k058 #8185-8261 old file: koke96y1 尼川大録 Rev. by H.Deguchi, April 19, 1997 8185 Enumeratio Plantarum montis Hikosan. II. Bryophyta. (彦山植物目録 II 蘚苔植物) Amakawa, T., Osada, T. 24 p. (pl. 5), 九州大学彦山生物研究所, 1959. B Flora. List. Kyusyu. 8186 A glossary of Bryophyta. (コケ植物用語集) Amakawa, T. Biologia Fukuokana 1, 54-58, 1961. (生物福岡:福岡県高校生物研究部会発行) B Miscellaneous. Glossary. . 8187 Illustrations of Bryophytes of Nogochi Valley. I. (野河内渓谷のコケ植物図説) Amakawa, T., Osada, T. Biologia Fukuokana 1, 12-30, 1961. (生物福岡:福岡県高校生物研究部会発行) B Flora. Illustration. Fukuoka. 8188 Illustrations of Bryophytes of Nogochi Valley. II. (野河内渓谷のコケ植物図説) Amakawa, T., Osada, T. Biologia Fukuokana 2, 28-48, 1962. (生物福岡:福岡県高校生物研究部会発行) B Flora. Illustration. Fukuoka. 8189 Illustrations of Bryophytes of Nogochi Valley. III. (野河内渓谷のコケ植物図説) Amakawa, T., Osada, T. Biologia Fukuokana 3, 22-38, 1963. (生物福岡:福岡県高校生物研究部会発行) B Flora. Illustration. Fukuoka. 8190 Illustrations of Bryophytes of Nogochi Valley. IV. (野河内渓谷のコケ植物図説) Amakawa, T., Osada, T. Biologia Fukuokana 4, 32-44, 1964. (生物福岡:福岡県高校生物研究部会発行) B Flora. Illustration. Fukuoka. 8191 Illustrations of Bryophytes of Nogochi Valley. V. (野河内渓谷のコケ植物図説) Amakawa, T., Osada, T. Biologia Fukuokana 5, 6-20, 1965. (生物福岡:福岡県高校生物研究部会発行) B Flora. Illustration. Fukuoka. 8192 Bryophytes of Nogochi Valley near Fukuoka. Amakawa, T., Osada, T. Biologia Fukuokana 6, 1-9, 1966. (生物福岡:福岡県高校生物研究部会発行) B Flora. 8193 Newly classified families of Hepaticae. (新しく分けられたタイ類の科) Amakawa, T. 槌賀先生喜寿祝賀記念文集, p1-4, 兵庫県立三原高等学校, 1962. H Taxonomy. 8194 Bryophyta of Isl. Okinoshima. (沖の島のコケ植物) Amakawa, T., Osada, T. Biologia Fukuokana 5, 24-27, 1965. B Flora. Fukuoka. 8195 Key to the bryophytes of Okinoshima Isl. (沖の島のコケ植物検索表) Amakawa, T. Biologia Fukuokana 6. 10-18, 1966. B Miscellaneous. Taxonomy. Fukuoka. 8196 Jungermanniaceae. Amakawa, T. Hepatics of the flora of Eastern Himalaya. I. (compiled by Hara, H. ), pp. 510-512, 1966. H Flora. Himalayas. 8197 Scapaniaceae. Amakawa, T. Hepatics of the flora of Eastern Himalaya. I. (compiled by Hara, H.), pp. 5211-523, 1966. H Flora. Himalayas. 8198 Jungermanniaceae Amakawa, T. Hepatics of the flora of Eastern Himalaya. II. (compiled by Hara, H.), pp. 228. 1971. H Flora. Himalayas. 8199 Scapaniaceae Amakawa, T. Hepatics of the flora of Eastern Himalaya. II. (compiled by Hara, H.), pp. 230-231, 1971. H Flora. Himalayas. 8200 Jungermanniaceae. Amakawa, T. Hepatics of the flora of Eastern Himalaya. III. (compiled by Ohashi, H.), pp. 216-221, 1975. H Flora. Himalayas. 8201 Scapaniaceae. Amakawa, T. Hepatics of the flora of Eastern Himalaya. III. (compiled by Ohashi, H)., pp. 226-228, 197566. H Flora. Himalayas. 8202 A preliminary list of Hepaticae of Ryukius. (琉球産タイ類目録予報) Amakawa, T. Biologia Fukuokana 7. 47-51, 1967. B Miscellaneous. Taxonomy. Okinawa. List. 8203 Bryophytes of Mt. Sobo. (祖母山のコケ植物) Amakawa, T. Biologia Fukuokana 8, 27-38, 1968. B Flora. Fukuoka. List. 8204 [An intruduction to the study of Bryophyta. I.](コケ植物入門) Amakawa, T. Biologia Fukuokana 9, 29-36, 1969. B Text Book. Miscellaneous. Introduction. 8205 [An introduction to the study of Bryophyta. II.](コケ植物入門) Amakawa, T. Biologia Fukuokana 10, 43-49, 1970. B Text Book. Miscellaneous. 8206 [An introductionto the study of Bryophyta. III.](コケ植物入門) Amakawa, T. Biologia Fukuokana 12, 67-73, 1972. B Text Book. Miscellaneous. 8207 [An introduction to the study of Bryophyta. IV.](コケ植物入門) Amakawa, T. Biologia Fukuokana 16, 26-37, 1976. B Text Book. Miscellaneous. 8208 Bryophyte flora of Pref. Fukuoka. (福岡県のコケ植物相) Amakawa, T. 教育福岡 254, 18-19, 1971. B Flora. Fukuoka. 8209 Checklist of Bryophyta of Northern Kyushu. (北九州産コケ植物チェックリスト、予報) Amakawa, T. Biologia Fukuoka 11, 45-53, 1971. B Flora. Fukuoka. 8210 Bryophyta of Isl. Tsushima. (対馬のコケ植物) Amakawa, T. 対馬の生物, pp. 139-151, 長崎県生物学会, 1976. B Flora. Nagasaki. Tsushima. 8211 Preliminary investigation of the bryophyte vegetation of Buzen and its vicinity as the indicator of air pollution. 1. Epiphytic communnities on tree-trunk in the lowland. (大気汚染の指標としての豊前市およびその付近のコケ植生の予備調査 1. 低地の樹幹着生群落) Amakawa, T. 中村学園紀要 11, 1-10, 1978. B Air pollution. Epiphyte. Ecology. Fukuoka. Vegetation. 8212 Preliminary investigation of the bryophyte vegetation of Buzen and its vicinity as the indicator of air polution. 2. Epiphytic communnities on tree-trunk in the mountain region. (大気汚染の指標としての豊前市およびその付近のコケ植生の予備調査 2. 山地の樹幹着生群落) Amakawa, T. 中村学園紀要 11, 1-10, 1978. B Air Pollution. Epiphyte. Ecology. Fukuoka. 8213 [Bryophytes with the Japanese names which posesse the place name 'Nagasaki'] (長崎の名を負うコケ) Amakawa, T. 長崎県生物学会誌 17, 1-3, 1979. B Miscellaneous. Japanese name. 8214 The bryophyte society of the Order Neckeretalia complanatae Jez. et Vondr. 1962 and Leptotictyetalia reparii Phil. 1956 is some mountains in the Budapest region (Hungary). Marstaller R. Nova Hedwigia 63, 229-260, 1996. M Taxonomy. Flora. Hungary. Phytosocioloty. Community. Vegetation. 8215 Studies on Cephaloziellaceae IV. On New Zealand taxa. Schuster, R. M. Nova Hedwigia 63, 1-61, 1996. H Taxonomy. New Zealand. 8216 Towards a bryophyte flora of the Near and Middle East. - New records from Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Turkey. Kurschner, H. Nova Hedwigia 63, 71-79, 1996. B Flora. Asia. Near East. Middle East. Iran. Jordan. Lebanon. Oman. Saudi Arabia. Syria. Turkey. 8217 Sperm limitation and genetic effects on fecundity in the dioecious liverwort Sphaerocarpos texanus. McLetchie, D. N. Sex Plant Reprod. 9, 87-92, 1996. H Physiology. Sperm. Reproduction. Fecundity. Genetics. 8218 Species of the genus Radula (Hepaticae) in Japan. Yamada, K. Natural Environ. Sci. Res. 9, 63-96, 1996. (ISSN: 0916-7595) (自然環境科学研究) H Taxonomy. 8219 Moss flora of the Rashomon doline of the Atetsu calcareous area (Okayama, SW-Japan). Nishimura, N. Natural Environ. Sci. Res. 9, 97-108, 1996. (ISSN: 0916-7595) (自然環境科学研究) M List. Okayama. Flora. Calcareous. 8220 Bryophytes of Mt. Takao, Tokyo metropolitan, Japan. II. Hepatics & hornworts. Hiraoka, T., Iwakata, K., Ohashi, T., Suga, K., Sugimura, K., Hongo, Y. Natural Environ. Sci. Res. 9, 109-120, 1996. (ISSN: 0916-7595) (自然環境科学研究) H, A Flora. Tokyo. List. 8221 Studies on antipodal Hepaticae. XII. Gymnomitriaceae. Shuster, R. M. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 80, 1-148, 1996. H Taxonomy.Distribution. Antipodal distribution. 8222 The genus Cyathodium kunze. Srivastava, S. C., Dixit, R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 80, 149-216, 1996. H Taxonomy. 8223 Studies of New Zealand Hepaticae. 14-19. Kurzia and Lepicolea. Engel, J. J., Smith Merrill, G. L. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 80, 217-232, 1996. H Taxonomy. New Zealand. 8224 On the morphological variation in Orthotrichum hookeri Mitt. Lewinsky-Haapassari, J. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 80, 233-240, 1996. H Taxonomy. 8225 On the taxonomic position of Struckia C. Muell. Hedenas, L. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 80, 241-246, 1996. H Taxonomy. 8226 日本産コケ付着ケイソウ (6) 安藤一男 藻類 33, 143-148, 1985. B Taxonomy. Symbiosis. Diatoms. 8227 特別 コケの世界 - その種類と人とのかかわりあい 広浜徹, 吉田文雄, 生出智哉 28 pp. , 神奈川県立博物館, 1985. B Miscellaneous. 8228 Systematic studies on the conducting tissue of the gametophyte in Musci. Kawai, I., Yoshitake, S., Yamazaki, M. Sci. Rep. Kanazawa Univ. 30, 47-53, 1985. M Taxonomy. Anatomy. Conducting tissue. Gametophyte. Stem. 8229 着生蘚苔類を利用した複合大気汚染環境の評価 II. プリオメーターによる複合大気汚染の測定 光本偉勝, 中川吉弘, 兵庫県公害研究所研究報告 17, 46-49, 1985. B Air Pollution. Ecology. Epiphyte. Bryometer. 8230 セン類胞子の発芽・生長に及ぼす二酸化硫黄、二酸化窒素の単独および複合影響 光本偉勝, 中川吉弘, 渡辺弘 大気汚染学会誌 20, 198-204, 1985. M Spore. Growth. Physiology. Pollution. NO2. SO2. 8231 List of the mosses of Oita. Miyamoto, M. 158 pp. , Oita. M Flora. List. Ohita. Oita. 8232 大分県鳴子川渓谷及び藤河内渓谷の蘚類リスト Miyamoto, M. (宮本光生) 小林晶教授退官記念論文集 pp. 39-40, 1985. M Ohita. List. Flora. 8233 青森県西北五地方の蘚類 第2報 金木、中里、市浦地区の蘚類 Mori, T. (森富夫) 青森県生物学会誌 2, 1-11, 1985. M List. Flora. Aomori. 8234 青森県西北五地方の蘚類 第3報 小泊地区のヒノキアスナロ(ヒバ)林内の蘚類. (I)ヒノキアスナロ林床及びヒノキアスナロ以外の樹木の着生蘚類 Mori, T. (森富夫) 青森県生物学会誌 2, 12-21, 1985. M List. Flora. Aomori. Epiphyte. 8235 イチョウウキゴケとその教材化 [Ricciocarpos, as an educational material] 西田雄行 採集と飼育 47, 38-40, 1985. H Education. Method. Technique. 8236 蘚類の分類私見 [Essay to the classification of mosses] Noguchi, A. 小林晶教授退官記念論文集 p1-3, 1985. M Taxonomy. 8237 鎌倉の蘚苔類仮目録 [Preliminary list of bryophytes in Kamakura, Kanagawa Pref.] 生出智哉, 児玉規子 神奈川自然史資料 6, 29-34, 1985. B List. Kamakura. Kanagawa. 8238 ゼニゴケの細胞培養 [Cell culture of Marchantia polymorpha] 武内正幸 組織培養 11, 228-233, 1985. H Cell Culture. 8239 コケシリーズ No. 1-6. Taoda, H. 林業試験場報 251-256, 1985 B Miscellaneous. 8240 ヒョウタンゴケ原糸体からのプロトプラストの遊離と培養 [Isolation and culture of protoplast from protonamata of Funaria hygrometrica] Usui, H. (臼井英夫) 組織培養 11, 234-239, 1985. M Protoplast Culture. Protonema. 8241 Culture of setae and induction of a polyploid mutant - A simple but useful plant tissue culture for study in high school. Yonezawa, Y. Biology Education and environmental education in Japan as an International Society (Tanaka, R., ed.), pp. 97-104, 1985. B Education. Method. Culture. Polyploid Mutant. Seta. 8242 The effect of ageing on bud differentiation in the moss, Physcomitrium sphaericum. Yoshida, K., Yamamoto, K. Plant Cell Physiol. 26, 1549-1555, 1985. M Aging. Bud Differentiation. Physiology. 8243 Distribution of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in a moss community-soil system developed on a cold desert in Antarctica. Ino, Y., Nakatsubo, T. Ecological Res. 1, 59-69, 1986 M Ecology. Antarctica. Nutrition. Carbon. Nitrogen. Posphorus. Cold Desert. 8244 Systematic studies on the conducting tissues of the gametophyte in Musci (14). Anatomy of the stems of Rhizogonium, Mnium and Fissidens. Kawai, I., Yoshitaka, S., Yamamoto, E. Sci. Rep. Kanazawa Univ. 31, 31-42, 1986. M Conducting Tissue. Anatomy. Stem. 8245 コケ類の採集ハンドブック [A Handbook for Collecting Mosses] 小池安次 164 pp. , 1986. B Book. 8246 ヌマガヤーチャミズゴケ群集について 松田行雄, 津田善夫, 竹中則夫 植物地理・分類研究 34, 95-104, 1986. M Ecology. Sphagnum bog. Community. Phytosociology. 8247 複合大気汚染指標としての着生センタイ植物 光本偉勝, 中川吉弘, 渡辺弘 全国公害研究会誌 11, 67-72, 1986. B Epiphyte. Air Pollution. Bioindicator. 8248 コケ群落の乾重量―種順位関係について Nakanishi, K., Ito, S. 中西こずえ, 伊藤秀三 日生態会誌 31, 11-18, 1986. B Dry Weight. Physiology. Taxonomy. 8249 関東地方石灰岩植生覚えがき [Notes on limestone vegetation in Kanto District] 長野巌, 加藤静江, 木口博史, 太田和夫 埼玉大学紀要(自然科学篇)22, 259-285, 1986. B Limestone. Flora. Kanto. 8250 干上がった池の岸や底に生える小さな蘚類: カゲロウゴケとカンムリゴケ 下田路子 Shimoda, M. 水草研究会 23, 8-11, 1986. M Ecology. Flora. Ephemerum. Micromitrium. 8251 コケシリーズ No. 7-9. Taoda, H. 林業試験場報 258-260, 1985 B Miscellaneous. 8252 コケ植物・地衣類植生 梅津幸雄 大分県日出町誌 105-119, 1986. B Flora. List. Ohita. 8253 Hebantia, a new genus of Polytrichaceae (Bryophyta). Smith Merrill, G. L. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 80, 247-250, 1996. M Taxonomy. 8254 Chromosome data on Australasian Bryaceae. Ramsay, H. P., Spence, J. R. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 80, 251-270, 1996. M Chromosome. Austarlasia. Cytology. 8255 Distribution of terpenoids and aromatic compounds in New Zealand liverworts. Asakawa, Y., Toyota, M., Nakanishi, E., Tada, Y. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 80, 271-296, 1996. H Chemistry. Aromatic. Terpenoid. 8256 Phytochrome interaction in protonema differentiation in the wild strain and auxin mutant of the moss Funaria hygrometrica. Kapoor, S., Bhatla, S. C. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 80, 297-306, 1996. M Physiology. Phytochrome. Mutant. Differentiation. Protonema. Hormones. 8257 Cladonia biogeography in Pacific areas of the United States. Hammer, S. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 80, 307-322, 1996. L Geography. Flora. Ecology. 8258 The polar constituents of two liverwort species Mastigophora diclados and M. woodsii. Chau, P., Wu, C-L. Proc. Natl. Sci. Counc. ROC (A) 11, 124-128, 1987. H Chemistry. 8259 An overview and evaluation of the genera of Geocalycaceae subfamily Lophocoleoideae (Hepaticae). Engel, J., Schuster, R. M. Nova Hedwig. 39, 385-463, 1984. H Taxonomy. 8260 Antifungal hydroxyacetophenones from the New Zealand liverwort, Plagiochila fasciculata. Lorimer, S. D., Perry, N. B. Planta Med. 60, 386-387, 1994. H Chemistry. Medicine. Antifungal. 8261 An antifungal bibenzyl from the New Zealand liverwort, Plagiochila stephesoniana. Bioactivity-directed isolation, synthesis, and analysis. Lorimer, S. D., Perry, N. B., Tangney, R. S. J. Nat. Prod. 56, 1444-1450, 1993. H Chemistry. Aromatic. Synthesis. Isolation.