k059 #8262-8410 old file: koke9701 ‘ê”ö, Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6(12), Rev. by H. Deguchi, Aug. 7, 1997 8262 Purification of the cytosolic CuZn-superoxide dismutase (CuZn-SOD) of Marchantia paleacea var. diptera and its resemblance to CuZn-SOD from chloroplasts. Tanaka, K., Takio, S., Yamamoto, I., Satoh, T. Plant Cell Physiology 37, 523-529, 1996. H Biochemistry. Enzyme. Chloroplast. Physiology. 8263 Inactivation and following degradation of the cytosolic Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase induced by copper deficiency in suspension-cultured cells of Marchantia paleacea var. diptera. Tanaka, K., Takio, S., Satoh, T. Journal of Plant Physiology 146, 361-365, 1995. H Biochemistry. Enzyme. Chloroplast. Physiology. Suspension Cultured Cells. 8264 Occurrence of DNA methylation in chloroplasts DNA from the suspension cultured cells from a liverwort, Marchantia paleacea var. diptera. Takio, S., Satoh, Y., Satoh, T. Journal of Plant Physiology 143, 173-177 1994. H DNA. Methylation. Molecular Biology. Suspension Cultured Cells. 8265 Nitrogen-assimilating enzymes in chlorophyllous cells of the liverwort, Marchantia plaeacea var. diptera, grown in the dark. Harada, M., Takio, S., Takami, S. Journal of Plant Physiology 141, 527-532, 1993. H Growth. Physiology. Nitrate Assimilation. Enzyme. 8266 Photosynthetic properties of dark-bleached cells of the newly established line from the liverwort, Marchantia paleacea var. diptera. Takio, S., Ikuta, K., Satoh, Y., Satoh, T. Journal of Plant Physiology 142, 6-11, 1993. H Growth. Physiology. Photosynthesis. Cultured Cells. 8267 Changes in chloroplast DNA levels during the culture of photosynthetically active cells of a moss, Barbula unguiculata. Takio, S., Nagata, T. Journal of Plant Physiology 137, 147-150, 1990. M Growth. Physiology. Cultured Cells. 8268 Photoautotrophic growth in cell suspension culture from the liverwort, Marchantia paleacea var. diptera. Ngumi, V. W., Takio, S., Takami, S. Journal of Plant Physiology 137, 25-28, 1990. H Physiology. Photosynthesis. Growth. Photoautotroph. Suspenssion Cultured Cells. 8269 Nitrate reductase inactivator in a chlorate resistant mutant of the liverwort, Marchantia paleacea var. diptera. Takio, S. Journal of Plant Physiology 136, 30-40, 1990. H Enzyme. Physiology. Cl. Mutant. 8270 Photosynthetic ability in dark-grown Reboulia hemisphaerica and Barbula unguiculata cells in suspension culture. Takio, S., Akita, C., Ngumi, V. M., Takami, S. Plant Cell Reports 8, 575-578, 1990. H, M Growth. Physiology. Suspension Cultured Cells. Photosynthesis. 8271 Effect of cytokinin on morphological changes of cultured cells of the moss, Barbula unguiculata. Takio, S. Plant Cell Reports 7, 603-606, 1989. M Morphology. Cytokinin. Growth Regulator. Cultured Cells. Physiology. 8272 Photosynthetic ability of dark-grown Marchantia paleacea cells in suspension culture. Takio, S., Takami, S., Hino, S. Journal of Plant Physiology 132, 195-198, 1988. H Growth. Physiology. Suspension Cultured Cells. Photosynthesis. 8273 Nitrate reductase from suspension cultured cells of Marchantia polymorpha L. Takio, S., Hino, S. Journal of Plant Physiology 132, 470-473, 1988. H Physiology. Suspension Cultured Cells. Enzyme. 8274 Photoautotrophic growth in suspension culture of cells from the moss, Barbula unguiculata. Takami, S., Nishikawa, S., Takio, S., Hino, S. Physiologia Plantarum 73, 227-231, 1988. M Growth. Photoautotroph. Suspension Cultured Cells. 8275 Establishment and growth characterization of suspension culture of cells from the moss, Sphagnum imbricatum. Kajita, M., Takio, S., Takami, S., Hino, S. Physiologia Plantarum 70, 21-26, 1987. M Growth. Physiology. Suspension Cultured Cells. 8276 Establishment of cell suspension cultures of Hedwigia ciliata and Heteroscyphus bescherellei. Takami, S. Takio, S. Journal of Plant Physiology 130, 267-272, 1987. H Physiology. Suspension Cultured Cells. 8277 ƒlƒWƒNƒ`ƒSƒP‚̍זE”|—{D[Tissue culture of Barbula unguiculata] Takio, S., Kajita, M., Takaami, S., Hino, S. (‘ê”öi, Š“c”üK, ‚Œ©LŽ¡, “ú–쐞ˆê) ‘gD”|—{ 11, 228-233, 1985. M Tissue Culture. Growth. 8278 ƒRƒP—Þ”|—{×–E‚̈ÏŠ‚Å‚Ì—t—Α̌`¬ Takio, S. (‘ê”öi) Heredity 49, 34-37, 1995. (ˆâ“`) B Chloroplast. Cultured Cells. Organogensis. Physiology. 8279 ƒRƒPA•šƒJƒ‹ƒX‚Ì•ª—£–@ Takio, S. (‘ê”öi) Heredity 49, 33-47, 1995 (ˆâ“`) B Method. Culture. Tequnology. Calus. 8280 Miscellaneous notes on Japanese Musci. iåd—ÞŽG‹Lj Osada, T. i’·“c•³j ”Ž•šŠwŽGŽ 34, 20-22, 1936. M Taxonomy. 8281 ‘Û—Þ(Hepaticae)‚̐õF‘̐” ‘ŠŒ©—ìŽO ”Ž•šŠwŽGŽ 34, 53-58, 1936. H Chromosome. 8282 Tolerance of some epiphytic bryophytes to simulated acid rain. Taoda, H. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 237-243, 1996. B Epiphyte. Air Polution. Acid Rain. Ecology. Boreal Forest. 8283 The effect of simulated acid rain on feather mosses and lichens of the boreal forest. Hutchinson, T. C., Dixon, M., Scott, C. Water Air Soil Pollution 31, 409-416, 1986. M Air Pollution. Ecology. Acid Rain. Boreal Forest. 8284 The effect of simulated acid rain on boreal forest floor feather moss and lichen species. Hutchinson, T. C., Scott, C., Soto, C., Dixon, M. Effects of atmospheric pollutants on forests, wetlands and agricultural ecosystem, (Hutchinson, T. C., Meema, K. M., eds.), NATO ASI Ser. G: Ecol. Sci. 16, 411-426, 1987. M Book. Acid Rain. Air Pollution. Boreal Forest. Ecology. 8285 Growth, production, and decomposition dynamics of Sphagnum under natural and experimentally acidfield conditions. Rochefort, L., Vitt, D. H., Bayley, S. E. Ecology 71, 1986-2000, 1990. M Growth. Productiion. Physiology. Acid Field. Pollution. Ecology. 8286 Mapping of atmospheric pollution in Tokyo based upon epiphytic bryophytes. Taoda, H. Jpn. J. Ecol. 22, 125-133, 1972. B Tokyo. Air Pollution. Flora. Epiphyte. 8287 On Aphanolejeunea angustiloba. Mizutani, M. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 244-246, 1996. H Taxonomy. 8288 Telaranea neesii (liverwort), new to Taiwan. Wu. C-L., Yamada, K. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 244, 1996. H Taxonomy. GFlora. Taiwan. 8289 Philippines liverworts. III. Calobryales and Herbertales of Philippines. Del Rosario, R. M. Philipp. J. Sci. 104, 94-209, 1975. H Taxonomy. Flora. Philippines. 8290 Index of Taiwan Hepaticae. Kuo, C. M., Chiang, T. Y. Taiwania 33, 1-46, 1988. H Taiwan. Flora. Index. List. 8291 Index Bryoflorae Formosensis. Lai, M. J., Wang-Yang, J. R. Taiwania 21, 159-203, 1976. B Index. Flora. List. Taiwan. 8292 A few cleistocarpous mosses in dried ponds in Sakai-shi, Osaka-fu, Honsyu, Japan. Ashida, Y. Proc. Bryol. Soc. Jpn. 6, 247-248, 1996. M Ecology. Osaka. Cleistocarpous. 8293 Cytokinesis occurs at boundaries of domains delimited by nuclear-based microtubles in sporocytes of Conocephalum conicum (Bryophyta). Brown, R. C., Lemmon, B. E. Cell Mobility Cytoskelton 11, 139-146, 1988. H Microtuble. Spore. Cytology. 8294 Sporogenesis in bryophytes. Brown, R. C., Lemmon, B. E. Microspores. Evolution and ontogeny (Blackmore, S., Knox, R. B., eds.), pp55-94, London, 1990. B Sporogenesis. 8295 The sporophytes-gametophyte junction in bryophytes. Ligrone, R., Gambardella, R. Advances in Bryology Vol. 3 (Miller, N., ed.), pp227-274, Berlin, 1988. B Morphology. Junction. Anatomy. Evolution. 8296 The gametophyte-sporophyte junction in land plants. Ligrone, R., Duckett, J. G., Renzaglia, K. S. Advances in Bot. Res. 19, 231-317, 1993. B Anatomy. Junction. Evolution. Morphology. 8297 Flora Bryophytorum Sinicorum. Vol. 2. Fissidentales - Pottiales. Gao C. (ed.) 293p, Beijing, 1996. (ISBN 7-03-004552-1/Q-563) M Book. China. 8298 Permanent grid studies in bryophyte communities 1. Pattern and dynamics of individual species. During, H. J., Lloret, F. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 79, 1-42, 1996. B Method. Ecology. Grid. 8299 Protonemal development under different culture conditions in Bartramia Hedw. (Musci). Alcalde, A., Abella, L., Estebanez, B., Ron, E. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 79, 107-114, 1996. M Protonema. Culture. Development. Physiology. 8300 The sporeling ontogeny of Pellia epiphylla (L.) Corda and Pellia neesiana (Gott.) Limpr. with special reference to the protonema. Bartholomew-Began, S. E. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 79, 115-128, 1996. H Sporeling. Development. Physiology. Protonema. 8301 Sporoderm and elateroderm diversity in some rare and interesting liverworts under SEM. Nath, V., Asthana, A. K. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 79, 129-138, 1996. H India. Taxonomy. Anatomy. SEM. 8302 Fissidens in the Fiji Islands. Iwatsuki, Z., Suzuki, T. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 79, 139-162, 1996. M Taxonomy. Fiji. 8303 A newly updated and annotated checklist of Chinese mosses. Redfearn Jr., P. L., Benito, C. T., He, S. J. hattori Bot. Lab. 79, 163-357, 1996. M Checklist. Flora. China. 8304 A revison of Leucomnium (Leucomniaceae). Allen, B. H. Memories New York Bot. Garden 45, 661-677, 1987. M Taxonomy. 8305 A checklist of Sphagnum in North America north of Mexico. Anderson, L. E. Bryologist 93, 500-501, 1990. M Checklist. Mexico. 8306 List of the mosses of North America north of Mexico. Anderson, L. E., Crum, H. A., Buck, W. R. Bryologist 93, 448-499, 1990. M Checklist. Mexico. 8307 Preliminary report of the mosses in Inner Mongolia, China. Bai, X-L. Acta Sci. Nat. Univ. Intromongolicae 18, 311-350, 1987. M China. Inner Mongolia. Flora. 8308 An analysis of floristic affinities and bryophytes of Ergun Yougi. Bai, X-L. Intergrated survey of Biotic Resources of Ergun Yougi, Inner Mongolia, pp141-163, Science Press, 1989. M China. Inner Mongolia. Book. 8309 Iconographia Cormophytorum Sinicorum. Bryophyta. - Tomus 1, 1-106, 1972. B Flora. China. 8310 Biota of Mt. Tuermu area of Tianshan Range. - Report of academia Sinica mountain climbing and scientific expedition, pp177-181, Xinjiang People's Press, Uriqi, China, 1985. B Flora. Tianshan. China. 8311 The bryoflora of Inner Mongolia. Bai, X-L. Chenia 1, 83-98, 1991. B Inner Mongolia. Flora. China. 8312 New Recorded genus and species of Pottiaceae in China. Bai, X-L., Gao, C. Acta Sci. Nat. Univ. Nei menggu 24, 421-426, 1993. M China. Taxonomy. 8313 A survey of species of the genus Blindia (Bryopsida: Seligeriaceae). Bartlett, J. K., Vitt, D. H. New Zealand J. Bot. 24, 203-246, 1986. M Taxonomy. 8314 Additions to the flora of China. Bartram, E. B. Ann. Bryol. 8, 6-21, 1935. B Flora. china. 8315 Mosses of the Philippines. Bartram, E. B. Phillipp. J. Sci. 68, 1-437, 1939. M List. Philippines. Flora. 8316 Enumeration des mousses nouvelles recoltees par M. l'abbe Delavay au Yu-nan (Chine) des les environ d'Hokin et de Tali. Bescherelle, E. Rev. Bryol. 18, 87-89, 1891. M China. Yu-nan. List. 8317 Musci yunnanenses. Enumeration et description des mousses nouvelles recoltees par M. l'abbe Delavay au Yun-nan en Chine, des les environs d'Hokin et de Tali (Yun-nan). Bescherelle, E. Ann. Sci. Bot. Ser. 7. 15, 47-94, 1892. M Yun-nan. China. Flora. List. 8318 Bryologiae japonicae supplementum I. Bescherelle, E. J. Bot. (Paris) 12, 280-300, 1898. B Japan. List. 8319 The genus Timmia. 3. Sect. Timmia. Brassard, G. R. Lindbergia 10, 33-40, 1984. M Taxonomy. 8320 A taxonomic revision of Schistidium (Grimmiaceae, Bryophyta). 1. Bremer, B. Lindbergia 6, 1-16, 1980. M Taxonomy. 8321 A taxonomic revision of Schistidium (Grimmiaceae, Bryophyta). 2. Bremer, B. Lindbergia 6, 89-117, 1980. M Taxonomy. 8322 A taxonomic revision of Schistidium (Grimmiaceae, Bryophyta). 3. Bremer, B. Lindbergia 7, 73-90, 1981. M Taxonomy. 8323 Musci. Brotherus, V. F. Beitrage zur kenntnis deer Vegetation des sudund ostasiatischen Monsungebietes (Warburg, O), Monsunia 1, 42-53, 1899. M Taxonomy. 8324 Musci. Brotherus, V. F. Beitrage zur kenntnis deer Vegetation des sudund ostasiatischen Monsungebietes (Warburg, O), Monsunia 1, 175-177, 1899. M Taxonomy. 8325 Neue Beitrage zur Moosflora Japans. Brotherus, V. F. Hedwigia 38, 204-247, 1899. M Taxonomy. Japan. 8326 Bryales. Brotherus, V. F. Flora of Koh-Chang (Schmidt, J.), Bot. Tidskr. 24, 115-125, 1901. B Taxonomy. Koh-Chang. Flora. Vietnum. 8327 Fragmenta ad floram bryologicam Asiae orientalis cognoscendam. I. Trudy Troitskos. Brotherus, V. F. Kjaktin. Otd. Priam. Otd. Imp. Russk. Geogr. Obshch. 7, 10-19, 1905. B Flora. Asia. 8328 Musci novi sinensis, collecti a Dre. Henr. Handel-Mazzetti. I. Brotherus, V. F. Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Wien Math. Naturw. Klasse. Abt. 1. 131, 209-220, 1922. M China. List. Taxonomy. 8329 Musci novi sinensis, collecti a Dre. Henr. Handel-Mazzetti. II. Brotherus, V. F. Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Wien Math. Naturw. Klasse. Abt. 1. 133, 559-584, 1924. M China. List. Taxonomy. 8330 Musci novi japonici. Brotherus, V. F. Rev. Bryol. 53, 1-5, 1926. M Taxonomy. Japan. 8331 Musci novi japonici. Brotherus, V. F. Ann. Bryol. 1, 17-27, 1926. M Taxonomy. Japan. 8332 Musci novi asatici. Brotherus, V. F. Rev. Bryol. (n. ser.) 2, 1-16, 1929. M Taxonomy. Asia. 8333 Musci. Brotherus, V. F. Symbolae Sinicae. Botanischen Ergebnisse deer Expedition der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien nach Sudwest-China 1914/1918. IV. (Handel-Mazzetti, H.), 147p, Julius Springer, 1929. M China. Flora. List. 8334 Nachtrage und Berichtigungen zu Teil IV. Brotherus, V. F. Symbolae Sinicae. Botanischen Ergebnisse deer Expedition der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien nach Sudwest-China 1914/1918. II. (Handel-Mazzetti, H.), 147p, Julius Springer, 1929. M China. Flora. List. 8335 Bryosedgwickia, a new synonym of Platygyriella (Hypnaceae). Buck, W. R. Brittonia 36, 86-88, 1984. M Taxonomy. 8336 Notes on Asian Hypnaceae and associated taxa. Buck, W. R. Memories New York Bot. Gard. 45, 519-527, 1987. M Taxonomy. 8337 Taxonomic and nomenclatural rearrangement in the Hookeriales with notes on West Indian taxa. Buck, W. R. Brittonia 39, 210-224, 1987. ? West India. Taxonomy. 8338 A monograph of Entodon (Entodontaceae) in Australia and southern Oceania. Buck, W. R. Australian Syst. Bot. 3, 701-709, 1990. M Taxonomy. Australia. Oceania. 8339 A nomenclatural correction in the Meteoriaceae. Buck, W. R. Bryologist 97, 436, 1994. M Taxonomy. 8340 An evaluation of familial limits among the genera alligned with the Thuidiaceae and Leskeaceae. Buck, W. R., Crum, H. Contr. Univ. Mich. Herb. 17, 55-69, 1990. M Taxonomy. 8341 A reclassification of the Plagiotheciaceae. Buck, W. R., Ireland, R. R. Nova Hedwigia 41, 89-125, 1985. M Taxonomy. 8342 The Asiatic genera of Sematophyllaceae associated with Trichosteleum. Buck, W. R., Tan, B. C. Acta Bryolichenol. Asiatica 1, 5-19, 1989. M Taxonomy. Asia. 8343 Mosses new to Hong Kong (I). But, P. P-H., Gao, C-H. Investigation et Studium Naturae 11, 40-45, 1991. M Hong Kong. China. Flora. 8344 The morphological characters and geographical distribution of Indusiella thianschanica Broth. & C. Muell. Cao, T. Bull. Inst. Forest. Pedology 2-3, 155-158, 1984. M Taxonomy. Morphology. Gepgraphy. Distribution. 8345 A new species of Encalypta (Musci) from China. Cao, T., Gao, C. Acta Bryolichenol. Asiatica 2, 1-3, 1990. M Taxonomy. China. 8346 Racomitrium capillifolium Frisvoll: a synonym of Racomitrium albipiliferum C. Gao & T. Cao (Bryopsida: Grimmiaceae). Cao, T., Gao, C. Nova Hedwigia 54, 147-149, 1992. M Taxonomy. 8347 A revised taxonomic account of the genus Ptychomitrium (Bryopsida: Ptychomitriaceae) in China. Cao, T., Gao, C. Harvard Papers Bot. 7, 11-24, 1995. M Taxonomy. China. 8348 A taxonomic revision of the genus Ptychomitrium (Bryopsida: Ptychomitriaceae) in China. Cao, T., Gao, C., Vitt, D. H. Harvard Papers Bot. 6, 75-96, 1995. M Taxonomy. China. 8349 First report on bryophytic bird-nest and their bryophytes in China. Cao, T., Gao, C-H. J. Wuyi Sci. 8, 207-213, 1991. B Miscellaneous. China. Bird Nest. 8350 A revision of the genus Encalypta (Encalyptaceae, Musci) in China. Cao, T., Horton, D. G., Gao, C. Bryobrothera 1, 251-268, 1992. M Taxonomy. China. 8351 A new genus to northeast China - Homaliodendron and its distribution (Musci). Cao, T., Jia, X-Y. Bull. Bot. Res. 9, 83-86, 1989. M Taxonomy. China. 8352 A study of community structure and floristic affinity in Baishilaji, Liaoning Province. Cao, T., Jia, X-Y., Yuan, Y-X., Ding, Y-T. Publ. Dalian Nat. Hist. Mus. 1, 28-39, 1989. B Community. Ecology. China. Floristic Affinity. 8353 Studyof the bryophyte communities and their floral elements in Mt. Baishilazi, Liaoning, China. Cao, T., Jia, X-Y., Yuan, Y-X., Ding, Y-T. J. Liaoning Normal Univ. 4, 40-46, 1990. B Community. Ecology. China. Floral Element.. 8354 Coscinodon (Musci: Grimmiaceae) new to China. VCao, T., Lai, M-J., Kopponen, T. Yunnanica 13, 30-32, 1991. M Taxonomy. China. 8355 North Ameerican - East Asian similarities in the genus Ptychomitrium. Cao, T., Vitt, D. H. Bryologist 97, 34-41, 1994. M Taxonomy. North America. East Asia. 8356 Mousses de l'ile Formosae. Cardot, J. Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 19, 85-148, 1905. M Taiwan. Taxonomy. 8357 Mousses du Kouy - Tsheou (Chine), recoltees par E. Bodinier et determinees par J. Cardot et I. Theriot. Theriot, I. Bull. Acad. Int. Geogr. Bot. 13, 81-84, 1904. M Taxonomy. China. 8358 A new variety of Pterognium gracile (Hedw.) Sm. from Tsinling. Chang, M-S. (Zhang, M-X) Acta Phytotax. Sinica 12, 347-348, 1974. M Flora. China. Taxonomy. 8359 Studien uber die Leucodon von Tsinling (Musci). Chang, M-S. (Zhang, M-X) Acta Phytotax. Sinica 13, 64-71, 1975. M Flora. China. Taxonomy. 8360 Bryophyta in Flora Tsinglingensis. Tom III. Bryophyta (Par. 1). Chang, M-S. (Zhang, M-X) 329 p., Science Publisher, Beijing, 1978. M Book. Taxonomy. China. 8361 Studien uber die ostasiatischen Arten der Pottiaceae. I. Chen, P-C. Hedwigia 80, 1-76, 1941. M Taxonomy. East Asia. 8362 Studien uber die ostasiatischen Arten der Pottiaceae. II. Chen, P-C. Hedwigia 80, 141-322, 1941. M Taxonomy. East Asia. 8363 Beitrae zur Moosflora von Hainan Insel. Chen, P-C. Sunyatsenia 6, 185-195, 1941. M Taxonomy. China. Hainan Island. 8364 Musci Sinici exiccati Seriesi I. Chen, P-C. pp. 1-12, Contributions from the Institute of Biology, Graduate School of College of Science, National Central University, Chungking, China, 1943. M Taxonomy. Flora. China. 8365 Bryophyta nova sinica. Chen, P-C. Feddes Repert. 58, 23-52, 1955. B Taxonomy. China. 8366 Genera Muscorum Sinicorum, I. Chen, P-C. 304 p., Science Publisher, Beijing, 1963. M Taxonomy. China. 8367 Genera Muscorum Sinicorum, II. Chen, P-C. 331 p., Science Publisher, Beijing, 1978. M Taxonomy. China. 8368 A preliminary studyof the Chinese Sphagnum. Chen, P-C., Lee, S-C.(Li, J-X.) Acta Phytotax. Sinica 5, 165-203, 1956. M Taxonomy. China. 8369 Two new species of Buxbaumia in China. Chen, P-C., Lee, S-C.(Li, J-X.) Acta Phtotax. Sinica 9, 277-280, 1964. M Taxonomy. China. 8370 A preliminary study of Chinese Andreaea. Chen, P-C., Wan, T-L.(Wan, Z-L.) Acta Phtotax. Sinica 3, 91-104, 1958. M Taxonomy. China. 8371 The preliminary study of the bryophytes of Mt. Hwangshan. Chen, P-C., Wu, P-C. Observations ad Florulam Hwangshanicum 1-59, 1965. B Report. Flora. China. 8372 The stydy on the bryophytic life-forms on Mt. Yushan. Chiang, T-Y. 105 p., M. Sci. Thesis, National Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan, 1989. B Ecology. Taiwan. M. Sci. Thesis. 8373 Some bryophytes from the Southern-Cross-Island highway and Sanchiaonan Shan. Chiang, Y-Y., Lin, S-H. Yushania 1, 34-36, 1984. B Flora. Taiwan. 8374 Notes on bryophytes of Taiwan(1-369. Chiang, T-Y., Kuo, C-M. Taiwania 37, 74-156, 1989. B Taxonomy. Taiwan. 8375 Enumeration of the bryophytes in the herbaria of Wuhan University. Chuang, H-W. Wuhan Univ. Press, Wuhan, China, 1979. B List. Book. China. 8376 Systematics and bryogeography of Jaffueliobryum (Grimmiaceae). Churchill, S. P. Memories New York Bot. Gard. 45, 691-708, 1987. M Taxonomy. 8377 Mousses nouvelees de l'Indo-Chine et du Yunnan. Coppey, M. A. Bull. Seanc. DSoc. Sci. Nancy 3, 6-17, 1911. M Taxonomy. Flora. Yunnan. China. Indo-China. 8378 Mosses of Europe and Azores; an annotated list of species, with synonyms from the recent literature. Corely, M. F. V., Crundwell, A. C., Dull, R., Hill, M. O., Smith, A. J. E. J. Bryol. 11, 609-689, 1981. M Europe. Azores. List. Taxonomy. 8379 Index Muscorum supplementum: 1974-1975. Crosby, M. R. Taxon 26, 285-307, 1977. M List. Taxonomy. 8380 Index Muscorum supplementum: 1976-1977. Crosby, M. R. Taxon 28, 237-264, 1979. M List. Taxonomy. 8381 A dictionary of Mosses. Crosby, M. R., Magill, R. E. 43 p., Missouri Bot. Gard., St. Louis, USA, 1977. M Miscellaneous. 8382 Index of Mosses 1963-1989. Crosby, M. R., Magill, R. E., Bauer, C. R. Sys. Bot. 42, 1-646, 1992. M Book. Index. 8383 Mosses of the Great Lakes Forest, 3rd. ed. Crum, H. A. 417p, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA. M Book. USA. 8384 Sphagnopsida. Sphagnales. North America flora, ser. II, pt. II. Crum, H. A. 180 p., New York Bot. Gard., Bronx, New York, USA, 1984. M Taxonomy. North America. 8385 Mosses of Easetrn North America. Vols. 1-2. Crum, H. A., Anderson, L.E. 1328 p., Columbia Univ. Press, New York, USA, 1981. M Taxonomy. Flora. North America. 8386 New names for some North American Mosses. Crum, H. A., Anderson, L. E. Bryologist 92, 533, 1989. M Taxonomy. North America. 8387 A new list of mosses of North America north of Mexico. Crum, H. A., Steere, W. C., Anderson, L. E. Bryologist 76, 85-130, 1973. M Mexico. North America. List. 8388 New names for some North American Mosses. Crum, H. A., Steere, W. C., Anderson, L. E. Bryologist 67, 162-164, 1964. M North America. List. 8389 Studies of vertical distribution and phytogeography of mosses in Jizu Mountain, Yunnan Province. Cui, M-K. 102 p., M. Sci. Thesis, Yunnan Univ., Kunming, China, 1986. M Yunnan. M. Sci. Thesis. China. Flora. 8390 Mosses collectee in North China, Mongolia, and Tibet by Rev. E. Licent. Dixon, H. N. Rev. Bryol., n. s., 1. 177-191, 1928. M China. Tibet. Mongolia. Taxonomy. Flora. List. 8391 Mosses of Hong Kong with other Chinese mosses. Dixon, H. N. Hong Kong Naturalist Supplement 2, 1-31, 1933. M Hong Kong. China. List. Flora. Taxonomy. 8392 Manchurian mosses. Dixon, H. N. Rev. Bryol. Lichenol. 7, 105-116, 1934. M China. Taxonomy. 8393 Notulae bryologicae. I. Dixon, H. N. J. Bot.(London) 75, 121-129, 1937. B Taxonomy. 8394 The Chinese species of Leucodon. Dixon, H. N. J. Bot. 79, 137-145, 1941. M Taxonomy. China. 8395 A taxonomical revison of the Garovaglioideae (Pterobryaceae, Musci). During, H. J. Bryophyt. Biblioth. 12, 1-244, 1977. M Taxonomy. 8396 Sphagnales of tropical Asia. Eddy, A. Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) 5, 359-445, 1977. M Taxonomy. 8397 A Handbook of Malesian Mosses. Vol. 2. Leucobryaceae to Buxbaumiaceae. Eddy, A. 256 p., British Mus. (Nat. Hist.), London, UK, 1990. 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Gemma. 8403 The formation of catenate foliar gemmae and the origin of oil bodies in the liverwort Odontoschisma denudatum (Mart.) Dum. (Jungermanniales) : a light and electron microscope study. Duckektt, J. G., Ligrone, R. Annals Bot. 76, 405-419, 1995. H Gemma. Microtuble. Morphogenesis. Oil Body. Vegetative Reproduction. Polar Growth. 8404 A survey of diaspore liberation mechanisms and germination patterns in mosses. Duckett, J. G., Ligrone, R. J. Bryol. 17, 335-354, 1992. M Germination. Physiology. Morphology. Liberation. Tmema Cell.Diaspore Pntogeny. Development. 8405 Studies of protonemal morphogenesis in mosses I. Ephemerum. Duckett, J. G., Goode, J. A., Stead, A. D. J. Bryol. 17, 397-408, 1993. M Morphology. Protonema. Development. Vegetative Reproduction. 8406 Studies of protonemal morphogenesis in mosses IV. Aloina (Pottiales). Goode, J. A., Stead, A. D., Ligrone, R., Duckett, J. G. J. Bryol. 18, 27-41, 1994. M Brood Cell. Vegetative Reproduction.Morphology. Development. Protonema. 8407 Studies of protonemal morphogenesis in mosses V. Diphyscium foliosum (Hedw.) Mohr (Buxbaumiales). Duckett, J. G. J. Bryol. 18, 223-238, 1994. M Abscisic Acid. Growth. Morphology. Development. Protonema. Tip Growth. 8408 Studies of protonemal morphogenesis in mosses VI. The foliar rhizoids of Calliergon stramineum (Brid.) Kindb. function as organs of attachment. Duckett, J. G. J. Bryol. 18, 239-252, 1994. M Attachment. Morphology. Development. Rhizoid. Tip Growth. Regeneration. 8409 Studies of protonemal morphogenesis in mosses. III. The perennial gemmiferous protonema of Rhizomnium punctatum (Hedw.) Kop. Duckett, J. G., Ligrone, R. J. Bryol. 18, 13-26, 1994. M Development. Physiology. Protonema. Morphology. 8410 Studies of protonemal morphogenesis in mosses II. Orthotrichum obtusifolium Brid. Goode, J. A., Stead, A. D., Duckett, J. G. J. Bryol. 17, 409-419, 1993. M Development. Protonema. Morphology. Physiology.