k030 #4378-4543 old file: koke9519 Hikobia vol.7-11(By Prof. Deguchi) Reviewed by H.Deguchi 16 Mar 1997 4378 The third locality of Neobarbella comes (Griff.) Nog. Ando, H. Hikobia 7, 64, 1974. M Flora. 4379 Some interesting mosses newly recorded from the Kii Peninsula, Japan. Deguchi, H., Suzuki, H. Hikobia 7, 25-38, 1974. M Flora. Taxonomy. 4380 Chemistry of sesquiterpenoids from liverworts. Hayashi, S., Matsuo, A. Hikobia 7, 125-152, 1975. H Chemistry. Sesquiterpene. Terpenoids. 4381 A preliminary report on the Mniaceae in Japan II. Koponen, T. Hikobia 7, 1-15, 1974. M Taxonomy. Flora. 4382 "Key to Japanese species of Mniaceae". Ando, H. Hikobia 7, 15-19, 1974. M Taxonomy. Flora. 4383 A new species of Diphyscium from Taiwan. Wang, C., Lin, S. Hikobia 7, 21-24, 1974. 4384 Book Review: World Index to Bryophytes in Axenic Culture. Ando, H. Hikobia 7, 24, 1974. B Culture. 4385 Book Review: Catalogue of Literature on Bryophytes 1961-1970. Academy of Science of the U.S.S.R., Leningrad. 1975. Ando, H. Hikobia 93, 1975. B Bibliography. 4386 Book Review: S. Flower (ed. A. Holmgren) Mosses: Utat and the West. Brighham Young University Press, Provo. 1973. Ando, H. Hikobia 7, 153-154, 1975. M Bibliography. 4387 Book Review: R.M. Schuster: The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of North America, East of the Hundredth Meridian. Vol. III. Colombia University Press, New York. 1974. Ando, H. Hikobia 7, 154-155, 1975. H Bibliography. 4388 Book Review: A. Boros & M. Jarai-Komlodi: An Atlas of Recent European Moss Spores.Akademiai Kiado, Budapest. 1975. Ando, H. Hikobia 7, 158-159, 1975. M Bibliography. 4389 Book Review: S.R. Gradstein: A taxonomic mongraph of the genus Acrolejeunea (Hepaticae), with an arrangement of the genera of Ptychanthoideae (Studies on Lejeuneaceae subfam. Ptychanthoideae III). Ando, H. Hikobia 7, 160, 1975. H Bibliography. 4390 Book Review: G.A.M. Scott & I.G. Stone: The Mosses of Southern Australia. Academi Press, London, New York. 1976. Ando, H. Hikobia 8, 227-228. 1977. M Bibliography. 4391 Book Review: R. Udar: Bryology in India. Annales Cryptogamici et Phytopathologici Vol. 4. The Chronica Botanica Co., New Delhi. 1976. Ando, H. Hikobia 8, 228-229, 1977. B Bibliography. 4392 Book Review: A. Noguchi: Handbook of Japanese Mosses. Hokuryukan, Tokyo. 1975. Ando, H. Hikobia 8, 229-230, 1977. M Bibliography. 4393 Book Review: Illustrations of Japanese Hepaticae 2. Tsukiji-shokan, Tokyo. 1976. Ando, H. Hikobia 8, 230-231, 1977. H Bibliogrpahy. 4394 Book Review: C. Suire (ed.): Congres International de Bryologie, Bordeaux 21-23 novembre 1977, Cpmpte Randus. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca, Bd. 13, J. Cramer, Vaduz. 1978. Ando, H. Hikobia 8, 465-468, 1980. B Bibliography. 4395 Book Review: A.J.E. Smith: The Moss Flora of Britain and Ireland. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge. 1978. Ando, H. Hikobia 8, 468-470, 1980. M Bibliography. 4396 Book Review: P.C. Chen et al.: Genera Muscorum Sinocorum. Pars Secunda. 1978. Ando, H. Hikobia 8, 470-471, 1980. M Bibliography. 4397 Book Review: W.C. Steere: The Mosses of Arctic Alasak. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca 14. J. Cramer, Lehre. 1978. Ando, H. Hikobia 8, 472-473, 1980. M Bibliography. 4398 History of the distributional studies by Prof. Y. Horikawa and the publication of his "Atlas of the Japanese Flora". Ando, H. Hikobia 8, 22-33, 1980. B Distribution. Bibliography. Biography. 4399 Bibliography of the use of bryophytes. Ando, H. Hikobia 8, 424-448, 1980. B Bibliography. 4400 Diphyscium satoi Tuzibe and Saelania glaucescens (Hedw.9 Broth. found on Mt. Daisen, Tottori Prefecture, Japan. Deguchi, H. Hikobia 8, 101-103, 1977. M Flora. 4401 Gall formation by nematodes on Racomitrium lanuginosum (Hedw.) Brid. and R. heterostichum var. diminutum (Card.) Nog. Deguchi, H. Hikobia 8, 179, 1977. M Gall. Morphology. Nematodes. 4402 An undetermined Racomitrium species with endogenous gemmae of Grimmia trichophylla type. Deguchi, H. Hikobia 8, 193-196, 1977. M Taxonomy. Gemma. 4403 Note sur quatre especes himalayennes de la famille des Grimmiacees (Musci). Deguchi, H. Hikobia 8, 259-268, 1980. M Taxonomy. Flora. 4404 Some memories of my past good days (from the posthumous manuscripts). Horikawa, Y. Hikobia 8, 34-38, 1977. B Miscellaneous. Biography. 4405 Botanical excursion to Mt. Kiso-Koma (from the posthumous manuscripts). Horikawa, Y. Hikobia 8, 39-45, 1977. B Miscellaneous. Biography. 4406 Distributional additions to the Japanese Amblystegiaceae and allied family. Kanda, H. Hikobia 8, 322-330, 1980. M Distribution. Taxonomy. Flora. *4407 Kumar, S.S. Synopsis of sect. Biseria Kuw., subgen. Metzgeria Kuw., gen. Metzgeria Raddi (Hepaticae). Kuwahara, Y. Hikobia 9, 31-42, 1984. H Taxonomy 4408 A small Philippine moss collection at Hiroshima University. Tan, B.C., Noguchi, A. Hikobia 9, 43-50, 1984. M Taxonomy 4409 Platygyrium repens (Brid.) B. S. G. (Musci) in Japan. Higuchi, M., Nishimura, N. Hikobia 9, 51-55, 1984. M Taxonomy, Gemma 4410 Taxonomic studies in West Himalayan mosses-I. Kumar, S.S. Hikobia 8, 245-258, 1980. M Cytology. Chromosome. 4411 Cytological studies on some West Himalayan mosses. Kumar, S.S., Marula, M. Hikobia 8, 355-361, 1980. M Cytology. Chromosome. 4412 Chromosome numbers in some West Himalayan mosses. Kumar, s.S., Verma, S.K. Hikobia 8, 362-364, 1989. M Cytology. Chromosome. 4413 Aberrant structures of elators observed in Genus Metzgeria (Hepaticae). Kuwahara, Y. Hikobia 8, 110-116, 1977. H Morphology. Elator. 4414 Metzgeria maegdefraui, spec. nova from the Neotropics. Kuwahara, Y. Hikobia 8, 269-273, 1980. H Taxonomy. Flora. 4415 Four new species of the Metzgeriaceae (Hepaticae) from the subantarctic region, with an enumeration of previously reported taxa of the family. Kuwahara, Y. Hikobia 8, 274-296, 1980. H Taxonomy. Flora. Subantarctica. 4416 A developmental study of gemmae in Marchantia polymorpha L. Nehira, K. Hikobia 8, 104-109, 1977. H Gemma. Development. 4417 A new locality of Diphyscium perminutsum Tak. Nishimura, N., Higuchi, M. Hikobia 8, 273, M Distribution. Flora. 4418 Bryophytes as materials of the nest of a songbird Palla's Dipper (Cinclus pallasii hondoensis). Nishimura, N., Une, K. Hikobia 8, 350-354, 1980. M Nest. Bird. 4419 Taxonomic memoranda on the Sematophyllaceae and their allies. Seki, T. Hikobia 8, 137-149, 1977. M Taxonomy. Mumerical taxonomy. 4420 Book Review: J.J. Engel: A taxonomic and phytogeographic study of Brunswick Peninsula (Straigh of Magellan) Hepaticae and Anthocerotae. Fieldiana, Botany, Vol. 41, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago. 1978. Seki, T. Hikobia 8, 297, 1980. H Bibliography. 4421 Yoshiwo Horikawa (1902-1976). Suzuki, H. Hikobia 8, 1-21, 1977. B Biography. 4422 Studies on the Fabroniaceae of Japan I. Taoda, H. Hikobia 8, 46-58, 1977. M Taxonomy. Flora. 4423 Studies on the Fabroniaceae of Japan II. Taoda, H. Hikobia 8, 298-321, 1980. M Taxonomy. Flora. 4424 Four species of Seligeriaceae (Musci) newly found in Hokkaido, northern Japan. Higuchi, M. Hikobia 9, 57-60, 1984. M Taxonomy, Distribution 4425 Effect of pH on the growth of Riccia discolor L. et L. Patidar, K.C., Kaul, A. Hikobia 9, 61-63, 1984. H Physiology. 4426 Cytological observation in some West Himalayan mosses. Kumar, S.S., Verma, S.K. Hikobia 9, 65-70, 1984. M Cytology, Chromosomes. 4427 A cytotaxonomic study of the genus Ctenidium (Musci). Nishimura, N., Inoue, S. Hikobia 9, 229-234, 1985. M Cytology, Chromosomes. 4428 Karyological studies on some Japanese liverworts. Inoue, S., Watanabe, I., Mizutani, M. Hikobia 9, 235-241, 1985. H Cytology, Chromosomes. 4429 Bryophyte flora of the Yaeyama Islands, Japan. Yamaguchi, F. Hikobia 9, 243-264, 1985. M, H, A Flora, Taxonomy. 4430 Mylia anomala (Hook.) S. F. Gray (Hepaticae) newly found in Japan. Furuki, T., Higuchi, M. Hikobia 9, 265-267, 1985. H Districhtion 4431 A survey of the moss genus Sclerodontium. Crum, H. Hikobia 9, 289-295, 1986. M Taxonomy 4432 Wijkia (Sematophyllaceae) in the New World. Buck, W.R. Hikobia 9, 297-303, 1986. M Taxonomy 4433 Piloseriopus gen. nov. Sharp, A.J. Hikobia 9, 305-306, 1986. M Taxonomy 4434 Studies on Holomitrium perichaetiale (Hook.) Brid. (Dicranaceae: Bryopsida). Ramsay, H.P. Hikobia 9, 307-314, 1986. M Taxonomy 4435 Pohlia hisae, species nova (Musci, Bryaceae), from Wo-long Nature Reserve, SichuanProbince, China. Koponen, T., Lou, J.-S. Hikobia 9, 315-317, 1986. M Taxonomy 4436 Antarctic species of Ceratodon collected from the King Geoge Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. Kanda, H. Hikobia 9, 319-325, 1986. M Taxonomy, Districution, Variation, Antarctica. 4437 Notes on some Asian species of Grimmia. Deguchi, H. Hikobia 9, 327-329, 1986. M Taxonomy, Distribution. 4438 Ectropothecium andoi, a new moss species from Japan. Nishimura, N. Hikobia 9, 331-334, 1986. M Taxonomy 4439 Sexuality of the Japanese mosses. Une, K. Hikobia 9, 339-344, 1986. M Sexuality, Gametophytes. 4440 Geographic variation and species structure in Marchantia paleacea Bertol. Bischler, H. Hikobia 9, 345-351, 1986. H Variation, Distribution, Speciation. 4441 The genus Colura (Hepaticae) in the Galapagos Islands. Gradstein, S.R. Hikobia 9, 353-356, 1986. H Taxonomy, Distribution. 4442 Anthoceros dussii Steph. (Anthcerotae) nad its isobilateral spore tetrads. Hasegawa, J. Hikobia 9, 357-360, 1986. A Spore morphology. Taxonomy. 4443 Bacterial invasion of the cell wall of an aquatic bryophyte Scapania undulata (L.) Dum. in both acidic and near-neutral conditions. Satake, K., Shibata, K. Hikobia 9, 361-365, 1986. H Morphology. Bacteria. 4444 Bryophyte vegetation and habitat gradients of montane streams in western Canada. Vitt, D.H., Glime, J.M., Lafarge-England, C. Hikobia 9, 367-385, 1986. B Vegetation, Montane streams. 4445 East African bryophytes, X. K. Norikoshi's collection from Mahale Mountains National Park, Westerm Tanzania. Ochyra, R., Pocs, T. Hikobia 9, 387-394, 1986. B Distribution. Flora. 4446 Bryophytes of the wind hole on Unzen Mts. in western Kyushu, Japan. Nakanishi, K. Hikobia 9, 395-400, 1986. B Vegetation. Ecology. Wind hoke. Lava Tunnel. 4447 The Conspectus, the Register and the Directory, three international referrals of bryological documentation. Greene, S.W. Hikobia 9, 401-404, 1986. B Taxonomy, Bibliography. 4448 Studies on the genus Hypnum Hedw. (IV). Ando, H. Hikobia 9, 467-484, 1986. M Taxonomy. 4449 Grimmia mollis Bruch et Shimp. occurs in Japan. Iwatsuki, Z., Kiguchi, H., Deguchi, H. Hikobia 9, 485-489, 1986. M Taxonomy, Distribution. Chromosomes. 4450 A cytotaxonomic study of the moss genus Gollania (preliminary report). Higuchi, M., Inoue, S. Hikobia 9, 491-494, 1986. M Cytology, Chromosomes, Taxonomy. 4451 Gemmae of Haplomitrium hookeri (Smith) Nees. Furuki, T. Hikobia 9, 495-496, 1986. H Morphology. Gemmae. 4452 Analysis of the n-alkane composition of certain bryophytes. Matsuo, A., Matsuda, T., Seki, T. Hikobia 9, 497-500, 1986. B Chemistry, Chemotaxonomy. 4453 Some moss records from western Turkey. Yayintas, A., Iwatsuki, Z. Hikobia 10, 209-213, 1988. M Flora. Turkey. 4454 Studies on the genus Hypnum Hedw. (V). Ando, H. Hikobia 10, 43-54. M Taxonomy. 4455 Bryohumbertia walkeri (Mitt.) J.-P. Frahm new to Japan. Frahm, J.-P., Deguchi, H. Hikobia 10, 55-58, 1987. M Distribution. Taxonomy. 4456 The effect of submersion on moss rhizoid characters. Higuchi, M., Imura, S. Hikobia 10, 59-63, 1987. M Morphology. SEM. Physiology. 4457 Dwarf males of three Japanese mosses. Une, K. Hikobia 10, 65-67, 1987. M Sexuality. Gametangia. Dimorphism. 4458 Two species of Fissidens (Musci) new to China. Iwatsuki, Z. Hikobia 10, 69-71, 1987. M Taxonomy. Distribution. Flora. 4459 On some liverworts from Iriomote Islands, Ryukyu Archipelago. Furuki, T. Hikobia 10, 73-75, 1987. H Flora, Taxonomy. 4460 Plant growth inhibitiors in the liverwort Lepidozia vitrea. Matsuo, A., Nadaya, K. Hikobia 10, 77-81, 1987. H Chemistry. Physiology. Allelopathy. Terpenoids. 4461 Fissidens collections made by Mr. H. Akiyama on Seram Island in 1985 and 1986. Iwatsuki, Z., Suzuki, T. Hikobia 10, 215-220, 1988. M Taxonomy. Flora. 4462 Supplement to the Bryoideae (Bryaceae, Musci) in South America. Ochi, H., Mahu, M. Hikobia 10, 221-223, 1988. M Taxonomy. Nomenclature. 4463 Vegetative diaspores of genus Fissidens Hedw. (Fissidentaceae, Musci) in Japan. Imura, S., Iwatsuki, Z. Hikobia 10, 225-229, 1988. M Gemmae, Tubers. Taxonomy, Morphology. 4464 On some interesting hepatics from Hokkaido, northern Japan. Furuki, T., Hikguchi, M. Hikobia 10, 231-234, 1988. H Distribution. Taxonomy. 4465 The scientific name of Leucobryum neigherrense from Japan. Yamaguchi, T., Iwatsuki, Z. Hikobia 10, 235-238, 1988. M Taxonomy, Nomenclature. 4466 The genus Dicnemon (Musci: Dicnemonaceae) in New Caledonia. Allen, B. Hikobia 10, 245-267, 1989. M Taxonomy. Flora. 4467 Studies on the genus Hypnum Hesw. (VI). Ando, H. Hikobia 10, 269-291, 1989. M Taxonomy, Flora. 4468 Two aquatic mossis in the lakes near Syowa Station, Continental Antarctica. Kanda, H., Iwatsuki, Z. Hikobia 10, 293-297, 1989. M Distribution. Antarctica. Taxonomy. 4469 Notes on some interesting mosses from Hokkaido, northern Japan. Higuchi, M. Hikobia 10, 299-301, 1989. M Distribution. Taxonomy. 4470 Phenological study of Trachycystis microphylla (Dozy et Molk.) Lindb. (Mniaceae, Musci). Imura, S., Iwatsuki, Z. Hikobia 10, 303-308, 1989. M Phenology, Morphology. Life history. 4471 A review of deep-water bryophytes with new recrods from USSR. Ignatov, M.S., Kurbatova, N.B. Hikobia 10, 393-401, 1990. B Aquatic bryophytes. Distribution. Ecology. 4472 Flora of epiphytic bryophytes in mangrove forests in Japan. Yamaguchi, T., Nakagoshi, N., Nehira, K., Iwatsuki, Z. Hikobia 10, 403-407, 1990. B Flora, Epiphytes. Ecology. Mangrove. 4473 Studies on the genus Hypnum Hedw. Ando, H. Hikobia 10, 409-417, 1990. M Taxonomy 4474 Noteworthy additional bryaceous mosses (Bryaceae) to the Central Himalayan (Nepal) alpine belt. Ochi, H. Hikobia 10, 419-422, 1990. M Taxonomy. Distribution. 4475 Cytological study on four Japanese species of Ptychomitrium (Musci: Ptychomitriaceae). Deguchi, H., Oginuma, K. Hikobia 10, 423-427, 1990. M Cytology, Chromosomes. 4476 SEM observation of moss pseudoparaphyllia, 1. Isobryales. Nishimura, N., Matsui, S. Hikobia 10, 429-434, 1990. M Morphology, Gametophytes. SEM 4477 Classification of vegetative on Japanese mosses. Imura, S., Iwatsuki, Z. Hikobia 10, 435-443, 1990. M Gemmae, Life History. 4478 Growth and nutrient ecology of two Sphagnum species. Li, Y., Glime M. Hikobia 10, 445-451, 1990. M Ecology. Nutrient. Physoology. 4479 Bryological literature published in Japan in 1985 and 1986. Iwatsuki, Z., Higuchi, M. Hikobia 10, 453-459, 1990. B Bibliography. 4480 Sphagnotheca japonica. Suzuki, H. Hikobia Suppl. 1, 1-28, 1981. M Exsiccata. 4481 Systematic studies on the conducting tissue of the gametophyte in Musci (10). Organization of the stem and its origin. Kawai, I. Hikobia Suppl. 1, 29-33, 1981. M Morphology. Anatomy. Gametophytes. 4482 Karyological study of the genus Tetraphis (Musci). Inoue, S. Hikobia Suppl. 1, 35-37, 1981. M Cytology. Chromosomes. 4483 Indentity of Clastobryella kusatsuensis (Besch.) Iwats. with Brotherella yokohamae (Broth) Broth. Noguchi, A., Inoue, S. Hikobia Suppl. 1, 39-44, 1981. M Taxonomy. 4484 Taxonomic position of Anomobryopsis, Musci. Ochi,H. Hikobia Suppl. 1, 55-57, 1981. M Taxonomy. 4485 Miscellaneous notes on little-known species of Hepaticae. 51-70. Kitagawa, N. Hikobia Suppl. 1, 67-72, 1981. H Taxonomy. 4486 Flora and vegetation of mosses in ice-free areas of Soya Coast and Prince Olav Coast, East Antarctica. Kanda, H. Hikobia Suppl. 1, 91-100, 1981. M Flora. Antarctica. 4487 On two species of Cephalozia (Hepaticae) new to the Japanese flora. Inoue, H. Hikobia Suppl. 1, 101-104, 1981. H Taxonomy. Flora. 4488 Propagules found in Isopterygium pohliaecarpum and related species. Iwatsuki, Z., Deguchi, H. Hikobia Suppl. 1, 105-110, 1981. M Gemmae. Morphology. 4489 A revision of the subgenus Plicaticalyx of the genus Scapania. Amakawa, T. Hikobia Suppl. 1, 117-127, 1981. H Taxonomy 4490 Gollania taxiphylloides Ando et Higuchi, sp. nov. and Gollania japonica (Card.) Ando et Higuchi, comb. nov. (Hypnaceae, Musci) from Japan. Ando, H., Higuchi, M. Hikobia Suppl. 1, 189-195, 1981. M Taxonomy. 4491 Epiphytic vegetation of Ohtsu City, Japan. Taoda, H., Katsurayama, H., Kobayashi, K. Hikobia Suppl. 1, 197-204, 1981. B Ecology. Epiphytes. Pollution. 4492 Two new species of the genus Rhaphidorrhynchium (Sematophyllaceae, Musci) from Japan. Seki, T. Hikobia Suppl. 1, 239-246, 1981. M Taxonomy. 4493 Comparison of morphological characters among Sphagnum apiculatum, S. amblyphyllum and S. angustifolium. Matsuda, Y. Hikobia Suppl. 1, 403-412, 1981. M Taxonomy. 4494 Differential distribution of sesquiterpenoids in three forms of Plagiochila acanthophlla Gott. subsp. japonica (Lac.) Inoue. Matsuo, A., Hayashi, S., Inoue, H. Hikobia Suppl. 1, 455-465, 1981. H Chemistry. Sesquiterpenoids. 4495 Studies on the genus Hypnum Hedw. (VIII) Ando, H. Hikobia 11, 111 4496 Studies on the genus Hypnum Hedw. (IX) Ando, H. Hikobia 11, 265 M Taxonomy. 4497 A revision of Hypnum aemulans Limpr., with records of a new species, H. holmenii (Sect. Hamulosa) from northern North America, Greenland and Finland Ando, H. Hikobia 11, 363 M Taxonomy. Flora. 4498 A new species of Fissidens from Indonesia Bruggeman-Nannenga, M.A. Hikobia 11, 361 M Taxonomy. Flora. 4499 A synopsis of the American species of Donnellia (Sematophyllaceae) Buck, W.R. Hikobia 11, 377 M Taxonomy. 4500 Noteworthy mosses from the Shikoku District of Japan(4) Deguchi, T. Matsui & Y. Uemura Hikobia 11, 293 M Distribution. Flora. 4501 Notes on the Neckeraceae (Musci 2 Neckera goughiana and its geographic distribution. Enroth, J. Hikobia 11, 539 M Taxonomy. Distribution. 4502 The affinities between the Campylopas floras of Sri Lanka and Madagascar-or:whichspecies survived on Noah's arc? Frahm, J.-P. Hikobia 11, 371 M Taxonomy. Flora. 4503 The taxonomic relevance of oil drops in the laminal cells of Dicranaceae Frahm, J.-P. Hikobia 11, 535 M Taxonomy. 4504 Notes on Frullania curiosissima Horik. (Hepaticae) known from Bonin Islands, Japan Furuki, T. & S. Hattori Hikobia 11, 261 H Taxonomy. Flora. 4505 Taxonomic studies of Asiatic species of Aneuraceae (Hepaticas). III. Riccardia subsen.hornoneura Furuki Furuki, T. Hikobia 11, 463 H Taxonomy. Flora. 4506 Bryophytes as homes for stream insect Glime, J.M. Hikobia 11, 483 B Insect. Ecology. 4507 Verdoorn's Studien Uber Asiatische Jubuleae Gradstein, S.R. Hikobia 11, 451 H Taxonomy. Flora. 4508 Gollania (Hypnaceae, Musci) in the Himalayas Higuchi, M. Hikobia 11, 57 M Taxonomy. Flora. 4509 Chromosome numbers on some mosses from Vanuatsu Inoue, S. & M. Higuchi Hikobia 11, 479 M Chromosome. Cytology. 4510 Chromosome studies of five Radula species (Hepaticae) Inoue, S. & K. Yamada Hikobia 11, 153 H Cytoloty. Chromosome. 4511 Some important sporophytic characters for infrageneric classification of the genus Fissidens Ishiki I., M. & Z. lwatsuki Hikobia 11, 141 M Taxonomy. 4512 Flora and ecology of epiphytic bryophytes in the Peace Memorial Park, Hiroshima Ishiyama, M. & Z. Iwatsuki Hikobia 11, 65 B Epiphytes. Ecology. 4513 Lectotypification of the genus Ectropothecium (Musci, Hypnaceae) Iwatsuki, Z. Hikobia 11, 125 M Nomenclature. Taxonomy. Typification. 4514 Some interesting mosses from India lwatsuki, Z. & S. S. Kumar Hikobia 11, 133 M Taxonomy. Flora. 4515 New synonyms proposed by Prof. A. Noguchi in "Illustrated Moss Flora of Japan", Part 5, 1994. Iwatsuki, Z. & T. Yamaguchi Hikobia 11, 549 M Nomenclature. Taxonomy. 4516 An arctic moss, Loeskypnum badium (Hartm.) Paul (Amblystegiaceae), new to Japan Kanda, H. & K. Sato Hikobia 11, 429 M Arctica. Taxonomy. 4517 Cinclidiaceae, Mniaceae and Plagiomniaceae from Minshan Range, northwestern Sichuan, China. Koponen, T. Hikobia 11, 387 M Taxonomy. Flora. 4518 A critical re-examination of three pottiaceous taxa described by K. Sakurai from China Li, X-J. & Z. Iwatsuki Hikobia 11, 277 M Taxonomy. Flora. 4519 Leskeodon rotundifolius Bartr., a new synonym of Distichophyllum catinifolium Froeh. Matsui, T. Hikobia 11, 423 M Taxonomy. 4520 A study of the moss Splachnum pensylvanicum using scanning electron microscopy Miller, N.G. Hikobia 11, 471 M Taxonomy. SEM. Peristome. Spore. 4521 The second species of Japanese Nowellia Mizutani, M. Hikobia 11, 469 H Taxonomy. Flora. 4522 Development processes of bryophyte communities on rocks and logs placed at floor in temperate forest. Nehira, K. & N. Nakagoshi Hikobia 11, 499 B Ecology. Epiphytes. 4523 Mosses of Saipan and Rota, the southern Mariana Islands Nishimura, N., T. Yamaguchi & T. Furuki Hikobia 11, 435 M Taxonomy. Flora. 4524 New name for Bryum funarioides Ochi Ochi, H. Hikobia 11, 264 M Nomenclature. 4525 New or little known epiphyllous liverworts, V. Aphanolejeunea collected by Barbara M. Thiers in Australia and Papua New Guinea. Pocs, T. Hikobia 11, 457 H Taxonomy. Flora. Eipiphytes. 4526 Two new Fissidens from South America Pursell, R.A. Hikobia 11, 357 M Taxonomy. Flora. 4527 Pleuridium palustre, an overlooked species of the bryoflora of Japan Risse, S, Hikobia 11, 43 M Taxonomy. Flora. 4528 New or interesting records of Brazilian bryophytes, IV Schiifer-Verwimp, A. & C. Giancotti Hikobia 11, 285 B Taxonomy. Flora. 4529 Bryophytes of Mediterranean climates in British Columbia Schofield, W.B. Hikobia 11, 07 B Deistribution. Climate. 4530 Studies on Metzgeriales. 111. The classification of the Fossombroniaceae and on Austrofossombronia Schust., gen. n. Schuster, R.M. Hikobia 11, 439 H Taxonomy. 4531 Zennoske lwatsuki-Brilliant scholar and wonderful companion Sharp, A.J. Hikobia 11, 355 B Biography. 4532 Notes on some cleistocarpous mosses in New Caledonian mosses Talwani, S. & S. S. Kumar Hikobia 11, 51 M Taxonomy. Flora. 4533 Noteworthy range extensions of some East Asiatic moss taxa and a new species of Philippine Berbula, B. zennoskeana Tan, B.C. Hikobia 11, 415 M Taxonomy. 4534 Lectotypification of Clastobryum indicum & C. conspicuum Tan, B.C. & Z. lwatsuki Hikobia 11, 147 M Nomenclature. Typification. 4535 Thuidium magnisporum (Musci) newly found in Nepal ( ) Thuidium magnisporum) Watanabe, R. & M. Higuchi Hikobia 11, 63 M Taxonomy. Flora. 4536 Leucobryaceae and Leucophanoideae (Calymperaceae) on Seram and Ambon Islands Yamaguchi, T. Hikobia 11, 299 M Taxonomy. Flora. 4537 Buchanania (Sphagnum, Sphagnaceae) sect. nov. Yamaguchi, T., R. D. Seppelt & Z. lwatsuki Hikobia 11, 139 M Taxonomy. Flora. 4538 New Caledonian Leucophanoideae (Musci Calymperaceae) Yamaguchi, T. & Z. Iwatsuki Hikobia 11, 371 M Taxonomy. Flora. 4539 Epiphyllous liverworts from Baishanzu Nature Reserve, Zheiiang Province, China Zhu, R.-L., Hu R.-L. & Zhang, G.-Z. Hikobia 11, H Taxonomy. Flora. 4540 Bryological literature published in Japan in 1989 and 1990 Iwatuski, Z. & M. Higuchi Hikobia 11, 219 B Bibliography. 4541 Bryological literature published in Japan in 1991 lwatsuki, Z. & M. Higuchi Hikobia 11, 337 B Bibliography. 4542 Bryological literature published in Japan in 1992 lwatsuki, Z. & M. Higuchi Hikobia 11, 587 B Bibliography. 4543 A new combination of an African species, Gollania demaretii P. de la Vrde with Chryso-Hypnum. Higuchi, M. Hikobia 9, 335-338, 1986. M Taxonomy