k016 #2504-2607 old file: koke9505 (Part of Kodama-San & Dr. Inoue) Rev. by H. Deguchi June 21, 1995 2504 A review of Porella from Shikoku, Southern Japan. Hara, M. Research Rep. Kochi Univ. 4(12), 1-27, 1956. H Taxonomy. 2505 Revision of the family Jungermanniaceae in Shikoku, Southern Japan I. Hara, M. Research Rep. Kochi Univ. 5(33), 1-9, 1956. H Taxonomy. 2506 Revision of the family Jungermanniaceae in Shikoku, Southern Japan II. Hara, M. Research Rep. Kochi Univ. 6(13), 1-9, 1957. H Taxonomy. 2507 Revision of the family Jungermanniaceae in Shikoku, Southern Japan III. Hara, M. Research Rep. Kochi Univ. 7(22), 1-21, 1957. H Taxonomy. 2508 Contributio ad Floram Hepaticarum Austro-Kiushiuensem Hattori, S. Bull. Tokyo Sci. Mus. 11, 1-203, 1944. H Taxonomy. 2509 Contributio ad Floram Hepaticarum Yakushimensem I. Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 1, 1-26, 1947. H Taxonomy. 2510 Contributio ad Floram Hepaticarum Yakushimensem II. Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 2, 1-26, 1948. H Taxonomy. 2511 Five new genera of Hepaticae. Hattori, S. Biosphaera 1, 3-7, 1947. H Taxonomy. 2512 Contributio ad Floram Hepaticarom Yakushimensem III. Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 3, 1-35, 1950. H Taxonomy. 2513 Hepaticarum species novae et minus cognitae Nipponenses, IV. Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 3, 37-52, 1950. H Taxonomy. 2514 Contributio ad Floram Hepaticarom Yakushimensem IV. Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 4, 49-70, 1950. H Taxonomy. 2515 On the distribution of the Hepaticae of Shikoku and Kiushiu (Southern Japan). Hattori, S. Bryologist 54, 103-118, 1951. H Taxonomy. Flora. 2516 On Cavicularia densa Steph. Horikawa, Y. Sci. Repts. Tohoku Imper. Univ. Ser. 4, Biol. 3(3), 259-264, 1928. H Taxonomy. 2517 Studies on the Hepaticae of Japan. I. Horikawa, Y. Sci. Repts. Tohoku Imper. Univ. Ser. 4, Biol. 3(3), 37-72, 1929. H Taxonomy. 2518 Monographia hepaticarum australi-japonicarum. Horikawa, Y. J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ. Ser. B. Div. 2, 2, 101-325, 1934. H Taxonomy. 2519 Distributional studies of Bryophytes in Japan and the adjacent regions. Horikawa, Y. 1955 B Flora. Taxonomy. Book. 2520 Studies in Treubia nana with special reference to the Antheridial development. Horikawa, Y. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 73, 225-230, 1960. H Taxonomy. 2521 Frullania mayebarae Hatt., in Chichibu, with special reference to its habitat modification. Horikawa, Y. Bull. Chichibu Mus. Nat. Hist. 10, 85-88, 1960. H Ecology. 2522 Contributions to the knowledge of the Plagiochilaceae of Southern Asia IV. The genus Xenochila. Horikawa, Y. Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 6, 372-377, 1963. H Taxonomy. 2523 Monosoleniaceae, a new family segregated from Marchantiaceae. Horikawa, Y. Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 9, 115-118, 1966 H Taxonomy. 2524 Morphology of Rebouliaceae III. Development of sex organs, sporangium and inter-relationships of the various genera. Kachroo, P. Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 19, 124-?, 1958. H Taxonomy. 2525 Contributio ad Floram Hepaticarum Shikokuensem. Kamimura, M. 1952 H Flora. Book. 2526 Some adeenda to the Frullaniaceae of Japan and neighboring Area I. Kamimura, M. J. Kochigakuen Coll. 1, 51-53, 1969. H Flora. Taxonomy. 2527 Some addenda to the Frullaniaceae of Japan and neighboring Area II. Kamimura, M. J. Kochigakuin Coll. 2, 21-25, 1970. H Flora. Taxonomy. 2528 Notes on teh hepatic flora of the Island of Yakushima I. Kitagawa, N. Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 18, 187-192, 1960. H Flora. 2529 On some species of Cephaloziella in Japan. Kitagawa, N. Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 19, 49-53, 1961. H Flora. Taxonomy. 2530 The family Metzgeriaceae in North East Asia, Pacific Oceania, Australia and New Zealand. Kuwahara, Y. Rev. Bryol. Lichenol. 34, 191-239, 1966. H Taxonomy. Flora. 2531 Contributions to the Bryological flora of Hyogo Pref. (1). Nakanishi, S. Bull. Fac. Educ. Kobe Univ. 15, 11-17, 1957. B Flora. 2532 Contributions to the Bryological flora of Hyogo Pref. (2). Nakanishi, S. Bull. Fac. Educ. Kobe Univ. 18, 32-36, 1958. B Flora. 2533 Studies in Indian Metzgerineae III. Calyculata crispula Mitt. Pande, S. K., Udar, R. Phytomorphol. 6, 331-346, 1957. H Flora. 2534 An introduction to Embryophyta vol. 1. Parihar, N. S. Bryophyta 5th. ed. 1970. B Book. Miscellaneus. 2535 Notes on Hepaticae I. Proskauer, J. Bryologist 53, 165-172, 1950. H Taxonomy. 2536 Notes on Hepaticae II. Proskauer, J. Bryologist 54, 243-266, 1951. H Taxonomy. 2537 Notes on Hepaticae III. Proskauer, J. Bryologist 65, 213-233, 1962 H Taxonomy. 2538 On Carrops I. Proskauer, J. Phytomorphol 11, 359-378, 1962. ? Taxonomy. 2539 Boreal Hepaticae, A manual of liverworts of Minnesota and adjacent regions I. Schuster, R. M. Amer. Midl. Natural. 49, 257-684, 1953. H Miscellaneus. Method. Taxonomy. Flora. 2540 Boreal Hepaticae, A manual of liverworts of Minnesota and adjacent regions II. Schuster, R. M. Amer. Midl. Natural. 57, 203-259, 1957. H Miscellaneus. Method. Taxonomy. Flora. 2541 Boreal Hepaticae, A manual of liverworts of Minnesota and adjacent regions III. Schuster, R. M. Amer. Midl. Natural. 59, 257-332, 1958. H Miscellaneus. Method. Taxonomy. Flora. 2542 Key to the orders, families and genera of Hepaticae of America, north of Mexico. Schuster, R. M. Bryologist 61, 1-66, 1958. H Taxonomy. 2543 A monograph of the Nearctic Plagiochilaceae. Shuster, R. M. Amer. Midl. Nat. 62, 257-395, 1959. H Taxonomy. 2544 A monograph of the Nearctic Plagiochilaceae II.. Shuster, R. M. Amer. Midl. Nat. 63, 1-130, 1959. H Taxonomy. 2545 An annoted synopsis of the genera and subgenera of Lejeuneaceae I. Shuster, R. M. Nova Hedwigia 9, 1-203, 1963. H Taxonomy. 2546 The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of North American vol. I. Shuster, R. M. Columbia Univ. Press. 1966. H, A Book. Taxonomy. Flora. Morphology. Literature. 2547 Studies on Hepaticae XLV. On Iwatsuki, Kitagawa. Shuster, R. M. Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 11, 309-317, 1968. H Taxonomy. 2548 Studies on Hepaticae XLVI-XLVII. On Alobiella (Spr.) Schiffn. and Alobiellopsis Schust. Shuster, R. M. Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 12, 659-683, 1969. H Taxonomy. 2549 The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of North America. vol. II. Shuster, R. M. Columbia Univ. Press 1969. H, A Book. Taxonomy. Flora. 2550 Die Frullaniaceae der Indomaleischen Inseln. Verdoorn, F. Ann. Bryol. Suppl. 1. H Taxonomy. Flora. Book?. 2551 Asiatische Jubleae. Vrdoorn, F Ann. Bryol. Suppl. 4. H Taxonomy. Flora. Book?. 2552 Illustrations of Japanese Hepaticae. (日本産苔類図鑑) Inoue, H. Tsukiji Shokan Publishing, Tokyo, 1974. 3645-174033-4818 H Illustration. Book. Taxonomy. Flora. 2553 Illustrations of Japanese Hepaticae. 2. (続・日本産苔類図鑑) Inoue, H. Tsukiji Shokan Publishing, Tokyo, 1976. 3645-176114-4818 H Illustration. Book. Taxonomy. Flora. 2554 "World of Bryophytes"コケ類の世界 Inoue, H. 出光科学叢書 16, Idemitsu Shoten, Tokyo, 1978. 0045-781015-0390 B Book. 2555 Phytochemische Untersuchungen an ausgewahlten panamaischen Lebermoosen. Sporle, J. Thesis(Univ. Saarlandes), 1990. H Thesis, Chemistry. Terpenoid. Aromatic. 2556 Wachstumsbedingungen und Inhaltsstoffproduktion von in vitro Kulturen des Lebermooses Fossombronia pusilla (L.) Nees. Sauerwein, M. Thesis(Univ. Saarlandes), 1989. H Thesis, Chemistry. Terpenoid. Culture. 2557 Inhaltsstoffe, Wachstum und terpenproduction einer Sterilkultur des Lebermoose, Ricciocarpos natans (L.) Corda. Wurzel, G. Thesis (Univ. Saarlandes), 1989. H Thesis. Chemistry. Terpenoid. Culture. 2558 Lunularic acid in cell suspension cultures of Marchantia polymorpha. Abe, S., Ohta, Y. Phytochemistry 22, 1533-1540, 1981. H Chemistry. Aromatic. Physiology. 2559 Prelunularic acid, a probable immediate precursor of lunularic acid. First example of a "prearomatic" intermediate in the phenylpropanoid-polymalonate pathway. Ohta, Y., Abe, S., Komura, H., Kobayashi, M. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 105, 4480, 1983. H Chemistry. Aromatic. 2560 The concentrations of lunularic acid and prelunularic acid in liverworts. Abe, S., Ohta, Y. Phytochemistry 23, 1379-138, 1984. H Chemistry. Aromatic. 2561 Prelunularic acid in liverworts. Ohta, Y., Abe, S., Komura, H., Kobayashi, M. Phytochemistry 23, 1607-1609, 1984. H Chemistry. Aromatic. 2562 In vitro-Kultur und Sekundarstoffproduktion des KLebermoose Reboulia hemisphaerica (L.) Raddi. Morais, R. Thesis (Univ. Saarlandes), 1990. Thesis. Culture. Terpenoid. Chemisry. Aromatic. 2563 A study of lunularic acid and prelunularic acid in cultured cells of liverworts. Abe, S. Thesis (Osaka Univ.), 1986. H Physiology. Chemistry. Aromatic. Cultured Cells. 2564 Ferredoxin from a liverwort, Marchantia polymorpha. Purification and amino acid sequence. Minami, Y., Wakabayashi, S., Imoto, S., Ohta, Y., Matsubara, H. J. Biochem. 78, 649-655, 1985. H Biochemistry. Method. Protein. Ferredoxin. 2565 Intracellular localization of lunularic acid and prelunularic acid in suspension cultured cells of Marchantia polymorpha. Abe-Imoto, S., Ohta, Y. Plant Physiol. 79, 751-755, 1985. H Physiology. Chemistry. Aromatic. 2566 Growth physiology of Marchantia polymorpha cells in suspension culture. Katoh, K. Thesis (Hiroshima Univ.), 1983. H Thesis. Physiology. Cultured Clls. 2567 A revision of the genera Grimmia, Schistidium and Coscinodon (Musci) of Japan. Deguchi, H. Thesis (Hiroshima Univ.), 1978. M Thesis. Taxonomy. 2568 Diterpenes of the clerodane-type from cultured cells of Heteroscyphus planus. Nabeta, K., Oohata, T., Izumi, N., Katoh, K. Phytochemistry 37(5), 1263-1268, 1994. H Chemistry. Terpenoid. 2569 Rearranged ent-eudesmane- and ent-eremophilane-type sesquiterpenoids from the liverwort Frullania dilatata. Nagashima, F., Takaoka, S., Huneck, S., Asakawa, Y. Phytochemistry 37(5), 1317-1321, 1994. 2570 Cadinane-type sesquiterpenoids from the liverwort Scapania undulata. Nagashima, F., Suda, K., Asakawa, Y. Phytochemistry 37, 1323-1325, 1994. 2571 Naphthalene and isocoumarin derivatives from the liverwort Wettsteinia inversa. Kiang, F-M., Chang, S-J., Wu, C-L. Phytochemistry 37, 1459-1461, 1994. 2572 Cytoplasmic Ca2+, K+,Cl-, and NO3-activities in the liverwort Conocephalum conicum L. at rest and during action potentials. Trebacz, K., Simonis, W., Schonknecht, G. Plant Physiol. 106, 1073-1084, 1994. H Cell Biology. Inorganic Chemistry. Mineral. 2573 Responses of the mosses Brachythecium rutabulum and Pseudoscleropodium purum to a mineral nutrient pulse. Bates, J. W. Funct. Ecol. 8, 686-693, 1994. M Mineral. Nutrient. 2574 Effect of gibberellic acid and abscisic acid on growth and sex expression in female clones of Riccia discolor Lehm. et Lindenb. grown in vitro. Chopra, R. N., Gupta, A. Cryptogam. Bot. 4, 419-423, 1994. H Sex. Growth Regulator. Hormone. Culture. 2575 Systems de croisement et fecondite chez le Sphagnum. Pujos, J. Can. J. Bot. 72, 1528-1534, 1994. M Reproduction. Physiology. 2576 The ecology and phytogeography of the bryophytes of Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Canada. Belland, R. J., Schofield, W. B. Nova Hedwigia 59, 275-309, 1994. B Ecology. Geography. 2577 The effect of growth form on the evaporation in some subalpin mosses. Nakatsubo, T. Ecol. Res. 9, 245-250, 1994. M Growth. Ecology. 2578 Torula mucronifera (Potticeae, Musci), a new xerophytic species of the Arabian Peninsula and Jordan. Studies in Arabian bryophytes 18. Frey, W., Kurschner, H., Ros, R. M., Guerra, J., Cano, M. J. Nova Hedwigia 59, 345-351, 1994. M Taxonomy. Flora. 2579 Didymodon bistratosus (Pottiaceae, Musci), espece nouvelle du sud de l'Espagne (environs de Ronda, province Malaga). Hebrard, J-P. Nova Hedwigia 59, 353-364, 1994. M Taxonomy. 2570 Porotrichum tenuinerve (Musci: Neckeraceae), a new species from Honduras, with a provisional key to Porotrichum in central America. Allen, B. Novon 4, 319-321, 1994. M Taxonomy. 2571 Bryosoziologische Untersuchungen in Jordanien 2. Erganzungen und weitere neue terrestrische und epilithische Gesellschaften aus der ostlichen Wuste und der Basaltregion. Frey, W., Kurschner, H. Nova Hedwigia 59, 365-378, 1994. B Flora. 2572 Zur Verbreitung bemerkenswerter Moose in der Umgebung von Budapest (Ungarn). Marstaller, R. Feddes Repert. 105, 531-547, 1994. M Flora. 2573 Regulation of D1-protein degradation during photoinhibition of Photosystem II in vivo: Photophosphorilation of the D1 protein in various plant groups. Rintamaki, E., Salo, R., Lehtonen, E., Aro, E-M. Planta 195, 379-386, 1995. B Photosynthesis. Physiology. 2574 Ent-longipinane-type sesquiterpenoid from the liverwort Marsupella emarginata. Nagashima, F., Ishimura, A., Asakawa, Y. Phytochemistry 37, 1689-1692, 1994. H 2575 New three- and tetraoxygenated coumarin glucosides from the mosses Atrichum undulatum and Polytrichum formosum. Jung, M., Zinsmeister, H. D., Geiger, H. Z. Naturforsch. Sect. C. -J. Biosci. 49, 697-702, 1994. M Aromatic. Chemistry. 2576 Zonation of the liverwort Riccia spp. in a temporary watercourse in subtropical, semi-arid Australia. Rogers, R. W. Aust. J. Bot. 42, 659-662, 1994. H Ecology. 2577 Establishment and development of bryophyte species in an experimental ecological garden. Greven, H. Lindbergia 19, 25-28, 1994. B Ecology. 2578 The dynamics of moss establishment: Temporal responsees to nutrient gradients. Li. Y., Vitt, D. H. Bryologist 97, 357-364, 1994. M Ecology. Nutrient. 2579 Cadmium tolerance in a metal-contaminated population of the grassland moss Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus. Wells, J. M., Brown, D. H. Ann. Bot. 75, 21-29, 1995. M Pollution. Addaption. Ecology. Metal. 2580 The effect of catchment liming on bryophytes in upland Welsh streams, with an assesment of the communities. Wilkinson, S. M., Ormerod, S. J. Aquat. Conserv. Mar. Freshwater Ecosyst. 4, 297-306, 1994. B Ecology. 2581 Orthotrichum macrocephalum sp. nov., a new moss of section Diaphana from the Iberian Penisnsula. Lara, F., Garilleti, R., Mazimpaka, V. Bryologist 97, 402-408, 1994. M Taxonomy. 2582 Pterygoneurum compactum sp. nov. (Musci: Pottiaceae) from Spain. Cano, M. J., Guerra, J., Ros, R. M. Bryologist 97, 412-415, 1994. M Taxonomy. 2583 A new name and a new species in Syrrhopodon subgenus Pseudocalymperes from Cameroon. Reese, W. D. Bryologist 97, 416-419, 1994. M Taxonomy. 2584 Mitthyridium micro-undulatum subsp. comoronensis subsp. nov. from Mayotte. Reese, W. D., Magill, R. E., Pocs, T. Bryologist 97, 430-431, 1994 M Taxonomy. 2585 The resurrection of Orthostichella. Buck, W. R. Bryologist 97, 434-435, 1994. M Taxonomy. 2586 Sphagnum tundrae, anew species in Sec. Squarrosa from the Arctic. Flatberg, K. I. Lindbergia 19, 3-10, 1994. M Taxonomy. 2587 The genus Pleurorthotrichum Broth. Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J. Lindbewrgia 19, 11-24, 1994. M Taxonomy. 2588 Miscellaneous notes on Orthotrichum 5. Orthotrichum vicarium Laz. Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J. Lindbewrgia 19, 37-39, 1994. M Taxonomy. 2589 Per Dusen's African species of Syrrhopodon subgenus Pseudocalymperes. Reese, W. D. Bryologist 97, 371-376, 1994. M Flora. 2590 Lophocolea semiteres(Lehm.) Mitt. in Belgium and The Netherlands, another antipodal bryophyte spreading on the European continent. Stieperaere, H. Lindbergia 19, 29-36, 1994. H Flora. Geography. 2591 Two species of Scapania (Dum.) Dum. from eastern Himalaya with sporophytes. Srivastava, S. C., Srivastava, A. Lindbergia 19, 40-48, 1994. H Flora. 2592 Vanio's Brazilian bryophytes at TUR. Buck, W. R. Bryologist 97, 420-423, 1994. B Flora. 2593 Studies on the genus Porella (Hepaticae) in Chichibu-Okutama area, central Japan. Inoue, H. Bull. Chichibu Mus. Nat. Hist. 6, 23-37, 1955. H Taxonomy. 2594 A new and additional discriptions of Hepaticae from Titibu district. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 31, 340-344, 1956. H Taxonomy. Flora. 2595 Notes on the taxonomic status of Lophozia diversiloba. Inoue, H. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 70, 357-362, 1957. H Taxonomy. Flora. 2596 An arctic Scapania found in the Chichibu mountains, Japan. Inoue, H. Bryologist 61, 259-261, 1958. H Taxonomy. Flora. 2597 Studies on spore germination of Hepaticae 3. Brachiolejeunea sandvicensis (Gott.) Evans and Frullania hamatiloba Steph. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 33, 6-11, 1958. H Taxonomy. Flora. 2598 Studies on spore germination 4. Makinoa crispata (Steph.). Inoue, H. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 71, 214-217, 1958. H Taxonomy. Flora. Spore. Phylogeny. Development. 2599 Regeneration of the leaf of Acrobolbus ciliatus. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 33, 302-306, 1958. H Taxonomy. Flora. Development. 2600 On the archegonia of Takakia lepidozioides.] Hattori, S., Mizutani, M., Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 33, 321-322, 1958. M Taxonomy. Morphology. Phylogeny. 2601 Contributions to the knowledges of the Plagiochilaceae of South-East Asia 1. Two interesting species of Plagiochila from Formosa. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 34, 91-96, 1959. H Taxonomy. Flora. 2602 Bryophyte succession on fallen logs in coniferous forests on Yaku-shima Island, southern Japan. Nakamura, T., Suga, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 135-140, 1995. M Flora. Ecology. Succession.. 2603 Supplements of "Checklist of Japanese Hepaticae and Anthocerotae, 1993". Furuki, T., Mizutani, M. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 141-142, 1995. H, A Taxonomy. Flora. Checklist. 2604 Distribution of Scopelophila cataractae (Mitt.) Broth. in Toyama Prefecture, II. Yamaoka, M. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 135-140, 1995. M Flora. Ecology. Transition. 2605 "Memories of late Dr. Iwao Nagano". 若き日の永野巌博士の思い出 Mizushima, U. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 145-146, 1995. B Miscellaneous. 2607 尾崎翠著、小説「第七官界彷徨」 Hongoh, J. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 146, 1995. B Miscellaneous.