k044 #6734-6838 old file: koke9615 植物分類地理 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 45, 46(完) しだとこけ 12,13, 植物地理・分類研究 21-37 Reviewed by H.Deguchi, Jan. 1997 6734 A new species of Cololejeunea (Chondriolejeunea) from Malay Peninsula. Kitagawa, N. Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 23, 184-188, 1969. H Flora. Taxonomy. Malay Peninsula. 6735 Three remarkable species of Lejeuneaceae from Malay Peninsula. Kitagawa, N. Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 23, 188, 1969. H Flora. Malaysia. Thailand. Malay Peninsula. 6736 Lophoziaceae of Japan. Kitagawa, N. Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 22, 145-152, 1967. H Flora. Taxonomy. 6737 Cephaloziellaceae of Japan. Kitagawa, N. Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 21, 107-116, 1965. H Taxonomy. Flora. Cephaloziellaceae. 6738 Les Cephaloziellacees europeenes. Douin, C. Ann. Bryol. 1, 49-68, 1928. H Taxonomy. Europe. Cephaloziellaceae. 6739 On some species of Musci and Hepaticae, additional to the floras of Japan and the coast of China. Mitten, W. J. Proc. Linn. Soc. London 8, 148-158, 1965. B Flora. taxonomy. Japan. China. 6740 A study of Cephaloziopsis with special reference to C. pearsonii and its distribution. Schuster, R. M. Trans. Brit. Bryol. Soc. 4, 230-246, 1962. H Taxonomy. 6741 A new species of Southbya, Hepaticae. Kitagawa, N. Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 25, 127-130, 1973. H Taxonomy. 6742 Rheophytic mosses: their morphological, physiological, and ecological adaptation. Akiyama, H. Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 46, 77-98, 1995. M Ecology. Adaptation. Physiology. Morphology. Rheophytes. 6743 Protonemal development in the Hedwigiaceae (Musci), and its systematic significance. De Luna, E. Syst. Bot. 15, 192-204, 1991. M Taxonomy. Protonema. Development. 6744 A revison of the genus Potamium (Musci: Sematophyllaceae). Florschuetz-de Waard, J. Tropical Bryol. 5, 109-121, 1992. M Taxonomy. 6745 A model for attachment of aquatic mosses. Glime, J. M., Nissila, R. E., Trynoski, S. E., Fornwall, M. D. J. Bryol. 10, 313-320, 1979. M Aquatic moss. Ecology. Morphology. 6746 The physiological adaptations of aquatic Musci. Glime, J. M., Vitt, D. H. Lindbergia 10, 41-52, 1984. M Adaptation. Aquatic. Ecology. Physiology. 6747 Fissidense grandforns, its habits and propagation. Hill, WE. J. Bryologist 5, 56-58, 1902. M Taxonomy. Ecology. Propagation. 6749 Photosynthesis in Grimmia montana. Makay, E. Plant Physiol. 10, 803-809, 1935. M Photosynthesis. Physiology. 6750 Studien zur vergleichenden Morphologie und phylogenetischen Systematik der Laubmoose. Loeske, L. Max Lnade Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 1910. M Book. Taxonomy. Morphology. Systematic. 6751 A note on the monotypic moss genus Hydrocryphaea Dix. and its affinities. Manuel, M. Rev. Bryol. Lichenol. 41, 333-337, 1975. M Taxonomy. 6752 Seasonal changes in photosynthetic pigment composition of aquatic bryophytes. Martinez-Abaigar, J., Nusez-Olivera, E., Sanchez-Diaz, M. J. Bryology 18, 7-113, 1994. B Pigment. Photosynthesis. Aquatic bryophytes. 6753 Ontogeny and phylogeny in Tortula (Musci: Pottiaceae). Mischler, B. D. Syst. Bot. 11, 189-208, 1986. M Taxonomy. 6754 The use of ontogenetic data in phylogenetic analysis of mosses. Mischler, B. D., De Luna, E. Advances in Bryology 4, 121-167, 1991. M ? 6755 The rediscovery of Rhabdodontium buftonii (Broth. & Geh. in Broth.) Broth. Norris, D. H., Montalvo, A. M. Bryologist 84, 85-88, 1981. M Taxonomy. 6756 The adaptive importance of moss rhizoids for attachment to substratum. Odu, E. A. J. Bryol. 10, 163-181, 1978. M Rhizoid. Attachment. 6757 On the relation of osmotic value of cell sap of mosses with environmental factors. I. Ochi, H., Yonehara, D. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 67, 265-270, 1954. M Ecology. Osmotic. 6758 Hypnobartlettia fontana en. et sp. nov. (Musci. Hypnobartlettiaceae fam. nov.), a unique moss from New Zealand. Ochyra, R. Lindbergia 11, 2-8, 1985. M Taxonomy. New Zealand. 6759 Riparian taxa of Schistidium in the British Isle. Orange, A. Bull. Brit. Bryol. Soc. 65, 51-58, 1995. M Taxonomy. UK. 6760 Osmotic values of bryophytes and problems presented by refractory types. Patterson, P. M. Am. J. Bot. 33, 607-611, 1946. B Osmotic. Ecology. 6761 沖縄島における渓流沿い蘚苔植物の生態学的研究 州鎌朗子, Yamaguchi, F. 沖縄島嶼研究 12, 1-10, 1994. B Ecology. Okinawa. 6762 Rheophytes of the world. Van Steenis, C. G. G. J. Sijthoff & Noordfoff, Alphen an den Rijn, 1981. ? Ecology. Rheophytes. 6763 Rheophytes of the world; supplement. Van Steenis, C. G. G. J. Allertonia 4, 267-330, 1987. ? Ecology. Rheophytes. 6764 Propaguliferous Ceratodon purpureus in riparian environments. Zander, R. H., Ireland, R. R. Bryologist 82, 474-478, 1979. M Ecology. 6765 Polysetyのもつ意味 [Biological significance of polysety] Akiyama, H. The Ferns and Mosses 12, 4-6, 1984. M Morphology. Sexuality. Sporophytes. Polysety. 6766 古生代・中生代のコケ植物の化石 (2) [Bryophyte follils in Paleozoic and Mesozoic (2)] Hasegawa, J. The Ferns and Mosses 12, 1-10, 1984. B Palaeology. Fossil. 6768 Notes on Belgian specimens of Sporogonites. Andrew, H. N. Jr. Palaeobotanist 7, 85-89, 1960. B Palaeontology. Belgy. Fossil. 6769 On Sporogonites Halle: A morphologic, taxonomic and phylogenetic appraisal. BhAradwaj, D. C. Palaeobotanist (28-29), 26-35, 1981. B Palaeobotany. Germany. Fossil. 6770 A late Silurian flora from the lower old red sandstone of southwest Dyfed Wales UK. Edwards, D. Palaeontology 22, 23-52, 1979. B Palaeology. Silurian. UK. Fossil. 6771 Die Entdeckung von Urkormophyton aus dem Ozdovizium (2). Greguss, P. Acta Biol. N. S. 7, 3-30, 1961. B Palaeology. Ordovician. Fossil. 6772 Some new data on the Ordovician land plants from Poland (3). Greguss, P. Acta Biol. N. S. 8, 45-58, 1962. B Palaeology. Poland. Ordovician. Fossil. 6773 On Hepatics in Baltic amber; Present knowledge and promisings. Grolle, R. New perspectives in Bryotaxonomy and Bryogeography, (Szweykowski, J., ed.), Adam Mickiewicz Univ., Pznan, Poland, 1981. H Book, Palaeology. Amber. 6774 Naiadite, a fossil bryophyte with reproductive organs. Harris, T. M. Ann. Bryol. 12, 57-70, 1939. B Palaeology. Fossil. 6775 Middle Devonian liverworts (Marchantiidae) from Podolia. Ishxhenko, T. A., Shloyakov, R. N. Paleont. J. 3, 369-380, 1979. H Devonian. Palaeology. Fossil. 6776 Aulacomnium heterostichoides sp. nov., an Eocene moss from south central British Columbia. Janssen, J. A., Horton, D. G., Basinger, J. F. Can. J. Bot. 57, 2150-2161, 1979. M Canada. Palaeology. Fossil. 6777 Bryophyta. Jovet-Ast, S. Traite de Paleobotanique, vol. 2., (Boureau, E., ed.), pp.. 17-186, 1967. B Palaeology. Fossil. 6778 Lower Devonian gametophytes: Relation to the phylogeny of land plants. Remy, W. Science 215, 1625-1627, 1982. B Palaeology. Devonian. Fossil. 6779 Lynophyton rhyniensis nov. gen et nov. spec., Ein gametophyt aus dem Chert von Rhynie (Unterdevon, Schottland). Remy, W., Remy, R. Argumenta Palaeobotanica 6, 37-72(Taf.7-13), 1980. B Palaeology. Rhynie. UK. Fossil. 6780 Sciadophyton Steinmann - Ein Gametophyt aus den Siegen. Remy, W., Remy, R., Hass, H., Schultka, St., Franzmeyer, F. Argumenta Palaeobotanica 6, 73-94(Taf.14-16), 1980. B Palaeology. Siegen. Fossil. 6781 The evolution and early diversification of the Hepaticae and Anthocerotae. Schuster, R. M. Beitrage zur Biologie der niederen Pflanzen, (Frey, W., Oberwinkler, SF., eds.), pp. 107-115, Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart and New York, 1977. H, A Palaeology. Evolution. Diversity. 6782 A speculation on the distribution of Takakia. Hattori, S. The Ferns and Mosses (commemoration number; 岩槻先生東大歓送記念号) 1-4, 1983. M Flora. 6783 ヒカリゴケの南限産地など [Notes on the southernmost locality of Schistostega pennata and others] Takaki, N. The Ferns and Mosses (commemoration number; 岩槻先生東大歓送記念号) 5-8, 1983. M Flora. Schistostega. 6784 国の天然記念物に指定された皇居石垣のヒカリゴケとその保護 Ishikawa, K. (石川幸八郎) 植物と自然 5, 14-15, 1971. M Flora. 6785 面白いコケ(蘚苔類)の生態 XI. [Noteworthy ecology of some bryophytes XI] Takaki, N. 植物研究集報 (19-20), 20-23, 1983. (愛知植物研究会) B Ecology. 6786 コケ(蘚)の季節 [Seasonality of mosses] Iwatsuki, Z. The Ferns and Mosses (commemoration number; 岩槻先生東大歓送記念号) 22-26, 1983. M Miscellaneous. Phenology. 6787 イクビゴケ科の蘚類 [Species of the family Disphysciaceae] Deguchi, H. The Ferns and Mosses (commemoration number; 岩槻先生東大歓送記念号) 27-33, 1983. M Taxonomy. 6788 Cytotaxonomic studies on mosses of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Anderson, L. E., Crum, H. Nat. Mus. Canada Bull. 160, 1-89, 1958. M Taxonomy. Cytology. Canada. Rocky. 6789 The maturation cycle, or the stage of development of gametangia and capsules in mosses. Greene, S. W. Trans. Brit. Bryol. Soc. 3, 736-745, 1960. M Development. Life Cycle. Phenology. 6790 Variability and seasonality of the growth of some corticolous pleurocarpous mosses. Pitkin, P. H. J. Bryol. 8, 337-356, 1975. M Growth. Seasonality. Phenology. 6791 Chromosome number and behavior in arctic mosses. Steere, W. Bot. Gaz. 116, 93-133, 1954. M Arctic. Chlomosome. Cytology. 6792 Growth studies on Rhacomitrium lanuginosum. Tallis, J. H. Bryologist 67, 417-422, 1964. M Growth. Physiology. 6793 Florschuetzia, a new genus of Buxbaumiaceae (Musci) from southern Chile. Crosby, M. R. Bryologist 80, 149-152, 1977. M Taxonomy. Chile. 6794 Muscoflorschuetzia (Musci), a new name for Florschuetzia Crosby, hom. illeg. Crosby, M. R. Bryologist 81, 338, 1978. M Taxonomy. 6795 Mosses ofthe Great Lakes forest. Crum, H. Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. 10, 1-404, 1973. M Flora. Great Lake. Canada. USA. 6796 On the functioning of stomates in Funaria. Garner, D. L. B., paoliloo, D. J. Bryologist 76, 423, 27, 1973. M Stomate. 6797 Anatomie der Laubmoose. Lorch, W. Handbubh der Pflanzenanatomie 7, 1-358, 1931. M Anatomy. 6798 クマノゴケ(Theriotia lorifolia Card.)の原糸体について [Protonemata of Theriotia lorifolia Card.] Nishida, Y. (西田雄行) 島根県立松江農林高等学校研究紀要 9, 9-13, 1977. M Protonema. Diphysciaceae. 6799 Study on germination of the spore in some mosses. II. Diphyscium fulvifolium Mitt. and Sphagnum cuspidatum Ehrh. Nishida, Y. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 71, 91-97, 1961. M Spore. Germination. Sporelings. Diphysciaceae. Spahgnaceae. 6800 Sporeling and regenerants in some mosses 4. Noguchi, A., Muraoka, S. Kumamoto J. Sci. Ser. B., 4, 118-149, 1959. M Sporeling. Regenerant. Physiology. Growth. 6801 The occurence, structure and functions of the stomata in British bryophytes. II. Functions and physiology. Paton, J. A., Pearce, J. V. Trans. Brit. Bryol. Soc. 3, 242-259, 1973. B Physiology. Stomata. 6802 A small collection of bryophytes from Kashmir. Robinson, H. Bryologist 68, 313-320, 1965. B Kashmir. India. Pakistan. 6803 Sur les homologies des mousses. Vuillemin, P. Bull. Soc. Sci. Nancy, Ser. II. 8, 41, 1986. M Morphology. 6804 私と蘚苔のえにし Ohta, K. (太田耕二郎) The Ferns and Mosses (commemoration number; 岩槻先生東大歓送記念号) 34-37, 1983. B Flora. Miscellaneous. 6805 ブリティシュ・コロンビアのコケのぞ記[Field tript for bryophytes in British Columbia] Deguchi, Y. (出口義明) The Ferns and Mosses (commemoration number; 岩槻先生東大歓送記念号) 41-44, 1983. B Flora. Miscellaneous. British Columbia. Canada. 6806 コケも頑張っています Akiyama, H. The Ferns and Mosses (commemoration number; 岩槻先生東大歓送記念号) 66-70, 1983. M Miscellaneous. Taxonomy. 6807 Cytologicalstudies of natural intergeneric hybrids and their parental species in the moss enera Astomum and Weissia. Anderson, L.E., Lemmon, B. E. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 59, 382-416, 1972. M Cytology. Intergeneric Hybrid. 6808 Studies in natural hybridization in the genus Weissia. Khanna, K. R. Bryologist 63, 1-16, 1960. M Hyrid. 6809 Bryophytes, a broad perspective. Prem Puri 529pp., Dehli, India, 1973. B Book. 6810 コケと他の植物の相似 1 [Analogy between bryophytes and other plants 1] Kitagawa, N. The Ferns and Mosses (commemoration number; 岩槻先生東大歓送記念号) 41-44, 1983. B Evolution. Morphology. Miscellaneous. Homology. 6811 進化について[On the evolution] Mizutani, M. The ferns and Mosses 13, 1-3, 1984. B Evolution. 6812 蘚帽をめぐる諸問題 ―コケと他の植物との相似 2 ― Kitagawa, N. The ferns and Mosses 13, 16-22, 1984. B Evolution. Morphology. Homology. 6813 S. R. Edwardds Homology and inter-relationships of moss peristomes, New Manual of Bryology:658-695, 1984) Akiyama, H. The ferns and Mosses 13, 30-38, 1986. M Criticism. 6814 イタチゴケ(Leucodon, セン類)についてのあれこれ -特にその分布と分化について- [Notes on Leucodon, Musci, with special references to its distribution and speciation] Akiyama, H. The ferns and Mosses 13, 43-49, 1988. M Distribution. Speciation. 6815 コケとの出会い Shiomi, T. (塩見隆行) The ferns and Mosses 14, 9, 1989. B Miscellaneous. 6816 コケとの出会い -初恋の相手はMnium(チョウチンゴケ類)、 ヌルデの五倍子がとりもつ縁で Ando, H. The ferns and Mosses 14, 10-12, 1989. B Miscellaneous. 6817 日本とタイ国に共通な若干の苔類 I [Notes on hepatics common in Japan and Thailand] Kitagawa, N. The ferns and Mosses 4, 49-55, 1969. B Miscellaneous. 6818 On the fundamental organization of gametophyte in Musci. Kawai, I. J. Phytogeog. Taxon. 28, 27, 1980. M Anatomy. Gametophytes. 6819 Aquatic plants of ponds in and around the new campus of Hiroshima University. Shimoda, M J. Phytogeog. Taxon. 31, 46-57, 1983. B Flora. List. Hiroshima. 6820 New locality of Trachycystis flagellaris from Mt. Hanla, Jeju Island, Korea. Song, J-S. J. Phytogeog. Taxon. 32, 13, 1984. M Flora. 6821 Studies on the Moliniopsio-Sphagnetum fusci in the main Island (Honshyu) of Japan. Matsuda, Y., Fada, Y., Takenaka, N. J. Phytogeog. Taxon. 34, 95-103, 1986. M Flora. Fukushima. 6822 長野県産ミズゴケ類(Sphagnales)の分布 [Distribution of Sphagnum in Nagano Pref.] Matsuda, Y. 長野県植物研究会誌 6, 53-74, 1973. M Flora. Nagano. 6823 所産ミズゴケ2種以上の湿地湿原目録 Suzuki, H. -吉岡邦二博士追悼- 植物生態論集, pp. 2354-245, 仙台, 1978. M Flora. List. 6824 New or additional bryophyte records from Korea. Song, J-S. J. Phytogeo. Taxon. 35, 91-94, 1987. B Korea. Flora. List. 6825 Mousses nouvelles du Japan et de Coree. Cardot, I. Bull. Soc. Bot. Geneve, Ser. 2, 1, 275-294, 1911. M Flora. Taxonomy. Korea. Japan. 6826 Musci・Hepaticae - Illustrated flora and fauna of Korea 24. Choe, D-M. 790 pp., Seoul, 1980. B Illustration. Flora. Fauna. Korea. Book. 6827 A list of bryophytes of Korea. Choe, D-M., Choi, H-H. J. Sci. Edu. Kongju Teachers College 12, 27-55, 1980. B Flora. List. Korea. 6828 The bryophytes of Mt. Soyo, with some new additions to the Korean flora. Hong, W-S. Korean J. Bot. 3, 99-108, 1960. B Flora. Taxonomy. Korea. 6829 The leafy Hepaticae of South Korea and their phytogeographic relationships, especiallyt to the flora of North America. Hong, W-S. Bryologist 69, 393-426, 1966. H Korea. Phytogeography. Flora. North America. 6830 An enumeration of mosses from Korea, with some new additions to the Korean flora. Hong, W-S., Ando, H. Theses of the Catholic Med. Coll. 3, 371-395, 1959. M Korea. Theses. Flora. 6831 The flora of mosses on Mt. Jiri, with some new additions to the Korean flora. Hong, W-S., Ando, H. Korean J. Bot. 4, 41-50, 1961. M Flora. Korea. 6832 The survey report on plants of Mt. Nobong. Nakai, T. 39 pp., Goverment Central of Chosen, Seoul, 1915. B Flora. Report. Korea. Book. 6833 Report on the vegetation of Diamond Mountains, Korea. Nakai, T. 195pp, VGoverment Centarl Chosen, Seoul, 1918. B Flora. Korea. Report. Book. 6834 Ein Beitrag zur Moosflora von Korea. Reimers, H. Gedwigia 70, 359-372, 1931. M Flora. Korea. 6835 Beobachtungen uber japanische Moosflora XXV. Bryoflora der alpinen Region von Syazitu-ho (Korea). Sakurai, K. Bot. Mag. tokyo 55, 531-536, 1941. B Korea. Flora. Taxonomy. 6836 Phytosociological study of the subalpine forests on Mt. Halla of Jeju Island, Korea. Song, J-S. Jpn. J. Ecol. 35, 317-328, 1985. B Flora. Ecology. Korea. 6837 Bryophytes from Chaynazang route collected bythe Tibet Mountaineering and scientific expedition of Kobe University in 1986. Doei, H., Takeda, Y., Wang, J. J. Phytogeo. Taxon. 36, 65-71, 1988. B Flora. Expedition. China. 6838 Bryoflora of Xizang. Li, X-J 581pp., Science Press, Beijing, 1985. B Flora. China. List.