. from Tottori Prefecture. Ochi, H. Hikobia 3, 37, 1962. M Flora 1499 Notes on Japanese Bryophytes (2). Seki, T. Hikobia 3, 71, 1962. H Flora, Asterella crassa in Chiba. 1500 A remarkable range extensionof Symphyodon perrottetii Mont. Ando, H., Seki, T. Hikobia 3, 80-85, 1962. M Flora 1501 The moss flora of Mt. Hanla, Quelpart Island (1). Hong, W. S., Ando, H. Hikobia 3, 86-95, 1962. M Flora, Korea 1502 The germinatioon of spores in Hepaticae 4. Two types of sporeling patt ern in the Riccardia. Nehira, K. Hikobia 3, 96-101, 1962. H Morphology, Culture 1503 Abnormal leaf forms in Fissidens nagasakinus caused by the bluegreen a lgae. Shin, T. Hikobia 3, 106, 1962. M Morphology 1504 Lophoziaceae of Taiwan (Formosa). Kitagawa, N. Hikobia 3, 169-176, 1963. H Taxonomy, Flora 1505 A Pseudolepicolea found in the middle Honshu of Japan. Ando, H. Hikobia 3, 177-183, 1963. H Taxonomy, Flora 1506 The germination of spores in Hepaticae 5. Megaceros tosanus Steph. and Dendroceros japonicus Steph. Nehira, K. Hikobia 3, 184-190, 1963. H Morphology, Culture 1507 The moss flora of Mt. Hanla, Quelpart Island (2). Hong, W. S., Ando, H. Hikobia 3, 191-201, 1963. M Flora 1508 Electron-microscopical observations of the peristome and spores of mos ses (I). Shin, T. Hikobia 3, 202, pls. III-IV, 1963. M Morphology 1509 Moss garden of the Sanboin Temple, Kyoto. Ando, H. Hikobia 3, 209, 1963. B Miscellaneous 1510 Two interesting species of Campylopus collected in the South Japanese Alps. Kobayashi, K. Hikobia 3, 215-216, 1963. M Flora 1511 Notes on Japanese Bryophytes (4). Seki, T. Hikobia 3, 237, 1963. M Flora, Morphology, Dwarf male 1512 Dr. Kyuichi Sakurai (1889-1963). Mizushima, U. Hikobia 3, 247-250, 1963. M Miscellanecous 1513 The distribution of mosses on East Ongul Island, Antarctica. Matsuda, T. Hikobia 3, 254-265, 1963. M Flora 1514 An additional list of literature on Antarctic bryology. Horikawa, Y., Ando, H. Hikobia 3, 265-267, 1963. M Miscellaneous, Flora 1515 Dr. & Mrs. H. Persson's visit to Japan. Ando, H. Hikobia 3, 267, 1963. M, H Miscellaneous 1516 Zytologische Untersuchungen uber die Laubmoose von Antarktis. Tatuno, S. Hikobia 3, 268-274, 1963. M Cytology, Morphology 1517 Notes on Japanese Bryophytes (5) Seki, T. Hikobia 3, 275, 1963. M, H. Flora 1518 A review of the Antarctic species of Ceratodon described by Cardot. Horikawa, Y., Ando, H. Hikobia 3, 275-280, 1963. M Taxonomy, Morphology, Flora 1519 Spore morphology in some species of the Anthocerotaceae. Horikawa, Y., Miyoshi, N. Hikobia 3, 281-287, 1963. A Morphology 1520 The germination of spores in Musci 1. Sphagnum imbricatum (Hornsch.) R uss.,Andreaea fauriei Besch. and Dicranum caesium Mitt. Nehira, K. Hikobia 3, 288-294, 1963. M Morphology. 1521 Heterospores observed in some Japanese Macromitriums. Miyoshi, N. Hikobia 3, 294, 1963. M Morphology 1522 A second species of Stereodontopsis, a unique genus of Hypnaceae. Ando, H. Hikobia 3, 295-299, 1963. M Taxonomy, Flora 1523 Fissidens gymnogynus Besch. newly found in Formosa. Shin, T. Hikobia 3, 299, 1963. M Flora 1524 A record of travels in Taiwan. Nakanishi, S. Hikobia 3, 316-327, 1963. M, H Flora 1525 Notes on Asiatic moss flora III. Ochi, H. Hikobia 4, 7-22, 1964. M Taxonomy 1526 Choice and orthography of specific epithets (1). Ando, H. Hikobia 4, 22, 1964. B Nomenclature 1527 Bryoxiphium norvegicum subsp. japonicum found in Taiwan (Formosa). Nakanishi, S. Hikobia 4, 23-27, 1964. M Flora 1528 A revision of the East-Asian species of Homomallium, a genus of Musci I. Ando, H. Hikobia 4, 28-42, 1964. M Taxonomy 1529 The germination of spores in Musci 2. Aulacopilum piliferum, Pseudoles keopsis orbiculaa, and Leucobryum bowringii. Nehira, K. Hikobia 4, 43-51, 1964. M Morphology, Culture 1530 A tropicalmoss, Bryum erythropilum Fleisch., collected from Is. Amami- Oshima as a new addition to Japanese moss flora. Ochi, H. Hikobia 4, 67-68, 1964. M Flora 1531 Choice and orthography of specific epithets (3). Ando, H. Hikobia 4, 102, 1964. B Nomenclature 1532 Notes on Japanese Bryophytes (6). Seki, T. Hikobia 4, 109, 1964. H Flora, Asterella monospiris 1533 Some species of Bryaceae newly found in Formosa. Shin, T. Hikobia 4, 131, 1964. M Flora 1534 Morphology of the elater in Hepaticae. Horikawa, Y., Miyoshi, N. Hikobia 4, 148-160, 1965. H Morphology 1535 A floral note on the top of Mt. Ototomi, Yamaguchi Pref. Iwasaki, M., Taoda, H. Hikobia 4, 160, 1965. M Flora 1536 A revision of the East-Asian species of Homomallium, a genus of Musci II. Ando, H. Hikobia 4, 161-177, 1965. M Taxonomy 1537 Electron-microscopical observations of the peristome and spores of mos ses (II). Shin, T., Kamuro, T. Hikobia 4, 178-180, Pls. III-IV., 1965. M Morphology 1538 The germination of spores in Musci 3. Distichophyllum maibarae, Tricho steleum aculeatum and Claopodium assurgens. Nehira, K. Hikobia 4, 181-187. ? Taxonomy. Physiology 1539 Choice and orthography of specific epithets (3). Ando, H. Hikobia 4, 187, 1965. B Nomenclature 1540 Polytrichum norvegicum Hedw. occrus on Mt. Tateyama, Toyama Pref., Jap an. Osada, T. Hikobia 4, 260-262, 1965. M Taxonomy, Flora 1541 Choice and orthography of specific epithets (4). Ando, H. Hikobia 4, 262, 1965. B Nomenclature 1542 A small collection of mosses from Isl. Batan, the Philippines. Shin, T. Hikobia 4, 263-271, 1965. M Flora 1543 A small collection of liverworts from Isl. Batan, the Philippines. Inoue, H. Hikobia 4, 272-276, 1965. H Flora 1544 WeitereUntersuchungen uber die Polyploidie undgeographische Verbreitun g bei Dumortiera hirsuta VII. Verbreitung von D. hirsuta in Sikoku und Sudkinki. Tatuno, S. Hikobia 4, 277-288, 1965. H Cytology 1545 chaemaecyparis obtusa - Rhododendron metternichii community and cushio n-like clusters of mosses in Okuhikimi-kyo Gorge, Pref. Shimane. Hikobia 4, 289, 1965. M Ecology 1546 Bryophyte and lichen communities on the floor of Pinus pumila scrubs i n the alpine region of Central Japan Alps. Horikawa, Y., Kobayashi, K. Hikobia 4, 290-291, tabs. 3-9, pl. VII, 1965. B Ecology 1547 Observations on Sphagnum compactum DC. in Japan. Suzuki, H. Hikobia 4, 303-317, 1965. M Taxonomy 1548 Bryophytes in limestone caves of Isl. Okierabu. Shin, T. Hikobia 4, 324, 1965. M, H Flora 1549 Notes on Japanese Bryophytes (7). Seki, T. Hikobia 4, 330, 1965. M Flora, Rhynchostegium shikokuense 1550 Notes on Asaitic moss flora IV. Ochi, H. Hikobia 5, 7-13, 1967. M Taxoomy 1551 Notes on moss flora V. Ochi,H. Hikobia 5, 14-138, 1967. M Taxonomy 1552 The germination of spores in Musci 4. Fissidens heterolimbatus, Pleuro ziopsis ruthenica, and Schistostega pennata. Nehira, K. Hikobia 5, 39-45, 1967. M Morphology, Culture 1553 Bryophytes and their ecology in Hiroshima City. Ando, H., Taoda, H. Hikobia 5, 46-68, Tab. 1, Pls. I-II, 1967. M, H Ecology 1554 Introduction to the herbaria in several countries of European Continen t. Ochi, H. Hikobia 5, 126-133, 1967. B Miscellaneous 1555 Notes on moss flora VI. Ochi, H. Hikobia 5, 153-171, 1969. M Taxonomy 1556 Light- and electron-microscopic studies of spores in the Musci 1. Andr eaea rupestris var. fairiei, Buxbaumia aphylla, Pogonatum sphaerotheci um and Polytrichum commune. Miyoshi, N. Hikobia 5, 172-177, Pls. IV-VI, 1969. M Morphology 1557 Miscellanea bryologica asiae orientalis I. Ando, H. Hikobia 5, 179-188, 1969. M Taxonomy 1558 The germination of gemmae in three mosses. Nehira, K. Hikobia 5, 189-195, 1969. M Morphology, Culture 1559 Flora and vegetation of Mt. Tado, Mie Prefecture. Katsurayama, H. Hikobia 5, 220-234, Tabs.1-2, 1969. M, H Ecology 1560 Distribution of Hypnum cupressiforme Hedw. in Japan. Ando, H. Hikobia 5, 242, 1969. M Flora, Phytogeogrphy 1561 The range of East-Asian plants (13). Horikawa, Y. Hikobia 6, 1-2, maps. 33-36, 1971. M Phytogeography 1562 Cytological studies on some liverworts. Segawa, M. Hikobia 6, 3-8, 1971. H Cytology 1563 Morphology of Rebouliaceae IV. The generic validity of Cryptomitrium A ustin. Kachroo, P., Kaul, R. Hikobia 6, 9-16, 1971. H Taxonomy, Morphology 1564 Rhytidiadelphus japonicus and R. subpinnatus. Koponen, T. Hikobia 6, 18-35, 1971. M Taxonomy 1565 Miscellaneous bryologica asiae orientalis II. Ando, H. Hikobia 6, 36-46, 1971. M Taxonomy 1567 Fissidens gymnogynusBesch. newly found in the ryukyus and Thailand. Shin, T. Hikobia 6, 56, 1971. M Phytogeography 1568 Male plant of Rhizomnium minutulum. Koponen, T. Hikobia 6, 47-49, 1971. M Morphology 1569 Eurohypnum leptothallum and Hondaella brachytheciella found in Taiwan. Ando, H., Koponen, T. Hikobia 6, 49, 1971. M Flora 1570 Some mosses newly found from Isl. Botel Tobago, Formosa. Shin, T. Hikobia 6, 50-52, 1971. M Flora 1571 The first record of Paludella squarrosa (Hedw.) Brid. in Hokkaido. Kanda, H. Hikobia 6, 53-56, 1971. M Phytogeography 1572 A preliminary report on Plagiomnium sect. Rostrata in Asia. Koponen, T. Hikobia 6, 57-59, 1971. M Taxonomy 1573 Schistostega pennata Hedw. in Hokkaido, its ecology and germination. Kanda, H. Hikobia 6, 60-74, tab. 1, pl. 1, 1971. M Morphology 1574 The first record of Oedipodium griffithianum (Dicks.) Schwaegr. in Hok kaido. Kanda, H. Hikobia 6, 75, 1971. M Phytogeography 1575 Evolution of the sporeling type in Hepaticae. Nehira, K. Hikobia 6, 76-84, 1971. H Morphology, Taxonomy 1576 A preliminary report on the Mniaceae in Japan I. Koponen, T. Hikobia 6, 185-202, 1973. M Taxonomy 1577 Miscellanea bryologicaasiae orientalis III. Ando, H. Hikobia 6, 203-216, 1973. M Taxonomy 1578 Supplement to the subfamily Bryoideae (Musci) in Australia and New Zea land. Ochi,H. Hikobia 6, 217-223, 1973. M Taxonomy, Phytogeogrpahy 1579 Bryo-meter, an instrument for measuring the phytotaoxic air pollution. Taoda, H. Hikobia 6, 224-228, 1973. B Ecology, Pollution 1580 Effect of air pollution on bryophytes I. SO2 tolerance of bryophytes. Taoda, H. Hikobia 6, 238-250, pl. 7, 1973. B Ecology, Pollution 1581 Spore wall structure of Dumortiera hirsuta (Hepaticae). Miyoshi, N. Hikobia 6, 251-252, pl. VIII, 1973. H Morphology 1582 Bryophytes of the wind hole area in Kasayama, Hagi City, Yamaguchi Pre fecture. Shiomi, T. Hikobia 6, 253-259, tab. 1, 1973. M, H Flora, Ecology 1583 Some circumboreal mosses occurring in San'in District. Ochi, H. Hikobia 6, 271, 1973. M Flora, Phytogeogrpahy, Ecology 1584 Bryophyta in Japanese garden (1). Ishikawa, I. Hikobia 6, 272-283, 1973. B Miscellaneous