k017 #2608-2739 old file: koke9506.txt(9515.txt) Rev. by H. Deguchi, June 21, 1995 Dr. Inoue's 2608 Studies on spore germination of hepaticae 5. Fossombronia japonica Schiffn. Inoue, H. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 72, 131-136, 1959. H Physiology. Germination. Spore. 2609 Miscellaneous notes on hepatics of Japan (1). Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 34, 190-192, 1959. H Taxonomy. Flora. 2610 Hepatics from Isl. Palau, Caloline. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 34, 267-271, 1959. H Taxonomy. Flora. 2611 Miscellaneous notes on hepatics of Japan (2). Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 34, 209-210, 1959. H Taxonomy. Flora. 2612 Studies in Treubia nana (Hepaticae) with special reference to the antheridial development. Inoue, H. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 173, 225-230, 1960. H Taxonomy. Development. Sex Organ. 2613 A new Lejeunea (Hepaticae) from Japan. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 36, 7-15, 1961. H Taxonomy. 2614 An interesting new species of Lophozia from limestone districts of Chichibu-Okutama mountains. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 36, 41-45, 1961. H Taxonomy. 2615 Eremonotus (Hepaticae), a new addition to the hepatic flora of Japan. Inoue, H., Kitagawa, N. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 74, 266, 1961. H Taxonomy. Flora. 2616 Hepatics collected by Mr. K. Sawada in Formosa. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 36, 184-188, 1961 H Taxonomy. Flora. 2617 Supplements to the knowledges on Takakia lepidozioides Hatt. et Inoue. Inoue, H. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 74, 509-513, 1961. M Taxonomy. 2618 Notes on distribution of Plagiochilion mayebarae Hatt. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 37, 59, 1962. H Taxonomy. 2619 Miscellaneous notes on hepatics of Japan (3). Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 37, 101-105, 1962. H Taxonomy. Flora. 2620 Two new species of Plagiochila Dum. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 37, 187-190, 1962. H Taxonomy. 2621 Hepaticae; in Flora Saitamensis. Inoue, H. Flora Saitamensis 229-250, 1962. iι‹ΚŒ§A•¨Žj H Flora. Book. 2622 On Jungermannia pumila With. in Japan. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 37, 360, 1962. H Taxonomy. Flora. 2623 Notes on Plagiochila eatonii Aust., a Hawaiian liverwort. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 37, 357-360, 1962. H Taxonomy. Flora. 2624 Bryophytes. Inoue, H. Kajima-soten, Tokyo, 1962. B Book. General. 2625 Porter J. R. et al.: Style manual for biological journals. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 37, 74, 1962. B Miscellaneous. 2626 Notes on two hepatics recorded from Japan. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 38, 148, 1963. H Taxonomy. Flora. 2627 Young stages of the development of Trichocoleopsis sacculata. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 38, 250-251 1993. H Taxonomy. Development. 2628 Critical notes on some Asiatic Hepatics. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 38, 218-222, 1963. H Taxonomy. 2629 Contribution to the knowledge of Plagiochilaceae of southern Asia IV. The genus Xenochila. Inoue, H. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 6, 372-377, 1963. H Taxonomy. 2630 The Hepaticae of Mt. Higashiakaishi with special reference to the vegetation of serpentine rocks. Inoue, H. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 6, 315-327, 1963. H Taxonomy. 2631 Huber F. M.: The oldeds fossil of bryophytes. ΕŒΓ‚Μεd‘Ϋ—ή‚Μ‰»Ξ Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 38, 185, 1963. B Paleobotany. Miscellaneous. Fossil. 2632 Supplements to "Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of Chichibu-Okutama mountains". Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 39, 64, 1964. H, A Taxonomy. Flora. 2633 Regeneration of the leaf of Calobryum rotundifolium. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 39, 91-93, 1964. H Taxonomy. Physiology. 2634 Structural chromosome and protonema. Inoue, H. Tosho-koko-tsusin Bilogy 18, 5, 1964. i“Œ‘‚Z’ʐMΆ•¨j B Chromosome. Anatomy. Structure. 2635 Takakia lepidozioides. Inoue, H. Tosho-koko-tsusin Bilogy 22, 8, 1964. i“Œ‘‚Z’ʐMΆ•¨j M Chromosome. Anatomy. Structure. 2636 Miscellaneous notes on hepatics of Japan (4). Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 39, 1105-108, 1964. H Taxonomy. Flora. 2637 Mosses and liverworts; their general aspect. Inoue, H. Shokubutsu-Shunju 7, 53-58, 1964. iA•¨tHj B Miscellaneous. 2638 Takakia lepidozioides Hatt. et Inoue. Inoue, H. News. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo, 1964. M Miscellaneous. Pamphlet. 2639 Contributions to the knowldge of Plagiochilaceae of southern Asia. V. Plagiochila elegans Mitten and its allies. Inoue, H. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 7, 353-359, 1964. H Taxonomy. 2640 Photographic guide to bryophytes and their culture. 166 p. Inoue, H. Kajima-Shoten, Tokyo, 1964. B Book. Photograph. Culture. 2641 Plant collection in summer vacation. Inoue, H. Nihon Keizai Shinbun, Aug. 21, 1964. B Miscellaneous. News Papaer. 2642 Numata, M.: Manual for Field Study for Plants. ΐ“c^F@A•¨–μŠOŠΟŽ@‚Μ•ϋ–@ Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 39, 23, 1964. B Miscellaneous. Book Review. 2643 AIBS Bulletin. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 39, 30, 1964. B Miscellaneous. Book Review. 2644 Benson L: Plant taxonomy: Methods and principles. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 39, 32, 1964. B Miscellaneous. Book Review. 2645 Swaim T.(ed.): Chemical plant taxonomy. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 39, 13, 1964. B Miscellaneous. Taxonomy. Chemistry. Book Review. 2646 Chen, P. C. (ed.): Genera Muscorum Sinicorum, 1. Inoue, H. Ž©‘R‰ΘŠw‚Ζ”Ž•¨ŠΩ 31, 24, 1964. M Miscellaneous. Book Review. 2647 Hepaticae from Kusaie, Caroline Islands. Inoue, H. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 8, 139-160, 1965. H Taxonomy. Flora. 2648 A new species of Balantiopsis Mitt. from the Phillippines. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 40, 245-247, 1965. H Taxonomy. Flora. 2649 Some nomenclaturl changes and synonyms in the genera Syzygiella and Plagiochila. Inoue, H. Bryologist 68, 217-219, 1965. H Taxonomy. 2650 Experiments on mosses. Inoue, H. ‰ΘŠw‚ΜŽΐŒ± 16, 111-117, 1965. B Miscellaneous. 2651 Contributions to the knowledge of the Plagiochilaceae of southern Asia VII. Synopsis of Plagiochila Dum. in the Himalayan regions. Inoue, H. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 8, 375-403, 1965. H Taxonomy. Flora. 2652 Alternation of generations in bryophytes. Inoue, H. Toyo Kyozai Kenkyusho 1-40, 1965. B Color Slide. Alternation. Generation. 2653 ‘·•Ÿ³EŽR“ckμFˆΙ¨_‹{‹{ˆζ‘ۗސ}ŠΣ Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 40, 229, 1965. H Miscellaneous. Book Review. 2654 Miscellaneous notes on hepatics of Japan (5). Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 41, 14-16, 1966. H Taxonomy. Flora. 2655 Some taxomic problems of Japanese Calypogeis Raddi. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 41, 134-140, 1966. H Taxonomy. Flora. 2656 New and noteworthy liverworts from Formosa. Inoue, H. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 9, 37-41, 1966. H Taxonomy. Flora. 2657 Marchantia polymorpha L. Inoue, H. News Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo, June, 1966. H Pamphlet. Micellaneous. 2658 Monosoleniaceae, a new family segragated from the Marchantiaceae. Inoue, H. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 9, 115-118, pl.2, 1966. H Taxonomy. 2659 Contributions to the knowledge of the Plagiochilaceae of southern Asia VIII. The genus Plagiochilidium Herz. Inoue, H. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 79, 345-349, 1966. H Taxonomy. Flora. 2660 Jensenia macrogyna, a new Philippine hepatic. Miller, H. A., Inoue, H. Amer. J. Bot. 53, 708-711, 1966. H Taxonomy. 2661 Scaphophyllum, a new genus of Jungermanniaceae. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 41, 266-269, 1966. H Taxonomy. 2662 Bryophytes collected by Dr. K. Yoda in eastern Napal. Inoue, H. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 9, 359-386, 1966. B Flora. Taxonomy. 2663 Making a motion picture of the life-history of Marchantia polymorpha. Inoue, H., Asakawa, T. Bryologist 69, 369-373, 1966. H Reproduction. Gametes. Sperm. 2664 Contributions to the knowledge of the Plagiochilaceae of southern Asia IX. Plagiochila autoica Step. with review of Pedinoophyllum. Inoue, H. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 9, 571-575, 1966. H Taxonomy. Flora. 2665 Miscellaneous notes on Monosolenium Griffith. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 41, 337-338, 1966. H Taxonomy. 2666 The genus Mylia Gray in Tauwan. Inoue, H., Yang, B-Y. Taiwania 12, 35-37, 1966. H Taxonomy. Flora. 2667 Monosoleniaceae, a new familysegaragated from the Marchantiaceae. Inoue, H. Bot. Mag. tokyo, 79, 383, 1966. H Taxonomy. 2668 Some taxonomic problems of Japanese Calypogeia Raddi. Inoue, H. J. Japn. Bot. 41, 134-140, 1966. H Taxonomy. 2669 A new species of Balantiopsis Mitt. from the Philippines. Inoue, H. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 79, 139-140, 1966. H Taxonomy. 2670 Apotreubia nana from Taiwan with reference to the chromosome number. Inoue, H. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 10, 365-367, 1967. H Taxonomy. Chromosome. 2671 Some noteworthy liverworts from Ceylon. Inoue, H. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 10, 11-17, 1967. H Taxonomy. 2672 Three new heoatics from the Malayan Peninsula. Inoue, H. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 10, 155-162, 1967. H Taxonomy. 2673 Asterella shimizuana, a new liverwort from New Guinea. Inoue, H. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 10, 361-363, 1967. H Taxonomy. 2674 Taxonomic miscellany on thePlagiochilaceae. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 42, 182-187, 1967. H Taxonomy. 2675 The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of North America, vol. 1. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 42, 191-192, 1967. H, A Miscellanneous. 2676 Chromosome studies on some Japanese liverworts. Inoue, H. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 80, 172-175, 1967. H Chromosome. 2677 Scaphophyllum, a new genus of the Jungermanniaceae. Inoue, H. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 80, 48, 1967. H Taxonomy. 2678 Contributions tothe knowledges of the Plagiochilaceae of southern Asia IX. Plagiochila autoica Step. with review of Pedinophyllum. Inoue, H. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 80, 48-49, 1967. H taxonomy. 2679 Current system of the Hepaticae. Inoue, H. Proc. Jpn. Soc. Pl. Tax. 2(1), 1-4, 1967. H Taxonomy. 2680 Inner permit to the mountain regions of Taiwan. Inoue, H. Proc. Jpn. Soc. Pl. Tax. 2(1), 7, 1967. B Miscellaneous. 2681 Noteworthy Hepaticae from Micronesia. Inoue, H. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 11, 1-12, 1968. H Taxonomy. 2682 Asterella ludwigii (var. nov.) from Mt. Hayachine, Japan. Inoue, H., Shimizu, D. Mem. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 1, 49-51, 1968. H Taxonomy. 2683 Problems in biological systematics. Inoue, H. News of the Association of Democartic Scientist, Tokyo Kyoiku Univ. (5), 1-2, 1954. B(?) Taxonomy. 2684 Present status of Japanese bryology. Inoue, H. News of the Biological Students Conference (2), 1-2, 1955. B Taxonomy. 2685 Treubia nana, newly found in Canada. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 38, 251, 1963. H Taxonomy. Flora. 2686 Plagiochilaceae. Inoue, H. (under the authorship of Hattori S. ????) Flora of Eastern Himalaya (in Hara, H), 513-521, 1966. H Taxonomy. 2687 Plagiochilaceae. Inoue, H. Flora of Eastern Himalaya, Second reprot (in Hara, H), 229-230, 1971. H Taxonomy. Book?. 2688 Fossile of bryophytes. Inoue, H. News Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo (25), 6, 1971. B Paleobotany. Fossil. 2689 Plagiochilaceae. Inoue, H. Flora of Eastern Himalaya, Third report (in Ohashi, H), 221-224, 1975. H Taxonomy. Book?. 2690 Taxonomic miscellany of the genera Plagiochila and Syzygiella. Inoue, H. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 12, 299-307, 1968. H Taxonomy. 2691 A new species of Calypogeia Raddi. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 43, 468-472, 1968. H Taxonomy. 2692 Chromosome numbers of some Malayan and Taiwan liverworts. Inoue, H. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 11, 397-403, 1968. H Chromosome. Taxonomy. 2693 Notes on the genus Mannia Corda in Japan. Inoue, H. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 11, 405-410, 1968. H Taxonomy. 2694 Hepaticae: Flora of the Gunma Pref. Inoue, H. Flora of the Gunma Pref. 1-7, 1968. H Flora. 2695 Mistery of Takakia. Inoue, H. Chu-ichi no Gakushu (?), ?-?, 1968. ? Miscellaneous. 2696 New and interesting hepatics from the Nasu Villa collected by Her Majesty. Inoue, H. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 12, 653-658, 1969. H Flora. Taxonomy. 2697 Bryophytes of the Bonin Islands and the Volcano Islands (1). Inoue, H. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 12, 291-309, 1969. H Fora. Taxonomy. 2698 Asexual reproduction of bryophytes, with reference to the specication and distribution of bryophytes. Inoue, H. Nat. Sci. Nus. 36(3-4), 55-64, 1969. B Reproduction. Physiology. Asexual. 2699 Miscellaneous notes on Hepaticae of Japan (6). Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 44, 300-303, 1969. H Taxonomy. 2700 Notes on japanese Gymnocolea marginata. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 44, 336-339, 1969. H Taxonomy. 2701 Illustrated guide to bryophytes. Inoue, H. Hokuryu-kan Publ. Co., Tokyo, 1969. B Book. Illustration. 2702 Bryophytes. Inoue, H. Encyclopedia of Horticulture, Seibundo-Shinkosha, Tokyo, 1969. B Illustration. Book. 2703 Terrestrial cryptogams of Chichijima and Hahajima, the Bonin Islands. Inoue, H. The nature of the Bonib and Volcano Isls. 125-136, 1970. B Flora. Taxonomy. 2704 Bryophytes of the Bonin and Volcano Islands 3. Inoue, H., Iwatsuki, Z. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 13, 475-489, 1970. B Flora. Taxonomy. 2705 Phytogeographical studies on the Hepaticae of the Tsushima Islands. Inoue, H. Mem. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo (3), 359-364, 1970. H Georogy. Taxonomy. 2706 On "Moss Ball". Inoue, H. News Bull. Plant Coll. 52, 47, 1970. M Miscellaneous. Taxonomy. Flora. 2707 Bryophyta selecta exsiccata, Fasc. I. Inoue, H. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo, 1970. B Miscellaneous. 2708 Introduction to the horticulture of bryophytes. Inoue, H. Ikeda-shoten Publ. Co., Tokyo, 1970. B Garden. Horticulture. Illustration. 2709 Enjoy moss culture. Inoue, H. Engei-Tsushin 20(10), 18-20, 1970. B Garden. Horticulture. 2710 Enjoy moss culture. Inoue, H. Engei-Tsushin 20(11), 20-22, 1970. B Garden. Horticulture. 2711 Enjoy moss culture. Inoue, H. Engei-Tsushin 20(12), 20-22, 1970. B Garden. Horticulture. 2712 Bryophyte. Inoue, H. Encyclopedia of Horticulture. 5, 2574-2578, 1971. B Horticulture. 2713 Nardia flagelliformis (sp. nov.), with reference to the subgeneric and sectional revision of the genus Nardia Gray. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 46, 1-7, 1971. H Taxonomy. 2714 Contributions to the knowledge of the Plagiochilaceae of southern Asia XIV. A new species of Plagiochilion Hatt. from Sumatora. Inoue, H. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 14, 269-272, 1971. H Taxonomy. 2715 Enjoy moss culture. Inoue, H. Engei-Tsushin 21(1), 30-32, 1971. B Garden. Horticulture. 2716 Enjoy moss culture. Inoue, H. Engei-Tsushin 21(2), 12-14, 1971. B Garden. Horticulture. 2717 Enjoy moss culture. Inoue, H. Engei-Tsushin 21(3), 28-30, 1971. B Garden. Horticulture. 2718 Enjoy moss culture. Inoue, H. Engei-Tsushin 21(4), 26-28, 1971. B Garden. Horticulture. 2719 Enjoy moss culture. Inoue, H. Engei-Tsushin 21(5), 15-17, 1971. B Garden. Horticulture. 2720 Notes of Calypogeia neesiana complex in Japan. Inoue, H. Mem. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo (4), 55-58, 1971. H Taxonomy. 2721 Memoir of the genus Mastigophora Nees. Inoue, H. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 14, 603-608, 1971. H Taxonomy. 2722 Nomenclatural changes of subgenus and sectional ranks of the genus Nardia Gray. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 46, 352, 1971. H Taxonomy. 2723 On special moss exhibition. Tezuka, A., Inoue, H. Nat. Sci. Mus. 38, 165-169, 1971. B Miscellaneous. Exhibition. 2724 Haplomitrium hookeri (Smith) Nees in Japan. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 46, 353-357, 1971. H Taxonomy. 2725 Bryophyta selecta exsiccata, Fasc. II. Nos. 51-100. Inoue, H. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 1971. B Exsiccata. 2726 All about mosses, an introduction to bryology. Inoue, H. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 1971. B Miscellaneous. 2727 Mysteries of mosses. Inoue, H. Nihon Keizai Shinbun April 23, 1971. B Miscellaneous. News Papaer. 2728 Kodama, T.: Liverworts of Kinki district, Central Japan. Part 1. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 46, 296, 1971. H Miscellaneous. Book Review. 2729 Conservation of moss ball. Inoue, H. Hokkaido Sinbun Aug. 11, 1971. M Miscellaneous. 2730 Plagiochilaceae note III. Plagiochila major (Nees) Arnell and P. rhizophora Hatt. in the Pacific Northwest of North America. Inoue, H. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 15, 181-190, 1971. H Taxonomy. 2732 Mossses. Inoue, H. Zoen-jitsumu-shusei Teien-hen (Saito, K. ed.) 3, 139-164, 1972. B Horticulture. Garden. 2733 Life of bryophytes in the large city. Inoue, H. Nature and Plants 6(10), 7-10, 1972. B Ecology. 2734 Classification of the Bryophyta (1). Inoue, H. Biotech 3(10), 837-840, 1972. B Taxonomy. 2735 Classification of the Bryophyta (2). Inoue, H. Biotech 3(11), 94-9280, 1972. B Taxonomy. 2736 Studies on Formosa Hepaticae I. Introduction and Scapaniaceae. Inoue, H. Jpn. J. Bot. 20, 311-327, 1972. H Taxonomy. 2737 History of the Bryology in Japan (1). Inoue, H. Nat. Sci. Mus. 39, 158-170, 1972. B History. Miscellaneous. 2738 Bryophytes and their utilization in Hokkaido. Inoue, H. Hoppo-Ringyo 24(4), 98-100, 1972. B Miscellaneous. Utilization. 2739 History of the Bryology in Japan (2). Inoue, H. Nat. Sci. Mus. 39, 193-207, 1972. B History. Miscellaneous.