k057 #8172-8184 old file: koke96x1 ˆÉ–ì—Ç•v(8172-8184) Rev. by H.Deguchi 16 Mar 1997 8172 Photosynthesis and primary production in moss community at Syowa Station, Antarctica. Ino, Y. Jpn. J. Ecol. 33, 427-433, 1983. M Ecology. Physiology. ANtarctica. Photosynthesis. Metabolism. 8173 Estimation of primary production in moss community on East Ongul Island, Antarctica. Ino, Y. Ant. Res. 80, 30-38, 1983. M Metabolism. Antarctica. 8174 Distribution of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in a moss community-soil system developed on a cold desert in Antarctica. Ino, Y., Nakatsubo, T. Ecol. Res. 1, 59-69, 1986. M Ecology. Antarctica. Desert. Soil. 8175 Comparison of net photosynthesis and dark respiration of Antarctic moss measured in the Antarctic and in Japan. Ino, Y. Proc. NIPR Symp. Polar Biol. 3, 245-253, 1990. M Photosynthesis. Dark Respiration. Physiology. Antarctica. 8176 Field measurement of net photosynthesis of mosses at Langhovde, East Antarctica. Ino, Y. Ecol. Res. 5, 195-205, 1990. M Photosynthesis. Physiology. Antarctica. 8177 Photosynthesis of Antarctic mosses and lichens. Ino, Y. Jpn. J. Ecol. 41, 149-158, 1991. M Photosaynthesis. Physiology. Antarctica. 8178 Estimation of the net production of moss community at Langhovde, East Antarctica. Ino, Y. Nankyoku Shiryo(Antarctic Record) 36, 49-59, 1992. M Antarctica. Metabolism. Physiology. 8179 The measurement of photosynthesis in four Shagnum mosses from tree high moors at Mt. Hakkoda. Ino, Y., Takamine, Y. Gakujyutsukennkyu, Biology, Geology 42, 1-9, 1994. M Photosynthesis. Aomori. Physiology. 8180 Field measurement of the photosynthesis of mosses with a portable CO2 porometer at langhovde, East Antarctica. Nankyoku Shiryo(Antarctic Record) 38, 178-184, 1994. M Antarctica. Metabolism. Physiology. Photosynthesis. Method. 8181 Photosyntesis characteristics and ecology of Antarctic mosses and lichens. Ino, Y. Iden (Heredity) 48, 29-34, 1994. M Photosynthesis. Antarctica. Ecology. 8182 Growth and production of Sphagnum mosses from Takadayachi Moor in Hokkaido Mountains, northeast Japan 1. Dry matter production estimated from photosynthesis and respiration. Fukushima, S., Kume, A., Ino, Y., Mochida, Y. Ecol. Rev. 23, 77-91, 1995. M Hokkaido. Metabolism. Growth. Moor. Respiration. Photosynthesis. 8183 Growth and production of Sphagnum mosses from Takadaytachi Moor in Hokkaido Mountains, northeast japan 2. Growth in length measured with a point level method. Shiraishi, A., Ino, Y., Kume, A., Mochida, Y. Ecol. Rev. 23, 189-199, 1996. M Growth. Production. Moor. Hokkaido. Method. 8184 Growth and production of Sphagnum mosses from Takadaytachi Moor in Hokkaido Mountains, northeast japan 3. Seasonal changes of carbohydrate contents in shoots. Shiraishi, A., Ino, Y., Mochida, Y. Ecol. Rev. 23, 201-208, 1996. M Growth. Production. Moor. Hokkaido. Seasonal Change. Carbohydrate Content.