k052 #7726-7887 old file: koke 9618 (1990 Hepaticae) Re. by H.Deguchi, April. 13, 1997 7726 A simplified technique for assaying the production of bacteriostatic compounds by Hepatics. Zehr, D. R. Lindbergia 16, 128-132, 1990. H Chemistry. Antibiotic. 7727 Gymnocolea borealis in Sweden. Soderstrom, L. Lindbergia 16, 143-144, 1990. H Taxonomy. Flora. Sweden. 7728 Patagonian Bryophytes 11. On Arctoscyphus ronsmithii Hassel (Hepatophyta), new genus and new species, with comments on Pendinophyllopsis Schust. et Inoue. Hassel de Menendez, G. G. Lindbergia 16, 133-137, 1990. H Taxonomy. Flora. Patagonia. Argentin. 7729 The genus Radula in Macaronesia. Bouman, A. A., Dirkse, G. M. Lindbergia 16, 119-127, 1990. H Taxonomy. Flora. Macaronesia. 7730 On the taxonomic position of Lophozia excisa var. jurensis (Meyl. ex. K. Muell.) K. Muell. Bisang, I. Lindbergia 16, 109-112, 1990. H Taxoonomy. 7731 The byological flora of the upper basin of the Giano stream marche. Laschin, G. A-S. Inf. Bot. Ital. 22, 51-54, 1990. H, B Taxonomy. Flora. Italy. 7732 The leafy hepaticae of Mexico one hundred and twenty seven years after C. M. Gottsche. Fulford, M., Sharp, A. J. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 63, 1-86, 1990. H Taxonomy. Flora. Mexico. 7733 Bryophyte flora and vegetation on the Island of Graciosa, Azores with remarks on floristic diversity in the Azorean Islans. Sjogren, E. Arquipel Cienc. Nat. 8, 63-96, 1990. H, B Flora. Azorean Island. 7734 Interesting records of bryophytes from south Holland. Aptroot, A. Lindbergia 16, 105-106, 1990. H, B Flora. Holland. 7735 Multicellular spores and false anisospory in Bryowijkia ambigua, Musci, Trachypodaceae. de Luna, E. Lindbergia 16, 73-79, 1990. M Spore. Anisospory. Morphology. 7736 Diplophyllum nanum Herz. in India. Srivastava, S. C., Sharma, D., Shaheen, F. Lindbergia 16, 55-58, 1990. H Taxonomy. India. 7737 The family Radulaceae in North America, West of the Hundredth Meridian. Hong, W. S., Trexler, D., Flanders, K. Lindbergia 16, 37-43, 1990. H Taxonomy. Flora. North America. 7738 Mycorrhizal association in rock crevices vesicular arbuscular. Mycorrhizal infections in decaying aerial portions of Adiantum capillus veneris L. Induced by a mcorrhizal bryophytes in rock crevice at Khanspur. Iqbal, S. H., Firdaus, E. B. Pak. J. For. 40, 311-317, 1990. (Pakistan Journal of Forestry) H, B Ecology. Pakistan. Mycorrhiza. 7739 Rhizoids of two bryophytes, Riccia canaliculata Hoffm. and Riccia sorocarpa Bisch (Marchantiales, Ricciacees). Ultrastructure and function. Breuil-See, A., Abadie, M. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. Veg. 11, 39-48, 1990-1991. (Annales des Sciences Naturelles Botanique et Biologie Vegetale) H Rhizoid. Ultra Structure. 7740 Physiological roles of plant lipoxygenase. Lipoxygenase activity in Marchantia polymorpha cell. Matsui, K., Kajiwara, T., Hatanaka, A. Plant lipid biochemistry, structure and utilization, (Quinn, P. J., Harwood, J. L., eds), pp. 292-294, Portland Press, London, UK, 1990. (ISBN 1-85578-003-8. 0 (0)). H Enzyme. Lipoxygenase. Physiology. 7741 Galactolipid fatty acids of Bryophyts. Karunen, P. Plant lipid biochemistry, structure and utilization, (Quinn, P. J., Harwood, J. L., eds), pp. 30-32, Portland Press, London, UK, 1990. (ISBN 1-85578-003-8. 0 (0)). H Lipid. Chemistry. 7742 Bryophytes of Cozia Mountain. Dihoru, G. Anal. Univ. Bucur Biol. 39, 51-58, 1990. (Analele Universitatii Bucuresti Biologi) H, B Flora. Rumania. 7743 Ethylene formation cell types and differentiation. Osborne, D. J. Current topics in plant physiology, vol. 5, (Am. Soc. Plant Physiol. ed.), pp. 203-215, 1990. (ISBN 0-943088-19-4 0 (0)) H Ethylene. Conference. 7744 Correlations of liverwort sepecies on an intermediate landscape scale. Duda, J., Herben, T., Novotny, I. J. Veg. Sci. 1, 5, 623-628, 1990. H Ecology. 7745 Additional data about Riccia fruchartii Steph. Vianna, E. C. Iheringia Ser. Bot. 40, 127-130, 1990. (Iheringia Serie Botanica) H Flora. Taxonomy. 7746 Blepharoplast morphology in Treubia tasmanica (Hepaticae, Treubiales). Carothers, Z. B., Rushing, A. E. Bryologist 93, 409-416, 1990. H Morphology. Taxonomy. Sperm. 7747 The effect of canal irrigation on the natural flora of northwest Rajasthan, India. Singh, B. P., Singh, H. J. Phytol. Res. 3, 51-53, 1990. H, B Flora. India. Rajasthan. 7748 The genus Tritomaria (Lophoziaceae, Hepaticae) on the Yamal, Russian, SFSR, USSR Potemkin, A. D. Bot. Zh. 75, 1742-1753, 1990. (Botanicheskii Zhurnal (Leningrad) H Taxonomy. Russia. 7749 The family Calypogeiaceae in North America west of the Hundredth Meridian. Hong, W. S. Bryologist 93, 313-318, 1990. H Taxonomy. USA. 7750 New mosses and liverworts for the Netherlands in the Biesbosch. van der Pluijm, A. Lindbergia 16, 28-34, 1990. H, M Flora. Holland. 7751 Studues on Mastigolejeunea humilis (Gott.) Schiffn from Andaman Island, India. Joshi, D. Y., Wani, D. D., Chavan, S. J. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 14, 555-560, 1990. H Flora. Andaman Island. India. Taxonomy. 7752 Trimurornatispora, new genus of Miospores from the cornbrook sandstone formation, lower namurina carboniferous clee hills, Shropshire, England, UK. Turner, N., Spinner, E. Palynology 14, 19-26, 1990. H, B Palynology. England. 7753 Some spores and pollen from the cullen formation upper eocene to middle oligocene, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. Zamaloa, M. D. C., Romero, E. J. Palynology 14, 123-134, 1990. H, B Palynology. Argentin. Fuego. 7754 Glymnomitrion crenulatum Gott. in the Iberian Peninsula an ecological and biogeographical study. Reinoso, J., Rodrigues, J., Schumacker, R. Candollea 45, 519-524, 1990. H Spain. Ecology. Geology. 7755 Studies on callus induction in the liverwort Mannia dichotoma. Chopra, R. N., Kapur, A. Phytomorphology 39, 357-362, 1989. H Callus. Induction. 7756 The structure and role of hyaline parenchyma in the liverwort, Lunularia cruciata (L.) Dum. Giordano, S., Castaldo, Cobianchi, R., Basile, A., Spagnuoloadn, V. G. Bot. Ital. 1234, 169-176, 1989. (Giornale Botanico Italiano) H Structure. Physiology. Parenchyma. 7757 On the bryoflora of the Bureynsky Preserve, Khabarovsk, Krai Russian SFSR, USSR. Ignatov, M. S., Ignatova, E. A., Petelin, D. A., Khasanov, B. F. Byull. Mosk. O-va Ispyt. Prir. Otd. Biol. 95, 89-96, 1990. (Byulleten' Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody Otdel Biologicheskii) H, B Flora. USSR. Khabarivsk. 7758 In vitro propagation dedifferentiation and redifferentiation of Marchantia polymorpha L. Li, W-A. Acta Bot. Sin. 32, 852-857, 1990. H Differentiation. Redifferentiation. Callus. 7759 Xanthophyceae associated to Ricciocarpus natans (L.) Corda of the Corrientes Province, Argentina. Pizarro, H. N. Physis. Secc. A Oceanos. Org. 46, 65-74, 1988. (Physis Seccion A los Oceanos y sus Organismos) H Argentin. Symbiosis. Algae. 7760 Preliminary contribution to the inventory of bryophytes from the Vanoise Massif, France. Chavoutier, J., Pellicier, P. Trav. Sci. Parc. Natl. vanoise 17, 89-126, 1990. (Travaux Scientifiques du Parc National de la Vanoise) H, B France. ?. 7761 Genus Riccia Mich. L. of district Gorakhpur, India. Sinha, A. B., Singh, U. S., Shykla, M. S. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 14, 201-204, 1990. H Taxonomy. India. 7762 Studies on flavonoids in liverworts, a review. Singh, V. B., Dixit, B. S., Srivastava. S> N. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 14, 15-26, 1990. H Chemistry. Flavonoid. 7763 Biologically active substances from bryophytes. Asakawa, Y. Bryophyte development: Physioology and biochemistry, (Chopra, R. N., Bhatla, S. C., eds.), pp. 259-288, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, 1990. ISBN 0-8493-5289-4. 0 (0) H Biological Active Substance. Book. 7764 Lunularic acid in growth and dormancy of liverworts. Schwabe, W. W. Bryophyte development: Physioology and biochemistry, (Chopra, R. N., Bhatla, S. C., eds.), pp. 245-258, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, 1990. ISBN 0-8493-5289-4. 0 (0) H Chemistry. Growth. Physiology. Dormancy. Book. 7765 Morphoregulatory role of hydroxyproline containing proteins in liverrworts. Basile, D. V. Bryophyte development: Physioology and biochemistry, (Chopra, R. N., Bhatla, S. C., eds.), pp. 225-244, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, 1990. ISBN 0-8493-5289-4. 0 (0) H Morphology. Hydroxyproline. Physioology. Biochemistry. Book. 7766 Growth and secondary metabolites production in cultures cells of liverworts. Ohta, Y., Katoh, K., Takeda, R. Bryophyte development: Physioology and biochemistry, (Chopra, R. N., Bhatla, S. C., eds.), pp. 209-224, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, 1990. ISBN 0-8493-5289-4. 0 (0) H Chemistry. Culture. Production. Secondary Metabolite. Book. 7767 In vitro studies on chemical regulation of gametangial formation in bryophytes. Chopra, R. N., Sarla,. Bryophyte development: Physioology and biochemistry, (Chopra, R. N., Bhatla, S. C., eds.), pp. 167-190, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, 1990. ISBN 0-8493-5289-4. 0 (0) H Chemistry. Culture. Growth Regulator. Gametangium. Book. 7768 Photomodulation of protonema development. Hartmann, E., Weber, M. Bryophyte development: Physioology and biochemistry, (Chopra, R. N., Bhatla, S. C., eds.), pp133-54, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, 1990. ISBN 0-8493-5289-4. 0 (0) H Protonema. Photomodulation. Development. Book. 7769 Bryophyte development, physiology and biochemistry. Chopra, R. N., Bhatla, S. C. Bryophyte development: Physioology and biochemistry, (Chopra, R. N., Bhatla, S. C., eds.), 300 p., CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, 1990. ISBN 0-8493-5289-4. 0 (0) H Development. Book. 7770 Endangered bryophytic species of the Southern Iberian Peninsula. Guerra, J., Ros, R. M. Conservation techniques in botanic gardens; International conference on technique for the conservation of threatened plant species in botanic gardens in the Mediterraanean Area, Cordoba, Spain, (Heernandez Bermejo, J. E., Clemente, M., Heywood, V., eds.), 137-140, Koeltz Sci. Books., Koeningstein, Germany, 1990. H, B. Conservation. Spain. Book. RDB. 7771 New records of rare liverwort species in Murmansk oblast in the Northwestern USSR, Russian SFSR. Konstantinova, N. A. Bot. Zh. (Leningr.) 75, 1306-1308, 1990. H Floa. USSR. Murmansnk. 7772 Chlorogical notes on the turfophilous bryoflora of Salamanca, Spain. Elias Rivas, M. J., Sanchez Rodliguez, J. A. Stud. Bot. 9, 159-161, 1990. H, B Spain. Flora. 7773 Studies in the genus Riccia (Marchantiales) from Southren Africa 18. New species in section Pilifer from the Northwest Cape: Riccia furfuracea, new species, Riccia vitrea, new species, and Riccia namaquensis, new species. Perold, S. M. Bothalia 20, 175-184, 1990 H Taxonomy. Southern Africa. Flora. 7774 Studies in the genus Riccia (Marchantiales) from Southern Africa 19. Two new species: Riccia pulveracea, section Pilifer and Riccia bicolorata, section Riccia group Squamatae. Perold, S. M. Bothalia 20, 185-190, 1990. H Taxonomy. Southern Africa. 7775 Studies in the genus Riccia (Marchantiales) from southern Africa 20. Riccia albovestita and its synonyms, Riccia duthieae and Riccia sarcosa. Perold, S. M. Bothalia 20, 191-196, 1990. H Flora. Taxonomy. Southern Africa. 7776 Studies in the genus Riccia (Marchantiales) from Southern Africa 21. Riccia stricta, Riccia purpurascens and Riccia fluitans, subgenus Ricciella. Perold, S. M. Bothalia 20, 197-206, 1990. H Flora. Taxonomy. Southern Africa. 7777 Studies in the genus Riccia (Marchantiales) from Southren Africa 17. Three new species in section Pilifer: Riccia elongata, Riccia ampullacea and Riccia trachyglossum. Perold, S. M. Bothalia 20, 167-174, 1990. H Taxonomy. Southern Africa. Flora. 7778 Supplements to the moss flora of Nutscheid district, Germany. Stech, M. Floristische Rundbriefe 24, 150-151, 1990. H Flora. Germany. 7779 Rice chloroplast and polymerase genes. The absence of an intron in RPOC1 and the presence of an extra sequence in RPOC2. Shimada, H., Fukuta, M., Ishikawa, M., Sugiura, M. Mol. Gen. Genet. 221, 395-402, 1990. H Cloroplast. Gene. Molecular Biology. Rice. Holmology. RPOC1. RPOC2. 7780 Nucleotide sequence of the maize chloroplast PRO B, C1, C2 operon, comparison between the derived protein primasy structures from various organisms with respect to functional domains. Igloi, G. L., Meinke, A., Doery, I., Koessel, H. Mol. Gen. Genet. 221, 379-394, 1990. H Chloroplast. Gene. Homology. Maize. Molecular Biology. 7781 Syndynamic processes in Nardo callunetae communities changes in fallow land after renewed cattle grazing and life history of Arnica montana L. Schwabe, A. Carolinea 48, 45-68, 1990. ? Ecology. 7782 Corticolous bryophytes in the Canton of Geneva, Switzerland. Floristic survey and bioindication. Papert, A. Saussurea 21, 123-146, 1990. H, B Bioindicator.Switzerland. Pollution. 7783 Haplomitrium hookeri Sm. Nees. Calobryales Hepaticae for the Iberian Peninsula. Geissler, P. Saussurea 21, 147-150, 1990. H Flora. Iberia Peninsula. 7784 Lophozia alboviridis and Lophozia decolorans, Hepaticae on Yamal, Russian FSR, USSR. Potemkin, A. D. Bot. Zh. 75, 1086-1092, 1990. H Taxonomy. Flora. Yamal. USSR. 7785 Stages and ages of primary wet heath succession in costal dunes. Neuhaus, R. Drosera 90, 29-34, 1990. H, B Ecology. 7786 Association of bryophytes and algae in Lakes Idro and Terlago, northern Italy. Cortini Pedrotti, C., Aleffi, M. Doc. Phytosociol. 12, 265-272, 1990. (Documents Phytosociologiques) H, B Italy. Association. 7787 Classification of the Haplomitriales and Metzgeriales into the subclass Metzgeriidae, subclass new Hepatophyta Jungermanniopsida. Bartholomew Began, S. E. Phytologia 69, 464-466, 1990. H Taxonomy. 7788 Vital staining of liverwort oil bodies with diachrome and fluorochromes. Mueller Stoll, W. R., Ahrens, G. Feddes Repert. 101, 617-630, 1990. (Feddes Repertorium) H Oil Body. Staining. Histocytochemistry. 7789 Porella wataugensis Sull. Howe in the southern Appalachian mountains, USA. Hicks, M. L. Castanea 55, 223-228, 1990. H USA. Taxonomy. Flora. 7790 Notes on the vegetative morphology and asexual reproduction in Ricciocarpus natans (L.) Corda., Marchantiales, Hepaticae. Ferreyra, A. N. Lilloa 37, 51-54, 1990. H Morphology. Asexual Reproduction. 7791 Distribution and plant sociology of terrestrial bryophyte communities in the Judean desert. Frey, W., Herrnstadt, I., Kuerschner, H. Phytocoenologia 19, 233-266, 1990. H, B Ecology. Phytosociology. Desert. 7792 Fossombronio giganspermetum Mouretii, new association from the Judean desert 1. Distribution and sociology. Frey, W., Kuerschner, H. Cryptogam Bot. 2, 56-63, 1990. H Desert. Flora. Ecology. Phytosociology. 7793 Additions to the bryophyte flora of the Tornetrask area, Swedish lapland. Rumsey, F. J. J. Bryol. 16, 199-208, 1990. H, B Flora. Lapland. Sweden. 7794 A reassessment of the distinction between Barbilophozia atlantica Kaal. K. Muell. and Barbilophozia floerkei Web. et Mohr Loeske in Britain, UK. Blackstock, T. H. J. Bryol. 16, 193-198, 1990. H Taxonomy. UK. 7795 Marsupella arctica Berggr. Bryhn and Kaal. in Scotland, UK, new to the British Isle. Long, D. G., Paton, J. A., Rothero, G. P. J. Bryol. 16, 163-172, 1990. H Flora. UK. Taxonomy. 7796 Photoautotrophic growth in cell suspension culture from the liverwort Marchantia paleaceae var. Diptera. Ngumi, V. W., Takio, S., Takami, S. J. Plant Physiol. H Physiology. Growth. Suspension Culture. Photoautotroph. 7797 Antimicrobial properties of Exormotheca tuberifera Kash. Joshi, D. Y., Wani, D. D., Deshpande, S. Adv. Plant. Sci. 3, 147-151, 1990. H Antimicrobial Agent. 7798 Ecological study of a forest humus by observing a small volume I. Penetration of pine litter by Mycorrhizal fugi. Ponge, J. F. Eur. J. for Pathol. 20, 290-303, 1990. H Ecology. Forst Humu. Mycorrhizal. 7799 Potential application of cutin derived cupric oxide reaction products for discriminating vascular plant sources in natural environments. Goni, M. A., Hedges, J. I. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 54, 3073-3082, 1990. H Chemistry. Ecology. 7800 Molluscicidal properties of constituents from the liverwort Ricciocarpos natans and of synthetic lunularic acid derivatives. Wurzel, G., Becker, H., Eicher, T., Tiefensee, K. Plant Med. 56. 444-445, 1990. H Chemistry. Mulluscicid. Animal. 7801 Addition to the bryophyte flora of the Canary Islands, North Atlantic Ocean. Dirkse, G. M., Bouman, A. C. Lindbergia 15, 145-150, 1990. H, B Flora. Spain. Canary Islands. 7802 Interaction between L-pipecolic acid and water extracts of various plant species in floral induction of Lemna paucicostata. Kaihara, S., Takinoto, A. Plant Cell Physiol. 31, 1059-1061, 1990. H Chemistry. Physiology. Floral Induction. 7803 Polar organizers mark division axis prior to preprophase band formation in mitosis of the Hepatic, Reboulia hemisphaerica, Bryophyta. Brown, R. C., Lemmon, B. E. Protoplasma 156, 74-81, 1990. H Physiology. Polar Organization. 7804 Total synthesis of dextro albicanol and dextro albicanyl acetate via a highly diastereoselective intramolecular 3 plus 2 cycloaddition. Shishido, K., Tokunaga, Y., Omachi, N., Hiroya, K., Fukumoto, K., Kametani, T. J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans I, 9, 2481-2486, 1990. H, B Chemistry. Synthesis. 7805 The NDHH genes of germination plastomes are linked with the junctions between small single copy and inverted repeat regions. Maier, R. M., Dory, I., Igloi, G., Koessel, H. Curr. Genet. 18, 245-250, 1990. H Molecular Biology. Gene. Plastome. 7806 Bryophytes of Rio Claro city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Visnadi, S. R., Monteiro, R. Hoehnea 17, 71-84, 1990. H, B Flora. Brazil. 7807 Mossy communities in the early stages of overgrowing of bare sandstones. Cherepanov, I. V. Biol. Nauki 4, 74-77, 1990. (Biologicheskie NAUKI (Moscow) H, B Ecology. Sandstone. 7808 Radionuclide contamination of raw medicinal plant material in various regions of the Ukraine after Chernobyl disaster. Hritsenko, O. M., Grodzins'kyi, D. M., Moskalenko, V. M., Khomylyak, M. M. Farm. ZH. 5, 12-14, 1990. (Farmatsevtychnyi Zhurnal (Kiev) H, B Chernobyl Disaster. Ukraine. Ecology. Radio Pollution. 7809 Marachantiales spore germination early protonema development and vegetative reproduction in Riccia section Pilifer, Perold, S. M. Bothalia 20, 214-215, 1990. H Protonema. Development. Physiology. 7810 Diterpenoids from in vitro cultures of the liverwort Scapania nemorea. Schoen, B., Becker, H. Planta Medica 56, 544-545, 1990. H Terpenoid. Chemistry. Conference. 7811 Data for the Bryophyta of Burgos, Spain. Casas, C. Orsis 5, 157-161, 1990. (Organismes i Sistemes) H, B Flora. Spain. 7812 Haedchen nature reserve at Helmsange, Luxembourg. Proposal for the creation of a protected area. Kirpach, J-C., Werner, J. Soc. Nat. Luxemb. Bull. 90, 41-54, 1990. (Societe des Naturalistes Luxembourgeois Bulletin) H, B Flora. Ecology. Luxembourg. Nature Reserve. 7813 Noteworthy mosses from kleine Luxemburger Schweiz, Luxembourg. Werner, J., Hans, F. Soc. Nat. Luxemb. Bull. 90, 137-142, 1990. (Societe des Naturalistes Luxembourgeois Bulletin) H, B Flora. Ecology. Luxembourg. 7814 Allergic contact dermatitis from Dittrichia viscosa. Goncalo, M., Goncaalo, S. Contact Dermatitis 23, 259-260, 1990. H Conference. Dermatology. Allergy. 7815 Genetic structure of hepatic species. Newton, N. E. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 104, 215-230, 1990. H Genetics. 7816 About Jungermania franzoniana de Not. Pro interim or the first discovery of Plagiochila exigua (Tayl.) Tayl. in central Europe. Schumacker, R. J. Bryol. 16, 307-308, 1990. H TAxonomy. Flora. Europe. 7817 Allergic contact dermatitis to plant sesquiterpene lactones. Sourisse, M., Milpied, B., Dutartre, H., Litoux, P. Ann. Dermatol. Venerol. 117, 651-656, 1990. (Annales de Dermatologie et de Venereologie) H Allergy. Dermatology. Terpenoid. Chemistry. 7818 Scanning electron microscopy in the taxonomy of the liverwort, Fossombronia raddi. Ehlers, S. E., Mueller, D. M. J. Scanning 12, 144, 1990. H SEM. Taxonomy. Conference. 7819 Notes on hygrophytes from the Iberian Peninsula III. Cirujano, S., Velayos, M. Anal. Jard. Bot. Madr. 47, 519-520, 1990. (Anales del Jardin Botanico de Madrid) H Flora. Spain. 7820 Interaction of cytoplasmic pH and amino acid transport in the aquatic liverwort Riccia fluitans. Felle, H., Johannes, E. Membrane transport in plants and fungi; 7th international workshop on plant membrane transport, (Beilby, M. J., Walker, N. A., Smith, J. R., eds.), pp. 398-402, University of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, 1990. ISBN 0-86758-492-0. 0 (0) H Aquatic Liverwort. pH. Amino Acod Transport. Membrane Transport. Book. 7821 Finding protein coding regions in genomic sequences. Standen, R. Methods in Enzymology, Vol. 183., (Doolittle, R. F., ed.), pp. 163-180, Academic Press, San Diego, CA, USA, 1990. ISBN 0-12-182084-X. 0 (0) H, B Genetic. Coding Region. Genomic. Molecular Biology. Sequence. Book. 7822 Dynamics of the distribution of the radionuclides Strontium and Cesium in the components of teresstrial ecosystems in the area of Beloyarsk Nuclear Power Plant in the Urals, Russian SFSR, USSR. Nifontova, M. G., Kulikov, N. V. Ekologiya (Sverdl) 3, 77-80, 1990. (EKOLOGIYA (Sverdlovsk)) H, B Nuclear Pollution. Ural. Russia. Strontium. Cesium. 7823 Detection of prostagrandin F-2-alpha by radio immunoassay in three south african Bryophytes and its relation to the occurrence of polyunsaturated fatty acid. Groenewald, E. G., Kruger, G. H. J., de Wet, H., Botes, P. J., van der Westhuizen, A. S. Afr. J. Sci. 86, 152-153, 1990. (South African Journal of Science) H, B Fatty Acid. Chemistry. Prostagrandin. 7824 Cytochemical localization of cholinesterase in the thylakoids of chloroplasts of Marchantia polymorpha. Groska-Brylass, A., Rascio, N., Mariani, P. Cell Biol. Int. Rep. 14(suppl.), 208, 1990. H Enzyme. Chloroplast. 7825 A ribosomal protein is recorded in the chloroplast DNA in a lower plant but in the nucleus in Angiosperms isolation of the spinach L21 protein and complementary DNA clone with transit and an unusual repeat sequence. Smooker, P. M., Kruft, V., Subramanian, A. R. J. Biol. Chem. 265, 16699-16703, 1990. H, B DNA. cDNA. Chloroplast. Ribosome. 7826 The liverwort flora of the Lake Lovozero Mountains, Russian SFSR, USSR. Konstantinov, N. A. Feddes Repert. 101, 311-313, 1990. H Flora. Russia. USSR. 7827 Total synthesis of dextro perrpttetianal A. Hagiwara, H., Uda, H. J. Chem. Soc. perkin Trans. I 7, 1901-1908, 1990. H Synthesis. Chemistry. 7828 Growth terpenoid production and antibacterial activity of an in vitro culture of the liverwort, Fossombronia pusilla. Sauerwein, M., Becker, H. Planta Med. 56, 364-367, 1990. H Growth. Terpenoid. Antibacterial Activity. 7829 An open reading frame encoding a putative heme binding polypeptide is cotranscribed withthe pea chloroplast gene for apocytochrome F. Willey, D. L., Gray, J. C. Plant Mol. Biol. 15, 347-356, 1990. H Chloroplast. DNA. Hem Binding Protein. Transcription. 7830 Tolerance of Scapania undulata L. Dum. to fluoride. Samecka-Cymerman, A., Kempers, A. J. Aquat. Bot. 37, 163-170, 1990. H Ecology. Pollution. Fluoride. 7831 Marchesinia mackaii Hook. S. Gray in the maritime alps, France. Floristic and ecological study of its habitat and possible approaches to its preservation. Salanon, R., Gandioli, J-GF., Geissler, P. Cryptogami. Bryol. Lichenol. 11, 283-298, 1990. H Flora. Ecology. Habiat. Preservation. 7832 Genoelements of pre-angiospermous origin in Bryophytes. Frey, W. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. Pflanzengesch Pflanzengeogr. 111, 433-456, 1990. (Botanische Jahrbuecher fuer Systematik Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie) H Taxonomy. 7833 Some Marchantiales from the island of Reunion, Indian Ocean. Bischler, H. Clyptogam. Bryol. Lichenol. 11, 169-172, 1990. H Flora. Taxonomy. Reunion. 7834 Bryophytes from a lowland forest and from a medium altitude forest in Pernnambuco State, Brazil. Floristic analysis. Porto, K. C. Cryptogam. Bryol. Lichenol. 11, 109-162, 1990. H, B Flora. Brazil. 7835 Copntribution to the Bryological study of petit Luberon Vaucluse, France. I. The eastern foothills Bonnieux Region. Hebrard, J. P. Cryptogam. Bryol. Lichenol. 11, 319-328, 1990. H, B France. Flora. 7836 The Bryophytes Bryum tenuisetum Limpr. , Dicranella palustris R. Dicks. Crundw. Ex Warb. Lophozia longidens Lindb. Macoun and Orthodontium lineare Schwargr. for Normandy, France. Lecointe, A. Cryptogam. Bryol. Lichenol. 11, 329-338, 1990. H Flora. Taxonomy. 7837 Studies in the genus Riccia, Marchantiales from Southern Africa 16. Riccia albomarginata and Riccia simii, new species. Perold, S. N. Bothalia 20, 31-40, 1990. H Taxonomy. 7838 Studies in the genus Riccia, Marchantiales from South Africa 15. Riccia hirsuta and Riccia tomentosa new species two distinct species previously treated as one. Volk, O. H., Perold, S. M. Bothalia 20, 23-30, 1990. H Taxonomy. South Africa. 7839 A new species of Jubula dumort. from milan in Kumaon, western Himalaya, India. Srivastava, S. C., Sharma, D. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. Plant Sci. 100, 85-90, 1990. H Taxonomy. Flora. Himalaya. India. 7840 The Bryophyta of Zimbabwe an annotated check list. Best, E. B. Kirkia 13, 293-318, 1990. H, B Flora. Zimbabwe. 7841 African Hepatics XLI. Some critical notes and records. Jones, E. W. J. Bryol. 16, 41-44, 1990. H Africa. Flora. Taxonomy. 7842 Riccia subbifurca Warnst. ex Crozals in the British Isles, UK. Paton, J. A. J. Bryol. 16, 5-8, 1990. H Taxonomy. 7843 Marsupella profunda Lindb. in Cornwall new to the British Isles, UK. Paton, J. A. J. Bryol. 16, 1-4, 1990. H Taxonomy. 7844 Contribution to the study of bryophytes as sources of antibiotics. Pinheiro, M. D. F. D. S., Lisboa, R. C. L., Brazao, R. D. V. Acta Amazonica 19, 139-146, 1989. H, B Antibiotics. Resouce. 7845 Proton gradient across the tonoplast of Riccia fluitans as a result of the joint action of two electroenzymes. Johannes, E., Felle, H. Plant Physiol. 93, 412-417, 1990. H Biochemistry. Physiology. Tonplast. Organella. Proton. 7846 Cytological observation on some west Himalayan liverworts II. Anad, S., Kumar, S. S., Kaur, B. Lindbergia 15, 99-102, 1990. H Cytology. Himalaya. 7847 Gongylanthus scariosus Lehm. Stephani a Liverwort new to Australia. Beckmann, K. G., Scott, G. A. M. Lindbergia 15, 79-84, 1990. H Taxonomy. Australia. 7848 The genus Alobiella (Spruce) Schiffner new to Brazil. Giancotti, C., Vital, D. N.M. Lindbergia 15, 103-105, 1990. H Taxonomy. Brazil. 7849 On the use of mosses Hylocomium splendens and Pleurozium schreveri for estimating atmospheric tace metal deposition. Ross, H. B. Water Air Soil Pollut. 50, 63-76, 1990. M Ecology. Pollution. Metal. 7850 Bryophyte flora of the Huon Peninsula new Guinea XXXVII. Leucolejeunea, Lejeuneaceae, Heparicae. Grolle, R., Piippo, S. Ann Bot. Fenn. 27, 119-129, 1990. H, B Flora. New Guinea. 7851 The regulation of proton amino acid symport in Riccia fluitans L. by cytosolic pH and proton pump activity. Felle, H., Johannes, E. J. Exp. Bot. 41, 587-592, 1990. H Biochemistry. Physiology. Proton Pump. Symport. 7852 Nitratte reductase inactivator in a chloratte resistant mutant of the liverwort Marchantia paleacea var. diptera. Takio, S. J. Plant Physiol. 136, 30-34, 1990. H Biochemistry. Nitrate Reductase. Chlorate Resistant Mutant. 7853 Codon recognition mechanisms in plant chloroplasts. Pfitzinger, H., Weil, J. H., Pillay, D. T. N., Guillemaut, P. Plant Mol. Biol. 14, 805-814, 1990. H, B Molecular Biology. Codon Regulation. Chloroplast. 7854 Comparison between eight symbiotic cultured Nostoc isolated and a free living Nostoc by recombinant DNA. Leizerovich, I., Kardish, N., Galum, M. Symbiosis 8, 75-86, 1990. H Symbiosis. Nostoc. DNA. 7855 Gymnomitrane sesquiterpenoids from the liverwort, Marsupella emarginata var. patens. Matsuo, A., Nozaki, H., Yano, K., Uto, S., Nakayama, M., Huneck, S. Phytochemistry 29, 1921-1924, 1990. H Terpenoid. Chemistry. 7856 Patch testing with the sesquiterpene lactone mix a marker for contact allergy to Compositae and other sesquiterpene lactone containing plants. Ducombs, G., Bebezra, C., Talaga, P., Andersen, K. E., Burrows, D., Camarasa, J. G., Dooms-Goossens, A., Frosch, P. J., Lachapelle, J-M., Mene, T., et. al. Cobtact Dermatists 22, 249-252, 1990. H Contact Allergy. Dermatology. Patch Test. Terpenoid. Conference. 7857 Total synthesis of Riccardins A, B and C. Cytotoxic macrosyslic bisbenzyls from liverworts. Gottsegen, A., Nogradi, M., Vermes, B., Kajtar-peredy, M., Bihatsi-Karsai, E. J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans. I 2, 315-320, 1990. H Chemistry. Bisbenzyl. Aromatic. Synthesis. 7858 Ecological studies in the cordillera oriental Colombia IV. Synecological aspects of the bryoflora of upland peat deposits around Bogota. Sanchez-M., R., Rangel-C., O., Aguirre-C., J. Cladasia 16, 41-57, 1989. H, B Flora. Ecology. Colombia. Synecology. 7859 Desiccation causes the proliferation of multicellular hairs but not mucilage papillae in Cryptothallus mirabilis, Hepatophyta. A correlated light and electronmicroscope study. Duckett, J. G., Renzaglia, K. S., Pell, K. Can. J. Bot. 68, 697-706, 1990. H Desiccation. Physiology. Growth. Microscopy. 7860 Synthesis of pakyonol A macrocyclic bisbenzyl ether from Mannia fragrans. Nogradi, M., Vermes, B., Kajtar-Peredy, M., Novikov, V. P. Liebigs Ann. Chem. 3, 299-302, 1990. (Liebigs Annalen der Chemie) H Synthesis. Bisbenzyl. Aromatic. 7861 Ecological differences between calluna and empetrum dominated dry heath comminities in drenthe the Netherlands. Barkman, J. J. Acta Bot. Neerl. 39, 75-92, 1990. (Acta Botanica Neerlandica) H Comminity. Ecology. 7862 Schizymenium pontevedrensis new combination for an endemic species of the genus Mielichhoferia from the Iberian Peninsula. Sergio, C., Casas, C., Cros, R. M., Brugues, M. An. Jard. Bot. Madr. 46, 606-608, 1989. (Anales del Jardin Botanico de Madrid) H Endemic. Spain. Taxonomy. 7863 Grid mapping of bryophytes in Berlin west, West Germany. Schaepe, A. Urban ecology: Plant and plant communities in irban environments(Sukopp, H., Hejny, S., Eds.), pp. 252-254, SPB Academic Publishing BV, The Hague, Netherlands, 1990. ISBN 90-5103-040-1. 0(0). H, B Glid. Flora. Berlin. Conference. Germany. Distribution Map. 7864 Light and the diagravitrophic growth of Marchantia polymorpha L. Thalli phytochrome controlled epinasty. Rethy, R., Frredericq, H., de Greef, J., Maton, J. Mem. Soc. R. Bot. Belg. 12, 77-88, 1990. H Physiology. Gravity. Light. Conference. 7865 The role of primary active hydrogen ion transport for cytosolic and vacuolar pH homeostasis in Plants. Felle, H. Physiol. Plant. 79(2 part 2), A88, 1990. H Physiology. pH. Ion Transport. Conference. 7866 Calcium homeostasis in Riccia fluitans. Felle, H. Physiol. Plant 79(2 part 2), A87, 1990. H Physiology. pH. Ion Transport. Calcium. 7867 A computerised video digitizing technique for analysis of rapid growth and trophic curvature in hepatics. Thomas, R. J., Bourn, L. P. III. Am. J. Bot. 77 (6 suppl.), 40, 1990. H Technique. Growth. Computor. Trophic Curvature. Conference. 7868 Aspects of calcium regulation in plants. Felle, H. J. Exp. Bot. 41(suppl.), P1-3, 1990. H Calcium. Physiology. Conference. 7869 Parallel hydrogen ion pumping by the two primary phosphohydrolases of the tonoplast. Johannes, E., Felle, H. J. Exp. Bot. 41(suppl.), P1-1, 1990. H Tonoplast. Hydrogen Ion Pump. Phosphohydrolase. Enzyme. Physiology. Conference. 7870 Synthesis and absolute configulation of valenc-1-10-en-7-alpha-ol isolated from the liverwort Bazzania fauriana. Tori, M., Tsuyama, N., Nakashima, K., Sono, M., Asakawa, Y. J. Chem. Res.(Synop.) 5, 164-165, 1990. (Journal of Chemical Research (Synopses) H Synthesis. 7871 Functional expression of the mutants of the chloroplast lysine transfer RNA gene from the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha in Escherichia coli. Nakahigashi, K., Inokuchi, H., Ozeki, H. FEBS Lett. 265, 59-62, 1990. H t RNA. Expression. Chloroplast. Gene. Molecular Biology. 7872 The same domain motif for ubiquinone reduction in mitochindrial or chloroplast NADH dehydrogenase and bacterial glucose dehydrogenase. Friedrich, T., Strohdeicher, M., Hofhaus, G., Preis, D., Sahm, H., Weiss, H. FEBS Lett. 265, 37-40, 1990. H Gene. Glucose Gehydrogenase. Mitochindria. Chloroplast. Molecular Biology. 7873 Oil bodies in Plagiochila Dum. Paton, J. A. J. Bryol. 16, 118-120, 1990. H Oil Body. 7874 Mylia taylori producing sporophytes in cultivation. Hobbs, A. M. J. Bryol. 16, 117, 1990. H Sporophyte. Culture. 7875 Calcifuge bryophytes at Wicken Fen, England, UK. Lock, J. M. J. Bryol. 16, 89-96, 1990. H Flora. UK. Physiology. Calcium. 7876 African hepatics XL. An artificial key to the genera of African hepatics. Jones, E. W. J. Bryol. 16, 9-40, 1990. H Flora. Taxonomy. Africa. 7877 A formal total synthesis of racemic frullanolide. Banerjee, A. K., Canudas-Gonzalez, N., Hernandez, S. B., Fuentes, S. P., Pena-Matheud, C. A. J. Chem Res (Synop) 5, 158-159, 1990. H Synthesis. 7878 An immunological characterization of tonoplast polypeptides different from ATPase subunit. Lang, M., Schoenrock, M., Dietz, K-J. Plant Physiol. 93(1 suppl.) 159, 1990. H Tonoplast. Peptide. ATPase. Immunology. 7879 Characterization of mutations in the TOX operator-promoter locus of Corynephage beta. Krafft, A. E., Coker, C., Holmes, R. K. Am. Soc. Microbiol. 90, 78, 1990. H Molecular Biology. Abstract. Conference. Mutation. TOX. 7880 Photosysem I reactin center proteins contain leucine zipper notifs. A proposed role in dimer formation. Webber, A. N., Malkin, R. FEBS Lett. 264, 1-4, 1990. H Photosystem I. Physiology. Leucine Zipper Motif. 7881 Preparation of plant material for elememtal analysis using ESI andd EELS techniques. Lehmann, H., Kramer, A., Schulz, D., Probst, W. Ultramicroscopy 32, 26-34, 1990. H Ultra Microscopy. ESI. EELS. 7882 Photosynthetic ability in dark grown Reboulia hemisphaerica and Barbula unguiculata cells in suspension culture. Takio, S., Akita, C., Wambui Ngumi, V., Takami, S. Plant Cell Rep. 8, 575-578, 1990. H Suspension Culture. Dark. Growth. Photosynthesis. 7883 Evolutionary and tissue specific control of expression of multiple acyl carrier protein isoforms in plants and bacteria. Battey, J. F., Ohlrogge, J. B. Planta 180, 352-360, 1990. H Evolution. Expression. Acyl Carrier Protein. Regulation. 7884 Changes in activity of enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism during dedifferentiation of mature cells of Riella helicopylla Bory et Mont. Mont. Witt, H-J. J. Plant Physiol. 135, 597-600, 1990. H Enzyme. Carbohydrate Metabolism. Dedifferentiation. 7885 Population genetics of Bryophytes. Ennos, R. A. Trends Ecol. Evol. 5, 38-39, 1990. H, B Population Genetics. 7886 Synthesis of racemic frullanolide an application of radical closure. Clive, D. L. J., Joussef, A. C. J. Org. Chem. 55, 1096-1098, 1990. H Synthesis. 7887 Nucleotide sequence of the chloroplast PSBI and TRN-S-GCU genes from mustard sinapis alba. Neuhaus, H., Pfannschmidt, T., Link, G. Nucleic Acids Res. 18, 368, 1990. H Chloroplast Gene. PSBI. TRN-S-GCU Gene. Sequence.