k046 #7008-7110 old file: koke9635 AnthocerosŠÖŒW Rev.by H.Deguchi, Jan. 1997 7008 The diaspore of hornworts (Anthocerotae, Bryophyta) and its role in the maintenance of populations in cultivated fields. Bisang, I. Cryptogamica Helvetica, 18, 107-116, Conservation of Bryophytes in Europe, Zurich, Switzerland, September 5-8, 1994, (Bisang, I., Urmi, E., eds.), Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques de la Ville de Geneve, Geneva, Switzerland. ISBN 3-7150-0031-7. A Book. 7009 The occurrence of the chloroplast pyrenoid is correlated with the activity of a CO-2-concentrating mechanism and carbon isotope discrimination in lichens and bryophytes. Smith, E. C. Griffiths, H. Planta 198, 6-16, 1996. A Chloroplast. Pyrenoid. Photosynthesis. CO2 Assimilation. Physiology. 7010 Auxin metabolism in representative land plants. Sztein, A. E., Cohen, J. S., Slovin, J. P., Cooke, T. J. Am. J. Bot. 82, 1514-1521, 1995. A Physiology. Auxin. Growth Regulator. 7011 A new additional annotated checklist of Brazilian bryophytes. Yano, O. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 78, 137-182, 1995. B, A List. Brazil. Flora. 7012 Notulae Bryoflorae Lusitanicae V: 3. New areas for new or uncommon bryophytes found in the central and central-eastern regions of Portugal. Sergio, C., Cros, R., Brugues, M. Revista de Biologia (Lisbon) 15, 195-197, 1994. B, A Flora. Portugal. 7013 Phaeoceros delicatus a new species of Anthocerotae from New Zealand. Campbell, E. O., Outred, H. A. New Zealand J. Bot. 33, 285-290, 1995. A Flora. New Zealand. 7014 Name changes in Australasian Megaceros (Anthocerotae). Campbell, E. O. New Zealand J. Bot. 33, 279-283, 1995. A Flora. List. Taxonomy. Australia. 7015 Gravel-pits as refugia. Andersson, K. Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 89, 229-255, 1995. A Ecology. 7016 A floristic study of the Cedar Key Scrub State Reserve, Levy County, Florida. Amoroso, J. L., Judd, W. S. Castanea 60, 210-232, 1995. A Flora. 7017 Bryophytorum Bibliotheca, Vol. 48. The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of the East African islands: An annotated catalogue. Grolle, R. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca, Vol. 48. The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of the East African Islands: An annotated catalogue. 178pp. J. Cramer in der Gebrueder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung: Berlin, Germany; E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung: Stuttgart, Germany, 1995. ISBN 3-443-62020-5. B, A Book. Taxonomy. East Africa Island. 7018 Cartography of the Navarre bryoflora: I. Hepaticae and Anthocerotaceae. De Miguel Velasco, A. M., Ederra Indurain, A. Studia Botanica 13, 279-282, 1995. A, H Taxonomy. 7019 Contribution to the knowledge of Spanish bryological flora, Notula IX: Moss, Hepaticae, and Anthocerotae of Las Arribes del Duero (northwestern Salamanca). Elias Rivas, M. J., Casas I Sicart, C., Brugues Domenech, M., Cros Matas, R. M. Oliva Alonso, R., Granzow De La Cerda, I., Munoz Fuente, J., Ederra Indurain, A. Rupidera Giraldo, J. L. Studia Botanica 13, 163-173, 1995. A, H, M Flora. Spain. 7020 A molecular phylogeny of bryophytes bsed on the nuclear encoded 18S rRNA genes. Capesius I J. Plant Physiol. 146, 59-63, 1995. A, B Molecular Biology. Phylogeny. 18S rRNA. 7021 Bryophyte diversity of ficus tree crowns from cloud forest and pasture in Costa Rica. Sillett, S. C., Gradstein, S. R., Griffin III, D. Bryologist 98, 251-260, 1995. A, B Costa Rica. Flora. 7022 The sporophyte-gametophyte junction in Tmesipteris (Psilotaceae, Psilotopsida): Phylogenetic implications of transfer cell arrangement. Frey, W., Campbell, E. O., Hilger, H. H. Beitraege zur Biologie der Pflanzen 68, 105-111, 1993-1994(1995). A, Pteridophyta. Anatomy. Morphology. 7023 The liverworts of Gorce. Mierzenska, M. Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica Series Polonica 1, 235-346, 1994. H Flora. 7024 The ecology of Nostoc. Dodds, W. K., Gudder, D. A., Mollenbauer, D. J. Phycology 31, 2-18, 1995. A Physiology. Symbiosis. 7025 Role of ammonium assimilation in urea inhibition of nitrogenase activity cultured cyanobiont Nostoc ANTH. Singh, S., Singh, B. B., Bisen, P. S. Indian J. Exp. Biol. 33, 94-96, 1995. A Nitrogenase. Enzyme. Symbiosis. 7026 Estimates of nuclear DNA content in bryophyte sperm cells: Phylogenetic considerations. Renzaglia, K. S., Rasch, E. M., Pike, L. M. Am. J. Bot. 82, 18-25, 1995. A, B Molecular Biology. Phylogeny. DNA. Sperm Cell. 7027 Transposon mutagenesis of Nostoc sp. strain ATCC 29133, a filamentous cyanobacterium with multiple cellular differentiation alternatives. Cohen, M. F. Microbiology (Reading) 140, 3233-3240, 1994. A Molecular Biology. Symbiosis. 7028 Anthocerodiazonin, an alkaloid from Anthoceros agrestis. Trennheuser, F., Burkhard, G., Becker, H. Phytochemistry 37, 899-903, 1994. A Chemistry. Alkaloid. 7029 Macrophytes of the preliminary reservoirs and their role in the water self-purification of the River Cybina. Kraska, M., Piotrowicz, R., Staszcyk, E. Poznanskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciol Nauk Wydzial Matematyczno-Przyrodniczy Prace Komisji Biologicznej 74, 59-73, 1994. A Pollution. Ecology. Aquatic bryophytes. 7030 Phylogenetic relationships of the "green algae" and "Bryophytes". Mishler, B. D., Lewis, L. A., Buchheim, M. A., Renzaglia, K. S., Garbary, D. J., Delwiche, C. F., Zechman, F. W., Kantz, T. S., Chapman, R. L. Ann. Missouri Bot. Garden 81, 451-483, 1994. A, B Phylonogy. 7031 Pattern of the plastid division in spore mother cells of the hornwort Anthoceros punctatus. Izumi, Y., Ono, K. J. Plant Res. 107, 147-152, 1994. A Plastid. Physiology. Spore Mother Cell. 7032 A list of anthocerotes and hepatics of Ukraine. Vana, J., Virchenko, V. M. Ukrayins'kyi Botanichnyi Zhurnal 50, 83-93, 1993. A, H Flora. List. Ukraina. 7033 Taxonomical studies on Asian Anthocerotae V. A short revision of Taiwanese Anthocerotae. Hasegawa, J. Acta Phytotaxon. Geobot. 44, 97-112, 1993. A Taiwan. Taxonomy. 7034 A new Phaeoceros from western Himalayas. Asthana, A. K., Nath, V. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. India Sec. B. 63, 461-464, 1993.. A Taxonomy. Himalayas. 7035 Distributional patterns of Phaeoceros Prosk. in Kumaon and Garhwal region: Western Himalayas. Asthana, A. K., Nath, V. Cryptogamie Bryologie et Lichenologie 15, 129-134, 1994. A Flora. Himalayas. 7036 Reconstitution of the symbiosis of Gunnera manicata Linden: Cyanobacterial specificity. Johansson, C., Bergman, B. New Phytologist 126, 643-652, 1994. A Symbiosis. 7037 Morphotype of microorganisms destroying plant substrates in lakes. Belova, M. A. Ekologiya (Moscow) 2, 14-21, 1993. A ? 7038 Preliminary list of threatened bryophytes in the Czech Republic: I. Liverworts (Hepatophyta) and hornworts (Anthocerotophyta). Vana J Preslia (Prague) 65, 193-199, 1993. A, H List. Czech. RDB. Conservation. 7039 Some name changes in New Zealand Hepaticae and Anthocerotae. Campbell, E. O. New Zealand J. Bot. 31, 341-346, 1993. A, H Taxonomy. New Zealand. 7040 Chloroplast division in cultured cells of the hornwort Anthoceros punctatus. Izumi, Y., Ono, K., Takamiya, M., Fukui, K. J. Plant Res. 106, 319-325, 1993. A Chloroplast. Culture. 7041 The phylogeny of land plants: A cladistic analysis based on male gametogenesis. Garbary, D. J., Renzaglia, K. S., Duckett, J. G. Plant Systematics Evolution 188, 237-269, 1993. A Phylogeny. Evolution. 7042 An investigation of the Koycegiz-Dalyan specially protected area as regard to bryophyte flora. Cetin, B. Turkish J. Bot. 17, 255-261, 1993. A, B Flora. Turkish. 7043 Role of glutamine synthetase, glutamine and NH-4+ in the regulation of NO2- uptake in the cyanobiont Nostoc ANTH. Singh, S. J. Plant Physiol. 142, 403-406, 1993. A Enzyme. Symbiosis. 7044 A centrin homologue is a component of the multilayered structure in bryophytes and pteridophytes. Vaughn, K. C., Sherman, T. D., Renzaglia, K. S. Protoplasma 175, 58-66, 1993. A Structure. 7045 Phaeoceros hirticalyx Step. Haseg. Anthocerotae new to New Zealand. CAMPBELL, E. O., HASEGAWA, J. New Zealand J. Bot. 31, 127-131, 1993. A Taxonomy. 7046 Bryophyte flora of the Huon peninsula Papua New Guinea LIV. Anthocerotophyta. Piippo, S. Acta Bot. Fenn. 148, 27-51, 1993. A Flora. New Guinea. 7047 Centrin in spermatogenesis of Archgoniates. Vaughn, K. C., Renzaglia, K. S. Fourth joint Meeting of the Botanical Society of America and the Canadian. Botanical Association, Ames, Iowa, USA, August 1-5, 1993. Am. J. Bot. 80 (6 suppl.), 38, 1993. A Report. 7048 The phylogemetic position of Takakia a preliminary assessment based on clasistic analysis of rRNA sequences. Hedderson, T. A., Chapman, R. L., Waters, D. A., Crandall-Stotler, B. Fourth joint Meeting of the Botanical Society of America and the Canadian. Botanical Association, Ames, Iowa, USA, August 1-5, 1993. Am. J. Bot. 80 (6 suppl.), 13, 1993. A Report. 7049 Discovery and description of antheridia on Megaceros aenigmaticus Schust. Mcfarland, K. D., Renzaglia, K. S., Smith, D. K., Hicks, M., Davison, P. G. Fourth joint Meeting of the Botanical Society of America and the Canadian. Botanical Association, Ames, Iowa, USA, August 1-5, 1993. Am. J. Bot. 80 (6 suppl.), 9, 1993. A Report. 7050 Ontogenetic shifts in apical organization in bryophytes and some thoughts on Meristem evolution. Crandall-Stotler, B. Fourth joint Meeting of the Botanical Society of America and the Canadian. Botanical Association, Ames, Iowa, USA, August 1-5, 1993. Am. J. Bot. 80 (6 suppl.), 7-8, 1993. A Report. 7051 The Stubble-field plant communities in South-eastern Poland, Part IV. Plant communities of the Nanocyperion-flavescentis alliance. Traba, C. Acta Agrobot. 44, 171-193, 1991(1992). A Flora. Poland. 7052 Ultrastructural characteristics of the placental region of Folioceros and their taxonomic significance. Vaughn, K. C., Hasegawa, J. Bryologist 96, 112-121, 1993. A Ultra Structure. Placenta. 7053 Red data list for bryophytes of Norway including Svalbard. Frisvoll, A. A., Blom, H. H. Nina (Nor Inst. Naturforskning) Utred 42, 1-55, 1992. A, B List. Flora. 7054 On Megaceros aenigmaticus Schust. Schuster, R. M. Bryologist 95, 305-315, 1992. A Taxonomy. 7055 A molecular approach to the phylogeny of Bryophytes cladistic analysis of chloroplast encoded 16S and 23S ribosomal RNA genes. Mishler, B. D., Thrall, P. H., Hopple, J. S. JR., De Luna, E., Vilgalys,R. Bryologist 95, 172-180, 1992. A, B Phylogeny. Ribosomal RNA. Molecular Biology. 7056 Floristic and phytosociological observations in the pond area near Ellwangen. Part 1. Aquatic plants. Voggesberger, M. Jahresh. Ges. Naturkd. Wuertemb. 146, 159-189, 1992. A, B Ecology. 7057 Changes in the bryophyte flora of Switzerland. Urmi, E., Schubiger-Bossard, C., Bisang, I. Dissertationes botanicae, Vol. 196. Festschrift Zoller, Beitraege zu philosophie und geschichte der naturwissenschaften, evolution und systematik, oekologie und morphologie, geob0tanik, pollenanalyse und archaeobotanik. (Brombacher, C., Jacomet, S., Hass, J. N., eds.), pp263-279, J. Cramer in der Gebrueder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung, Berlin, Germany; E. Schaeizerbart'sche verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, Germany. ISBN 3-443-64108-3. 0 (0), 1993. [Dissertationes botanicae, Vol. 196. The Zoller Festschrift: Contributions to the philosophy and history of the natural sciences, evolution and systematics, ecology and morphology, geobotany, pollen analysis, and archaeobotany.] A,B Flora. Switzerland. 7058 IAA metabolism in land plants. Sztein, A. E., Cohen, J. D., Slovin, J. P., Cooke, T. J. Keystone symposium on evolution and plant development, Taos, New Mexico, USA, January 26-February 1, 1993, J. Cell Biochem. Suppl. 17, Part. B. 46, 1993. A IAA. Growth Regulator. Metabolism. Physiology. 7059 An investigation of the liverworts of west Anatolia. Gokler, I. Doga Turk. Bot. Derg. 16, 1-8, 1992. A, H Flora. Turkey. Anatolia. 7060 Immunogold localization of hydrogenase in the cyanobacterial-plant symbiosys Peltigera canina, Anthoceros punctatus and Gunnera magellanica. Rai, A. N., Borthakur, M., Soderback, E., Bergman, B. Symbiosis 12, 131-144, 1992. Hydrogenase. Immunogold. 7061 Preliminary inferences of the phylogeny of bryophytes from nuclear encoded ribosomal RNA sequences. Waters, D. A., Buchheim, M. A., Dewey, R. A., Capman, R. L. Am. J. BOT. 79, 459-466, 1992. A, B Phylogeny. Molecular Biology. Ribosome RNA. 7062 The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of North America Vol. V. East of the Hundredth Meridian. Schuster, R. M. Field Museum of Natural History, 854 pp., pls. XVII, Chicago, Ill. USA. 1992. ISBN 0-914-86820-9. 0 (0). A, H. Taxonomy. Book. North America. 7063 The phenolic constituent of the Anthocerotae and its taxonomic significance. Hasegawa, J., Shionzaki, M., RTakeda, R. Am.J. Bot. 79, 6 Suppl., 16-17, 1992. A Phenolic. Taxonomy. Chemistry. 7064 Using immunogold protocols to investigate bryophyte development and subcellular organization. Vaughn, K. C. Am. J. Bot. 79, 6 Suppl. 14, 1992. A,B Immunogold. Development. Method. Subcellular Organization. 7065 Ultrastructural studies and a new understanding of bryophyte phylogeny. Renzaglia, K. S., Garbary, D. J. Am. J. Bot. 79, 6 Suppl., 14, 1992. A, B Ultrastructure. Taxonomy. Phylogeny. 7066 The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of North America. Vol. VI. East of the Hundredth Meridian. Shuster, R. M. Field Museum of Natural History, 937pp. pls. XVII, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 1992. ISBN 0-914-86821-7. 0 (0). 7067 Centrin is a component of the microtuble organizing centers. Vaughn, K. C., Sherman, T. D., Renzaglia, K. S. Plant Physiol. 99, 1 Suppl., 42, 1992. A Microtuble. 7068 Hornworts in Switzerland endangered? Bisang, I. Biol. Conserv. 59, 145-149, 1992. A Switzerland. Flora. RDB. Conservation. 7069 Evidence for plant-mediated regulation of nitrogenase expression in the Anthoceros and Nostoc symbiotic association. Campbell, E. L., Meeks, J. C. J. Gen. Microbiol. 138, 473-480, 1992. A Nitrogenase. Symbiosis. 7070 Palaeobiology of origin and diversification in Bryophyta. Bharadwaj, D. C. Biol. Mem. 17, 1-44, 1991. A, B Palaeobiology. 7071 Morphological and physiological properties of symbiotic Cyanobacteria. Vagnoli, L., Margheri, M. C., Allotta, G., Materassi, R. New Phytol. 120, 243-249, 1992. A Morphology. Symbiosis. 7072 Symbiotic systems of nitrogen-fixing blue-green algae with higher plants. Kamalova, S. V. UKR BOT. ZH. 48, 66-74, 1991. A Nitrogen Fixing. Symbiosis. 7073 Index to chromosome numbers of Polish bryophytes. Przywara, L., Kuta, E., Ochyra, R. Fragm. Florist. Geobot. 36, 89-04, 1991. A, B Chromosome. Cytology. Poland. 7074 Physiological sources of reductant for nitrogen fixation activity in Nostoc sp. strain UCD 7801 in symbiotic association Anthoceros punctatus. Steinberg, N. A.,Meeks, J. C. J. Bacteriol. 173,7324-7329, 1991. A Physiology. Nitrogen Fixation. Symbiosis. 7075 Transient inhibition of plasmalemma proton pump in Anthoceros following a pulse of light of the seconds time ange. Bullychev, A. A., Remish, D. Fiziol. Rast. 38, 499-506, 1991. A Proton Pump. Light. Physiology. 7076 Morphological and physiological characterization of nitrogen-fixing symbiotic Cyanobacteria. Vagnoli, I. L., Margheri, M. C., Allotta, G., Materassi, R. Developments in plant and soil sciences, Vol. 48, Nitrogen fixation; Fifth international symposium on nitrogen fixation with non Legumes, Florence, Italy, September 10-14, 1990, (Polsinelli, M., Materassi, R., Vincenzini, M., eds.), 571-572, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands; Norwell, Mass., USA, 1991. ISBN 0-7923-1410-7. 0 (0). 1991. A Physiology. Morphology. Nitrogen Fixation. 7077 The Anthocerotae chloroplast. Vaughn, K. C., Ligrone, R., Owen, H. A., Hasegawa, J., Campbell, E. O., Renzaglia, K. S., Monge-Najera, J. New Phytol. 120, 169-190, 1992. A Chloroplast. Physiology. Morphology. Taxonomy. 7078 Reversible fall in the yield of fluorescence of chlorophyll A on generation of action potential in the cells of the liverwort Anthoceros. Niyazova, M. M., Bulychev, A. A. A Physiology. Chlorophyll A. Fluorescence. 7079 Model of the potential dependent changes in the fluorescence of chlorophyll of photosystem II. Bulychev, A. A., Inyazova, M. M. Biophysics(Engl. Transl.: Biofizika) 34,63-69, 1989(1990). A Chloroplast. Fluorescence. Photosystem II. 7080 Bryophytorum bibliotheca Vol. 42. Indian hornworts a taxonomic study. Asthana, A. K., Srivastaava, S. C. Asthana, A. K., Srivastava, S. C., eds., 158pp(pls. XI), E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, Germany; J. Cramer In Der Gebrueder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung, Berlin, Germany, 1991. ISBN 3-443-62014-0. 0 (0). A India. Taxonomy. 7081 Liverworts and hornworts of southern Michigan. Crum, H. 233 pp. pls. VII, Univ. of Michigan Herbarium, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. 1991, ISBN 0-9620733-1-8. 0 (0). A, H Taxnomy. Michigan. Flora. 7082 Bryophytes in the vicinity of Jenolan caves New South Wales Australia. Downing, A. J., Ramsay, H. P., Schofield, W. B. Cunninghamia 2, 371-384, 1981. A,B Flora. Australia. 7083 Evidence for the occurrence of a specific methylammonium transport system in the cultured cyanobiont of the Anthoceros punctatus Nostoc association. Prakasham, M. R., Rai, A. N. J. Gen. Microbiol. 137, 1783-1788, 1991. Symbiosis. Transport. Methyl Ammonium. 7084 A limited survey of the phylogenetic distribution of polyphenol oxidase. Sherman, T. D., Vaughn, K. C., Duke, S. O. Phytochemistry 30, 2499-2506, 1991. A, B Oxidase. Chemistry. 7085 Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of Tanegashima Island, Kyusyu, Japan. Hara, M., Miyakuni, Y. Mem. Fac. Sci. Kochi Univ. Ser. D. Biol. 12, 1-10, 1991. A, H. Tanegashima. Taxonomy. Kyusyu. Flora. 7086 Megaceros flagellaris new record Mitt. Sytep. in the Northwestern Himalayas. Vishvakarma, K. S., Kaul, A. J. Econ. Taxon Bot. 13, 725-728, 1989. A Himalaya. Flora. Taxonomy. 7087 Azola and other plantr-cyanobacteria symbiosis aspects of form and function. Peters, G. A. Plant Soil 137, 25-36, 1991. A Symbiosis. Physiology. 7088 A new checklist of the liverworts and hornworts of North America. Stotler, R. E., Crandall-Stotler, B. Am. J. Bot. 78(6 SUPPL.),10, 1991. H. A List. Flora. North America. 7089 Sexual reproduction in bryophytes un relation to physical factors of the environment. Longston, R. E. Bryophyte development: Physiology and biochemistry, (Chopra, R. N., Bhatla, S. C., eds.), pp139-166, CRC Press Inc., BocaRaton, Florida, USA, 1990. ISBN 0-8493-5289-4. 0 (0). A, B Reproduction. 7090 A new species of Foliceros bharad, Anthocerotaceae from Arunachal, Pradesh, India. Singh, D. K. Bull. Bot. Surv. India 29, 176-180, 1987(1989). A Flora. Taxonomy. India. 7091 Notothylas vitalii, new record and Phaeoceros laevis, new record; New records for Sao Paulo and Bahia, Brazil. Martins, D. V., Bastos, C. J. P., Yano, O. Rev. Bras. Bot. 13, 15-18, 1990. A Taxonomy. Flora. Brazil. 7092 Bryophytes of Mount Tomah botanic garden, New South Wales, AUstralia. Ramsey, H. P., Downing, A., Schofield, W. B. Cunninghamia 2, 295-304, 1990. A, B Flora. Australia. 7093 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), South Altantic ocean Hepaticae and Anthocerotophyta. A taxonomic and phytogeographic study. Engel, J. J. Fieldiana Bot. 25, 1-209, 1990. A, H Taxonomy. Flora. Falkland Island. Malvinas. 7094 The quadripolar microtuble system and meiotic spindle ontogeny in hornworts, Bryophyta, Anthocerotae. Brown, R. C., Lemmon, B. E. Am. J. Bot. 77, 1482-1490, 1990. A Structure. Microtuble. Meiotic Spindle. 7095 Bryophytorum Bibliotheca. Band 39. Conspectus bryophytorum orientallum et Arabicorum. An annotated catalogue of the bryophytes of Southwest Asia. Frey, W., Kuerschner, H. 181pp, Cramer Borntraeger in der gebrueder Verlagsbuchhandlung, Berlin, Germany, 1991. ISBN 3-443-62011-6. 0 (0). A, B Book. Taxonomy. 7096 The North South and Central American species of Anthoceros and Folioceros (Anthocerotophyta). Their spore ornamentation and taxonomy. Hassel de menendez, G. G. Candollea 45, 201-220, 1990. A Taxonomy. America. Ornamentation. 7097 The sporophyte gametophyte junction in the hornwort, Dendroceros tubercularis Hatt. (Anthocerophyta). Ligrone, R., Renzaglia, K. S. New Phytol. 114, 497-506, 1990. A Structure. Anatomy. Placenta. 7098 The Emperor's new clothes a molecular approach to the phylogeny of bryophytes using chloroplast DNA. Mishler, B. D., Thrall, P., Hopple, J. S. Jr., De Luna, E., Vilgalys, R. Am. J. Bot. 77, 6 Suppl., 146, 1990. A, B Phylogeny. Chloroplast DNA. Molecular Biology. 7099 The first isolation of lignans megacerotonic acid and anthocerotonic acid from non-vascular plants (Anthocerotae, Hornworts). Takeda, R., Hasegawa, J., Shinozaki, M. Tetrahedron Lett. 31, 4159-4162, 1990. A Chemistry. Lignan. 7100 Bryophyte flora of the Huon Peninsula, Papua, New Guinea. XXXIV. Key to the bryophyte flora of Western Melanesia Hepaticae and Anthocerotae. Piippo, S. Ann. Bot. Fenn. 27, 13-18, 1990. A, B Flora. New Guinea. 7101 The North South and Central American species of Phaeoceros (Anthocerotophyta). Their spore ornamentation and taxonomy. Hassel de Menendez, G. G. Candollea 44, 715-740, 1989. A TAxonomy. America. 7102 Induction changes of membrane potential and fluorescence in Anthoceros cells after a pulse of seconds time range illumination. Bulychev, A. A. Fiziol. Rast. 36, 939-947, 1989. A Physiology. Membrane. Light. 7103 A key to the Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of Puerto Rico, west Indies and The Virgin Islands west Indies. Gradstein, S. R. Bryologist 92, 329-348, 1989. A, H Taxonomy. Puerto Rico. Virgin Islands. 7104 Two species of Folioceros from India including Foloceros kashyapii, new species. Srivastava, S. C., Asthana, A. K. Bryologist 92, 219-224, 1989. A Taxonomy. India. 7105 Ultrastructural studies of spermatogenesis in Anthocerotophyta V. Nuclear metamorphosis and the posterior mitochondrion of Notothylas orbicularis and Phaeoceros laevis. Renzaglia, K. S., Duckett, J. G. Protoplasma 151, 137-150, 1989. A Ultrastructure. Spermatogenesis. 7106 The germination of the spores of Phaeoceros bulbiculosus Brothero. Prosk. Herguido, P., Ron. E. Cryptogam. Bryol. Lichenol. 10, 353-359, 1989. A Germination. Spore. 7107 Photosynthetic carbon dioxide fixation and ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase activity of Nostoc sp. strain UCD 7801 in symbiotic association with Anthoceros punctatus. Steinberg, N. A., Meeks, J. C. J. Bacteriol. 171, 6227-6233, 1989. A Symbiosis. Photosynthesis. Enzyme. CO2 Fixation. 7108 A note on the distribution of bryophytes in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India. Patidar, K. C. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 12, 467-468, 1988. A, B List. Flora. India. 7109 Changes of electric potential across photosynthetic and cell membranes of Anthoceros as affected by light. Bulychev, A. A. Fiziol. Rast. 36, 479-486, 1989. A Physiology. Membrane. Electric Potential. Photosynthesis. 7110 Lignan like compounds and sporopollenin in Coleochaete an algal model for land plant ancester. Delwiche, C. F., Graham, L. E., Thomson, N. Science 245, 399-401, 1989. A Chemistry. Lignan. Sporopollenin.