k054 #7969-7992 old file: koke9638 太田耕二郎(7969-7976) Rev. by H.Deguchi 16 Mar 1997 7969 南方先生と宇井、北島両先生の研究について Ohta, K. 田辺文化財 13, 7-12, 1970. B Miscellaneous. 7970 元田辺中学校教諭中島濤三先生について Ohta, K. 田辺文化財 14, 1-5, 1971. B Flora. Wakayama. Miscellaneous. 7971 最近田辺地方で発見されたコケ類について Ohta, K. 田辺文化財 15, 65-71, 19721. B Flora. Wakayama. 7972 田辺市近郊の蘚苔類 II Ohta, K. 田辺文化財 16, 1-2, 1973. B Flora. Wakayama. 7973 田辺地方で初めて見つかったコケについて Ohta, K. 田辺文化財 17, 1-3, 1974. B Flora. Wakayama. 7974 大塔山系の蘚苔目録 Ohta, K. 24 pp., 1975. B Flora. Wakayama. 7975 神島の植物について Ohta, K. 田辺文化財 18, 1-3, 1975. B Flora. 7976 南方熊楠と蘚の考証 Ohta, K. 田辺文化財 19, 1-4, 1976. M Flora. Miscellaneous. 7977 Alloaromadendranes, bicyclogermacrane and 2,3-secoalloaromadendranes in cultured cells of liverwort, Heteroscyphus planus. Nabeta, K., Ohkubo, S., Hozumi, R., Fukushi, Y., Nakai, H., Katoh, K. Phytochemistry 43, 83-93, 1996. H Chemistry. Biosynthesis. Terpenoid. 7978 本県産未記録の苔類、タマゴバヒシャクゴケ Ohta, K. 南紀生物 13, 28, 1971. H Flora. Wakayama. 7979 すさみ町佐本のコケ類 Ohta, K. 南紀生物 17, 21-22, 1975. H Flora. Wakayama. 7980 Phaeophytins from a cell suspension culture of the liverwort Plagiochila ovalifolia. Matsuo, A., Ono, K., Hamasaki, K., Nozaki, H. Phytochemistry 42, 427-430, 1996. H Chemistry. Cell Suspension Culture. 7981 Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons in the essential oil of Meum athamanticum. Konig, W. A., Rieck, A., Saritas, Y., Hardt, I. H., Kubeckzka, K. H. Phytochemistry 42, 461-464, 1996. H Chemistry. Terpenoid. 7982 Pinguisone derivatives from an axenic culture of the liverwort Aneura pinguis. Tazaki, H., Soutome, H., Nabeta, K., Okuyama, H., Becker, H. Phytochemistry 42, 465-468, 1996. H Terpenoid. Chemistry. 7983 The moss, Physcomitrella patens, transformed with apoaequorin cDNA responds to cold shock, mechanical perturbation and pH with transient increase in cytoplasmic calcium. Russel, A. J., Knight, M. R., Cove, D. J., Knight, C. D., Trewavas, A. J., Wang, T. L. Transgen. Res. 5, 167-170, 1996. M Gene. Transformation. Signal Transduction. Physiology. Calcium. pH. Molecular Biology. 7984 Aphototrophic mutants of the moss Ceratodon purpureus with spectrally normal and with spectrally disfunctional phytochrome. Lampartner, T., Esch, H., Cove, D., Hughes, J., Hartmann, E. Plant Cell Environ. 19, 560-568, 1996. M Molecular Biology. Mutant. Photosynthesis. Physiology. 7985 The role of bryophytres in the nitrogen dynamics of soils affected by fire in Mediterranean forest(southern Spain). De Las Hears, J., Herranz, J. M. Ecoscience 3, 199-204, 1996. B Ecology. Spain. Nitrogen Dynamic. Soil Fire. 7986 Monitoring of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons using 'moss bags': Bioaccumulaltion and responses of antioxidant enzymes in Fontinalis antipyretica Hedw. Roy, S., Sen, C. K., Hanninen, O. Chemosphere 32, 2305-2315, 1996. ? Pollution. Hydrocarbon. Monitoring. Bioaccumulation. 7987 Wijkia tanytricha (Mont.) Crum(Musci, Sematophyllaceae), a new record to the moss flora of Taiwan. Chiang, T-Y., Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 37, 147-150, 1996. M Flora. Taiwan. 7988 Development of water-conducting cells in the antipodal liverwort Symphyogyna brasiliensis (Metzgeriales). Ligrone, R., Duckett, J. G. New Phytol. 132, 603-615, 1996. H Organela. Development. Physiology. 7989 Progeny analysis by isozyme markers in the polyploid liverwort Plagiochasma rupestre. Boisselier-Dubayle, M. C., Lambourdiere, J., Bischler, H. Can. J. Bot. 74, 521-527, 1996. H Enzyme. Technique. Method. Prigeny. Polyploid. 7990 Effect of pH on the photosynthesis of five Sphagnum species in mires in Ochiishi, northern Japan. Haraguchi, A. Wetlands 16, 10-14, 1996. M Adaptation. Ecology. pH. Photosynthesis. 7991 Comparison of lead levels collected by Sphagnum auriculatum and by a low-volume aerosol sampler in the urban atmosphere. Tavaares, H. M. C. F., Vasconcelos, M. T. S. D. Toxicol. Environ. Chem. 54, 195-209, 1996. M Pollution. Heavy Metal. Lead. Method. 7992 Marchantin B from teh liverwort Marchantia polymorpha selectively inhibits the biosyntresis of 5-lipoxygenase products and the release of arachidonic acid in Ca++ ionophore A23187 stimulated human granulocytes. Panossian, M. J. A., MacIntosh, D. F., Cloughley, J. B., Stuart, A. E. Econ. Bot. 50, 122-129, 1996. H Drug. Enzyme. Lipoxygenase. Inhibitor. Calcium. Ca.