k061 #8550-8632 old file: koke9703 岩月善之助 Rev. by H. Deguchi, Aug. 7, 1997 8550 The genus Hypnodon and its allies. Iwatsuki, Z Bryologist 60, 299-310, 1957. M Taxonomy. 8551 Epiphytic bryophyte communities on Pinus pumila, an alpine shrubby pine, in the Japanese Alps. Iwatsuki, Z., Hattori, S. J. Jpn. Bot. 32, 125-127, 1957. B Epiphyte. Japanese Alps. Ecology. 8552 Two interesting Fissidens species common to Japan and eastern North America. Iwatsuki, Z. J. Jpn. Bot. 33, 245-250, 1958. M Japan. Flora. North America. Taxonomy. 8553 Review of the genus Homaliadelphus. Iwatsuki, Z. Bryologist 61, 68-78, 1958. M Taxonomy. 8554 Molendoa sendtneriana in the United States. Iwatsuki, Z., Sharp, A. J. Bryologist 61, 356-359, 1958. M USA. Taxonomy. 8555 Mosses in Japanese gardens. Iwatsuki, Z., Kodama, T. Economic Botany 15, 264-269, 1961. M Garden. Miscellaneous. Flora. 8556 Bryological miscellanies. XIV. A new species and some new additions to the Formosan moss flora. XV. Fissidens closteroides Iwatsuki, a new species from the Philippines. Iwatsuki, Z. J. Jpn. Bot. 39, 179-184, 1964. M Philippines. Taxonomy. 8557 苔寺(西芳寺)のコケ Kokedera (Saihoji) no koke. Iwatsuki, Z., Kodama, T. Heredity 18, 20-23, 1964. (遺伝) B Kyoto. Moss Garden. Flora. 8558 The systematic position and distribution of Treubia nana. Hattori, S., Sharp, A. J., Mizutani, M., Iwatsuki, Z. Bryologist 69, 488-492, 1966. M Taxonomy. 8559 Notes on Asiatic Calymperaceae (mosses). Iwatsuki, Z. J. Jpn. Bot. 43, 473-479, 1968. M Asia. Taxonomy. 8560 The moss flora of the Mie University Forest "Hirakura," middle Japan. Takaki, N., Nakajima, T., Iwatsuki, Z. 三重大学演習林資料 2, 27-47, 1968. M Flora. Mie. 8561 うどの蘚類. Iwatsuki, Z. ふかのき 4, 25-29, 1969. M ?. Flora. List. 8562 Bryophytes of the Bonin Islands and the Volcano Islands (1). Inoue, H., Iwatsuki, Z. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 12, 291-309, 1969. B Tokyo. Bonin Islands. Volcano Islands. 8563 和歌山県南部で採集した興味あるセン類. Iwatsuki, Z. 三重こけの会ニュース 4, 9-11, 1970. M Wakayama. Taxonomy. Flora. 8564 Studies on the epiphytic moss flora of Japan. 14. The epiphytic bryophyte communities in the broad-leaved evergreen forests in the Tsushima Islands, Kyushu. Iwatsuki, Z., Hattori, S. Mem. Natl. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 3, 365-374, 1970. M Epiphyte. Flora. Tsushima. Nagasaki. 8565 Bryophytes of the Bonin Islands and the Volcano Islands (3). Inoue, H., Iwatsuki, Z. Bul. Natl, Sci. Mus. Tokyo 13, 475-489, 1970. B Bonin Islands. Volcano Islands. 8566 A checklist of the mosses of Alaska. Worley, I. A., Iwatsuki, Z. Bryologist 73, 59-71, 1970. M Alaska. Checklist. USA 8567 キナバル山(ボルネオ)のコケの隔離と進化。 Iwatsuki, Z. Seibutsu Kagaku 22, 64-72, 1971. B Malaysia. Borneo. 8568 誰にも分かるコケのすべて. Iwatsuki, Z., Inoue, H. 143 p., National Science Museum, Tokyo, 1971. B Miscellaneous. Book. 8569 Distribution of bryophytes common to Japan and the United States. Iwatsuki, Z. Floristics and Paleofloristics of Asia and Eastern North America. (Graham, A., ed.), pp107-137, Amsterdam, 1972. B Flora. USA. Japan. Book. 8570 On the taxonomy and distribution of Rhodobryum roseum and its related species (Bryophyta). Iwatsuki, Z., Koponen, T. Acta Bot. Fennica 96, 3-22, 1972. M Flora. Taxonomy. 8571 Colored illustrations of bryophytes of Japan. Iwatsuki, Z., Mizutani, M. 466p(48 pls), Hoikusha, Osaka, 466 p., 1972. B Book. Illustration. 8572 New combinations in E. Asiatic mosses. Iwatsuki, Z., Noguchi, A. J. Jpn. Bot. 48, 215-218, 1973. M East Asia. Flora. 8573 The genus Takakia in east Nepal. Hattori, S., Iwatsuki, Z., Mizutani, M., Yamada, K. J. Jpn. Bot. 48, 1-9, 1973. M Taxonomy. Flora. Nepal. 8574 Pseudoditrichum mirabile gen. et sp. nov. (Musci: Pseudoditrichaceae fam. nov.), a unique moss from Great Bear Lake, Northwest Territories. Steere, W. C., Iwatsuki, Z. Can. J. Bot. 52, 701-706, 1974. M Taxonomy. Canada. 8575 Bryophyta (Musci). Noguchi, A., Iwatsuki, Z. Flora of Eastern Himalaya. Third Report. (Ohashi, H. ed.), pp243-282, Tokyo, 1975. M Book. 8576 Validation of Pseudoditrichaceae Steere et Iwatsuki fam. nov. Steere, W. C., Iwatsuki, Z. Bryologist 78, 489-490, 1975. M Taxonomy. 8577 Bryological Herbaria. A guide to the bryological herbaria of the world. Iwatsuki, Z., Vitt, D. H., Gradstein, S. R. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca 3, 1-144, 1976. B Herbaria. Miscellaneous. 8578 Tristichella glabrescens, a new species of Sematophyllaceae (Musci) with a special reference to Clastobryum indicum. Iwatsuki, Z. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 3, 13-22, 1977. M Taxonomy. 8579 日本の天然記念物のコケ - ヒカリゴケとマリゴケ Iwatsuki, Z. Shizenkagaku to Hakubutsukan 44, 64-67, 1977. M Miscellaneous. 8580 人里近くに生える面白いセン類 Iwatsuki, Z. Shida to Koke 11, 13-18, 1978. M Miscellaneous. 8581 Checklist of Philippines mosses. Iwatsuki, Z., Tan, B. C. Kalikasan, Philippine J. Biol. 8, 179-210, 1979. M Checklist. Philoppines. 8582 List of bryophytes collected in the Tengukogoen Highland, Shikoku, southern Japan. Kamimura, M., Ando, H., Deguchi, H., Hasegawa, J., Higuchi, M., Iwatsuki, Z., Kiguchi, H., Kitagawa, N., Nishimura, N., Sato, Y., Une, K., Yoshimura, I. Bull. Kochi Gakuen Junior College 10, 25-33, 1979. B List. Shikoku. Kochi. Ehime. 8583 Noteworthy Philippines mosses at the Hattori Botanical Laboratory (NICH), Japan. Iwatsuki, Z., Tan, B. C. Kalikasan, Philippine J. Biol. 9, 267-282, 1980. M Philippines. Collection. 8584 Taxonomy of mosses. Iwatsuki, Z. Advances in Bryol. 1, 233-314, 1981. (Schultze-Motel, W., ed.) M Taxonomy. 8585 石垣島のセン類 Amano, T., Iwatsuki, Z. Gakujyutsu Chosa Hokokusho, 17-24, 1981. M Taxonomy. List. Flora. Okinawa. 8586 New name for Haplocladium (C. Muell.) C. Muell. (Musci). Watanabe, R., Iwatsuki, Z. J. Jpn. Bot. 56, 259-261, 1981. M Taxonomy. 8587 New and neglected characters in moss taxonomy. Iwatsuki, Z. Nova Hedwigia, Beih. 71, 87-93, 1982. M Taxonomy. 8588 The mosses of well- and poorly-known areas in temperate Asia. Iwatsuki, Z. Nova Hedwigia, Beih. 71, 329-336, 1982. M Temperate Asia. 8589 Nineteen new records of Philippine mosses. Tan, B. C., Iwatsuki, Z. Kalikasan, Philippine Journal of Biology 12, 328-350, 1983. M Philippines. Flora. List. 8590 Bryophytes of the Bonin Islands and the Volcano Islands (4). Inoue, H., Iwatsuki, Z. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 10, 101-106, 1984. B Tokyo. Bonin Islands. Volcano Islands. 8591 A new approach to the classification of the Fissidentaceae (Musci). Iwatsuki, Z. Origin and evolution of diversity in plants and plant communities. Chapt. 11(Hara, H. ed.), pp132-141. Academia Scientific Book Inc., Tokyo, 1985. M Taxonomy. 8592 Bryophytes of the Bonin Islands and the Volcano Islands (5). Iwatsuki, Z. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus. Tokyo, Series B 11, 57-68, 1985. B Taxonomy. Flora. Bonin Islanmds. Volcano Islands. Tokyo. 8593 The bryophyte flora of New Zealand. Taxonomy and distribution of Ephemeropsis trentepohlioides and E. tjibodensis with a note on the ecology and distribution of Buxbaumia novae-zelandiae. Bartlett, J. K., Iwatsuki, Z. New Zealand J. Bot. 23, 179-182, 1985. M Taxonomy. New Zwealand. 8594 A peculiar New Caledonian Sphagnum with rhizoids. Iwatsuki, Z. Bryologist 89, 20-22, 1986. M Taxonomy. Rhizoid. 8595 シダとコケ Iwatsuki, Z., Izawa, M. 271 p., Yamakei Publ. Co., Tokyo, 1986. B Book. Photograph. 8596 Two new species of Fissidens (Fissidentaceae) found in Asia. Iwatsuki, Z. Mem. New York Bot. Garden 45, 635-638, 1987. M Taxonomy. Asia. 8597 Microclimate at Inotani Valley near Nichinan, S. Japan. Iwatsuki, Z., Hattori, S. Symposia Biologica Hungarica 35, 11-25, 1987. B Miyazaki. Microclimate. 8598 Macrophotgraphical techniques of bryophytes developed by M. Izawa, a professional photographer. Iwatsuki, Z. Methods in Bryology (Proceedings of Bryological Methods Workshop, Mainz)(Glime, J.M., ed.), pp347-352, 1988. B Photograph. Technique. Book. 8599 Cleistocarpous mosses recorded in Japan - a group of mosses adapted to the artificial habitats. Iwatsuki, Z., Higuchi, M. Papers on Plant Ecology , Taxonomy to the Memory of Dr. Satoshi Nakanishi, pp. 505-515, 1987(1988). M Taxonomy. Ecology. Book. 8601 Notes on Fissidens (Musci) from China. Iwatsuki, Z., Wu, P.C. Beiheft zur Nova Hedwigia 90, 383-386, 1988. M China. Taxonomy. 8602 Bryophytes as a teaching material, 1. Observation of sperms. Furuki, T., Miyawaki, H., Iwatsuki, Z. Seibutsu-kyouiku (Biology Education) 28, 115-120, 1988. B Education. Sperm. Method. 8603 Three new records of Philippine Fissidens. Misa, F., Tan, B.C., Iwatsuki, Z. J. Bryol. 15, 299-301, 1988. M Taxonomy. Philippines 8604 Classification and phylogeny of bryophytes. Iwatsuki, Z. Heredity 43, 4-6, 1989. (遺伝) B Taxonomy. 8605 Neckeropsis takahashii (Neckeraceae, Musci), a new species from Yunnan, China. Higuchi, M., Iwatsuki, Z., Ochyra, R., Li, X.-j. Nova Hedwigia 48, 1-5, 1989. M China. Taxonomy. 8607 The bryophytes of Sabah (North Borneo) with special reference to the Bryotrop transect of Mount Kinabalu VII. Fissidentaceae (Bryopsida). Tan, B.C., Iwatsuki, Z. Willdenowia 18, 591-602, 1989. M Taxonomy. Malaysia. Borneo. Mt. Kinabalu. 8608 Sphagnum (sect. Buchanania) leucobryoides sect. et sp. nov. from Tasmania. Yamaguchi, T., Seppelt, R. D., Iwatsuki, Z., Buchanan, A.M. J. Bryol. 16, 45-54, 1990. M Tasmania. Australia. Taxonomy. 9610 Origin of the New Caledonian bryophytes. Iwatsuki, Z. Tropical Bryology 2, 139-148, 1990. B Flora. Ecology. New Caledonia. 8611 Should mosses have common names? Part 3. The common names of the primitive orders. Glime, J. M., Iwatsuki, Z. Evansia 7, 9-11, 1990. M Taxonomy. Common Name. 8612 A new synonym of Fissidens papillosus. Pursell, R. A., Bruggemann-Nannenga, M. A., Iwatsuki, Z. Evansia 7, 48, 1990. M Taxonomy. 8613 *奥日光環境観測所周辺の植物相 Shimizu, H., Higuchi, M., Nakatsubo, T., Nakamura, T., Miyawaki, H., Iwatsuki, Z. Environments and biota of the Nikko area, Report from Okunikko Field Station (1988-1990), pp. 93-105, 1990. B Ecology. 8614 Catalog of the mosses of Japan. Iwatsuki, Z. 182 p., Hattori Botanical Labboratory, Nichinan, 1991. M Catalog. Checklist. Mossflora. Book. 8615 Propagula of Aulacomnium heterostichum in Japan. Imura, S., Glime, J. M., Iwatsuki, Z. Bryologist 94, 67-69, 1991. M Taxonomy. 8616 Are bryophytes first land plants? Yamaguchi, T., Furuki, T., Miyawaki, H., Iwatsuki, Z. Jpn. J. Biol. Edu. 30, 182-190, 1991. B Evolution. Essay. 8617 A new annotated Philippine moss checklist. Tan, B. C., Iwatsuki, Z. Harvard Papers in Botany 3, 1-64, 1991. M Philippines. Checklist. Taxonomy. 8618 宮崎のコケ植物相 (Bryophyte of Miyazaki-ken, Japan). Iwatsuki, Z. 宮崎県の生物 pp. 85-101, 宮崎, 1992. B Miyazaki. Flora. List. 8619 Culture of rhizoidal tubers on an aquatic moss in the lakes near the Syowa Station area, Antarctica. Imura, S., Higuchi, M., Kanda, H., Iwatsuki, Z. Proc. NIPR Symp. Polar Biol. 5, 114-117, 1992. M Aquatic. Culture. Antarctic. 8621 The moss flora of Japan and its North American connections. Iwatsuki, Z. Bryobrothera 1, 1-7, 1992 M Flora. Japan. North America. Distribution. 8622 Species of Fissidens (Fissidentaceae, Musci) common to the Neotropics, Asia and Africa. Pursell, R. A., Bruggeman-Nannenga, M. A., Iwatsuki, Z. Bryobrothera 1, 49-55, 1992 M Asai. Africa. Taxonomy. 8623 服部博士の死を悼む Iwatsuki, Z. Shida to koke, Sinske Hattori Memorial Volume, 27-29, 1993. B Obituary. Biography. 8624 Vegetative reproduction of mosses in soil around the Antarctic moss community (extended abstract). Imura, S., Higuchi, M., Kanda, H., Iwatsuki, Z. Proc. NIPR Symp. Polar Biol. 6, 179-181, 1993. M Antarctic. Reproduction. Physiology. 8625 Acrocarpous mosses from Pakistan. Nishimura, N., Iwatsuki, Z., Matsui, T., Takaki, N., Deguchi, H. Cryptogamic Flora of Pakistan, vo.l. 2 (Nakaike, T., Malik, S., eds.), pp. 239-254, National Science Museum, Tokyo, 1993. M Taxonomy. Pakistan. 8626 Pleurocarpous mosses from Pakistan. Nishimura, N., Watanabe, R., Kanda, H., Takaki, N., Mizushima, U., Iwatsuki, Z., Seki, T., Higuchi, M., Ando, H. Cryptogamic Flora of Pakistan, vol. 2 (Nakaike, T., Malik, S., eds.), , pp. 255-268, National Science Museum, Tokyo, 1993. Pakistan. Taxonomy. 8627 The identity of Fissidens gardneri, Fissidens minutus. Pursell, R. A., Brugeman-Nannenga, M. A., Iwatsuki, Z. Bryologist 96, 626-628, 1993. M Taxonomy. 8628 蘚苔類 [Bryophytes] Iwatsuki, Z. Red Data Plants, xi-xiii, (Iwatsuki, Z., ed.), Takarajima-sha, Tokyo, 1994. B Red Data Book. Endengered species. 8629 Classification of bryophytes -identity of Takakia-. Iwatsuki, Z. Puranta 32, 4-12, 1994. M Takakia. Taxonomy. 8630 Bryophytes of the Northern Mariana Islands, Micronesia II. Acrocarpous mosses. Yamaguchi, T., Iwatsuki, Z., Furuki, T. Natural History Research, Chiba, Special Issue 1, 83-86, 1994. M Taxonomy. Micronesia. Mariana Isls. 8631 Structure of moss colonies in the Suowa Station area, Antarctica. Imura, S., Higuchi, M., Kanda, H., Iwatsuki, Z. Proc. NIPR Symp. Polar Biology 7, 232-236, 1994. M Structure. Antarctic. 8632 *Diversity in bryophytes in Japan. Proceedings of --------- Iwatsuki, Z. Proc. ????, 1994. B Taxonomy.