k039 #6238-6277 old file: koke9602 Rev. by H.Deguchi, Jan. 1997 6238 ヒカリゴケの生育地 IV. - 最近知ることのできた3箇所 その概要 - Yamaoka, M. 富山県植物友の会会誌 37, 26-41, 1996. M Flora. Distribution. Hokkaido. Nagano. 6239 New locality (Mt. Norikura, middle Japan) of Takakia lepidozioides Hatt. et Inoue, with its morphological observation by confocal laser scanning microscope. Matsui, T., Hara, M. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 173-176, 1996. M Flora. Anatomy. Gifu. Norikura. Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy. Morphology. 6240 Re-examination of so-called Drepanolejeunea and D. foliicola. Mizutani, M. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 176-179, 1996. H Taxonomy. 6241 Distichophyllum carinatum in the Akashi mountain range. Suzuki, T., Kiguchi, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 180-182, 1996. M Taxonomy. 6242 八ケ岳におけるホソバミズゴケの生育環境 Ueno, K., Okitsu, S. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 182-183, 1996. M Flora. Ecology. 6243 大分県北部地方の湖沼底露出泥土上の蘚類 Ohtsuka, M. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 183-184, 1996. M Flora. Ecology. Ohita. 6244 インドネシア ジャワ島におけるGymnostomiellaフガゴケ属の生態 Seki, T., Sulastri, S., Sujadmiko, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 185, 1996 M Ecology. Indonesia. 6245 沖縄諸島の蘚類フロラ Teruya, K., Yamaguchi, F. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 185-186, 1996. M Flora. Okinawa. Ryukyu. 6246 富山県の山岳部のコケとクマムシ類の関係 Utsuki, K., Nunomura, N., Hiraoka, T., Hanai, N. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 186, 1996. M Toyama. Tardigrades. Mountain Area. 6247 ケヘチマゴケ胞子発芽の光調節機構 Eguchi, T. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 186-187, 1996. M Photoregulation. Sporing. 6248 コウヤノマンネングサ葉緑体のSOD. 佐藤尚行, Nasu, J. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 187-188, 1996. M Chloroplast. SOD. Enzyme. Biochemistry. Ecology. 6249 蘚苔類(Plagiomnium属)の生長と環境 - 連続培養法の検討 -. 清水英幸 Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 188, 1996. M Growth. Culture. Physiology. 6250 カタシロゴケ科蘚類ホコバカタシロゴケ(Calymperes lonchophyllum Schwaegr.)の種内変異 Isono, Y. Yamaguchi, F. 磯野裕美, Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 189, 1996. M Taxonomy. Variation. 6251 千葉県の湿原で見つかったウロコゼニゴケ属の1種. Furuki, T. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 189, 1996. H Taxonomy. Chiba. 6252 蘚苔植物における減数分裂機構の比較形態学的研究. Shimamura, M., Deguchi, H., Mineyuki, Y. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 190, 1996. B Taxonomy. morphology. Miosis. 6263 何が保護上重要な苔類か? Furuki, T. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 190, 1996. H Taxonomy. Preservation. 6254 ツノゴケ類の絶滅危惧種 - キノボリツノゴケの分布と生育状況を中心として - Hasegawa, J. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 190-191, 1996. A Preservation. 6255 岡山県における「緊急に保護を要する植物の種選定に係る調査」の蘚類調査とら生門(新見市)におけるコケ植物の保護・復元 Nishimura, N. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 191, 1996. B, M Flora. Preservation. 6256 蘚苔類におけるレッドデータブックの作成をめぐって Iwatsuki, Z. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 191, 1996. B Preservation. 6257 Distribution of Scopelophila cararactae(Mitt.) Both. in Toyama Prefecture, III. (富山県におけるホンモンジゴケの分布、III.) Yamaoka, M. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 192, 1996. M Distribution. Flora. Toyama. 6258 シシゴケの胞子の表面形態 関川晃子, Hiraoka, T. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 193, 1996. M Morphology. Spore. Scanning Electro Microscopy. 6259 イヌサナダゴケの新産地 Sato, Y. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 194, 1996. M Flora. Distribution. Yamagata. 6260 Clonal diversity in Sphagnum rubellum Wils. Shaw, A. J., Srodon, M Bryologist 98, 261-264, 1995. M Taxonomy. 6261 Bryophyte diversity of Ficus tree crowns from cloud forest and pasture in Costa Rica. Sillet, S. C., Gradstein, S. R., Griffin III, D. Bryologist 98, 251-260, 1995. B Taxonomy. Flora. Costa Rica. 6262 Isomeric triluteolins from Bartramia stricta and Bartramia pomiformis. Seeger, T., Voigt, A., Geiger, H., Zinsmeister, H. D., Schilling, G., Lopez-Saez, J. A. Phytochemistry 40, 1279-1282, 1995. M Chemistry. 6263 Regulation of phenylpropanoid metabolism by exogenous precursors in axenic cultures of Sphagnum fallax. Rasmussen, S., Peters, G., Rudolph, H. Physiol. Plant. 95, 83-90, 1995. M Metabolism. Biochemistry. Physiology. Phenylpropanoid. 6264 1,4-dihydropyridine binding sites in moss plasma membranes. Properties of receptors from a calcium channel antagonist. Schumaker, K. S., Gizinski, M. J. J. Biol. Chem. 270, 23461-23467, 1995. M Biochemistry. Receptor. Membrane. Calcium Channel. 6265 *******Composition and ecology of vascular epiphyte communities along an altitudinal gradient in central Veracruz, Mexico. Hietz, P., Hietz-Seifert, U. J. Veg. Sci. 6, 487-498, 1995. ? Ecology. Community. 6266 Experimental study of sub-foliar retrocurrents in underwater Bryophytes: Ecological implications. Devantery, P. Ann. Limnol. 31, 157-167, 1995. B Underwater. Ecology. 6267 Bryophyte succession after fire in Mediterranean ecosystems. Differences between N and S exposures, 3-5 years after fire(SE Spain). De Las Heras, J., Guerra, J., Herranz, J. M. Acta Oecol. 16, 159-169, 1995. B Fire. Ecology. Succession. Spain. 6268 Methyl and total mercury in boreal wetland plants, experimental lakes area, northwestern Ontario. Moore, T. R., Bubier, J. L., Heyes, A., Flett, R. J. J. Environ. Qual. 24, 845-850, 1995. B Mercury. Wetland. Pollution. Heavy Metal. Inorganic Chemistry. Canada. 6269 Factor analysis of atmospheric trace-element deposition data in the Netherlands obtained by moss monitoring. Kuik, P., Wolterbeek, H. T. Water Air Soil Pollut. 84, 323-346, 1995. M Pollution. Trace Element. Atmosphere. Netherlands. 6270 Miscellaneous notes on the genus Sphagnum. 8. Additional species of South Africa. Crum, H. Bryologist 98, 265-268, 1995. M Taxonomy. South Africa. 6271 On a new species of Gymnomitrion, G. mucrophorum Schust., sp. n. Schuster, R. M. Bryologist 98, 242-245, 1995. H Taxonomy. 6272 Patterns of bryophyte diversity in peatlands of continental western Canada. Vitt, D. H., Li, Y., Belland, R. J. Bryologist 98, 218-227, 1995. B Taxonomy. Flora. Canada. Ecology. 6273 Grimmia limprichtii, a bryophyte with a disjunct distribution in the Alps and Himalayas. Greven, H., Sotiaux, A. Bryologist 98, 239-241, 1995. M Flora. Hymalayas. Alps. Distribution. Grimmiaceae. 6274 Bogg moss in Britain - The identification and role of Sphagnum. Hodgetts, N. Br. Wildl. 7, 9-17, 1995. M Flora. UK. 6275 The Sphagnum of Hawaii. Karlin, E. F., Andrus, R. E. Bryologist 98, 235-238, 1995. M Flora. Hawaii. USA. 6276 Notes on nearctic hepaticae, XVII. Lophozia decolorans, new to North America and subgenus Isopaches. Schuster, R. M. Bryologist 98, 246-250, 1995. H Flora. North America. 6277 Effect of marchantins and related compounds on 5-lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase and their antioxidental properties: A structure activity relationship study. Schwartne, C., Bors, W., Michel, C., Franck, U., Muller-Jakic, B., Nenninger, A., Asakawa, Y., Wagner, H. Phytomedicine 2, 113-117, 1995. H Chemistry. Antioidant. Biochemistry. Enzyme. Oxygenase. Structure Relationship.