k009 #1720-1730 old file: koke9410.txt Rev. by H.Deguchi, Dec. 1, 1994 1720 Notes on Chinese Bryophytes II. Li, Z. Ann. Bot. Fenn. 31(2), 117-120, 1994. B Flora. 1721 Studies on Scapania sphaerifera(Hepaticae). Konstantinova, N.A., Potemkin, A.D. Ann. Bot. Fenn. 31(2), 121-126, 1994. H Taxonomy. 1723 *Winding threads around plant cells. Applications of the geometrical model for microfibril deposition. Emons, A. M. C., Kieft, H. Protoplasma 180(1-2), 59-69, 1994. ? Cell Wall. Physiology. 1724 Phenological studies of selected savanna mosses of south-western Nigeria. Makinde, A. M., Odu, E. A. Experientia 50(6), 616-619. M Ecology. Phenology. 1725 Adaptation to metal-contaminated soils in populations of the moss, Ceratodon purpureus: Vegetative growth and reproductive expression. Jules, E. S., Shaw, A. J. Am. J. Bot. 81(6), 791-797, 1994. M Ecology. Adaptation. 1726 *Toxic metals in forest biota around the steel works of Rautaruukki, Oy, Raahe, Finland. Mukherjee, A. B. Jnr., Corredor, J. E., Lowenfeld, R., Klekowski, E. H., Morell, J. M. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 28(6), 346-350, 1994. ? Pollution. Ecology. 1727 The application of TXRF in instrumental multielement analysis of plants, demonstrated with species of moss. Markert, B., Reus, U., Herpin, U. Sci. Total Environ. 152(3), 213-220, 1994. M Pollution. Ecology. Heavy Metal. 1728 The acidification capacity of wetland bryophytes as influenced by simulated clean and polluted rain. Kiiijman, A. M., Bakker, C. Aquat. Bot. 48(2), 133-144, 1994. 1729 Studies in Marchantiales(Hepaticae) from southern Africa. 4. Mannia capensis, section and subgenus Xeromannia. Perold, S. M. Bothalia 24(1), 9-14, 1994. H Flora. 1730 Studies in Marchantiales(Hepaticae) from southern Africa. 5. The genus Exormotheca, E. pustulosa and E. holssstii. Perold, S. M. Bothalia 24(1), 15-23, 1994. M Flora.