k060 #8411-8549 old file: koke9702 Rev. by H. Deguchi, Aug. 7, 1997 8411 The occurrence of tubers in Campylopus pyriformis (Schultz) Brid. Arts, T. Lindbergia 12, 125-128, 1986. M Development. Tuber. 8412 The occurrence of rhizoidal tubers in the genus Campylopus. Arts, T. Lindbergia 15, 60-64, 1989. M Development. Rhizoid. Tuber. 8413 Rhizoidal tubers and protonema-gemmae in Cynodontium bruntonii. Arts, T. Lindbergia 16, 25-27, 1990. M Development. Protonema. Gemma. Rhizoid. Tuber. 8415 Rhizoidal tubers and protonemal gemmae in European Ditrichum species. Arts, T. J. Bryol. 18, 43-61, 1994. M Rhizoidal Tuber. Protonema. Gemma. Development. Europe. 8416 The occurrence of rhizoid tubers in Pleuridium acuminatum. Arts, T., Risse, S. Lindbergia 14, 127-130, 1988. M Rhizoid Tuber. Development. 8417 Moss protonema differentiation Bhatla, S. C. Research Studies Press Ltd, Taunton & J. Wiley, New York, 1994. M Protonema. Differentiation. Development. Book. 8418 Filament distribution in Funaria protonemata: formation and disintergaration of tmema cells. Bopp, M., Quader, H., Thoni, C., Sawidis, T., Schnepf, E. J. Plant Physiol. 137, 273-284, 1991. M Protonema. Filament. Tmema. 8419 Observations on coevolution of fungi with hepatics. Boullaard, B. Coevolution of fungi with plants and animals (Pirozynski, K. A., Hawksworth, D. L., eds.), pp107-124, Academic Press, London, UK, 1991. H Evolution. Coevolution. Book. 8420 Untersuhungen uber die Vermehrung der Laubmoose durch Brutorgane und Stecklinge. Correns, C. G. Fisher, Jena, 1899. M Book. Gemmae. Propagules. 8421 Gemmae in Dicranoweisia cirrata. Crundwell, A. C. Trans. Brit. Briol. Soc. 1, 367, 1950. M Gemmae. 8422 Protomenal gemmae in teh moss Trematodon brevicalyx Dixon. Dhingra, S., Chopra, R. N. J. Bryol. 12, 571-573, 1983. M Protonema. Gemmae. 8423 Gemma germination and morphologenesis of a highly differentiated gemmiferous protonema in the tropical moss Calymperes (Calympereceae, Musci). Duckett, J. G., Ligrone, R. Cryotgamic Bot. 2-3, 219-228, 1991. M Gemmae. Development. Protonema. Physiology. 8424 A light and electron microscope study of rhizoid-ascomycete association and flagelliform axes in British hepatics with observation on the effects of the fungi on host morphology. Duckett, J. G., Renzaglia, K. S., Pell, K. New Phytologist 118, 233-257, 1991. H Electron Microscope. Rhizoid. Symbiosis. 8425 Life strategies of bryophytes: a preliminary review. During, H. J. Lindbergia 5, 2-18, 1979. B Life history. Ecology. Life strategies. 8426 Protonemal gammae in Schistostega (Hedw.) Web. & Mohr. Edwards, S. R. J. Bryol. 10, 69-72, 1978. M Protonema. Gemmae. 8427 Towards an understanding of developmental interrelationship between chloronema, cauronema, protonemal plates and rhizoids in mosses: a comparative study. Goode, J. A., Stead, A. D., Duckett, J. G. Cryptogamic Bot. 3, 50-59, 1992. M Development. Chloronema. Cauronema. Rhizoid. Protonemal Plate. 8428 The formation of aplastidic abscission (tmema) cells and protonemal disruption in the moss Bryum tenuisetum Limpr. is associated with transverse arrays of microtubles and microfilaments. Goode, J. A., Stead, A. D., Duckett, J. G. Protoplasma 174, 158-172, 1993. M Tmema. Protonema. Microtuble. Microfilament. 8429 Redifferentiation of moss protonemata: an experimental and immunofluorescence study of brood cell formation. Goode, J. A., Stead, A. D., Duckett, J. G. Can. J. Bot. 71, 1510-1519, 1993. M Protonema. Development. Brood Cell. 8430 Bryophytes and plant sterategy theory. Grime, J. P., Rincon, E. R., Wickerson, B. E. Bot. J. Linnean Soc. 104, 175-186, 1990. B Life strategies. 8431 Mosses (except Diplolepideae). Atlas of the bryophytes of Britain and Ireland. Vol. 2. (Hill, M. O., Preston, C. D., Smith, A. J. E., eds.), Harley Books, Colchester, UK, 1992. M Taxonomy. Atlas. UK. Ireland. Book. 8432 Nieuwe Atlas Nederlandse Bladmossen. Landwehr, J. E. Druk, Thieme-Zutphen, Netherland, 1984. M Flora. Atlas. Taxonomy. Netherland. Book. 8433 Foliar and protonemal gemmae in the tropical moss Calymperes (Calymperaceae): an ultrastructural study. Ligrone, R., Duckett, J. G., Egunyomi, A. Cryptogamic Bot. 2, 317-329, 1992. M Protonema. Gemma. Ultrastructure. Tropical. 8434 Cytology and development of a mycorrhiza-like infection in the gametophyte of Conocephalum conicum (L.) Dum. (Marchantiales, Hepatophyta). Ligrone, R., Lopes, C. New Phytologist 111, 423-433, 1989. H Cytology. Development. Infection. Mycorrhiza. 8435 A comparative ultrastructural study of endophytic basidomycetes in the parasitic achlorophyllous hepatic Cryptothallus mirabilis and the closely allied photosynthetic species Aneura pinguis (Metzgeriales). Ligrone, R., Pocock, K., Duckett, J. G. Can. J. Bot. 71, 666-679, 1993. H Achlorophyllous. Endophyte. Ultrastructure. 8436 Novel cyclopentenol fatty acids from mosses, Dicranum scoporium and Dicranum japonicum. Ichikawa, T., Namikawa, M., Yamada, K., Sakai, K., Kondo, K. Terahedron Lett. 24, 3337-3340, 1983. M Chemistry. Fatty Acid. Lipid. 8437 Antitumor principles in mosses: The forst isolation and identification of Maytansinoids, including a novel 15-methoxyansamitocin P3. Sakai, K., Ichikawa, T., Yamada, K., Yamashita, M., Tanimoto, M., Hikita, A., Ijyuin, Y., Kondo, K. J. Natural Products 51, 845-850, 1988. M Chemistry. Anti Tumor. 8438 Cortical ultrastructure of freeze-substituted protonemata of the moss Funaria hygrometrica. McCauley, M. M., Hepler, P. K. Protoplasma 169, 1680178, 1992. M Ultrastructure. Protonema. Physilogy. Freeze. 8439 Gemma disposition in Dichodontium pellucidum (Hedw.) Schimp. Newton, M. E. J. Bryol. 15, 806-809, 1989. M Gemma. Disposition. 8441 Rhizoid gemmae in mosses. Risse, S. Lindbergia 13, 111-126, 1987. M Rhizoid. Gemmae. Tubers. 8442 Presence and absence of the preprophase band of microtubles in moss protonemata: a clue to understanding its function? Sawidis, T., Quadar, H., Bopp, M., Schnepf, E. Protoplasma 163, 156-161, 1991. M Protonema. Microtuble. 8443 Filament disruption in Funaria protonemata: occlusion of plasmodesmata. Schnepf, E., Sawidis, R. Botanica Acta 104, 98-102, 1991. M Protonema. Disruption. Filament. Plasmodesmata. 8444 Protonema-gemmae in European mosses. Whitehouse, H. L. K. Symposia Biologica Hungarica 35, 227-231, 1987. M Europe. Protonema. Gemma. 8445 Reproduction in Polytrichum commune and the significance of the rhizoid system. Wigglesworth, G. Trans. Brit. Bryol. Soc. 1, 4-13, 1947. M Rhizoid. Reproduction. 8446 A commentary on the moss genus Bryonorrisia Stark & Buck (Leskeaceae), with B. acutifolia (Mitt.) Enroth. Enroth, J. J. Bryol. 16, 407-412, 1991. M Taxonomy. 8447 Notes on the Neckeraceae (Musci). 10. The taxonomic relationships of Pinnatella marieri with the description of Caduciella (Leptodontaceae). Enroth, J. J. Bryol. 16, 611-618, 1991. M Taxonomy. 8448 Identity of Porotrichum perplexans (Neckeraceae, Musci) from China. Enroth, J. Trop. Bryol. 5, 5-6, 1992. M Taxonomy. China. 8449 Notes on the Neckeraceae (Musci). 13. Taxonomy of the genus Himantocladium. Enroth, J. Ann. Bot. Fennici 28, 79-88, 1992. M Taxonomy. 8450 Notes on the Neckeraceae (Musci). 14-16. The identities of Porothamnium undulatifollium and Baldwiniella tibetana, puls a second record of Neckeropsis touwii. Enroth, J. Ann. Bot. Fennici 28, 249-251, 1992. M Taxonomy. 8451 Contributions to the bryoflora of China 2. Caduciella guangdongensis, sp. nov. (Lepteodontaceae, Musci). Enroth, J. Bryologist 96, 471-473, 1993. M China. Taxonomy. Flora. 8452 Notes on the Neckeraceae (Musci). 18. Description of Curvicladium, a new genus from southern and southeastern Asia. Enroth, J. Ann. Bot. Fennici 30, 109-117, 1993. M Taxonomy. 8453 A taxonomic monograph of the genus Pinnatella (Neckeraceae, Bryopsida). Enroth, J. Acta Bot. Fennica 151, 1-90, 1994. M Taxonomy. 8454 Additions to the moss floras of Solomon Islands and several countries of tropical Asia. Enroth, J. Trop. Bryol. 9, 25-30, 1994. M Flora. Taxonomy. Solomon Isl. Tropical. 8455 Contributions to the bryoflora of China 1. The taxonomic status of Ortholimnobium (Musci). Enroth, J., Koponen, T., Li, ZX-J. Ann. Bot. Fennici 29, 315-318, 1992. M China. Taxonomy. Flora. 8456 Contributions to the bryoflora of China 10. The identity of Homaliodendron nneckeroides (Neckeraceae, Musci). Enroth, J., Tan, B. C. Ann. Bot. Fennici 31, 53-57, 1994. M China. Taxonomy. Flora. 8457 Neuw Familien, Gattungen und Arten der Laubmoose. Fleischer, M. Hedwigia 45, 53-87, 1905. M Taxonomy. New Families. New Genus. New Species. 8458 Taxonomische Notizen zur Gattung Campylopus III. Frahm, J-P. Rev. Bryol. Lichenol. 42, 891-908, 1976. M Taxonomy. 8459 Taxonomische Notizen zur Gattung Campylopus XII. Frahm, J-P. Cryptogamie Bryol. Lichenol. 3, 59-66, 1982. M TAxonomy. 8460 Camylopus Brid., 1. Subg. Thysanomitrion (Schwaegr.) Kindb. emend. J-P. Frahm. Frahm. J-P. Nova Hedwigia 39, 585-621, 1984. M Taxonomy. 8461 A survey of the genus Campylopus in Sri Lanka. Frahm, J-P. J. Bryol. 13, 163-192, 1984. M Taxonomy. Sri Lanka. 8462 A revised list of Campylopus species of the world. Frahm, J-P. Bryol. Beitrage 7, 1-117, 1987. M List. Taxonomy. 8463 The SE-Asian species of Campylopus (Dicranaceae, Musci). Frahm, J-P. Bryobrothera 1, 221-230, 1992. M Asia. Taxonomy. 8464 Notes on Campylopodiella and Dicranodontium from Asia. Frahm, J-P. Cryptogamie Bryol Lichenol. 15, 193-197, 1994. M Taxonomy. Asia. 8465 Taxonomic Notizen zur Gattung Campylopus XVI. Frahm, J-P. Nova Hedwigia 59, 147-155, 1994. M Taxonomy. 8466 A survey of Campyropus and Bryohummbertia (Dicranaceae) in Malaysia. Frahm, J-P. NMemories New York Bot. Gard, 45, 470-491, 1987. M Taxonomy. Flora. List. 8467 A taxonomic revision of the Racomitrium canescens group (Bryophyta, Grimmiales). Frisvoll, A. A. Gunneria 41, 1-181, 1983. M Taxonomy. 8468 A taxonomic revision of the Racomitrium heterostichum (Bryophyta, Grimmiaceae) in N. and C. America, N. Africa, Europe, and Asia. Frisvoll, A. A. Gunneria 59, 5-289, 1988. M Taxonomy. North America. Centarl America. North Africa. Asia. 8469 Mosses of eastern India and adjacent regions. Fasc. 1-8 Gangulee, H. C. 2145p, Calcutta, India, 1969-1980. M Book. India. Taxonomy. 8470 Abnormalities in Marchantia polymorpha L. Terui, K. Ann. Rep. Fac. Edu. Univ. Iwate 35, 61-67, 1975. H Physiology. Morphology. 8471 Growth and gemma-cup formation in relation to archegoniophore protrusion in Marchantia polymorpha L. Terui, K. Ann. Rep. Fac. Edu. Univ. Iwate 40, 19-28, 1981. H Physiology. Morphology. 8472 Notes on Japanese Musci (IX). Noguchi, A. J. Jpn. Bot. 23, 113-119, 1949. M Taxonomy. 8473 Orthotrichum consimile Mitt. still in Europe. Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., Indurain, A. E., Schmidt, C. Lindbergia 20, 56-61, 1995. M Taxonomy. Flora. Europe. 8474 The status of Cinclidotus fontinaloides (Hedw.) P. Beauv. in Denmark (Musci, Pottiaceae). Mogensen, G. S., Hansen, G. R. Lindbergia 20, 62-63, 1995. M Taxonomy. Flora. Denmark. 8475 A revision of Rhynchostegiella (Musci, Brachytheciaceae) in the Canary Islands. Dirkse, G. M., Bouman, A. C. Lindbergia 20, 109-121, 1995. M Taxonomy. Canary Island. Spain. 8476 New aspects of bryophyte taxonomy provided by a molecular approach. Bopp, M., Capesius, L. Bot. Acta 109, 368-372, 1996. B Taxonomy. Molecular Biology. 8477 A synopsis of New Zealand Sphagna, with a description of S. simplex sp. nov. Fife, A. J. New Zealand J. Bot. 34, 309-328, 1996. M Taxonomy. New Zealand. 8478 Canalophypopterygium tamariscinum (Hedw.) Kruijer: Typification and synonymy of a few combination. Kurijer, H. Lindbergia 20, 85-88, 1995. M Taxonomy. 8479 On the identify of Brachythecium campestre (C. Mull.) B., S. and G. in Sweden, Norway and Finland. Hedenas, L. Lindbergia 20, 94-101, 1995. M Taxonomy. Sweden. Finland. Norway. 8480 Orthotrichum notabile Lewinsky-Haapasaari, a new moss species from Sichuan, China. Lewinsky-Haaapasaari, J. Lindbergia 20, 102-105, 1995. M Taxonomy. China. 8481 New records of Ortotrichum alpestre B., S. and G. from Spain. Martinez-Abaigar, J., Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J., Nunez-Olivera, E. Lindbergia 20, 106-108, 1995. M Taxonomy. Spain. 8482 ウマスギゴケの発芽の楽しみ 福島利雄 こけのかわら版 21, 5, 1984. M Miscellaneous. Sporing. 8483 大都会東京におけるヒカリゴケの体験談 小池保次 こけのかわら版 21, 4, 1984. M Miscellaneous. 8484 雲仙岳の蘚苔類 Nakanishi, K. 長崎大学教養部紀要, 自然科学 24, 29-37, 1984. B Nagasaki. Flora. Unnzenn. 8485 Metal contents in epiphytic bryophytes in Kitakyushu area. Nakanishi, K., Hiraoka, K., Kitazawa, Y. J. VOEH 6, 31--38, 1984. B Pollution. Ecology. Epiphyte. Fukuoka. 8486 植物の生殖の教材II. ニワツノゴケの胞子形成 Oginuma, K., Tanaka, R. 生物教育 25, 56-58, 1984. A Education. Spore Formation. 8487 A list of mosses in the Hakone Mountains. Oizuru, T. Nat. Hist. Rep. Kanagawa 5, 78-84, 1984. M List. Hakone. Kanagawa. 8488 祖母傾国定公園の苔類 小野孝 祖母傾国定公園学術調査報告書 pp45-50, 1984. H Ohita. List. Flora. 8489 祖母傾国定公園の蘚類 大塚政雄 祖母傾国定公園学術調査報告書 pp51-58, 1984. M Ohita. List. Flora. 8490 韓国済州島漢奴山におけるエゾチョウチンゴケの新産地 宋鐘碩 植物地理・分類研究 32, 13, 1984. M Flora. Korea. 8491 釧路市別保のフロラについてI. 滝田謙譲 釧路市立博物館館報 288, 111-116, 1984. B Flora. Hokkaido. Kushiro. 8492 Light germination of Anthoceros miyabeanus spores. Wada, K., Hirabayashi, Y., Saito, W. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 97, 369-379, 1984. A Physiology. Light. Germination. 8493 羅生門のコケについて Igi, C. 倉敷の自然を守る会会報34, 5-10, 1987. B Okayama. Ecology. Flora. 8494 青森県産蘚類(4) 柿崎敬一 青森県立郷土館調査研究報告 11, 65-76, 1987. M Aomori. Flora. 8495 Systematic studies on the condducting tissues of the gametophyte in Musci. (15) Relationships between the taxonomic system and anatomical characteristics of the stems in some species of Bryaceae. Kawai, I., Ochi, H. Sci. Rep. Kanazawa Univ. 32, 1-67, 1987. M Taxonomy. Anatomy. Conducting Tissue. 8496 南極生物資料カタログ 国立極地研究所 389p, 国立極地研究所, 東京, 1987. B Antarctic.List. Catalog. 8497 コケ群落の乾重量 - 種順位関係について Nakanishi, K., 伊藤秀三 日本生態学会会誌 37, 11-18, 1987. B Ecology. Yield. 8498 Spore germination and protonema development in Hygrobbiella nishimurae N. Kitag., Hepaticae. Nakashima, M. J. jpn. Bot. 62, 17-21, 1987. H Spore. Germination. Development. Protonema. 8499 Nitrogencycle in an Antarctic ecosystem. 2. Estimation of the amount of nitorgen fixation in a moss community on east Ongul Island. Nakatsubo, T. Ecol. Res. 2, 31-40, 1987. B Ecology. Nitrogen. Antarctic. Ongul Island. 8500 Catalog of moss speciemens from Antarctica and adjacent regions. Natl. Inst. Polar Res. 186 p., Natl. Inst. Polar Res., Tokyo, 1987. M Antarctic. Catalog. Book. 8501 Handbook of Antarctic mosses. Natl. Inst. Polar Res. 83 p., Natl. Inst. Polar Res., Tokyo, 1987. M Antarctic. Catalog. Book. 8502 香川県蘚苔類 新井正敏 8 p. , 1987. (謄写版) B Kagawa. Flora. 8503 ギンゴケ(Bryum argenteum Hedw.)中の含有金属による大気汚染の評価に関する研究 野上佑作, Igi, C., Hirata, M., Fujiwara, F., Ishii, T. 大気汚染学会誌 22, 347-354, 1987. B Air Polution. Ecology. Metal. 8504 Epiphytic algae on the moss community of Grimmia lawiana around Syowa Station, Antarctica. Ohtani, S., Kanda, H. Proc. NIPR Symp. Polar Biol. 1, 255-264, 1987. M Ecology. Antarctic. 8505 川崎市域の蘚苔類、菌類(キノコ) 生出智哉 川崎市自然環境調査報告 1, 17-36, 1987. B Flora. Kanagawa. Kawasaki. 8506 コケ植物の細胞組織培養 Ono, K. バイオサイエンス研究会雑誌 1, 35-49, 1987. B Cell Culture. Tissue. Culture. 8507 山形県産苔類・ツノゴケ類リスト Ono, S. 東北の自然 26, 18-19, 1987. A, H List. Yamagata. 8508 山形県産苔類・ツノゴケ類リスト Ono, S. 東北の自然 27, 16-20, 1987. A, H List. Yamagata. 8509 蘚苔類による大気環境評価法の検討 清水英幸 国立公害研究所研究報告 108, 103-121, 1987. B Air Polution. Assesment. Method. 8510 山口県寂地山の蘚類 塩見隆行 山口県の自然 5, 9-19, 1987. M Flora. Yamaguchi. 8511 New or additional bryophyte records from Korea. Song, J-S. J. Phytogeography Taxonomy 35, 91-94, 1987. B Korea. Flora. 8512 Relationship between freezing resistance and cell wall regeneration in Marchantia polymorpha protoplasts. Sugawara, Y., Takeuchi, M. J. Freezing Drying 33, 45-48, 1987. H Freezing Resistance. Cell Wall Regeneration. Physiology. Protoplast. 8513 Dr. Z. Iwatsuki's collection of New Caledonian and Fijian Thuidiaceae (Musci). Watanabe, R. J. Jpn. Bot. 62, 89-93, 1987. M New Caledonia. Fiji. Flora. Taxonomy. 8514 透きとおった迷宮 7. 苔と石と時計の話 吉田直哉 文芸春秋 (7), 348-354, 1987. B Literature. Miscellaneous. 8515 Bryophytes of Asia, fasc. 1, nos. 1-25. Iwatsuki, Z., Higuchi, M. Hiroshima Univ., Hiroshima, 1987. B Exsiccata. 8516 岐阜県の湿原におけるミズゴケの分布 安藤志郎 岐阜県博物館調査研究報告 9, 17-20, 1988. M Flora. Gifu. 8517 青森県産蘚類目録(予報) 柿崎敬一 青森県立郷土館調査研究年報 12, 69-96, 1988. M Aomori. Flora. 8518 下蒲刈町の植物概説 中越信和, Higuchi, M. 下蒲刈町の植物, pp. 1-66, 下蒲刈町教育委員会, Hiroshima, 1988. B Flora. Hiroshima. 8519 コケの話 Noguchi, A. 熊本記念植物採集会会誌 38, 1-4, 1988. B Miscellaneous. 8520 くじゅう地域の苔類 小野孝 阿蘇くじゅう国立公園くじゅう地域学術調査報告書, pp. 41-44, 1988. H Report. Kumamoto. Kujyu Mountains. National Park. 8521 くじゅう地域の蘚類 大塚政雄 阿蘇くじゅう国立公園くじゅう地域学術調査報告書, pp. 45-51, 1988. M Report. Kumamoto. Kujyu Mountains. National Park. 8522 大山山群山頂部の植生 梅津幸雄 中西哲博士追悼植物生態・分類論文集 109-122, 1987. B Flora. Daisen. Tottori. 8523 米国クラーク大学アーマージャン教授招待: 地衣類と蘚苔類の組織培養シンポジウム Yamamoto, Y. ライケン 6, 5, 1988. B Tissue Culture. Symposium. 8524 Bryophytes of Asia, fasc. 2, nos. 26-50. Iwatsuki, Z., Higuchi, M. Hiroshima Univ., Hiroshima, 1988. B Exsiccata. 8525 コケが貯蔵する物質 Asakawa, Y. Heredity 43, 36-37, 1989. B Chemistry. 8526 東京都上野恩賜公園の蘚類 Mizushima, U. pp. 181-190, 上野学園創立85周年記念論文集, 1989. M Tokyo. Ueno. Flora. 8527 青森県西北五地方の蘚類. 第4報. 小泊地区ヒノキアスナロ(ヒバ)林内の蘚類(続報). ヒノキアスナロの着生鮮苔類 Mori, T. 青森県生物学会誌 26, 1-13, 1989. M Flora. Aomori. Epiphyte. 8528 青森県西北五地方の蘚類. 第5報. 浜浦町驫木地区飯森山および長慶平地区茶臼山の蘚類 Mori, T. 青森県生物学会誌 26, 14-19, 1989. M Flora. Aomori. 8529 都市に生きるコケ Nakamura, T., Furuki, T., Harada, H. 日本の生物 3, 60-65, 1989. B City Area. Flora. Ecology. 8530 Response patterns of net photosynthesis to moisure of mosses mosses in xeric habitats. Nakatsubo, T., Takamine, Y., Ino, Y. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 102, 63-73, 1989. M Photosynthesis. Moisture. Xeric Habitat. Ecology. Physiology. 8531 教材としてのイチョウウキゴケ 西田雄行 Heredity 43, 34-35, 1989. H Education. Method. 8532 新版大分県植物誌 大分県植物誌刊行会 806 p., 1989. B Ohita. Flora. 8533 ミカズキゼニゴケによる自然環境の評価 生出智哉 Heredity 43, 35-36, 1989. H Assessment. 8534 神奈川県におけるミカズキゼニゴケの分布 生出智哉, Yoshida, F. 神奈川自然誌資料 10, 71-78, 1989. H Flora. Kanagawa. 8535 精子の観察・人口受精 佐藤正一 Heredity 43, 22-25, 1989. B Sperm. Artificial Impregnation. Physiology. 8536 蘚類の形態 Seki, T. Heredity 43, 7-10, 1989. M Morphology. 8537 コケの話 三重県はコケの宝庫 Terao, K. 108 p., 1989. B Mie. Flora. 8538 Takakia湖とその命名 Yatazawa, M. 愛知学院大学教養学部紀要 26, 204-210, 1989. B Miscellaneous. Takakia. 8539 タカキア湖の物語 Yatazawa, M. 学問の散歩道 2, 3-9, 1989. B Miscellaneous.. Takakia. 8540 新潟県植物分布図集. 第11集 Ikegami, Y., Ishizawa, S. 96 p., 植物同好じねんじょ会, Niigata, 1990. B Flora. Niigata. Illustration. Book. 8541 Field measurement of net photosynthesis of mosses at Langhovde, East Antarctica. Ino, Y. Ecol. Res. 5, 195-205, 1990. M Photosynthesis. Ecology. Antarctica. 8542 Comparison of net photosynthesis and dark respiration of Antarctic and in Japan. Ino, Y. Proc. NIPR Symp. Polar Biol. 3, 245-253, 1990. B Photosynthesis. Dark Respiration. Antarctica. Japan. 8543 蘚苔類の教材化に向けて 児玉規子 生物教育 30, 43, 1990. B Education. Methodd. 8544 Plant community dynamics in Wilkes Land, Antarctica. Lewis Smith, R. I. Proc. NIPR Symp. Polar Biol. 3, 229-244, 1990. B Antarctica. Community. Ecology. 8545 仙台城址およびその周辺地域の植物相 大橋広好, 立石康一, 里沢高透, 梶田忠, 横山正弘 仙台城址の自然, pp. 47-99, 仙台市教育委員会, Sendai, 1990. B Flora. Sendai. Miyagi. 8546 箱根強羅地域の蘚苔類相について(予報) 生出智哉 神奈川自然誌資料 11, 147-152, 1990. B Kanagawa. Hakone. Flora. 8547 Systematic studies on the conducting tissue of the gametophyte in Musci (17). On the relationships between the stem and the rhizome (forecast). Ron, E., Kawai, I. Ann. Rep. Botanic Garden, Fac. Sci. Kanazawa Univ. 13, 15-18, 1990. M Conducting Tissue. Gametophyte. Morphology. 8548 日本におけるミカズキゼニゴケの雌器をつけた株の発見 福島和則 採集と飼育 52, 442-443, 1990. H Sex Organ. Female. Ecology. 8549 蘚苔類(コケ植物)を使った細胞および細胞分裂の観察について 吉田文雄 生物教育 30, 44, 1990. B Education. Cell Division. Cell.