k040 #6278-6323 old file: koke9603 Prof. Hasegawa (Reviewed by Deguchi July 22, 1996) 6278 On the phylogeny of Hepaticae and Anthocerotae. Hasegawa, J. Shida to Koke (Ferns and Mosses) 10, 13-16, 1978. H, A Phylogeny 6279 A history of taxonomical studies on the Anthocerotae I. Hasegawa, J. Shida to Koke (Ferns and Mosses), 11, 23-28, 1978. A Taxonomy 6280 Taxonomical studies on Asian Anthocerotae I. Hasegawa, J. Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 30, 15-30, 1979. A Taxonomy. Asia. 6281 A comparative study of the development of the sporophyte in the Anthocerotae, with especial reference to the genus Anthoceros Bartlett, E. Ann. Bot. 42, 409-430, 1928. A Development. Sporophyte. 6282 On some Pan-Boreal elements of Hepaticae found in Midorogaike Pond in Kyoto City. Hasegawa, J. Midorogaike no Shizen to Hito (published by Kyoto City), p. 312, 1981. H Flora. Distribution. 6283 Malformed capsules of the hornworts. Hasegawa, J. Bull. Jpn. Pteridological Soc. 56, 11-12, 1983. A Morphology 6284 Bryophytes of the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic (1). Hasegawa, J. Shida to Koke (Ferns and Mosses), commemoration number, 49-58, 1983. M, H, A Taxonomy, Palaeobotany 6285 Bryophytes of the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic (2). Hasegawa, J. Shida to Koke (Ferns and Mosses) 12, 1-8, 1984. M, H, A Taxonomy, Phylogeny, Palaeobotany 6286 Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of the Ashiu Experimental Forest of Kyoto University in Kinki district, Japan. Hasegawa, J., Takimoto, A. Mem. Coll. Agric. Kyoto Univ.126, 55-71, 1985. H, A Phytogeography, Flora 6287 Notothylas breutelii, a Caribbean species newly found in the Philippines. Hasegawa, J., Tan, B. C. Journ. Bryol. 14, 249-253, 1986. A Phytogeography, Taxonomy. Philippines. Caribean. 6288 A collection of the Anthocerotae from Seram and Ambon. Hasegawa, J. Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 37, 9-16, 1986. A Taxonomy. Seram. Ambon. Indonesia. 6289 A new interpretation to Rhynia major, with special reference to the origin of land plants. Hasegawa, J. Shida to Koke (Ferns and Mosses) 13, 50-61, 1988. B Phylogeny. Paleobotany. 6290 The first isolation of lignans, megacerotonic acid and anthocerotonic acid, from non-vascular plants, Anthocerotae (Hornworts). Takeda, R., Hasegawa, J., Shinozaki, M. Tetradedron Lett. 31, 4159-4162, 1990. A Chemistry. Lignan. 6291 The pyrenoid is the site of ribulose 1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase accumulation in the hornwort (Bryophyta: Anthocerotae) chloroplast. Vaughn, K. C., Campbell, E. O., Hasegawa, J., Owen, H. A., Renzaglia, K. S. Protoplasma 156, 117-129, 1990. A Morphology, Ultrastructure. Pyrenoid. Chloroplast. RUBISCO. 6292 Phenolic compounds from Anthocerotae. Takeda, R., J. Hasegawa and M. Shinozaki. Bryophytes: Their Chemistry and Chemical Taxonomy (Zinsmeister, H. D., R. Mues, eds.), pp201-207. Clarendon press. Oxford. 1990. A Chemisry. Phenolic. 6293 Chemistry of the Anthocerotae: An approach to the origin of land plants. Hasegawa, J. Journ. Pesticide Science 16, 115-121, 1991. A Chemistry, Phylogeny. 6294 Distribution and taxonomic status of Anthoceros formosae. Hasegawa, J. Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 43, 44, 1992. A Distribution, Taxonomy. 6295 The anthocerote chloroplast: a review. Vaughn, K. C., Ligrone, R., Owen, H. A., Hasegawa, J., Campbell, E. O., Monge-Najera, J. New Phytologist 210, 169-190, 1992. A Morphology, Phylogeny. Chloroplast. 6296 The number of chloroplasts in sporophytic cells in the Anthocerotae. Hasegawa, J., Wada, K. Acta. Phytotax. Geobot. 43, 37-43, 1992. A Morphology, Taxonomy. Chloroplast Number. 6297 Ultrastructural characteristics of the placental region of Folioceros and their taxonomic significance. Vaughn, K. C., Hasegawa, J. Bryologist 96, 112-121, 1993. A Ultrastructure, Morphology, Taxonomy. 6298 Phaeoceros hirticalyx (Steph.) Haseg. (Anthocerotae) new to New Zealand. Campbell, E. O., Hasegawa, J. New Zealand Journ. Bot. 31, 127-131, 1993. A Taxonomy. New Zealand. 6299 Chloroplasts of the Anthocerotae: their phylogenitic significance. Hasegawa, J. Shida to Koke (Ferns and Mosses), a commemoration number, 49-58, 1993. A Morphology, Phylogeny. 6300 Anthocerotae collected in Pakistan. Hasegawa, J. Cryptogamic Flora of Pakistan (Nakaike, T., Malik, S., eds.), 2, pp215-219, 1993. A Taxonomy. Pakistan. 6301 Taxonomical studies on Asian Anthocerotae V. Hasegawa, J. Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 44, 97-112, 1993. A Taxonomy. Asia. 6302 Taxonomical results of the BRYOTROP-Expedition to Zaire and Rwanda. 5. Anthocerotae. Hasegawa, J. Tropical Bryology 8, 51-52, 1993. A Taxonomy. Zaire. Rwanda. Africa. 6303 Four tropical Asian species of Anthocerotae newly found in continental Africa. Hasegawa, J. Frag. Flor. Geobot. 40, 113-122, 1995. A Taxonomy. Africa. 6304 Developmental changes of lipoxygenase and fatty acid hydroperoxidelyase activities in cultured cells of Marchantia polymorpha. Matsui, K., Kaji, Y., Kajiwara, T., Hatanaka, A. Phytochemistry 41, 177-182, 1996. H Biochemistry. Fatty Acid. Enzyme. Lipoxygenase. Hydroperoxidelyase. Development. Physiology. 6305 Terpenoids and aromatic compounds from six liverworts. Nagashima, F., Momosaki, S., Watanabe, Y., Toyota, M., Huneck, S., Asakawa, Y. Phytochemistry 41, 207-211, 1996. H Chemistry. Aromatic. Terpenoid. 6306 Five lignan derivatives from in vitro cultures of the liverwort Jamesoniella autumnalis. Tazaki, H., Adam, K. P., Becker, H. Phytochemisty 40, 1671-1675, 1995. H Chemistry. Lignan. Culture. 6307 Nuclear differentiation in the filamentuos caulonema of the moss Funaria hygrometrica. Kingham, K. I., Duckett, J. G., Glyn, M. C. P., Leitch, A. R. New Phytol. 131, 543-556, 1995. M Cytology. Caulonema. Differentiation. Protonema. 6308 Ultrastructural analysis of cell component distribution in the apical cell of Ceratodon protonemata. Walker, L. M., Sack, F. D. Protoplasma 189, 238-248, 1995. M Ultrastructure. Protonema. Cell Component. 6309 *Evidence for intramineral macromolecules containing protein from plant silicas. Harrison, C. C. Phytochemistry 41, 37-42, 1996. ? Organization. Structure. 6310 Photoinhibition in the Antarctic moss Grimmia antarctici Card. when exposed to cycles of freezing and thawing. Lovelock, C. E., Osmond, C. B., Seppelt, R. D. Plant Cell Environ. 18, 1395-1402, 1995. M Antarctic. Stress. Freezing. Thawing. Photoinhibition. 6311 *Ultrastructure and biogeography of Balmeisporites Cookson and Dettmann, 1958. Dettmann, M. E. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 89, 287-296, 1955. ? Palaeobotany. Palynology. Ultrastructure. Geography. 6312 Cytokinin affects stability of complex plastid transcripts in cytokinin-sensitive moss mutant. Kruse, S., Quast, S., Ipsen, A., Reutter, K., Reski, R. Plant Sci. 112, 187-196, 1995. M Mutant. Physiology. Cytokinin. Growth Regulator. 6313 The occurence of the chloroplast pyrenoid is correlated with the activity of a CO2-concentrating mechanism and carbon isotope discrimination in lichens and bryophytes. Smith, E. C., Griffiths, H. Planta 198, 6-16, 1996. B Physiology. Chloroplast. Pyrenoid. CO2 Concentration. 6314 Bryophyte vegetation patterns along environmental gradients in continental bogs. Belland, R. J., Vitt, D. H. Ecoscience 2, 395-407, 1995. B Ecology. Vegetation Pattern. Environment. 6315 *Climate and erosion signals in British blanket peats: The significance of Racomitrium lanuginosum remains. Tallis, J. H. J. Ecol. 83, 1021-1030, 1995. ? Climate. Ecology. Erosion. 6316 Reversible photoinhibition in Antarctic moss during freezing and thawing. Lovelock, C. E., Jackson, A. E., Melick, D. R., Seppelt, R. D. Plant Physiol. 109, 955-961, 1995. M Ecology. Adaptation. Antarctic. Stress. Freezing. Thawing. 6317 Use of transplanted mosses and autochthonous liverworts to monitor trace metals in acidic and non-acidic headwater stream (Vosges Mountains, France). Claveri, B., Guerold, F., Pihan, J. C. Sci. Total Environ. 175, 235-244, 1995. M, H Pollution. Ecology. Monitor. Stream. Metal. 6318 The use of the aquatic moss Fontinalis antipyretica L. ex Hedw. as a bioondicator for heavy metals. 1. Fundamental investigations into heavy metal accumulation in Fontinalis antipyretica L. ex Hedw. Siebert, A., Bruns, I., Krauss, G. J., Miersch, J., Markert, B. Sci. Total Environ. Pollut. 177, 137-144, 1996. M Pollution. Aquatic. Heavy Metal. Accumulation. 6319 Growth responses of Polytrichum commune and Hylocomium splendens to stimulated environmental change in the sub-arctic. Potter, J. A., Press, M. C., Callaghan. T. V., Lee, J. A. New Phytol. 131, 533-541, 1995. ? Growth. Physiology. Sub Arctic. Simulation. Warming. 6320 Bryophytes and lichens of Mt. Kumgang (DPR of Korea). Kim, Y. H., Ri, Y. R., Hoang, H. D., Huneck, S., Grolle, R. Feddes Repert. 106, 291-301, 1995. B Flora. Distribution. List. North Korea. Mt. Kumgang. 6321 Vegetative diaspores in Japanese mosses. Imura, S. J, Hattori Bot. Lab. 77, 177-232, 1994. M Vegetative Reproduction. Gemmae. Diaspores. 6322 Miscellaneous notes on the genus Sphagnum. 5. New and notable species of South Africa. Crum, H. J, Hattori Bot. Lab. 77, 233-254, 1994. M Taxonomy. 6323 A re-evaluation of Fissidens subgenus Serridium section Amblyothallia. Bruggeman-Nannenga, M, A. J, Hattori Bot. Lab. 77, 255-272, 1994. M Taxonomy. 6324 Studies on Scapania, Hepaticae. Sectio Rufidulae and sectio Nemorosae. Potemkin, A. D. J, Hattori Bot. Lab. 77, 273-286, 1994. H Taxonomy. 6325 On the occurrence of primary pit field cells in the caulidia of Hookeria lucens (Hedw.) Sm. (Bryopsida, Bryophyta). Cortella, A., Ron, E., Estebanez, B., Alfayate, C. J, Hattori Bot. Lab. 77, 287-294, 1994. M Ultrastructure. Caulidia. Cell walls. Pit field. 6326 Karyological studies on some species of the family Meteoriaceae (Musci). Inoue, S., Iwatsuki, Z., Noguchi, A. J, Hattori Bot. Lab. 77, 295-306,1994. M Genetics. Chromosome. Karyology. 6327 Effect of chloral hydrate on vegetative growth and gametangial induction in the male clone of Riccia discolor Lehm. et Lindb. Sarla. J, Hattori Bot. Lab. 77, 307-314, 1994. H Chloral hydrate. Physiology. Male Clone. Growth. Gametangium. vegetative growth. 6328 Occurrence of bryophytes in areas polluted with organopollutants and on nearby vegetation, preliminary notes. Visnadi, S. R., Matheus, D. R., Vital. D. M. J, Hattori Bot. Lab. 77, 315-323, 1994. B Pollution. Growth. Ecology. 6329 Hepatiques des Antilles francaises recoltees par P. et V. Allorge en 1936 I. Jovet-Ast, S. Rev. Bryol. Lichenol. 16, 17-46, 1947. H Flora. Distribution. Taxonomy. 6330 Isolierung und Testung einer Kinetin-artigen Substanz aus Kalluszellen von Laubmoossporophyten. Bauer, L. Z. Pflanzenphysiol. 54, 241-253, 1966 M Culture. Physiology. Kinetin. Growth Regulator. 6331 Polarittat und Differenzierung an Mooskeimen. Bunning, E., Wettstein, D. Naturwissenschaften 40, 147-148, 1953. M Polarity. Differentiation. Physiology. 6332 Experimental studies on some bryophytes. Sadhana, B. nee D. Ph. D. Thesis, Univ. Delhi, Delhi, India. B Thesis. 6323 In vitro studies on growth and antheridal induction in the male clone of Riccia discolor Lehm. et Lindb. Sarla, Chopra, R. N. Biochem. Physiol. Pflanzen 183, 67-73, 1988. H Growth. Physiology.