k007 #1585-1659 old file: koke9408.txt Rev. by H. Deguchi Jan. 2, 1995 1585 Rapid turnover of the D1 reaction centerprotein of Photosystem II as a protection mechanism against photoinhibition in a moss, Ceratodon purpureus(Hedw.) Brid. Rintamaki, E., Salo, R., Aro, E-M. Planta 193(4), 520-529, 1994. M Physiology. Photosynthesis. 1586 Chenopodene, marchantin P and riccardin G from the liverwort Marchantia chenopoda. Tori, M., Aoki, M., Asakawa, Y. Phytochemistry 36(1), 73-76, 1994. H Chemistry. 1587 Distribution of vascular H+-pyrophosphatase and a membrane integral protein in a variety of green plants. Maeshima, M., Mimura, T., Sato, T. Plant Cell Physiol. 35(2), 323-328, 1994. M Physiology. 1588 *Ecology of Phaeocystis-dominated ecosystems. Lancelot, C., Wassmann, P. [Eds] J. Mar. Syst. 5(1), 1-100, 1994 ? Ecology 1589 *Microbiotic soil crusts: A review of their roles in soil and ecological processes in the rangelands of Australia. Eldridge, D. J., Greene, R. S. B. Aust. J. Soil. Res. 32(3), 389-415, 1994. ? Ecology. 1590 Factors controlling the distribution of vascular and non-vascular epiphytes in the northern Andes. Wolf, J. H. D. Vegetatio 112(1), 57-71, 1994. M, H. Ecology. 1591 Einfluss von Moosen auf die Bildung von Initialboden aus verschiedenen Ausgangsgesteinen: Erster Beitrag. Vidrich, V., Franci, M., Muller, H. W., Fusi, P. Agrochimica 38(1-2), 150-156, 1994. M Ecology. 1592 Extinction and reintroduction of the bryophyte Scorpidium scorpioides in a rich-fern spring site in the Netherlands. Kooijman, A. M., Beltman, B., Westhoff, V. Bio. Consserv. 69(1), 87-96, 1994. M Ecology. 1592 *Baseline element concentrations in soils and plants, Bull Island, Cape Romain national Wildlife Refuge, South Carolina, USA. Gough, L. P., Severson, R. C., Jackson, L. L. Water Air Soil Pollut. 74(1-2), 189-210, 1994. ? Ecology. Pollution. 1593 Atmospheric deposition of trace elements in Norway: Temporal and spatial trends studied by moss analysis. Steinnes, E., Hanssen, J. E., Rambaek, J. P., Vogt, N. B. Water Air Soil Pollut. 74(1-2), 121-140, 1994. M Ecology. Pollution. 1594 Galacturan 1,4-alpha-galacturonidase from carrot Daucus carota and liverwort Marchantia polymorpha. Konno, H. Method in Enzymology 161, 373-380, 1988. H Cell Wall. Enzyme. Method. 1595 The vertical distribution of the Cs-137 derived from Chernobyl fallout in the uppermost Sphagnum layer of the two peatlands in the Southern Alps (Italy). Gerdol, R., Degetto, S., Mazzotta, D., Vecchiati, G. Water Air Soil Pollut. 75(1-2), 93-106, 1994. M Ecology. Pollution. 1596 Bioaccumulation of mercury by Spahgnum moss near a municipal solid waste incinerator. Carpi, A., Weinstein, L. H., Ditz, D. W. J. Air Waste Mgmt. Assoc. 44(5), 669-672, 1994. M Ecology. Pollution. 1597 Contributions to the bryoflora of China. 10. The identity of Homaliodendron neckeroides (Neckeraceae, Music). Enroth, J., Tan, B. C. Ann. Bot. Fenn. 31(1), 53-57, 1994. M Taxonomy. Flora. 1598 Report of the committee for Bryophyta: 3. Zijlstra, G. Taxon 43(2), 269, 1994. B Taxonomy. 1599 Systematics of tree mosses (Climacium: Musci): Genetic and morphological evidense. Shaw, A. J., Gutkin, M. S., Bernstein, B. R. Syst. Bot. 19(2), 263-272, 1994. M Taxonomy. 1600 Establishment and growth characteristics of a cell suspension culture of Marchantia polymorpha L. with high chlorophyll content. Ohta, Y., Katoh, K., Miyake, K. Planta 136, 229-232, 1977. H Physiology. Cultured Cells. 1601 Photoautotrophic growth of Marchantia polymorpha L. cells in suspension culture. Katoh, K., Ohta, Y., Hirose, Y., Iwamura, T. Planta 144, 509-510, 1980. H Physiology. Growth. Photoautotroph. Cultured Cells. 1602 Nutrient utilization and requirement under photoheterotrophic growth of Marchantia polymorpha: Improvement of the culture medium. Katoh, K., Ishikawa, M., Miyake, K. Ohta, Y., Hirose, Y., Iwamura, T. Physiol. Plant. 49, 241-247, 1980. H Physiology. Growth. Photpheterotroph. Cultured Cells. 1603 Growth and sesquiterpenoidproduction by Calypogeia granulata Inoue cells in suspension culture. Takeda, R., Katoh, K. Planta 151, 525-530, 1981. H Chemistry. Cultured Cells. 1604 Growth behavior of a liverwort, Jungermannia sublata Evans, in a cell suspension culture. The role of organic acids required for cell growth. Ohta, Y., Ishikawa, M., Abe, S., Katoh, K., Hirose, Y. Plant Cell Physiol. 22, 1533-1540, 1981. H Chemistry. Physiology. 1605 Application of plant cell and tissue culture to breeding and production of useful materials. Katoh, K. Engineers 404, 11-14, 1982. H Production. Physiology. Review. Chemistry. 1606 Sesquiterpenoids in cultured cells of liverwort, Calypogeia granulata Inoue. Takeda, R., Katoh, K. Bull. Chem. Soc. 56, 1265-1266, 1983. H Chemistry. Terpenoid. 1607 3,10-Dihydro-1,4-dimethylazulene, a labile biosynthetic intermediate isolated from cultured cells of Calypogeia granulata Inoue. Takeda, R., Katoh, K. J. Am. Chem. 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Cultured Cells. 1627 Analysis and biosynthesis ofdiacylglyceryl-N,N,N-trimethylhomoserine in the cells of Marchantia in suspension culture. Sato, N., Katoh, K. Plant Sci. 55, 21-25, 1988. H Lipid. Physiology. Biosynthesis. Chemistry. 1628 Metabolism of cultured bryophyte cells. Katoh, K The Heredity 44, 37-42, 1990. H Metabolism. Cultured Cells. 1629 Production of arachidonic and eicosapentanoic acids by bryophyte Marchantia polymorpha in cell culture. Shinmen, Y., Katoh, K., Shimizu, S., Jareonkitomongkol S., Yamada, H. Phytochemistry 30, 3255-3260, 1991. H, M Lipid. Chemistry. Cultured Cells. Production. 1630 Two new azulens produced by the liverwort, Calypogeia azurea during in vitro culture. Nakagawara, S., Katoh, K., Kusumi, T., Komura, H.,Nomoto, K., Konno, H., Huneck, S., Takeda, R. Phytochemistry 31, 1667-1670, 1992. H Chemistry. Production. Cultured Cells. Terpenoid. 1631 Sesquiterpens of cadinane type from cultured cells of the liverwort, Heteroscyphus planus. Nabeta, K., Katayama, K., Nakagawara, S., Katoh, K. Phytochemistry 32, 117-122, 1992. H Chemistry. Terpenoid. 1632 Carbondioxide fixation by cultured cells of Marchantia polymorpha. Nasu, M., Hattori, C., Katoh, K., Miyamoto, K., Kondoh,M. Cells J., 5, 51-56, 1992. H Photosynthesis. Growth. Cultured Cells. 1633 Enhanced formation of a constitutive sesquiterpenoid in cultured cells of a liverwort, Calypogeia granulata Inoue during elicitation; Effects of vanadate. Nakagawara, S., Nakamura, N., Guo, Z., Sumitani, K., Katoh,K., Ohta Y. Plant Cell Physio. 34, 421-429, 1993. H Physiology. Phytoalexine. Chemistry. Cultured Cells. 1634 Ryukyu retto san tairui kari mokuroku [Preliminary checklist of hepaticc of the Ryukyu Archipelago]. Amakawa, T. & T. Takara Ryukyu Daigaku Seibutsu Kurabu Shi 6(1): 15-38, 1963. H Flora. 1635 Ishigaki-jima no tairui [Hepaticae of Ishigaki Island]. Amano, T. Okinawa-ken Shizen kankyo hozen chiiki shitei koho gakujutsu chousa hokoku, Omoto-dake oyobi sono shuhen-chiiki [Scientific Reports of the Proposed Prefectural Natural Conservation Area, Mt. Omoto and Adjacent Areas] : 9-15. Okinawa-ken, Naha. H Flora. 1636 Ishigaki-jima no senrui [Mosses of Ishigaki Island]. Amano, T., Iwatsuki, Z. Scientific Reports of the Proposed Prefectural Natural Conservation Area, Okinawa-ken Shizen kankyo hozen chiiki shitei koho Gakujutsu chosa hokoku, Omoto-dake oyobi sono shuhen chiiki [Mt. Omoto and Adjacent Areas]: 17-24. Okinawa Prefecture, Naha, 1981. M Flora. 1637 A report of moss collections from Okinawa Island, 1 [Okinawa-san senrui saishu houkoku, 1]. Kinjo, T. (= Amano, T.) Okinawa Shokubutsu Zappo [Botanical Miscellanies of Okinawa: 1-3, T. Amano, Naha, 1976. M Flora. 1638 Kunigami-san yojo tairui [Epiphyllous hepaticae of Kunigami]. Kinjo, T. (T. Amano). Okinawa shokubutsu zappo [Botanical Miscellanies of Okinawa]: 3-4. T. Amano, Naha, 1976. 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B Flora. 1647 Ecological studies on bryophytes in the headwaters of a stream in Okinawa Island, Ryukyu Archipelago. Sugama, A., Yamaguchi, T. Island Studies in Okinawa 12: 1-10, 1994. B Ecology. 1648 Kakuchi-san senrui saishu houkoku, 1 [A report of moss collections from various parts of Okinawa, 1]. Taira, Y. Ryukyu Shokubutsu Tsushin [Botanical News of Ryukyu]: 6-8. Publication Society of Botanical News of Ryukyu, Naha, 1978 M Flora. 1649 Shuri-jo naigai shokubutsu no bunrui shinkou [Taxonomical revisions of plants of Shuri Castle and adjacent areas]. Taira, Y. Ryukyu Shokubutsu Tsushin [Botanical News of Ryukyu]: 45-64. Publication Society of Botanical News of Ryukyu, Naha, 1978. B Flora. Taxonomy. 1650 Notes on hepaticae of Kume-isl. in the Ryukyus. Takara, T. Biol. Mag. Okinawa 5: 33-34, 1968. H Flora. 1651 Telaranea iriomotensis Yamaguchi et Mizutani (Hepaticae), a new species from Japan. Yamaguchi, T. Miscellanea Bryol. Lichenol., 9, 161-163, 1983.(まだ入ってなかった?) H Taxonomy. 1652 Drepanolejeunea obtusifolia sp. nov. and Euosmolejeunea fuscobrunnea Horik. from the Yaeyama Islands, Japan. Yamaguchi, T. 1984. J. Jap. Bot., 59, 332-336, 1984. H Taxonomy. 1653 The effect of climatic factors on the floristic diversity of bryophytes in the Yaeyama Islands, the Ryukyu Archipelago, southern Japan. Seki, T., Yamaguchi, T. In H. Hara (ed.): Origin and Evolution of Diversity in Plants and Plant Communities: 60-76. Tokyo, 1985. B Ecology. 1654 Sphagnum (sect. Buchanania) leucobryoides sect. et sp. nov. from Tasmania. Yamaguchi, T., Seppelt, R. D., Iwatsuki, Z., Buchanan, A. M. J. Bryol., 16, 45-54, 1990. M Taxonomy. 1655 Leucobryaceae and Calymperaceae. Yamaguchi, T. 1990. . pp. 130-131. In Higuchi, M. & N. Takaki: Mosses from Nepal collected by Botanical Expedition of National Science Museum, Tokyo. pp. 121-161. In Watanabe, M. & S. B. Malla (eds.): Cryptogams of the Himalayas, vol. 2, Central and Eastern Nepal. 212 pp. National Science Museum, Tsukuba. 1656 Are bryophytes first land plants? Yamaguchi, T., Furuki, T., Miyawaki, H., Iwatsuki, Z. Jap. J. Biol. Education 30, 182-190, 1991. B Miscellaneous. Education. 1657 Plants of the Higashisenda Campus of Hiroshima University, 1. Bryophytes. Yamaguchi, T., Imura, S., Matsui, T., Higuchi, M. Bull. Biol. Soc. Hiroshima Univ., 59, 9-14, 1991. B Flora. 1658 Bryophytes of the Northern Mariana Islands, Micornesia II. Acrocarpous Mosses. Yamaguchi, T., Iwatsuki, Z., Furuki, T. Natural History Research, Special Issue 1, 83-86, 1994. B Flora. 1659 Ecological studies on bryophytes in the headwaters of a stream in Okinawa Island, Ryukyu Archipelago. Sugama, A., Yamaguchi, T. Island Studies in Okinawa 12, 1-10, 1994. B Ecology.