k008 #1660-1719 old file: koke9409.txt Rev. by H. Deguchi, Jan. 3, 1995 1660 Stereoselective reduction in the biotransformation of androstane derivatives by cell suspension cultures of Marchantia polymorpha. Hamada, H., Naka, S., Kurban, H. Chem. Lett., 2111-2112, 1993. H Chemistry. Biotransformation. 1661 Recent literature on hepatics and anthocerotaes - 136. Buck, W. R., Thiers, B. M. Bryologist 97(2), 193-195, 1994. H, A Bibliograph. 1662 Recent literature on Mosses - 160. Allens, B., Magill, R. E. Bryologist 97(2), 208-215, 1994. M Bibliograph. 1663 Accumulation and polysomal recruitment of transcripts in response to desiccation and rehydration of the moss Tortula ruralis. Scott, H. B. II, Oliver, M. J. J. Exp. Bot. 45(274), 577-583, 1994. M Molecular Biology. Translation. 1664 The vertical pattern of pigment concentrations in chloroplasts of Sphagnum capillifolium. Gerdol, R., Bonora, A., Poli, F. Bryologist 97(2), 158-161, 1994. M Pigment. Chemistry. Photosynthesis. 1665 Acetylenic fatty acids of the Dicranaceae. Dembitsky, V. M., Rezanka, T. Phytochemistry 36(3), 685-689, 1994. M Chemistry. Lipid. 1666 Bibenzyl derivatives from the liverwort Ricciocarpos natans. Kunz, S., Becker, H. Phytochemistry 36(3), 675-677, 1994. H Chemistry. Phenol. 1667 Thallus differentiation in the marchantialean liverwort Asterella williamsii (Step.) with particular reference to longitudinal arrays of endoplasmic microtubles in the inner cells. Ligrone, R., Duckett, J. G. Ann. Bot. 73(6), 577-586, 1994. H Differentiation. Physiology. Microtuble. 1668 The influence of polyamines on senscence in Marchantia polymorpha. Stanislaus, R. C., Maravolo, N. C. Bryologist 97(2), 162-165, 1994. H Physiology. Growth Regulator. Polyamine. 1669 A brief synthesis of natural antifeedant, 1-(2,4,6-trimethoxyphenyl)but-2(E)-en-1-one. Trivedi, S. V., Subbaraman, A. S., Mamdapur, V. R. Chemosphere 28(10), 1791-1794, 1994. ? Chemistry. Pest Control. 1670 *Climax epiphytic communities in Mediterranean Spain. Burgaz, A. R., Fuertes, E., Escudero, A. Bot. J. Linn. Soc., 115(1), 35-47, 1994. ? Ecology. 1671 Residue profile of PCB, PCN and CBz in fish, algae, moss and sediment from the polluted River Krupa (Slovenia). Jan, J., Zupancic-Karlj, L., Zigon, D. Toxicol. Environ. Chem., 43(3-4), 235-243, 1994. M Chemistry. Pollution. Ecology. 1672 Pterygoneurum subsessile (Bird.) Jur. var. kieneri Hab. (Musci, Pottiaceae), a putative hybrid. Guerra, J., Ros, R. M., Cano, M. J. Nova Hedwigia 58(3-4), 507-510, 1994. M Taxonomy. 1673 A report on teh 1991 Sino-American bryological expedition to Guizhou Province, china, New and noteworthy additions of Chinese moss taxa. Tan, B. C., Lin, Q-W., Crosby, M. R., Wu, P-C. Bryologist 97(2), 171-173, 1994. M Taxonomy. 西村直樹さんの論文リストです。 1674 Additions to the checklist of mosses of Pakistan. Nishimura, N., Higuchi, M. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jap., 6(5), 98-98, 1994. M Flora. 1675 Bryophytes of the Northern Mariana Islands, Micronesia III. Pleurocarpous Mosses. Nishimura, N., Furuki, T. Nat. Hist. Res., Special Issue, No. 1, 87-89, 1994. M Flora. 1676 Mittenothamnium. In Sharp et al., The Moss Flora of Mexico, Part 2. Nishimura, N., Ando, H. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 69, 1056-1061, 1994. M Taxonomy. 1677 Chryso-hypnum. In Sharp et al., The Moss Flora of Mexico, Part 2. Nishimura, N., Ando, H. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 69, 1053-1056, 1994. M Taxonomy. 1678 Puiggariella. In Sharp et al., The Moss Flora of Mexico, Part 2. Nishimura, N., Ando, H. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 69, 1051-1053, 1994. M Taxonomy. 1679 Ctenidium. In Sharp et al., The Moss Flora of Mexico, Part 2. Nishimura, N., Ando,H. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 69, 1046-1047, 1994. M Taxonomy 1680 Ectropothecium. In Sharp et al., The Moss Flora of Mexico, Part 2. Nishimura, N., Ando, H. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 69, 1037-1039, 1994. M Taxonomy 1681 Checklist of mosses of Pakistan. Nishimura, N., Higuchi, M. Cryptogamic flora of Pakistan, vol. 2. (T. Nakakike & S. Malik, eds.), 275-299, National Science Museum, Tokyo, 1993. M Taxonomy 1682 Bryophytes of the Ozegawa basin (Hiroshima, Yamaguchi-ken). Nishimura, N., Deguchi, H., Seki, T., Ando, H. Proc. Jap. Soc. Plant Taxonomy 4(3), 2-3, 1979. B Flora. 1683 Chromosome numbers of some mosses of Hypnobryales from Pakistan collected in 1991. Inoue, S., Kanda, H., Takaki, N., Mizushima, U., Seki, T., Higuchi, M., H., Ando, H., Nishimura, N. Cryptogamic flora of Pakistan, vol. 2 (T. Nakakike & S. Malik, eds.), 269-273, National Science Museum, Tokyo, 1993. M Chromosome. 1684 Pleurocarpous mosses from Pakistan. Nishimura, N., Watanabe, R., Kanda, H., Takaki, N., Mizushima, U., Iwatsuki, Z., Seki, T., Higuchi, M., Ando, H. Cryptogamic flora of Pakistan, vol. 2 (T. Nakakike & S. Malik, eds. ), 255-268, National Science Museum, Tokyo, 1993. M Taxonomy. Flora. 1685 Acrocarpous mosses from Pakistan. Nishimura, N., Iwatsuki, Z., Matsui, T., Takaki, N., Deguchi, H. Cryptogamic flora of Pakistan, vol. 2 (Nakakike, T., Malik, S. eds.), 239-254. National Science Museum, Tokyo, 1993. M Taxonomy. Flora. 1686 Hepaticae collected from Pakistan in 1991. Furuki, T., Yamada, K., Hattori, S., Nishimura, N. Cryptogamic flora of Pakistan, vol. 2 (T. Nakakike, T.,Malik, S. eds.), 221-229. National Science Museum, Tokyo, 1993. H Taxonomy. Flora. 1687 Further studies on branch buds in mosses; "Pseudoparaphyllia" and "Scaly leaves". Akiyama, H., Nishimura, N. J. Plant Res. 106, 101-108, 1993. M Morphology. Taxonomy. 1688 The Climacium-type branch development in the Bartramiaceae and its taxonomic significance. Akiyama, H., Nishimura, N. Bryologist 96(2), 185-191, 1993. M Morphology. Taxonomy. 1689 Hypnaceae. In Higuchi, M.,Takaki, H. (Comp.), Mosses from Nepal collected by Botanical Expedition of National Science Museum, Tokyo. Higuchi, M., Nishimura, H., Iwatsuki, Z., Ando, H. Cryptogams of the Himalayas, vol. 2. Central and Eastern Nepal (Watanabe, M., Malla, S. ed.) National Science Museum, Tsukuba, 1990. M Taxonomy. Flora. 1690 Mittenothamnium deguchii, a new moss species from Southern Chile. Nishimura, N., Kanda, H. Bryologist 93(3), 275-278, 1990. M Taxonomy. 1691 A revision of some Mittenothamnium species described from Mexico. Nishimura, N., H. Ando, H. Bryologist 89(1), 66-69, 1986. M Taxonomy. 1692 A revision of the genus Ctenidium(Musci). Nishimura, N., 1985. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 58, 1-82, 1985. M Taxonomy. 1693 Ectropothecium ptychofolium Nishimura, nom. nov. for a Bornean moss Ptychophyllum borneense Broth. Nishimura, N. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus.. Tokyo, Ser. B, 10, 153-158, 1984. M Taxonomy. 1694 Splachnum ampullaceum Hedw. from Mts. Yatsu, central Honshu, Japan. Nishimura, N., Inoue, H. J. Jap. Bot., 56(2), 31-32, 1981. M Flora. 1695 Bryophytes of the Hiruzen Highlands, 5. Preliminary observation for reproductive phenology of mosses. Nishimura, N. Bull. Hiruzen Res. Inst., Okayama Univ. Sci., 19, 139-146, 1983. M Flora. Phenology. Gametophyte. Reproduction. 1696 Mosses of Wakasugi Natural Forest (Nishiawakura-son, Okayama-ken). Nishimura, N., Tateishi, Y., Igi, C. Bull. Hiruzen Res. Inst., Okayama Univ. Sci., 18, 89-95, 1992. M Flora. 1697 A list of mosses reported from Okayama-ken, southern Honshu, Japan. Nishimura, N., Tateishi, Y., Igi, C. Bull. Hiruzen Res. Inst., Okayama Univ. Sci., 17, 111-135, 1991. M Flora. 1698 SEM observation of moss-pseudoparaphyllia, 2. Hypnobryales. Nishimura, N., Matsuki, S. Bull. Hiruzen Res. Inst., Okayama Univ. Sci. 16, 117-138, 1990. M Morphology. SEM. 1699 Mosses of the Mizutani-valley (Okayama-ken, Japan). Nishimura, N., Matsuki, S. Bull. Hiruzen Res. Inst., Okayama Univ. Sci. 15, 83-89, 1989. M Flora. 1700 Bryophytes of the Hiruzen Highlands, 4. Sexuality and sporophyte-production of pleurocarpous mosses. Nishimura, N., Une, K. Bull. Hiruzen Res. Inst., Okayama Univ. Sci., 15, 77-81, 1989. M Flora. Phenology. Reproduction. 1701 Mosses of Mt. Karasugasen, Chugoku district, southwestern Japan. Nishimura, N., Kawase, I. Bull. Hiruzen Res. Inst., Okayama Univ. Sci., 11, 39-45, 1985. M Flora. 1702 Bryophytes of the Hiruzen Highlands, 3. Sexual conditions of acrocarpous mosses. Une, K., Higuchi, M., Nishimura, N. Bull. Hiruzen Res. Inst., Okayama Univ. Sci., 8, 33-40, 1983. M Flora. Phenology. Reproduction. 1703 The bryophyte flora of the Matsukawa basin, central Japan. Ando, H., Nishimura, N., Higuchi, M. Reports on central parts of Tenryu-gawa basin, 379-398, 1983. B Flora. 1704 Bryophytes of the Hiruzen Highlands, 2. Flora of liverworts and horn worts of the Hiruzen Highlands. Higuchi, M., Une, K., Doei, H., Nishimura, N. Bull. Hiruzen Res. Inst., Okayama Univ. Sci., 7, 45-53, 1982. H. A Flora. 1705 Bryophytes of Mikura Island (Izu Islands, Japan). Nishimura, N., Higuchi, M. Proc. Jap. Soc. Plant Taxonomy 4(7), 2-3, 1982. B Flora. 1706 Bryophytes of the Hiruzen Highlands, 1. Moss-flora of the Hiruzen Highlands. Nishimura, N., Higuchi, M., Une, K., Doei, H. Bull. Hiruzen Res. Inst., Okayama Univ. Sci., 6, 13-24, 1981. M Flora. 1707 On the genus Mittenothamnium (Musci, Hypnaceae) of Mexico. Nishimura, N., Ando, H. Proc. Jap. Soc. Plant Taxonomy 4(5),10, 1981. M Taxonomy. 1708 List of bryophytes collected in the Tengukogen Highland, Shikoku, southern Japan, during the 7th foray (1978). Kamimura, M., (フルネームで書いて下さい) Bull. Kochi Gakuen Junior Coll., 10, 25-33, 1979. M Flora. 1709 Bryophytes of the Ozegawa basin, southwestern Japan. Nishimura, N., Deguchi, H., Seki, T., Ando, H. The Yasaka Gorge, landscape and environment 471-508, 1979. M, H, A. Flora. 1710 Neckeropsis pocsii (Neckeraceae, Musci), a new species from Comoro Islands. Enroth, J., Magill, R. Bryologist 97(2), 171-173, 1994. M Flora. Taxonomy. 1711 A taxonomic note on Crassicosta hermannii. O'Brien, T. J. Bryologist 97(2), 174-175, 1994. M Taxonomy. 1712 Tritomaria in western North America. Hong, W. S. Bryologist 97(2), 166-170, 1994. H Flora. 1713 Grimmia crassifolia new to Europe. Greven, H. C. Bryologist 97(2), 180-181, 1994. M Flora. 1714 *Further studies on a late Tournaisian (Lower Carboniferous) flora from Loch Humphery Burn, Scotland, Spore taxonomy and ultrastructure. Hemsley, A. R., Clayton, G., Galtier, J. Rev. Palaeaobot. Palynol. 81(2-4), 213-231, 1994. ? Paleobotany. 1715 Checklist of Japanese hepaticae and anthocerotae, 1993. Furuki, T., Mizutani, M. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jap., 6(5), 75-83, 1994. H. A Bibliography. 1716 A comparison list between "Checklist of Japanese hepaticae and anthocerotae, 1983" and "1993". Mizutani, M., Furuki, T. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jap., 6(5), 84-93, 1994. H, A Bibliography. 1717 Notes on the Conocephalum conicus complex in Japan. Akiyama, H., Hiraoka, T. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jap., 6(5), 94-97, 1994. H Taxonomy. Genetics. Isozyme. 1718 New localities of Eccremidium brisbanicum and Micromitrium megalosporum. Doei, H., Yamamoto, S. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jap., 6(5), 98, 1994. M Flora. 1719 Additions to the checklist of mosses of Pakistan. Nishimura, N., Higuchi, M. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jap., 6(5), 98-99, 1994. M Bibliography.