k065 #8782-8890 old file: koke9706 Rev. by H. Deguchi, Aug. 8, 1997 8782 Epiphyllous hepaticae of Kowloon Peninsula (Hong Kong). But, P. P-H., Gao, C. Tropical Bryol. 4, 17-22, 1991. H Hong Kong. Epiphyte. 8783 Ecology of epiphyllous liverworts: growth in three habitats in western Nigeria. Olaarinmoye, S. O. J. Bryol. 8, 275-289, 1974. H Epiphyte. Nigeria. Africa. Growth. Ecology. Physiology. 8784 Ecological notes on epiphyllous liverworts in western Nigeria. II. Notes on competition and successional changes. Olaarinmoye, S. O. Rev. Bryol. Lichenol. 41, 457-463, 1975. H Epiphyte. Nigeria. Africa. Ecology. 8785 Epiphyllous hepaticae in Louisiana. Guercke, W. R. Bryologist 76, 201-202, 1973. H Epiphyte. USA. 8786 Futher investigations into the physiological relationship between an epiphyllous liverwort and its host leaves. Eze, J. M. O., Berrie, G. K. Ann. Bot. 41, 351-358, 1977. H Physiology. Epiphyte. 8787 飯柴永吉の著作目録について[Papers by Mr. Eikichi Ishiba] Iizumi, S. 飯泉茂 宮城の植物 16, 48-52, 1991. M Miscellaneous. Bibliography. 8788 ミミズの畑井とコケの飯柴 飯泉茂 東北学院百年史各論篇 315-341, 1991. - Miscellaneous. Biography. 8789 Photosynthesis of Antarctic mosses and lichens. Ino, Y. Jpn. J. Ecol. 41, 149-158, 1991. M Photosynthesis. Physiology. Antarctica. 8790 屋久島のコケ[Bryophytes of Yakushima Island] 伊沢正名 林業新知識 456, 11-13, 1991. B Photography. Yakushima. Kagoshima. Flora. 8791 千綿渓谷のコケとシダ Nakanishi, K., Nakanishi, H. 長崎県生物学会誌 38-39, 9-14, 1991. B Nagasaki. Flora. 8792 Nitrogen-fixing (C2H2-reducing) cyanobacteria epiphytic on moss communities in the alpine zone of Mt. Fuji. Nakatsubo, T., Ohtani, S. Proc. NIPR Symp. Polar Biol. 4, 75-81, 1991. M Epiphyte. Nitrogen Fixation. Mt. Fuji. Shizuoka. 8793 コケの生物学 13. Kitagawa, N. プランタ 13, 43-47, 1991. B Taxonomy. 8794 コケの生物学 14. Kitagawa, N. プランタ 14, 55-57, 1991. B Taxonomy. 8795 コケの生物学 15. Kitagawa, N. プランタ 15, 40-43, 1991. B Taxonomy. 8796 コケの生物学 16. Kitagawa, N. プランタ 16, 40-43, 1991. B Taxonomy. 8797 コケの生物学 17. Kitagawa, N. プランタ 17, 34-38, 1991. B Taxonomy. 8798 コケの生物学 18. Kitagawa, N. プランタ 18, 40-45, 1991. B Taxonomy. 8799 コケの生物学 19. Kitagawa, N. プランタ 20, 38-42, 1992. B Taxonomy. 8800 コケの生物学 20. Kitagawa, N. プランタ 21, 43-45, 1992. B Taxonomy. 8801 コケの生物学 21. Kitagawa, N. プランタ 22, 45-49, 1992. B Taxonomy. 8802 コケの生物学 22. Kitagawa, N. プランタ 24, 42-45, 1992. B Taxonomy. 8803 コケの生物学 23. Kitagawa, N. プランタ 25, 33-36, 1993. B Taxonomy. 8804 コケの生物学 24. Kitagawa, N. プランタ 27, 43-47, 1993. B Taxonomy. 8805 Microclimate studies in the Yukidori Valley, Langhovde, Antarctica in 1988-1989 (Extended abstract). Ohtani, S., Kanda, H, Ino, Y. Proc. NIPTR Sympo. Polar Biol. 4, 186-188, 1991. M Antactic. Ecology. Microclimate. 8806 丹沢山のブナ林床蘚苔類群落 Oizuru, T. 神奈川県立博物館研究報告自然科学 20, 21-30, 1991. B Ecology. Flora. kanagawa. Tanzawa. 8807 Systematic studies on the conducting tissue of the gametophyte in Musci (18). On the relationships between the stem and the rhizome. Ron, E., Kawai, I. Ann. Rep. Bot. Garden Fac. Kanazawa Univ. 14, 17-25, 1991. M Taxonomy. Conducting Tissue. Gametophyte. Rhizome. 8808 Ecological distribution of plants by cave effect on the Akiyoshi-dai plateau. Shiomi, T. Bull. Akiyoshi-dai Mus. Natural Hist. 26, 65-77, 1991. B Ecology. Flora. Yamaguchi. Akiyoshidai. 8809 阿知須干拓地の蘚苔類 Shiomi, T. 山口生物 18, 18-21, 1991. B Yamaguchi. Flora. Dryland. 8810 植物 Takaya, T., 斎藤信夫, 小林範士, Kakizaki, K. 明石川流域の自然, pp. 23-54, 青森県立郷土館, 青森, 1991. B Aomori. Flora. 8811 福井市丹厳洞の蘚苔類(予報) Wakasugi, T. 福井県立博物館紀要 4, 127-138, 1991. B Fukui. Flora. Cave. 8812 A new method to process the distribution maps by using the fine mesh and analysis of distribution pattern of bryophytes. Watanabe, S., Shirasaki, H. Phytogeogr. Taxon 39, 131-135, 1991. B Map. Method. Ecology. Flora. 8813 陸上植物の分子進化系統樹 - よみがえるコケの退行進化 Hori, H., Yoshinaga, K. Heredity 46, 18-23, 1992. B Evolution. Molecular Evolution. Phylogeny. Molecular Biology. 8814 宮崎のこけ植物 Iwatsuki, Z. 宮崎の生物, 宮崎の生物編集委員会編, pp. 85-101, 鉱脈社, 宮崎, 1992. B Miyazaki. Flora. 8815 Abbe Urbane Faurie and an itinerary calender of his plant hunting. Kakuta, M. Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 43, 59-74, 1992. B Miscellaneous. Biography. 8816 Effect of bryophyte on survival of conifer seedlings in subalpine forests of central Japan. Nakamura, T. Ecol. Res. 7, 155-162, 1992. B Seedling. Ecology. Subalpine Forest. Conifer. 8817 Bryophytes and pteridiophytes in Iwasetokeikoku, Nagasaki Prefecture. Nakanishi, K., Nakanishi, H. Trans. Nagasaki Biol. Soc. 40, 15-22, 1992. B Nagasaki. Flora. 8818 東京都のコケの生育状況 大橋毅, 菅邦子. 全国公害研究会誌 17, 200-201, 1992. B Ecology. Tokyo. 8819 隠花植物目録 (蘚類・苔類・地衣類) - 岩永標本 I. 鳥取県立博物館所蔵目録 41, 58 p., 鳥取県立博物館, 鳥取, 1992. B Book. List. 8820 A preliminary list of bryophytes in Miyagi Prefecture (Japan). Yokoyama, M. Bull. Bot. Soc. Tohoku 8, 19-39, 1992. B Miyagi. List. Flora. 8821 コケの花[Flowers of bryophytes] Izawa, M. 伊沢正名 自然保護, 372, 16-17, 1993. B Photograph. Nature photo. 8822 蘚苔類中の放射性セシウム濃度分布と指標植物 磯村公郎, Higuchi, M., 柴田尚, 塚田祥文, Iwashima, K., Sugiyama, H. Radioisotopes 43, 157-163, 1993. B Cesium. Radioisotope. 8823 蘚苔植物[Bryophytes] Kakizaki, K. 白神山地調査研究年報 17, 16-20, 1993. B Aomori. Flora. List. 8824 着生蘚苔類に基づく環境評価指数の推移 光木偉勝 兵庫県立公害研究所研究報告 25, 1-7, 1993. B Epiphyte. Assesment. Hyogo. 8825 香川県産植物目録 (IV) 三谷進 高知県の植物 11, 21-45, 1993. B Flora. Kagawa. 8826 横浜市における湿地・水辺環境調査について. 主にジャゴケケ・ゼニゴケを水辺環境指標植物として Oizuru, T. 月刊 「水」 23-30, 1993. H Ecology. Water. Assesment. 8827 秋田県駒ケ岳蘚苔類 高橋祥祐 秋田県立博物館研究報告 18, 21-31, 1993. B Flora. Akita. 8828 植物 白神山地自然調査概要 (3) 自然部門 Takaya, T., 斎藤信夫, 小林範士, Kakizaki, K. 太田正文 青森県立郷土館研究年報, 17, 11-29, 1993. B Aomori. Flora. 8829 猪の瀬戸湿原及び周辺地域の着生コケ植物・地衣類植生 Umezu, Y. 梅津幸雄 猪の瀬戸湿原自然環境学術調査報告書 87-96, 1993. B Epiphyte. Ecology. Report. Floa. 8830 丹沢山地東斜面とその山麓部の蘚苔類目録第1報 Oizuru, T., Yoshida, F. 神奈川県自然史資料 7, 97-103, 1986. B Kanagawa. Tanzawa. List. Flora. 8831 丹沢山エゾヤハズゴケの核学的研究(予報) Yoshida, F., Matsuda, T. 国立横浜大学教育学部野外教育実習施設研究報告 4, 21-25, 1986. H Taxonomy. Cytology. Kanagawa. Tanzawa. Karyology. 8832 神奈川県におけるミカズキゼニゴケの分布 Oizuru, T., Yoshida, F. 神奈川県自然史資料 10, 71-78, 1989. H Kanagawa. List. Flora. 8833 Distribution anmd ecology of the epiphyllous liverwort Cololejeunea nakajimae in the winter snow-covered district of Niigata Prefecture and its adjacent regions, central Japan. Shirasaki, H. Bryol. Res. 7, 1-7, 1997. (ISSN 1343-0254; Proc. Jpn. Bryol. Soc.) H Epiphytic. Niigata. Ecology. 8834 Distributional manner of epiphytic bryophytes in some forest types of the subalpine coniferous forest in Mt. Fuji. Minami, Y., Monzai, M., Nashimoto, M., Okitsu, S. Bryol. Res. 7, 8-15, 1997. B Epiphytic. Mt. Fuji. Ecology. 8835 The pattern of meiotic cell division in Bryophyta. Shimamura, M., Mineyuki, Y., Deguchi, H. Bryol. Res. 7, 16-23, 1997. B Meiotic Cell Division. Cytology. Meiosis. Microtubule. Monoplastidic cell division. 8836 Seligeria brevifolia(Lindb.) Lindb. newly found in Japan. Suzuki, T., Kiguchi, H. Bryol. Res. 7, 24-25, 1997. M Flora. Distribution. 8837 Leucolejeunea turgida(Mitt.) Verd., new to the hepatic flora of Taiwan. Wu, C-L., Yamada, K. Bryol. Res. 7, 26, 1997. H Taiwan. Flora. Distribution. 8838 Mr. T. Nakajima (1910-1996). Kitagawa, N. Bryol. Res. 7, 27, 1997. - Obituary. 8839 A monument of the late Dr. Hiroshi Inoue. Nakamura, T. Bryol. Res. 7, 30, 1997. - Miscellaneous. 8840 Easy ways to make transverse sections under the dissecting microscope. Nishimura, N. Bryol. Res. 7, 30-31, 1997. B Method. Section. Morphology. 8841 コケの世界 -箱根美術館のコケ庭- 高木典雄,生出智哉,吉田文雄 174 p., MOA美術・文化財団, 東方書林, Tokyo, 1997. B Moss Garden. Book. Horticulture. 8842 Colonization of tropic rain forest leaves by epiphylls: Effects of site and host plant leaf lifetime. Coley, P. D., Kursar, T. A., Machado, J-L. Ecology 74, 619-622, 1993. B Tropic Rain Forest. Epiphytic. Ecology. 8843 Tropical epiphyllous hepatic communities growing on two species of shrub in Barro Colorado Island, Panama: the influence of light and microsite. Marino, P. C., Allen, N. S. Lindbergia 17, 91-95, 1991. H Epiphytic. Tropical. Panama. Community. Ecology. 8844 Ecology of epiphyllous liverworts: growth in three natural habitats in western Nigeria. Olarinmye, S. O. J. Bryol. 8, 275-289, 1974. H Epiphyllous. Nigeria. Ecology. 8845 Hepatic flora of the Tohoku district, Japan 2. Tsugaru Peninsula. Yuzawa, Y. Bull. Bot. Soc. Tohoku 2, 1-6, 1985. H Tohoku. Tsugaru Peninsula. Aomori. 8846 Influence of chemical and physical factors on Quercus and Fraxinus epiphytes at Loch Sunart, Western Scotland: a multivariate analysis. Bates, J. W. J. Ecol. 80, 163-179, 1992. B Epipyte. Scotland. UK. Ecology. 8847 東京女子大学キャンパスのコケ植物について 小池保次, 矢沢静江. 東京女子大学論集 41, 1089-1106, 1989. B Flora. Tokyo. University Campus. 8848 Pattern in corticolous bryophyte communities of the North Carolina Piedmont: Do mosses see the forest or trees? Palmer, M. W. Bryologist 89, 59-65, 1986. B Forest. Ecology. USA. 8849 Bryophytes diversity of Ficus tree crowns from cloud forest and pasture in Costa Rica. Sillet, S. C., Gradstein, S. R., Griffin, D. III. Bryologist 98, 251-260, 1995. B Epiphyte. Costa Rica. Cloud Forest. Ecology. 8850 A quantitative study of corticolous bryophytes in the vicinity of Winnipeg, Manitoba. Stringer, P. W., Stringer, M. H. L. Bryologist 77, 551-560, 1974. B Corticolous. Canada. Ecology. 8851 Host specificity of epipytic bryophytes near Mountain lake, Verginia. Studler, S. M. Bryologist 85, 37-50, 1982. B Epiphytic. USA. 8852 Direction and height of bryophytes on four species of northern trees. Trynoski, S. E., Glime, J. M. Bryologist 85, 281-300, 1982. B Epiphytic. 8853 Four-lobed spore mother cells in Catharinea. Allen, C. E. Am. J. Bot. 3, 456-460, 1916. M Cytology. Spore mother cell. Sporocyte. 8854 Preprophasic establishment of division polarity in monoplastidic mitosis of hornworts. Brown, R. C., Lemmon, B. E. Protplasma 124, 175-183, 1985. A Cytology. Mitosis. Microtubule. Monoplastidic cell division. 8855 Cytokinesis occurs at boundaries of domains delimited by nuclear-based microtubles in sporocytes of Conocephalum conicum (Bryophyta). Brown, R. C., Lemmon, B. E. Cell Motil. Cytoskeleton 11, 139-146, 1988. H Cytology. Microtubule. Sporocytes. Cytokinesis. 8856 Microtubles associated with simultaneous cytokinesis of coenocytic microsporocytes. Brown, R. C., Lemmon, B. E. Am. J. Bot. 75, 1848-1856, 1988. B Cytology. Microtubule. Cytokinesis. Sporocytes. 8857 Morphogenetic plastid migration and microtuble organization during megasporogenesis in Isoetes. Brown, R. C., Lemmon, B. E. Protoplasma 152, 136-147, 1989. Pteridophytes Cytology. Microtubule. Monoplastidic cell division. 8858 Monoplastidic cell division in lower plants. Brown, R. C., Lemmon, B. E. Am. J. Bot. 77, 559-571, 1990. B Cytology. Plastid. Monoplasitidic Cell Division. 8859 The quadripolar microtuble system and meiotic spindle ontogeny in hornworts. Brown, R. C., Lemmon, B. E. Am. J. Bot. 77, 1482-1490, 1990. A Microtuble. Meiotic. Cytology. 8860 Plastid polarity and meiotic spindle development in microsporogenesis of Selaginella. Brown, R. C., Lemmon, B. E. Protoplasma 161, 168-180, 1991. Pteridophytes Plastid Polarity. Meiotic. Spindle. Cytology. 8861 Polar organizers in monoplastidic mitosis of hepatics (Bryophyta). Brown, R. C., Lemmon, B. E. Cell. Motil. Cytoskelton 22, 72-77, 1992. H Mitosis. Polarity. Cytology. Organizer. Monoplastidic cell division. 8862 Diversity of cell division in simple land plants holds clues to evolution of the mitotic and cytokinetic apparatus in higher plants. Brown, R. C., Lemmon, B. E. Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 25, 45-62, 1993. B Cytology. Cell Division. Microtubule. 8863 Reduction in chloroplast number during gametophyte regeneration in Megaceros flagelloris. Burr, F. A. Bryologist 72, 200-209, 1969. A Chloroplast. Cell Division. Regeneration. Cytology. 8864 Establishment of plastid-based quadripolarity in spore mother cells of the moss Funaria hygrometrica. Busby, C. H., Gunning, B. E. S. J. Cell. Sci. 91, 117-126, 1988. M Plastid. Quadripolarity. Spore Mother Cell. Microtubule. 8865 Phylogenetic transition in the chloroplasts of Anthocerotales. I. The number and ultrastructure of the mature plastids. Burr, F. A. Am. J. Bot. 57, 97-110, 1970. A Cytology. Phylogeny. Chloroplast. Microtubule. Plastid. 8866 Development of teh quadripolar meiotic cytoskeleton in spore mother cells of the moss Funaria hygrometrica. Busby, C. H., Gunning, B. E. S. J. Cell Sci. 91, 127-137, 1988. M Plastid. Quadripolarity. Spore Mother Cell. Microtubule. 8867 Development of teh quadripolar meiotic apparatus in Funaria spore mother cells: analysis of anti-microtubule drug treatments. Busby, C. H., Gunning, B. E. S. J. Cell. Sci. 93, 267-277, 1989. M Plastid. Quadripolarity. Spore Mother Cell. Microtubule. 8868 A molecular phylogeny of bryophytes based on the nuclear encoded 18s rRNA genes. Capesius, I. J. Plant Physiol. 146, 59-63, 1995. B Molecular Biology. 18s rRNA. Phylogeny. 8869 *Notes on the cytology of the some lycopsids. Dunlop, D. W. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 76, 266-277, 1949. Pteridophytes Cytology. 8870 Studies in Hepaticae: On Pallavicinia decipiens Mittn. Farmer, J. B. Ann. Bot. 8, 35-52, 1894. H Taxonomy. 8871 Analysis of the ribosomal RNA gene repeat from the Funaria hygrometrica. Capesius L. Plant. Mol. Biol. 33, 559-564, 1997. M Molecular Biology. Ribosomal RNA. Gene. Repeat. 8872 Nardia insecta Lindb. new to the Netherlands. Van Melick, H. M., Nieuwkoop, J. A. W. Lindbergia 21, 89-91, 1996. H Flora. Netherland. 8873 Effects of flow regulation on bryophytes in North Swedish rivers. Englund, G., Jonsson, B.-G., Malmqvist, B. Biol. Conserv. 79, 67-77, 1997. B Ecology. Sweden. Population. River. 8874 The distribution of Racomitrium lanuginosum (Hedw.) Brid. on the Canary Islands (Spain). Gonzalez-Mancebo, J. M. Lindbergia 21, 92-96, 1996. M Canary Island. Spain. Flora. 8875 Spruce forest bryophytes in central Norway and the relationship to environmental factors including modern forestry. Frisvoll, A. A., Presto, T. Ecography. 20, 3-18, 1997. B Ecology. Spruce Forest. Norway. 8876 Sphagnum regeneration on bare peat surfaces: Field and greenhouse experiments. Campeau, S., Rochefort, L. J. Appl. Ecol. 33, 599-608, 1996 M Regeneration. Ecology. Peat. 8877 *A cladistic evaluation of relationships between the Hookeriales, the Sematophyllaceae and some other taxa. Hedenas, L. Lindbergia 21, 49-82, 1996. M Taxonomy. Cladistic analysis. 8878 Archilejeunea amakawana Inoue (Hepaticae, Lejeuneaceae), newly found in Zhejiang, China. Zhu, R. L., So. M. L. Lindbergia 21, 83-84, 1996. H Flora. Taxonomy. China. 8879 Efficient gene targeting in the moss Physcomitrella patens. Schaefer, D. G., Zryd, J. -P. Plant J. 11, 1195-1206, 1997. M Molecular Biology. Gene Targeting. 8880 Regulation of development in the moss Physcomitrella patens. Cove, D. J. pp. 177-201, Development. the molecular genetic approach., (Brody, S., Cove, D. J., Ottolenghi, S., Russo, V. E. A., eds.), Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, 1992. M Molecular Biology. Development. Book. 8881 Photomorphogenesis of mosses and liverworts. Hartmann, E., Jenkins, G. I. pp. 203-228, The experimental biology of Bryophytes., (Dryer, A. F., Duckett, J. G., eds.), Academic Press, London. H. M Book. Photobiology. Development. 8882 Genetic analysis of the result of re-transformation of transgenic lines of the moss, Physcomitrella patens. Kammerer, W., Cove, D. J. Mol. Gen. Genet. 250, 380-382, 1996. M Molecular Biology. Transgenetic. Transformation. Genetic. 8883 Studying plant development in mosses; the transgenic route. Knight, C. D. Plant Cell Environ. 17, 669-674, 1994. M Development. Molecular Biology. 8884 Molecular responses to abscisic acid and stress are conserved between moss and cereal. Knight, C. D., Sehgal, A., Atwal, K., Wallace, J. C., Cove, D. J., Coates, D., Quatrrano, P. S., Bahadur, S., Stockley, P. G., Cuming, A. C. Plant Cell 6, 499-506, 1995. M Stress. Molecular Biology. Physiology. Abscisic Acid. Growth Regulator. 8885 Gene analysis of a moss, Physcomitrella patens (Hedw.) B. S. G. Reski, R., Faust, M., Wang, X, -H., Weh, M., Abel, W. O. Mol. Gen. Genet. 244, 352-359, 1994. M Gene. Molecular Biology. 8886 Molecular genetic approachs to the biology of the moss Physcomitrella patens. Schaefer, D. G. Ph. D. Thesis, Univ. Lausanne, Switzerland.(www.unil.ch/lpc/docs/DSThesis.htm) M Molecular Biology. Thesis. Book. 8887 Stable transformation of the moss Physcomitrella patens. Schaefer, D. G., Zryd, J.-P., knight, C. D., Cove, D. J. Mol. Gen. Genet. 226, 418-424, 1991. M Transformation. Molecular Biology. 8888 Genetic transformation of the moss Physcomitrella patens. Schaefer, D. G., Bisztray, G., Zryd, J.-P. pp. 394-464, Biotechnology in agriculture and forestry 29: Plant protoplast and genetic engineerinmg V, Volume 29, (Baajai, Y. P. S., ed.), Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1994. M Molecular Biology. Transformation. 8889 Mosses - lower plant with high potential. Waang, T. L., Cove, D. J. Plant Today 2, 44-50, 1989. M Phylogeny. 8890 Genetik. von Wettstein, F. pp. 233-272, Manual of Bryology, (Verdoorn, F., ed.), Martinus Nijhoff, The hague, The Netherlands. 1932. B Book. Manual. Genetics.