k028 #4007-4111 old file: KOKE9528 山田耕作(完)、横山正弘 、蘚苔類学会報6(8) Rev. by H.Deguchi 16 Mar 197 4007 Radulaceae. Yamada, K. Die Lebermoosflora im Bryotrop-Transekt von Peru. Beih. Nova Hedwigia 88, 61-104, 1986. H Flora. Peru. 4008 身近に見られるコケの種類と栽培法 Yamada, K. 園芸新知識 7, 6-10, 1987. B Horticulture. Culture. Miscellaneous. 4009 台湾採集旅行日記(1979・07・22-31) Yamada, K. Newslett. Bryol. Soc. Mie 13, 20-22, 1987. - Miscellaneous. Taiwan. 4010 Raddula jonesii sp. nov. (Hepaticae). A new species from Tenerife. Yamada, K., Bouman, A. C., Dirke, G. M. J. Bryol. 15, 241-245, 1988. H Taxonomy. 4011 孫福正先生を偲んで Yamada, K. 三重生物 38, 1-3, 1988. - Miscwllaneous. Mie. 4012 松坂城跡の城壁に見られるコケ植物 (1). 苔類 Yamada, K., 西口日奈子 三重生物 38, 30, 1988. H Flora. Mie. 4013 [苔類の部]飯南郡飯高町香肌峡(蓮・宮の谷) 各班による生物調査報告 Yamada, K. 三重生物 38, 38-39, 1988. H Flora. Mie. 4014 孫福正氏発見によるコケ植物 Yamada, K. Newslett. Bryol. Soc. Mie 13, 25-28, 1988. B Miscellaneous. Flora. Mie. 4015 船越池ハマナツメ群落内のコケ植物について Yamada, K. ハマナツメ通信 6, 28-31, 1988. B Flora. Mie. 4016 ハリミズゴケ伊賀で見つかる Yamada, K. Newslett. Bryol. Soc. Mie 14, 10, 1989. M Flora. 4017 松坂城跡の城壁に見られるコケ植物 (2). 蘚類 Yamada, K., 西口日奈子 三重生物 39, 25, 1989. H Flora. Mie. 4018 朝明渓谷研修会報告[苔類の部] Yamada, K. 三重生物 39, 43-44, 1989. H Flora. Mie. 4019 The Bryophytes of Sabah(North Borneo) with special reference to the Bryotrop transect of Mount Kinabalu. VIII. Radula (Radukaceae. Hepaticopsida). Yamada, K. Willdenowia 19, 219-236, 1989. H Flora. Kinabalu. Sabah. 4020 Bryophyte flora of the Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea. XXXII. Radula (Radulaceae. Hepaticae). Yamada, K., Piippo, S. Ann. Bot. Fennici 26, 349-387, 1989. H Flora. New Guinea. 4021 Radulaceae Yamada, K. Results of a botanical expedition to Mt. Roraima. Guyana. 1. Bryophytes. (Gradstein, S. R., Florschutz-de Waard, J.), Tropical Bryology 1, 36-42 (25-54), 1989. H Guyana. Taxonomy. 4022 ミヤベツノゴケの新産地 Yamada, K. Newslett. Bryol. Soc. Mie 15, 1, 1989. A Flora. Mie. 4023 三重県の珍しいコケ植物(1) Yamada, K. 自然史だより 3, 3, 1990. B Flora. Mie. 4024 Radulaceae Yamada, K. pp. 7-39, Index Hepaticarum 12, (Geisler, P., Bischler, H., eds.), Geneve, 1990. H Taxonomy. 4025 三重県産の蘚苔類に関する文献目録 Yamada, K. Newslett. Bryol. Soc. Mie 15, 5-14, 1990. B Litereture. Mie. 4026 苔類の概要 Yamada, K 菰野町史[自然編], pp. 174-178, pp. 296-300, 菰野町教育委員会, 三重, 1991. H Taxonomy. Flora. Mie 4027 Radula of Galapagos Is. Yamada, K., Gradstein, S. R. Tropical Bryology. 4, 63-68, 1991. H Taxonomy. Galapagos. 4028 三重県産のAneuraceae(スジゴケ科)の苔類 Yamada, K Newslett. Bryol. Soc. Mie 16, 4-5, 1991. H Flora. Mie. 4029 孫福正採集による神宮宮域産蘚苔類の目録 Yamada, K pp. 1-64, 神宮司庁, 1991. H Flora. Mie. List. 4030 菅島の蘚類について Yamada, K., 大西かおり 三重生物 42, 15-16, 1992. H Flora. Mie 4031 矢頭献一先生(三重大学農学部)がコケの研究をされておられた記録 Yamada, K Newslett. Bryol. Soc. Mie, 16, 14-15, 1993. - Miscellaneous. 4032 神野山と中峰山地域の苔類 Yamada, K pp. 68-71, 奈良県山添村史[上巻], 1993. H Flora. Mie 4033 ハイゴケがミノムシの”みの”の材料に使われる Yamada, K Newslett. Bryol. Soc. Mie, 16, 24, 1993. H Miscellaneous. 4034 紀伊大島のコケ植物 Yamada, K., Terao, K. 三重生物 43, 45-91 B Flora. Wakayama. 4035 Taxonomic results of the Bryotrop expedition to Zaire and Ruwanda. Yamada, K Tropical Bryology 8, 127-130, 1993. B Taxonomy. Zaire. Ruwanda. 4036 服部先生との出会い Yamada, K Newslett. Bryol. Soc. Mie 17, 9-10, 1994. - Miscellaneous. 4037 Family Radulaceae Yamada, K Bryophytes of the Northern Mariana Islands. Micronesia 1. Hepaticae and Anthocerotae, (Furuki, T.), p78, Nat. hist. Res., Special Issue. No. 1. A, H Taxonomy. 4038 三重県の苔類 Yamada, K. 三重の生物[日本生物教育会全国大会記念誌] pp. 98-101, 三重生物教育会, 1994. H Flora. Mie. 4039 大和町鎌房地域の蘚苔類 Yokoyama, M. 宮城の植物 7, 6-10, 1979. B Flora. Miyagi. 4040 福島浜通り地方の蘚類 Iwatsuki, Z., 木口博史, Yokoyama, M., 渡辺良象. 宮城の植物 (8,9), 1-12, 1981. M Flora. Fukushima. 4041 蘚苔類 Yokoyama, M. p614, 宮城県百科事典, 河北新報社, 1982. B Taxonomy. Flora. Miyagi. 4042 松島町富山地域の蘚苔相 Yokoyama, M. 宮城の植物 10, 33-39, 1983. B Flora. Miyagi. 4043 蘚苔植物の外観 Higuchi, T., Yuzawa, Y., Yokoyama, M., 白石市植物史 35-37, 1983. B Taxonomy. 4044 蘚苔植物目録 Higuchi, T., Yuzawa, Y., Yokoyama, M., 白石市植物史 60-79, 1983. B Flora. List. Fukushima. 4045 宮城県のクサリゴケ科苔類について(予報) Yokoyama, M. 白石市植物愛好会会誌 10, 42-47, 1986. H Flora. Miyagi. 4046 栗駒山世界谷地湿原の蘚苔相 Yokoyama, M. 宮城の植物 13, 16-22 1987. B Flora. Miyagi. 4047 コケ類調査 Yokoyama, M. 北八甲田山岳スキー場整備事業環境影響評価調査調査報告書(社団法人日本林業技術協会 編), pp. 111-113, 1989. B Flora. Aomori. 4048 所産蘚苔類目録 Yokoyama, M. 北八甲田山岳スキー場整備事業環境影響評価調査調査報告書(社団法人日本林業技術協会 編), pp. 200-203, 1989. B Aomori. Flora. 4049 福島県矢祭山・桧山の苔類 Yokoyama, M. フロラ福島 8, 45-49, 1990. H Flora. Fukushima. 4050 Hepatic flora of Mt. Yamaturi and Mt. Hiyama. (片山・荒湯地獄地域の蘚苔類植生と蘚苔相) Yokoyama, M. 宮城の植物 15, 8-19, 1990. B Flora. Taxonomy. 4051 ヤマトヨウジョウゴケ Yokoyama, M. p1061, 宮城県百科事典, 河北新報社, 1982. B Taxonomy. Flora. Miyagi. 4052 仙台城址およびその周辺地域の植物相 大橋広好、立石庸一、黒沢高秀、梶田忠、yokoyama, M. 仙台城址の自然,(仙台市教育委員会編),pp. 47-99, 仙台市, 1990. B Flora. Miyagi. 4053 秋田県仙北郡の2風穴域におけるコケ植物 Higuchi, T., Yokoyama, M. 東北植物研究 7, 1-6, 1991 B Flora. Akita. 4054 国立南蔵王青少年野営場の蘚苔類(予報) Yokoyama, M. グリーンレンジャー年間活動誌 2, 50-58, 1992. (蔵王のブナと水を守る会グリーンレンジャー) B Flora. 4055 A preliminary list of Bryophytes in Miyagi Prefecture. (宮城県の蘚苔類(予報)) Yokoyama, M. 東北植物研究 8, 19-39, 1992 B Flora. Miyagi. List. 4056 岩手山焼走り熔岩流地域の蘚苔類 Yokoyama, M. 特別天然記念物焼走り熔岩流に関する学術調査報告、pp. 53-68, 岩手山焼走り熔岩流学術調査委員会, 1993. B Flora. Iwate. 4057 蘚苔類の分布と生態 Yokoyama, M. 仙台市史特別編1. 自然II章,(仙台市史編纂委員会編), pp. 204-209, 1994. B Flora. Miyagi. 4058 コケ植物目録 Yokoyama, M. 仙台市史特別編1. 自然資料1,(仙台市史編纂委員会編), pp. 34-44, 1994. B Flora. Miyagi. List. 4059 山形市街地に生育する蘚苔類フロラ Satoh, Y. フロラ山形 32, 15-26, 1976. B Flora. Yamagata. 4060 山形県の市街地に生育する蘚苔類 Satoh, Y. フロラ山形 34, 20-31, 1978. B Flora. Yamagata. 4061 山形県関根の石灰岩地帯に生えている蘚類 Satoh, Y. フロラ山形 36, 27-29, 1980. B Flora. Yamagata. 4062 蔵王山のコケ植物 Satoh, Y. フロラ山形 37, 13-27, 1981. B Flora. Yamagata. 4063 こけ採集ノート Satoh, Y. フロラ山形 50, 29-31, 1994. B Miscellaneous. 4064 Diurnal Lhc gene expression is present in many but not all species of the plant kingdom. Oberschmidt, O., Hucking, C., Piechulla, B. Plant Mol. Bio. 27, 147-153, 1995. B Moleculat Biology. Gene Expression. 4065 Sesquiterpenes and a phenolic compound from the liverwort Omphalanthus filiformis. Tori, M., Nakashima, K., Asakawa, Y. Phytochemistry 38, 651-653, 1995. H Terpenoid. Chemistry. 4067 Ericoid mycorrhizas and rhizoid-ascomycete association in liverworts share the same mycobionet: Isolation of the partners and resynthesis of the associations in vitro. Duckett, J. G., Read, D. J. New Phytol. 129, 439-447, 1995. H Symbiosis. Mycorrhizae. 4068 On Pluvianthus (Lejeuneaceae: Lejeuneoideae). Schuster, R. M., Schafer-Verwimp, A. Nova Hedwigia 60, 59-72, 1995. H Ecology. Autecology. 4069 Gap colonization by mosses on a forest floor: An experimental approach. Lloret, F. Lindbergia 19, 122-128, 1995. M Ecology. 4070 Bryophytes and lichen persistence patterns in Norwegian boreal coniferous forest. Okland, R. H. Lindbergia 19, 50-62, 1995. B Ecology. 4071 Growth and nitrogen dynamics of Dicranum majus under two contrasting nitrogen deposition regimes. Bakken, S. Lindbergia 19, 63-72, 1995. M Physiology. Growth. Ecology. 4072 A special habitat for bryophytes and lichen in the arid zones of Spain. Martinez-Sanchez, J. J., Casares-Porcel, M., Gutierrez-Carretero, L., Ros, R. M., Hernandez-Bastida, J., Cano, M. J. Lindbergia 19, 116-121, 1995. B Ecology. Spain. 4073 The distribution of Sphagnum species along an elevational gradient in the southern Alps (Italy). Gerdol, R., Bragazza, L. Bot. Helv. 104, 93-101, 1994. M Ecology. Italy. Alps. 4074 Moss (Hylocomium splendens) used as biomonitor of atmospheric trace element deposition: Estimation of uptake efficiencies. Berg, T., Royset, O., Steinnes, E. Atmos. Environ. 29, 353-360, 1995. M Pollution. Heavy Metal. 4075 Kinetic analysis of Cd uptake in Cd-tolerant and intolerant populations of the moss Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus (Hedw.) Warnst and the lichen Peltigera membranacea (Ach.) Nyl. Wells, J. M., Brown, D. H., Beckett, R. P. New Phytol. 129, 477-486, 1995. M Pollution. Heavy Metal. 4076 Aphanolejeunea winkleri Morales & A. Lucking, a new species of Lejeuneacea (Hepaticae, Cololejeuneoideae) from Costa Rica. Morales, M. I., Lucking, A. Nova Hedwigia 60, 119-124, 1995. H Taxonomy. Costa Rica. 4077 Additions to the hepatic flora of Costa Rica. Gradstein, S. R., Lucking, A., Morales, M. I., Dauphin, G. Lindbergia 19, 73-86, 1995. H Flora. Costa Rica. 4078 Grimmia pilosissima Herzog, rediscovery of a forgotton species. Greven, H. Lindbergia 19, 129-131, 1995. M Flora. taxonomy. 4079 Ecology and representativeness of subfossil mosses from the Heveskesklooster terp (the Netherlands). Caers, R. T. J., van Zaten, B. O. Lindbergia 19, 106-115, 1995. M Fossil. Palaeobotany. Netherlands. 4080 Environments indicated by bryophytes in early Weichselian interstadal deposits from northern Sweden. Hedenas, L. Lindbergia 19, 87-105, 1995. B Palaeobotany. Environment. Sweden. 4081 Cell wall pigment formation of in vitro cultures of the liverwort Ricciocarpos natans. Kunz, S., Becker, H. Z. Naturforsch. Sec. C. -J. Biosci. 50, 235-240, 1995. H Chemistry. Cell Wall. Pigment. Culture. 4082 Secretion of an esterase from the cultured suspension cells of Marchantia polymorpha. Izumi, S., Yamamoto, Y., Hirata, T. Phytochemistry 38, 831-833, 1995. H Enzyme. Culture. Suspension Cultured Cells. 4083 *Conifer seedling distribution in relation to microsite conditions in a central New York forested minertrophic peatland. St. Hilaire, L. R., Leopold, D. J. Can. J. For. Res. 25, 261-269, 1995. B Ecology. 4084 Patterns of allocation and growth in aquatic Sphagnum species. Rice, S. K. Can. J. Bot. 73, 349-359, 1995. M Growth. Ecology. Physiology. 4085 Predicting methane emission from bryophyte distribution in northern Canadian peatlands. Bubier, J. L., Moore, T. R., Juggins, S. Ecology 76, 677-693, 1995. B Ecology. Canada. 4086 The stream as a habitat templet for bryophytes: Species' distributions along gradients in disturbance and substratum heterogeneity. Muotka, T., Virtanen, R. Freshwater Biol. 33, 141-160, 1995. B Hydrobiology. Ecology. Aquatic mosss. 4087 Comparison of moss and bark samples as biomonitors of heavy metals in a highly industrial area in Izmir, Turkey. Turkan, I., Henden, E., Celik, U., Kivilcim, S. Sci. Total Environ. 166, 61-67, 1995. M Pollution. Heavy Metal. Biomonitor. Monitoring. 4088 *Correlation between metals on pollen tube growth and ultrastructure. Sawidis, T., Reiss, H-D. Protoplasma 185, 113-122, 1995. ? Pollution. Heavy Metal. 4089 Enhancement of the light-triggered electrical response in plant cells following their de-energization without uncouplers. Bulychev, A. A., Vredenberg, W. J. Physiol. Plant. 94, 64-70, 1995. A Physiology. Photosynthesis. Energy. Proton Pump. 4090 Oenothera mitocondrial orf454, a gene involved in cytochrome c biogenesis corresponds to orf169 and orf322 of Marchantia. Gruska, I., Jekabson, W., Schuster, W. Mol. Gen. Genet. 247, 529-536, 1995. H Molecular biology. Gene. Cytochrome. 4091 Active transcription of the pseudogene for subunit 7 of the NADH dehydrogenase in Marchantia polymorpha mitochondria. Takemura, M., Nozato, N., Oda, K., Kobayashi, Y., Fukuzawa, H., Ohyama, K. Mol. Gen. Genet. 247, 565-570, 1995. H Molecular Biology. Gene. Enzyme. 4092 Terpenoid from the liverworts Symphyogyna brasiliensis and unidentified Frullania species. Tori, M., Aoki, M., Nakashima, K., Asakawa, Y. Phytochemistry 39, 99-103, 1995. H Chemistry. Terpenoid. 4093 Comparison of sesquiterpenes from field collected material and in vitro cultures of Jamesoniella autumnalis (Dc.) Steph. Becker, H., Blechschmidt, M. Flavour Fragrance J. 10, 187-191, 1995. H Terpenoid. Chemistry. Culture. 4094 Sesquiterpenoids and cyclic bisbibenzyls from the liverwort Reboulia hemisphaerica. Wei, H-C., Ma, S-J., Wu, C-L. Phytochemistry 39, 91-97, 1995. H Chemistry. Terpenoid. Aromatic. Phenolic. 4095 Tri- and tetrahydroxycoumarin derivatives from Tetraphis pellucida. Jung, M., Geiger, H., Zinsmeister, H. D. Phytochemistry 39, 379-381, 1995. H Chemistry. Phenolic. Aromatic. 4096 Embryophytes have equivalent sexual phenotypes and breeding systems: Why not a common terminology to describe them? Cruden, R. W., Lloyd, R. M. Am. J. Bot. 82, 816-825, 1995. B Reproduction. Taxonomy. Terminology. 4097 Microsite conditions and spatial pattern in a boreal bryophyte community. Frego, K. A., Carleton, T. J. Can. J. Bot. 73, 544-551, 1995. B Ecology. Community. 4098 The growth dynamics of Sphagnum based on field measurements in a temperate bog and on laboratory cultures. Gerdol, R. J. Ecol. 83, 431-437, 1995. M Growth. Ecology. Culture. 4099 Effect of a controlled trampling of Sphagnum mosses on their oribatid mite assemblages (Acari, Oribatei). Borcard, D., Matthey, W. Pedobiologia 39, 219-230, 1995. M Ecology. Animal. 4100 The relationship of vegetation to methane emission and hydrochemical gradients in northern peatlands. Bubier, J. l. J. Ecol. 83, 403-420, 1995. ? Ecology. Gas. 4101 Airbone organic micropollutant concentrations in mosses and humus as indicators for local versus long-range source. Knulst, J. C., Westling, H. O., Brorstrom-Lunden, E. Environ. Monit. Assess 36, 75-91, 1995. M Monitor. Pollution. 4102 Moss interspecies comparisons in trace element concentration. Wolterbeek, H. T., Kuik, P., Verburg, T. G., Herpin, U., Markert, B. Environ, Monit. Assess 36, 263-286, 1995. M Pollution. Monitor. 4103 Metal biomonitoring with mosses: Procedures for correcting for soil contamination. Bargagli, R., Brown, D. H., Nelli, L. Environ. Pollut. 89, 169-175, 1995. M Pullution. Metal. Monitor. 4104 *Exceptional preservation in Lower Devonian coalifield fossile from the Welsh Borderland: A new genus based on reniform sporangia lavking thickened borders. Edwards, D., Fanning, U., Davies, K. L., Axe, L., Richardson, J. B. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 117, 233-254, 1995. ? Fossile. Palaeobotany. 4103 The habitat of Sphagnum girgensohnii Russ. in Mts. Yatugatake, central Japan, with special reference to topographical conditions. Ueno, T., Higuchi, M., Okitsu, S. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 151-155, 1995. M Flora. Ecology. Yamanashi. 4104 Bryophyte community dynamics on moraine at deglaciated arctic terrain in Ny-Alesund, Spitsbergen. Minami, Y., Kannda, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 157-161, 1995. B Ecology. Moraine. Spitsbergen. Norway. 4105 New locations of Haplohymenium flagelliforme and Taiwanobryum speciosum in Japan. Tateishi, Y., Nishimura, N. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 162-163, 1995. B Ecology. Flora. Okayama. 4106 A field guide to bryophytes in middle and southern parts of Okinawa Island. Miyagi, C. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 163-164, 1995. B Flora. Okinaewa. 4107 薬になるコケの話 Hasegawa, J. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 165-166, 1995. B Miscellaneous. 4108 岡山県における「緊急に保護を要する植物の種の選定に関わる調査」、蘚類調査に関する中間報告 Nishimura, N. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 166-168, 1995. M Preservation. Okayama. Servay. 4109 大橋広:苔の宇宙(ダイヤモンド社、東京) Iwatsuki, Z. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 168, 1995. B Miscellaneous. Criticism. Book Review. 4110 Frei, W., J. -P, Frahm, E. Fischer & W. Lobin: Die Moos -und Farnpflanzen Europas (Kleine Kryptogamenflora, vol4, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, 1995) Iwatsuki, Z. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 168, 1995. B Miscellaneous. Criticism. Book Review. 4111 モス・グリーンを探せ! Hongoh, J. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 164-165, 1995. B Color. Miscellaneous. Book Review.