k033 #5051-5602 old file: koke9549 JHBL vols. 51-76 5051 Exogenous branching and its phylogenetic significance in Calobryales and Jungermanniales. Schuster, R. M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 51, 1-50, 1982. H Mophology. Anatomy. Phylogeny. 5052 Perforierte Hydroiden bei Laubmoosen? Frey, W., Richter, U. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 51, 51-60, 1982. M Morphology. Anatomy. 5053 Flavone Di-C-Glycosides from the liverwort Trichocolea tomentella (L.) Dum. and their taxonomic significance. Mues, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 51, 61-68, 1982. H Chemistry. Flavonoid. 5054 A monographic revision of the genus Ditrichum (Musci, Ditrichaceae). 1. Australian and New Zealand species. Seppelt, R. D. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 51, 99-150, 1982. M Monograph. Taxonomy. 5055 Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 6. Japanese species of the genus Cheilolejeunea. Mizutani, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 51, 151-173, 1982. H Taxonomy. 5056 Trocholejeunea fossil in Europa. Grolle, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 51, 175-193, 1982. H Fossil. Taxonomy. 5057 Comparative analysis of rapid growth responses using three model systems, Conocephalum carpocephalum-stalk, Pellia seta, and Avena internode. Kaufman, P. B., Dayanandan, P., Thomas, R. J., Taylor, J., Umberfield, R. J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 51, 195-201, 1982. H Physiology. Morphology. 5058 A synopsis of New Guinean Frullania, Hepaticas. Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 51, 203-271, 1982. H Taxonomy. Nomenclature. 5059 Trachyloma (Bryophytina, Pterobryaceae), a taxonomic monograph. Miller, N. G., Manuel, M. G. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 51, 273-321, 1982. M Taxonomy. 5060 Some new species of Radula (Hepaticae). Yamada, K. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 51, 323-328, 1982. H Taxonomy. 5061 A taxonomic revision of the Japanese species of Fissidens (Musci). Iwatsuki, Z., Suzuki, T. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 51, 329-508, 1982. M Taxonomy. 5062 Generic and familial endamism in the hepatic flora of Gondowanaland, origins and causes. Schuster, R. M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 52, 3-35, 1982. H Taxonomy. 5063 Some Anthocerotae of New Zealand with particular reference to their geographical distribution. Campbell, E. O. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 52, 37-44, 1982. A Speciation. Distribution. 5064 Speciation and distribution of Plagiochila in Australasia and the Pacific. Inoue, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 52, 45-56, 1982. H Speciation. Distribution. 5065 The geographical affinities of the mosses of south Australia. Catcheside, D. G. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 52, 57-64, 1982. M Distribution. 5066 A phytogeographical consideration of Australasian Bryoideae in relation to those in other continents. Ochi, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 52, 65-73, 1982. M Geography. Sepciation. 5067 The family Mniaceae in Australasia and the Pacific. Koponen, T. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 52, 75-86, 1982. M Geography. Distribution. Speciation. Taxonomy. 5068 The family Splachnaceae in Australasia and the Pacific. Koponen, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 52, 87-90, 1982. M Geography. Distribuion. Speciation. Taxonomy. 5069 Hypnum in Australasia and the southern Pacific. Ando, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 52, 93-106, 1982. M Geography. Distribution. Speciation. Taxonomy. 5070 Ditrichum and other genera of Ditrichaceae in Australasia and the Pacific. Seppelt, R. D. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 52, 107-112, 1982. M Geography. Distribution. Speciation. Taxonomy. 5071 Speciation of the moss genus Fissidens in New Caledonia (preliminary report). Iwatsuki, Z. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 52, 113-126, 1982. M Geography. Distribution. Speciation. Taxonomy. 5072 Bryogeography of the Galapagos Islands. Gradstein, S. R., Weber, W. A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 52, 127-152, 1982. H Geography. Distribution. Speciation. 5073 Populational variation and speciation in Austral mosses. Vitt, D. H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 52, 153-159, 1982. M Geography. Distribution. Speciation. 5074 Max Fleischers bryologische Sammlungen in Australien und Neuseeland. Schultze-Motel, W. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 52, 161-162, 1982. M Taxonomy. 5075 Vandiemeniaceae, a new family in the Metzgeriales. Hewson, H. J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 52, 163-165, 1982. H Taxonomy. 5076 Late Quaternary mosses from Macquarie Island. Selkirk, P. M., Selkirk, D. R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 52, 167-169, 1982. M Fossil. Paleontology. 5077 The ecology of mosses, an overview. Scott, G. A. M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 52, 171-177, 1982. M Ecology. 5078 Population ecology of bryophytes. Wyatt, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 52, 179-198, 1982. B Population. Ecology. 5079 Bryophytes in relation to ecological niche theory. Slack, N. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 52, 199-217, 1982. B Ecology. Niche. 5080 Studies on the reproductive biology of mosses. Longton, R. E., Miles, C. J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 52, 219-240, 1982. M Repordution. Ecology. 5081 Cytological and genetic barriers in mosses. Anderson, L. E., Sinder, J. A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 52, 241-254, 1982. M Cytology. Genetics. 5082 Sex determination in bryophytes. Ramsay, H. P., Berrie, G. K. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 52, 255-274, 1982. B Cytology. Genetics. Chromosomes. 5083 Sex, cytology and frequency of bryophytes in the British Isles. Smith, A. J. E., Ramsay, H. P. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 52, 275-281, 1982. B Cytology. Genetics. 5084 Phenology of West Tropical African mosses. Odu, E.A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 52, 283-285, 1982. M Phenology. Ecology. 5085 Studies on the Bryophyta of Northeast China. Gao, C. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 52, 287-293, 1982. B Geography. Flora. 5086 Vegetation of the Vestfold Hills Antarctica, a progress report. Pickard, J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 52, 295-297, 1982. B Vegetation. Ecology. Antarctica. 5087 Humidity gradients and bryophyte zonation in the Afro-montane forests of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Russell, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 52, 299-302, 1982. B Ecology. Physiology. Flora. 5088 Water relations and SO2 resistance of mosses. Winner, W. M. E., Koch, G. W. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 52, 431-440, 1982. M Physiology. Polution. 5089 A status of Amphanojubula (Hepaticae) with special reference to the seta anatomy. Hattori, S., Mizutani, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 52, 441-448, 1982. H Anatomy. Sporophytes. 5090 Notes on the type specimens of Radula taxs from Latin America (3). Yamada, K. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 52, 449-463, 1982. H Geography. Taxonomy. 5091 Gametophyte and sporophyte ultrastructure in Buxbaumia piperi Best (Buxbaumiales, Musci). Ligrone, R., Gambardella, R , Castaldo, R., Giordano, S., Luisa de Lucia Sposito, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 52, 465-499, 1982. M Gametephytes. Sporophytes. Anatomy. Ultrastructure. TEM. 5092 Cytophotometoric determination of nuclear DNA content in Conocephalum conicum (L.) Dum. Taylor, J., Mericle, L. W., Mackinnon, C. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 52, 501-505, 1982. H Nuclear DNA. DNA content. Genetics. Molecular. 5093 The biosystematic approach to bryology. Longton, R. E. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 53, 1-19, 1982. B Biosystematics. Taxonomy. 5094 Genetic differentiation of liverwort populations and its significance for bryotaxonomy and bryogeography. Szweykowski, J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 53, 21-28, 1982. B, H Genetics. Taxonomy. Geography. 5095 Ultrastructural aspects of moss meiosis, review of nuclear and cytoplasmic events during prophase. Brown, R. C., Lemmon, B. E. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 53, 29-39, 1982. M Ultrastructure. TEM. Cytology. Morphology. MT. Meiosis. 5096 Ultrastructural aspects of moss meiosis, cytokinesis and organelle apportionment in Rhynchostegium serrulatum. Brown, R. C., Lemmon, B. E. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 53, 41-50, 1982. M Ultrastructure. TEM. Cytology. Morphology. MT. Meiosis. 5097 The value of karyotype analysis in the study of mosses. Ramsay, H. P. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 53, 51-71, 1982. M Karyotype. Cytology. Chromosomes. 5098 On the structure and function of the peristome in Splachnaceae. Koponen, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 53, 73-98, 1982. M Peristome. Sporophytes. Morphology. 5099 The evolutionary significance of superficial spore characters in the Bryidae. I. Horton, D. G. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 53, 99-105, 1982. M SEM. Spore. Morphology. 5100 Comparative spermatology and bryophyte phylogeny. Duckett, J. G., Carothers, Z. B., Mioller, C. C. J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 53, 107-125, 1982. B Morphology. Phylogeny. Sperm. 5101 SEM-studies on sporophyte characters in Lejeuneaceae (Ptychanthoideae), a preliminary report. Geissler, P., Gradstein, S. R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 53, 127-131, 1982. H SEM. Sporophytes. Morphology. 5102 Fine structure of spore wall in fourteen species of Riccia Thaithong, O. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 53, 133-146, 1982. H Morphology. Spores. 5103 Leaf morphology of arid-zone moss species from South Australia. Bell, G. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 53, 147-151, 1982. M Morphology. Xeric. Leaf. 5104 Spatial distribution of the autodiploid Pellia borealis in the geographic range of the related haploid taxon Pellia epiphylla. De Sloover, J. L., Messe, V. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 53, 153-155, 1982. H Speciation. Polyploid. Distribution. 5105 Culture experiments on the moss genus Polytrichum. Schriebl, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 53, 157-158, 1982. M Morphology. Variation. Leaf. 5106 How can external hormones regulate the morphogenesis of mosses? Bopp, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 53, 159-169, 1982. M Physiology. Morphogenesis. Hormones. 5107 Photosynthetic apparatus of Ceratodon purpureus. Valanne, N., Aro, E.-M., Niemi, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 53, 171-179, 1982. M Physiology. Chloroplast. Morphology. 5108 Response of Fontinalis hypnoides to seasonal temperature variations. Glime, J. M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 53, 181-193, 1982. M Variation. Physiology. Ecology. Adaptation. 5109 Physiological aspects of phenolic compounds in the cell walls of Sphagna. Rudolph, H., Johnk, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 53, 195-203, 1982. M Physiology. Morphology. Cell walls. 5110 Inhibitory effects of S-ethyl dipropylthiocarbamate (EPTC) on Polytrichum commune protonema and their reversal with gibberellic acid (GA). Preliminary report. Bower, M. C., Rule, J., Froiland, T. G., Richards, A., Wilkinson, R. E. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 53, 205-214, 1982. M Chemistry. Physiology. Protomena. 5111 Bacteria-moss interaction in the regulation of protonemal growth and development. Spiess, L. D., Lippincott, B. B., Lippincott, J. A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 53, 215-220, 1982. M Physiology. Protonema. Development. Bacteria. Bacetria Moss Interaction. 5112 Evidence for a regulatory role of cell surface hydroxyproline-containing proteins in liverwort morphogenesis. Basile, D. V., Basile, M. R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 53, 221-227, 1982. H Physiology. Morphogenesis. 5113 On the control of endogenous auxin level in hepatica, transport of 14C-indoleacetic acid in Marchaiitia polymorpha. Maravolo, N. C., Gaal, D. J., Dufresne, S. J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 53, 229-238, 1982. H Physiology. Auxin. Transport. 5114 Induction and characteristics of cultured cells from some liverworts of Jungermanniales. Ohta, Y., Hirose, Y. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 53, 239-244, 1982. H Physiology. Cultured cells. 5115 Rhizoid formation in Marchantia gemmae. Nehira, K. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 53, 245-248, 1982. H Morphogenesis. 5116 Influence of light intensity on meristem structure and activity in Riella helicophlla (Bory et Mont.) Mont. Stange, L. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 53, 249-254, 1982. H Physiology. Meristem. 5117 Possible evolutionary significance of galactolipid fatty acids in Bryophyta. Karune, P. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 53, 255-269, 1982. B Physiology. Fatty Acids. Evolution. Lipid. 5118 Occurrence and absence of C-glycosylflavones in species of the liverwort genera Blepharostoma, Herbertus, Mastigophora, Porella, Ptilidium and Trichocolea, an indication of taxonomic significance? Mues, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 53, 271-281, 1982. H Flavones. Chemistry. Taxonomy. 5119 Terpenoids and aromatic compounds as chemosystematic indicators in Hepaticas and Anthocerotae. Asakawa, Y. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 53, 283-293, 1982. H, A. Chemistry. Terpenoids. Aromatic. Taxonomy. 5120 Selected chemotaxonomic characteristics of liverwort sesquiterpenoids. Matsuo, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 53, 295-304, 1982. H Chemistry. Terpenoids. Taxonomy. 5121 A revision of the Encalyptaceae (Musci), with particular reference to the North American taxa. Part I. Horton, D. G. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 53, 365-307, 1982. M Taxonomy. 5122 The genus Drepanolejeunea St. in India. Udar, R., Awasthi, U. S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 53, 419-437, 1982. H Taxonomy. 5123 Seasonal variations of the essential oil components in the liverwort Scapania undulata. Huneck, S., Janicke, S., Meinunger, L. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 53, 439-442, 1982. H Chemistry. Essential Oil. 5124 The mosses reported from New Caledonia. Pursell, R. A., Reese, W. D. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 53, 449-482, 1982. M Flora. Taxonomy. 5125 The New Zealand species of the pantropical genus Macromitrium (Orthotrichaceae, Musci), taxonomy, phylogeny and phytogeography. Vitt, D. H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 54, 1-94, 1983. M Taxonomy. Distribution. Phylogeny. 5126 Ultrastructure des propagules protonematiques de Dicranoweisia cirrata (Hedw.) Lindb. Verdus, M. -C. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 54, 95-105, 1983. M TEM. Morphology. 5127 Little-known species of Latin American Frullania subgen. Clionatithelia (Hepaticas). I. Yuzawa, Y. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 54, 107-118, 1983. H Taxonomy. 5128 Isoenzymatic variation in Polish populations of the moss Plagiothecium undulatuni (Hedw.) B. S. G. a preliminary report Szweykowski, J., Zielinski, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 54, 119-123, 1983. M Isozymex. Speciation. Taxonomy. 5129 Das Vorkommen chemischer Rassen bei Scapania undulata in Europa, speziell im Thuringer Wald. Huneck, S., Janicke, S., Huneck, E. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 54, 125-132, 1983. H Chemistry. 5130 A revision of the Australasian species of the genus Frullania, Hepaticas. III. Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 54, 133-182, 1983. H Taxonomy. Flora. 5131 Bryum richardsii sp. nov. Sharp, A. J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 54, 183-185, 1983. M Taxonomy. 5132 Index Muscorum Chinae Boreali-orientalis. Gao, C., Chang, K. C. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 54, 187-205, 1983. M Checklist. 5133 A new intrageneric classification in the genus Campylopus Brid. Frahm, J. -P. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 54, 207-225, 1983. M Taxonomy. 5134 Taxonomical studies on Asian Anthocerotae III. Asian species of Megaceros. Hasegawa, J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 54, 227-240, 1983. A Taxonomy. Flora. 5135 Four new species of Ratlula from Cuba. Yamada, K. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 54, 241-219, 1983. H Taxonomy. Flora. 5136 Past and extant distribution of Drepanocladus in North America, with notes on the differentiation of fossil fragments. Janssen, J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 54, 251-298, 1983. M Taxonomy. Paleobotany. Paleontology. Fossils. 5137 Karyological studies on some species of Entodontaceae (Musci) Inoue, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 54, 299-305, 1983. M Cytology. Chromosomes. Taxonomy. 5138 Kanalsysteme in den Stammchen des Baumchenmooses Hypopterigium commutatum C. Mull. (Hypopterygiaceae, Musci). Frey, W., Hilger, H. H., Richter, U. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 54, 307-319, 1983. M Morphology. 5139 Observations on endemic liverwort taxa from India - I. Reproductive biology and SEM details of spores in Stephensoniella brevipedunculata Kash. Udar, R., Srivastava, S. C., Srivastava, G. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 54, 321-330, 1983. H SEM. Reproduction. 5140 A revision of the Encalyptaceae (Musci), with particular reference to the North American taxa. Part II. Horton, D. G. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 54, 353-532, 1983. M Taxonomy. 5141 Lejeuneaceae catalogo de especies Andinopatagonicas. Solari, S. S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 54, 533-553, 1983. H Taxonomy. Flora. Checklist. 5142 Notes on sex determination in bryophytes. Newton, M. E. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 54, 555-556, 1983. B Sexuality. Chromosomes. Cytology. 5143 Bryogeographical relationships in the moss flora of Japan. Deguchi, H., Iwatsuki, Z. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 55, 1-11, 1984. M Distribution. Flora. 5144 A reconsideration of the affinity of Philippine moss flora. Tan, B. C. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 55, 13-22, 1984. M Distribution. Flora. 5145 Distribution, cytotaxonomy and sexuality of Macromitrium in the Pacific. Ramsay, H. P., Vitt, D. H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 55, 23-33, 1984. M Distribution. Flora. Sexuality. Cytology. Chromosomes. 5146 Bryogeography of the Pacific coast of North America. Schofield, W. B. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 55, 35-43, 1984. B Distribution. 5147 The occurrence and distribution of bryophytes in southern Patagonia between latitude 51 and 52 S Hassel de Menendez, G. G., Greene, S. W., Matteri, C. M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 55, 45-64, 1984. B Distribution. Flora. 5148 Recent aspects of physiology and ecology in bryophytes. Bopp, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 55, 65-66, 1984. B Physiology. Ecology. 5149 Facilitation of moss growth and development by bacteria. Spiess, L. D., Lippincott, B. B., Lippincott, J. A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 55, 67-77, 1984. M Bacteria. Growth. Development. 5150 The role of cytokinin and auxin in protonemal development in Physcomitrella patens and Physcomitrium sphaericum. Cove, D. J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 55, 79-86, 1984. M Plant Hormone. Development. Cytology. Auxin. Cytokinin. 5151 Influence of light on phototropic bending of moss protonemata of Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid. Hartmann, E. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 55, 87-98, 1984. M Physiology. Protonema. Phototroph. 5152 Environmental factors affecting gametangial induction in bryophytes. Chopra, R. M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 55, 99-104, 1984. B Physiology. Development. 5153 Vegetative reproduction and dispersal of bryophytes on subantarctic Macquarie Island and in Antarctica. Selkirk, P. M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 55, 105-111, 1984. B Reproduction. Antarctica. Dispersal. 5154 A new look at bryophyte community analysis field and statistical methods. Slack, N. G. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 55, 113-132, 1984. B Ecology. 5155 The importance of bryophytes in a man-centered world. Glime, J. M., Keen, R. E. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 55, 133-146, 1984. B Miscellaneous. Use. 5156 The role of bryophytes in terrestrial ecosystem. Loncton, R. E. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 55, 147-163, 1984. B Use. Ecology. 5157 The bryologically under-worked regions of the world, with special references to West Africa and a proposal for a Bryologia Africana. Richards, P. W. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 55, 165-172, 1984. B Miscellaneous. 5158 Probing the evolutionary history of bryophytes experimentally. Basile, D. V., Basile, M. R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 55, 173-185, 1984. B Evolution. 5159 Chromosome studies of bryophytes an assessment. Anderson, L. E. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 55, 187-197, 1984. B Chromosomes. Cytology. 5160 Systematic bryology the state of the science. Horton, D. G. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 55, 199-208, 1984. B Systematics. Taxonomy. 5161 What do we know about the evolutionary process in bryophytes?. Szweykowski, J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 55, 209-218, 1984. B Evolution. 5162 An approach towards phylogenetic classification of mosses. Kumar, S. S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 55, 219-226, 1984. M Phylogeny. 5163 Delimitation and subdivision of the moss family Hypanaceae. Nishimura, N., Higuchi, M., Seki, T., Ando, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 55, 227-234, 1984. M Taxonomy. Classification. 5164 A preliminary study of the Fissidens elegans complex in the Neotropics. Pursell, R. A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 55, 235-252, 1984. M Taxonomy. Flora. Species complex. 5165 Evaluation of different characters of Didymodon taxa by modern statistical methods. Duell-Hermanns, I. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 55, 253-257, 1984. M Statistics. Numerical taxonomy. Method. Taxonomy. 5166 Taxonomy and distribution of some critical taxs of the genus Didymodon in Europe. Duell, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 55, 259-266, 1984. M Taxonomy. Distribution. 5167 A study on Chinese Calymperaceae. Lin, P-J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 55, 267-272, 1984. M Taxonomy. 5168 Effects of submersion on morphology and the implications of induced environmental modification on the taxonomic interpretation of selected antarctic moss species. Seppelt, R. J., Selkirk, P. M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 55, 273-279, 1984. M Physiology. Ecology. Taxonomy. 5169 A synopsis of the genus Rhodobryum in Asia. Haji Mohamed, M. A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 55, 281-293, 1984. M Taxonomy. Checklist. Asia. 5170 Re-classification of Phyllogoniaceae sensu lato. Lin, S-H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 55, 295-301, 1984. M Taxonomy. 5171 Studies in South American species of the genus Regmatodon (Musci, Regmatodontaceae). Schultze-Motel, W. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 55, 303-305, 1984. M Taxonomy. Flora. 5172 Present knowledge on Aphanolejeunea Evans. Pocs, T. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 55, 307-313, 1984. H Taxonomy. Classification. 5173 Looking at Monoclea again. Campbell, E. O. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 55, 315-319, 1984. H Taxonomy. Morphology. 5174 Bryological bibliographic data bases. Greene, S. W. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 55, 321-325, 1984. B Data base. Bibliography. 5175 Podperaea, a new genus of Hypnaceae (Musci). Iwatsuki, Z., Glime, J. M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 55, 495-500, 1984. M Taxonomy. 5176 Miscellanea Hepaticologica 221-230. Grolle, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 55, 501-511, 1984. H Taxonomy. 5177 Computerized evaluation of the distribution of European liverworts. Duell, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 1-5, 1984. H Distribution. Computer. Data base. 5178 The distribution and origin of Macaronesian bryophyte flora. Strgio, C. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 7-13, 1984. B Distribution. 5179 Geographical relationships in the bryoflora of Mexico. Sharp, A. J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 15-17, 1984. B Distribution. Flora. 5180 The continental affiliation of the moss flora of Hispaniola. Steere, W. C. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 19-20, 1984. M Distribution. Flora. 5181 Distribution of Japanese species of Anthoccrotae. Hasegawa, J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 21-28, 1984. A Distribution. Flora. 5182 Fifty years of Chinese bryology. Wu, P-C. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 29-38, 1984. B Miscellaneous. 5183 Preliminary studies on the floristic characteristics and geographic distribution of mosses in the Qinling Range. Zhang, M-X. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 39-43, 1984. M Flora. Distibution. 5184 Studies in the liverwort flora of western Ghats with special reference to Maharashtra, India. Joshi, D. J., Biradar, N. V. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 45-52, 1984. H Flora. India. 5185 Colonization by bryophytes following recent volcanic activity on an antarctic island. Lewis Smith, R. I. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 53-63, 1984. B Antarctica. Ecology. 5186 Development of terricolous moss communities in subalpine coniferous forests of Mt. Fuji. Nakamura, T. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 65-77, 1984. B Ecology. Succession. 5187 An investigation of bryophyte distribution and ecology along an altitudinal gradient in the Andes of Colombia. van Reenen, G. B. A., Grdstein, S. R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 79-84, 1984. B Distribution. Flora. 5188 Bryophytes of the mangrove forest. Thaithong, O. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 85-87, 1984. B Ecology. Flora. 5189 Moss epiphytes of tree-ferns in a warm-temperate forest, New Zealand. Beever, J. E. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 89-95, 1984. M Epiphytes. Flora. New Zealand. 5190 Scanning electron microscopy of spores of some Indian liverworts. Udar, R., Sribastava, S. C. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 97-103, 1984. H SEM. Spores. India. 5191 The bulbils of the Lepidoziaceae. Hassel De Menendez, G. G. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 105-114, 1984. H Bulbils. Gemmae. Reproduction. 5192 A survey of asexual reproductive diaspores in the Nigerian moss flora. Egunyomi, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 115-121, 1984. M Reproduction. 5193 Sexual dimorphism in some Japanese species of Macromitrium. Une, K. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 123-132, 1984. M Reproduction. Sexuality. 5194 The nucleotide sequences of 5S ribosomal RNAs from four bryophytes. Katoh, K., Hori, H., Osawa, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 133-138, 1984. H RNA. Ribosomes. Evolution. Molecular Biology. Phylogeny. 5195 Characteristics of heterochromatin in liverworts modification of chromatin structure and DNA replication. Masubuchi, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 139-145, 1984. H Cytology. DNA. Chromatin. Molecular Biology. 5196 Growth measurement in bryophytes. A case study. Russell, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 147-157, 1984. B Growth. Physiology. Measurement. Methodology. 5197 Growth and photosynthesis of a moss Plagiomnium maximoviczii (Lindb.) Kop. (1) Effects of light intensity. Shimizu, H., Takeuchi, Y., Satake, K., Totsuka, T. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 159-166, 1984. M Physiology. Growoth. Photosynthesis. 5198 Onset of reproductive phase in the moss Bryum argenteum Hedw., involvement of cyclic AMP. Bhatla, S. C. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 167-173, 1984. M Reproduction. Physiology. Cyclic AMP. Molecular Biology. 5199 Studies on the reproductive biology of the moss Bartramidula bartramioides. Effect of hormones and chelates. Mehra, K. (nee Rahbar, K. R.) J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 175-180, 1984. M Reproduction. Plant Hormone. 5200 Analysis of formation of "fairy rings" in the moss Physcomitrium sphaericum. Yoshida, K., Yamamoto, K. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 181-186, 1984. M Physiology. Fairy Rings. 5201 Influence of stress conditions on the fatty acid patterns of the moss Leptobryum pyriforme. Vandekerkhove, O., Euler, R., Kohn, G., Hartmann, E. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 187-193, 1984. M Physiology. Fatty acid. Stress. 5202 Meristem organization and morphogenesis in gemmae of Riella helicophylla (Bory et Mont.) Mont. Stange, L. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 195-200, 1984. H Morphogenesis. Meristem. Gemmae. 5203 Isolation and culture of protoplasts from the liverwort cell suspension cultures and the moss protonemata. Ono, K., Okamoto, K. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 201-207, 1984. H Cultrue. Protonema. Protoprast. 5204 New cyclopentenonyl fatty acids from Japanese mosses. Ichikawa, T., Yamada, K., Namikawa, M., Sakai, K., Kondo, K. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 209-213, 1984. M Fatty acid. Chemistry. 5205 Some biologically active substances isolated from Hepaticas, terpenoids and lipophilic aromatic compounds. Asakawa, Y. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 215-219, 1984. H Chemistry. Terpenoids. Aromatic. Biological Active. 5206 Sesquiterpenes from Taiwanese liverworts. Wu, C-L. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 221-226, 1984. H Chemistry. Terpenoids. Taiwan. 5207 Biosystematic studies on Frullania jackii and F. davurica. Mues, R., Hattori, S., Asakawa, Y., Grolle, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 227-239, 1984. H Chemistry. Biosystematics. Taxonomy. 5208 Elemental composition of the aquatic liverwort Jungermannia vulcanicola Steph. in acid streams. Satake, K., Shimizu, H., Nishikawa, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 241-248, 1984. H Pollution. Elemental composition. 5209 Pretunularic acid, a probable immediate precursor of lunularic acid, in suspension-cultured cells of Marchantia polymorpha. Ohta, Y., Abe, S., Komura, H., Kobatashi, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 249-254, 1984. H Chemistry. Culture. Aromatic. 5210 Electrophoretic evidence of cross-fertilization in the monoecious Pellia epiphylla, n=9. Zielinski, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 255-262, 1984. H Electrophoresis. Speciation. Taxonomy. 5211 Electrophoretic and cytological study of the Pellia epiphilla and P. borealis complex. Zielinski, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 263-269, 1984. H Electrophoresis. Cytology. Speciation. Taxonomy. 5212 Bryopteris und Cyclolejeunea Fossil in Dominikanischem Bernstein. Grolle, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 271-280, 1984. H Fossil. Paleontology. 5213 The rediscovery and neotypification of Neckera angustifolia CM an endemic of Mexico. Smith, D. K. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 281-286, 1984. M Taxonomy. Distribution. Flora. Neotype. Mexico. 5214 Revision of Svalbard bryophytes. III. The genus Sphagnum. Flatberg, K. I., Frisvoll, A. A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 287-319, 1984. M Flora. Taxonomy. Svalbard. Antarctic. 5215 Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 7. Calatholejeunea paradoxs, C. lamii (sp. nov.) and Plagiolejeunea zantenii (gen. et sp. nov.). Mizutani, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 331-338, 1984. H Taxonomy. 5216 New species of Fossombronia from Australia. Scott, G. A. M., Pike, D. C. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 339-349, 1984. H Taxonomy. Australia. 5217 Morphology of the urban moss, Tortula pagorum in sterile culture. Studlar, S. M., Caponetti, J. D., Sharp, A. J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 351-368, 1984. M Culture. Morphology. Gemmae. 5218 The genus Orthotrichum Hedw.(Musci) in Australasia: A taxonomic revision. Lewinsky, J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 369-460, 1984. M Taxonomy. Flora. 5219 Checklist of Brazilian liverworts and hornworts. Yano, O. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 56, 481-548, 1984. H, A List. Brazil. 5220 A revision of Indochinese Homaliodendron. Ninh, T. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 57, 1-39, 1984. M Taxonomy. Flora. Indochina. 5221 Endostomial architecture in diplolepideous mosses Shaw, J., Rohrer, J. R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 57, 41-61, 1984. M Morphology. Peristome Teeth. 5222 Notulae bryologicae, XI. Noguchi, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 57, 63-70, 1984. M Taxonomy. 5223 Inorganic elements in some aquatic bryophytes from streams in New Caledonia. Satake, K., Iwatsuki, Z., Nishikawa, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 57, 71-82, 1984. M Chemistry. Pollution. Aquatic Bryophyte. New Caledonia. 5224 Breutelia in Brazil with notes on the occurrence of the genus in the New World. Griffin, D. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 57, 83-95, 1984. M Taxonomy. Flora. Distribution. Brazil. 5225 Cytological studies on antarctic mosses II. Przywarz, L., Kuta, E., Ochyra, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 57, 127-137, 1984. M Cytology. Antarctica. Chromosomes. 5226 Ultrastructure of sporogenesis in the moss, Amblystegium riparium II. Spore wall development. Brown, R. C., Lemmon, B. E. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 57, 139-152, 1984. M TEM. Morphology. Sporogenesis. 5227 Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 8. Japanese species of the subgenus Taeniolejeunea of the genus Cololejeunea. Mizutani, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 57, 153-170, 1984. H Taxonomy. Flora. 5228 Early ontogeny of gametophores in Conocephalum conicum (L.) Dumortier. Hollensen, R. H., Calfin, B. B. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 57, 171-178, 1984. H Development. Morphogenesis. 5229 Morphogenesis of branch leaves of Sphagnum magellanicum Brid. Holcombe, J. W. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 57, 179-240, 1984. M Morphogenesis. Development. 5230 Taxonomical studies on Asian Anthocerotae IV. A revision of the genera Anthoceros, Phaeoceros and Folioceros in Japan. Hasegawa, J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 57, 241-272, 1984. A Taxonomy. 5231 Studies on the leaf structure in some species of Leucobryaceae. II. Leucophanes octoblepharioides Brid. (Leucophaneae). Ligrone, R. R J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 57, 273-283, 1984. M Morphogenesis. Morphology. 5232 The evolutionary and taxonomic significance of peristome morphology in Anomobryum (Bryaceae, Musci). Shaw, J., Fife, A. J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 57, 285-298, 1984. M Morphology. Peristome teeth. Taxonomy. Evolution. 5233 Lectotypification of Racomitrium a ne, R. heterostichum, R. microcarpon, R. obtusum, and R. sudeticum. Frisvoll, A. A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 57, 299-318, 1984. M Typification. Nomenclature. Taxonomy. 5234 On the development, evolution, and function of peristomes in mosses. Shaw, J., Robinson, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 57, 319-335, 1984. M Peristome teeth. Evolution. Development. 5235 Seasonal dependence of the essential oil from Bazzania trilobata. The stereochemistry and absolute configuration of (-)-5-hydroxycalamenene. Huneck, S., Janicke, S., Meinunger, L.Snatzke, G., Connoly, J.D., Asakawa, Y. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 57, 337-342, 1984. H Chemistry. Essential oil. 5236 Cytotaxonomic studies of the Japanese species of Fissidens Hedw. (Musci). Iwatsuki, Z., Inoue, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 57, 343-362, 1984. M Cytology. Chromosomes. Taxonomy. 5237 Peristome homology in Mielichhoferia and a taxonomic account of North American species. Shaw, J., Crum, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 57, 363-381, 1984. M Morphology. Taxonomy. North America. 5238 Comparative study of chemical constituents of Marchantia species. Asakawa, Y., Toyota, M., Bischler, H., Campbell, E. O., Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 57, 383-389, 1984. H Chemotaxonomy. Chemistry. Terpenoids. 5239 Little known species of Latin American Frullania subsen. Chonanthelia (Hepaticas). 2. Yuzawa, Y. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 57, 391-403, 1984. H Taxonomy. Flora. 5240 New Caledonian Frullaniaceae. Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 57, 405-426, 1984. H Taxonomy. New Caledonia. 5241 Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 9. Cololejeunea lanciloba and its related species in Japan. Mizutani, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 57, 427-442, 1984. H Taxonomy 5242 Further karyological studies of some species of Thuidiaceae (Musci). Inoue, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 57, 443-454, 1984. M Taxonomy. Cytology. Karyotype. Chromosomes. 5243 A revision of the genus Ctenidium (Musci). Nishimura, N. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 58, 1-82, 1985. M Taxonomy. 5244 Bryological expedition to New Caledonia and Fuji, 1982. Organized by the Hattori Botanical Laboratory. Iwatsuki, Z., Kitagawa, N. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 58, 83-86, 1985. M, H. Taxonomy. 5245 The Isobryalian mosses collected by Dr. Z. lwatsuki in New Caledonia. Noguchi, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 58, 87-109, 1985. M Taxonomy. Flora. 5246 Radula collections made by Drs. Z. lwatsuki and N. Kitagawa in New Caledonia. Yamada, K. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 58, 111-130, 1985. H Taxonomy. Flora. 5247 Nitrate reductase from thalli of Marchantia polymorpha. Takio, S., Takami, S., Hino, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 58, 131-137, 1985. H Physiology. Nitrate Reductase. Enzyme. 5248 Confirmation and typification of Neckera pachycarpa Schimp. ex Besch. in Mexico with notes on F. M. Liebmann's travels in 1841. Smith, D. K. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 58, 139-147, 1985. M Taxonomy. Nomenclature. Mexico. 5249 A generic revision of the Funariaceae (Bryophyta Musci). Part I. Fife, A. J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 58, 149-196, 1985. M Taxonomy. 5250 Miscellanea hepaticologica 231-240. Grolle, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 58, 197-202, 1985. H Taxonomy. 5251 The chemistry of Sphaerophorus scrobiculatus. Huneck, S., Tibell, L. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 58, 203-205, 1985. H Chemistry. Chemotaxonomy. Taxonomy. 5252 Elemental analyses of Pohlia nutans growing on coal seeps in Pennsylvania. Webster, H. J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 58, 207-224, 1985. M Chemistry. Elemental substance. Mineral contents. USA. 5253 Biosystematic studies of the Tortula ruralis complex. I. Variation of taxonomic characters in culture. Mishler, B. D. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 58, 225-253, 1985. M Taxonomy. Biosystematics. Culture. 5254 Austral Hepaticas V(2). Temperate and subantarctic Schistochilaceae of Australasia. Schuster, R. M., Engel, J. J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 58, 255-539, 1985. H Taxonomy. Flroa. Antarctica. 5255 A taxonomic revision of the genus Gollania Broth. (Musci). Higuchi, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 59, 1-77, 1985. M Taxonomy. 5256 The correlation between taxonomy and peristome structure in the Bryaceae. Shaw, J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 59, 79-100, 1985. M Taxonomy. Morphology. Peristome Teeth. 5257 A collection of Frullania from Papua New Guinea. Hattori, S., Streimann, H. S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 59, 101-121, 1985. H Taxonomy. Flora. New Guinea. 5258 A preliminary study of Chinese Frullania flora. Hattori, S., Lin, P-J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 59, 123169, 1985. H Taxonomy. Flora. China. 5259 Survey of the Hepaticas and Anthocerotae of the Sunshine Coast Region, Queensland. Windolf, J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 59, 171-176, 1985. A, H. Flora. Distribution. Australia. 5260 Catalase of liverwort Marchantia polymorphs, its properties and comparison with plant and microbial catalases. Ishida, A., Rokka, R., Ono, K. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 59, 177-183, 1985. H Physiology. Catalase. Enzyme. 5261 A phenetic and phylogenetic analysis of the Hylocomiaceae and Rhytidiaceae. Rohrer, J. R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 59, 185-240, 1985. M Taxonomy. Phenetic Analysis. Phylogeny. 5262 A generic revision of the Hylocomiaceae. Rohrer, J. R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 59, 241-278, 1985. M Taxonomy. 5263 Effect of some auxins and cytokinins on bud formation in the moss Anisothecium molliculum (Mitt.) Broth. Kumra, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 59, 279-301, 1985. M Physiology. Development. Plant Hormones. Morphogenesis. Auxin. 5264 Exostomial ornamentation in the Bryales. Shaw, J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 59, 303-324, 1985. M Peristome Teeth. Morphology. 5265 The Macromitrium complex in Australasia (Orthotrichaceae Bryopsida). Part I. Taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships. Vitt, D. H., Ramsay, H. P. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 59, 325-451, 1985. M Taxonomy. Phylogeny. 5266 The Macromitrium complex in Australasia (Orthotrichaceae, Bryopsida). Part II. Distribution, ecology, and paleogeography. Vitt, D. H., Ramsay, H. P. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 59, 453-468, 1985. M Taxonomy. Distribution. Ecology. Paeogeography. 5267 Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 10. Some Asiatic species of the genus Lopholejeunea. Mizutani, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 59, 469-480, 1985. H Taxonomy. 5268 Current state of Latin American bryology. Matteri, C. M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 59, 481-486, 1985. B Miscellaenous. Latin America. 5269 Sexual dimorphism in the Japanese species of Macromitrium Brid. (Musci; Orthotrichaceae). Une, K. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 59, 487-513, 1985. M Spores. Sex Dimorphism. Sexuality. Reproduction. 5270 Geographical distribution of male and female plants in species of Macromitrium Brid. (Musci; Orthotrichaceae) in Japan. Une, K. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 59, 515-521, 1985. M Spores. Sex Dimorphism. Sexuality. Reproduction. 5271 Factors restricting the formation of normal male plants in the isosporous species of Macromitrium (Musci; Orthotrichaceae) in Japan. Une, K. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 59, 523-529, 1985. M Spores. Sex dimorphism. Sexuality. Reproduction. 5272 A revision of Pogonattim sect. Racelopus, sect. nov., including Racelopus Dozy & Molk., Pseudoracelopus Broth., and Racelopodopsis Ther. Touw, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60, 1-33, 1986. M Taxonomy. 5273 A revision of the genus Bruchia Schwaegr. (Musci). Rushing, A. E. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60, 35-83, 1986. M Taxonomy. 5274 Comparative spermatogenesis in the Jungermanniales (Hepaticas). II. The blepharoplast of Bazzania trilobata. Rushing, A. E., Carothers, Z. B. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60, 85-95, 1986. H Morpholgy. Sperm. TEM. 5275 Ultrastructural studies of spermatogenesis in the Anthocerotales. IV. The blepharoplast and mid-stage spermatid of Notothylas. Renzaglia, K. S., Carothers, Z. B. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60, 97-104, 1986. A Morphology. Sperm. TEM. 5276 Marchantia polymorpha L. s. lat. karyotype analysis. Bischler, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60, 105-117, 1986. H Cytology. Chromosomes. 5277 Peristome structure in the Orthotrichaceae. Shaw, J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60, 119-136, 1986. M Peristome Teeth. Morphology. 5278 In vitro production and behaviour of protonemal gemmae in Hyophila involuta (Hook.) Jaeg. Sharma, P., Chopra, R. N. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60, 137-141, 1986. M Morphology. Protonema. Gemma. Culture. 5279 Notulae bryologicae, XII. Noguchi, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60, 149-158, 1986. M Taxonomy. 5280 A collection of Bartramiaceae from Peru. Griffin III, D., Hegewald, E. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60, 159-165, 1986. M Taxonomy. Peru. 5281 New records of bryophytes of Victoria, Australia. Vollebergh, P. J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60, 167-170, 1986. B Flora. Distribution. Australia 5282 Overview of the phytogeography of the moss flora from southern Patagonia, at 51ß-52ß south latitude. Matteri, C. M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60, 171-174, 1986. M Phytogeography. Flora. Patagonia. Algentin. 5283 An alphabetical list of the species and infraspecific taxa of the genus Radula (Radulaceae). Yamada, K. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60, 175-186, 1986. H Taxonomy. 5284 The chemistry of three species of Scapania (Hepaticae) from the Polish High Tatra Mountains. Huneck, S., Urbaniak, L., Asakawa, Y., Grolle, R., Janicke, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60, 187-191, 1986. H Chemistry. Essential Oil. Poland. 5285 Studies on callus induction, its growth and differentiation in Marchantia palmata Nees. 1. Effect of some amino acids, complex organic substances and activated charcoal. Chopra, R. N., Dhingra-Babbar, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60, 193-202, 1986. H Morphogenesis. Cultrue. Physiology. Growth. Medium. Method. 5286 A synopsis of New Caledonian Frullaniaceae. Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60, 203-207, 1986. H Taxonomy. Checklist. 5287 Frullania collection made by Dr. H. Akiyama on Seram Island. Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60, 239-253, 1986. H Taxonomy. 5288 The sporeling development of Blasia pusilla L. Bartholomew, S. W. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60, 255-261, 1986. H Sporelings. Development. 5289 A list of bryophytes from Bali (Indonesia) collected by E. and P. Hegewald in 1981. Hegewald, E., van Zanten, B. O. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60, 263-269, 1986. M, H. Distribution. Flora. 5290 Sporangioceros nipanica Sharma et al., a petrified primitive bryophyte from the Jurassic of Rajmahal Hills, India Sharma, B. D., Suthar, O. P. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60, 271-274, 1986. B Fossils. Paleontology. Jurassic. India. 5291 Seppeltia, a new leafy genus of Metzgeriales from Macquarie Island. Grolle, R., Seppelt, R. D. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60, 275-282, 1986. H Taxonomy. Macquarie Isl. 5292 An annotated checklist of Philippine Hepaticas Tan, B. C., Engel, J. J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60, 283-355, 1986. H Checklist. Flora. Philippine. 5293 Notes on the Plagiochilaceae XIII. Review of the genus Plagiochila (Dum.) Dum. in mainland Australia. Inoue, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60, 357-378, 1986. H Taxonomy. Flora. Australia. 5294 The Anthocerotae collected by Drs. Z. lwatsuki and N. Kitagawa in New Caledonia and Fiji. Hasegawa, J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60, 379-390, 1986. A Taxonomy. Flora. Fiji. New Caledonia. 5295 Establishment and growth characterization of suspension cultures of cells from Barbula unguiculata. Takio, S., Kajita, M., Takami, S., Hino, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60, 407-417, 1986. Physiology. Culture. Growth. 5296 A preliminary study of Chinese Lepidoziaceae flora. Mizutani, M., Chang, K. C. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60, 419-437, 1986. H Taxonomy. Flora. China. 5297 Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 11. Cololejeunea spinosa and its Lejeunea spinosa related species in Japan. Mizutani, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60, 439-450, 1986. H Taxonomy. 5298 Clyptogonium replaces Pursellia (Musci, Pterobryaceae). Isoviita, P. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60, 451-453, 1986. M Taxonomy. Nomenclature. 5299 The Macromitrium complex in Australasia (Orthotrichaceac Bryopsida). Part III. Cytotaxonomy. Ramsy, H. P., Vitt, D. H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 61, 1-43, 1987. M Cytotaxonomy. Chromosomes. Australia. 5300 A revision of the genus Pilotrichidium and Diploneuron (Musci, Hookeriaceae). Allen, B. H., Grosby, M. R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 61, 45-64, 1987. M Taxonomy. 5301 A taxonomic study of the genus Handeliobryum Broth. (Musci, Thamnobryaceae). Ochyra, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 61, 65-74, 1987. M Taxonomy. 5302 Bud formation in the moss Garckea phascoides (Hook.) C. Muell. 1. Effects of auxins, cytokinins and their interaction. Chopra, R. N., Sarla, ?. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 61, 75-92, 1987. M Morphogenesis. Plant Hormone. Growth. Physiology. Bud Formation. 5303 Studies on bud induction in the moss Hymenostomum edentulum (Mitt.) Besch. Dhingra-Babbar, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 61, 93-99, 1987. M Mdorphogenesis. Plant Hormone. Growth. Physiology. Bud. 5304 Nuclear vacuoles in the sporocytes of five species of Musci. Karasawa, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 61, 101-108, 1987. M Morphology. TEM. Sporocyte. 5305 Factors affecting protonemal growth and differentiation in three mosses grown in vitro. Mehta, P. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 61, 109-121, 1987. M Physiology. Protonema. Culture. 5306 A taxonomic revision and phylogenetic analysis of Grimmia and Schistidium (Bryopsida; Grimmiaceae) in China. Cao, T., Vitt, D. H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 61, 123-247, 1987. M Taxonomy. China. 5307 Miscellanea hepaticologica 241-250. Grolle, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 61, 249-255, 1987. H Taxonomy. 5308 Notulae bryologicae, XIII. Noguchi, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 61, 257-268, 1987. M Taxonomy. 5309 A new Acromastigum-like species of Bazzania S. Gray from Bhutan. Kitgawa, N., Grolle, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 61, 269-272, 1987. H Taxonomy. Flora. 5310 Notes on the Dicnemonaceae (Musci), II. The status of Dicnemon rugosum and Werneriobryum geluense. Allen, B. H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 61, 273-280, 1987. M Taxonomy. 5311 Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 12. Mastigolejeunea humilis and its related species from Asia. Mizutani, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 61, 281-297, 1987. H Taxonomy. Flora. 5312 Lejeuneaceae from Seram Island, Indonesia. Mizutani, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 61, 299-308, 1987. H Taxonomy. Flora. Indonesia. 5313 Sciaromiadelphus A. Abr. & 1. Abr. - the relationship between extant and fossil moss specimens. Ochyra, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 61, 309-332, 1987. M Phylogeny. Fossil. Paleontology. 5314 Revision of the genus Squamidium (Musci, Meteoriaceae). Allen, B. H., Grosby, M. R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 61, 423-476, 1987. M Taxonomy. 5315 Some species of Lejeuneaceae from New Guinea. Mizutani, M., Piippo, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 61, 477-485, 1987. H Taxonomy. New Guinea. 5316 Spore germination and protonemal development of Fontinalis squamosa. Glimem, J. M., Knoop, B. C. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 61, 487-497, 1987. M Sporelings. Protonema. Devleopment. Culture. 5317 Effects of simulated acidic rain and lead interaction on the phenology and chlorophyll content of Pleurozium schreberi (Brid.) Mitt. Raeymaekers, G., Glime, J, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 61, 525-541, 1987. M Physiology. Phenology. Acid Rain. Ecology. Pollution. 5318 A revision of the Dicnemonaceae (Musci). Allen, B. H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 62, 1-100, 1987. M Taxonomy. 5319 Growth model for Fontinalis duriaei based on temperature and flow conditions. Glime, J. M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 62, 101-109, 1987. M Growth. Physiology. 5320 Effect of auxins on in vitro formation and behaviour of gemmae in Bryum capillare Hedw. Sarla, ?. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 62, 111-119, 1987. ? Culture. Auxin. Physiology. Gemma. 5321 In vitro studies on spore germination, protonemal differentiation and bud formation in three Himalayan mosses. Vashistha, B. D., Chopra, R. N. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 62, 121-136, 1987. M Sporeing. Protonema. Morphogenesis. Bud. Differentiation. 5322 Effect of auxins and cytokinins on protonemal growth and bud formation in two mosses grown in vitro. Mehta, P. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 62, 137-150, 1987. M Physiology. Growth. Protonema. Morphogenesis. Auxin. 5323 Bud formation in the moss Garckea phascoides (Hook.) C. Muell. II. Effect of some growth regulators. Sarla, ?. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 62, 151-160, 1987. M Physiology. Growth. Protonema. Morphogenesis. Bud. Plant Hormon. Growth Regulator. 5324 Studies on Colombian cryptogams XXVIII. A guide to the tropical Andean species of Riccardia (Hepaticae). Meenks, J. L. D. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 62, 161-182, 1987. H Taxonomy. Flora. Colombia. 5325 Notulae bryologicae XIV. Noguchi, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 62, 183-190, 1987. M Taxonomy. 5326 A preliminary study of the genus Radula from Queensland, Australia. Yamada, K. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 62, 191-200, 1987. H Taxonomy. Flora. Australia. 5327 Das Vorkommen von Polyaminen in Moosen. Hegwald, E., Kneifel, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 62, 201-203, 1987. M Taxonomy. Flora. Distribution. 5328 The moss flora of the Gulf of St. Lawrence region ecology and phytogeography Belland, R. J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 62, 205-267, 1987. M Distribution. Phytogeography. Canada. 5329 Coenzyme requirements of nitrate reductase in extracts from suspension cultured cells of four bryophyte species. Takio, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 62, 269-280, 1987. M, H. Coenzyme. Physiology. Nitrate Reductase. Culture. Enzyme. 5330 Phaeoceros laevis (L.) Prosk. and P. carolinianits. (Michx.) Prosk., their spores. Hassel de Menendez, G. G. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 62, 281-288, 1987. A Taxonomy. Spore Morphology. 5331 Notes on the type specimens of Radula taxs from Latin America 4. Yamada, K. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 62, 289-298, 1987. H Taxonomy. Latin America. 5332 Studies on Metzgeriales 1. North American Aneuraceae. Schuster, R. M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 62, 299-329, 1987. H Taxonomy. Flora. 5333 The genus Fissidens in Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore (a preliminary study). Iwatsuki, Z., Haji Mohamed, M. A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 62, 339-360, 1987. M Taxonomy. Flora. Malaysia. Singapore. 5334 Lejeuneaceae from Papua New Guinea collected by Dr. H. lnoue. Mizutani, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 62, 361-366, 1987. H Taxonomy. New Guinea. 5335 Studies on Fossombronia in Australia II. Fourteen more new species. Scott, G. A., Pike, D. C. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 62, 367-386, 1987. H Taxonomy. Flora. 5336 A revision of the moss genus Sc-iaromium (Mitt.) Mitt. II. The section Limbidium Dusen, with a description of Vittia gen. nov. (Vittiaceae fam. nov.). Ochyra, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 62, 387-415, 1987. M Taxonomy. 5337 The montane moss flora of southwestern British Columbia and northwestern Washington State. Spence, J. R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 62, 417-483, 1987. M Flora. Canada. USA. 5338 The disjunct moss element of the Gulf of St. Lawrence region, glacial and postglacial dispersal and migrational histories. Belland, R. J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 63, 1-76, 1987. Paleogeography. Flora. Migration. Dispersal. Canada. 5339 New species of Sphagnum from South America. Crum, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 63, 77-97, 1987. M Taxonomy. South America. 5340 Studies on Fossombronia in Australia III. Taxonomic and nomenclatural problems. Scott, G. A. M., Pike, D. C. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 63, 99-105, 1987. H Taxonomy. Nomenclature. 5341 A revision of the moss genus Sciaromium (Mitt.) Mitt. III. The section Platyloma Broth. Ochyra, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 63, 107-132, 1987. M Taxonomy. 5342 A taxonomic monograph of Forsstroemia Lindb. (Bryopsida, Leptodontaceae). Stark, L. K. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 63, 133-218, 1987. M Taxonomy. 5343 Effects of simulated acidic rain and lead on the biomass, nutrient status, and heavy metal content of Pleurozium schreberi (Brid.) Mitt. Raeymaekers, G. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 63, 219-230, 1987. M Acid Rain. Physiology. Heavy Metal. Pollution. 5344 In vitro induction of buds in the moss Bryum atrovirens. Chopra, R. N., Vashistha, B. D. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 63, 231-235, 1987. M Morphogenesis. Protonema. Culture. 5345 Callus initiation, its growth and differentiation in the liverwort Asterella wallichiana (Lehm. et Lindenb.) Grolle I. - Effect of auxins and cytokinins. Kumra, K., Chopra, R. N. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 63, 237-245, 1987. H Morphogenesis. Plant Hormones. Culture. 5346 A monograph of Lepidoziaceae subfam. Lembidioideae (Hepaticae). Schuster, R. M., Engel, J. J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 63, 247-350, 1987. H Taxonomy. 5347 Development of transfer cells in the haustorium vaginula complex of Physcomitrium cyathicarpum Mitt. - an ultrastructural study. Chauhan, E., Lal, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 63, 373-394, 1987. M Morphology. Transfer Cell. Haustroium. Vaginula. TEM. 5348 Limbella fryei (Williams) Ochyra distinct from L. tricostata (Sull.) C. M. (Musci, Amblystegiaceae). Christy, J. A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 63, 395-410, 1987. M Taxonomy. 5349 Notes of the Lejeuneaceae. 13. Some Asiatic species of the genus Thysananthus. Mizutani, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 63, 411-419, 1987. H Taxonomy. Asia. 5350 A new species of Lepidozia (Hepaticae) from Seram Island, Indonesia. Doei, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 63, 421-424, 1987. H Taxonomy. Indonesia. 5351 Morphological and chemical studies of the taxonomy of 14 Frullania species, subgenus Chonanthelia. Yuzawa, Y., Mues, R., Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 63, 425-436, 1987. H Taxonomy. 5352 Miscellanea hepaticologica 251-260. Grolle, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 63, 437-443, 1987. H Taxonomy. 5353 Notes on Isopterygium Mitt. (Plagiotheciaceae). lwatsuki, Z. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 63, 445-451, 1987. M Taxonomy. 5354 Cytotaxonomic studies of Plagiothecium B. S. G. and its related genera. Inoue, S., Iwatsuki, Z. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 63, 453-471, 1987. M Cytotaxonomy. Chromosomes. 5355 New Caledonian Leucobryum (Musci). Yamaguchi, T., lwatsuki, Z. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 63, 473-491, 1987. M Taxonomy. Flora. New Caledonia. 5356 Hepatics from Papua New Guinea collected by Dr. G. Shea. Piippo, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 63, 493-498, 1987. H Taxonomy. Flora. New Guinea. 5357 Tropical forest bryophytes. Synusiae and strategies. Richards, P. W. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 64, 1-4, 1988. B Ecology. Epiphytes. Forest. 5358 Morphological adaptations of the Jungermanniales (Hepaticae) to the tropical rainforest habitat. Thiers, B. M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 64, 5-14, 1988. H Adaptation. Morphology. Tropical Rainforest. 5359 Life-history strategies among bryophytes of arid regions. Longton, R. E. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 64, 15-28, 1988. B Ecology. Arid Regions. Life Histry. Strategy. 5360 Another view of familial delimitation in the Hookeriales. Buck, W. R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 64, 29-36, 1988. M Taxonomy. 5361 The phylogeny and classification of Mniaceae and Rhizogoniaceae (Musci). Koponen, T. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 64, 37-46, 1988. M Phylogeny. Classification. 5362 Relationships in the order Marchantiales (Hepaticae). Bishler, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 64, 47-57, 1988. H Classification. Taxonomy. 5363 Family relations - structural bases in the Jungermanniales. Vana, J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 64, 59-66, 1988. H Calssification. Taxonomy. 5364 Concepts of sectional and subgeneric levels in the genus Plagiochila (Hepaticae). Inoue, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 64, 67-70, 1988. H Taxonomy. Classification. 5365 A proposal for a new classification of the genera within the Anthocerotopbyta. Hassel de Mentndez, G. G. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 64, 71-86, 1988. A Classification. Taxonomy. 5366 A proposal for a new system of the Anthocerotae, with a revision of the genera. Hasegawa, J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 64, 87-95, 1988. A Calssification. Taxonomy. 5367 Chemical evolution of mono- and sesquiterpenoids of liverworts. Asakawa, Y. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 64, 97-108, 1988. H Terpenoids. Phylogeny. Chemotaxonomy. Chemistry. Taxonomy. 5368 The chemotaxonomy of phenolic compounds in bryophytes. Mues, R., Zinsmeister, H. D. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 64, 109-141, 1988. B Chemistry. Phenol. Chemotaxonomy. Aromatic. 5369 A preliminary survey of allozyme variation in the genus Plagiothecium (Plagiotheciaceae, Bryopsida). Hofman, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 64, 143-150, 1988. M Taxonomy. Speciation. Allozymes. 5370 Chemosystematic features of the constituents of Taiwanese liverworts. Wu, C-L., Chang, S-J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 64, 151-157, 1988. H Chemotaxonomy. Chemistry. Taiwan. 5371 On the taxonomic significance of secondary metabolites in the Lejeuneaceae (Hepaticae). Grdstein, S. R., Asakawa, Y., Mues, R., Klein, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 64, 159-168, 1988. H Chemotaxonomy. Secondary Metabolites. Taxonomy. 5372 In vitro production of apogamy and apospory in bryophytes and their significance. Chopra, R. N. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 64, 169-175, 1988. B Morphogenesis. Apogamy. Apospory. Phylogeny. 5373 Cytological and biosystematic studies on some Australasian mosses. Ramsay, H. P. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 64, 177-186, 1988. M Cytotaxonomy. Chromosomes. Biosystematics. Australia. 5374 The ultrastructure of the sporophyte-gametophyte junction and its relationship to bryophyte evolution. Ligrone, R., Gambardella, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 64, 187-196, 1988. B Evolution. Vaginula. Transfer Cells. Haustrium. TEM. 5375 Fine structure of the meristematic cells of Takakia lepidozioidts Hatt. & H. Inoue (Takakiophyta). Crandall-Stotler, B., Bozzola, J. J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 64, 197-218, 1988. M TEM. Morphology. 5376 Different developmental processes underlie similar spermatozoid architecture in mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Renzaglia, K. S., Duckett, J. G. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 64, 219-236, 1988. M, H. A. Sperm. Morphology. TEM 5377 Ecology, reproductive biology and dispersal of Hepaticas in the tropics. Schuster, R. M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 64, 237-269, 1988. H Reproduction. Dispersal. 5378 Haesselia, a new genus of Cephaloziaceae (Hepaticae) from Mt. Roraima, Guyana. Grolle, R., Grdstein, S. R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 64, 327-334, 1988. H Taxonomy. Flora. 5379 New taxa and new combinations of mosses proposed by Andrey S. Lazarenko. Ochyra, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 64, 335-346, 1988. M Taxonomy. 5380 Taxonomic study of Venezuelan members of Frullania Raddi subg. Meteoriopsis Spruce. Kron, K. A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 64, 347-358, 1988. H Taxonomy. Flora. 5381 The morphology and distribution of pits in the cell walls of Sphagnum. Baker, R. G. E. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 64, 359-365, 1988. M Morphology. Leaf. Cell Wall. 5382 The subantarctic and southern hemispheric species of Campylopus (Dicranaccae), with contributions to the origin and speciation of the genus. Frahm, J. -P. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 64, 367-387, 1988. M Taxonomy. Antarctica. Speciation. 5383 Notes of the Lejeuneaceae. 14. Asiatic species of the genus Caudalejeunea. Mizutani, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 64, 389-399, 1988. H Taxonomy. Asia. 5384 In vitro studies on spore germination, protonemal differentiation and bud formation in three mosses grown in vitro. Mehta, P. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 64, 401-410, 1988. M Sporelings. Growth. Culture. Protonema. 5385 In vitro Behaviour of gemmae in Trematotodon brevicalyx and Semibarbula orientalis. 1. Effect of light and some growth regulators. Dhingra-Babbar, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 64, 411-427, 1988. M Physiology. Growth. Gemmae. Growth Regulator. Light. Plant Hormon. 5386 Establishment of suspension cultures of cells from the hornwort, Anthoceros punctatus L. Takami, S., Yasunaga, M., Takio, S., Kimura, J., Hino, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 64, 429-435, 1988. A Physiology. Culture. 5387 Some little-known species of Frullania subsen. Diastaloba described from Latin America. Yuzawa, Y. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 64, 437-449, 1988. H Taxonomy. Latin America. 5388 Studies of Chinese bryophytes (1). Bruchia Schwaegr. (Musci, Dicranaceae). Cao, T., Gao, C. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 64, 451-458, 1988. M Taxonomy. Distribution. China. 5389 Studies on Leucodon (Leucodontaceae, Musci) and related genera in East Asia. IV. Taxonomic revision of Leucodon in East Asia. Akiyama, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 65, 1-80, 1988. M Taxonomy. East Asia. 5390 Beitrage zur Systematik und Bryogeographic einiger Sippen von Tortula Hedw. sect. Rurales De Not. (Pottiaceae, Musci) unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Sudhemisphare. Kramer, W. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 65, 81-144, 1988. M Speciation. Taxonomy. Phytogeography. 5391 Annotated catalogue of the Hepaticas and Anthocerotae of Borneo. Menzel, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 65, 145-206, 1988. H, A. Checklist. Flora. Borneo. 5392 Observations on alga-moss associations. Abou El-Kheir, W. S., El-Saadawi, W. E., Darwish, M. H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 65, 303-309, 1988. M Ecology. 5393 Studies of Chinese bryophytes (2). Trematodon Michx. (Musci, Dicranaceae). Cao, T., Gao, C. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 65, 323-334, 1988. M Taxonomy. Flora. China. 5394 Results of a bryogeographical expedition to East Africa in 1968, IV. Ochyra, R., Sharp, A. J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 65, 335-377, 1988. M Taxonomy. Flora. East Africa. 5395 The genus Radula from Cuba. Yamada, K. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 65, 379-390, 1988. H Taxonomy. Flora. Cuba. 5396 Induction and morphogenesis of cultured cells of bryophytes. Ono, K., Murasaki, Y., Takamiya, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 65, 391-401, 1988. B Morphogenesis. Culture. Physiology. 5397 Miscellanea hepaticologica 261-270. Grolle, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 65, 403-410, 1988. H Taxonomy. 5398 Frullania flora of Mt. Albert Edwards, Papua New Guinea. Hattopi, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 65, 411-453, 1988. H Taxonomy. Flora. New Guinea. 5399 A revision of the genus Riccardia S. F. Gray in New Zealand with notes on the genus Aneura Dum. Brown, E. A., Braggins, J. E. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 66, 1-132, 1989. H Taxonomy. Flora. 5400 In vitro behaviour of gemmae in Trematodon brevicalyx and Semibarbula orientalis. II. Effect of activated charcoal, coconut milk, octopine and tryptophan. Dhingra-Babbar, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 66, 299-306, 1989. M Physiology. Gemmae. Culture. Method. 5401 Canalohypopterygium gen. nov. (Hypopterygiaceae, Musci). Ein Beitrag zur systematischen Stellung von Canalohypopterygium commutatum (Hypopterygium commutattum) und Catharomnium ciliatum. Frey, W., Schaepe, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 66, 263-270, 1989. M Taxonomy. 5402 A catalogue of the bryophytes of the Guianas. 1. Hepaticas and Anthocerotae. Gradstein, S. R., Hekking, W. H. A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 66, 197-230, 1989. H, A. Checklist. Flora. Guiana. 5403 Marsupidium in Guayana. Grolle, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 66, 337-342, 1989. H Taxonomy. Flora. Guana. 5404 Dr. Akira Noguchi, Prof. Emeritus. 1907-1988. Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 66, i-iii, 1989. M Mischellaneous. Biography. 5405 On the bryogeography of Western Melanesia. Hyvonen, J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 66, 231-254, 1989. B Distribution. Phytogeography. Melanesia. 5406 Bryological publications by Prof. Akira Noguchi. Iwatsuki, Z. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 66, v-xiii, 1989. M Biography. Bibliography. 5407 Effects of some metal ions on protonemal growth and bud formation in the moss Timmiella anomala grown in aseptic cultures. Kapur, A., Chopra, R. N. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 66, 283-298, 1989. M Physiology. Growth. Morphogenesis. 5408 Peroxidases as taxonomic characters. IV. Scapania undulata (L.) Dum. versus S. uliginosa (Sw.) Dum. Krzakowa, M., Urbaniak, L. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 66, 331-335, 1989. H Peroxidase. Speciation. 5409 Ecological gradient analysis of the genus Frullania on Nit. Albert Edward, Papua New Guinea. Li, X., Glime, J. M., Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 66, 359-369, 1989. H Ecology. Flora. New Guinea. 5410 Notes on two southern South American species of Brachytheciaceae (Musci). Matteri, C. M., Ochyra, ? J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 66, 321-330, 1989. M Taxonomy. Flora. South America. 5411 Notes of the Lejeuneaceae. 15. Three species of the genus Trocholejeunea. Mizutani, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 66, 271-281, 1989. H Taxonomy. 5412 New or interesting records of Brazilian bryophytes. Schafer-Verwimp, A., Vital, D. M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 66, 255-261, 1989. B Distribution. Flora. Taxonomy. Brazil. 5413 A synoptic review of Philippine Sematophyllaceae with emphasis on Clastobryoideae and Heterophylloideae (Musci). Tan, B. C., Buck, W. R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 66, 307-320, 1989. M Checklist. Taxonomy. Flora. Distribution. Philippine. 5414 An additional checklist of Brazilian bryophytes. Yano, O. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 66, 371-434, 1989. B Checklist. Flora. Brazil. 5415 Studies on the type specimens of Latin American Frullania species (1). Yuzawa, Y., Koike, N. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 66, 343-358, 1989. H Nomeclature. Taxonomy. Latin America. 5416 A revision of the Australasian Thuidiaceae (Musci), with notes on species from adjacent regions. Touw, A., Falter-Van den Haak, L. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 1-57, 1989. M Taxonomy. Flora. 5417 Studies on the hepatic flora of the Prince Edward Islands. I. Aneuraceae. Schuster, R. M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 59-108, 1989. H Taxonomy. Flora. 5418 Spore-wall ornamentation as an aid in identifying the southern African species of Riccia (Hepaticae). Perold, S. M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 109-201, 1989. H SEM. Spore. South Africa. 5419 Animadversions on the moss genus Cratoneuron (Sull.) Spruce. Ochyra, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 203-242, 1989. M Taxonomy. 5420 Adelanthus am Mt. Roraima. Grolle, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 243-247, 1989. H Taxonomy, Flora. 5421 Miscellanea Hepaticologica 271-280. Grolle, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 249-254, 1989. H Taxonomy. 5422 New Caledonian Fissidentaceae (Musci). Iwatsuki, Z., Suzuki, T. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 267-290, 1989. M Taxonomy. Flora. New Caledonia. 5423 Miztania riccardioides, gen. et sp. nov.(Mizutaniaceae, fam. nov.), a unique liverwort from tropical Asia. Furuki, T., Iwtsuki, Z. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 291-296, 1989. H Taxonomy. Asia. 5424 Electrophoretic studies in Marchantia polymorpha L. Boissflier-Dubayle, M. C., Bishler, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 297-311, 1989. H Electrophoresis. Isozymes. Speciation. Taxonomy. Enzyme. 5425 New or interesting records of Brazilian bryophytes, II. Schafer-Verwimp, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 313-321, 1989. B Distribution. Flora. Brazil. 5426 Studies on callus growth and differentiation in the liverwort Mannia dichotoma. Kapur, A., Chopra, R. N. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 323-330, 1989. H Development. Physiology. Culture. 5427 Effect of some cytokinins on growth and gemma cup formation in Marchantia palmata Nees. Kumura, S., Chopra, R. N. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 331-334, 1989. H Growth. Development. Plant Hormone. Gemma Cup. Cytokinin. 5428 Does the orthotrichaceous type of peristome exist? A study of peristome evolution in the genus Orthotrichum Hedw. with a possible derivation of the haplolepidous peristome. Lewinsky, J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 335-363, 1989. M Morphology. Peristome Teeth. Evolution. Classification. 5429 Chemical constituents and chemosystematics of Radula species (liverworts). Takikawa, K., Tori, M., Asakawa, Y. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 365-371, 1989. H Chemotaxonomy. Terpenoid. Taxonomy. 5430 Sesquiterpene lactones from in vitro cultures of the liverwort Ricciocarpos natans. Wurzel, G., Becker, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 373-375, 1989. H Terpenoid. Chemotaxonomy. Taxonomy. 5431 Phytochemical studies of the moss species Plagiomnium elatum and Plagiomnium cuspidatum. Anhut, S., Seeger, T., Zinsmeister, H. D., Geiger, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 377-382, 1989. M Chemotaxonomy. Speciation. Flavonoids. 5432 New synthesis of tricetin and some of its analogues. Laas, H.J., Eicher, T. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 383-387, 1989. H Flavonoid. 5433 A rapid HPLC-fingerprint system for flavonoids of bryophytes. Siegel, U., Zinsmfister, H. D., Stein, W. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 389-394, 1989. B Flavonoid. HPLC. Chemistry. Chemotaxonomy. Method. 5434 Glutamate dehydrogenase in Sphagnum species. Jacubowski, S., Rudolph, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 395-398, 1989. M Chemotaxonomy. Enzyme. Glutamate Dehydrogenase. Taxonomy. 5435 Regulation, purification and characterization of nitrite-reductase from Sphagnum magellanicum Brid. Popperl, G., Rudolph, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 399-406, 1989. M Nitrite Reductase. Physiology. Enzyme. 5436 Peroxidase patterns in bryophytes; a critical evaluation. Matlok, J., Krzakowa, M., Rudolph, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 407-414, 1989. B Peroxidase. Speciation. Electrophoresis. Enzyme. Taxonomy. 5437 Identification of hydroxycinnamic and phenolic acids in Mnium hornum and Brachythecium rutabulum and their possible role in protection against herbivory. Davidson, A. J., Harborne, J. B., Longton, R. E. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 415-422, 1989. M Taxonomy. Herbivory. Aromatic. Protection. 5438 A sandwich technique for the continuous monitoring of air pollutants with the bryophyte Sphagnum. Kirchhoff, M., Rudolph, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 67, 423-431, 1989. M Technique. Pollution. Monitoring. Method. 5439 Annotated catalogue of Chinese Hepaticae and Anthocerotae. Piippo, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 68, 1-192, 1990. H, A. Checklist. Flora. List. China. 5440 On the peristome types found in the Fissidentaceae and their importance for the classifications. Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., Berendsen, W. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 68, 193-234 1990., M Taxonomy. Peristome Teeth. Classification. SEM. 5441 Cladistic relationships between the main peristome types of the Fissidentaceae. Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., Roos, M. C. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 68, 235-238, 1990. M Clasistics. Peristome Teeth. 5442 Some observations on the embryology of Calobryum indicum. Mehra, P. N., Kumar, D. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 68, 239-253, 1990. H Embryology. Developement. Morphology. 5443 Bryum bicolor Dicks. and Funaria hygrometrica Hedw. develop remarkable persisting structures in extreme environment. El-Saadawi, W. E., Zanaty, M. S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 68, 285-291, 1990. M Ecology. Adaptation. Extreme habitat. 5444 On the relationships of Thamnobryum negrosense (Bartr.) Iwats. & Tan (Musci: Thamnobryaceae). Ochyra, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 68, 293-302, 1990. M Taxonomy. 5445 Studies on Geocalycaceae. I. The taxonomic position of Chiloscyphus amplectens (Mitt.) Engel & Schust. together with refinements in Heteroscyphus Schiffn. Engel, J. J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 68, 303-315, 1990. H Taxonomy. 5446 A taxonomic revision of the family Ditrichaceae (Musci) of Japan, Korea and Taiwan. Matsui,T., Iwatsuki, Z. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 68, 317-366, 1990. M Taxonomy. Taiwan. Korea. 5447 Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 16. Drepanolejeunea thwaitesiana and its related species from Asia. Mizutani, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 68, 367-380, 1990. H Taxonomy. Asia. 5448 Hepaticae of Bhutan II. Long, D.G., Grolle, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 68, 381-440, 1990. H Taxonomy. Flora. Bhutan. 5449 Glutamate dehydrogenase and glutamine synthetase in Sphagnum species. Takami, S., Nishizaki, T., Harada, M., Ngumi, V. W., Takio, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 68, 441-447, 1990. M Physiology. Enzyme. Glutamate Synthetase. Glutamate Dehydrogenase. 5450 New hepatic records from New Guinea. Streimann, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 1-19, 1991. H Flora. New Guinea. 5451 Eco-physiological responses of Tortula ruralis upon transplantation around a power plant in west Hungary. Meenks, J.L.D., Tuba, Z., Csintalan, Z. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 21-35, 1991. M Ecology. Physiology. Polution. Hungary. 5452 Notes on the Thuldiaceae in Asia. Watanabe, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 37-47, 1991. M Taxonomy. Asia. 5453 Cell wall ornamentation in the hyaline cells of Sphagnum. Anderson, L. E., Ammann, K. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 49-63, 1991. M SEM. Morphology. Cell Wall. 5454 A phenetic and cladistic study of the Campylopodioideae. Frahm, J. -P. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 65-78, 1991. M Phenetics. Cladistics. Taxonomy. 5455 Studies on Geocalycaceae (Hepaticas). II. Stolonivector, a new genus from New Zealand. Engel, J. J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 79-86, 1991. H Taxonomy. Flora. New Zealand. 5456 Notes on the type specimens of Radula taxa from Latin America 5. Yamada, K. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 87-99, 1991. H Taxonomy. Latin America. 5457 Taxonomy of Phaeoceros laevis subsp. carolinianus its and its allied taxa in Japan and its adjacent region. Hasegawa, J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 101-106, 1991. A Taxonomy. East Asia. 5458 Effect of some chemical factors on growth and differentiation of callus in the liverwort Mannia dichotoma grown in vitro. Kapur, A., Chopra, R. N. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 107-115, 1991. H Physiology. Growth. Callus. Culture. 5459 Zur Anatomic der Blattchenrippe von Dicranum tauricum Sap. Hegewald, E. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 117-119, 1991. M Morphology. Leaf. Anatomy. 5460 On the taxonomic position of Hylocomium indicum Dixon (Musci, Hylocomiaceae). Ochyra, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 121-127, 1991. M Taxonomy. Classification. 5461 Scapania in Queensland, Australia. Hicks, M. L. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 129-132, 1991. H Taxonomy. Flora. Australia. 5462 Growth responses of Ceratodon purpureus in culture. Seppelt, R. D., Hancock, R. J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 133-145, 1991. M Growth. Physiology. Culture. 5463 Contribution to the knowledge of the bryophyte flora of Espirito Santo, Brazil. Schafer-Verwimp, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 147-170, 1991. B Flora. Distribution. Brazil. 5464 Physiological characteristics and morphogenetic potential of long-term cultured cell lines in bryophytes. Harashima, S., Ono, K. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 171-184, 1991. H Physiology. Morphogenesis. Culture. 5465 Miscellanea hepaticologica 281-290. Grolle, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 185-194, 1991. H Taxonomy. 5466 The occurrence of flavonoids in the moss family Bryaceae. Stlin, W., Zinsmfister, H. D. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 195-202, 1991. M Chemotaxonomy. Flavonoid. Taxonomy. 5467 Taxonomic studies on Australian Meteoriaceae (Musci). 1: Introduction and the genus Papillaria. Streimann, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 203-256, 1991. M Taxonomy. Australia. 5468 The genus Leptostomum R. Brown (Musci) in southern South America. Matteri, C. M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 257-264, 1991. M Taxonomy. Flora. 5469 Rhyitidiadelphus japonicus (Reimers) Kop. in North America. Schofield, W. B., Talbot, S. S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 265-267, 1991. M Taxonomy. Distribution. North America. 5470 Effect of some chelating agents on protonemal growth and differentiation in three mosses grown in vitro. Chopra, R.N., Mehta, P. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 269-276, 1991. M Physiology. Growth. Protonema. Culture. Chelating Agent. 5471 Taxonomic studies on Australian Meteoriaceae (Musci). 2: The genera Aerobryopsis, Barbella, Floribundaria, Meteoriopsis, Meteorium and Weymouthia. Streimann, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 277-312, 1991. M Taxonomy. Australia. 5472 A partial clarification of the Lembophyllaceae. Crum, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 313-322, 1991. M Taxonomy. 5473 A monograph of the Calymperaceae of China. Reese, W. D., Lin, P-J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69, 323-372, 1991. M Taxonomy. Flora. China. 5474 Dr. Hiroshi Inoue, 1932-1989. Hattori, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 70, i-iv, 1991. B Biography. Miscellaneous. 5475 On the phytogeography of western Melanesian Hepaticae. A literature review. Enroth, J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 70, 1-42, 1991. M Taxonomy. Geography. Bibliography. Melanesia. 5476 Taxonomic studies on Australian Meteoriaceae (Musci). 3: Papillaria nitens (Hook. f. & Wils.) Sainsb. Streimann, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 70, 43-50, 1991. M Taxonomy. Australia. 5477 On neotenic species of Radula. Schuster, R. M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 70, 51-62, 1991. H Taxonomy. 5478 Studies on Geocalycaceae (Hepaticas). IV. Lamellocolea, a new genus of Leptoscyphoideae from New Zealand. Engel J. J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 70, 63-78, 1991. M Taxonomy. Flora. New Zealand. 5479 New reflections on the taxonomy of Pleuroziaceae supported by flavonoid chemistry. Mues, r., Klein, R., Gradstein, S. R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 70, 79-90, 1991. H Chemotaxonomy. Flavonoid. Taxonomy. 5480 Miscellaneous notes on Asiatic mosses, especially Malesian Sematophyllaceae (Musci) and others. Tan, B. C. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 70, 91-106, 1991. M Taxonomy. Melanesia. 5481 In vitro studies on growth and gametangial formation in Riccia discolor. Effect of physical factors. Gupta, A., Sarla, ?., Chopra, R. N. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 70, 107-117, 1991. H Growth. Gametangium. Physiology. Culture. 5482 Polytrichaceae (Musci) in Taiwan (China). Hyvonen, J., Lai, M-J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 70, 119-141, 1991. M Taxonomy. Flora. Taiwan. 5483 Diagnoses on new taxa of Hepaticas. I. Jungermanniidae. Schuster, R. M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 70, 143-150, 1991. H Taxonomy. 5484 Lipophilic constituents from the Panamanian liverwort Monoclea gottschei subsp. neotropica. Sporle, J., Becker, H., Allen, N. S., Gupta, M. P. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 70, 151-155, 1991. H Chemotaxonomy. Taxonomy. Lipid. Panama. 5485 Bryophytes des iles Philippines. I. Le genre Leptolejeunea (Spruce) Steph. Onraedt, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 70, 157-166, 1991. H Taxonomy. Flora. Philippine. 5486 A monograph of subgen. Chonanthelia of gen. Frullania (Hepaticae) of the world. Yuzawa, Y. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 70, 181-291, 1991. H Taxonomy. 5487 A taxonomical revision of the Aneuraceae (Hepaticae) of Japan. Furuki, T. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 70, 293-397, 1991. H Taxonomy. 5488 On the phytogeographical affinities of temperate and tropical Asiatic and Australasiatic hepatics. Piippo, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71, 1-35, 1992. H Taxonomy. Flora. 5489 Studies on protonemal differentiation and bud formation in Philonotis lancifolia Mitt. and Trematodon brevicalyx Dixon. Effect of some purine derivatives. Chopra, R. N., Dhingra-Babbar, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71, 37-45, 1992. M Morphogenesis. Protonama. Purine. 5490 Effect of some cytokinins on growth and archegonial formation in the liverwort Riccia discolor Lehm. et Lindenb. grown in vitro. Chopra, R. N., Gupta, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71, 47-54, 1992. H Hormones. Growth. Archegonium. 5491 New or interesting records of Brazilian bryophytes, III Schafer-Verwimp, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71, 55-68, 1992. B Flora. Distribution. Brazil. 5492 Studies of Chinese bryophytes (3). Revision of Grimmia chenii Lin (Bryopsida, Grimmiaceae). Cao, T., Gao, C., Zhao, J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71, 69-73, 1992. M Taxonomy. 5493 Corrections to Cryptoleptodon, Forrstroemia and Leptodon (Leptodontaceae, Musci). Enroth, J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71, 75-82, 1992. M Taxonomy. 5494 Moss genus Papillaria (Meteoriaceae) in the Pacific. Streimann, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71, 83-111, 1992. M Taxonomy. Flora. Pasific. 5495 Queensland liverworts Reboulia Raddi. Hicks, M. L. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71, 113-117, 1992. H Distribution. Australia. 5496 New or otherwise interesting records of Brazilian bryophytes. Vital, D. M., Pursell, R. A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71, 119-122, 1992. B Distribution. Brazil. 5497 Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 17. Lejeunea curviloba and its related species from Japan. Mizutani, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71, 123-132, 1992. H Taxonomy. 5498 A revision of the East-Asian species of Campylopus. Frahm, J. -P. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71, 133-164, 1992. M Taxonomy. East Asia. 5499 Orthodontopsis, a new genus of Bryaceae (Musci) from southern Siberia, USSR. Iganatov, M. S., Tan, B. C. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71, 165-173, 1992. M Taxonomy. Sibelia. Rusia. 5500 Preliminary checklist of the mosses of Peru. Menzel, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71, 175-254, 1992. M Checklist. Flora. Peru. 5501 Chromosome study of Mizutania riccardioides (Hepaticae). Inoue, S., Furuki, T. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71, 263-266, 1992. H Chromosome. Cytology. 5502 Studies on Marchantiales, I-III. Schuster, R. M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71, 267-287, 1992. H Taxonomy. 5503 A survey of the mosses of the Lesser Sunda Islands (Nusa Tenggara), Indonesia. Touw, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71, 289-366, 1992. M Taxonomy. Flora. Indonesia. 5504 Studies of Chinese bryophytes (4). The family Theliaceae (Musci). Gao, C., Cao, T. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71, 367-375, 1992. M Taxonomy. Flora. 5505 Bryokhutuliinia jurassica, gen. et spec. nova, a remarkable fossil moss from Mongolia. Ignatov, M. S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 71, 377-388, 1992. M Fossils. Paleontology. Mongolia. 5506 The genus Orthotrichum Hedw. (Orthotrichaceae, Musci) in Southeast Asia. A taxonomic revision. Lewinsky, J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 72, 1-88, 1992. M Taxonomy. Flora. Asia. 5507 The influence of copper and zinc on shoot length and dry weight on Sphagnum palustre and Sphagnum cuspidatum in aqueous cultures. Baker, R. G. E. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 72, 89-96, 1992. M Heavy Metals. Pollution. Aquatic Moss. Physiology. Growth. Culture. 5508 Scanning electron microscopic studies on spores of some Indian Marchantiales. Snath, V., Asthana, A. K. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 72, 97-103, 1992. H SEM. Spore. Morphology. 5509 Studies on Geocalycaceae (Hepaticas). VIII. A revision of Chiloscyphus subg. Notholophocolea (Schust.) Engel & Schust. Engel, J. J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 72, 105-115, 1992. H Taxonomy. 5510 Novelties for the Philippine hepatic flora. Piippo, S., Tan, B. C. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 72, 117-126, 1992. H Taxonomy. Flora. Philippine. 5511 A reconsideration of the Leptostomataceae. Crum, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 72, 127-139, 1992. M Taxonomy. 5512 In vitro studies on male clone of Riccia discolor: Effect of sugars. Sarla, ?. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 72, 141-150, 1992. H Culture. Physiology. Sugar. 5513 The oil-bodies of the Hepaticas. I. Introduction. Schuster, R. M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 72, 151-162, 1992. H Taxonomy. Oil body. Morphology. 5514 The oil-bodies of the Hepaticas. II. Lejeuneaceae (Part 2). Schuster, R. M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 72, 163-359, 1992. H Taxonomy. Oil body. Morphology. 5515 A revision of the genus Leucobryum (Musci) in Asia. Yamaguchi, T. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 73, 1-123, 1993. M Taxonomy. Asia. 5516 Notes on the type specimens of Radula taxa from Latin America 6. Yamada, K. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 73, 125-137, 1993. H Taxonomy. Flora. Latin America. 5517 Genetic variation in the East Asian endemic moss Plagiomnium tezukae. Odrzykoski, I. J., Stoneburner, A., Wyatt, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 73, 139-146, 1993. M Taxonomy. Genetics. Asia. 5518 Unusual cell patterns and development in the branch leaves of Sphagnum. Baker, R. G. E. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 73, 147-158, 1993. M Morphology. Development. Gametophyte. 5519 Notes on the Neckeraceae (Musci). 17. A taxonomic study on the genus Neckeropsis in Africa. Enroth, J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 73, 159-173, 1993. M Taxonomy. Flora. Africa. 5520 Notes on the Lejeuneaceae. 18. Japanese species of the genus Archilejeunea. Mizutani, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 73, 175-182, 1993. H Taxonomy. Flora. 5521 Effect of some chemical factors on growth and archegonial formation in female clone of Riccia frostii Aust. Chopra, R. N., Vashistha, B. D. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 73, 231-247, 1993. H Development. Chemistry. Physiolocy. Gametangium. 5522 Two subgenera of Syrrhpodon: Pseudo-calymperes and Brachybolbos. Reese, W. D. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 73, 249-253, 1993. M Taxiphyllum. 5523 Changes in tryptophan synthase activity in the wild type and auxin - sensitive mutants of the moss Funaria hygrometrica Hedw., accompanying protonema differentation. Kapoor, S., Bhatla, S. C. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 73, 255-262, 1993. M Physiology. Tryptophan. Mutant. Genetics. Protonema. Auxin. Mutant. Enzyme. 5524 Antheridia and sporophytes in Takakia ceratophylla (Mitt.) Grolle: Evidence for reclassification among the mosses. Smith, D. K., Davison, P. G. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 73, 263-271, 1993. M Gametangia. Classification. 5525 Sinske Hattori (1915-1992) eminent bryologist. Sharp, A. J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 74, 3, 1993. B Biography. Miscellaneous. 5526 Bryological publications by Dr. Sinske Hattori. Mizutani, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 74, 5-22, 1993. B Bibliography. Miscellaneous. 5527 The species concept as applied to bryophytes. Schofield, W. B. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 74, 23-27, 1993. B Taxonomy. 5528 Studies on Geocalycaceae. IX. Chiloscyphus hattorii Engel, a new species from New Zealand together with nomenclatural refinements in Australasian Heteroscyphus and Leptoscyphus. Engel, J. J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 74, 29-33, 1993. H Taxonomy. Flora. Australia. 5529 Four new species of Radula from Neotropica. Yamada, K. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 74, 35-43, 1993. H Taxonomy. Flora. 5530 New or little known epiphyllous liverworts, IV. Two new Cololejeuneoideae from the Comoro Archipelago. Pocs, T. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 74, 45-57, 1993. H Taxonomy. Flora. Indonesia. 5531 Two interesting species of Lejeuneaceae from Brazil. Gradstein, S. R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 74, 59-70, 1993. H Taxonomy. Flora. Brazil. 5532 Bryopteres bispinosa spec. nov. (Lejeuneaceae), ein weiteres Lebermoos in Dominikanischem Bernstein. Grolle, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 74, 71-76, 1993. H Taxonomy. Flora. Dominika. 5533 Notes on Himalayan Hepaticae I. Sphaerocarpos subg. Austrosphaerocarpos Schust. in the Nepal Himalaya. Long, D. G. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 74, 77-81, 1993. H Taxonomy. Flora. Nepal. 5534 Spore wall development in the liverwort Fossombronia wondraczekii (Corda) Dum. Brown, R. C., Lemmon, B. E. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 74, 83-94, 1993. H Morphology. TEM. SEM. Spore Wall. Development. 5535 Riccia (sous-genre Riccia) de l'ile de la Reunion. Jovet-Ast, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 74, 95-103, 1993. H Taxonomy. Flora. Reunion. 5536 Cladistic analysis of the hornworts (Anthocerotophyta). Hyvonen, J., Piippo, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 74, 105-119, 1993. A Cladistics. Taxonomy. Classification. 5537 Chemical constituents of 25 liverworts. Hashimoto, T., Asakawa, Y., Nakashima, K., Tori, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 74, 121-138, 1993. H Chemistry. Chemotaxonomy. Terpenoids. 5538 Lectotypification and authorship of Sphagnum fitzgeraldii (Sphagnaceae) Anderson, E. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 74, 139-144. 1993. M Taxonomy. Nomenclature. 5539 New species of Sphagnum from South America. Crum, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 74, 145-154, 1993. M Taxonomy. Flora. South America. 5540 Isozyme variation in the moss Meesia triquetra (Meesiaceae). Montagnes, J. S., Bayer, R. J., Vitt, D. H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 74, 155-170, 1993. M Chemistry. Isozyme. Classification. Taxonomy. 5541 Futher observations on the Ulota crespa complex. Smith, A. J. E., Proctor, M. C. F. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 74, 171-182, 1993. M Taxonomy. Species Complex. 5542 Chromosome studies on some Australasian Orthotrichaceae II. Ulota and Zygodon with additional studies on Orthotrichum, Schlotheimia and Macromitrium. Ramsay, P. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 74, 183-192, 1993. M Cytology. Chromosome. Australia. 5543 Notes on tropical asian thuidiaceae, with two new Malesian species of Thuidium s.l. Touw, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 74, 193-204, 1993. M Taxonomy. Flora. Malesia. 5544 Scanning electron microscope study of spores of the genus Atrichum (Musci:Polytrichaceae). Ireland, R. R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 74, 205-217, 1993. M SEM. Spore. Morphology. Taxonomy. 5545 New records of mosses for Norfolk Island. Streimann, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 74, 219-225, 1993. M Taxonomy. Flora. Norfork Isl. 5546 Noteworthy range extension of Malesian mosses. Tan, C. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 74, 227-233, 1993. M Distribution. Malesia. 5547 New late-Pleistocene moss assemblages from New Englane, U.S.A., and their beaning on the migational history of rhe North American moss flora. Miller, N. G. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 74, 235-248, 1993. M Paleontology. Distribution. Paleobotany. North America. 5548 Mosses in Dominican amber. Frahm, J. -P. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 74, 249-259, 1993. M Taxonomy. Flora. 5549 Vertical profiles of biomass, light intercepting area and light intensity in chalk grassland mosses. van der Hoeven, E. C., Huynen, C. I. J., During, H. J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 74, 261-270, 1993. M Biomass. Ecology. 5550 A checklist of Indochinese mosses. Tan, C., Iwatsuki, Z. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 74, 325-405, 1993. M Checklist. Flora. Indochina. 5551 Genetic differentiation within the moss species Polytrichum alpestre Hoppe. Longton, R. E. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 75, 1-13, 1994. M Genetics. Speciation. 5552 A re-evaluation of Fissidens subgenus Pachyfissidens, with a detailed discussion of Fissidens grandifrons and F. geijskesii. Pursell, R. A., Allen, B. H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 75, 15-22, 1994. M Taxonomy. 5553 A new species of Pleuridium (Musci: Ditrichaceae) from Japan. Deguchi, H., Matsui, T., Iwatsuki, Z. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 75, 23-32, 1994. M Taxonomy. 5554 Tortula subpapillosa and T. papillosa in southen South America with a new combination in Syntrichia. Matteri, C. M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 75, 33-40, 1994. M Taxonomy. Flora. South America. 5555 The subgenera of Mitthyridium (Musci). Reese, W. D. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 75, 41-44, 1994. M Taxonomy. 5556 Miscellaneous notes on Orthotrichum (Bryophyta) 1-3. Lewinsky, J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 75, 45-49, 1994. M Taxonomy. 5557 A new attempt at understanding the Meteoriaceae. Buck, W. R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 75, 51-72, 1994. M Taxonomy. 5558 Taxonomische Notizen zur Gattung Trachycladiella (Fleisch.) stat. nov. (Meteoriaceae, Leucodontales). Menzel, M., Schultze-Motel, W. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 75, 73-83, 1994. M Taxonomy. 5559 New Caledonian Ectropothecium (Musci). Higuchi, M., Iwatsuki, Z. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 75, 83-95, 1994. M Taxonomy. New Caledonia. 5560 Hypnum heseleri sp. nov. (Hypnaceae), a curious new moss from Europe. Ando, H., Higuchi, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 75, 97-105, 1994. M Taxonomy. Europe. 5561 On the possible origin and taxonomic status of Hypnum heseleri Ando & Higuchi. Zanten, B. O., Hofman, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 75, 107-117, 1994. M Taxonomy. 5562 Responses of northern peatlands to climate change: effects on bryophytes. Gignac, L. D., Vitt, D. H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 75, 119-132, 1994. B Ecology. Peatland. 5563 Geothermal communities of Ponponyama, Hokkaido, Japan. Glime, J.M., Iwatsuki, Z. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 75, 133-147, 1994. B Ecology. Hot Spring. Hokkaido. 5564 Can one tell the mire type from the bryophytes alone. Slack, N. G. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 75, 149-159, 1994. B Mire. Ecology. 5565 Chemical constituents of some moss species. Dembitsky, V. M., Rezanka, T. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 75, 161-172, 1994. M Chemistry. TAxonomy. 5566 On the identity of Jungermannia groenlandica Nees. Damsholt, K. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 75, 173-178, 1994. H Taxonomy. 5567 A new Mastigophora (Hepatophyta) from New Guinea. Miller, H., Miller, H. A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 75, 179-182, 1994. H Taxonomy. New Guinea. 5568 Frullania taxa of some islands of Micronesia. Koike, N. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 75, 183-192, 1994. H Taxonomy. Flora. Micronesia. 5567 A Frullania (Hepaticae) collection made by Dr. M. Higuchi in Nepal. Yuzawa, Y., Koike, N. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 75, 193-199, 1994. H Taxonomy. Flora. Nepal. 5568 On the identity of Phragmicoma lehmanniana Nees and other species described in the genus Phragmicoma (Studies on Lejeuneaceae subfam. Ptychanthoideae 23). Geissler, P., Gradstein, S. R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 75, 201,-209, 1994. H Taxonomy. Flora. 5569 Studies on Lejeuneaceae, I. Preliminary studies on new genera of Lejeuneaceae. Schuster, R. M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 75, 211-235, 1994. H Taxonomy. Flora. 5570 Patagonian bryophytes 12 On Treubia scapanioides Schust. Hassel de Menendez, G. G. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 75, 237-242, 1994. H Taxonomy. Flora. 5571 The developmental anatomy of Mizutania riccardioides Furuki & Iwatsuki, an exotic liverwort from south-east Asia. Crandall-Stotler, B. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 75, 243-255, 1994. H Anatomy. Classification. East Asia. 5572 Taxonomic studies of Asiatic of Aneuraceae (Hepaticae). I. Riccardia subgen. Corioneura Furuki. Furuki, T. Hattori Bot. Lab. 75, 257-261, 1994. H Taxonomy. Flora. Asia. 5573 Corsinia coriandrina et Riccia ciliata subsp. canescens (Hepaticae) mouvelles pour le Chili. Mahu, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 75, 263-265, 1994. H Taxonomy. Chili. 5574 A remarkable new species of Phaeoceros (Anthocerotae) with canaliculate-striate spore surfaces. Hasegawa, J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 75, 267-273, 1994. A Taxonomy. SEM. Spore. 5575 Phytogeography and habitat ecology of western Melanesian endemic Hepaticae. Piippo, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 75, 275-293, 1994. H Distribution. Phytogeography. Ecology. Habitat. 5576 Suggestions for the delimitation of the Leucodontaceae and the infrageneric classification of the genus Leucodon. Akiyama, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 76, 1-12, 1994. M Taxonomy 5577 On the evolution and circumscription of the Neckeraceae (Musci). Enroth, J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 76, 13-20, 1994. M Taxonomy 5578 New Calssification of Anthocerotae. Hasegawa, J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 76, 21-34, 1994. A Taxonomy 5579 On the present state of study of Western Melanesian Lejeuneaceae. Piippo, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 76, 35-40, 1994. H Taxonomy. Melanesia. 5580 Molecular phylogenetic aspects of genetical and physiological studies of moss development. Ashton, N. W., Antonishyn, N. A., Chapco, W. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 76, 41-57, 1994. M Physiology. Molecular. Genetics. Development 5581 The function of abscisic acid in bryophytes. Hartung, W., Hellwege, E. M., Volk, O. H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 76, 59-74, 1994 H Physiology. Abscisic acid. ABA. 5582 Growth characteristics of bryophyte cell cultures. Takio, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 76, 67-74, 1994 H, M Growth. Culture. Physiology. 5583 The role of growth suppression in leafy liverwort morphogenesis and phylogeny. Basile, M. R., Vasile, D. V. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 76, 75-85, 1994 H Growth. Morphogenesis. Phylogeny. 5584 Phylogenetic relationships within Plagiomnium section Rosulata. Wyatt, R., Stoneburner, A., Odrzykoski, I. J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 76, 87-95, 1994. M Phylogeny. Cladistic Analysis. 5585 Scope and significance of studies on reproductive biology of bryophytes. Soderstrom, L. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 76, 97-103, 1994. M Reproduction. 5586 Phenological study in two dioecious mosses, Atrichum rhystophyllum (C.Muell.) Par. and Pogonatum inflexum (Lindb.) Lac. Imura, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 76, 105-114, 1994. M Reproduction, Phenology. 5587 The role of reporduction for persistence of bryophyte populations in transient and stable habitats. Herber, T. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 76, 115-126, 1994. M Ecology, Reproduction. 5588 The evolutionary significance of asexual reproduction in mosses. Newton, A. E., Mishler, B. D. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 76, 127-145, 1994. M Evolution, Reproduction. 5589 Population genetics of bryophytes in relation to their reproductive biology. Wyatt, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 76, 147-157, 1994. B Genetics. Population. Reproduction. 5590 Reproductive biology in bryophytes. The challenge and the opportunities. Longton, R. E. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 76, 159-172, 1994. B Reproduction. 5591 Terpenoids from the Hepaticae. Connolly, J. D. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 76, 263-272, 1994. H Chemistry, Terpenoid 5592 Phenolic compounds other than flavonoids from bryophytes. Toyota, M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 76, 273-281, 1994. H Chemistry, Phenolic. Aromatic. 5593 Secondary metabolites from bryophytes in virtro cultures. Becker, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 76, 283-291, 1994. H, A Culture. Chemistry. Socondary Metabolite. 5594 Chemosystematics of Hepaticae. Asakawa, Y. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 76, 293-311, 1994. H Chemistry. Chemotaxonomy. Taxonomy. Chemosystematic. 5595 Vegetative dispores in Japanese mossses. Imura, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 77, 177-232, 1994. M ? 5596 Miscellaneous notes on the genus Sphagnum. 5. New and notable species of South America. Crum, H. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 77, 233-253, 1994. M Taxonomy. South America. 5597 A re-evaluation of Fissidens subgenus Serridium section Amblyothallia. Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., Pursell, R. A., Iwatsuki, Z. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 77, 255-272, 1994. M Taxonomy. 5598 Studies on Scapania, Hepaticae. Sectio Rufidulae and sectio Nemorosae. Potemkin, A. D. Hattori Bot. Lab. 77, 273-285, 1994. H Taxonomy. 5599 On the occurrence of primary pit field cells in the caulidia of Hookeria lucens (Hedw.) Sm. (Bryopsida, Bryophyta). Cortella, A., Ron, E., Estebanez, B., Alfayate, C. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 77, 287-294, 1994. ? Taxonomy. 5600 Karyological studies on some species of the family Meteoriaceae (Musci). Inoue, S., Iwatsuki, S., Noguchi, A. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 77, 295-306, 1994. M Taxonomy. Chromosome. 5601 Effect of chloral hydrate on vegetative growth and gametangial induction in the male clone of Riccia discolor Lehm. et Lindb. Sarla, ?. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 77, 307-314, 1994. H Pollution. Growth. Development. 5602 Occurrence of bryophytes in areas polluted with organopollutants and on nearby vegetaion, preliminary notes. Visnadi, S. R., Matheus, D. R., Vital, D. M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 77, 315-323, 1994. B Pollution.