k012 #1851-1982old file: koke9501.txt Rev. by H. Deguchi on 8 Feb. 1995 1851 The sporeling ontogeny of Monoclea gottschei subsp. elongata. Bartholomew-Began, S. E., Crandall-Stotler, B. J. Bryologist 97(39, 244-252, 1994. H Physiology. Development. Ontogeny. 1852 Nuclear and organelle DNA replication during spore germination in bryophytes and Equisetum. Thoni, C., Schnepf, E. Bot. Acta 107(4), 210-217, 1994. B Molecular Biology. 1853 Biosynthesis of acetylenic fatty acids in the moss Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid. Kohn, G., Hartmann, E., Stymne, S., Beutelmann, P. J. Plant Physiol. 144(3), 265-271, 1994. M Lipid. Chemistry. 1854 Hydrocarbons of Polytrichum commune. Nissinen, R., Sewon, P. Phytochemistry 37(1), 179-182, 1994. M Terpenoid. 1855 Sesqui- and diterpenoids from the Panamanian liverwort Bryopteris filicina. Nagashima, F., Izumo, H., Takaoka, S., Tori, M., Asakawa, Y. Phytochemistry 37(2), 433-439, 1994. H Terpenoid. 1856 A furanoditerpenoid from the liverwort Jamesoniella autumnalis. Tazaki, H., Blechschmidt, M., Huch, V., Veith, M., Becker, H. Phytochemistry 37(2), 495-500, 1994. H Terpenoid. 1858 Naphthalene and isocoumarin derivatives from the liverwort Wettsteinia schusterana. Asakawa, Y. Tada, Y., Hashimoto, T. Phytochemistry 37(1), 233-235, 1994 H Phenoic. Chemistry. 1859 Element contents of Sphagnum mosses of peat bogs of Lower Silesia(Poland). Wojtun, B. Bryologist 97(3), 284-295, 1994. M Physiology. Chemistry. Nutrient. 1860 Allozyme variability within and among populations of the epiphytic moss Leucodon (Leucodontaceae:Musci). Akiyama, H. Am. J. Bot. 81(10), 1300-1308, 1994. M Genetics. 1861 Studies on the status of rare and endangered bryophytes in Switzerland. Bisang, I., Urmi, E. Biol. Conserv. 70(2), 109-116, 1994. B Ecology. 1862 Taxonomic notes on neotropical Fissidens. Pursell, R. A. Bryologist 97(3), 253-272, 1994. M Taxonomy. 1863 Studies of New Zealand Hepaticae. 8-13. Bazzania and Acromastigum. Engel, J. J., Smith Merrill, G. L. Bryologist 97(3), 313-320, 1994. H Taxonomy. 1864 The basal pleurocarpous diplolepidous mosses - A cladistic approach. Hedenas, L. Bryologist 97(3), 225-243, 1994. M Taxonomy. 1865 Cladistic analysis of the genus Pinnatella (Neckeraceae; Musci). Hyvonen, J., Enroth, J. Bryologist 97(3), 305-312, 1994. M Taxonomy. 1866 New distributional records for Chinease mosses. Redfearn P. L. Jr., Allen, B., He, S. Bryologist 97(3), 275-276, 1994. M Flora. 1867 *Vangant cryptogams in a paramo of the high Venezuelan Andes. Perez, F. L. Flora 189(3), 263-276, 1994. ? Flora. 1868 Epiphyllous liverworts of Fengyangshan Nature Reserve, Zhejiang Province, China. Zhu, R-L., Ye, L-X., Cai, H-Z. Bryologist 97(3), 277-279, 1994. B Flora. 1869 A deviant expression of Sphagnum tenerum from the Virginia tidewater and the Dominican Republic. Crum, H., Anderson, L. E. Bryologist 97(3), 280-283, 1994. M Flora. 1870 The chemistry of some European liverworts. Huneck, S., Connolly, J. D. New perspectives in Bryotaxonomy and Bryogeography, Poznan, 1-166, 1981. B H Taxonomy. Geography. Chemistry. 1871 (+)-ent-Epicubenol from the liverwort Scapania undulata. Connolly, J. D., Phillips, W. R., Huneck, S. Phytochemistry 21, 233-234, 1982. H Chemistry. Terpenoid. 1872 (-)-ent-12 beta-Acetoxylongipin-2(10)-en-3-one, and ent-longipinane derivative from the liverwort Marsupella aquatica. Huneck, S., Connolly, J. D., Rycroft, D. S., Matsuo, A. Phytochemistry 21, 143-145, 1982. H Chemistry. Terpenoid. 1873 Seasonal variations of the essential oil components in the liverwort Scapania undulata. Huneck, S., Janicke, S., Meinunger, L. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 53, 439-442, 1982. H Chemistry. Terpenoid. 1874 Gymnocolin, a new cis-clerodane diterpenoid from the liverwort Gymnocolea inflata. Crystal structure analysis. Huneck, S., Asakawa, Y., Taira, Z., Cameron, A. F. Tetrahedron Lett. 24, 115-116, 1983. H Chemistry. Terpenoids. 1875 Hercynolactone, a new carotane sesquiterpenoid from the liverworts Barbilophozia lycopodioides and B. hatcheri. Crystal structure analysis. Huneck, S., Cameron, A. F., Connolly, J. D., McLaren, M., Rycroft, D. S.Tetrahedron Lett. 23, 3959-3962, 1982. H Chemistry. Terpenoid. 1876 Seasonal dependence of the essential oil from Bazzania trilobata. The stereochemistry and absolute configuration of (-)-5-hydroxycalamenene. Huneck, S., Janicke, S., Meinunger, l., Snatzke, Connolly, J. D., Asakawa, Y. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 57, 337-342, 1984. H Chemistry. Terpenoid. 1877 Das Vorkommen chemischer Rassen bei Scapania undulata in Europa, speziel im Thuringer Wald. Huneck, S., Janicke, S., Huneck, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 54, 125-132, 1983. H Chemistry. Terpenoid. 1878 The chemistry of three species of Scapania(Hepaticae) from the Polish High Tatra Mountains. Huneck, S., Urbaniak, L., Asakawa, Y., Grolle, R., Janicke, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60, 187-191, 1986. H Chemistry. Terpenoid. 1879 1-(3,4-Dihydroxy-5-methoxyphenyl)-3-methylbut-2-ene from the liverwort Plagiochila rutilans. Huneck, S., Connolly, J. D., Harrison, L. J., Joseph, R. S. I., Pocs, T.Phytochemistry 23, 2396-2397, 1984. H Chemistry. Terpenoid. 1880 Anadensin, a new fusicoccane diterpenoid from the liverwort Anastrepta orcadensis. Crystal structure analysis. Huneck. S., Baxter, G., Cameron, A. F., Connolly, J. D., Rycroft, D. S. Tetrahedraon Lett. 24, 3787-3788, 1983. H Chemistry. Terpenoid. 1881 Through the steep and mountains of Mongolia. Huneck, S. The Bryological times 29, 1-3, 1984. B Miscellaneous. 1882 Regional and seasonal variations of the terpenoids in the liverwort Scapania undulata. ####### Proc. 3rd. Meeting of the Bryologists from central and east Europe, 25-36, 1982, Prague H Chemistry. Terpenoid. 1883 Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Moorsflora der Mongolischen Volksrepublik. Grolle, R., Meinunger, L., Hilbig, W., Huneck, S. Feddes Repertorium 94, 107-124, 1983. B, M, H Flora 1884 Phytosterol aus Lebermoosen. Huneck, S., Janicke, S., Schmidt, J. Pharmazie 39, 784, 1984. H Chemistry. Sterol. 1885 Sesquiterpenoids from the liverwort Lophozia ventricosa. Huneck, S., Schreiber, K., Connolly, J. D., Harrison, L. J., Rycroft, D. S. Phytochemistry 23, 1972, 1984. H Chemistry. Terpenoid. 1886 Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Moorsflora der Mongolischen Volksrepublik. II. Grolle, R., Meinunger, L., Hilbig, W., Huneck, S. Feddes Repertorium 97, 521-526, 1986. B, M, H ? 1887 New labdane diterpenoids from the liverwort Scapania undulata. Huneck, S., Connolly, J. D., Harrison, L. J., Joseph, R., Phillips, W. R., Rycroft, D. S., Ferguson, G., Parvez, M. J. Chem. Res. Suppl. 162, 163, 1986. H Chemistry. Terpenoid. 1888 Bryology in the Democratic Peoples Republic of Kores. Huneck, S., Hoang, H-D., Kim, J-H. The Bryol. Times, 44, 102, 1987. B Miscellaneous. 1889 Dolaberllane diterpenoids from the liverworts Barbilophozia floerkei, B. lycopodioides, and B. attenuate: spectroscopic and X-ray studies of structure, stereochemistry, and conformation. X-Ray molecular structure of 3S, 4S; 7S, 8S-diepoxy-10R, 18-dihydroxydolabellane, 18-acetoxy-3S, 4S;7S, 8S-diepoxydolabellane, and 10R, 18-diacetoxy-3S, 4S-epoxydolabell-7E-ene. Huneck, S., Baxter, G. A., Cameron, A. F., Connolly, J. D., Harrison, L. J., Phillips, W. R., Rycroft, D. S., Sim, G. A. J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans. I, 809-814, 1986. H Chemistry. Terpenoid. 1890 Mass spectroscopy of natural products. XXIII. Comparative positive and negative ion mass spectral studies of scapanine-type diterpenoids. Schmidt, J., Huneck, S., Frank, P., Connolly, J. D. Org. Mass Spectrometry 22, 359-367, 1987. H Chemistry. Terpenoid. 1891 Pakyonol, a macrocyclic bisbibenzyl diether from the liverwort Mannia fragrans. Huneck, S., Connolly, J. D., Rycroft, D. S., Woods, N. J. Chem. Res. Suppl. 78-79, 1988. H Chemistry. Phenolics. 1892 (+)-Eudesm-3-ene-6beta, 7alpha-diol from the liverwort Lepidozia reptans. Connolly, J. D., Harrison, L. J., Huneck, S., Rycroft, D. S. Phytochemistry 27, 1405-1407, 1988. H Chemistry. Terpenoid.