k037 #6068-6152 old file: koke95Y1 白崎仁(6123-6148) Rev. by H. Deguchi, Oct. 1996 6068 Trifarienols A-E, trifarane-type sesquiterpenoids from the Malaysian liverwort Cheilolejeunea trifaria. Hashimoto, T., Koyama, H., Takaoka, S., Asakawa, Y. Phytochemistry 40, 171-176, 1995. H Chemistry. Terpenoid. Malaysia. 6069 13-epi-homoverrucosane derivatives and other diterpenoids from Plagiochila (Hepaticae). Valcic, GS., Huch, V., Veith, M., Becker, H. Phytochemistry 40, 199-203, 1995. H Chemistry. Terpenoid. 6070 Sesquiterpene/quinol from a New Zealand liverwort, Riccardia grassa. Perry, N. B., Foster, L. M. J. Nat. Prod. 58, 1131-1135, 1995. H Chemistry. Terpenoid. New Zealand. 6071 Clerodane- and halimane-type diterpenoids from the liverwort Jungermannia hyalina. Nagashima, F., Tanaka, H., Kan, Y., Huneck, S., Asakawa, Y. Phytochemistry 40, 209-212, 1995. H Chemistry. Terpenoid. 6072 Distribution of acetylenic acids and polar lipids in some aquatic bryophytes. Dembitsky, V. M., Rezanska, T. Phytochemistry 40, 93-97, 1995. B Chemistry. Lipid. 6073 On the ecological and evolutionary significance of branch and leaf morphology in aquatic Sphagnum. Rice, S. K., Schuepp, P. H. Am. J. Bot. 82, 833-846, 1995. M Anatomy. Morphology. 6074 Cauronemal gravitropism and amyloplast sedimentation in teh moss Funaria. Schwuchow, J. M., Kim, D., Sack, F. D. Can J. Bot. 73, 1029-1035, 1995. M Physiology. 6075 Physiology.Ecology of aquatic bryophyte assemblages in 54 small Finnish lakes. Karttunen, K., Toivonen, H. Ann. Bot. Fenn. 32, 75-90, 1995. B Flora. Ecology. 6076 Pohlia cardotii (Bryaceae, Musci) found in Eurasia (Russia, Kamrchaka Peninsula). Czernyadjeva, I. V. Ann. Bot. Fenn. 32, 137-139, 1995. M Flora. Russia. Kamrchaka. 6077 Morphology and sporeling development of Fossombronia wondraczekii var. loitlesbergeri (Hepaticae). Srivastava, S. C., Sharma, D. Phyton 35, 63-77, 1995. H Flora. Morphology. Sporeling. 6078 Reassesmnet of the first lichen and moss collections from Heimefrontfjella, Dronning Maud Land. Thor, G. Antarct. Sci. 7, 261-264, 1995. M Flora. Antarctic. 6079 Regeneration und Verschmeizung nackter Laubmoss-protoplasten. Binding, H. Z. Pflanzenphysiol. 55, 305-321, 1966. M Protoplast. Regeneration. Physiology. 6080 Control of differentiation in fern allies and bryophytes. Bopp, M. Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol. 19, 361-380, 1968. B Physiology. Development. 6081 Gametophyte development in ferns and bryophytes. Brandes, H. Ann. Rev. plant Physiol. 24, 115-128, 1973. B Development. Physiology. Gametophyte. 6082 Enzymatic isolation of protoplasts from the liverwort Spherocarpos donnellii Aust. Schieder, O., Wenzel, G. Z. Naturforschung 27, 479-480, 1972. H Protoplast. Physiology. 6083 Regeneration of the moss Physcomitrella patens (Hedw.) from isolated protoplasts. Stumm, I., Meyer, Y., Abel, W. O. Plant Sci. Lett. 5, 113-118, 1975. M Physiology. Protoplast. Development. 6084 Callus tissues from the mosses Polytrichum and Atrichum. Ward, M. Science 132, 1401-1402, 1960. M Callus. 6085 The development of leafy gametophytes from isolated protoplast of Polytrichum junipericum. Gay, L. Z. Pflanzenphysiol. 79, 32-39, 1976. M Development. Physiology. Protoplast. 6086 Regeneration of the isolated protoplasts from nicotine acid deficient mutants of the liverwort Sphaerocarpos donnellii Aust. Wenzel, G., Schieder, O. Plant Sci. Lett. 1, 421-423, 1973. H Protoplast. Development. Mutant. 6087 Das Heterochromatin der Moose. I. Heitz, E. Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 69, 762-818, 1928. M Cytology. Chromosome. 6088 Early DNA synthesis of heterochromatin and replication of Y-chromosome in Pellia neesiana. Masubuchi, M. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 84, 24-29, 1971. H Chromosome. DNA Synthesis. Cytology. 6089 *Evidence of early replicating DNA in heterochromatin. Masubuchi, M. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 86, 319-322, 1973. B Chromosome. DNA Synthesis. Cytology. 6090 Cell population kinetics in the intestinal epithelium of the moss. Quastler, H., Sherman, F. G. Exp. Cell Res. 17, 420-438, 1959. M Physiology. Growth. 6091 Structural sex chromosomes of two species in Plagiochila. Segawa, M. Jpn. J. Genet. 32, 197-201, 1957. H Cytology. Chromosome. Structure. 6092 Karyological studies of in liverworts, with special reference to structural sex chromosomes. Segawa, M. J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ. Ser. B. Div. 2. 10, 81-148, 1965. H Cytology. Chromosome. Structure. 6093 Early DNA synthesis in the X-chromosome of Pellia neesiana. Tatsuno, S., Tanaka, R., Masubuchi, M. Cytology 35, 220-226, 1970. H Cytology. DNA Synthesis. Chromosome. 6094 H3-thymidine autoradiographic study on the heteropycnosis and DNA synthesis in Calobryum rotundifolium (n=9). Tatsuno, S., Tanaka, R., Yonezawa, Y. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 84, 88-93, 1971. H Cytology. Thymidine. DNA Synthesis. Heteropycnosis. 6095 The effect of carbon dioxide on the growth and vegetative reproduction of Sphagnum cuspidatum in aqueous solution. Baker, R. G., Boatman, D. J. J. Bryol. 13, 399-406, 1985. M Growth. Carbon Dioxide. Physiology. Reproduction. 6096 New procedures of bryophyte culture which permit alteration of the culture medium during the life cycle. Basile, D. V. Bryologist 67, 141-146, 1964. B Method. Culture Media. Physiology. 6097 Experiments on the growth of protonema of Sphagnum papillosum. Boatman, D. J. Bull. Br. Bryol. Soc. 3, 10, 1978. M Growth. Protonema. Physiology. 6098 Inorganic nutrition of the protonemata of Sphagnum papillosum Lindb., Sphagnum magellanicum Brid. and Sphagnum cuspidatum REhrh. Boatman, D. J. New Phytol. 70, 1053-1059, 1971. M Growth. Physiology. Protonema. Nutrition. Media. 6099 Eine einfache Methode, das Substrat wahrend der Entwicklung von Moosprotonemen zu wechseln. Bopp, M., Jahn, H., Klein, B. Rev. Bryol. Lichenol. 33, 219-223, 1964. M Method. Culture. 6100 Regeneration of Sphagnum. Glymo, R. S., Duckett, J. G. New Phytol. 102, 589-614, 1986. M Development. 6101 The ecology of Sphagnum. Glymo, R. S., Hayward, P. M. Bryophyte ecology (Smith, A. J. E., ed.), pp229-290, Chapman & Hall, New York, USA, 1982. M Ecology. 6102 The use of mutant strains in the study of hormone action and metabolism in the moss Physcomitrella patens. Cove, GD. J., Ashton, N. W., Featherstone, D. R., Wang, T. L. Proc. 4th John Innes 231-241, 1979. M Mutant. Hormone. Metabolism. Physiology. 6103 Variation in gametophyte morphology of Sphagnum fallax in aseptic culture. Hintikka, V. Ann. Bot. Fenn. 9, 91-96, 1972. M Morphology. Gametophyte. Culture. 6104 Aspects of the growth and development in Sphagnum cupsidatum. Jones, D. G. Bull. Br. Bryol. Soc. 3, 8-10, 1978. M Growth. Development. 6105 Establishment and growth characterization of suspension culture of cells from the moss, Sphagnum imbricatum. Kajita, M., Takio, S., Takami, S., Hino, S. Physiol. Plant. 70, 21-26, 1987. M Growth. Suspension Culture. Physiology. 6106 Senescence and post-mortem changes in the ultrastructure of Sphagnum fuscum (Klinggr.) Schleich leaf cells. Karunen, P., Kakviainen New Phytol. 100, 419-427, 1985. M Senescence. Physiology. Ultrastructure. 6107 The culture of bryophytes including apogamy apospory, parthenogenesis and protoplasts. Lai, M. The experimental biology of bryophytes (Dyer, A. F., Duckett, J. G., eds.), pp. 97-115, Academic Press, London, UK, 1984. B Apogamy. Apospory. Parhtenogenesis. Protoplast. Culture. 6108 Die Kultur von Hochmoor-Sphagnen unter definierten Bedingungen. Rudolph, H. Beitr. Biol. Pflanz. 39, 153-177, 1963. M Culture. Physiology. 6109 15 Jahre Kultur von Sphagnen unter definierten Bedingungen: Eine Ubersicht uber Resultate, Probleme ind Perspektiven. Rudolph, H. Bryophytorum Bubl. 13, pp. 297-309, J. Cramer, Vaduz, 1978. M Culture. Physiology. 6110 The effect of NH4+ -N and NO3- -N on growth and metabolism of Sphagnum magellanicum. Rudolph, H., Voigt, J. -U. Physiol. ~Plant. 66, 339-343, 1986. M Growth. Physiology. Nutrient. 6111 The effect of various mono- and disaccharides on the growth of Sphagnum nemoreum thalli in sterile cultures. Simola, L. K. Physiol. Plant. 22, 1079-1084, 1969. M Culture. Physiology. Sugar. 6112 The effect of several protein amino acids and some inorganic nitrogen sources on the growth of Sphagnum nemoreum. Simola, L. K. Physiol. Plant. 35, 194-199, 1975. M Amino Acid. Nitrogen Source. Growth. 6113 The tolerance of Sphagnum fimbriatum towards lead and cadmium. Simola. L. K. Ann. Bot. Fenn. 14, 1-5, 1977. M Pollution. Heavy Metal. Tolerance. Ecology. 6114 Regeneration and vegetative propagation of Sphagnum palustre as a factor of stability. Sobotka, D. Acta Soc. Bot. Pol. 25, 357-368, 1976. M Propagation. Growth. Physiology. Development. 6115 The protonema of Sphagnum meridense (Hampe) C. Muell. Anderson, L. E., VCrosby, M. R. Bryologist 68, 47-54, 1965. M Protonema. 6116 The prothallium of Sphagnum palustre L. Bold, H. C. Bryologist 51, 55-63, 1948. M Prothallium. 6117 Studies of the germination of the spore of some mosses. II. Diphyscium fluvifolium Mitt. and Sphagnum cuspidatum Ehrh. Nishida, Y., Saito, S. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 74, 91-97, 1961. M Germination. Sporeling. 6118 Zur Biologie sphagnicoler Basidiomyceten. Simon, E. Ph. D. Thesis, University of Kiel, FRG. M Miscellaneous. Fungi. 6119 Colonization of Sphagnum cells by Lyophyllum palustre. Untiedt, E., Mueller, K. Can. J. Bot. 63, 757-761, 1985. M Physiology. 6120 Isolation and preliminary characterization of auxotrophic and analogue resistant mutants of teh moss, Physycomitrella patens. Ashton, N. W., Cove, FD. J. Mol. Gen. Genet. 154, 87-95, 1977. M Auxotroph. Mutant. Molecular Biuology. 6121 Cytokinins from the moss Physcomitrella patens. Wang, T. L., Horgan, R., Cove, D. J. Plant Physiol. 68, 735-738, 1981. M Cytokinin. Plant Hormon. 6122 The isolation and physiological analysis of mutants of the moss, Physcomitrella patens, which over-produce gametophores. Ashton, N. W., Cove, D. J., Featherstone, D. R. Planta 144, 437-442, 1979. M Physiology. Gametophore. Mutant. 6123 A list of bryophytes from Mt. Kakuda. (角田山塊のコケ植物). Shirasaki, H. Nature of Mt. Kakuda, pp117-132, The Board of Education of Maki-machi and Katahigashi-mura, Niigata, Japan, 1976. (角田山塊の自然, 巻町・潟東村教育委員会) B Flora. List. Niigata. 6124 Bryophyte flora of Mt. Kakuda and Mt. Yahiko, Niigata. (新潟県角田・弥彦山塊のコケ植物相 ) Shirasaki, H. J. Geobotany 26, 103-109, 1979. (北陸の植物) B Flora. Niigata. 6125 新潟県角田弥彦山塊におけるコケ植物の生態分布(講演要旨). Shirasaki, H. 日本植物学会北陸支部会報 21, 4, 1980. B Flora. Niigata. 6126 エビゴケの生態分布について(講演要旨). Shirasaki, H. 日本植物学会北陸支部会報 24, 2, 1983. M Flora. 6127 Ecological distribution of Bryoxiphium norvegicum (Brid.) Mitt. subsp. japonicum (Berggr.) Love et Love. (エビゴケの生態分布) Shirasaki, H. J. Phytogeogr. Taxonomy 32, 59-67, 1984. (植物地理・分類研究) M Flora. Ecology. 6128 Ecological distribution of Porella vernicosa Lindb. and P. fauriei Hatt. (Hepaticae). (ニスビキカヤゴケとケクラマゴケモドキ(苔類)の生態分布.) Shirasaki, H. J. Phytogeogr. Taxonomy 33, 82-95, 1985. (植物地理・分類研究) H Flora. Ecology. 6129 A list of bryophytes from the Naeba Mountain (Nagano and Niigata). (苗場山のコケ植物(長野:秋山郷,新潟:赤湯道)) Shirasaki, H. Research report of natural histry at Sakae-mura I(Plant distribution I),The Board of Education of Sakae-mura, Nagano, Japan, pp97-121, 1985. (長野県栄村自然調査記録I(栄村の植物分布I).長野県下水内郡栄村教育委員会) B Flora. List. Niigata. Nagano. 6130 Ecological distribution of Scapania ciliata S. Lac. and S. parvidens Steph. (Hepaticae). (ウニバヒシャクゴケとコヒシャクゴケ(苔類)の生態分布) Shirasaki, H. J. Phytogeogr. Taxonomy 35, 112-126, 1987. (植物地理・分類研究) H Flora. 6131 Ecological distribution of Bazzania trilobata S. Gray and B. yoshinagana Hatt. (Hepaticae).エゾムチゴケとヨシナガムチゴケ(苔類)の生態分布. Shirasaki, H. J. Phytogeogr. Taxonomy 35, 27-35, 1987. (植物地理・分類研究) H Flora. Ecology. 6132 Scapania ciliata(ウニバヒシャクゴケ)とS. parvidens(コヒシャクゴケ)(苔類)の生態分布(講演要旨). Shirasaki, H. 日本植物学会北陸支部会報 28, 5, 1987. H Flora. Ecology. 6133 オオシラガゴケ(Leucobryum scabrum)とヒノキゴケ(Rhizogonium dozyanum)の生態分布(蘚類)(講演要旨). Shirasaki, H. 日本植物学会北陸支部会報 29, 10, 1988. M Flora. Ecology. 6134 Ecological distribution of Leucobryum scabrum Lac. and Rhizogonium dozyanum Lac. (Musci) (オオシラガゴケとヒノキゴケ(蘚類)の生態分布.) Shirasaki, H. J. Phytogeogr. Taxonomy 35, 15-25, 1989. (植物地理・分類研究) M Flora. Ecology. 6135 ウマスギゴケとオオスギゴケ(蘚類)の生態分布(講演要旨). Shirasaki, H. 日本植物学会北陸支部会報 30: 11, 1989. M Ecology. Flora. 6136 Ecological distribution of bryophytes. 2. Distribution types in the wind hole areas of Mt. Naeba, Niigata and Nagano. (コケ植物の生態分布2. 新潟・長野:苗場山の風穴地におけるコケ植物の分布型.) Shirasaki, H. J. Phytogeogr. Taxonomy 38, 137-147, 1990. (植物地理・分類研究) B Flora. Ecology. Niigata. 6137 Ecological distribution of bryophyte 1. Polytrichum commune Hedw. and P. formosa Hedw. (Musci). (コケ植物の生態分布1.ウマスギゴケとオオスギゴケ(蘚類)) Shirasaki, H. J. Phytogeogr. Taxonomy 38, 27-41, 1990. (植物地理・分類研究) M Flora. Ecology. 6138 A list of bryophytes from the Tainai valley, Niigata. (新潟: 胎内渓谷のコケ植物.) Shirasaki, H. Jinenjo 15, 25-38, 1991. (じねんじょ) B Flora. List. Niigata. 6139 Method to process the distribution maps of the plants and analysis of distribution pattern of bryophytes. (植物の分布図作成法とコケ植物の分布解析) Shirasaki, H. Bull. Niigata Col. Pharm. 11, 1-12, 1991. (新潟薬科大学研究報告) B Method. Flora. Analysis. Map. 6140 A new method tp process the distribution maps by using the fine mesh and analysis of distribution. (精密なメッシュを用いて分布図を作成する新方法とコケ植物の分布の解析) Watanabe, S., Shirasaki, H. J. Phytogeogr. Taxonomy 39, 131-135, 1991. (植物地理・分類研究) B Method. Map. Flora. Analysis. 6141 ホソバオキナゴケ(蘚類)のサクの形成個体の分布様式と着生基物(講演要旨). Shirasaki, H. 日本植物学会北陸支部会報 32, 11, 1991. M Anatomy. 6142 Ecological distribution of bryophytes 3. Leucobryum juniperoideum C. Muell. (Musci). ( コケ植物の生態分布3. ホソバオキナゴケ(蘚類).) Shirasaki, H. J. Phytogeogr. Taxonomy 40, 133-143, 1992. (植物地理・分類研究) M Flora. Ecology. 6143 Ecological distribution of bryophytes 4. Dolichomitriopsis crenulata and D. diversiformis (Musci). (コケ植物の生態分布 4.ミドリイヌエボウシゴケとコクサゴケ(蘚類)) Shirasaki, H. J. Phytogeogr. Taxonomy 40, 133-143, 1992. (植物地理・分類研究) M Flora. Ecology. 6144 新潟県における高等植物の分布型とコケ植物の関係(講演要旨). Shirasaki, H. 日本植物学会北陸支部会報 34: 2, 1993. M Flora. Niigata. 6145 Distribution data of bryophytes 1. Racomitrium. (コケ植物分布資料 1. スナゴケ類) Shirasaki, H. Mukago 9 (Seki, S., ed.), pp33-41, Jinenjyo-kai, Niigata, 1994. (むかご, 植物同好じねんじょ会,新潟) M Flora. Report. 6146 Leucobryum juniperoidem C. Muell. (弥彦連山植物分布図集(1). Leucobryum juniperoideum C.Muell.) Shirasaki, H. Distribution maps in Mt. Yahiko (1), Flora of Mt. Yahiko, Niigata (Ishizawa, S., ed.), The Board of Education of Yahiko-mura and Niigata Univ., Niigata, 1994. ( 新潟:弥彦連山の植物(弥彦連山植物資料集) (石沢進編),弥彦村教育委員会と新潟大学) M Flora. List. Niigata. 6147 Ecological distributions of bryophytes 5. Racomitrium barbuloides and R.japonicumof R. canescens Group (Musci). (コケ植物の生態分布 5. スナゴケ類 Racomitrium barbuloidesとR.japonicum (蘚類).) Shirasaki, H. J. Phytogeogr. Taxonomy 42, 157-164, 1995. (植物地理・分類研究) M Flora. Ecology. 6148 Gene cloning in plants: Innovative approaches. Sawahel, W., Fukui, K. BioFeature 19, 106-204, 1995. M Molecular Biology. Method. Gene. Cloning. 6149 コケ植物はなぜ様々な環境に繁殖できるのか Nehira, K. 化学と生物 33, 721-723, 1995. B Ecology. 6150 The genus Hypnum (Musci) in Japan II. Ando, H. Natural Environ. Sci. Res. 8, 67-99, 1995. M Taxonomy. Japan. 6151 Bryophytes of Mt. Takao, Tokyo Metropolitan, Japan. I. Mosses. Watanabe, R., Iwakata, K., Ohashi, T., Suga, K., Sugimura, K., Hiraoka, T., Hongo, J. Natural Environ. Sci. Res. 8, 107-127, 1995. M Flora. Tokyo. List. 6152 Accumulation and influence of heavy metals and radioactive substances in bryophytes. Minami, Y., Hiraoka, S. Natural Environ. Sci. Res. 8, 129-134, 1995. B Heavy Metal. Ecology. Pollution. Radioactive Substance.