k055 #7993-8070 old file: koke9609 1989b(Hepaticae) Rev. by H.Deguchi, April 19, 1997 7993 Bryological records from the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg 5th series. Werner, J. Soc. Nat. Luxemb. Bull. 89, 39-44, 1989. B Flora. Luxemburg. 7994 Rare Bryophyta in the plain area of the Ukrainan SSR, USSR. Virchenko, V. M., Bolyukh, V. O. Ukr. Bot. Zh. 46, 71-76, 1989. (Ukrayins'kyi Botanichnyi Zhurnal) B Ukraina. Flora. USSR. 7995 Bryophyta species new for the Crimean bryoflora Ukrainian SSR, USSR. Partyka, L. YA., Slobodyan, M. P. Ukr. Bot. Zh. 46, 38-41, 1989. B Flora. Ukraina. USSR. 7996 Cryptothallus mirabilis, new record Malnborg in central Europe. Wiehle, W., Berg, C., Grolle, R. Herzogia 8, 107-124, 1989. H Flora. Europa. 7997 Bryosociological studies in the Beleiberg Nature Reserve near Saalburg. Kreis schleiz Bezirk Gera 31st. contribution to the moss vegetration of Thuringia, East Germany. Marstaller, R. Herzogia 8, 1-52, 1989. B Flora. Germany. Ecology. Socioloty. Vegetation. 7998 Spermatogenesis in Coleocaete pulvinata, Charophyceae. Early blepharoplas development. Graham, L. E., Repavich, W. M. Am. J. Bot. 76, 1266-1278, 1989. Algae Spermatogenesis. Development. Blepharoplast. 7999 Novel C-35 terpenoids from the Panamanian liverwort. Spoerle, J., Becker, H., Gupta, M. P., Veith, M., Huch, V. Tetrahedron 45, 5003-5014, 1989. H Chemistry. Terpenoid. 8000 Sporogenesis and sporoderm structure of Tetraphis pellucida Hedw. Tetraphidaceae, Musci. Filina, N. I., Filin, V. R. Biol. Nauki. 5, 64-71, 1989. (Biologicheskie NAUKI (Moscow)) M Sporogenesis. Development. Sporoderm. Fine Structure. Spore. 8001 The ultrastructure of the spores of the devonian plant Parka decipiens. Hemsley, A. R. Ann. Bot. 64, 359-368, 1989. ? Paleobotany. Devonian. Spores. Fossils. 8002 An analysis of seasonal patterns of bryophyte growth in a natural habitat. Rincon, E., Grime, J. P. J. Ecol. 77, 447-455, 1989. B Ecology. Growth. Phenology. 8003 Plasticity and light interception by six bryophytes of contrasted ecology. Rincon, E., Grime, J. P. J. Ecol. 77, 439-446, 1989. B Ecology. Light. 8004 Effects of inhibitors of DNA synthesis on differentiation in two-cell systems isolated from the thallus of Riella helicophylla Bory. et. Mont. Mont. Bentler, I. J. Plant Physiol. 134, 667-671, 1989. H DNA. Inhibitor. Differentiation. 8005 Contribution to the study of the bryophytes flora in the basin of the Mera River, Lugo Galicia, Spain. Del Carmen Gracia-Gesto, M., Diaz Vizcaino, E. A., Reinoso, J. Bol. R. Soc. Esp. Hist. Secc. Biol. 84, 259-272, 1989. (Boletin de la Real Sociedad Espanola de Historia Natural Seccion Biologica) B Flora. Spain. 8006 Two Cololejeunea from south India. Srivastava, S. C., Srivastava, G. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. Plant Sci. 99, 83-90, 1989. (Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences Plant Sciences H Taxonomy. Flora. India. 8007 Peroxidase polymorphism in Ptilidium pulcherrium Web. Hampe. Krazakowa, M., Kozlicka, M. Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci. Biol. 36, 145-148, 1989. H Enzyme. Peroxidase. polymorphism. 8008 Late Pleistochem anthelia, Hepaticae. An Arctic alpine snow bed indicator at a low elevation site in Massachusetts, USA. Miller, N. G. J. Bryol. 15, 583-588, 1989. H Flora. Ecology. Arctic Alpine Snow Bed Indicator. USA. 8009 Chromosome studies on Polish Bryophytes IV. Kuta, E., Ochyra, R. Acta Biol. Cracov Ser. Bot. 30, 99-118, 1989. (Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica) B Chromosome. Poland. 8009 Carolic value of some mount Abu, Rajasthan, India, liverwort. Chaydhary, B. L., Singh, R. P., Bapna, K. R. Indian Bot. Contractor 6, 73-74, 1989. H Caroly. Physiology. India. 8010 Morphotaxonomic details of Heteroscyphus perfoloantus (Mont.) Schiffn. Srivastava, S. C., Kumar, D., Srivastava, A. J. Bryol. 15, 559-564, 1989. H Taxonomy. Morphology. 8011 Leiocolea rutheana (Limpr.) K. Muell. new to Ireland. Lockhart, N. D. J. Bryol. 15, 525-529, 1989. H Ireland. Flora. 8012 Studies in the genus Riccia, Marchantiales from Southern Africa 12. Riccia albolimbata and the status of Riccia albosquamata, white scaled species originally described by Arnell. Perold, S. M. Bothalia 19, 17-26, 1989. H South Africa. Taxonomy. 8013 Studies on the genus Riccia, Marchantiales from Southern Africa 11. Riccia montana and Riccia alboporosa. a further two new white scaled species of the group squamatae. Perold, S. M. Bothalia 19, 9-16, 1989. H Taxonomy. Southern Africa. 8014 Epiphyte succession on Quercus garryana branches in the Willamette Valley of western Oregon, USA. Stone, D. F. Bryologist 92, 81-94, 1989. H Epiphyte. Flora. USA. Succession. 8015 The complete sequence of the rice Oryza sativa chloroplast genome. Intermolecular recombination between distinct transfer RNA genes accounts for a major plastid DNA inversion during the evolution of the cereals. Hiratsuka, J., Shimada, H., Wittier, R., Ishibashi, T., Sakamoto, M., Mori, M., Konddo, C., Honji, Y. Sun, C-R., -------. Sugiura, M. Mol. Gen. genet. 217, 185-194, 1989. Ph Molecular Biology. Gene. 8016 Nucleotide sequence of the 5.6 kBp psb-B operon of pea chloroplast DNA. Lehmbeck, J., Stummann, B. M., Henningsen, K. W. Pysiol. Plant. 76, 57-64, 1989. Ph Molecular Biology. Photosynthesis. Gene. psb-B. Chloroplast. 8017 Bryoflora of the Valdai Forestry. The Novgorod Oblast, Russian SFSR, USSR. Korotkov, K. O., Morozova, O. V. Bot. Zh. 74, 395-406, 1989. B Flora. Russia. USSR. 8018 A technically new lectotypification of Harpalejeunea, Hepaticae. Grolle, R. Taxon 38, 88-90, 1989. H Taxonomy. Lectotypification. Tecnique. 8019 A bryophyte flora of Alderney, England, UK. Bates, J. W. Cryptogam. Bryol. Lichenol. 10, 147-170, 1989. B Flora. UK. 8020 Contribution to the bryological flora of French Guiana IV. Onraedt, M. Cryptogam. Bryol. Lichenol. 10, 119-130, 1989. B South America. Guinia. Flora. 8021 A complex of taxa in the genus Riccia. Jovet-Ast, S. Cryptogam. Bryol. Lichenol. 10, 95-118, 1989. H Taxonomy. 8022 Characterization of the str operon genes from Spirulina platensis and their evolutionary relationship to those of other prokaryotes. Buttarelli, F. R., Calogero, R. A., Tiboni, O., Gualerzi, C. O., Pon, C. l. Mol. Gen. genet. 217, 97-104, 1989. Cyanobacteria Molecular Biology. Str Operon. Gene. 8023 On the possible occurrence of anisospory in some Hepaticae. Pant, D. D., Singh, R. Bot. J. linn. Soc. 100, 183-196, 1989, H Anisospory. Sexual Dimorphism. Spore. 8024 On the significance of cellular interactions on the process of regeneration in the liverwort Riella helicophylla (Bory et. Mont.) Mont. Lehmann, H., Herzmann, J. Biochem. Physiol. Planz. 184, 303-309, 1989. H Differentiation. Regeneration. 8025 Additional liverwort finds in Bitterfeld, West Germany, Amber including Radula oblongifolia Caspary with sporophyte. Grolle, R. Feddes Repert. 100, 131-136, 1989. (Feddes Repertorium) H Amber. Paleobotany. Sporophyte. 8026 Synthesis of perrpttetins FD and G. Two linear bisbibenzyl ether from Radula perrottetii. Mezey-Vandor, G., Nogradi, M., Novikov, V. P., Wiszt, A., Kajtar-Peredy, M. Liebigs Ann. Chem. 4, 401-404, 1989. - Synthesis. Aromatic. 8027 Interspecific differences in Zinc, Cadmium and Lead accumulation by freshwater algae and bryophytes. Kelly, M. G., Whitton, B. A. Hydrobiologia 175, 1-12, 1989. B Heavy Metal. Lead. Zinc. Cadmium. Pollution. Accumulation. Freshwater. 8028 Tolerance of Scapania undulata to Barium present in the environment. Samecka-Cymerman, A. Pol. Arch. Hydrobiol. 35, 33-44, 1989.(Polskie Archiwum Hydrobiologii) H Ecology. Barium. Ba. 8029 Genetic variation in the liverwort Riccia dictyospora, Ricciaceae, Hepaticopsida. Dewey, R. M. Syst. Bot. 14, 155-167, 1989. H Genetic. 8030 Characterization of the ndhc-psb G-ORF157-159 oeron of maize plasmid DNA and the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC6803. Steinmuller, K., Ley, A. C., Steinmetz, A. A., Sayre, R. T., Bogorad, L. Mol. Gen. Genet. 216, 60-69, 1989. H Operon. ORF. psb G. Photosystem. Chloroplast. Plasmid. 8031 Cytological and development of a Mycorrhiza like infection in the gametophyte of Conocephalum conicum (L.) Dum., Marchantiales, Hepatophyta. Ligrone, R., Lopes, C. New Phytol. 111, 423-434, 1989. H Cytology. Development. Mycorrhiza. Gametophyte. 8032 Phytocenological role of the mosses within association Piceetum myrtillosum in the region of the Vasil Kolarov Reserve, West Rhodopes, Bulgaria. Meshineu, T. A., Ivanov, D. L., Petrov, S. Ekologiya 22, 3-13, 1989. (Ekologiya (Sofia)) B Phytocenology. Bulgaria. Ecology. Vegetation. Association. 8033 Structural comparisons of 26S ribosomal RNA binding ribosomal protein L25 from two different yeast strains and the equivalent proteins from the three eubacteria and two chloroplasts. Taue, H. A., Otaka, E., Suzuki, K. J. Mol. Evol. 28, 418-426, 1989. H Molecular Biology. Ribosome RNA. Evolution. Sequence. 8034 Bryophytic vegetation of the eastern Massif of the Picos de Europa, Andara in Cantabria, Spain II. Terricolous and lignicolous communities. Lasala, E. F., Martinez-Conde, E. Cryptogam. Bryol. Lichenol. 10, 45-60, 1989. B Spain. Ecology. Vegetation. Epiphytes. 8035 Phytoecological and phytosociological approach to some terricolous forest bryophyte comminities in Haute-Normandie, France. Bardat, J. Cryptogam. Bryol. Lichenol. 10, 1-44, 1989. B France. Ecology. Phytosociology. 8036 Marchantia L. subgenus Chlamidium Nees. Bischl. section Papillatae. New section in Asia and Oceania. Bischler, H. Cryptogam. Bryol. Lichenol. 10, 61-79, 1989. H Taxonomy. 8037 Synthesis absolute stereochemistry and circular dichroism of chiral 1, 8A-dihydroazulene derivatives. Harada, N., Kohori, J., Ueda, H., Toriumi, K. J. Org. Chem. 54, 1820-1826, 1989. H Synthesis. Stereochemistry. 8038 The effect of excitation of the rate of respiration in the liverwort Conocephalum conicum. Dziubinska, H., Trebacz, K., Zwadzki, T. Physiol. Plant. 75, 417-423, 1989. H Physiology. Respiration. 8039 Potassium proton antiport in Riccia fluitans. An alternative to the plasma membrane proton pump for short term pH regulation. Felle, H. Plant Sci. 61, 9-16, 1989. (Plant Science (Shannon)) H Potassium. K. Proton Pump. Physiology. 8040 A 4kDa maize chloroplast polypeptide associated with the cytochrome B-6-F complex subunit 5 encoded by the chloroplast pet E gene. Haley, J., Bogorad, L. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 86, 1534-1538, 1989. H Molecular Biology. gene. Cytochrome B Complex. Chloroplast. 8041 A homologue of the nuclear coded 49kD subunit of bovine mitochondrial NADH ubiquinone reductase is coded in chloroplast DNA. Fearnely, I. M., Runswick, M. J., Walker, J. E. EMBO J. 8, 665-672, 1989. H Molecular Biology. Gene. Mitochondria. NADH Ubiquinone Reductase. 8042 Characteristics of the light induced generator potentials in the liverwort Conocephalum conicum. Trebackz, K., Tarnecki, R., Zwadzki, T. Physiol. Plant. 75, 20-23, 1979. H Physiology. Light. Generator Potential. 8043 Isolation and synnthesis of 6,7-dihydroxy-4,3,4-dihydroxyphenylnaphthalene-2-carboxylic acid from Pellia epiphylla. Rischmann, M., Mues, R., Geeiger, H., Laas, H. J., Eicher, T. Phytochemistry 28, 867-870, 1989. H Chemistry. Aromatic. 8044 The effects of ionic channel inhibitors and factors modifying metabolism on the excitability of the liverwort Conocephalum conicum. Trebackz, K., Tarnecki, R., AZawadsski, T. Physiol. Plant. 75, 24-30, 1989. H Ionic Channel. Inhibitor. Physiology. Metabolism. Physiology. 8045 Floristic and phytosociological souvenirs of eastern Switzerland and some bryological discoveries. Theurillat, J-P., Geissler, P. Saussurea 19, 169-186, 1988. B Ecology. Switzerland. Phytosociology. 8046 Contributiion to the bryophyte flora of the Canton Tessin, Switzerland. Bisang, I., Schumacker, R. Saussurea 19, 134-140, 1988. B Flora. Switzerland. 8047 On Diettertia. An isolated Mesozoic member of the Jungermanniales. Schuster, R. M., Janssens, J. A. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 57, 277-288, 1989. H Palaeobotany. Taxonomy. 8048 Improvement of stability in biological nomenclature. Hawksworth, D. L., Greuter, W. Biol. Int. 19, 5-11, 1989. (Biology International) B Taxonomy. Nomenclature. 8049 The chloroplast genome of plants. A unique origin. Ozeki, H., Umesono, K., Inokuchi, H., Kochi, T., Ohyama, K. Genome 31, 169-174, 989. H Gene. Chloroplast. Evolution. 8050 New evidence for lignin in bryophtes. UV, IR and proton NMR analysis of a thioglycolic acid extraction from sporophytes of Pellia epiphylla. Downey, J. A., Basile, D. V. Am. J. Bot. 76(suppl. 6), 191, 1989. H Lignin. Chemistry. Method. Sporophyte. 8051 Leaf development in a liverwort Plagiochila arctica changes in subcellular organization. Basile, M. R., jensen, T. E. Am. J. Bot. 76 (suppl. 6), 25-26, 1989. H Development. Physiology. Leaf. 8052 Changes in cell wall asociated arabinogalactan proteins correlated with expeerimentally altered patterns of cell proliferation and organogenesis. Basile, D. V., Kushner, B. K, Basile, M. R. Am. J. Bot. 76(suppl. 6), 25, 1989. H Conference. Development. Physiology. Cell Wall. Arabinogalactan Protein. 8053 Electrophoretic studies of bryophytes. An overview. Wyatt, R., Stoneburner, A., Odrzykoski, I. J. Am. J. Bot. 76(suppl. 6), 17, 1989. B Electrophoresis. Taxonomy. 8054 Density gradient analysis of bryophyte DNA. Pike, L. M., Renzaglia, K. S., Hu, A. Am. J. Bot. 76(suppl. 6), 12, 1989. B DNA. Taxonomy. Density Gradient. Biochemistry. Method. 8055 Reproductive bilogy of Sphaerocarpos texanus. Sex ratio and sporophyte production. Mcletchie, D. N. Am. J. Bot. 76 (suppl. 6), 11-12, 1989. H Reproduction. Sex Ratio. Sporophyte. Conference. 8056 Observations on antheridial and apical organization in Takakia ceratophylla. Mcfarland, K. D., Smith, D. K., Davison, P. G. Am. J. Bot. 76 (suppl. 6), 11, 1989. M Taxonomy. Apical. Antheridial. Organization. Conference. Structure . 8057 Apical cells and meristem dynamics in Takakia. Crandall-Stotler, B. J., Bozzola, J. J. Am. J. Bot. 76 (suppl. 6), 6, 1989. M Apical. Meristem. Organization. Conference. Structure. 8058 Blepharoplast structure in Treubia tasmanica Schust. and Scott. Carothers, Z. B., Rushing, A. E. Am. J. Bot. 76 (suppl. 6), 5, 1989. H Blepharoplast. Structure. Sperm. 8059 The sporeling ontogeny of Haplomitrium mnioides. Bartholomew-Began, S. E. Am. J. Bot. 76 (suppl. 6), 3-4, 1989. H Sporeling. Ontogeny. 8060 The Hepaticae of south Greenland. Schuster, R. M. Beiheft zur Nova Hedwigia, Part 92. The Hepaticae of south Greenland. 255p, E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, Germany, 1988. ISBN 3-443-51014-0 0(0) H Flora. Taxonomy. Greenland. 8061 On the regeneration of liverworts. Erdtmann, J., Mueller-Stoll, W. R. Biol. Rundsch. 27, 23-31, 1989. H Regeneration. Physiology. 8062 Fragmenta chorologica occidentalia Bryophyta, 1955-1965. Lara Garcia, F. An. Jard. Bot. Madr. 45, 531-532, 1989. H Chemistry. ?? 8063 Fragmenta chorologica occidentalia Bryophyta, 1937-1954. Elias Rivas, M. J. An. Jard. Bot. Madr. 45, 529-531, 1989. H Chemistry. ?? 8064 Evolutionary environmental and tissue controls on the occurrence of multiple isoforms of acyl caarrier protein. Battey, J. F., Ohlogge, J. B. Plant Physiol. 89 (suppl. 4), 132, 1989. H Evolution. Environment. Tissue Control. Acyl Carrier Protein. 8065 Bryosociological notes on teh Iberian peninsula I. Ulotetum crispae Ochsner 1928. Fuertes Lasala, A. Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca. Stvdia Botanica, Vol. 12., Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain, 0, 215-218, 1988. B Sociology. Communication. Ecology. Spain. 8066 Cartography of Bryopytes II. Dumortiera hirsuta Sm. Nees., Grimmia torquata Grev. and Cirriphyllum tenuinerve Lindb. Wijk. Fuertes Lasala, E., Acon Remachia, M. Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca. Stvdia Botanica, Vol. 12., Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain, 0, ??-??, 1988. B Sociology. Ecology. Spain. 8067 Contribution to the study of the bryoflora of Asturias, Spain I. The town of Ponga. Fernandez Ordonez, M. C. Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca. Stvdia Botanica, Vol. 7., Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain, 0, 187-208, 1988. H Cartography. Spain. Flora. 8068 Phylogenetic relationship of prochlorophytes to cyanobacteria and chloroplasts based on sequence analysis of psb A genes in Prochlorothrix hollandica. Morden, C. W., Golden, S. J. Cell Biochem. 13 (part C), 132, 1989. Cyanobacteria Phylogeny. Prochloroplast. Cyanobactetria. Molecular Biology. psb-A Gene. Sequence. Conference. 8069 Amino terminal sequencing of photosystem II. Low molecular mass proteins and 4.1kDa components of the oxygen evoluving core complex from higher plants. Ikeuchi, M., Takio, K., Inoue, Y. FEBS Lett. 242, 262-269, 1989. Phanerogams Photosystem II. Oxygen Evolution. Sequence. Molecular Biology. 8070 Nucleotide sequences of the chloroplast genes for glutamine transfer RNA and 4kD K polypeptide of photosystem II from mustard sinapis spain-alba. Neuhaus, H. Nucleic Acid Res. 17, 444, 1989 Phanerogams Sequencce. Chloroplast. Gluytamine Transfer. Photosystem II.