k020 #2940-3061 old file: koke9509.txt(9545) Dr. Inoue -2991, Prof. Deguchi-3037(1978からのみ), D. Hattori -3061 Rev. H.Deguchi, Aug. 17, 1997 2940 Cryptogamic expedition to the Andes. Inoue, H. Seki-tsushin 1328-1, 1989. B Flora. Andes. Poster. Expedition. South America. 2941 Botanical expedition to the Andes. Inoue, H. News Nat. Sci. Mus. (2379, 6-9, 1989. B Flora. Expedition. South America. 2942 Textbook for moss observation. Inoue, H. 1989 (大沢) B Flora. Guide. Osawa. 2943 Textbook for moss observation. Inoue, H. 1989 (塩川の滝) B Flora. Guide. Shiokawa no taki. 2944 Textbook for moss observation. Inoue, H., Kashiwadani, H. 1989 (青木が原) B Flora. Guide. Aokigahara. 2945 *Plants of Papua New Gunea. Kurokawa, S., Kanai, H., Inoue, H. Nat. Sci. Mus. 43(4), frontispiece 1-3, 1976. (グラビア) B New Gunea. Flora. Photography. 2946 Bryophytes of Japan. Inoue, H. Nat. Sci. Mus. 43(4), frontispiece 1-4, 1977. (グラビア) B Flora. Photogeography. 2947 遼寧省林業土壌研究所 : 東北蘚類植物誌 Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 53(3), 96, 1978. B Flora. China. Book Review. 2948 T. Koponen, P. Isovhta, T. Lamme : The bryophytes of finland. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 3(4), 121, 1978. B Book Review. Finland. 2949 Takakia lepidozioides. Inoue, H. News of Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 1978(9), 3, 1978. M Taxonomy. 2950 *W. Frey, H. Hurka, F. Oberwinkler (eds.) : Beitrage zur Biologie der niederen Pflanzen. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 54(3), 94, 1979. ? Book Review. 2951 Cultivation of bryophytes. Inoue, H. Bryological Times 7, 6, 1981. B Culture. 2952 Japanese bryological journals. Inoue, H. Bryological Times 8, 4-5, 1981. B Miscellaneous. 2953 World Conference of Bryology, Toky 1983. Inoue, H. Bryological Times 12, 5, 1981. B Miscellaneous. 2954 Bryological Society of Japan. Inoue, H. Bryological Times 14, 3, 1982. B Miscellaneous. 2955 Bryophytes. Inoue, H. A Hundred years of botany in Japan, Botanical Ssociety of Japan, 88-90, 1982. B Miscellaneous. 2956 *Botanical specimens: Methods and curating. Inoue, H. Report, Regional Training Seminar for Middle Level Museum Personnel in Asia and the Pacific 39-40, 1983. ? Miscellaneous. 2957 Grolle, R. : Nomina generica Hepaticarum; references, types and synonymies. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 58,(11), 352, 1983. H Book Review. Nomenclature. Types. 2958 The genus Plagiochila (Dum.) Dum. in Southeast Asia. Inoue, H. Academia Scientific Book, 1984. H Book. Taxonomy. Southeast Asia. 2959 Studies on cryptogams in Southern Chile. Inoue, H. Kenseisha, 984. (研成社) B Chile. Taxonomy. South America. 2960 R. M. Schuster(ed.) : New Manual of Bryology. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 59(6), 192, 1984. B Book Review. 2961 *Caoluus Clusius : Fungorum in Pannoniis obsservatorum brevis historia et codex Clusii. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 59(11), 331, 1984. ? Book Review. 2962 Plants of interest 1. Takakia lepidozioides. Inoue, H. News of Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo (193), 2, 1985. M Taxonomy. Evolution. 2963 The IAB : My thoughts about it. Inoue, H. Bryological Times 30, 1-2, 1985. ? Miscellaneous. 2964 Geissler, P., H. Bischler (eds.) : Index hepaticaum, vol. 10: Lembidium to Mytilopsis. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 60(7), 212, 1985. ? Taxonomy. Book Review. 2965 Crum, H. A. : North American Flora, ser. II. Part 11, Sphagnopsida, Sphagnaceae. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 60(7), 212, 1985. M Book Review. 2966 Dull, R. : Exkursions Taschenbuch der Moose. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 60(11), 326, 1985. ? Book Review. 2967 Nishida, M. (ed) : A report of the botanical survey to Bolivia and southern Chile. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 60(9), 286, 1985. ? Book Review. 2968 *Heywood, V. H., D. M. Moore (eds.) : Current concepts in plant taxonomy. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 60(9), 286, 1985. ? Book Review. 2969 Gradstein, S. R. (ed.) : Contributiions to a monograph of Lejeuneaceae subfamily Ptychanthoideae. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 61(1), 32, 1986. ? Book Review. 2970 Studies on cryptogams in southern Peru. Inoue, H. Tokyo Univ. Press, 1987. B Taxonomy. Flora. 2971 周以良 (編) : 黒竜江省植物誌 1. 蘚苔植物門蜻寫j蜉p苔綱. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 62(7), 224, 1987. B Book Review. 2972 Hecht, M. K., B. Wallace, G. T. Prance (eds.) : Evolutionary biology, vol. 20. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 62(7), 220, 1987. ? Book Review. 2973 *Nishida, M. (ed.) : Contribution to the Botany in the Andes II. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 62,(7), 197, 1987. ? Book Review. 2974 Callow, J. A., H. W. Woolhouse (eds.) : Advances in Botanila Reserach, vol 11. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 62(6), 176, 1987. ? Book Review. 2975 Preface to the natural history research of the straits of Tsugaru and surrounding districts. (津軽海峡を中心とする地域の自然史科学的総合研究 実施の目的と昭和61年度調査研究の成果) Inoue, H. Proc. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo (20), 1-5, 1987. B ? 2976 William C. Steere award the Hedwig Medal. Inoue, H. Taxon 37, 406-407, 1988. ? Miscellaneous. 2977 Glime, J. M. : Method in Bryology. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 63(12), 415, 1988. B Book Review. 2978 広島市教育委員会(編) : 広島市の動植物. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 63(12), 408, 1988. B ? 2988 Buck, W. B. (ed.) : Bryostephane Steereana. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 63(11), 384, 1988. ? Book Review. 2989 Frey, W. (ed.) : Mossflora und -vegetation in Reenwaldern NO-Peru. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 63(9), 328, 1988. ? Book Review. South America. Peru. 2990 Noguchi, A. : Illustration moss flora of Japan. Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 63(9), 321, 1988. B Book Review. 2991 *原寛博士記念事業会(編) :原寛博士追悼の紀 Inoue, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 63(9), 318, 1988. ? Book Review. 2992 A revision of the genera Grimmia, Schistidium and Coscinodon (Musci) of Japan. Deguchi, H. J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ. Ser. B, div. 2, 16, 121-256, 1978. M Taxonomy. 2993 List of bryophytes collected in the Tengukogen Highland, Shikoku, southern Japan, during the 7th foray (1978), organized by the Bryological Society of Japan. Kamimura, M., Ando, H., Deguchi, H., Higuchi, M., Hasegawa, J., Iwatsuki, Z., Kiguchi, H., Kitagawa, N., Nishimura, N., Sato, Y., Une, K., Yoshimura, I. Bull. Kochi Gakuen Jun. Coll. 10: 25-33, 1979 B Flora. 2994 Bryophytes of the Ozegawa basin, southwestern Japan. The Yasaka Gorge : Landscape and environment. Nishimura,N., Deguchi, H., Seki, T., Ando, H. pp. 471-507, 1979. B Flora. 2995 Les veritables caracteres de Schistidium alpicola (Sw. ex Hedw.) Limpr. et son nouveau synonym Schistidium agassizii Sull. et Lesq. Deguchi, H. Rev. Bryol. Lichenol. 35: 425-435, 1980. M Taxonomy. 2996 Noteworthy mosses from the Shikoku District of Japan. Deguchi, H. Mem. Fac. Sci. Kochi Univ. Ser. D, 1: 35-43, 1980. M Flora. 2997 Noteworthy mosses from the Shikoku District of Japan (2). Deguchi, H. Mem. Fac. Sci. Kochi Univ., Ser. D, 2: 1-9, 1981. M Flora. 2998 Mosses of Mts. Hakkoda, Northern Japan. Deguchi, H. Ecol. Rev. 19: 187-235, 1981. M Flora. 2999 On the genus Kurohimehypnum Sak. and Rhynchostegium ctenidioides (Musci, Bryophyta.) Deguchi, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 56: 262-268, 1981. M Taxonomy. 3000 Caducous branchlets as a vegetative reproductive organ found in Hypnum plumaeforme Wils. var. minus Broth. ex Ando (Hypnaceae, Musci). Deguchi, H., Kishi, Y. J. Jpn. Bot. 56: 299-302, 1981. M Taxonomy. Gemmae. 3001 Mosses of Mt. Kuishi, shikoku, Japan. Deguchi, H., Kishi, Y. Res. Rep. Kochi Univ. Nat. Sci. 30: 77-97, +Pl, 1982. M Flora. 3002 Mosses of Mt. Tsurugi, Shikoku, Japan. Deguchi, H. Mem. Fac. Sci. Kochi Univ. Ser. D, 3: 1-53, 1982. M Flora 3003 Lake moss-balls found in Tierra del Fuego and Brunswick Peninsula, southern South America. Deguchi, H., Inoue, H. Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, Ser. B, 8: 145-150, 1982. M Flora. Tierra. Fuego. Brunswick. Moss Ball. South America. 3004 Preliminary list of mosses in Ritto-cho, Shiga Prefecture, central Japan. Taoda, H., Katsurayama, H., Kobayashi, K., Deguchi, H., Kashiwadani, H. Landscape and Environment in Ritto-cho, Shiga Prefecture(Kobayashi, K., ed.), pp.249-163, Ritto-cho, 1983. B Flora. 3005 Neomeesia DEGUCHI, a new genus of the family Meesiaceae, from southern South America. Deguchi, H. Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, Ser. B, 9: 143-148, 1983. M Taxonomy. South America. Chile. 3006 Mosses of Diphysciaceae. Deguchi, H. Shida to Koke, Special Issue 27-33, 1983. M Taxonomy. Stomata. 3007 Diphyscium unipapillosum, sp. nov. (Diphysciaceae, Musci) from Japan. Deguchi, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 59: 97-103, 1984. M Taxonomy. 3008 Studies on some Patagonian species of Grimmiaceae (Musci, Bryophyta). Deguchi, H. Studies on Cryptogams in Southern Chile (Inoue, H., ed.), pp. 17-72, 1984. M Taxonomy. 3009 Study on Theriotia kashmirensis (Diphysciaceae, Musci). Deguchi, H. Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, Ser. B, 10: 143-152, 1984. M Taxonomy. 3010 Ditrichum lineare (Sw.) Lindb. with tubers in Asia. Matsui, T., Deguchi, H., Seppelt, R.D. J. Jpn. Bot. 60: 33-39, 1985. M Taxonomy. Gemmae. 3011 Pleuridiella Robins., a new synonym of Pleuridium Rabenh. Deguchi, H., Matsui, T. J. Jpn. Bot. 60: 327-331, 1985. M Taxonomy. 3012 Bryophytes of Mt. Kajigamori, Shikoku, Japan. Hara, M, Yokota,M, Kawada, S., Deguchi, H. Res. Rep. Kochi Univ. (Nat. Sci.) 34: 139-166, 1986. B Flora. 3013 A malformed sporophyte of Aulacopilum japonicum Broth. ex Card. Deguchi, H., Hidaka, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 61: 349-352, 1986. M Morphology. Sporophyte. Malform. 3014 Luisierella (Pottiaceae, Musci), a moss genus with a disjunctive distribution in Neotropics and Japan. Deguchi, H. J. Jpn. Bot. 62: 7-15,, 1987. M Taxonomy. 3015 Noteworthy mosses from the Shikoku District of Japan(3). Deguchi, H. Mem. Fac. Sci. Kochi Univ. Ser, D, 8: 39-46, 1987. M Flora. 3016 Studies on some Peruvian species of the Grimmiaceae (Musci, Bryophyta). Deguchi, H. Studies on Cryptogams in Southern Peru (Inoue, H., ed.), pp.19-74. Tokai Univ. Press, Tokyo, 1987. M Flora. Taxonomy. Peru. South America. 3017 Taxiphylopsis, a new genus of the Hypnaceae from Japan. Higuchi, M., Deguchi, H. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 45: 528-532, 1987. M Taxonomy. 3018 The genus Grimmia Hedw.(Musci) in the Philippines. Tan, B.C., Deguchi, H. Yushania 4: 11-12, 1987. M Taxonomy. 3019 Two interesting mosses found in Wakayama-ken. Deguchi, H. Nankiseibutsu 29: 65-66, 1987. M Flora. 3020 Mosses of Mt. Yokogura, Shikoku, Japan. Deguchi, H., Ohno, K. Mem. Fac. Sci. Kochi Univ. Ser. D, 9: 33-47, 1987. M Flora. 3021 Racomitrium vulcanicola Frisvoll et Deguchi, sp. nov. Frisvoll, A.A., Deguchi, H. :In Frivoll, A.A.: A taxonomic revision of the Racomitrium heterostichum group (Bryophyta, Grimmiales) in N. Africa, Europe and Asia, (Frivoll, A. A. ed.), Gunneria 59: 167-171, 1988. M Taxonomy. 3022 Orthotrichum truncatum Lewinsky & Deguchi, sp. nov. from Chile, and a new record for O. macrosporum Lewinsky. Lewinsky, J., Deguchi, H. Bryologist 92: 216-218, 1989. M Taxonomy. 3023 Phytogeographical studies on mosses of the Amami Islands. Deguchi, H. Mem. Natnl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo 22: 57-80, 1989. M Geography. Amami. 3024 Unusual spore tetrads of Myuroclada maximowiczii (Boroszcz.) Steere & Schof. Deguchi, H., Oginuma, K. J. Jpn. Bot. 65: 7-12, 1990. M Spore. Morphology. Cytology. Spore tetrad. 3025 Vegetation of Bohemanflya in Spitsbergen. Kobayashi, K., Kashiwadani, H., Deguchi, H. The Japanese Scientific Expedition to Svalvard 1983-1988, (Tatsumi, T., ed.), pp29-70, 1990. M Taxonomy. Spitsbergen. 3026 Cytological studies on some Chilean mosses. Deguchi, H., Oginuma, K. Lindbergia 15: 87-90, 1990. M Cytology. Chile. Chromosomes. 3027 Memory of late Dr. Hiroshi Inoue. Deguchi, H. Niho-no-seibutsu 4: 78-79, 1990. - Miscellaneous. 3028 Malformed antheridia of Pogonatum neesii (C.Muell.) Dozy (Musci, Polytrichaceae). Deguchi, H., Oginuma, K. Lindbergia 15: 91-92, 1990. M Morphology. Antheridium. 3029 Bryophytes in Campus of Nara University of Education. Deguchi, H. Nature of the campus of Nara University of Ecuation. Animal and Plants. pp. 47-49, 1990 B Flora. 3030 Chromosome numbers of seven Chilean mosses. Deguchi, H., Oginuma, K. Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, Ser. B, 16: 105-108, 1990. M Chromosome. Taxonomy. Cytology. 3031 Preliminary list of mosses of Tanegashima Island, southern Japan. Deguchi, H., Kariyasaki, T. Mem. Fac. Sci. Kochi Univ. Ser. D, 12: 11-15, 1991. M Flora. Tanegashima. 3032 Unusual sporogenesis of Hyophila involuta (Hook.) Jaeg. Deguchi, H., Oginuma, K., Tada, T. Mem. Fac. Sci. Kochi Univ. Ser. D, 12: 17-21, 1991. M Spore. Development. Sporogenesis. 3033 A list of moss collection made during the expeditions to Chile in 1981 and 1987 (1). Deguchi, H. Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, Ser. B, 17: 15-34, 1991. M List. Miscellaneous. Chile. 3034 A list of moss collection made during the expeditions to Chile in 1981 and 1987 (2). Deguchi, H. Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, Ser. B, 17: 67-83, 1991. M List. Miscellaneous. Chile. 3035 Mosses from Nepal collected by Botanical Expeditions of National Science Museum, Tokyo. 2. Grimmiaceae. Deguchi, H., Higuchi, M. Mem. Fac. Sci. Kochi Univ. ser. D (Biol.), 13: 5-8, 1992. M Flora. Nepal. 3036 Grimmiaceae. Mosses from Pakistan collected by Botanical Expedition of National Science Museum, Tokyo. Deguchi, H. Cryptogamic Flora of Pakistan. Vol. 1, (Nakaike, T., Malik, S., eds.), pp.248-250, 1992. M Taxonomy. 3037 Mosses from Pakistan collected by Botanical Expedition of National Science Museum, Tokyo. Nishimura, N., Iwatsuki, Z., Matsui, T., Takaki, N., Deguchi, H. Cryptogamic Flora of Pakistan. Vol. 2, (Nakaike, T., Malik, S., eds.), pp.239-254, 1993. M Flora. Pakistan. 服部先生(服部研報、蘚苔地衣雑報、蘚苔類学会報、Hikobiaはのぞく) 3038 Leptocolea miyajimaensis Horikawa var. microdentata Hattori. Hattori, S. Icon. PI. Asiae Orient., (Nakai, T., ed.), 3, 289-291, 1940. H Taxonomy. 3039 Frullania nepalensis (Sprengel) Lehmann et Lindenberg var. nishiyamanensis (Stepahni) S. Hattori. Hattori, S. Icon. PI. Asiae Orient., (Nakai, T., ed.), 4, 331-333, 1941. H Taxonomy. 3040 Taeniolejeunea nakaii S. Hattori. Hattori, S. Icon. PI. Asiae Orient., (Nakai, T., ed.), 4, 379-382, 1941. H Taxonomy. 3041 Frullania bidentuala Stephani, Lepidozia subtransversa Stephani and Plagiochila titibuensis S. Hattori. Hattori, S. Icon. PI. Asiae Orient., (Nakai, T., ed.), 4, 405-410, 1942. H Taxonomy. 3042 Hepaticarum species novae et minus cognitae nipponenses (I). Hattori, S. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 57, 357-363, 1943. H Taxonomy. 3043 Ricciaceae nipponicae. Hattori, S. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 14, 138-143, 1943. H Taxonomy. 3044 Guide to the study of Hepaticae - I. How to distinguish Hepaticae from Musci. Hattori, S. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 14, 159-167, 1943. H Taxonomy. Guide. 3045 Hepaticarum species novae et minus cognitae nipponenses (II). Hattori, S. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 58, 1-7, 1944. H Taxonomy. 3046 Hepaticarum species novae et minus cognitae nipponenses (III) Hattori, S. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 58, 38-46, 1944. H Taxonomy. 3047 Hepaticarum species novae et minus cognitae nipponenses (IV). Hattori, S. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 58, 62-73, 1944. H Taxonomy. 3048 Notulae de hepaticis japonicis (VII). Hattori, S. J. Jpn. Bot. 20, 103-112, 1944. H Taxonomy. 3049 Notulae de hepaticis japonicis (VIII). Hattori, S. J. Jpn. Bot. 20, 1553-168, 1944. H Taxonomy. 3050 Notulae de hepaticis japonicis (IX). Hattori, S. J. Jpn. Bot. 20, 262-275, 1944. H Taxonomy. 3051 Zwei merkwurdige Bryophyten. Hattori, S. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 15, 9-11, 1944. B Taxonomy. 3052 Guide to the study of Hepaticae - II. How to distinguish Hepaticae from Musci. Hattori, S. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 15, 42-52, 1944. H Taxonomy. Guide. 3053 Supplementary note on "Contributio ad floram Hepaticarum Austro-Kiushiuensem". Hattori, S. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 15, 76-77, 1944. H Flora. 3054 Hepaticarum species novae et minus cognitae nipponenses V. Hattori, S. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 59, 25-31, 1946. H Taxonomy. 3055 Hepaticae Japonicae exsiccatae, ser 1, 1-50. Hattori, S. ?, 1946. H Exsiccata. 3056 Hepatic flora of Japan in view of genera. Hattori, S. Biosphaera 1, 185-189, 1947. H Flora. 3057 Hepaticae japonicae exsiccatae, ser 2, 51-100. Hattori, S. Hattori Bot. Lab., 1947. H Exsiccata. 3058 Musci japonica exsiccata, ser. 1, 1-50. Noguchi, A., Hattori, S. Hattori Bot. Lab., 1947. M Exsiccata. 3059 On Plectocolea - with reference to the structure of stem. Hattori, S. J. Jpn. Bot. 22, 17-24, 1948. H Morphology. Taxonomy. 3060 Notulae e hepatics japonicis (X). Hattori, S. J. Jpn. Bot. 22, 107-111, 1948. H Taxonomy. 3061 Musci japonica exsiccata, ser. 2, 51-100 Noguchi, A., Hattori, S. Hattori Bot. Lab., 1948 M Exsiccata.